Palworld Plagiarism was Never Real

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yo so I know everyone in their grandma is talking about power world but I figured the world is desperate for a random guy sitting in his room wearing a Kirby shirt to give his perspective ultimately I'm going to solve this whole drama right here on the spot in this video right here right now you're seeing it live kind of and uh yeah everyone's going to finally shut the up let's get into it plagiarism and AI there's plenty of videos on this topic and frankly it should be well known at this point that there is no evidence uh to suggest the use of AI so I'm not even going to entertain that discussion so plagiarism first of all here is the definition plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own so how would this pertain to power world well in the case of power world people are claiming that the design of their characters are uh direct copies of Pokémon's characters and I think it's fair to say that they're quite similar absolutely but to say they direct copies is a bit of a stretch to be completely upfront my initial perspective on this matter is that power's character designs are not plagiarism uh obviously these Pals Drew heavily from Pokémon and why wouldn't they now obviously I don't know what the developers were thinking but I think it's pretty clear that the market they were going after are Pokémon fans and that's okay it's okay to find a gap in a market and try to take that I don't see that as an inherently bad thing to do of course there are people with more obligations and that leads me to my next thing which in a little bit I'm going to tackle um one of the biggest things I want to talk about in this video is the passion and profit Paradigm but since plagiarism is the trending topic I do want to share a little more on that perspective here first so people who claim poor is committing plagiarism are taking bullets for Nintendo and Game Freak which I find very odd considering these are the very same people who have been fervently speaking out against Nintendo and Game Freak in recent years for a while now has been a fairly well-known consensus among the Pokémon Community uh that there's massive disappointment in Nintendo's uh recent Pokemon titles such as scarlet and violet and really in the Pokemon franchise in general what they've conveyed in the last few years is a complete lack of care and effort delivering half big games with Graphics animations that are outdated worlds that feel empty and lifeless and just mechanics that aren't very engaging when in contrast we have poor whose development team pocket pair only had about $50,000 or so uh to put into power world and claims they all pretty much had to learn game development on the Fly um that's wild again I know not obviously Everyone likes power world but I mean there's no denying they're absolutely Stellar success the numbers show I don't care what you think you have to be able to see how insane that is a multi-billion dollar company with Decades of information about what you want and all the resources to use to build that and a small company was able to pull a massive portion of the Pokemon market and fan base over to them even though they didn't have to do anything unique they're just like we're going to take something that's working but then deliver something that you keep up with on you keep holding out and not giving your audience what they want and even though I'm not saying power gave every single thing that Pokemon fans wanted obviously that's not the case which by the way brings me to my next Point power world was not a secret unless Nintendo was asleep at the wheel for the last 3 years they had plenty of time to assess the designs of power world and call it plagiarism and not allow them to release the game we know Nintendo is notorious for taking legal action even on small creators you've never even heard of who have one subscriber which maybe is a bit extreme but I think we all know that Nintendo's not afraid to take legal action they would take legal action on themsel if they could by the way Nintendo did you see tears of the Kingdom I think that was an exact copy of breath of the wild just saying but I digress this for me really is the nail in the coffin for the whole plagiarism uh topic like on a personal opinion I think think we should just all shut the up and stop worrying about it and let Nintendo decide why are we wasting our time with it like either they decide it's plagiarism or they don't right but in terms of proving that it's not plagiarism I think a very valid piece of evidence is that Nintendo hasn't taken action in 3 years why would they suddenly do it now well because power world has seen massive success and everyone and their freaking grandma is comparing it to Pokemon for understandable reasons so what is the point of arguing about plagiarism you clearly have a reason for hating poor that goes beyond plagiarism and this is where I realize what the core issue of all this drama comes from this brings us to the passion vers profit Paradigm many people value passion over profit and many of those people view the prioritization of profit as inherently evil or bad practice at the very least and um I think if we remove all the people who complain for no reason hard to do uh what we see is that the people who are genuinely upset are creatives themselves uh who are watching power world see massive success by basically copying someone's homework in their mind right uh and honestly I can understand and empathize with that I feel this is the most rational and credible point to the other side it must feel extremely disheartening and discouraging frankly to think that all the passion and creativity that you put into your own project whatever that may be uh you know that it may not be profitable because you're not um you know copying other things because you see projects like power world who ultimately in your mind are putting in no effort right they're just copying everything no effort no creativity and yet they are making a ton of money it makes you feel like why should you try and why would anyone else want to try right it's just going to create this Perpetual Loop of people copying each other creativity is going to get thrown out the door and uh you know things like the gaming space are are going to uh lose a lot of their uh passion and and that's a very fair thing to be concerned about but I don't think it makes it fair to uh look down at people for valuing profit before passion it is not inherently evil to Value money um it is objectively a helpful tool and tools are not inherently evil I also want to make it clear that I don't understand putting people down for not being 100% original some of the best creative ideas whether they're successful or not uh come from standing on the shoulders of giants do I encourage and hope to see more originality from pocket pair absolutely but if we are to assume their designs are not plagiarism then the only argument left is that they are buying assets and incentivizing future development teams to take the easy route thus harming the gaming space um because no one tries to be original it's a very fair point but um I have bad news well kind of good news at the same time uh Power World success isn't going to change uh anything people who want to take the easy route will continue to do so and people who want to be passionate will continue to be passionate genuinely I don't know if I'm wrong on this but it seems like most games that take the easy route don't find much success or profit that's why games like balers Gate 3 is Game of the Year and games like the day before fell off the face of the Earth that's also why games like dark and darker who also use a ton of purchas assets have seen great success they're open about it and uh but they still care about their game and granted I would agree that power world is a bit more of a mixing pot of games we can clearly see Ark Pokémon and Zelda inspired aspects whereas dark and darker feels a bit more original at least in terms of design uh but certainly they're building on extraction in Battle Royale Concepts so are they is that plagiarism no I think honestly the one of the biggest issues with uh Power world is that the claim of plagiarism is coming from a visual aspect it's funny cuz like there's so many games that straight up copy Concepts or mechanics things that are underlying right it's part of something you don't don't see when you're playing the game you may be experiencing it or it may be even a core part of the game but you're not actively seeing it and I think that's one of the biggest issues with power world is that it's a visual thing because again let's be real Pokemon was very much inspired uh mechanically or conceptually rather by Dragon Quest and Digimon it is a monster collecting game and it came after Dragon Quest and Digimon both monster collecting games and yet we don't talk about that because it's just a mechanic right you can just forget about that but when something is visual we can't let it go and that is an interesting point actually hello it is me from the future and real quick I wanted to recommend this video that I actually just found today it's from a channel called Nintendo unity and it Compares a bunch of Pokemon characters with uh monsters in Dragon Quest and I am blown away I had no clue that the designs of of Pokémon characters were so similar to Dragon Quest I was under the impression that Pokémon just took the monster collecting idea from Dragon Quest but it turns out a lot of the Pokemon designs look just like Dragon Quest Monsters uh so please please go watch it especially if you're somebody that views uh Power World characters as plagiarism it is a perfect example to show that even your beloved franchise Pokemon is still just comprised of humans who are artists and took inspiration from other projects and that's okay it is not inherently bad and it's honestly just like power world vers Pokemon where majority of the Pokemon shown still stand on their own even though you can find the counterpart in Dragon Quest but there are some that are like yeah that's a little too close for comfort exactly the same as power and Pokémon if you can't see that is exactly the same then honestly there was never going to be a discussion and you're just looking for reasons to hate power world so yeah and if it's any any condolences I do hope that power world motivates Nintendo and Game Freak to think a little bit more about their Community I hope the best for you truly to the people who hate power world I hope that you get the best I hope you get everything you want from Pokemon like you deserve it Nintendo has you over for far too long and I'm sick of seeing companies take advantage uh of passionate Gamers who have given them time and time again plenty of information uh and patience and they just continue to show complete disregard um so please please let us stop fighting and uh also everyone shut the up thank you and good night
Channel: Zebop Gaming
Views: 13,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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