Palworld on Steam Deck Performance & Best Settings

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hello and welcome back guys today I'm going to test pal World on the steam deck and without further Ado let's start testing let's see what settings we have here I'm going to go to options graphics and I'm going to start with the low preset which basically sets uh TSR view distance to medium grass details to medium Shadows to medium effects quality to medium and texture quality to medium so I already have this space here and as you can see it's it's not that advanced but it's not like a starter base so I have some Pals here and let's check out how it performs with these settings the game looks really good with these settings I mean you can't say that it doesn't look good oh wait I'm going to open up the overlay a little bit more yeah I think I'm going to go with this one here okay so we're getting around 29 FPS here 30 FPS but the performance isn't very consistent like we're getting many drops below 30fps and you can definitely feel them sometimes especially when rotating the camera around while moving around and things like that you can tell that you're below 30 okay let me take out one of these other Pals so we can see FS drop yeah and see right there now 26 FPS it's a bit slow like it's still playable like I've been playing on the steam Deck with some settings pretty similar to these and you can you can play but it's not the best experience okay now let's move outside of my base and see if the FPS improve a bit which I'm not expecting them to because the game is pretty heavy overall on the graphics Department regardless of the number of Pals you have around and all that like you can see that we're going down here and we're still getting 25 FPS I think that the grass and all the vegetation is is causing these dips here so yeah at medium settings you're going to be ranging from 25 to 30 FPS so I think we can move on and try something else oops okay let's try now I'm going to try very low settings like the game's going to look horrible but like just to see the performance difference that we get here um but I think that I'm going to enable TSR here since we should be getting some more FPS okay so here we are on the very low preset and we're still not getting over 30 well yeah sometimes like right now we're 35 FPS 37 like if you want the most frames out of this game you're going to get to play on very low at least if you don't want to play around with the settings and all that yeah I think it's just the best way to go I'm going to change the overlay of it I'm going to use this one here for some reason like I'm getting all the numbers overlapping on the overlay so I think I'm just going to use the basic one where you can see the FPS on the top left corner that should be good enough okay so we're getting 40 FPS 40 plus FPS on very low settings but yeah you can tell like the textures aren't that good the grass has like completely disappeared like it's there's no grass now the view distance is still surprisingly good at least like on Far Far Away objects like on near objects you're not going to see them because um the object that's that you see the most is grass and since we have very low grass like there isn't nothing to look at so yeah let's get back to the base and see if we still get 40 FPS okay so inside the base we're not getting 40 FPS anymore but we're still getting above 30 like way above 30 FPS so yep I think that very low settings is going to be a Baseline for when I tuned the game a bit and yeah so far so good like if you don't want to fiddle around with settings just go for the very low preset maybe you can up the texture quality a bit and add some grass if that's what you like but yeah definitely above 30 FPS and you can have a perfect experience with these settings so let's try something different now what happens if we go for um yeah let's try medium with TSR High yeah it's going to take a big hit on FPS so yeah let's go ahead and apply the settings and B okay yeah it's not even worth it 20 FPS guys okay you're not going to play at medium settings on the steam de like don't even try it okay I already tried it for you guys and you don't need to do it trust me you're not going to play with these settings oh oh dear lord Okay so let's try to tune the game a bit I think I'm going to start off with the very low preset because we had pretty good performance with it I'm going to enable TSR just like before and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to bump up the texture quality to high I'm going to add some grass because otherwise the game doesn't look very good without grass and let's see what FPS we get okay so we're getting 23 FPS 25 I'm going to go to bed because I prefer daytime okay just one second let's go to sleep here okay so now we're getting 40 FPS 33 Okay during night time the FPS did seem to drop a bit more but yeah okay so we're we're above 30 FPS there's grass and the textures are a bit better than the basic textures but since we're using low Shadows you can't really tell that there's even grass there like look you see you really need to like look at it and want to see it in order to see the grass so let's try to bump up the Shadows it's probably going to take a a big per performance hit having better Shadow quality um oh wait I didn't apply the settings okay let's see Shadow quality to medium okay and now you can see the grass much better and the performance it's still okayish I guess yeah we're going to do below 30 here and there but for the most part it should be fine um yeah and the next thing I'm going to want to do is I'm just going to limit the frame rate to 30 FPS like I'm not even going to try to go for 40 because it's not even worth it okay so we're going to limit to 30 FPS and that should give us some extra battery life because um let me tell you this guys I've been playing this game on the steam deck without the steam deck plugged in and you're going to get around an hour and a half of battery life even if you limit the steam deck to 30 FPS like like don't expect to play very long sessions with the steam deck it's just not going to happen Okay so it's still we still have a decent frame rate well yeah we have some drops here and there but it still feels pretty smooth and playable not that much stutters okay and let me check if we can do something else so I'm going to go to options and Graphics so what what else could we tune um yeah I think maybe we can lower the texture quality like this is going to give you a little bit of extra performance especially if you're running the game off an SD card and I am running off the SD card and view distance I don't know if we should up the view distance a bit well I'm just going to leave it like this for now and we're still below 30 I would really like to hit 30 more frequently but yeah it just seems like some occasional dips okay I'm going to attack this guy here and let's see what happens when we have some effects going take this bird out oh my God I just died what the hell oh okay I'll get back here and try again [Music] okay so now I'm butt naked and I want my things back so let's go get them I think I was just down here right yeah over there yeah so you can see where your things are because you get that big blue light all the way to the sky okay so I want my things in Revenge I'm going to I'm going to summon this guy here but yeah the game looks wonderful all on the steam deck and it's a really it's it's a fun game I'm enjoying it there's plenty of things to do and and I'm basically playing on the steam deck like I'm not even using my main PC here I'm just playing on the steam deck when I have some spare time and so far it's been a good EXP experience like it's not the best game to play on the steam deck but it's also not the worst so the experience is good enough that you can enjoy without worrying too much about the game performing well or not okay let's hit this guy here there you go there you go okay go shoot or something but yeah the combat in this game is a bit messy on occasions like it doesn't feel like they've really thought out the combat aspect of the game it's more like you can summon your pal and just let it attack and watch from a distance because the moment you start like actually fighting like it it's pretty much fighting like this you know like you need to rotate the camera while you're attacking and it's a bit strange the roles are okay like you can dodge things perfectly with this mechanic but for the most part um combat are just summoning your pal and letting them do the heavy work I also have this guy here because you have this item that you can have more than one pal but it's it only works for this guy here and you can have up to four like if I had four of them it's this one here Daydream I think it's called yeah so if you have four Daydreams and one of the other ones you can just summon like this dinos for example and and I would have for these guys outside here fighting alongside so yeah I think that um these settings are the settings that I'm playing with and I just wanted to share them with you guys because it's a pretty good balance between Graphics quality and performance if you want a bit more performance you can always lower the shadow quality and yeah like look I'll show you if you lower the shadow quality one of the things that you can do is you can increase the view distance and you get a pretty similar performance but the thing with lowering the Shadows is that the grass becomes like nearly invisible as you can see that those Shadows really make the grass pop out cuz right now it's hard to tell the difference between the grass models and the textures but yeah right now like if you can see that lamp over there we can see that there's grass and look I'm going to switch back and you're going to see how there isn't grass anymore over there so yeah I'm going to leave the grass details how they are I'm going to reduce the view distance and increase the shadow quality I'm going to apply the settings and now you can see that around the lamp there's like no grass at all but at least the grass that you can see you can tell that it's a grass 3D model and out of texture so that's going to depend on your personal preference I I personally like it better like this having better shadows and you can tell like the grass apart from the texture but some of you guys might prefer to have more grass and yeah I think that pretty much does it for today if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and if you aren't subscribed already please subscribe or consider subscribing or check out some other of my videos before deciding if you want to subscribe because it really helps the channel out and yeah thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Benchmark Bros
Views: 4,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck palworld, palworld steam deck, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld steam deck performance mod, palworld steam deck oled, palworld steam deck mods
Id: sGF-035oswE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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