Enshrouded on Steam Deck - does it run?

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enshrouded is the latest open world game to enter Early Access on Steam and because I'm clearly a sucker for completely unfinished games I decided to dive in and see if it works on the steam deck it's already clearly going to be a big hit as well as at time of noting all this down there were 60,000 people playing it on Steam now my testing here is on the steam deck OLED with the latest stable proton 8.05 that was just recently released and thankfully it does work fine out of the box with proton 8 even the text input for the Character Creator gave a proper onscreen overlay keyboard so the developer at least seems to have done some kind of steam deck testing not only that but out of the box on Steam deck it clearly has the graphics options customized and tweet for it as well now when testing it on my desktop Linux I tested it on the overall balance preset which seemed okay but the options on Steam deck were set to custom by default with lots of the options set to Performance the controls feel absolutely fine as well it has proper Gamepad support with it clearly set up to work across different input methods so it is initially ticking quite a few boxes so going into the game I was somewhat hopeful that it might run okay on Steam deck and much to my surprise but such a new big open world game it does work not only that but the initial performance did seem to be okay in the starting room but that is absolutely nothing like the rest of the game once you take a single step outside the performance drops pretty dramatically on the default settings not even hitting 30 frames a second swapping it from the defaults to Max performance which has everything on the lowest it can go which is the majority of the footage you're seeing in this video you're still not going to hit 30 frames a second as you go through smaller enclosed areas it's not so bad the performance is okay in the enclosed areas on Max performance but you think most of your time is going to be in the big main open world where the performance on Steam deck really just isn't anywhere good enough at least in my opinion I know plenty of you can happily deal with lower performance but for me in a game like this I need at least 30 frames a second or above which you're just largely not going to get in this game right now to give you a brief demonstration on the performance difference in the open world with basically nothing here I change it over from Max performance up one level to just performance and you'll see the change in the frame rate is dramatic it is rubbish so you're going to want to play this on Max performance potentially tweaking one or two things to make it look better but even as a little test using Max performance and just adding in small foliage to make it not look quite so bad even that alone that one single setting drops a performance quite a lot and Max performance just doesn't look good at all and the FSR here really makes the screen just look quite messy now it will look worse on YouTube on a bigger screen of course but even directly on the steam deck it did not look particularly good I could not see myself playing this when there's other much better looking open world games out there that do run far better on Steam deck so right now even on the lowest possible details with pretty much nothing in the world at the start of the game it struggles to even keep 30 frames a second so really it's just not playable enough you have to think this is the very basic start of the game and when you've played a little bit more and you've got a bunch of stuff built and if you're playing with other people as well and there's more going going on the performance is going to go down even more in terms of battery life on the steam deck OLED you're looking at a bit over 2 hours on a full charge on the lower settings which is about the same as a lot of bigger open world titles so that's very much expected so for my initial report for you on enshrouded on the steam Tech right now it's plain and simply not good enough but hopefully with optimizations we may at least eventually get a decent 30fps stable because I've seen lots of performance complaints even from people on powerful desktops and with it being an early access it is unfinished they have plenty of time to grow the game into something good so do let me know what you think in the comments as always I'm Keen to hear from you and I'll see you later
Channel: GamingOnLinux
Views: 22,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7MU3H4wXndo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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