Microsoft says NO to Steam Deck

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Microsoft has said no you're not getting game pass on your steam deck so suck it up and buy Aion go all right they didn't really say that but what they did say is that the Xbox is a publisher and a platform and they were talking specifically about putting their games on other platforms and in order to reassure their core Xbox customers they said that all first-party titles will continue to come to Xbox all first party titles will continue to be on Game Pass day one asterisk and and third we know that game pass will only be available on Xbox we'll talk about that what games Microsoft is bringing to other platforms plus why that why I think the PC is currently the best place to build your gaming library and how Microsoft has kind of painted themselves into a corner just like Nintendo did with Metroid Prime 4 but real quick before we unpack this I wanted to say that over half of the people that watch my videos still aren't subscribed I'd love to be able to get that silver play button this 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we have a definitive answer and it isn't something that you're going to like but I thought about it and it makes sense for a reason that nobody seems to be talking about more on that in a bit if you want to play game pass games you have a few options you could get an Xbox you could use Xbox cloud gaming on your device of choice you could install Windows on your steam deck although that's not something I would ever do um you could get a Windows uh handheld like the the Rog Ali or the Lenovo Legion go more information on the possibility of an Xbox handheld later on in the video by the way but what you won't be able to do is get game pass on the steam deck because they followed their promise that all first party titles will be on Game Pass with this statement we know that game pass will only be available on Xbox that's a direct quote so it looks like if you were really hoping that game pass would come to steam deck like I was then you're out of luck if you think about it it makes a lot of sense though how would Microsoft make that happen I think the way that makes the most sense for Microsoft to make that happen would be for them to find a way for you to link your Steam account to your game pass account and then once they're linked you get access to Game Pass games on your Steam account the same way that sometimes I get access to games before they come out as a beta code instead of the actual game then stop subscribing you would lose your access to those games in theory that could work but here's the rub the thing is that nobody is talking about is how does Game Pass report your play time to my understanding and I could be wrong about this the way that game pass works is Microsoft pays Publishers and devs to get games on the service they most likely pay an upfront cost and then they pay based on how much playtime each game gets so games that end up with more playtime earn more money for those devs but that means that Microsoft has to be able to track which games are getting the most playtime using the Game Pass App on a Windows PC or on an Xbox they can easily do that but if I'm playing on Steam deck or playing on Steam how does that information get reported back to Microsoft I don't know if it can perhaps valve and microsof oft could work something out but who knows if that would ever happen so no game pass on Steam deck but Microsoft is bringing more of their games to more places I'm sorry did I say more of their games I mean four of their games to more places of course when I say more places I'm talking about Nintendo switch and Playstation because Microsoft has already been really fantastic about bringing their games their first party titles to steam so we're going to have all of the games that Microsoft makes available on Steam because Microsoft they they understand that selling their games on Steam means more money later on in the video we'll talk about whether or not Sony has woken up to this realization yet spoilers they have I just finished watching the Microsoft business update on the official Xbox podcast and Phil Spencer was kind of kg and didn't really say exactly which games would be coming to other platforms but he did say what games wouldn't be coming to other platforms and it's the games that a lot of Xbox fans were worried about specifically their major first party tent pole releases like Starfield or Indiana Jones those are not going to be coming to other consoles although they will be coming to steam thank goodness he also hedged his bet and said that he doesn't see any good reason to rule any game go out for going to any platform right now those games won't be coming to PS5 maybe someday in the future so what games are well they broke them into two groups which are multiplayer community- based games where it's very important you have a large pool of players in order for the game to survive and then two games that he said weren't really tent pole releases that were supposed to drive people towards Xbox anyway let's take a look at what they said and see if we can figure out exactly which games they're talking about let's start with the two games that are Community games I think that we probably have three options here and two of them are far more likely if there's something that I'm not thinking of let me know in the comments down below that like button but I think we're looking at grounded and sea of Thieves as possibilities I think this move makes a lot of sense but at the same time I don't know if these games are going multiplatform is really going to help them out all that much what I'd really like to see is a game like Halo infinite although I find that to be far less likely it's a really good game it got panned when it came out because people didn't like the battle pass but the actual gameplay Loop is fantastic the single player mode was awesome and Microsoft definitely over promised when it came to multiplayer campaign stuff but the story mode mod was a blast multiplayer is incredibly fun and Microsoft could just ship the multiplayer onto other Platforms in order to get people more interested in Halo and drive them back to the Xbox and the PC for story mode in fact that's something that they alluded to on the official Xbox podcast the other two games are games that are non- tent pole single player games one of them I think is I mean it's the one that everybody was talking about high five rush and that's a fantastic game and I don't think that there are many people out there that are buying an Xbox or subscribing to Game Pass for that game specifically the other is rumored to be pentant which I actually had to look up so that's another good thing to put on other platforms I think these both make sense and Microsoft aren't the only ones starting to ship their games into other places recently Sony said this in the past we wanted to pop popularize console and first party titles the main purpose was to make the console popular it is true but there's a Synergy to it so if you have a strong first-party content not only with our console but also with other platforms like computers first party can be grown with multiplatform and that can help the operating profit to improve so that is another way that we want to proactively work on I personally think that there are opportunities out there for improvement of margins so I would like to go aggressive in improving our margin performance I can't say that I'm surprised here we've we've seen both Xbox and Sony move their libraries to PC Sony's been doing it very strategically where say like a sequel to A series is about to release on PlayStation and Sony releases the first one or the most recent one as a game on PC this can do a lot to help grow first-party platforms for Sony and Microsoft even alluded to this during their podcast this is yet another reason why right now is one of the best times to be a PC Gamer and to build your library on Steam look we've seen tons of Microsoft property show up on Steam for a while now and Sony's been doing that as well but if Sony was looking for a good reason to make sure that their games are coming to steam day and date with the PS5 just look at Hell divers 2 it is their fastest selling PC game from Sony to date and for a really good reason because that game is fantastic I'm not going to gush all over again here but last week on the nerdness podcast we talked extensively about hell divers 2 it's a really fun game with a succinct and satisfying gameplay loop it's only $40 I've been playing it on PS5 but I've been told it runs pretty well on the deck as well though I guess it might need some settings gymnastics according to valve but don't expect Sony to start shipping their games to Xbox anytime soon in fact Phil Spencer was asked about hell divers 2 and here's what he had to say over on IGN I will say that when I look at a game like hell divers 2 and it's a great game kudos to the team shipping it on PC and Playstation I'm not exactly sure who it helps in the industry by not being on Xbox if you try and list yourself to say like somehow that benefited somebody somewhere but I get it there's a legacy in console gaming that we're we're going to benefit by shipping games and not putting them other places we do the same thing and while it's absolutely true what he's saying nobody really benefited from that I also think it makes it easier for a team especially a smaller team publishing a smaller game to be able to focus focus on one console at a time and maybe bring hell divers over later though I don't see Sony doing that that being said I don't know that we'll see Sony push for Day One releases on PC for most of their first party games it makes a lot of sense for them to do so for a games as a service style games like hell divers 2 which depend on large communities of people in order to succeed I think that Sony's current strategy is probably the best way for them to to do it released first on PlayStation and then bring it to PC later though I do think that the lag time between a PS5 release and the PC release could be a lot shorter and I hope that's what they mean when they talk about being more aggressive there isn't really a chance that Sony loses by bringing their games to PC that people that spent a shitload of money on their PC are the kind of people that if they were going to buy a PS5 they would have bought one already so that's customers that currently Sony can't reach get those games out on PC as fast as you can and I guarantee Sony people will be buying them I will say that as a fan of handheld consoles these games coming to steam is very important to me but I I think soon we're going to see some more competition from both Microsoft and Sony in the handheld space we've Rec recently seen rumors that Sony was partnered with MD in order to work on a handheld Apu whether or not anything comes from that partnership is a long way off Microsoft has said they expect a big Hardware announcement later on this year and there are people that are assuming that it's going to be an Xbox handheld but I don't really get why everyone is making that assumption nothing in what Sarah Bond actually said on the podcast suggested handheld to me to be clear I do believe believe that Microsoft is working on a handheld and I do believe that they're going to be announcing some kind of hardware at the end of the year but who knows what it'll be maybe it'll just be a controller as far as Sony I don't anticipate them bringing anything out anytime soon either but maybe I've been wrong before speaking of wrong Microsoft said that the next Xbox is going to be the biggest leap in a generation I think that they're probably wrong about that I'm skeptical we'll see it seemed odd to me that Microsoft would pre-announce this announcement but I feel like they kind of painted themselves into a corner with this with rumors swirling around that they were going to go third party and exit the hardware business I'm reminded of Nintendo announcing Metroid Prime 4 well before they should have they didn't really have a choice at the time they had just announced the Nintendo switch 3 months earlier it had come out and then to announce Metroid Samus returns for the 3D s might make it look like Nintendo wasn't confident with what was going on with the switch especially because the switch didn't have a lot of games at that point so Nintendo had to make an announcement to satisfy the people that just bought their brand new console this is just like Microsoft pre-announcing their new Hardware in order to convince fans that they weren't going to exit the hardware uh business and ass suade worries that people had made bad choices by buying and Xbox though I will say we still haven't seen Metroid Prime 4 so who knows what we will see this holiday season I can't wait to find out one thing's for sure the era of exclusives is over and the PC is now one of the best places to build your library pretty much every third-party game ends up on PC Indies start there and now both Sony and Microsoft are dropping their games there as well it's a great time to be a PC Gamer I just just hope that Microsoft changes course with Game Pass and brings it to steam deck I also hope that you'll watch this video right here from the nerd Nest I'm Bill stay at everybody
Channel: NerdNest
Views: 85,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Nest, nerdnest, the nerd nest, gamepass steam deck, gamepass on steam deck, microsoft business, xbox, xbox news, steam deck news
Id: 6qYID0aeKbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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