Palworld Max Level Guide (1-15) Ep. 1

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greetings fellow humans and welcome to the video I go by jadus and this is part one of a series where I'll be showing you how to efficiently level up from 1 to 50 we'll be playing the game on normal difficulty without any exploits or glitches so let's begin if you want to follow along step by step I'll be starting in Castaway Beach if you're not sure where you'd like to start take a look at my other video on base locations for some recommendations the first handful of levels are gained very quickly and don't require much explanation take your time making your way to your preferred starting zone picking up everything as you go and catching as many different piles as you can do this until you reach at least level five or when it starts getting dark whichever comes first put your first few stat points into stamina as you'll be doing a lot of running around on foot until we get our first Mount I also like to put one or two points into weight and work speed to make starting out easier after that I recommend splitting between stamina and HP but don't stress over this too much as there's an item to reset your stat points the most important thing we want to do in these starting levels is make sure our base is set up to make the most out of our Pals so even if we're just idling we're gaining XP and not wasting time for this guide we're going to be setting up a chicka Pea Farm but you can do the same with the berry Plantation depending on your starting zone and preference you'll also notice we're taking the time to place all our structures on foundation not only does it help keep things neat and organized but Pals have a much easier time performing their task in base if the structure they're trying to get to is on a nice flat surface once we have our Essentials set up at base craft as many pal spheres as you can before heading back out I like to craft the bat as well for some extra damage but as long as you've at least got some cloth armor and a bow or spear you should be fine the goal at this point is catching the pals we need to further develop our base as well as picking up all the extra chests Leaf monk Effigies and pal spheres we find along the way for us that means snagging as many Chiapas as we can find and a couple extra fire types to help cook keep at this until you hit at least Level 10 the reason we want to head back to base around level 10 is that we can now craft the three shot bow it's a huge upgrade from the bat and we'll be using it for a while in addition to the bow skip the normal glider and craft some celer gloves if you haven't crafted them before you'll immediately recognize how much better they are we'll also want to craft our first s a dire house saddle is ideal but rushour or melpa will suffice if for some reason you haven't come across a dire H [Music] yet we are also going to take this time to build up our base to level eight it's important to note that only four Pals can graze on the farm at a time so go ahead and build another one also remember to have at least one fire pal cooking so we're still generating passive XP again you'll notice I'm placing everything on Foundation this is optional but I've noticed my pals don't get stuck nearly as often and are able to move about the base more efficiently you should be around level 12 now just from Gathering resources and crafting what we need for our base upgrades Now's the Time to restock on pal spere arrows and head back out bring any fire type to easily deal with the nearby Alpha gumas and easily get our first ancient technology point from here head up to the nearby Syndicate Camp clear it out and rescue whatever pile is captured you'll also notice a dungeon right behind behind it so let's clear that as well dungeons are great not only for XP but resources as well you'll find multiple giant palum nodes as well as iron so be sure to farm as much as you can carry depending on whether you clear each room or Rush straight for the boss the dungeon shouldn't take you more than than 10 to 15 minutes for reference I cleared the one you're seeing now in about 8 minutes gained around 1,700 XP and over 100 palum ore so dungeons are definitely worth your time you should be level 14 or so at this point but you may already be higher depending on how many Pals you've been catching along the way our goal for this first video is 15 so if you need a bit more XP go ahead and clear the dungeon just across the river even if you don't need the XP remember they're also a great source of palum and iron either way our next stop is the alpha sweepa nearby he shouldn't be much of a problem but be careful to dodge his ice attacks as they have a chance to freeze you don't forget to grab the LIF monk Effy from this area as well you should definitely be at least level 15 by now which means we're coming towards the end of this first episode before that though you should have a decent stockpile of fried eggs or berries don't forget to grab those and sell them to the wandering Merchant for a nice profit that's going to just about wrap up the first episode of the series I hope you found it helpful and informative let me know in the comments if there is a topic that I missed or should include next time please give this video a thumbs up if you're looking forward to the next episode and if you feel so inclined subscribe thanks for watching and until next we meet Fair the [Music] well
Channel: Jadilus
Views: 238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lvl, level, leveling, 15, fifteen
Id: aCtFQkmfPEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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