It's Palworld, But This Was a Bad Idea: Palworld Official Servers Challenge #1

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with latency issues frequent disconnects and hackers I ask the question can I beat palor on official servers we find a friendly seeming server and make our character entering into our new existence I realized that I didn't change my body type and since you can't edit or make new characters I am a woman a woman ready to be the very best like no one ever was and nothing will stop us set this wall our opposing polarities Beyond mere code and entering divine intervention we climb a different wall and punch a tree until it pay us wood to make us stop we free a pal from its captors and become the captors of another pal our skills grow as our Humanity rapidly we waines everything has a troll pole and we are paying up I see that our guilt is unnamed and immediately write that wrong I have fuddler gather us breakfast it's about survival the nourishment they provide will fulfill our needs long into the day two lamb all die so That Others May Live I gather with tools my hands crafted and lay the foundation to my own home becoming the self-sufficient woman I longed to be to own a home represents the American dream to build a home represents the Neanderthal dream not everyone has American blood but we all have Neanderthal blood that's why there aren't very many games about buying a home but there are a lot about crafting one we finish off the house with the Statue to Anubis so he may watch over us and protect our home and Palace I tried to save this Merchant but merely succeed at prolonging his demise I wish to condemn these thugs but I am no better than they for I too have stared into the abyss I murder this lift monk for his seeds to build more Berry plantations plation editor cut that part out wait what did you say should be fine have I become the antagonist to my own story I traveled to distant lands Gathering resources es and hoping to find what's a frugo I came here mainly to see what others have been up to like this person's one by one this person built some stairs and bridges to cross the creek I don't think this person knows what the hell is going on I would like to see more of the community but we're cold and hungry so I head home I take stock of our items we don't have much yet we'll be even less once that mutton's gone but we're making de oh there it goes it isn't about what the possessions are but what the possessions are to you I watch the sunrise as I do my workout protect my home from Invaders and craft the shield of my people I head out and do some morning berry picking and build more play facilities so my pals can burn energy and be entertained while I'm away I sharpen my Axe and head out decimating entire communities of coastal Pals Gathering the fluids from their corpses to build a hot tub in dedication to my efforts and population control instead of a glider I employ a celer to let me dangle from him in exchange for the opportunity to temporarily be let out of his sphere the sounds of his flapping make me instantly regret this agreement I see a man on the brink of death and decide to help him out I place a workbench and craft a torch to keep me warm at night and I craft some Spears to keep him warm at night he is standoffish at first but after sharing some of my spheres with him he lets down his guard and becomes my friend it takes a minute he really doesn't want to be my friend I Venture forth into new territory and make some new and interesting Pals my pals I wandered through the night a Drifter exploring the the hell was that the reaper has come for me with Cheeto dust on his keyboard and enough Firepower to take down a fully grown mamist a manifestation of everything that I don't want to see alone and Far From Home has come alive I decided had to play it off as if nothing had happened but unfortunately chat was going to be a constant reminder that something was going wrong I panic placing a campfire hoping that they might catch fire or that I can at least see the shot that kills me not entirely sure why they haven't killed me yet maybe they're just trying to scare me or they're just messing with me don't quite understand what's going on nope people are dying I'm out of here I run to the black marketeer and it seems that he has left me alone I sell off all my unused Pals and still don't even have enough for the worst items in his stock stepping outside I see a familiar name they're the person with the one by one on the starter Island but I don't really want to chitchat after last night I just want to get to this teleporter and get the absolute hell out of this godamn it lag wait a second is that a rocket launcher feel like is I feel like the game is breaking around me is is or is the game the game the game breaking me I long for my emotional support pal to be by my side but fear that if I were to summon them I would lose them there aren't enough psychiatrists in the pal world to deal with this [ __ ] I'm still being haunted by a ghost with a rocket launcher for some reason saying that makes me feel less of a man and I'm not even a man they may be able to kill this dire how in one shot but I have the perseverance to smack it around with an axe for 2 minutes congrats on the level wait dude I said congrats the hell the trick to having a hacker leave you alone is to be as boring as possible the more interesting you are the more attention you bring unless you climb up a cliff and casually walk into a hacker's base some people hack to feel power some people hack to make the game easier some people hack purely out of boredom this person on the other hand hacks to be AFK like a boss not quite sure what you're doing up there actually a little confused I'm just gonna go think I'm more terrified to the person doing nothing than the person that had the rocket launcher I make a trip over to the small settlement and pay the wandering Merchant to visit I mean I pay the pal Merchant to visit all right good you're actually here they have nothing good so I head back home build a ranch and gather more resources cheap resources all are you okay there buddy oh of course just as the sun abandons us to make way for the night so too does this mpa's will to not be trapped in a sphere mount in the morning my mpaka and I run along the shore or whatever you want to call that Penguins aren't an endangered species in pal world so I capture as many of them as I can and they just keep coming I finished my run along the shore and think that it's time for me to head back home God damn it ruko you guys okay are you hungry got some food for you here can move it any second second now all right let me [ __ ] some of you around here just get over to the thing you you you and you put you guys back and are you good now okay good we're good all right I gather ingots to craft nails to build a workbench I don't rely on anyone or any pal a truly self-sustaining woman I Advance my way into the medal age and I'm extremely disappointed that it still takes forever to mine ore like for real look at this crap to sell more of my pals on the black market it's not honest money but it's good money I use that money to buy myself God damn it to buy myself a lunaris increasing my carry weight by 80 I climb a cliff nearby in hopes to find a Vixie I always carry wood on me for this exact reason extremely convenient I find a depresso that lives up to his name literally doing nothing and a daytime Daydream I spot a Vixie but that person's already claimed them I made be inhumane but I'm still polite I head back to the hacker base only to find a rush or that also seems to be AFK this apparently is just the spot to do that after searching through the day I finally find a Vixie near the small settlement and as nightfalls I find two more of them just took the entire damn day and I invite a Vixie to live in my home it pays for its rent by heading to the ranch and pooping out pal speres for me I invest some of my technology points that I've been neglecting grabbing a medicine workbench to upgrade my base and Pelt armor so that I can finally have clothes and not be naked anymore probably to the disappointment of some of you my home has been invaded my personal space defiled they didn't destroy everything thankfully I can't even grab the resources without having to go to my chests that contain them and of course I don't have stone can't even place the pal box where it once was forcing me to always be reminded that things aren't as reminded were I bring new Pals into my home and assess what had been lost the ranch our hot tub and all the pals that we had living here I chose not to rebuild the Anubis statue having failed to protect anything humans are the only animals that inflict pain for the sake of inflicting pain not all people are [ __ ] but those that are give others a bad name I wish to share with you an abbreviated quote by Arthur schopenhauer just as a brook forms no Eddy so long as it meets with no obstructions so too human nature is such that we do not really notice all that goes well for us on the other hand everything unpleasant and painful is felt by us immediately at once and plainly just as we do not feel the health of our whole body but only the small spot where the shoe pinches so too we do not think of all of our Affairs that are going perfectly well but only of some insignificant trifle that annoys us it can be all too easy to forget all the good things from a single bad event but I progressed far already I've enjoyed my time on this server so far and witnessed a lot of oddities and crazy stuff that I wouldn't be able to see unless unofficial servers I'm happy to be here I'm happy to experience the growth of Po world and instead of focus on the negative that just happened I instead look to the Future and the potential it brings I'm commonly rare and I'm signing off thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: commonlyRare
Views: 250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld tips and tricks, palworld legendary, palworld schematics, palworld stats, best palworld, top palworld, palworld catch, palworld how to, palworld where to, palworld guide, palworld farming, palworld secrets, palworld easy, palworld strategy, palworld best, palworld where to get, palworld funny, pal oil, palworld, palworld decal, decal gun, palworld creatures, palworld bases, palworld official, palworld challenge, challenge run, palworld server, official servers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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