The Shocking Truth About Palworld Revealed

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power world is hiding something located on the edges of the map there are three very mysteriously shaped seemingly man-made Islands upon visiting each of these islands you will notice that they are all claiming to be sanctuaries however when you look around you won't see a single blade of grass you won't see a single tree that's not dead you'll see carcasses of giant Pals littered across the landscape and the only thing you will see that shows any sign of Life aside from the pals are little red beautiful flowers now what originally led me to come to these islands was because I was trying to look for patalia in order to get these red flowers because patalia drops them so I decided to go to My Pal deck and find out where patalia might be and guess what patalia is only found at Sanctuary number one which I find very interesting because as many times as I've visited it I've never seen patalia once and also some of the little yellow spawn circles aren't on the rocky terrain but they're on the man-made structures which I know for a fact the pals cannot spawn on which got me thinking maybe it's not on the man-made structure but inside of it you'll notice that the entire man-made portions the metal Parts they grow through the rocks and they start kind of at the back and move forward almost as if it's built into the landscape itself and then if you go all the way to the bottom you'll notice almost a door at the bottom after my discovery about patalia I visited the island and I noticed that only boss Pals spawn on the island but the boss Pals that spawn on the island are typically slightly lower level than their true boss counterparts almost as if they're still growing almost as if they're just babies or an adolescent version of their true form the reason I think this might be is because I think that these facilities are actually for experimenting on and breeding different powerful Pals with the goal to create even more powerful Pals Now isn't it interesting that it claims to be a sanctuary but it looks more like a prison for Pals and the only sign of Life are the beautiful flowers which are actually used in medicine so perhaps if you're performing a bunch of experiments you need to try to keep them healthy somehow so they don't end up like the failed experiments that turned into these massive carcasses so my entire theory about these islands that claim to be sanctuaries but look like nothing of the sort is that they are experimenting on and breeding powerful Pals to create even more powerful Pals and this is how po world will introduce new bosses in future updates to take this Theory a little bit further I genuinely believe that these doors here at the bottom are going to open up and all of their powerful experiments are going to flood out and escape and then different bosses will appear across the map after escaping and going to their desired location but to add to this I believe that if those doors open or are broken open by the experiments the each of the sanctuaries will then turn into a dungeon that you can enter but it's not going to be a dungeon for Pals it will be a pidf dungeon so you can go in there and you can try to find out the secrets about the pal Island Defense Force and what they're up to how come when I go to the island it says I'm committing a crime just by being there why can't I be there what are you hiding why do you only have incredibly powerful pal here why do you claim to be a sanctuary when there's not a single blade of grass not a single leaf on a tree not a single puddle of water and why is this the only place that I can find beautiful flowers naturally growing that are needed for medicine for these Pals what is the pal Island Defense Force hiding in there there's a lot of things that don't add up about these islands let me know in the comments what you think power world is up to and be sure to subscribe for more power world content
Channel: NickMakesContent
Views: 1,676
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Keywords: exposed, exposing the, exposing the secret, palworld secret, exposing the truth, the truth, the truth about, the secret of, secret palworld, pal, pals, sanctuary, sanctuaries in palworld, wildlife sanctuary, sanctuaries, beautiful flowers, beautiful flowers in palworld, red flowers, red flowers in palworld, palworld theory, theory, game theory, conspiracy theory, palworld boss spawn locations, locations in palworld, The Shocking Truth About Palworld Revealed, palworld gameplay
Id: 5q59ITbr0S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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