How to Play Paladins of the West Kingdom (Rules School) with the Game Boy Geek

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[Music] hello my friends it's the Gameboy geek here today we're going back to 900 AD where outlying townships are under threat from outsiders you'll be gathering workers from the city to defend against enemies building fortifications and spreading faith throughout the land but you'll also be getting help by the finest Knights that the King sent which are the paladins paladins of the West Kingdom is for one to four players takes 90 to 120 minutes to play for ages 12 and up and published by renegade game studios today we'll be doing a rule school well I'll teach you how to set up and play the game so that you don't have to read the rulebook yourself now I've placed timestamps below me in the description of this video just in case you want to jump to a specific section of the rules well without further ado let's get started [Music] paladin's of the West Kingdom is a worker placement game to one to four players where each round you'll be helped by one of these paladin's that will give you some new workers and some attributes like influence strength and faith which allows you to take other actions more easily but at the same time unlocking points and getting more benefits you'll be fortifying which will give you strength and sometimes points and as you gain strength faith and influence you'll be gaining points at the end of the game for those you'll be sending townsfolk's out on quests and gaining resources or one-time abilities or recruiting them for ongoing abilities all game you also be trying to fulfill King's orders to get points at the end of the game you'll also be attacking different Outsiders using your strengths and getting one-time use abilities and resources or you'll be using your faith to convert these Outsiders and gaining points at the end of the game for specific goals so you'll need to manage all your attributes all your workers and all your resources wisely to have the most points in many different ways at the end of the game to set up you're gonna find the two parts of the main board they are rectangles that look like this and your sense are gonna put them together so the waters match up just like that this is gonna be in the middle of the table where everyone can reach it now on the left side of this main board you're going to take the green town-folks card you going to shuffle them and you're gonna draw the top five cards and place them just as you see here now just to the right of that last townfolks card you're gonna shuffle the wall cards into a facedown draw pile right there and moving just to the right you're gonna place a certain amount of silver in this central area just above the board depending on the amount of players like in this case we're playing with four players we have eight silver now in the upper right hand part of that main board you're gonna place all of the debt on the unpaid side just above this black icon here matching the color of these cards and that debt side that's unpaid has these three points that are crossed out meaning you lose three points for each debt you have at the end of the game and then so these don't get shuffled they're all just with this side up then you're going to take these purple suspicion cards shuffle them up and place them just above this spot on the board now in the very right side of that main board you're going to take these outsider cards shuffle the deck up just like this and you'll play six card from that deck face up under each of these slots in the bottom right hand side of that main board then on the left side of the main board you're gonna find these king order cards that have sort of a red seal there I'm gonna shuffle these up and place three of them one each facedown on the matching spots here and the cards not placed here from that debt can be placed back in the box you won't need them this game you'll do the same thing for these green sealed kings favor cards just shuffle this deck and you'll place five of them one each of these slots facedown and once that's done the rest of the cards that you didn't use can be placed back in the box and then the bottom left hand side of that main board you can take these tabbing cards which are facedown shuffle them up and place them in a draw deck just like that and then I have to decide you're gonna make a supply of the different components we have this silver tokens the provision tokens and then all six of the different workers in the game you'll be using a white laborers the Green Scouts the blue merchants the red fighters the black clerks in the purple criminals when placing the black clerks out make sure you use the maple type pieces that match the same shape of all the other workers do not use the ones that look like just a head that sit flat like this these are monks that will be used in just a moment now you're gonna give each player one of these player boards now these boards are double sided you're gonna want to make sure you use the side that just has a single card on the bottom left hand corner not two of them the single side is for multiplayer game the side that has two on there is for the AI for the solo game so make sure you just have one card spot here now these card spots are actually gonna be a different design for each player board you're then gonna give each player these green workshops these monks which these are the pieces that I told you not to get confused with the cleric workers out of the same color earlier and these red outpost you're gonna place one on each of sort of the boxes there then towards the bottom of your player board you're going to place these jars in ascending order from zero to nine left to right zero one three five seven eight nine in the bottom left hand side of the board on this attribute Trek you're going to place the three to be trackers we have read for strength black for faith and blue for influence stack them all on zero next you're gonna locate these paladin cards now there's a set of 12 for each player board and it's going to match the artwork that's in this spot here that we talked about earlier when setting up your player board now for instance the back side of this has this background you see this here this matches this so this is going to be the background of where all the paladin's are so my twelve paladin carts are gonna have this artwork in the background of them once I have those twelve cards I'm gonna place them in a draw deck like this shuffle them up and place them just to the left of my board like that you're also gonna give each player three silver and one provision you'll also randomly assign one player this first player marker then starting with the last player who's sitting directly to the right of the first player and going counterclockwise meaning the player that has the start mark will be the last one to do this each player is going to recruit one of these green towns folk and place them to the side of their board and they don't have to pay anything for it this is part of this setup and keep in mind that there's a lightning bolt on some of these in this left side and this gives you that immediately even during setup in this case this player that took the Watchmen would get one silver again the start player will be the last one to get one of those towns folk any remaining ones will slide all the way to the right in order and then from the draw deck just to the left this main board you'll fill this back up going right to left so after refill that might look something like this the object of the game is to have the most points at the end and you'll get points in a multitude of ways like moving your different attribute markers of the track you'll be getting points points are denoted by these yellow flags as you see here you'll also get points by placing a certain amount of your workshops similarly by placing a certain amount of monk's outposts jars by fortifying a certain amount of walls and by converting different outsiders and by completing Kings orders but we'll talk about all these different ways as the game goes on the game is played over seven rounds each round has seven phases that you'll go through the first one is to pass the start player marker to the next player clockwise but you do not do this in the first round the next step is to reveal any Kings order and/or Kings favor cards now on this main board this is actually helping you track the different numbers of rounds that you've been through for example in round one you'll flip this king order card round to you'll do this one around three you'll flip both of those and as the rounds go on you'll be flipping different cards and that house will show you that that's the last round of the game around seven now these three are the order cards and they'll get you a certain amount of points at the end of the game if you fulfilled their conditions will go more over these later next you'll take the deck of the tavern cards and you'll flip face-up the amount of cards equal to the number of players plus 1 in this case we're playing a four player game so there's five cards face-up next each player is gonna draw the top three cards from their paladin deck which remember every player has their own deck just to the left of their player board so each player will secretly be able to look at the three cards that they've drawn from those three cards they're going to select one that they're going to use this round and they'll place it facedown right on this spot they're the other two one of them they will place on the top of their deck meaning they'll see it next round the other though place on the bottom of their deck then starting with the star player and going clockwise each player will reveal the Paladin card they've selected this round they'll also collect the two workers in the top left in this case we have a scout and a labourer then that player will select one of these tavern cards and they'll collect the four workers that are shown there like in this case we would take two red a purple and a blue now you need to turn this sideways 90 degrees or flip it over showing that other players cannot take this now anytime you get a purple worker these are criminals for each one of those that you take you must take one of these purple suspicion cards you'll flip it over you'll place it to the right side of your player board and keep it there but you'll get this much silver either there's 0 1 or 2 in this case it's 2 and you'll take it from the tack supply notice that this card the silver is sort of reddish like here so you'll take it from here so in this case I'll take two from the tax apply we'll talk a little bit later what happens when this runs out now those purple criminals are cool because they actually act as a wild worker you can use them on any spot that will show you later and so that player now has their worker pulled for this round it would then go to the next player clockwise and all players would do this once all players have done that we then go to the action phase where everyone is going to be at one of the time taking a single action placing one or more workers as I'm about to show you what all these different actions do now this is my worker pool here for this round and essentially on your turn you're going to either place a worker or workers or pass this will continue till all players have passed now this is my worker pool but I'm gonna gonna use other workers to just kind of show you what all the other actions are that you can take so let's go over some of the more straightforward actions on the left side of the player board the first one is developed you have to place two workers and if it's clear like this you can use workers of any type so I can maybe put one here and I could maybe put one like this in this case we also have to pay for silver now normally that action cost for silver but my palate and then I selected this ronsis developing cost to fewer silver so instead of paying for I left the pay to which I do have because we start with three cool way to use the powder in the first round and you can place one of your workshops on the right side of your player board now you see when I uncover this it also gives me a worker so I will take another cleric and place it in my supply immediately now if you look at the right side of your player board the two left spots of each of these have a dotted box outlined that means you can place that workshop on any one of these because normally like this one would cost us three different workers one of any type one scout and one clerk now here we could place it let's say here or here and this means when we take this action later we don't have to place a worker here it's already taken we just have to place them in those two spots by the way if there was already a worker here for example or workers like maybe we had taken this action a little bit earlier anyone to place that workshop there you can place it here you just take the work of that underneath it and place it back in the supply now keep in mind you only taking one action as the next players turn so after we do this developed it'd be the next players turn but I'm gonna run through all the actions the huntin trade works similarly if you want you can place one worker of any type either here or here and get what it shows you a provision or a silver from the supply and place it there wherever you can place two workers in this case any kind or a green one and a green one or any kind and a blue one now if you did that you would get one two three silver or one two three provisions now if you place a single worker on this turn and a future turn you cannot place another worker here you either have to put one or both well you know the first time you go to either hunt or trade now when you recruit you can send one or two workers if you said one you have to place it in the left spot if you place two you use any worker here and a or and a red fighter there you can't place one worker here in one turn and then in a subsequent turn in the same round then go here you'd see there one or two the first time you go recruit now if you go just here with a work of any kind you can essentially go and discard one of the green towns folk and because the icon that we just had the worker on look just like that so you can discard any one of these however you will have to possibly pay some silver like this one we'd have to pay two silver to discard it and if so we would discard this card and get these two workers for example and when you discard I make essentially you're saying setting them off on a quest now keep in mind that this does not refill now it happens at the end of the round if the first time this round you placed any worker here and a red worker here you can then recruit you don't get to both discard and recruit cuz you'll notice that there's no plus sign between the two actions like there are in the trade and hunt icons just above to the right of this spot now let's say the lineup looks like this and we did place both workers as we said before we can spend two silver to discard send them off on a quest and get these two workers and let's say we want to recruit this one when you recruit you pay in this case either two silver or a debt card which we'll talk about just a moment and you'll place this alongside your player board and basically what these mean is when you do this you get this for the rest of the game so anytime I place a workshop like we've already seen you'll get this type of worker a laborer in this case and when you take a debt you'll take the unpaid debt here and you'll put it in front of you if you don't pay this at the end of the game it will be worth minus three points there's different ways that you can actually pay the debts we'll go over some of those later but when you pay a debt you'd flip it over to this side it's paid and it's gonna be worth positive one point at the end of the game and to reiterate when you're discarding or recruiting any of the town's folk on the left two spots you can either pay the silver or take an unpaid debt now let's go over the prey action now this typically would require a cleric worker that would match it like this and you'd have to pay two silver however I just want to remind you and reiterate that the purple workers are criminals and you hadik take suspicion for them but the good side is they are wild and you can place them anywhere just like that so here we'd put this here the two silver and we can remove any workers from any spot so for example we can remove these now they would go back to the supply not to us the general supply this just opens up the spot so we can go here again this round it's speaking of those purple workers again you can conspire put work of any type here to gain a purple criminal worker again any time you take a a criminal worker you must gain suspicion by pulling the card as we showed earlier and as a reminder of those suspicion cards go to the right side of your board just like that face-up where everyone can see now we're gonna go over all the actions on the right side of the player board and now's a good time to remind you that on your turn you're simply putting worker or workers to one spot then it's the next players turn clockwise and you continue doing this until all players have passed so let's first talk about Commission well we have a workshop here normally this would take you know a green worker a worker of any type and then a cleric here but we have this workshop here so it's any worker and a cleric and if we go there we get to commission a monk now for all of these on the right side you'll see a color of the left side and a color of the right side these are either black blue or red and those have to do with the three attributes remember red is strength black is faith and blue is influence and depending on where each of those markers are on this track it tells you how much you have of that right now we have zero of each of them but if we had this we essentially would have four influence and that's how these trackers work and that's important because what this means is on the left side it's what is basically a requirement and the right side is what you're going to gain so or no commission you're gonna need a certain amount of faith to do this action but you're going to gain influence here you're gonna need influence to do this but you're gonna gain attack and so on and so forth so for this one here we're going to take a monk now you when you take monks up here you have to take them from left to right and you're going to have to provision it so the first three only gonna cost you one the second two are gonna cost you two provisions in the last two are gonna cost you three and as you go up and you place these over the different turns if you end up getting to the end those are worth points at the end of the game depending on how far you went so we're gonna do this again we're gonna need some faith we're gonna provision this by placing the workers needed and paying the provision from our supply to the general supply we'll talk about that in just a moment now when you commissioned a monk you can place it on one of the open spots and you're gonna need a certain amount of faith like these spots you don't need any if you want to go in one of these spots you need to faith for faith for these and six and so on and so forth again that's where your your black faith flag is on your attribute chart on the left side of your player board so here I don't need any faith to go here that's cool now some spots you can only go to its certain player accounts here with three or more here at four or more and they do different things like hey gain you know a labor a worker gain two silver remove a suspicion card and recruit a one of the green cuff the town's folk cards for free let's go here we're going to get rid of a suspicion that's cool you would get this and put it in a discard pile just to the right of the suspicion deck we'll talk to you more about what suspicion does later now since we took that Commission action we're gonna get this as a reward and as you can see we go up one on the influence attribute so now we moved up that attribute to one now the next one is fortify again you'd need to place all those workers and you're gonna need a certain amount of influence and you're going to get strength now you're gonna be building the wall from left to right over to here and remember you need influence in this case we don't need any we have one so that's good now if you're ever short on a specific attribute the Paladin that you've selected this round has attributes of certain type so this one has to influence into strength so even if we needed some influence and we didn't have quite enough here you always add to it this round for what your palette and supplies so we always have at least two plus whatever we have here so to fortify this is the logo of the spot that we went to so you'll take the top one off the deck here you'll place it in the leftmost open spot you can't do them in any order again you have to have zero influence which we do and you have to pay one provision and as you get the walls go further and further you'll have to spend more provision and things like this this will have us go up one on the a strength attribute the red flag will go up one on your attribute track and this will be worth two points at the end of the game and again anytime you update those attributes you're gonna be moving them on this track now going to the garrison spot again you're going to need these three workers and then you're going to need a certain amount of strength but you're going to gain faith and when you do this you're going to take the outpost it's just above these and you're going to gain one attribute of faith that you'll move up on that track and again as you place these when you get further and further you can get points at the end of the game and when you place them on the main board again and before when we provision then when we commissioned the monks you'd be looking at faith but now we're putting the outposts there we look at the red which is the strength now we had one strength and our paladin gave us two so we can actually go to this three spot here and again making sure you're playing with the right player counts to go to one of these spots but you could just do with those spots say in this case like here gained two so er for example now when you take the absolve action you'll need to again place these three workers and you're going to need a certain influence but you're going to gain faith and so here you'll also have to pay silver for this one we don't need any influence zero and what we have to pay a silver we place this over here into any of these spots and gain and the reward you know maybe get a laborer now we talked about debts earlier in the game and there's different ways to pay debts there's lots of these spaces and the main board in here that when you go there it allows you to flip a debt card to pay so if you do that if this was in front of you you could then flip it and that's gonna be go from minus three points to one point and at the end of the game now one place in these jars you have to place them in a spot that does not already have a jar and you're going to need a certain amount of influence so this one needs at least one this we need at least three and of course it gets more expensive to Silver's for getting these three now you're also going to get one faith for doing that you're gonna move that up the attribute track as well and now it only does placing a jar give you one faith it also always allows you to remove one's suspicion from your board as well if you want to take the attack action again you're gonna have to place these three workers and you're going to need strength but you're going to gain influence now we'll talk about this in just a moment you're gonna be able to spend silver for moving up strength to attack this is sort of an optional thing we'll talk about that now now when attacking you're looking at the outsiders which are at the bottom of the right main board and you're looking at the amount of strength you need this much strength remember it's your in it's your strength attribute on the left side of your Playa board plus any possible strength to your paladin might bring you this round now if you don't have enough strength to attack a certain card you can pay one silver to get to strength essentially if we could only afford this much strength to defeat this card and when you're attacking you're only looking at the upper right here we would say we have one if you want to get this one you could spend a silver to get one card to the right which essentially is two strengths if we only had one but we wanted to get to this card we have to pay one to silver like that you want to get this one but we only had one we'd go one two three silver so that's a quick way of calculating that you'd spend that to the supply and then for the one that you attack it just tells you on the right you'll all the attacks are gonna gain you influence so one influence and then some other rewards now when you attack these again you'll get one influence you'll get a specific reward and you'll take this card and you'll place it facedown alongside your own player board this will be worth certain things at the end of the game keep in mind if you attack a card with a lightning icon you immediately get the effect or bonus shown in this case you get to move the red strength marker up two spots on the attribute track now keep in mind you don't refresh those Outsiders until the end of the round they're still missing for other players possibly and the last one is convert that we'll talk about again you need these three workers you're gonna need a certain amount of faith and you're going to gain a strength now when you convert Outsiders you're gonna be placing them on the bottom of your player board the first one you don't have to pay any silver the second one you'll have to pay one silver - silver - silver and so on and so forth as you convert more and more Outsiders over the course of the game and since converting you're gonna need the faith and you're gonna need a certain amount of faith attributes depending on which card you trying to convert let's just say we did this one you would take this card you're only concerned with the bottom when you convert and you'll place it underneath your player board again this one cost you nothing the next one will cost you one so in addition this is going to give you points for specific things at the end of the game for example if we had attacked this one earlier that we were talking about attacking we had placed it facedown remember has this icon on it it says at the end of the game we're gonna get one point for every one of these types of outsiders that I attacked so this is gonna be worth a point for me so I'm gonna try to start attacking more of those throughout the game now earlier we talked about the tax area and when we took a suspicion card after getting a criminal we got a certain amount of silver now remember any time in the game where you see you're taking silver that has red like this you take it from this tax area now let's say we had to take this there's only one here we would take this one we would take the second one from the normal supply but any time this gets emptied remember the suspicion card would go in front of that player then the player are players that have the most suspicion cards would have to get an unpaid debt again we talked about how these work earlier but they take one of those but they also get to get rid of half of their suspicion cards rounded down and they would put them in this disk discard a spot and you basically take the most recent ones that are on the top of your pile and put them here again half rounded down now also keep in mind that there's some towns folk cards that will trigger when inquisitions happen that's the icon that is shown here like in this case if you have this town's folk that you've recruited earlier when Inquisition happens you get to get rid of another suspicion card of yours and after that's finished you then refill this tax area with a certain amount of coins depending amount of players just like you did at the beginning of the game now in this action phase of the game again players are taking turns until they pass usually when you're going to run out of workers you can't do anything else once all players have passed you'll go to a cleanup phase now if there's a card in the rightmost part of the town folk area you will discard it you'll slide all the other cards down and you'll fill the rest of the spots up from the draw deck from right to left if there's a card on the leftmost spot of the outsider section of the board you would discard that you would slide all of these cards down and you would refill these slots from left to right from the outsider deck then you would remove all of the tavern cards whether they were used or not and place them in a face-up discard pile here then from the draw pile you'll flip face-up the amount of cards equal to the number of players plus 1 then if you happen to be in round 3 or further these kings favorite cards may have been flipped up and players might have placed a worker there to gain a benefit and if so at this point in the cleanup you take the workers off here and put them back in the supply opening them up for new players to play their next round then you'd start the next round by passing that first player marker flipping over the next rounds card etc etc and rounds continue like this until the end of the seventh round then you go to final scoring and then final scoring players might be getting points for completing the different Kings orders like having five or more walls placed on their player board or commissioning five or more monks out to the main board we're placing five or more jars on there player board you'll be getting points where you are on the attribute track for the three different attributes like sixteen points for this influence nine points for the faith in three points for the strength and then you'll get points if you've gone up these different tracks and placed a certain amount of those in order to get points like in this case we've unlocked all the way to here we'd get a point here we've unlocked here we get two points but we didn't unlock enough and either those two tracks sometimes by fortifying walls you get points so here we have a total of three here we look at our converts and see we get points for having attacked certain types like in this case we get one point for each of these so in this case we just get one point for that you'd also get minus three points for any unpaid debt or positive one point for paid debts and for each set of three and combination of provisions and Silver's you'll also get one point so in this case for these three we have one point at that point whoever has the most points is the winner if it's tied whoever got the most points from these kings orders is the winner and if it's tied the player with the least suspicion is the winner and if still tied then all tied players share the victory there is a solo way to play the game but it out of scope of this video so I'll leave this to explore on your own and you can start doing this on page 26 of the rule book well I hope this helps you dive right into paladins of the West Kingdom and get to the fun quicker than you normally would if you had to read the rulebook yourself now if you have any further questions about the rules I've placed the link below me in the description of this video and that's the best place to ask them since I'll be notified but also so will renegade game studios
Channel: TheGameBoyGeek - Hi Quality Hi Energy Board Game Reviews
Views: 37,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paladins of the West Kingdom, Paladins of the West Kingdom overview, Paladins of the West Kingdom rules, Paladins of the West Kingdom board game, Paladins of the West Kingdom game, How to Play Paladins of the West Kingdom, renegade game studios, instructional, Rules School, Game boy Geek
Id: 4u2s0Dboong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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