Foundations of Rome - GameNight! Se10 Ep13 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] ingenious supplies [Music] game night tonight on game night nikki lincoln nick and myself dave are going to play oh no you can do it you cannot help you foundations of rome a game for one to five players published by arcane wonders and designed by emerson batsochi so oh my gosh i'm just gonna put this down just come see how it plays and if my back is okay hey dave hale caesar lincoln hi indeed will you teach us foundations of rome sure okay um foundations of rome we are uh tasked by romulus himself to build rome i thought you're going to say ron howard himself to build rome [Laughter] to build rome up and uh make it like this fantastic city and we have all these crazy sexy buildings that we're gonna put on the board and um basically we're going to have lots on the board but we've dealt six out and in fact let's just do this now so you have these little markers you have eight of them if you haven't pulled them all out pull them all out so you know you have eight because otherwise two get hidden behind the buildings and then we dealt these cards out they just looked like this basically i had them all memorized nicky p and just keep your card separate off to the side in case we need to check for anything later i'll put these things down on these cards yes okay anywhere you have a thing put a thing put a thing anywhere you have a three-stroke thing wow this one's so good i'm so good at this game yeah i mean we can do this right it's not obviously i chose these cards look at that oh i know what's going on hey look at this i'm all along the edge i'm missing that's terrible crazy okay all right the game is played in three eras each era has a deck of more deed cards the the decks of cards are going to be every space on the board in a four player game we are not using these red numbers so this is the this is the edge of the board two and three's on the other side these don't count okay um uh we have determined in advance that i am the start player so i'm going to get five silver thank you nikki would get six lincoln will get seven nick you'll get eight these are threes and ones three i forgot what i was getting that's six six lincoln will get seven you'll get eight and then from the arrow one deck link and go ahead and fill that board with new deeds new deeds additional deeds i want that we don't want that i want everything well you can buy that one it's only two i'm gonna probably all right so uh the game is actually the game is actually pretty simple because on your turn you're only gonna do one of three things all right you can either buy a new deed card for the silver price above two through ten and like every other game you've ever played that has a board like this when you buy a card the expensive ones slide down to fill in the slot and the new deck fills in the new side of the high side all right we're going to do that until we run out of all of those cards which is to say when we buy a card and we can't fill a new card in we're still going to keep playing until all of these get bought okay once the last card is purchased in an era right in an era correct once the last card is purchased in an era whoever was that person that triggered that end of that era we'll then go around one more time to whoever that person is then we'll score okay so we're going to score three times at the end of error one era two and error three so you can buy a card the only restriction is that you a have to have the silver to pay for the card and b you have to have a marker available so if all of your eight markers are on the board you cannot buy a card all right because there's no hand you're just gonna buy a card market and that card's gonna basically go in your little discard pile off to the side and the only reason you have a discard pile is in case one of us accidentally bumps stuff off the board we can easily track where stuff should have been okay okay b you can build or upgrade a building building or upgrade a building is exactly what it sounds like it's free it doesn't cost anything in fact the city supplies us with all the labor and material that we need and when you build a building it's going on your colored lots only and if you have only like a one lot then you're only building a one building or if you have a two space lot you can build one of your two space buildings all right so let me talk about buildings and sort of what they do the buildings come in three flavors there's a residential building which looks like this okay and that's going to be good for population there's a commerce building which as you might suspect is good for commerce money getting more money and then there's a civic building the civic buildings are basically sort of bonus buildings they're only going to activate and happen during the scoring rounds right and i'll explain those when i get to them but let me just do these others when you build a building you're going to take your marker off the board and add it back to your pool so now you can get more cards and now that building is on the board if you have built population on the board you will immediately up your population on this track or by however many you have so this is always going to reflect the population you have on the board all right there's an easy way to add up all your stuff on the board and that's just look at your tray and look where the holes are like right now even though this is over here i've built these two buildings so i know i should have one population and if when it comes to commerce i have one commerce okay all right and if i built this it's like oh i've got three population that's so much easier than looking on the board yeah i'm trying to keep track what do i have right yeah okay so um so that's population uh commerce is just commerce this is the only one that you instantly move something on the board otherwise commerce you just build it and nothing happens and civic you just build it and nothing happens till scoring okay all right in addition to building you can upgrade let's say i break let's say i built this building and then later got this plot i can build this to nope i can build this one commerce building already okay if i do that i take these off this goes here i get this back this building goes back i must decrease my population by one because i took one off the board this is always a live track of your population on the board so it can decrease depending on what you do but i now have this building if obviously if i built this instead that would increase my population by one right two minus one is one okay but i would get an extra population to the board so you can always you can upgrade if you want and it doesn't have to necessarily follow if i had those three i could build an elbow here or if i didn't want to build this two i could maybe build this two or i could build this two and just keep this for later uh-huh okay okay and you don't have to stay with the same color bill no okay nope you can just change any building the only rule about upgrading however is it has to be an upgrade so when you build over an existing building it must be a building of a bigger size so you cannot and you cannot build the same size or down right so like that six pop here and this six pop are the same size yeah because they just take four right guesses and see i've already i know that's why why not keep it's a good thing i had those things okay so you can so the third thing you can do on your turn is you can just take income when you take income you get a flat five silver okay plus whatever commerce silver you have on the board okay and that's your entire turn so we're basically going to keep doing this until the era ends right and then we'll finish out the cards and then we'll take one final turn and then we'll do end of error scoring if you would move that deck because it's all written under the era it's easily explained there so um the first thing is population is that correct no first thing is commercial buildings players gain money equal or silver equal to the value of their buildings on the board so you don't get the base value of five you just get what you've revealed correct right so you're going to just get you're just going to get exactly like you took the take money income minus five yeah but you don't get the five little bit of cash okay correct then players gain victory points equal the values of the revealed uh real revealed on their player boards so like that has a two underneath a three underneath it so now all your commerce buildings in addition to getting you a coin are going to score the victory points underneath them and you'll see the bigger buildings are worth more victory points right all right then we do civic buildings players gain victory points for adjacent buildings as shown on on the icons of their buildings on the board okay so let me explain now that we got to the civic buildings civic buildings score based on the buildings that they are adjacent to adjacent means orthogonal not diagonal okay all right and it's pretty simple on the thing this building for example is going to score one point for the population around them and it doesn't have to be your building it can be all players buildings so if nikki built this and i had this here then this is going to score me four points because she's got a four population and if there was population on this side i would score that two right right so those can be pretty big depending on what's around you and what's placed all right the library is half of that it's one point for every two people instead of every one all right um this icon this little building icon is just building so this is going to score you one point for every building that's adjacent to your building and the reason orthogonal that's why this one's worth more in theory to you because it can be you can have more orthogonal to more buildings again depending on how stuff happens uh this is similar to the population one right it's going to be one point for every commerce building every not commerce building the value of the next building the value of the commerce building this is two points for the value um and you'll see underneath these they don't have any extra victory points because these are the victory points and then finally is these civic buildings that are only worth points if they're adjacent to other civic buildings not any building right this icon is any building right this is civic building civics are these gray colored they're like light what did i say these were beige olive and gray i think that's what the rule book refers to them as okay okay and then we're going to do a population victory point bonus so the population bonus works as follows whoever has the highest population all right in the first era is going to get four points an extra four points based we're all going to score population if we have population if you're on the board but whoever's got the most is going to score four and i think the next year is seven and the last year is 10. so it goes up all right so you're going to score that plus whoever has the most is going to score their population in victory points so if i let's say it looks like this let's see it looks like this right now okay so i have the most at eight so i'm gonna score my population eight plus four plus four so that's going to be 12. all right everybody else is going to score the population of the person ahead of them on the tracker so in this case and ties are friendly so in this case blue and purple are going to score eight because that's where i am right you have to be on the track however to do it so you're not on the track you'll score nothing but if you had one population you would score six okay so that's how population scores all right we will then move the start player marker to whoever had whoever finished out round one the player after them clockwise will be the start player for the next round okay so they'll get the star player marker and then we'll do that for error two and then for error three we're going to score with two changes there's nothing different different there's just two changes the first change is that the commerce buildings instead of scoring coins and then victory points based on building will score victory points for the number of coins and then victory points for the buildings and then additionally you will score one victory point for every lot marker you have on the board that you didn't develop okay otherwise everything else scores exactly the same way from all the other rounds alright easy that is the entire game [Music] gamegenic ingenious supplies all right so we reshuffled everything and we're now we're gonna start okay so go ahead and take your cards and mark your stuff got a little pear right there that's nice [Applause] hmm that's one four six okay all right and from the arrow one deck go ahead and put up six well i'm gonna buy a g5 for two no you don't need to do that oh yes i do you don't you're fine you can get something else you're not even right now nope i like you both i want to be in on the action i will shame everyone for taking the cards i want i will just do the a4 okay day four for two okay i'll buy it sure look at that it got all the way down to two okay you don't need to live this life yeah you need to live that lifeline again i was taking the card from you oh both those cards are nice and they're gone by the time they get to them absolutely gone the ones all right that's why you have eight silvers and now i have all this you could buy c4 right now and i'll get c4 no i'm a pacifist um i'll do i'll do a7 so that's fine a7 you sent me a lot of ship oh yeah a7 is good it's fine all right now i'm gonna the indian was more expensive i'm gonna build this wow done okay i only have a coin you have three coins oh that's a three that's a three [Laughter] whatever no no no look d1 yeah all right d1 b4 i mean they're not they're not great they're not great all position is good ultimately yeah because you always put out a little one building correct nice okay well you don't know what's going to come up later and you don't know what's going to be built around you for the civic buildings but i'm going to start my commerce transfer uh i'm going to buy the b4 for three before what i know before now b4 what was the you sunk my battleship was it b4 i don't know the one on the box top no i don't know well i will buy b1 h4 since that's pretty helpful to me oh god yeah yeah you got a nice little empire going over there by myself hey that's all right there's nothing wrong with that um i just i guess i could i'm not a pacifist anymore hey hey sure oh not a passion oh my god that's fine everyone took my cards and so i'm taking that card hey hey you're like what are you doing crabs and finding anyone like hey hey uh i'll take manhattan seven i'm gonna do things so five plus one is six right i'll take six they're small thank you now remember these are threes i totally forgot all right so i just get five three four five show let's start with a commerce building up here all by its lonesome okay i mean i'm not gonna say i'm doing the exact same thing but i'll do the exact same thing um what's going on over here though money on the edge of town there nice there's a lot of fumes that come out of my pottery studio so i try to put it on the air called ceramics ceramics i wanted to be different yeah you know it sounds fancy i can charge more just because of that yeah we do ceramics here okay we're gonna do pottery we don't do pottery i'm gonna take six more coins please look at him go thank you all right well i need a thingy bobber boop hey i can still buy d1 thingy by now it's fine whatever i want you on that wall i need you on that wall okay what's eight nine that's not hmm let's do let's be all about that money honey another pottery studio all right sorry a ceramics boutique we're going to call it that's the boutique that's the seal this is where i sell this one four dollars now i will take each three thank you thank you see i saved two dollars just by waiting g one g whiz jay where's quiz quiz and i hate those h's those aren't very good they could maybe work for me but i don't know um let's just that's just it there's if two two population here right okay mickey's on the population board i'm gonna get paid nick yeah same thing so i'm gonna get five plus two is seven huh you guys didn't make anything cheaper for me sure didn't i can't help but note we came together they made a bunch of stuff cheaper for you earlier that's true they did i'm gonna put this out this one i'll go up two population done okay well there it is i'm going to buy g1 for six [Music] well she wanted it too i know money bags over there decided not to i did all the money all the money i didn't want it okay uh i'll buy e6 for three you just got it i think i still did the right thing as crazy as it sounds that sounds crazy that's crazy wow so e two e two actually let's do e two two is not bad we'll do e2 brutisk i don't know why i went with a scottish accent for that but sure did well f5 please for three four four four four i mean wow yeah f5 for four here all right all the d cards are out i'm taking income three four five six seven for three uh you know i can't even do it nope that's fine i'm gonna take income bold i don't know why i'm laughing at that i'm glad it didn't make me feel good and it's funny uh let's get some the little i don't know they are they are the roman pines in the little they are quite nice um oh gosh i just don't know just none of these cards are like even they all have to go before we go yeah i know this they're not anywhere near anything i'm doing let's do a9 maybe some point i can get a8 down there and if not i can just put a little one one fur out there okay one for a little one there's a there's an expansion that involves trading oh wow we're not playing it but uh-huh uh g7 for three we are the mediterranean we gotta trade some silk for some stone you know there's some stuff there for me oh you just did that uh-huh yeah i'm not happy about that i disagree well let's see with that move i think well a3 well that's a better district but i will improve a3 with a3 okay which is four three four there's okay what do you get you get a little a little l right there build but that's the district to be in yeah that's where the cool people hanging yeah and uh see more people are coming in there i'm gonna lie i'm also putting stuff down he goes up two on the pop purple f1 he collapsed me just do it for me nick which one two it's a dexterity game we've seen dave with cubes and dexterity yeah it's not good it's about to get worse because i'm gonna put this right hey another two we're all on to pop dang i am going to take six coins please done okay fine i will take coins too hey i'll finally buy d7 i actually have the thingies to do it hey the thingies the thinkers that is their official name both of these are just not that useful for you at all let's just pop up boom get rid of this stack a little bit mark i will spend three for i2 all right well i'm buying uh f1 all right everyone gets one more turn nick you got space for two l's i do oh man two l's two owls that's your rap name two else well nothing really great for civic buildings yet not a great spot now yeah well i'll do uh two pop right here okay i'll buy my lonesome i was that what i had i think it was d7 yeah oh i thought i'm pretty sure it was a wish okay let's just let's put a little one pop lamb up again okay i am going to i don't know what to do upgrade that to this bag four so you're going up by two two two no no it's a whole fourth oh i read your commerce all right i will do that dave sure i figured as much okay all righty so commerce is first someone gains their income uh i have no income and no victory points nikki gets a coin lincoln a coin and two victory points all right two points for purple okay two coins and four victory points all right four points nice thank you sick buildings nikki gets four points of me all right population i have the most ten i score six plus the bonus is four for this run is ten red is next and gets six yep purple is next and gets five okay and blue gets four boopla and you triggered that yes i did lincoln you are the start player and put out the error two cards there are two they look so different um okay you know what i realize my problem is i keep looking at this like it's battleship so when i see b7 i see the b column and i want seven b over here instead of down here that's why i have a hard time finding these cards oh interesting yeah i don't i never played battleship enough to make that uh distinction can i buy two cards in my turn no no what if i give you five real life dollars yes so escapes easy it's all american okay i'll take income uh i'll take for two bucks i'll take b seven yeah i knew that wasn't going to last but b5 but what what nothing for three i'll take i3 it's a very interesting game like there's almost usually a good card for you and while everything is essentially good it's hard sometimes to sort of block somebody if there's a good card for you yeah two i would have liked that one too i'll buy the two the one for two d2 look at that it just got all the way down to nothing oh i wanted that one too this game is fun okay so everything's different from what it was when it was my left turn okay so again [Music] oh man [Laughter] well but there's a bunch of cards i was like oh all those are great yeah and i was just like no not as many are great i'm you want it so i was like i'm just gonna do it regardless it's a perfectly good move it is a perfectly good move oh man it cost me all my four oh and i already built the l like a fool um i knew i should have built this straight instead that's awesome gotta get some tetris z's and then we can really start getting i mean the the um wonders actually have interesting shapes okay all right for all my money all your monies f6 please much stuff in here weird spots f6 okay i'm gonna do a2 i don't know if that was the best choice but booty i like it or rather don't like it well i'll buy d6 then which i didn't do that it's a bargain a bargain barging in um what was it let's just let's just drop the last two bucks let's just i'm not in this area at all let's just saddle right in there right in there that's fantastic i can drop a civic building or something there it is that is pretty fun just parking it was a horrible choice i had so it was that one or that one i'll take money i just get five dollars mwah i had no commerce out i think this is a lot more popular it's an interesting push pull right mm-hmm but it's cool that you can switch them out with each other so it's like you can kind of focus on stuff yeah it has to grow though to a degree that's the challenge the growth part is what's neat yeah well you only have so many options up one pop yep it just helps yourself out there yeah makes sense i will put out this commerce building hmm let's park this little little civic little fella a little sick a little flat top so i forgot i did the thing where i didn't remember i didn't have any things i didn't have i didn't have any oh yeah markers yeah so i should have built this last turn and then taking money yeah right yeah whatever i did it yeah that's that's what i did did you do it i did it it cost me a coin i did did it lose buy a coin then so be it i am taking money so three four five and one tough stuff here i'll do d5 yeah let's go yeah that had to happen uh i'm going to swipe swap swoopy [Music] uh the pottery studio is not working anymore you just moved it over it's now an artisan forum now it's an art business i'll take h5 reminder the population bonus this round is seven not four that's right it does go up and it's ten here yeah i'm just mooching off my money building right there yeah you're doing so well you need investors my ceramics boutique we'll have you put you'll just put a sign up in the window gonna buy that for three yeah i didn't think i was gonna get that um i think i'm gonna do incomes i'm gonna get five six seven eight nice thank you uh for two i'll take f2 one change f2 for two yeah one of it would have been okay with that okay so we're out of deeds huh well not yet we underwear out of our stack of d's i suppose well i'm spending two for the c7 you're out of your stack of deeds sir you're out of line i'm gonna take income okay where is right there hmm should i take that yeah let's go ahead we're gonna do three for h yeah i thought you were gonna take that one hey district come back yeah i'll take income for i get six now thank you silly i'm gonna buy six [Music] that was gonna be my square my beautiful square hmm what is my life now i don't know does it still have meaning no not anymore not without b6 not without b6 i'll do b3 i'll take e7 all right you will end this round oh wait i can't oh you know oh i thought you had a flat there's a here's a coin okay you can nope i don't i will put down this one i guess right no not that one this one yeah one for every building yeah sure why not it's not bad yeah okay um i wanted to put down for population right is that it the one i wanted yeah i'm so silly i didn't buy that b6 okay so four pop four blue right yeah i'll buy that e7 yeah of course you will it's a big block of purple that's a big old blob of it okay so okay so now we're going back around to lincoln yeah one turn i want two turns though you can't have them but i want them nikki swip swap this building for a bigger population building goes up two for red right [Music] that makes my turn i think easier i'm just gonna do this yeah okay that's not that oh you're right it's not connected to this oh i was not talking about you i was talking about me and my thoughts thanks for the reminder let me do that i'll go down one two okay for pop one two three four done [Music] my resplendent library your respondent library mm-hmm well i'll do this oh sorry oh yeah dang that's like the financial hub in the middle middle of the city right there and it's it's basically eight victory points at the end of the no ten victory points in the end of the game right because remember the on the last round those won't be eight because it's five and three oh you're right doesn't score victory points twice you're right we're gonna score it twice okay that's it so however starting with commerce right yeah so what do you get link i get uh six nice and how many victory points uh 10 nice 17. nice we get three coins and uh five points please okay i will get one coin and two points thank you and i get one coin all right civic buildings let's start with nikki okay she gets just two for this right yeah okay so two for that one and four and one is five for that one yeah all right nice and then i get one two three for that one okay one two look at this how often are we stacked i don't know and then i'll get two for those ones oh i should have done you first i didn't see it that's what no it would be the bottom of the stack a little bit easier on the other hand it's just stacks there boom all right nikki has the most populations she gets 18 33 33 uh she's at third eleven i get 11 so 16 26 red you get eight to 25 and then can you get seven two twenty four and that's it right yep there are three okay and hmm link can trigger the end so yes excuse me nick you are the star player okay so i got five bucks are any of these ones oh gosh oh i should probably put it there just to get in everyone's way sure yeah let's be that guy i already did it over here i know just oh you are the worst of all you are the worst [Applause] uh i'll take d4 for three the worst the worst it's not true it's true it's not true you're awesome it's not true it's just accurate you're track you're it i'm gonna buy c1 for four three four you don't have to hand it to me i wanted that one well i see three for two yeah yeah part of that one's a good one yep uh i'll buy eat one okay f four four three thank you thank you metro let alone thank you i'm taking money three i will h7 again park interact may i add the words at least it's near you at least it's new that one makes more sense i've been hoping for a7 to come up for a while you are still waiting all game for it i will take money for uh six please thank you so i'll just i'll build a bridge so i can go oh i like that yeah that's that's six that's the galactic strats right there build a bridge trick it's expansion i am gonna buy f3 for four three four f three before wow you have so many of those line markers that's kind of awesome i yeah well i i wanted to put out stuff yeah yeah c9 for four [Music] okay well i have zero dollars which is exactly right that means you can't buy out the card i want now that's where you want to be that's true i can't do it to you um let's i keep pointing the strings i know that when i look at it i know right that's that one i keep like driving crazy a little bit i'll get it i'll get eight bucks i'm gonna spend six for d3 d3 yeah going through deeds these are weird weird they're weird weird how weird i'm taking money as am i no this is i feel like this is a better move for me yeah i mean surprise no that's that's smart because those people can't check it out so it's like oh okay okay okay so i'll pay six for c8 no that's smart all right it is good flags back we're gonna okay sorry there might be some excitement that's good yeah yeah go here take this one of these is going to pop in there a lot right and that's six six population yeah 13. yep six coins please end of turn you're turning plate do you want to do that i'm going to take money money okay i'll put this over in the corner maybe here or here yeah go ahead and put it in the corner this one yeah full top i5 it's a great freeway um get you home it's ah i'll do that i'll do high five wow i'll take b9 for three oh okay last four cards are out uh okay four um four a five three four okay nailed it you drop a sixer right there no it's gonna be a surprise oh okay you got tiles underneath you like by the way that's another experience so many times no expansion where you not homey tiles but secret you have like secret objectives oh interesting okay i will um upgrade this that two to four down there here nope this one yep nice it's an extra six no it's actually four population there so four more purple for four it's easy to ask you can just count it in your thing yeah okay now before i forget i'm going to pop this population thingy i'm going to pop this pop right there okay i am going to i forgot i was gonna go i was gonna do i care do i want to be in this fight do you care i don't think i do i'm going to drop this now and see what else i don't know that i can fight you guys so well i'm out of it i'm going to do this one and go up two because i'm taking a four off i am conquering that whole edge of the board nikki nick and nicky over there it's the apartment complex really though it's just it's the dorms i'll do this yeah oh that's interesting yeah look at that let me just look what just happened yeah well see i was gonna upgrade my thing to go with every building but now there's two civics around me there's three hmm oh um oh i could just do that oh yeah let's do that let's do this instead so now there's three civics around me and i'll still be able to score this i was going to change that to a double but i think it's actually better for you to do that i'll drop that there done i'm buying the g3 h4 for two ah darn that's all i'm gonna do all right well that makes my mind up over what i was gonna do which is nice i guess i only have one more of these little one buildings there i know you got them all out it's pretty great look how much i have out yeah yes i'm trying to decide let's do this first let's go swap this uh slippy swap it's gonna give you an extra two population oh my god this is an earthquake just barging in boom uh i'll buy that to the two okay or do i want what's better no it's not a real good one no i know yeah it's not as much as sitting there yeah that is why it's just sitting there all right i'm just gonna do this instead yep two pop is that two yeah i mean it's a victory point if you don't spend anything on it right yeah but it does cost you a turn oh that's right for our our little flags are victory points for each one we have at the end of the game that's still out there that's good to know i forgot but it costs you a turn right it yeah it triggers the end of the round i'll put this over here right here yeah nice uh do you have your your coin one's worth more do you have your coin one is it worth more isn't that oh no that's only three you're right i'm sorry it's okay the roof covered the three and i thought it was an eight for it yeah yeah no there's no eights i wish i'm gonna slip swap trip swap boom two more you shoot right uh i'll buy the last card okay one last turn i don't think it matters but i get a coin back oh it matters no coins are just tie breakers oop i will do that one for the civic one there yeah that makes sense okay cool and that's me huh yup i guess i'm just gonna this doesn't matter where i put it because it's the same amount either way so we'll just park it right there okay okay that's it okay commerce nikki yeah how much commerce buildings yes you have one coin generated which is one victory point for this last round right lincoln how many coins first i get six coins okay so one two three four five six and another ten for uh the buildings nice nice nick uh one coin and then two points two points for my ceramic screen i have three coins one two three and five points one two three four stack boom stack stack okay next civic buildings let's just do all of nicki's okay so two points per person here is worth two right yeah one two uh two points per coin so two that's in it yeah i got changed out i two don't remember what happened there one point for coin right yeah three one two three and one point per person is right four five six seven yeah i have a two here so nice five six seven yeah the roof was blocking it for me okay lincoln uh that's four right that's not me oh lincoln is purple yeah two points two points for the civic building one two uh purple one for every two that's uh three eight four four right one two three four this one four yep one two three four and that is it okay nick this is one for building so four okay um that's one for every two population looks like there's ten around me so five it's for civics that's going to be uh six no no oh yeah six is going to be i was getting nine two three four five six that's one per coin so it's three three yep one two three that's it yep okay me hey you you start at the bottom half for people here five so five one two three four five four points for that right two two three four here okay one point per person is ten and this one two points per coin which is three four five no three three four five so that was two points per coin this is here too by the way oh my god three four five six seven so fourteen hey that's in this one that one oh that's just four point four yeah population gonna beat that hold on he got you got one point oh right red gets a point red gets a point purple gets a point and yellow gets a point i do not oh for having the things yeah very efficient okay population red you get 17 plus 10 is 27. so 10 20 74. one two three four five six seven okay blue let's give you that 17 yep 10 20 minus three purple gets 12. now purple gets 15. boom one two three four five and i get 12 right well there you go wow [Music] game ingenious supplies this game it's cool i was trying harder to balance yeah i didn't i didn't play the game i normally play which and i don't really like them i i ended up being pop i loved this move right and i think once you did this if you had just gone full bore income the problem was i might have done it i didn't well i was in the running for pop for about a minute but yeah i actually thought about changing it up because i could have you know put another like this building could have come down at one point and i just thought you know what i've already pretty much committed to the population because i'm still just getting whoever is in la i mean you got the furthest one back right but let's say let's say you committed oops this is your let's say this is a purple yeah let's say you committed to that and then you placed your oh i wanted to your purple civic building here right right yeah and put your two there i mean i actually thought once you did this i thought hmm i wonder if that's what you might consider yeah because that was a ton of points well it was the the real reason was is at that point in time i couldn't i couldn't deal with the pop right right it was there was no way i was catching up and so i mean this was great right they were already ahead of me and i'm like well it'll give me 10 points uh plus potentially you know the stuff at the end of the game which was another six points i was like if i could do that but i didn't have like the the space to do that kind of stuff um you guys were really aggressively buying deeds which is cool i mean it was interesting to see how that worked um and nikki had like a pretty efficient now you know she's not she's third but she had a pretty efficient like yeah buying thing going on there but dave and nick i think had i had a great group of stuff down here you had a great that's that's the thing like that just i'd already put like certain like to really get to these things i needed fours right yeah yeah and there weren't fours i didn't have those fours except for potentially this yeah you know but yeah you the the upgrading thing is really awesome it's just like it has to be it can't be a lateral growth it has to actually increase you know which is with the deets too you can't do that you do have to like kind of be ready for stuff like this h7 which i think is h7 right here i knew this this whole spot here which had a bunch of population stuff so i was like okay the second h7 comes out i basically do everything i can to try and get it and that actually ended up not even putting my best building there but there are certain spots where i was like okay this comes up i need to make sure i get it because if i don't it's really going to mess some stuff up and then i was able to kind of just like i was going to get this and pop right in the middle right there and it did kind of mess well that was some of the goal was to some of these things shifted as well because i had been planning to do those types of things and you would buy the one right and it was like oh crap that was going to be a two for me because i was going to do like this building this way this would be a civic building and this would be a civic building well it's funny you bought that one i was like oh at one point i looked over at you because you had this whole block and at one point i looked over at you and i thought you know this whole block is sort of a blessing and a curse because you had so many options i could see you at one point going what do i how do i which way do i do this or which way do i do that well had i just shifted this i mean it wouldn't have made a big difference but this would have been bit better for me right yeah you guys are asking me what to do and i'm not even sure if that was the one but i had so many like i really had everything and i wanted this one i really wanted this one right uh because i was going to do something different down there i wanted to i really wanted to get these out there right i was really really hoping to do these types of things but i think i went for the pop thing on that second round thinking i might be able to catch up and then i think nick did it twice like he jumped up really far ahead and i'm sorry i was really trying to focus on on uh well it doesn't win you the game though right no it doesn't it sure is close yeah because if people are close you sure had a lot of these well you didn't have the big ones that's not gonna take the big ones out yeah but even them right it's like this is the one that's the great one if you can get one of these like right here you know that would have been much more valuable right yeah because look at that that'd be these three here and then that'd be nine points i mean yeah these are really great and i love these buildings and i was absolutely trying to do a little bit more of that than i'd previously done yeah uh ineffectively anyway what do you think nick p yeah um i i i've played this a few times and um i enjoy i've always enjoyed it but it's definitely growing on me more um the whole balancing act is really um it's not easy um previous games i leaned very heavily on on population and i kept losing mostly to people with um a better civics layout plan so in this game i was trying to be a little more civics minded and i still i did better than i mean i'm still third and i think i'm usually third in games that i had played before um so it did me turning to trying to be more civics didn't change my place in the finishing order well tempo is really one thing about this yeah like having the money you need when the things come out and you i did it several times i'm like well i'm just going to take money you know that way i'll be able to buy if something really great comes out but you know 10 is a lot and i know there's a lot and that's sometimes what you think you should i mean i played a game of this with some uh some folks at bgg spring and oh my gosh they were going for the big ones right i mean i i think i ended up coming in second or no i was third i was right behind guy and i were at the top of the pop top of the pops and i was one point behind him but then one of the guys who did really great job with the civic buildings was a good eight to ten points ahead of us yeah so it was pretty impressive um because he was considerably behind but you use those buildings properly that was exactly my game this game right i mean after we were all clumped in the beginning right and i thought oh and i was ahead of population i thought oh but my round two was just nothing well and i just went civics crazy yeah yeah but i can't you can't go civics crazy if people don't give you yeah you have to change things that's yeah exactly that's what i'm saying if these are coins around me right then then i lose yes i lose eight points because of that right and maybe i don't even place these like i don't know what i placed because i already had placed this well getting into this uh the population game was a mistake well earlier i you could tell i was basically i'm like oh i'm not getting good i thought i could at least be i would i thought i would be reversed with nikki right i didn't think i was going to beat you because you actually had more double pairings than i had and you're in available to you at the end of the game well he did the most nuisance buying yeah yeah in my opinion yeah back of a better term no totally no totally though but it's interesting it did okay for you yeah right well especially because if i buy this in the middle of all your all stuff you're probably going to build up around it so i can probably at the very least drop a civic in the middle there and get something out of that spot well that was that was what this was and i was going to do it for myself yeah i just did it wrong right you know it would have been but that's you know you don't want to do it you don't want to do all the work no yeah exactly you want to get you i'm like oh i can have you all do this yeah you can but it's interesting because you can kind of like strategically ride people's coattails in a way because it's like like say in this situation if you're just not doing population as long as you're on the board if the third place person is up here you could essentially get a ton of points for essentially nothing because you're getting the population of the person above you you could have one and if everyone else is on 12 and 13. you're getting 13 points for basically no evidence so when lincoln when you bought this space i thought dank because my move if i could have bought that space was to go down into population right for the same point exactly yeah which is kind of interesting you kind of start tanking your population knowing that you're still on the board and you're going to get a lot of this this is a bummer this came out last spot right i was like i was hoping for dave's sake it would have come out earlier so that you could and you would question yourself should i bother with the pop at this point yeah right you know and he shouldn't have no yeah it wasn't worth it yeah no i mean but i do think think commerce is more powerful than i i've even let it on to myself before you say totally because you're getting yeah three points every at the end of every era or two points at the end of every era and i think that's something i need to because as you see i only put a bakery out right it's a great and i was doing really good stuff really good i mean really the best in town let's say let's say only you know right that you're going to build this boundary let's say you know in your heart like i didn't know you're going to do that i i almost earlier put a population thing here on the hopes that you were gonna make that in fact when you ended round two i was bummed because i wanted to go after you before era three so i could see what you did and react to it right i wanted to have you deal with this first but because you went first i'm like dang it is he gonna put his four here or not and you didn't so if you know you're gonna do this foundry you could get out before i know if you can get out both of these what happened is i changed gears i wasn't going to catch up and pop i'm like well let's just start focusing on commerce if i can i just couldn't get uh these out there and you know i will say i really love this game i think it's beautiful i think it's way overproduced i do have sometimes issues with the building's obscuring it can be hard to see something yeah but i do not like this building being right here because i cannot see it like for whatever reason and i know it's there it should be like this for me right so that this is here right and this is here because i can't see it i just i i it's like it's not there every time and ultimately neither one of these has worked better but this one is clearer to me yeah of course and i don't know why they chose that but it's essentially exactly the same but for whatever reason i never see it until it's really that's interesting yeah that's such a weird thing you could just put it there the blind spot i know but you couldn't put the lid back on you have to do it before the game yeah and it would conceal the actual values but yeah it's so interesting it's just it's like it for whatever reason that seems to make more sense to me right uh i almost feel like they should have done i don't know well this is a deluxe version of the game right well this i mean everyone what is the regular game every version of the game is like this so it has these trays it has this uh these buildings there's no version where these are just cardboard no and that's and there and i guess i guess there's not going to be a game like this crazy it is slipped that there will be another kickstarter with maybe another version of this game emerson matsuguchi has maybe another version of this game he also has an expansion for this game expansions for this game there's a bunch in this box the uh costs are going to go up and they said no cardboard which is a bummer because i feel this game has a lot of potential as just a basic cardboard titling game but you know i understand it's it's going to have i mean it is this was kick started at the beginning of 2020 and everything has changed and i'm sure they probably didn't make as much money as they'd hoped because of things like shipping but holy cow is this thing gorgeous i mean it's yeah really a lot of great stuff going on here i will say the entire game every time i looked at your building i thought man he's getting eight for that this three because it's obscured by the thing was always i wish i remember when you said three to me at some point in round three i didn't i don't know if there's you could see it like in my facial expression but internally i went oh man that's a three yeah it's very cool though i really like the game but yeah it's it's it can it can be hard to see when especially if you're trying to look directly onto the board behind stuff you really have to kind of get up over it yeah because i was just like sometimes because you don't even know like i i didn't realize i actually had one deed right right you're like oh i can put something i one lot over there yeah i didn't realize it i'm like oh hey crap that's there i think it was this one right or maybe i don't know what it was it couldn't have been that one wasn't mine yeah i almost wish these were like tall and like skinny almost like flags you can see them over the buildings it's okay i mean it's really it really is great looking and it really is it's you know you guys are a slight disadvantage right because this is on side of the board in a normal table it would be you could put it more in the middle the draft thing could be off to the side does it kind of live up or beyond what you would be yes i know i in terms of the gameplay yeah because i've been hearing a lot about it and people have been absolutely raving about it um and so yeah i the gameplay itself is really really good it can be a bit mean um which is generally not my style of game but this one i didn't really mind it like no it's nice friendly mean yeah so you're kind of like i'm gonna go here it doesn't seem like super personal anything like that um yeah i really liked it i liked it a lot um it is very overproduced but i also i like overproduced games but um it's well you'll see the box at the intro yeah it's an ikea spacebar seriously though yeah i mean yeah it's definitely cool it's a really cool game did anyone as far as looking ahead for civic buildings actually used the color of the buildings to help you what do you mean well for example these are all residential buildings yes so you're thinking where where does my civic right yeah never even occurred to me until right now okay i was just looking at the tags on them right yeah i was looking at the tags too but it occurs to me you could totally look at the buildings and go oh yeah like just this sea of gray over here means oh this would be a good commerce order oh this they are very differently shaped too like these are all kind of like the more cylinder cylindrical these ones are much more like one so that's one that's nice too is like they have one's a bakery and yeah they have foundation anvil outside of this i know the gods come out here and uh do that too there's an animal on this one too i literally thought those were guns guns oh my god they didn't have the money buildings they need to protect them yeah sure okay we went around back then we don't know what they had i don't know what the bakeries got they handed out shotguns like candy out there yeah i don't know enrollment times didn't have shotguns you don't know that you weren't there i wasn't there but i don't i've never seen a picture from rome well i don't think gunpowder was developed so slingshot exactly maybe slingshot there you go what do you think dave uh it was okay i liked it it was it was it was different than i thought it was gonna be be which was nice it looked like it was going to be a little too overly finky and strategy and it kind of wasn't which was i mean you had told me ahead of time that it wasn't going to be and you were 100 right well we had we had played this game with james hudson he was he was making the pitch that we should play this game and we looked at him like yeah i don't i'm not interested in that one right now because we had just jelly we had just dripping forever to get down there it looked real intense yeah and he's like i'll i could teach it in 10 minutes and we'll be done in an hour yeah and uh it's not far off it's actually pretty great and the upgrade feature is really what makes it oh my gosh but it's hard though your ability to pivot yeah and potentially like all of a sudden that civic building you thought were you getting points for you're not getting points anymore or you're getting fewer points that's really cool and the fact that you can't that you must upgrade is also cool right because it it makes this plot worth something to me sure and it makes it necessarily worth it to you to take it from me in that regard so it's funny as i said mid game there's a case to be made for just every space on the board is worth something to you yeah i mean there's no real bad card no no i also don't feel you have to have spaces you do need some this was great later yeah but earlier on i didn't quite have that but i was able to nobody was really going for it sounds like i had some options but it is nice to have a little bit of room so that you but you want to be able to grow and if you're building where other people are at then you have no chance of growth right if you only have a one or two space so you could maybe go from one to i mean like if you could do the one of these buildings to one to the two buildings that would be great right because for example this population building is one for every pop which would be fantastic over in here right you know what i mean right look at that right that would be massive that would be yeah 14 points for those but i feel like because i kind of got a cluster of blue here and here and i feel like when you're doing that you're working harder for your for your exactly instead of being able to be mixed in with exactly but you still need to have a little tiny bit of chance of growth i really had hoped like there was a couple of options i mean notice i'm barely over here right for whatever reason i couldn't you know yeah you guys all wanted everything over there so it wasn't really going to happen and i wanted this is the one i thought i really could convert but nothing really established itself over here right there's nothing it's all small although you know well this didn't come out to last because i was waiting and waiting for you to decide what you're going to do there so i could make a better decision yeah you never did you bought that i think you bought that deed from me maybe and uh there was a couple that you bought that i was bummed about because i was like that was where i was hoping to be able to do a two sized civic building i i didn't even get any of them out because i just couldn't make it happen and i needed to do it down there with my i should have planned but again i thought it was in the i didn't want running entirely do it but i was like i want to be close yeah like potentially tying and there was i thought there might be a chance of that yeah because if you start investing it at all it's kind of like well you're kind of either gotta either completely tank it or like go for it and it yeah it's interesting dave's making the classics i'm just assuming these are all purple like when you have this thing what if you just dump nothing but civic buildings into this yeah you could probably do that right this is getting you three points per and this is getting well since it wasn't civic what since the pop didn't really right no i i mean you were not doing it and clearly it was a good idea but i just thought well i'm in there i mean i wasn't really very far there you know you did within two jumps i think you did that with two twos and i was actually surprised because i thought you might do some of these i was really shocked because i thought well he's tied with her and nikki didn't actually have very many large plot and expansion opportunities so i thought maybe that's what you would do for me what it was was i think when i put down my my long one i got back one of my twos and so i did that i think i either tied with nikki or i was like a little bit and i was tied and then you went ahead and then i was kind of like okay cool like i'm at least tied or at least i'm gonna come in second grade and then also i looked and i was like oh i actually got one of these back and i was like oh and i could put this one back onto the board and then pull ahead and that kind of changed what i was going to do because i was like oh now i can actually pull it right yeah and that's why i was like oh well i'm definitely going to do that so that's what's cool is like you can get stuff back and then put it back out onto the board and that was a part that i was like oh a couple times i was like oh i now have this building again i can now put this back out that's great and so and then this spot i was gonna make one of my double civics but then everyone put civics around it so i was like well then why don't i just leave that one and make it one of my yeah but if you generally if that was if it was enough it's three per civic building right it needs to be the right i mean ultimately this get used as like huge but i've seen it get like six points yeah yes and this one would have been i had three civics around it but then this one had money around it so it actually was more points for me for the one than to change it to the two civics sure because i would have lost two per civic building i mean it's only a one point gain yeah to lose and then i lost three points with this and it would have been the same amount of civic points so i was like it was just like okay i'll just put that one there and that kind of changed i was kind of working towards that but now he's puzzling it out the empire i'm just trying to see and then you drop like this good luck though i mean i mean it was again i was i'd already put large buildings there in the hopes that i would actually be in the running for pop yeah and it wasn't going to happen so that's the i think that's actually the biggest struggle for because like that is a huge building the four the the six yeah uh square one is huge yeah and you can't go any bigger than that right that is the largest building now there is uh i mean if we were playing the uh wonders yeah there's i could have absolutely exploited that and i don't know exactly how they work which would be interesting yeah yeah you got this big blob you're like okay now i can put this huge and they they do some you know like use and things like that which is pretty awesome there's also so we played the cooperative version of this game um yeah yeah and it's really interesting because you have to all to win you have to beat the ai and it's not really an ai but what it is is every other round the you flip the card for that and it will now place it'll buy a deed or it and as soon as it yeah what was the deal how does it it preps and then it does it and it preps and then it does so it was doing so then as soon as two were together i think instead of having buildings it has tiles yes so you have as soon as you buy the deed you put a single tile out so it's there are these types of scores right basically there are some that have two scoring on each one but then as soon as two get next to each other and you know we're all like oh my it's going to get that one we got to try to stop that right but sometimes it isn't worth it then it upgrades to a new building and they're all face down so you don't know what you're going to get and it's really cool i mean we were like it was very hard i think we won but it was not like as dominant victory as we hoped because we were like doing better until the end of the game where it's it kind of cycles up because if it runs out of the one spot buildings that automatically goes oh yeah yeah so you kind of want to play like give it well plus they come back in so when the twos come in yeah yeah right the ones come back in all over the place it's interesting when we played this it was it was already released we didn't back the kickstarter yeah and um we uh immediately weren't playing i was talking to scott i'm like hey scott we gotta try to get this um but i was nervous about playing it because uh of its potential availability right i'm very happy that it's going to be available again yeah me too because i think it's pretty great and i was mentioning emerson nacho uchi but he also did century spice road right and and those expansions right so the i mean the new games yeah so he clearly has that kind of like a mind that can involve those types of uh now i never played era which is uh matt licock's um has a building like a it's not city because no it's a it's a rolling ride is it a real rolling right really yeah it has these kinds of these buildings and almost everything yeah it is the most over production no i'm serious i'm dead series it is a is that is exactly what as you are rolling dice and then whatever you are whatever dyson stuff you get you can put buildings on but you could also just be riding those buildings in like a roll and right it's very overproduced um there's my i don't like era personally i love matt lee hawk seems generally but aaron did bounce off me hard because there's not much dice mitigation so you can just get hosed if you roll badly and i had a couple games in a row where like i rolled horribly and the people were i was playing against rolled really really well and i was like all right i'm never playing this game again it really it was really not fun in fairness how long is the game not too long so i mean you know nah it was no still not no that one's done i'm done with that one it's just yeah i was just it was well i it's been forever since i played big city right um this and this is of course the first thing i thought of when we saw it was uh choir you know yeah it looks like that for sure but it feels more like a little bit more like big boss where you're trying to get stuff to connect uh lateral you know you can't really grow like a huge corporation like you can acquire but like when you grow a corporation in big boss it's along a line right because it's basically a snake path yeah right but i mean this is a completely different game and i it is basically a tiling game but it's pretty awesome right and uh i'm the whole time i was looking and seeing new details on the buildings because i'm looking at it from the others this time i was actually looking from there because i'm looking at normally from this i'm like oh my gosh that looks amazing yeah well and you mentioned so the cooperative thing there are all kinds of other like little expansiony things that are included that you can add there's you we talked about monuments early um monuments are like these big giant victory point buildings that are sort of off to the side available to everyone and if you buy one you put one of these little capper markers yeah they have little blacks to indicate this is yours but they all have certain restrictions to them so like there's a monument in addition to space restriction there's one monument for example that can only be able to only be built on the edge there's one monument that can only be built if you have already built at least a three-space building um in other words there are things you have to do yeah before you're allowed to get the monument um there's uh i told you there's trading and stealing thing which sounds i don't know about that yeah but trading is just straight up trading but still what deeds land plots i'll give you this plot well that's interesting silver for that or i'll give you these two for those three or yeah because that's one thing i was like when we talked about like boy it sure would be nice you could trade like take something that somebody isn't really right for them but the thing is is these make those other weird small ones potentially great right yeah so there's really nothing that somebody right i'll take the two silver cards every time if they figure it out if they if they already had the small ones out though and you just wanted to get that single maybe they'd trade it for you you know i mean i'm intrigued to see how that's possible i don't know if you can actually trade buildings that's what i don't imagine i i didn't read any of them in depth i just heard it right um the stealing was weird so stealing you can't steal any building but if if thank you i'll take these two hey if you have if you have at least two orthogonally to a place i'm on you can take it from me how wow just take it on your turn but doing so gives me four victory points okay okay at least you get something back but well that's actually worth in the single more than the single building space if it were still left plus it could be worth more than that plus you have to get to it but that makes buying this card interesting now maybe i buy that card and hope that you steal it yeah right on the other hand if i buy this card i've saved you a turn from buying it right at the cost of four points so okay um there are cards where there are player rolls that you shuffle and deal at the beginning oh nice i didn't look at any of them but i assume they're standard like games that have player powers like you know all your cards cost one coin less or whatever when building you can blah blah there are cards that have these cards called objective cards you take three you shuffle the objectives and pull out three i think there are nine or ten i don't know and you put one in each era okay and when an objective card comes up it stays in that slot and can be purchased and when you buy it it's your little objective card and it's like a a one-time only power thing that you can use or it's like a an end game thing whatever that you can do but you have to decide if you want to buy it or not and at the cost of not buying a deal did you find any kind of good optimization down there with the civic building i think this is like 38 points something like that easy perfect i'll do that you had that whole chunk like putting this three points per civic and this uh i'm these are all your color right if you have the three points per civic and the two points per civic like next to each other and i don't know that i did it ideally maybe this no this is probably better and then you just surround these with civics right i mean that's 18 for this one i have to do that i have to do that way earlier and skip out on the uh yeah in this case you had what i considered to us well i've not played the game very much i assume it's rare to have a giant block like that so you had the giant block where you could have just kept dropping small buildings oh man yeah that's cool well thanks for teaching us dave welcome lincoln and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell you get notified when we put up new videos see you next time [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 18,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: as1IZZhFBrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 51sec (5151 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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