Paladins of the West Kingdom - Playthrough & Review

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hi my name is moani and i'm naveen from before we play and today we are continuing our west kingdom trilogy with paladins of the west kingdom yes before we played architects of the west kingdom now this is the second game that was released paladins and it's designed by the same two designers sj mcdonald and shem phillips published by renegade games and today we are going to be playing the two player game obviously there's two of us that's right we are also continuing our tome saga if you remember from last time now we're not going to spoil who won or who got what so if you want to review we will include a link to architects up there this game is going to be a little bit different from the first in both weight and mechanics and theme right it's still continuing that same uh historical timeline that the the first game set out but now we are protecting our city that we worked so hard to build up yes that's exactly it and so as per usual we are going to start with a teach and then go into our two player play through and then end with a review so if you're interested in jumping around we will include time stamps down below but before we begin if you can all do us a big favor turn on your klingon subtitles just in case we make any mistakes we can add those corrections there we'll also add them to the description and if you'd like to see more videos like this and also follow along with the next video in the series please consider subscribing and with that we are going to get started so if you please direct your attention to the end of the table we are all set up here for our two-player game of paladins as you can see there is quite a bit going on yes you know this doesn't have a big main board like architects did instead each player has their own main board essentially yes because this is where all the action is going to be happening all the magic and so just to kind of give you the lay of the land in the middle here we have another board this is going to facilitate some of the things that we're going to be doing so you can kind of consider this the main board of sorts we have two main types of people that we're going to be encountering we have our townsfolk who we're trying to protect and who are going to help us as well as outsiders we're we're going to try to either convert or attack yeah exactly and it wouldn't be called paladins without our deck of paladins right these are identical for all players so i have the same 12 cards as monique does exactly and so this game takes place 50 years about after architects right we've built up the city and now we must protect the city from outsiders or convert them to our cause yeah we're still trying to figure out what exactly we are as it says and so with the help of our trusty paladins over the course of seven rounds we are going to try to increase three different attributes and essentially score the most points and so like we were mentioning this game is played over the course of seven rounds and you can track that by this board right here each round a different card is gonna get flipped over so for the first round this will get flipped up and for the first three rounds these are going to be cards that are going to give us end game um objectives scoring objectives exactly and each one of these scoring objectives pertains to the different things that we're going to be building on this side of our board so we're going to be commissioning monks we're going to be fortifying our walls by building up a wall over here you're sitting by putting these out onto the board absolving attacking and converting these outsiders and so for example for this first round at the end of the game if you have built one two three four five of your walls by fortifying by taking this fortified action then you're going to score four points and so the sooner these cards get revealed the less number of points they are worth because you have more time to build them essentially yeah and so this for this third one it's going to score you eight points for building five converts not building for converting five different people that's how this board works as soon as we get to the third round both of these cards will get flipped over and now the rest of these cards are going to be extra worker placement spots that can be utilized once per round and so the general concept here is each round each player is going to be receiving a certain combination of six of these colored meeples and with those six workers we're going to be putting them out onto these work replacement spots onto our board some of the spots require specific colors like hunt requires a green one if you were to put it in the second spot here there's blue red black and these clear spots here is just kind of any wild color taking turns placing out our workers onto our board so that we can build these different things and that is the main way that you're gonna score points in the game after revealing this card where they're gonna reveal tavern cards equal to the number of players plus one so in our case three total and this is gonna kind of give you the pool of different workers that we can select from uh going into the round once those have been revealed then each player is going to take their deck of paladin cards and we're going to draw the top three of these three cards we're going to secretly select one of them to use for the current round another one to put at the bottom of the deck maybe you don't really care to see that to use that that paladin in the near future and the third one will go at the top of our deck so that we have some control over what we're going to see for the next round and so paladins all follow the same basic anatomy at the very top left hand corner here is the other two workers that you're going to be receiving for that round so in total you're going to receive six new workers four from the tavern cards and two from your paladin in addition underneath that it tells you a temporary boost in your attributes for that round only and so over the course of the game we're going to be increasing our attributes over here on the left-hand side tracker here and these three different things i believe its strength is red influence is blue and black is faith yes these attributes are extremely important for taking all these different types of actions which you'll see in a second but just know that the paladins give you a temporary boost on those attributes just for the round and at the very very bottom here it tells you what special ability this paladin is going to offer you for the round so for example for this uh this paladin right here attacking which is this specific action will earn me two silver every time i take this action this round i'm gonna get two silver from the bank and so they they all do various things and we will go over them as we play the game so then once everybody has simultaneously selected their paladin you reveal them at the same time and then you immediately get the workers from the supply so in this case i get one black and one green worker workers come in six different types in this game and you'll see them all throughout i get one red and one white here's your red thank you no white then starting with the first player and this is the first player marker here we are going to select one of the tavern cards so that we can take the rest of the four workers that we needed now just a little note about the workers like naveen was mentioning um they come in different colors so we have red green blue black we also have white which are these laborers is what they're called and these are these are the most basic the most generic of the workers you can only place them in these transparent spots that are i guess you can call these the white spots on the opposite end of that spectrum are these purple workers and so i think these are also have a name i don't remember what they're called now but those those workers are wild and so you can put them anywhere anywhere literally the caveat to the purple workers so if i were to select this tavern card on my on my turn i would take a blue and a red uh worker and two purple and two purple and so the caveat with the purple workers is every time you take one you must draw one of these suspicion cards because you are suspicious for taking this type of worker and now i want to know what they're i think are criminals or something like that the beans right criminals they're called criminals yes okay so the purple ones are criminals and because of that thematically you become suspicious because you've added them to your arsenal you're hanging with criminals yes and so on these purple suspicion cards it's going to show you a certain number of uh silver that you're going to take from the taxes so this is something that we saw in architects anytime you see that red money symbol you're taking it from the taxes but they're gonna go right over here into your suspicion pile you're gonna take the money from the taxes and you draw one of those per purple worker so i would need to draw another one the thing oh and this gives me another two money that's good and bad because the thing about it is as soon as the last silver is drawn from the tax area we're going to have an inquisition and what that basically means is we're going to look to see whoever has the most number of suspicion cards and that person is gonna get a debt and this is also not something new this is something that we saw painfully in architects and so if you do not flip over the debt it's gonna be worth minus three points as soon as you flip it over it's worth a point yeah it's a four point swing if you can flip it whoever had to take the debt gets to discard half of their suspicion cards rounded down down yeah yeah so then i would get to ditch this and that is if we had an inquisition once everyone selected their tavern card then starting with the first player we go into actions and i also want to mention that the board is split in half and so these left-hand uh actions are more of like the basic getting resources kind of actions and then the ones on the right hand here are the meat and potatoes of the game so let's talk about some of these actions so first and foremost when you take an action you're going to place workers out into the designated spaces and then you'll take the designated action so in this case this is trade trade is interesting it has two different locations you can go to but you can only do it once per turn or per round in this case you see two different meeple spots if you were to only put one meeple in then you would get one coin or one silver but if in the same action you place two meeples out you would get one plus two meaning that in one action if i did this i could not in the future go back and place out another one to get that bonus two coins you must decide in the moment uh if you're gonna do one worker or both exactly and uh it's also important to know that when you place your workers on these spots they're going to stay there for the rest of the round there is a way to mitigate that which we'll go over in a second hunt is very very similar it requires a green worker if you want it to be more boosted and basically what this is is you place out workers and you get provisions so if you place only one you'd get one but if you place two with that second one being a green you would get then three provisions and provisions are needed for different actions that you would take typically on the right side of your board yes it's the other type of resource it's not money conspiring here allows you to convert one meeple into a purple criminal of course if you take that purple criminal you must take a suspicion card the next one is prey which requires a black worker that requires two silver and that's one way that you can remove all the meeples or workers from one location so that in the future you can go ahead and take the action when you remove them they do not go back into your possession to use they are out of the round yes all it does is it clears a spot clear so now you can put more workers on there the next action which is a recruit action allows you to do stuff with the townsfolks so let's just talk about these townsfolk cards for a second because they all also have the same sort of anatomy there are two things that you can do with the townsfolk you can either recruit them to come to your player area or you can discard them for an immediate benefit now if you discard the townsfolk at the top right hand corner here is the benefit that you would receive so if i were to take this this first action here just by placing one worker this will allow me to discard one of these five townsfolk here taking the benefit so for the debt collector it would give me two laborers which are the white maples i do want to note though that each of these townsfolk has a different spot on the board so for these spots you have to to pay extra silver these last two spots here give you an option of instead of paying silver you can take a debt and so you have to keep that in mind when taking this action now if you were to take this recruit action for this right hand ability here this allows you to acquire the town spoke into your arsenal so what you would do is you would ignore the top right hand corner ability and you would place the town spoke to the side of your board because now you have this ongoing ability which is listed at the very bottom some of them also have immediate effects like for example this acolyte also has this lightning bolt symbol which gets me a silver from the supply not from the taxes right but from now on every time i take this commission action which is symbolized perfectly right there i get a silver so that's what the acolyte does for me and so that is how the townsfolk abilities work so this acts exactly the same way as hunt and trade if monique was to recruit on one turn and not clear that person off she cannot go back and place another red meeple out there to take the action the last basic action is to develop and that's signified here on the left you have a set of green buildings here in the top left corner of our board and basically what this means is you can pay for silver to remove one of these green buildings and place it out to sweeten up or cheaper cheapify the right side of your board over here so i pay four silver to the to the bank take the green and then place it on any one of these dotted lines here typically you're going to want to do the one on the far right or maybe sometimes on the far left it really depends on what kind of meeples you're working with uh so let's just i think you would typically always start with the spot on the far left because all of the far right spots that's right the laborers and literally anyone can go there correct yes sorry i inverted my thoughts there so yes it is you always want to go on the far left because the left is the most specific green blue blue red right green and black yeah yeah uh so you take that building and then place it out and then now in the future when we take these actions instead of having to work with three meeples our workers now you only have to place out two to take these actions and so we'll talk about these actions in just a second now developing also gets you an immediate benefit because underneath these buildings are a certain color of worker so when you place the building out you get that worker immediately so that you can use them that round i also want to mention that the last three spots here if you were to reveal any of them will get you that number of points at the end of the game so if you were to build out all of them then you get six points yeah they're not additive it's just whatever the highest number exposes all right so now for the meat and potatoes which is the right side of the board these are your main actions that you're going to be doing all this stuff in order to do and so just the the basic concept of these actions if you look at the top where it says the title there's a certain color to the left and another color to the right just remember that you need the left color to take the action and this action is going to get you the right color and all the colors are corresponding to the three different attributes that you have on this track which we're referring to earlier and so let's just start with the commission action which is the top left two of these actions are going to have to do with placing markers out onto this board and they are the commissioning a monk action and the garrisoning and i just kind of put that there just to symbolize it then i would consult where my black marker is on my uh attribute track here it's the start of the game so i have zero on all three of my attributes but because i played this paladin this problem gives me a temporary three for my faith attribute which is a black one that corresponds to the number that's in the black flag that's underneath each section here of the board each month costs a certain number of provisions that i would have to spend so for the first three i would have to spend one provision as soon as it's in this uh tier over here i would have to spend two and then i would place my monk anywhere on the board here that has a um maximum value of three yeah basically where you're eligible that's where you're allowed to place exactly and so for in this case i can only place in either this section or this section because this section is cost a minimum of four on my black attribute right now i only have three i would essentially just place my worker out and get the bonus immediately and so things that you can get here are money you can um discard a suspicion which is that purple symbol you can gain additional workers depending on where you are and what color it is and in a two player game we are ignoring all the spaces that have these three and four player symbols once i put my monk out and i gained the benefit then i would immediately go up one spot on that uh the blue attribute this track is extremely important because they allow you not only to do actions but at the end of the game they're gonna be worth quite a lot of points if you're able to push them pretty far up on the track and that's per attribute yes because they're so similar i'm going to skip fortify for now and go straight to garrisoning because it essentially does the exact same thing just with a different attribute requirements so garrisoning requires you to have red attribute the same thing you're going to take the left most building and you're going to place it in one of these sections taking note of the red flag this time rather than the black one and so it's the same thing right now i have a one temporary value on my red so the only section that i can go to is this one because the next one requires at least a three red attribute so i would put out my building over here get the benefit and then instead of the blue i would go up on black so this is a way to boost up the black attribute by garrisoning i did have to pay the provision just like commissioning a monk the next one is fortify and fortifying has to do with building up our walls because we are protecting from invaders right this one relies on my blue attribute what i would do is i would consult the top part of my board here the very left most spot which is the first time i take this action doesn't actually require me to be up on the attribute track at all it says zero blue but as soon as i need to do this action again then i need to have at least one point of blue in addition each time i take this action i have to spend at least one provision and then the amount of provisions it lists on the player board it increases as the game goes on when i take this action after paying all the expenses i then flip over the top card of this wall deck and i place it in this spot because i have built up a little bit of my wall and then i would just gain any of the benefits that are listed on the card it's always going to get me at least one bump up on red because that is what fortifying gives you and then it also will typically give you an additional bonus so in this case i would get one black meeple or worker from the supply for me to use immediately and by immediately i mean this round the next action is absolving and so this has to do with these blue vases that you see down here so these require blue attribute and they give you black and so when taking this action you're essentially going to take the leftmost vase as long as your blue attribute meets whatever the number is on the base so at the start of the game you don't have to have any blue attribute to do this you also have to pay the amount of money shown above the base and you get to then place this token anywhere on the right hand side here taking the benefit so if i were to place this token here this would give me one additional black bump up on that black attribute in addition to what i'm already gaining for taking this action in addition i get to discard a suspicion card if i have one now the last two actions have to do with these outsider cards here which are quite the opposite from our townsfolk they're not townsfolk yet right so you can treat them in two different ways you can either attack them or you can convert them attacking requires red attribute and what you're going to be doing is you're going to be consulting the same red flag that you're that you're looking at when you're garrisoning right so if my red attribute was all the way up here at seven then i can attack anyone here all the way up to this section right here because this is a red seven flag if i wanted to attack either one of these two cards i would have to pay one silver for every two red attribute difference right so if i wanted to attack this warrior here that requires a nine attribute i would just have to spend two silver and then similar to the townsfolk attacking just gets me the benefit that's listed at the top right hand corner which is just this one specifically says i immediately go up one on the blue attribute because that's always what they're going to give you and in addition i gained two provisions i would then place this face up into a stack next to my board they don't get discarded into the supply because some of these other abilities are going to require me to have a certain combination of these things to score points yeah when you attack these outsiders you'll never focus on anything in the bottom aspect because the bottom aspect is for converting so similar to attacking converting requires a black attribute and you would look at the black flag and it gets you red attribute now you cannot convert anybody higher than you're allowed unlike the attack right action you can't pay the difference but converting allows you to take the outsider for the bottom benefit just like the townsfolk so for this barbarian i would immediately go up red twice and then at the very end of the game because all of these outsiders give you end game benefits i would get one point for every outsider i attack that has that specific symbol and so if i had attacked this outsider on a previous turn and then converted this person then at the end of the game this is going to score me one point because it has that symbol right there now when it gets back to your turn and you figure you don't want to take any more actions or maybe you can't then you just pass and once you pass you clear out your board of all the workers that you just placed if you still have workers left over you can save up to three of them for the next round so you might want to pass you know in a timely manner i guess at the end of seven rounds the game will end and then you go into final scoring and so at the end of the game you're gonna get points for your attribute track wherever you end up in all three uh attributes you're gonna get points for all of the different things that you've built so for your develop wherever you land on this track for garrisoning your monks depending on how far you've built up on your wall your absolved track you're gonna get points for your converts at the very bottom that end game scoring there every three silver and provisions will get you one point you'll get points for the kings uh i don't remember if their favor or order cards but basically these cards yes the red ones and finally any of the debt cards that you were able to successfully flip over and at that point whoever has the most points wins now this game does have a solo mode and if you play with the tome saga you can also play cooperatively we're just gonna get cleaned up and then we're gonna start over the playthrough okay so we have reset the board we've shuffled everything we don't know anything about the game state other than the cards that were already face up and uh now we are going to talk about the tome saga yes and so if you remember from last game now this is going to be kind of spoiler if you haven't seen it but uh i won but we have the same number of tones yes so three and three um my tome says that if i for every laborer that's on a tavern card that wasn't selected i'm gonna gain one provision so that is my benefit for this game and uh you want to read what yours are sure i have two of them uh so this one says increase any one attribute marker one space if you are the first player to pass each round that's gonna be so good hopefully i can use it uh then i have this one it says exchange all my remaining workers for criminals after passing without gaining suspicion oh my gosh can you check out that combination that combination you leave three you just convert them all into purple hopefully i can do something with it that is too good and unfortunately for me because i won architects even though we have the same number of tomes because i want architects i have to go last in two different ways because before we start the game we're going to draft etan's folk i get last choice in that and then i go last to start the game okay so we are going to read out the the tomes for this this next one after we do the draft yes that's right all right so like i said you get to go first in the draft so who would you like to acquire okay i'm looking at this conspirator monique loves to play with this in past games yeah and she hammers it home with it i'm gonna take it uh i think i will take it so this one right here it says anytime you go into an inquisition i can automatically discard one of my suspicion cards so if i have one i go back to zero so i'm going to take this and employ them and they're going to come over here it's going to be hard to see all of our cards but anytime we're going to utilize them we'll try to pop them onto the screen and talk about why we're using them mm-hmm very good naveen i would have taken that one i know gosh i don't know what i'm going to be doing this game well i could immediately get a coin yeah let's do it okay let's welcome the acolyte into our fold and so i'm immediately going to get a silver from the supply yes from the taxes and then now anytime i take the commission action i gain a silver all right now we just slide these down okay and we're going to fill in town smoke for the last two spots oh we have a squire that's not another square this is these two are great for you because if you go into the inquisition with no suspicion you get to go up on either one of those attributes think about it i'm thinking about it all right so let's reveal our our tomes so we know this before we select our paladins so the three terms we have let's talk about one each this one says have five hired townsfolk so as of right now we both have one each so you said the higher four yes so that's one of them uh this one says have at least four of each attribute so you want to be at this level like this if you're the first one to do it you collect this tone nice okay the last one here is develop five workshops right here oh that's good for you monique oh no you didn't take the one that's the development oh regret well develop five so the first person to take off five buildings and move them over here get that towel get this home so this is an interesting uh distribution of films i like yeah we'll discuss the benefits at the end of the game for buy counts all right are we ready to begin i am ready yes okay first round of seven let's flip over that the oh nope this one almost it was there all right so the first scoring condition here is to have uh five attacked to attack five times attack five times if you have attacked five times at the end of the game you're going to score four points four points okay all right so we know a little bit yep so now let's uh flip over three of these tavern cards one two wow a lot of uh black okay two and three okay yeah that is a lot of black and blue okay so now we're going to flip over or at the top take three of these paladins from our paladin's deck and we're going to simultaneously select one all right so this is my pout my current paladin okay this is mine and then oh okay i'm going to put this one back on top and this one is going to go under so that's the one i'm going to see dead last so you're kind of setting it up already okay this is the palette that i'm going to use then i'm going to put this one on top and this one goes to the bottom unfortunately all three cards were kind of nice yeah so that's a little bit painful tough but uh are you ready to reveal yes one two three okay so who's going first you are right it's gonna be me so this is you would you like to introduce your paladin sure i am uh angular angelia yeah okay uh this one comes with a red and green worker yep uh gives me a native three uh strength and one on faith and it is attacking earns to silver ah since we know attacking is important um least important of the three but at least i know it uh it'll get me money so money i have only three to start the game i figured might as well naveen will be attacking this round so i have autumn right here and so um this paladin will give me a temporary attribute of two on the red and two in the black and two blue workers even though there's a sea of blue over there i have a lot of blue and so for this person anytime i trade which is gaining money i gain two additional silver so this is this might be a money collecting round for me okay nice so just like that all right so starting with you would you like to select a tavern card okay so i know if i leave this white worker monique will get a provision i will gain a position because of flavor yes but don't let that stop you from the other cards and their greatness i will take it so i will take this so i get uh two blue a green and a white so i'll take the white i can't believe it's two blue and a green my one tome naveen my one i mean dome i'm so the reason why i'm taking this is i'm seeing trade here yeah you require blue so it'd be nice to have some blue you have every right to take that tavern card so i think it was a good move thank you okay so i think that i have blue here already yep so i might as well go for a lot of black a lot of black and one red right okay yeah so oh can pass i'll get you and here's my run all right and then that card just kind of stays there and i'll put this off to the side three black toe yes three black and one right we should have six workers here to start the game and now we are ready so starting with naveen take your first action take it away huh yes please well i think i'm gonna attack so it's gonna be green is required it must go here okay uh i'm gonna put the labor in this little center spot and then of course red is must be done here okay so my attack again is three i have nothing on the attribute track alone right now okay so i have three either one of these two or you can pay additional silver to attack i don't wanna do that so uh i'm gonna take this one and attack this one what this gets me is it gets me a laborer one worker and immediately uh it gets me also a provision yep and i get to move up on the blue attribute track which is i think influence is that what it is again what it what i think it's influencing influence there you go you're on the board i'm on the board so now this will go into a stack where um i will keep it yeah just keep it off to the side off table yeah that's me and because i use uh this paladin i get two silver for that attack oh yes that's right that's the whole reason why you wanted to go attack heavy this round right that's exactly it all right i'm going to do a real simple real easy kind of action i'm going to trade okay just get that out of the way right now both meeples so you get three yep so i can utilize this paladin so i get three innately and then my paladin gave me two additional silver so it's gonna be five total from the supply and i'm hoping that this is going to help me not need any more money for a while right yeah that's pretty good all right back to you i'm actually gonna do the exact same action i'm gonna trade i wanna get money also so i'm gonna go one one and so i don't have that sweet card but i get i do get three coins there you go thank you okay so now i have i have four more workers i know that you're going to cut out early so i might as well just make the best of my time yes and you can only hang on to three workers from round to round you can never have more so if money goes to quit right now all right we are going to try to blitz on the money here yeah so while it's hot well it's hot yeah so i'm going to use this uh i'm going to place this red worker here okay to conspire so i turn this red worker into a purple one unfortunately that also gets me a suspicion card which is good for you two coins two two tax dollars is what i have stolen and now this goes to me now it's back to you okay i'm gonna i'm gonna develop actually so um let's go ahead and put this one here and here these just require any two laborers or workers so it's going to be that it's going to cost me four coins yeah that's a lot half of my salary there's a lot i debated developing but it's so expensive right now hoping to find that card that gets this one out uh this is going to now go and what do i think i'm going to want to do so i could even though attack is full i can develop here and just this just goes back to the supply is that what you want to do uh well well remembering attack is going to be worth points at the end of the game but it's going to be worth the least the least amount of the three cards so and the thing about attacking is they don't innately score you points you have to have um you have to convert the cards that'll score those attack cards points so i think i am gonna do this i think i will put convert over here and the reason why i'm doing this is because if i block this out this is a red to my attack red so i don't want to be caught in in a point where it's like i only have one red and so which one do i get to do so which one do i get to do so i'm just going to go ahead and do this right here i like it i don't know maybe that's a strategy but because i do that i get a labor nice back to me yeah all right so i'm going to absolve this is actually an action that i've never really taken before in all the plays that we've done so this is a little bit scary so we're gonna go black black and blue okay so your native blue attribute is zero but because first absolving is zero i can do this this is literally the only time i can do this yeah so i'm going to take this space it's gonna cost me one silver okay so there's that and then now i get to choose one of these uh 10 spots i might as well take this top left spot right here because this is going to allow me to hire one of the townsfolk without having to pay the extra cost at the bottom yes so let's do this first round i'm going to maximize my use of these uh townsfolk so what squire are you looking at because i know yeah i know you're looking at a squad you know you so well i know you so well do i want to go up black or red well you're gaining what i am getting a black you're gaining a black which let's do that now so that we don't forget um then i'll take the red one sure yeah because yeah let's do the red one uh-huh so this i get to this squire i got to hire for free because that spot says i don't have to pay i'm gonna put it off to the side here and now if i go into an inquisition without any suspicion cards i get to go up on red by one spot very nice in addition because i absolve you always get to discard a suspicion card so now if we do have an inquisition then i'm ready to claim that uh from my square that's pretty good and i believe that's it now it's back to you okay so i think this would be a good spot for me to pass i think hell yeah one thing that you have one worker left you probably don't want to use the biggest uh and because both of my tomes require talk about passing because i am the first person to pass i get to go up one of these attributes so uh let's go ahead and take that's so nice let's take red and just go up since attacking we know is something in the game and because uh i passed i exchange all my workers for purple workers and i do not take suspicion for doing so so i just get a wild that's nice that's me so your that that combination of stuff is gonna help you get one of those tomes the other tome is having five hired workers i'm a little bit closer there what's that what's the other one uh i think it's build out five developers okay so it's gonna cost a lot of money to do so okay so it's back to me i only have one worker left and it's my coveted criminal yep so i'm just clearing off uh passively yes when you pass you clear off your board so that's fine um i think i should probably save this worker right because it is a nice uh nice color okay so i'm gonna pass as well yeah i think that's it i think that's it all right so i'm gonna clear off my board as well and cool that's it for the first round all right do this six more times and then the game will end essentially right all right so let's do a little bit of cleanup because nobody took uh this card and this one basically the far you know side the cheapest ones they get discarded and uh we slide all of these down and refill with utah's folk and outsiders so we have an invader and a trader and this one perfect okay uh tavern carts also get discarded and so does your paladin yes this paladin is no longer in the game that's that you ditched yours i did yes and i think we're all set up for the next round i think so okay ready yes okay so you are now going to be an active first player that's right i forgot that this rotates all right i guess it it should right yeah it should yes okay so let's flip over the next uh all right come on attack or not right it was already attacked oh four to five so you want to build your walls this is good because neither of us have started doing that yet correct so it's an even playing field yeah right okay tavern cards tavern cards okay please laborers one two okay oh there's some laborers okay so uh let's choose our paladins so the next three we already know one of them because i forgot last round yeah i forgot mine too i i don't think i ever remember what i put on top it's hard to remember um but if you want to play strategically you should yes okay i'm going to choose escalators for this round this one's going to go back on top this one's going to go to the bottom let's make sure i remember that bottom okay yeah do not flip those two yes got it yes okay ready yes reveal okay all right so i am a behringer okay and so he gets me one red and a blue worker uh a temporary uh red three three red attribute and blue uh one blue and so for this round garrisoning uh costs no provisions i do not have to pay any of these provisions to do this action very nice so that's me well uh since we have exposed that fortifying is a thing that we're going for uh i'm playing anse i'm so sorry i don't know how to pronounce these names emma has that little thing over the e fortifying costs no provisions it's gonna give me a blue and a green worker and i have a inherent three blue and a one black nice attribute so neither of us are going to be paying provisions yeah for action exactly okay so because i'm first player i get to choose my tavern card first and since i chose to garrison i think i'm gonna take this one yeah so this is gonna get me two red a green and a purple which means i must uh take a suspicion purple yes oh my gosh please i really don't two coins that you have so much money money two coins i know but i don't want to go into the inquisition you're you're about to no matter what we're going to an inquisition because well no zero that's true yes i want to pull money though i want to pull two coins because my conspirator here yes allows me to say bye-bye to a card well seeing as okay what's your benefit again as uh with the whites uh for each laborer on that card you gain a provision right you're really gonna start you're really gonna get labors just so i don't get two provisions well the thing is attacking is is a goal of ours and i don't see a red here but it's up to you it is up to me isn't it okay i will i will be good to you and take this one right here so i get uh yeah i know black purple and two green green okay so because my tome says i get a provision for each of these laborers that were on the car that was not selected i'm gonna go ahead and take those two right now thank you naveen right away right it's not at the end of the round it's right away it's right away okay but uh let's not wrap up uh without me pulling a suspicion card oh gosh please zero zero zero zero two yes oh man that is a bummer this is not a bummer this is a good thing for me okay so this goes to you i get one plus one from the bank because the tax area is depleted now we're gonna have an inquisition yes this is very unfortunate um okay so go ahead and do yours first well this is the universal symbol for the inquisition it's uh this little uh kind of sun behind a meeple uh symbol and so basically during this time i get to discard one of my cards so this one goes out which means i have the most number of suspicions the most which makes me take a debt and so this is going to be unfortunate so this minus three points unless i can flip it over yeah it's a little off screen but um yeah we'll reference it every so often yes and so unfortunately that also means my squire doesn't do anything because i have to go into the inquisition with zero suspicion cards exactly that was just a bad pull here purple purple purple i mean what can you do and then two two two coins you know at this point i would also be allowed to discard half of my suspicion cards but because i only have one it's rounded down unfortunately which means i have to keep that i really need to get this out well you can absolve always so down here uh in this absolve area there's two opportunities to flip over that debt that's one of the ways you can do it yeah in addition there's some spaces out here and we have to absolve in the future in the future yeah so now we replenish the tax supply so here we go five more yep five more coins one two three four five and again this is because we are playing a two-player game and so a higher player counts there would be more money in there okay the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm actually going to develop yep okay because money yeah i have a lot of money so we might as well get started on that sure um i'm going to spend this blue a blue and let's do a red yeah i don't think i'm gonna need that many red yeah yeah to just to garrison so i'm gonna go ahead and put these two here i'm gonna spend four coins so one two three four and now i'm going to place this building here so that when i garrison it is one uh one worker cheaper right because your paladin is a is a garrison correct yeah it doesn't it's not going to require me to spend any provision sometimes we'll do this now so you expose this so you get the labor correct very good and so now i can use uh spend that worker on a future action so that's me nice nice okay uh hmm you know i'm gonna i'm gonna recruit so i'm gonna spend interesting green to represent the anything and uh of course purple has to represent red since i have no red you're getting that square do you know the squire looks good buying the squire i have a lot of these buildings here and this architect every time you put one out you get a coin back so it's basically run the taxes from the taxes so it would have been nice for you to take it because it would have got you to get rid of that suspicion card i have no suspicion card here to get rid of so it's a little bit of a waste but i'm gonna have to pay one coin uh because there's a one coin cost yep there you go i'm gonna hire this uh architect and so anytime now i develop uh i get one coin from the tax stand that's pretty good i'll take it all right and so this comes to me i'll put it right here so they're kind of stacked i paid you the coin and yeah that is me and these do not slide down nope they stay where they are as expensive as they are now so this is interesting let's go over these the defender says that when you attack which is what naveen was doing earlier you get according to the tech stand right so if you plan on attacking more uh this one is the same thing as naveen's except you get a provision when you when you develop the squire is like mine except that you go up on the black attribute correct um if you don't have any uh suspicion during the inquisition and the missionary allows you to take a labor whenever you convert that's right yes that's the symbol that symbol yep awesome all right that's me all right so back to me i'm going to garrison you know we took all these red meeples we might as well use them so i'm going to use a laborer because this is the best use of the labor to put them in that white spot and then the red worker will go there and so now i would typically have to spend a provision but because of my paladin i don't have to um i'm not anywhere on the attribute track but i do have a temporary three on red so i can go in one of these two sections here and so oh that is tempting let's get rid of let's do it we're gonna do it i'm gonna place my my building here which allows me to discard myself there you go very nice yeah that's nice so this goes out out uh just out oh no it goes up here and for doing so i get to go up on black which is not good because they're not really pushing up my other two attributes so i need to reconsider my strategy yeah so black is good for commissioning and converting right which you don't have uh discounts on as of right now which neither of them also are on these these favorite cards i well it could be here so you don't know i'm hoping that the garrison card i'm hoping yeah that would be nice because i'm getting started okay i think i'm gonna develop so uh let's just do it so i will put a green here and a black here okay it's gonna cost me four coins one two three four that's gonna allow me to put one of these out i'm gonna make fortifying a little bit cheaper by putting that there and because i have that architect that i just gained i take one coin very good okay and then to wrap this turn up because i expose this i get one labor and that is me awesome okay so i would like to garrison again and so in order to do that i have to pray okay so i don't have a black worker which means i'm going to spend this purple one since it's wild and so i have to spend two coins okay to now uh clear these two off yes so they go back into the supply and that's it that's yeah that's pretty set up yeah yeah all right i'm in a fortify so let's do one white okay and one green and so now i'm gonna fortify uh and that means i'm gonna pull from here so to fortify this required zero influence i'm already at four here so uh so i'm good on that one so this is gonna flip over okay so this will be worth two points at the end of the game and i go up one red yes nice all right so we're kind of moving and typically you have to pay a provision but because your paladin says yep no you don't have to they they've got it covered so back to me now i'm going to garrison again i've cleared up this spot and uh we're going to use it so i'm going to put a green worker right there and my red one right there and now i can still go in one of these two sections but where do we want to go let's go let's go here okay so this is going to allow me to uh hire for free hire for free yeah i see one that you probably want which one do you think the squire nope no not the squire the architect square bit me yeah already once the architect um i'm going to hire the defender yeah that makes sense let's make all right the biggest if this can be for free i want to be the most expensive actually not the defender okay yeah i didn't think it was the difference that was strong yeah uh it's the arc architect right okay yes so slightly less bag all right for my button so right away uh you get a provision yes the architect is awesome because they're gonna give me a provision and now whenever i develop i get a provision right so hopefully i can make use of this person's skill okay that's that's that that's me and because i did a garrison action i get to go up again on black back to you you know i wanna i wanna have some money going into the next round i know i have the the whole thing about passing i get to go up for free but i think i want to get some cash so let's go ahead and put this blue here and unfortunately this purple is gonna go there ah that's gonna give me three coins total for the trade action yep there you go not what i wanted but it is what it is all right and i am going to pass okay sure because i only have one purple uh worker left which is not ideal so let's discard these okay and you're pretty much gonna i have to pass out as well so we might as well just both pass here's the purple and i'm going to discard my paladin now all right that is it for the second round so we're gonna do a little bit of cleanup so this person gets discarded yep we gotta slide these all down yep so nobody did anything with the outsiders this round no i wanted to you know but you kind of kind of have to go with the flow of your paladin or else you feel like you're not utilizing it's like what else their benefit yeah exactly right to the full extent all right all right tavern cards uh yes tavern cards go bye-bye you are now first player okay perfect we'll take that and that's it so we are now going to prepare for these third class let's see what the third one is oh no commissioning this is literally everything that i didn't do that's literally everything you didn't do huh yeah i know i developed a garrison but we because we're in round three we are going to have another spot so you can place a black worker onto this location to discard a suspicion card and take two from the tax stand that's nice that's a nice nice one right there and you're going first i'm going first okay so we have well i have noticed oh one two and three just one labor ready yeah okay paladin time two three i always forget what i kept all right so i'm going to utilize this i'm gonna keep this one paladin this one will go on top and this one will go at the very very bottom bottom and top okay so we're in round three of seven all right ready yep i'm ready reveal okay so uh since i'm first i am playing roland here give me a red and white and it says recruiting costs no silver interesting so you're going to oh my gosh you're working on those tomes nadine stop it you have tones already all right so i am playing as an oh this is the same one that you i think the one that you did yes the last one fortifying costs uh no uh provisions yes and so i get a blue and green okay and my temporary um attributes are three on blue one on black and likely being said i don't have to pay provisions to fortify very good so that's me and so starting with you would you like to pick a tavern card uh yes i would uh i am going to take double purple perhaps i'm thinking about it wow but i won't i'll take this one right here oh that's a two red purple and a blue wow you had me yeah i thought about it i did two red purple and a blue blue yep and now you get a suspicion card i do ready two coins come on one combining it this is better than zero yeah there are zero cards in that deck so and i don't know the distribution of the cards i'm going to take this one so three green and a white no provision for me but it's fine i do need green workers to fortify anyway yeah so this is not the worst thing in the world this is true okay i think the first thing i'm gonna do is develop so i will play my white labor and this blue one it's gonna cost me four coins okay three four and those go out i'm going to take this one and i'm going to make attacking a little bit cheaper so i'll put that there that's going to get me a green worker which is funny because i just blocked a spot that requires green but you know well that's how you use the screen worker elsewhere and because i developed and i have my architect i steal one from the taxes yes yes i'm also going to develop so let's do a white let's use a green because i really don't know either sure same thing it's gonna be four coins and now i am dipping wow i am running low on on coins what happens yeah it does happen trading is a thing uh but you do have an architect yourself that's right yeah so let me do this first i'm gonna place the building here okay under fortify it exposes this labor for you so i got that for you thank you and then yes because i have this architect who i had hired earlier uh developing gets me a provision so so you're all geared up for all your provisions i know i have some i have so many provisions and nothing to use him on commissioning which is the most valuable requires provisions oh my gosh i'm not in there yeah at the moment well commissioning requires black which is the one thing that you're the most abundant in so this is a perfect possible pivot time for you maybe i would think i need to get on that yeah we'll see what happens yeah yeah okay kind of ride the wave right with this game right yes okay back to you okay back to me since i made attacking cheap i'm gonna i'm gonna do an attack so let's go one green here and one red there and so now i'm gonna attack i have a strength of four on the card plus two so six so i can attack really anywhere here down if i wanted to spend an extra coin i could to to boost up to this one but uh i don't really care for that too much uh i i would like to never have to hunt in this game in this one right here if i attack it it lets me go up on a blue and gets me two provisions meaning i don't have to spend time turns taking the hunt action so i think i'm gonna attack sold i think i'm sold on this one right here so i'm gonna attack this okay uh for a little overkill so i go i get two provisions yep and i go up on blue yes one mark wow you are you're climbing these two are my two attacked folk uh outsiders and so that's my turn let's let's fortify we're gonna do it okay so i'm going to spend the laborer and my green worker and i think they actually i think all of the colors have names but for now we're gonna go with the colors sure so fortifying requires blue and i'm not up on the track but i do have a temporary three because of this um not that it matters because for the first wall you don't need to have any any amount of attribute right so then i'm going to go ahead and draw this top wall card and it's going to oh that's nice so you go up on red i got one on red and i get a black and a white wow so many workers that's awesome wow that's great that's great yes i didn't have to pay the provision because of my paladin and i believe that is it it's funny i played this rick this recruiter person and i'm like am i even going to do that no no no no i might not i don't know but i guess it's not paladins of the west kingdom unless you feel inefficient at some point right yeah unless you have regrets it's kind of me right now you know what i will recruit i am gonna spend uh this red and red okay and i'm gonna recruit uh black is the one that's tailing behind and i don't see myself absolving or garrisoning in this game so i'm actually going to take this squire here uh and this one it i it was free yeah so it's a waste card because there's no coin costed but if i go into a uh inquisition with no cards in hand which i do have that conspirator that helps me get there i would move up passively on black so i'll take it that is nice and again part of the tome saga is hiring uh five of these so i have three to monique's three so we're working we're working we're working we are okay so that's me all right i'm going to do a real simple real easy type action i'm going to pray so yes this is going to require me to spend my last two coins i am now moneyless that's a scary way to be yeah uh but this does allow me to clear off it has to be that one because developing will cost four coins which you don't have so that would be a waste yes and that's it real simple real easy okay perfect uh i'm gonna trade i'm gonna go and just get a buck a coin silver okay yes i know spending your whole your your criminal yeah it gets me the four i need going into the next round to maybe develop yeah so i don't know what is gonna happen so that's what i'm doing davina's working hard on these tomes this is the saga are gonna get all three of those tomes i know it if i lose this game i at least want to get the tomes well let's fortify again okay there's nothing we can do but look look forward right i agree so here we go labor in that spot and we've got the green worker again this is like deja vu okay all right so uh fortifying and this would require me to have now that it's the second segment i need to have at least one on my blue attribute which is fine because i still have that three temporary so let's pull a wall card ooh hey hey hey so this is gonna let me go up on red this is a fantastic card for you well i can either flip the debt flip my debt or take two coins so it's a four point swing if you flip it because it goes from negative three to plus one but it is so early in the game i need money there are plenty of opportunities to flip debt so i'm going to take it for the money two coins and that comes from the general supply chain it's not that reddish copperish color correct i think i already pushed my red up so that's it that was me all right well i have to pass so because i'm the first one to pass my tome says increase any one attribute marker one space if you're the first player to pass each round that is me i'm gonna move my black that's kind of trailing behind i'm going to do that and then clean up just a little bit nice i like it these are the three reds for you thank you and then i have a couple more things to come into you there you go thank you thank you congratulations you have passed ah yeah i passed okay i have three more workers what do we want to do here i can't i don't really have any money this is a waste placing this building here earlier was a waste because i realized that there are other ways that i could have discarded that suspicion oh my gosh that's my big regret currently namely when you i think when you hired somebody i could have hired somebody and these there were plenty of this person immediately this uh and that have been gotten me a step closer to them yeah i'm in that regret phase of the paladins game that's okay so uh we may as well continue to get the most amount of bang for our fortify buck so what i'm gonna do is what does it require blue green okay so i'm going to spend this blue worker here to uh to do this recruit action okay so i'm spending this worker there to recruit or the abbot but really we're using it to discard the abbot and uh in doing so i must take a debt because that is what that space required she had a choice of uh taking a debt or paying two coins she chose to take the debt now i have two dots so this is minus six points unless i can flip it over i accept and so all i'm doing is discarding the abit so that i can clear off another space here so i'm going to clear off the action so it goes out do it again while it's still hot yeah that's not bad yeah yeah it's pretty good it's not it's not it's not bad so now you're out right now yeah so now i'm going to do the fortify action again so unfortunately i'm spending a purple you know i'm going to spend the purple for this green spot just because i can because it's wild okay so this requires a minimum of three which is perfect that's exactly what you have so let's pull this one oh what is it oh and another worker another worker so it's a red so you're going to move up right i'll help you out thank you there you go and i get a red worker nice and i think that's it i don't have anything here that does anything cool when i i mean that was kind of cool can i fortify what you did i'm leaving at that yeah we're going to walk into the next round with a red worker sure so i'm just gonna go ahead and discard these because the round is now over so here's the purple purple and i'll take the white off pure and black and then i have blue and green okay so the round is now over we're gonna discard our paladins okay they are no longer going to make an appearance this game okay so here's my tavern card yes my tavern card and this is the only card that gets discarded because the rightmost townsfolk was was taken right okay correct yeah so these all slide down yep oh my wall my wall okay so we have a acolyte so anytime you take the action of putting out one of those you get a labor oh that's nice and this is a debt collector anytime you flip over your debts you get a red worker that is nice too that's perfect for you that's calling my name maybe if you get the recruiter the recruiter's person you don't have to spend the coins you don't have to go get them i'm going to look for the computer you discarded it earlier that's the memory game that you're like i did you did i think so oh nice okay so now we're going to round four would you like to flip over yes another action okay oh you can place out any worker to get two purple workers still you have to take the suspicion per uh criminal that you take yeah that sounds great on paper but i'm really scarred by this suspicion one business two ooh and three wow a lot of uh green black and blue there's no red purple yeah all right so we've passed the first player marker yeah i'm now going to start the round and now we're going to do the paladin shuffle again no shuffle no shuffle paladin selection oh okay okay there's pain there's a little bit of pain okay so this is my chosen paladin i'm going to place oh this one at the bottom oh that was a hard decision yeah this one's gonna go to the bottom this will go on top on top i hope i toast it right yes we're going to we're going to go with that i'm living with it you're first you want to put it over here thank you ready okay i am playing roland oh that's like tailing you that's yeah i mean roland looks ready right he's holding that spirit roll in the ready so roland give me one red and a white uh worker please let me the labor thank you sure and roland only gives me red attribute but he gives me four of them that is a lot and so now recruiting cost me no silver yep which is good because you have no money and uh and you just mentioned that debt collection rub it in i have two coins two coins you have little money all right i am playing uh samson samson says developing cost two fewer silver oh you found the instead of me playing four every time i develop it's only two so i really have to hit this thing hard yeah you're gonna get that tone i'm trying i'm giving that tom this round i'm going for it if only i could i didn't i don't remember what the benefits are for my account so i don't know which one's better but oh well yeah that's a good question i have no idea so ready to choose tavern yes cards okay okay i will take this card okay two black two black a green and a blue green blue we'll see all right you kind of forced my hand so then i'll take this one uh two white black and a green i mean it was uh probably the right choice anyway because either way i'm going to get two provisions supervisions for the leftover white labels there are leftover labels uh can i have my green please so i am provision wealthy right now oh you guessed it yeah how many green this one just one yeah there you go all right ready to begin yes you got your provisions okay i did yes thank you okay so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm going to recruit might as well right because i played that paladin who are you booting so huh okay you're gonna pick somebody up oh yeah i'm picking somebody somebody up definitely i'm going to hire the acolyte so i don't have to pay anything this time because of my paladin and so the acolyte whenever i do the commission action i get a laborer so it's in my best interest to start doing that because i have another acolyte which gets me a silver from the bank when it's the most abundant uh point valued thing yeah i need to get started i need to get going it's pretty good yeah so that that's it that's me that one huh since i have the developing cost two fewer i'm gonna spend two white laborers to develop for two coins instead of four that's so awesome that goes out this is gonna come in and uh i'm gonna make fortifying a little cheaper for me it's gonna go there that gets me a green worker oh that just for the solo play yeah there you go thank you uh-huh uh that's that okay because well because i developed i have that architect that allows me to steal from the piggy bank ah yes it's only one more tax money yes okay so back to me and uh i am going to switch gears a little bit this is not my original plan okay so i'm going to garrison again i don't know i keep on garrisoning it's not going to get many bonus points but it's something so i've already started i guess i might as well just keep going it gets you points if you i mean max it out you get no i go all the way this way so i'm going to spend my red on the outside because let's go blue i guess okay all right so i'm going to go and put that there and this time i don't have the paladin that gets me that sweet discount so i have to pay the uh provision sure you have a lot of prices that's not bad and i'm gonna go ahead and place this garrison out i have a total of seven uh yeah seven right now seven red attributes can go anywhere you want so i can go here yep oh more workers is it time to oh you know what the reason why i did this it was so that i could take this spot actually so this spot is going to allow me to take uh essentially recruit one of these people for free instead of clearing out this spot i figured i might as well do multiple things at once and just garrison and take a worker so i'm going to hire the debt collector yes so now whenever i flip over my debts because i have two of them i get a red worker and uh okay i think we got our first home yes yeah i've been waiting for this couldn't stop you i have five uh townsfolk yep so i get the first home so have five hired townsfolk what this says is gain one silver for each worker you move into the second tier of the castle so this will be in uh the next game in my country monique is going to want to get up on that second level of the castle if you know what that means i'll work on that yeah that's something yeah i wasn't very good at doing that in our practice games but yeah i guess i'm gonna have to now can be powerful uh and so to complete my garrison action i go up one spot on on black the black attribute that's right that's uh i think that's it that's me okay i'm gonna fortify so i will go here make it real cheap with one green uh that allows me to then take a card flip it over oh okay it's another uh red bump always gonna be a red bump oh that's another one i get another point and a laborer which is good i'll take it yes and getting those the walls with the with the points yeah we're going for it it's really nice all right that's me all done yeah okay so for my final action potentially i am going to take a commission this is expensive because i did not develop to make this cheaper so it's gonna cost all three of my workers there we go green black and black yeah and uh i also have to spend a provision because i don't understand exactly so my black attribute is at three to four actually oh that's nice which means i can go all the way up to this section you can get more workers so let's spend the provision first and then i'm gonna place this monk where is where should we go oh money money's there yeah you know i i do need money so let's just do that i'm going to take the cheapest spot yes because she knows i only have one native so puts the pressure on me to have to get more it's not nice it's not nice but i think it's probably the it's the right thing the right thing to do so there we go two silver and because i did a commission action i get to finally go up on blue because that that attribute is really trailing it's a thing yeah and i also have these two uh townsfolk which say the acolyte so because i did a commission action i get one coin from the bank and a white laborer and a laborer yes thank you oh are you gonna conspire with it that's it maybe i might have made a slight boo-boo in mathematical calculations [Laughter] because it costs two to pray but i only get a discount of of two so i only have three coins so i might have to go and trade wait what you have a discount oh you want to develop the year exactly because now it's cheap cheapest now so i have to clear that off yeah this game is one of those like you try to plan and then you realize like oh i didn't take that into consideration that's paladins yeah all right real simple real easy i'm gonna go to trade i'm just gonna get one coin yeah there you go unfortunate very unfortunate sometimes you have to do it yeah right yeah okay so it goes back to me i only have one worker left i'm going to pass okay which is uh great yeah because i don't get the free bump yeah no no free bump not not this time no but next time i'm gonna discard these hopefully next time add these i'll take the black ones these ones and these two i mean that's good for you because that means you have additional actions you're doing things yeah i'm doing stuff i'm gonna go ahead and ditch my paladin now so all right i am out for the rest of the round go for it just me okay i'm gonna pray so now that i have enough money i'm gonna do this it costs two i'm gonna clear off at this develop region there very good uh next turn is i'm going to put a white and green out here and because of my uh developing cost two fewer i'm going to pay my last two to develop this is that the last that's the last i'm gonna make attacking a little cheaper since attacking's a thing uh yeah so that gets me a blue worker yep uh because i robbed from there i have that architect that gets me this fantastic so that is uh so now we go into i think that's everything i needed to do well did you complete the tome i did complete the term so let's do the tome and then the inquisition so it says develop five workshops so now i have a tome it says gain any one resource when flipping deeds that's for buy counts provide counts so if you know what that means okay yeah well congratulations thank you you got the second job we're both still tied for tomso all together we are we are i mean uh the race for the third tome is looking pretty tight but i think you're probably still going to get it well we have an inquisition now because i robbed the attack stand uh so because i have the conspirator this one gets wiped i get one for free it gets wiped and i have the squire which if i have no cards here i go up one on black so yep one up on black and no one takes the debt because nobody has uh any suspicion cards which is is nice this is a win-win and you go up on red right i go up on red also because i have the the square as well so that's going to get me to go up there now we have to put five back in the tax stand yep two that was nice we can just do that for the rest i really wanted you to have a suspicion card but i can't i couldn't make you have one a nice option and you regretted me not getting a id that's awesome yeah no that's good that's good yeah got to be competitive right so if i was to pass right now both these turn into purple without taking any suspicion that's right that's the thing so i will conspire so i'm gonna conspire and now that the tax stand is is lush so go ahead get a purple do purple all right ready yep you get two coins oh my gosh that's awesome perfect money back getting all the good oh if i could just pull this off i don't think i can okay so now i'm still taking turns are you yep you're still still in are you not passing no no that's why i got the purple for the conspire to attack nice because i don't have a red so that's going to represent red oh wow i'm a little nervous this is how naveen crushed me one game he converted and attacked a lot so i have two i'm not converting anybody right now i'm just attacking people so here's two plus three so i have a five total so i can attack anywhere from here down yeah it gets me a blue no matter what i think i'm gonna take this one i'm gonna attack this invader right here so it's gonna get me a one bump on blue it's gonna give me money attack you took it from the tax stand yep and one provision so now we are back every time we say the tax stand it makes me think of the banana stand you know that reference okay so i have three towards this goal i have two towards this goal nothing towards this and monique has three towards this goal no attack and she has one towards this goal just for housekeeping that's right so i'm gonna go here okay i'm gonna use this one right here which is get two from the tax okay cost me nothing there you go these two things another inquisition another inquisition so this goes out of the game at this point i don't understand why they're not just like staging the whole investigation they're like hey you brought the dark stand like three times i'm taking it okay so you get to discard this right yep because of your uh your worker and the same thing we just we just did this last time so now you get to go up on black i do get to go up on black and i get to go up on red and this gets yeah you discarded that for me yeah well now you're forced to pass right now i'm forced to pass no workers nothing happens with my tomes uh so i'm not really gaming those tomes too much yeah i was thinking i don't know why you're not just converting that last worker to purple it's uh well i wanted to rob the tag stand and now i'm you know i'm here this is something i'm doing things i don't know okay so i'm passed okay so white white black and purple oh green blue green yep and there's another green here thank you wow that one was a camouflage yeah yeah amongst the green buildings okay so we are halfway we're more than halfway through we have three more rounds oh my gosh i usually feel like i've done a little bit more at this point okay your paladin paladin goes out so this is the only one that goes out we're going to move from the outsiders all these outsiders down okay so refilling these two little trying to remember what my next card was that i put in play this one lets you lose one last victory point uh for each of your unpaid debts so that might be nice for me uh the guardian is one point for every two uh development it's not like i saw that one buildings gotta get that i might take that one from you this one is one point for every two uh bases i will say first in this next round that's true this is one point plus one for every a mercenary essentially uh this is one point for every two uh wall fortifications not bad and this is one point for every uh completed goal that you have here yes yep that's right so so it's it's one point just for the card yep plus uh one for every one of these so it maxes out four points yeah all right so discarding tavern cards and i'm going to pass this to you you're now first all-important first player token and we are now beginning the fifth round fifth round three more rounds we haven't used these spots here well they weren't that great in the green so this one here it says you place a green worker and you do not have to pay the coins that are listed there to take the recruit action yes that is nice so instead of spending you know two workers which would be like a mandatory red or purple you just go there okay so we need a new paladins and uh oh yeah no we need the tavern cards first yeah oh yes that's important we need to see what the offering is because uh that helps us decide which paladin is gonna be the most useful these are some nice ones right here yeah not bad one all right i'm already eyeing one i'm not gonna lie you get to go first so exactly not good for me all right okay so i think i know which ones i want to keep so i'm gonna play this one okay this one's gonna go on top and this one to never be seen again it's like bye yeah yeah okay this one's gonna be my this one yes okay none of the options were very good this time around which is uh unfortunate but we do what we can yeah this one's gonna go away forever off ever i may never ever use that car ever ever wow all right that's it okay that's me all right so i'm gonna reveal this is oliver oliver gets me two you are so lucky oh my gosh there's no black uh the workers on yeah tavern cards that was my that's literally my problem right now oh wow you're so lucky good job praying costs no silver so if i do this action here oh my god that is so good yeah that is such a oliver where are you oliver did you toss all of her no i didn't i haven't seen all of her yet if i i've already done sure that's the best card in the deck okay so i have samson okay um and so i get a green and a the laborer please yes and so developing cost two fewer silver so i don't know if it's too late in the game to be developing well it gets you workers back and it makes everything else cheaper we got three rounds left yeah i really debated that i was thinking i think i i think i dropped the ball by not developing sooner but uh i'm thinking maybe maybe it's not too late so we'll see yeah maybe yep okay so you get first choice in the tavern i'm definitely taking this one right here so i get the purple and then kind of a red blue and green this is that was the best one i do admit it's not surprising that you took that one but i really did want that card uh so i do take a suspicion oh yeah that's right i was gonna get away with it uh well i want the money ready two coins please it met you in the middle yeah i'll take yes it's like hey you've been robbing the top this is the entire game it's true you get one okay that's her okay well i'm gonna take this one because i would like two um two provisions provisions that would be nice okay so two blue and two green okay so i am just i just have so many green right now you are stock uh and then i get two provisions because there are two laborers left nice on that card all right so provisions are have definitely not been an issue for me sure yeah okay so uh i'm feeling that this is going to be the round where i think it's going to be naveen who takes the last dumb so put it to good use invite counts it's all i ask i'm gonna convert somebody this is the first time we've converted somebody so i'm gonna take a blue put it over here and a black and put it there and i'm going to convert with a strength black of i have four plus three so up to seven so i can really convert up to here they're anywhere down i really like this one though this is one point for every two of these i have out i have total five so it behooves me to do more already two points yeah it's 32 points plus it it instantly gets me up one on this red yeah this comes here uh since we don't have too much space i'm just going to slide this up there so that shows that if on the next one i put out it cost me a coin two coins two two three yes that is something that we forgot to mention the teach that um eventually converting does cost money it's gonna yeah exactly so that's me okay so for my action i'm going to take i'm gonna finally take one of these actually yes we've been kind of snoozing on them it's a good one yeah so i'm placing a green worker right there so that's going to allow me to either hire or discard one of these townsfolk for free and i don't know that i want to hire anyone right now so i'm just going to use this action to discard the abbott because i need um a black worker so it's gonna get me in white yeah maybe the black and the white one thank you yeah it's perfect so now i have some more options i realized like what am i gonna do with blue and green that was pretty good so okay so i'm gonna do the other green action over there the favor action and i'm gonna put my green here and take two purple and now we're gonna get suspicious with all these criminals all right two uh-oh he's another two oh it is another two i robbed it you're gonna get a debt that's okay i'm gonna get a debt it's not what i wanted oh that was the best reaction because the okay so well you still get to remove one i do that's that's nice one is still nice out okay and now we must assess who has the most suspicion yes it looks like naveen this time so you get one that i call myself a debt but now you get to discard half i already discarded one you discarded one because of your yes that's that's right yeah you do get to do this yes because my conspirator i just got a one now it's half of two so thank you appreciate that yes uh this i will keep uh just on top of my money so because i uh we went to the inquisition and i didn't have any suspicion i go up one red that's pretty good yeah that wasn't bad okay let's refill the the text yeah that's pretty good dang i really wanted it to not be what luck huh well now you have all this money nice you came up four coins yes but i wanted to i wanted to try to take my chances with this but alas fine i'm going to go ahead and take this develop action because i do have samson with me um cost 2 less so might as well you know ask him for some help so instead of paying four you pay two i pay two silver yes that's nice and then i'm gonna go ahead and place this over here we're gonna make commissioning just a little bit easier to do and so i get a green worker worker for that and i believe you get a provision yes that's right because a long time ago the architect so back to the provision right back to you shoot well i didn't like that you taking one provision no i did okay so we're gonna go uh black and red here it's gonna cost me four to develop so one two three and four all right so now you're gonna get an additional point yeah because of this card so this is gonna come out and i'm actually gonna make uh absolving cheaper oh interesting well because that's how i can flip over cards and do a bunch of other things that's true so i'll make that a little cheaper uh because i did that i have an architect that steals from the taxation over here so it's a good stealing demonstration the workers are absolutely important for you to not forget exactly that's me all right so back to me um i'm gonna take a commission action okay so i'm going to use this uh labor and then my only black worker one that i went over there to to try to get and i'm gonna place the monk so i have to pay a provision this time sure i went too long without having to pay that it's pretty good not spoiled i almost forgot to pay it and so i have an attribute my attribute is up to four four which means i can go up to here so i think i'm gonna go to this spot right here which allows me it's essentially a pre action without having to pay the money yeah and i just clear off yeah i'm gonna clear off my develop spot sweet so well it's cheap with samson yeah and in doing so i go up on blue you do oh moving up yep and also because i did a commission action i do have my uh two townsfolk here which will get me a silver and a laborer yes you got a lot of workers working yeah that's that's interesting they're all green and blue though green and blue green you can hunt and uh trade all right i think i'm gonna attack so i have a native attack of four it has to be a purple because this is red uh so it's gonna go there and i'm just gonna attack this person yeah real simple real easy yeah so i go up blue and i get a uh criminal so i i'm hanging out with again with the criminals here yeah ready yes okay but this is four attacks towards this goal here so that's something that's true that is something don't forget did you get your criminal i did not purple terminal that was quite something that was something you got the two when you didn't want it then now you no no money i know okay i'm going to take a recruit action to discard i really need one just one more bump up on blue two more bubbles because uh no just just one because my no i've given up in the dome you're gonna get the top next turn that makes me feel good that i'm getting the tone you're gonna get it yeah you will explain it in just a second no no i'm denying it now if i want to continue to fortify i need at least five yes on the blue attribute and right now i'm at two plus the one give me two more yes i just get one more oh cause you cleared off fortified yeah that makes sense so i'm gonna go ahead and recruit with this sleeper and i'm just gonna discard um this squishy square yeah so it's gonna cost me one silver to do that not bad and then it's gonna allow me to just get that one bump up yeah so you get that one blue bump yep just so now the pressure's on me to i have to otherwise you can you can you have to get the top now i have to get the tongue because i just went away from so blue here this tome is it have at least four out of each attribute so i'm at uh four four and three with this black i did make absolving cheap here so i'm gonna do it via absolve so it's gonna be one purple to represent the nothingness there and this blue will represent the blue it doesn't matter i could have switched it uh but i'm gonna take this it cost me my one coin yup that goes out and ooh do i want no matter what one of these is going to go bye-bye so you can make two of them go bye-bye right away well i have that conspirator card that allows it that just freely does itself that's true there's no i should probably flip my deck flip my debt is what i will do so i'm going to put that there okay because of that i get to remove one of these and i will now flip my debt from a three to one point nice four point swing four point swing yeah i'll take it uh because i absolved it exposes this black here and that allows me to move up into this threshold so now we have all things at four and i get this tone have at least four of each attribute so this one says in the next game you require one less manuscript to collect cleric bonus cards ah you have two tones going into the next two tomes going in well i hope you win this game then because the way that it worked which i don't think we actually explained is whoever won architects oh no we did however one architect goes last and act oh the part that we didn't explain is the point difference is how much money extra you get going the other player gets yeah we'll explain that in the next video so i'm hoping that does something all right so i am going to finally fortify this is what i've been working towards right so i'm going to spend a blue and a green to do this we're going to go here and because uh because i have that temporary so now i have five total which is what i need for that but now i have to spend two provisions to do this so i'm going to go ahead and flip over my wall and get oh it's a nice surprise so go up on red and then these actions huh you might have to conspire at some point no i'm thinking about it all right that is me and now i have even more blue and green oh my gosh you can trade and hunt the sad thing is i i played the parade card but i really only played it for the two black and i used the black here which is a wild oh oops i just passed now it'll go up on your attribute yes and all my all my non purples will turn into purple so i think i'm gonna have to fortify here i gotta i gotta start taking some turns so i'm gonna go there uh fortify so it requires me to have a three blue i have a four blue perfect uh so i get the flow wait you have to pay a provision i do you're right this one thank you yes just one for right now so let's flip and it's ooh i get workers nice i get workers oh see those you can turn into a purple yes that would be worth it that's going to go up there and i get two white labels this is nice yeah i like that yeah the wall the wall cards are fun they're like a nice surprise right like what are you gonna get it's true okay that's me all right i'm gonna go ahead and develop using a blue and green yep so this cost me two silver yep good use of samson you got to use them at least twice yeah i think so too so i'm going to go ahead and place this building i'm actually going to develop on the commission spot nice so i figure it was between commissioner fordify and i've already fortified four times i've only commissioned twice so this is going to be yeah and it's worth eight points at the end of the game yes if you can get to the five so i get eight on that green worker for this and a provision because of my architect so nice yeah that's good you're making a little economy there the second this thing flipped i was like i'm not doing it i'm like i'm not excited you told me that in the moment no no now you know now that you have made it the cheapest you can now tell yeah okay second it flipped i was like nope that's good there's a little bit of balance here anything at the tone but where i'm getting the the commission the commission yeah yeah so i'm gonna pray uh i'm gonna clear this develop off because all i have is two uh white workers so these go out that's great you're going to uh you're gonna you're planning on trying to develop all the way uh trying but yeah it's worth six points if i do it and then plus i have this extra card that if i do the other two plus i get my worker back so it's yeah all kinds of things yeah that's good that's me okay i'm going to conspire yep i'm gonna inspire one of these green green workers okay so so go ahead draw a suspicion thank you criminal please give me at least some money too nice two coins i'm happy with that okay well i'm gonna recruit or sorry not recruit i'm going to develop over here so to go one two it's going to cost me all my money that's great well not all of them times did you adult twice yep right two three four awesome yeah cause i prayed to get that cleared off with these so this comes out uh and who do i want to make cheap cheap converting is endgame points so let's go ahead and uh do that nice so this will go off yep uh and then because i did that uh i get a red worker and because i have an architect i rob this oh boy i gotta get rid of this i gotta get rid of this soon yeah so i think i'm going to absolve now that i have some cash so this is going to cost um purple for the black ops the black and then a green and a blue it's actually just a nothing in a blue and i just have to have a minimum of one which you do which i do and i have to spend two silver to now i think i'm going to finally flip over one of my debts i'm gonna take this spot it's gonna let me flip over a debt it's a four-point swing yes and because i have my debt collectors i also get a red red worker so you're working that was ideal and most importantly i can ditch my suspicion card that's right so i am ready for an inquisition i think we should now uh continue i should inquire attack said good take the last coin i mean i could i'm supposed to go up on black yes yeah definitely i forget that because i absolutely that's what absolving yeah you exposed it right there so yeah you know okay cool uh okay i think i will pass so this red will be turned into a purple nice uh and then because i was first to pass i get to move one up oh man what am i going to be doing because i want i want to get in these these things now to become points i'm just going to push hard red let's go there boom cool that's me so let me get rid of all these maples i have a lot of uh it's just that one blue right there you had a lot of purple purple yeah i went royal purple there you go okay thank you i'm out so back to me i think i there's i think there's only one answer for me right now i have a red and a green and that garrison spot is looking nice it's not like an end game scoring but if i can get to the very end here it's nine point point two plus it gets you stuff on the board it does put it out that board is nice yeah so let's do it sure it's gonna go i mean you're set up for it green and red this uh this building is gonna cost me two provisions so spend finally spending that don't forget to use your black here i'll get you four thank you and so i have a seven on the red attribute which means i can go points here all the way up to here okay well even though this spot gets me two different workers i don't want to run into the same situation um like i did this round where we didn't have any of the black workers yeah i know i'm gonna need to commission somebody can take a black worker okay perfect to take me into the next round yeah because yeah okay yes because commissioning always will require one block and you don't wanna have to go get purple gaining suspicion yep yeah and you bumped me up on that uh i did yeah okay nice so i got some points on the tracks i'm a little nervous here i don't know i don't know who knows it's hard to tell right now but uh that's it for me i'm gonna pass so i'm going to go ahead and discard these and oh my goodness we only have two rounds left yeah just two yeah we're at the point in the game where the the anxiety starts because you feel like you haven't done anything or like enough but i feel like the game is going to end right now exactly okay so let's discard our paladins yes let's discard that one yeah and we're gonna go ahead and move these downwards i'll give you first player before i forget i'm just going to slide that over to you oh thank you and then yep the tavern cards go you can never remember the name tavern cards that's it yeah and now we are ready for the sixth round yes we get to reveal another uh work replacement spot oh yes that's right let's do that one first yeah okay here we go oh okay requires blue and you can pay a provision to either no way remove one of these or take one of those workers each a red red and a black that is amazing that is if blue comes out if blue doesn't come out then it's like i can use a paladin it gets me a blue you could that's fantastic wow look at that one look at that one and look at that blue there you go nice well there you go and if you take this one then you get the free provision either way because you know i'm not believe i'm behind that is convincing naveen thank you although oh that might get me a debt oh my gosh oh yeah only one left in the tax well no matter what you're gonna take a debt that's true might as well and you're the first to take it so you're gonna trigger it all right so let's draw our palette okay three this deck is getting thin yeah i don't even know what i'm looking for here you still don't remember the last one no i can never remember i'm just kind of putting somebody there okay i'm going to choose this paladin keep this one this is going underneath that's going to go up there and i cannot believe i'm putting the one that i am underneath normally i always play this one if i see it but i wonder which one that is so i am playing ivan and so i get a black and green black black yeah all right get your black that you wanted oh yeah that's awesome yeah and then for this uh for this paladin commissioning costs no provision so that is why i tried to set that up with the developing yeah that's pretty good so okay i am playing uh gary a uh this is converting cost no silver oh okay quick and red do you plan on converting yeah well i have this i don't even know what those are but yes okay that's not bad okay let me put this on the top okay all right what do you take no matter what it's purple so if you draw a blank then it's great for you if it you draw money then it's bad for you i'm gonna take this card sure so two blue a green and a purple purple so all right you're going to draw yeah i hope the suspicion comes i really hope one point i don't want you to get two coins i want you one is that nice one i hope i get two coins one coin oh my gosh i mean two coins a second favorite oh oh my god that means i'm gonna draw it i'm gonna take the suspicion have more suspicion than you oh no we'll be tied actually we'll be tied yeah so we would both get it we wouldn't get it that's better than only me unless i get a zero huh if i get a zero that's true this this one looks pretty good we're gonna do this one so uh black uh purple two white oh yeah it's all on my side yeah so i'm gonna take one provision now for this one sure and are you ready to see my fate yeah ready i'll take money i'll take money two coins all right perfect so one i rob and then one from the bank yep okay there you go and now we have so you discard one i'm gonna discard one the one i just got yep okay so we both have one each yes and neither of us can discard it so we both take a debt we do so it's like nothing really that's unfortunate oh my gosh that's unfortunate no because it's the same difference i thought i was going to catch up now by being able to pay off my one debt now i have one more to go well if you pay them off you get more red according to your workers yes that's true and i'm really glad that i hired this debt collector yeah so uh neither of us neither of our suppliers uh benefit us right now yeah i really wanted it to benefit me i wanted you to pull money so that not only did you take the debt i wouldn't take the debt and my black would go up yes yeah oh and we have to refill the tax stand so one two three four and five yep all right are we ready uh yeah yeah go ahead you're first okay so what are we gonna do here what is it a commissioning cost no provisions so let's do it i'm gonna commission so it costs this black uh the black worker i don't have to pay the provision my um marker is at six so plus three i'm technically at a nine so i can go all the way up to here and so i'm gonna go ahead and place my monk over here so that i can clear off the commission spot solid yeah so that way i can take it again so there you go and in doing so i get to go up on blue which is much needed because i did a commission action i also get to take a laborer and a coin yeah that's a supply wow workers workers you have workers galore they're working hard yeah they are okay i think i'm gonna go convert somebody um so because i have converting cost no silver i don't worry about this here so i'm gonna put that there i have three plus four so seven total in uh black for conv converting so i could convert this person which gives me one point plus one point for every one of these that i complete uh this one sounds good so i'll take this one so it's going to be one point plus one for each one of these which i'm working on so uh i go up on red it goes there this one comes here i do not have to pay that queen again because of that and that is my turn nice perfect well i'm going to commission again we're just going to commission we're going to hit this real hard go so this requires this nice and oh wow you're going to get this yeah i have not i get that eight points i'm definitely gonna try yeah you're gonna get it so i do not have to pay the two provisions which is nice and i can go all the way up to here so i'm gonna take oh i could just clear off the spot again that's nice because i still have a purple worker so i can technically okay yeah you can just wrap it up let's do it nice let's do that uh it's going to clear this off very nice and you're working all right oh man on blue blue yeah which is nice because that blue was really tailing and because i did again the commission action to get a coin and a labor labor wow that is a nice little card combo you got there yeah i'm gonna attack let's go ahead and attack here and the one i liked the most i think it might be this one here um so i have an eight seven so i can pay a coin to actually go up to nine for every coin you pay you can have a extra two attack instead i'm gonna attack this person i'd rather take more workers than a provision so uh i'm gonna attack this one it's a five attack i have a seven so i get one bump on the blue and then a white laborer perfect perfect okay so this is an attack so now i have five attacks so i for sure will score this which is good for my champion yeah which gives me more points so you need you need to get one of those you need to convert a card that gets you points for any either those two symbols yeah i don't see them though unfortunately no and i don't remember if we tossed anything i think we might have keep on the lookout i guess we did toss one i'm looking right at it oh well it's unfortunate okay i'm going to play this blue worker onto this spot right there that is too good i would have done it so i just have to pay a provision and i'm going to use it for the develop action make it cheap yeah and you get a blue back by doing it i do so i'm going to i mean it never happened on the convert okay and i do get a blue worker back never happened good and because i i moved one of those things i you gotta provision my provision because of your architecture because of my article it's like it literally never happened it was nice i mean it cost me a i had to wait i don't know yeah yeah you know i think it's time to fortify so i'm gonna use one of these purples to represent this green here okay i'm gonna fortify it requires a level five so i have five plus one six so i'm good there it's going to cost me two of these provisions oh sorry and then i flip over card come on be something good oh oh i can turn over a debt which i have so i go up red okay and then i can either take two coins or turn over a debt i'm definitely going to turn over this debt which is basically four points you are fully paid off paid off oh how do you get another one and i'm working towards this which is good for this so uh that's my turn okay i'm going to commission i'm just going to go in commission now sure and i'm going to um i have six i've never have nine you're guessing so i can commission all the way up to here and i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna pay off a debt yeah i'm a little nervous i'm a little uh bit nervous about it now and i'm jealous of what you've been doing so thank you let me go right there and it allows me to pay off this debt finally you have one debt unpaid so two are paid and one is unpaid that's right off screen but because of my debt collector i get a red worker yeah you've got a good set of cards there for that that's not bad and uh because i commissioned i get the coin and the labor yes we have a laborer please you may thank you oh no um and i go up on blue you do because that's what it does all right that is me back to you that's a good little thing you got there man i can't stop that which part all of it all very i think i'm gonna pray so that i can make because converting right now costs no silver so i'm gonna pray with my black here it's gonna cost me two coins and i'm going to take out this so i can do it again yep i love that prey that prey spot is yeah it's good so nice it's just so shocking whenever you remember that it cost two coins yes and you don't have you have like three coins but you need two for the next turn well i think i'm going to garrison okay yeah that's the that's the one thing that i kind of invested in early on and realized it wasn't on any of the cards so now i'm stuck with it yeah so we're gonna keep going sure so there's that and my one red and i do have to pay this time so here's the two provisions and i'm gonna go ahead and place this i'm gonna take this spot just get more workers workers workers workers can i have a labor please yeah thank you and so uh garrett sitting also lets me go up on black so we're pushing up the track you are moving up the tracks pretty well at least i should probably do this now okay i'm gonna convert with my purple okay i'll put it here uh too bad i don't have anything that helps me with conversion so i don't have to pay this silver cost when i convert uh and my total black is three plus four seven so i can go up to here so these two any one of those two so this is uh only gonna get me no points right now but if i convert with this it's worth two points so i will take this person this mercenary perfect so it's worth one plus one for every mercenary it's a mercenary in itself so i'm gonna put that there it gets me one redbub which is nice and that's me okay awesome so i am going to take one of my labors and go to this spot yeah i've decided that i just want all of the suspicion now purple let's go all right so i just really yeah i really need these purple workers i'm gonna take two of these the first one is two that's great that's not good i needed the money we talked about money or workers that gave me some money which is nice again all right what okay still something ah dang it [Laughter] and you're not happy no i'm not well i am kind of because we're going to trigger it and you're going to take a debt probably yeah i'm going to think of that for sure and basically my squire is now wasted but okay i'm gonna absolve let's go ahead and do that so i'm gonna put one here and the blue goes in here so uh i must have at least one blue i definitely have that so this is gonna go out it cost me two coins to do this yep uh and ooh do i want to take something back or yeah you know what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna do this i'm gonna put this on this black here so what this is gonna do is i'm gonna go up black plus one here so i'm gonna go up two black which takes me to this spot nice and i get to discard this card right here very good okay so i think that i've collected so much debt i might as well own it and uh there's this protector here who i can convert that'll get me a point for each of my debt that i've been able to turn over and i did all that work so that i could i had enough what's your total uh red value no it's black black value yeah uh it's seven ten plus three i had ten exactly you can do that i'm gonna use a labor and a criminal right there okay and so i'm gonna just go ahead and convert uh this person right here so you're gonna get a black i'm sorry red yeah i got a red bump up so i'm in that zone and now at the end of the game i'm gonna get one point for every debt that i was able to flip over so i do have one more uh outstanding and potentially another one so we'll see we'll see how far how far that takes me uh so i could tap out here turn these both into purples for the next round and then uh go up one uh yeah i i okay i'm going to tap out right here call it i'm going to turn these two because of the tome saga that's why i'm doing this i get the two purple um because of that i get to move up on a track so i'll move right up just like that perfect hopefully on my next turn i can just do fortify convert get it to the 20 and then everything else can kind of yeah see where it goes sitting to fall into place wherever it is yeah so let's wrap this all up uh these are the two colors that go to you perfect that comes to me well have at it what are we gonna do what's your oyster okay so i think now that i've just accepted the debt i think that i'd i have to conspire just get more debt for the last two rounds right get more so i'm gonna conspire with this laborer so it's gonna get me a purple um people and i'm just going to take my suspicion no come on that's nice cool well at least i got a purple uh worker out of it so i could pray okay i am going to pray so i have to put a purple worker there and spend two coins and that's going to let me clear this off so that i can take the commission action again which i should probably do right now and so i don't have to this is yes this is the same paladin i'd have to pay the provisions um and so i can technically go anywhere all right i'm gonna take this spot so that's a one one laborer and a uh the black worker black and white yep black and white oh still going huh yeah this is just like i don't know this is so many workers in one round i don't know so because i did that i'm going to also go up on blue because that's a commission action and i also get a coin and another white worker wow oh my gosh oh it goes there let's fortify now okay so a white and a green and that uh i have to have seven on my blue which i do right there so i have to pay the provisions wow just two of them and i'm going to flip over the wall oh it's about to work perfect and i go up on red oh my god thank you uh what do we do next oh no it just keeps going i i really want a commission i just want to get that last commission out because this is the time that it's free i'm going to absolve i'm definitely going to absolve so let's do it uh so it requires a black white and blue sure and so i have to pay two coins to do this and i'm going to use it to pay off a debt so let's do that right now so i flip this over and it's going to get me a red worker amazing because my debt collector doesn't stop so and i technically ditch a suspicion even though i i i want them now and because i do that i went up and i go up and black uh-huh okay all right oh man well i can't i can't pass because i'm going to lose my workers yeah you got it right i have to keep going so you know what i lied sorry that is not the benefit i wanted i'm gonna i'm going to go back into that you want to open up space give back this red worker i wanted to go um i wanted to go here yeah you want to open up space i wanted to clear off the commission i just talked about how i wanted to finish the commissioning yeah yeah so that's that's what i wanted to do and you still got this uh benefiting yes everything else stays the same okay so now i'm going to take my final commission action so that i don't have to pay provisions we're doing this anymore yeah wow um three times in this round huh wow because i made it cheaper you really made that palette and more buildings that was amazing yeah so i'm going to put this out oh what spot well now i can now i can pay off my dad yes i might as well do that now yeah let's pay off the debt amazing because it still needs to get done or else they don't actually get the point and you get the red back get the red button it's all about wow efficiencies and because i commissioned i get a coin and a white worker please and i go up on blue that final time thank you oh my gosh the first three rounds you look like you weren't doing anything and then all of a sudden what that's what you thought of me yeah the truth comes out yeah well first i'm going to take the recruit action and i'm going to spend it on the architect i'm going to discard her this one yeah so i'm paying two coins to do this so you have to do the purple just so i can have a purple going into the final round and so you have to take a suspicion i take a purple yes thank you and a suspicion and then a suspicion so hopefully this is going to get me money yes okay i really wanted to deplete the tax stand at least one more time really yeah so i can get a debt so i can try to to flip it over so now we're having an inquisition um and you get to i guess discard one i don't have any but i do have a squire that allows me to move up one because i'm naked so i i take a debt and i just give back what you're happy about now yes that's why i wanted i wanted to deplete the tax down because i want to be able to flip over yeah but that one more time not bad and then five five coins into one two three four five back into the tax stand which i don't think we're going to deplete again before the game ends okay now i'm going to develop so let's do a green and a blue i'm gonna spend the four coins now one two three four and i'm going to what do i develop into oh my gosh it's going to get me another worker this is getting a little bit out of control let's place it here and make fortifying a little bit cheaper i definitely want to try to finish those out and in doing so i get a blue so now you know i just need to find a place oh and i get a provision because of my architect yes so now i just have to find a place to deposit one person should i just trade let's just trade you could trade yes get some money you know what i'm gonna attack attack nice okay yes we're gonna attack this is the first time we we're doing this um this game and i'm going to so i have an attack nine yards right attack anybody no i have a ten technically okay so anybody i'm gonna talk this this person because they're immediately going to get me uh one pop-up on blue another a green worker and a um provision and a provision so i can hold on to the green worker knowing that i have to fortify so this goes oh no i keep i hold on to her she's been attacked yeah so that's it i'm gonna pass wow i'm gonna hold on to those two amazing that was an amazing round that was kind of uh my head is a little spinning a little bit everything that just happened yeah but i'm gonna go ahead and discard these i don't feel good about where i stand in this game anymore wow that was amazing you have a tome i do you have two tomes there you go purple purple i'm just worried about you getting a major victory here i hope that i did everything legally that's always my concern whenever stuff like that happens so that's a good question we're gonna find out definitely okay okay that's it so now we discard our paladins sure and uh we're gonna put it sorry oh my gosh all right so this person gets discarded okay and so does this one and now we're going to have a whole new set yes of uh outsiders that's exciting something good protector oh here there's your mercenary oh yeah leave it for me um we have the thief and you can have multiple of the same card card from what i understand so the adventurer uh barbarian hey that's uh that's that symbol that you have on your attack cards oh i don't like this one well i don't like this one for you oh well that's true then we passed the first player marker you get to go first in the final round i accept and now we are ready to go into the final round so are you ready to see the uh spot let's see it hey take a dip well where my issue now is where else do you clear debt can i clear debt yeah that's the scary part well you can absolve all right that's uh tricky okay you can just always just lose three points i guess that's true okay let's pick our paladin for the final time so there's really no point in assigning the other two yes yes and actually i just realized that when i converted uh my protector they're supposed to go here oh yeah yeah that's right because that's important for paying my fees all right i'm gonna choose uh this paladin yeah i'm choosing this one i'm just gonna put the last two on top because they don't really matter anymore sure all right so i'm picking uh garen it's a conspiring earns two silver so anytime i take this action taking uh one of those okay it's over nice that's me you think you're gonna you're gonna do it uh the other two were just kind of the other two dealt with commissioning and garrison okay so it's about the best of those worlds so i have chosen gary and so i get a black and red uh can i have a black sure i get a white actually also you get a black yes in here you get a blue yeah there you go we were just so focused on ourselves for this this paladin i'm converting costs no silver so that's how i remembered that i needed to put the card there because i was like wait what's silver okay so that's me so starting with you go ahead and choose a tavern card so i'm gonna take uh this one right here two purple uh can i get a blue and red yeah there you go perfect and uh two suspicion ready yep okay now one one okay i'll take it and one i'll take it that's not bad yes oh gosh oh i have to take this one i really need provisions now what is it so this is blue two black a blue and a red here's your two black thank you blue and red and uh i get one provision because of the leftover labor yes okay so that's that's it go ahead it is your turn to start off the final round good luck all right i do not want you to put out a house for one provision so i will put this here uh it's gonna cost me one provision and i'm gonna put out my last one i don't have to pay the money for it so it's gonna get me a black worker which is nice very cool uh and then because i took a this action my architect gets me one from the attack stand yep and now i'm just going to make absolving cheap because i don't know why not i'm actually going to start by converting okay so i'm going to spend a red red and black and i your black conversion you have up to eight nineteen a little bit yeah so you can convert anybody and i think this would be nice to get another one of these protectors yeah that's pretty good because that'll be another uh point each for all the debt that i've flipped over and how many have you flipped three yes yeah it's pretty good working on a fourth all right so let's do it yeah so uh this is going to give me a red bump up and i'm gonna go ahead and place it right there because i don't have to pay the silver because of my paladin yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and tuck these both underneath my board so that it's easier to see the the benefits yes all right uh i think i'm gonna convert so let's convert this with the black and i'm gonna take this one so my black level is seven so i can definitely do this one oh sorry this one right here oh okay uh and so this is that same thing the whole like mercenary thing so these are gonna kind of compound on each other so they'll both be worth uh what three points each yeah i think so so this will go here it's gonna cost me two coins to do so and then you go up on like up on red yeah so now i'm at 16 i need to get you're so close you're so close to the end okay i'm gonna go ahead and take this spot nice so i'm gonna get the two purple uh workers again two suspicions two suspicion [Music] well amazing because i have all these purple workers so it's nice back to you how many bad cards do you have their suspicion cards these yeah oh i have a lot one two four four okay well then i'm gonna attack okay so we'll attack here and so my attack value is 11 so i can pretty much attack anybody huh mm-hmm i'm going to attack this one so i am going to get um a blue yep so let's go blue and a purple and a purple worker which i have here and then ready yep all right one coin all right just the min inquisition this is the most number of inquisitions that we've had in the game i think so i discard one of them because of my uh my uh conspirator yeah that goes out so now i have two um i take a debt you take a debt not good because now i have two outstanding deaths but you discard half and discard half of these yeah two two and then we're going to refill the five text ends so one two three four five i don't think we're going to have another inquisition seriously this time i have a lot of purple you have a lot of purple yeah i don't think so i think i have to absolve because i i need to clear off some debt so i'm going to go ahead and go black let's do let's do black red blue just use all of the the other colors sure so this one has needs a minimum of five which i'm fine on i have to spend my last two coins to do this and i'm just going to put it over here to flip over my debt so there's one debt that's flipped over in doing so my debt collector gets me a red worker and i also get to discard one of these which i don't know if that matters too much uh and i also go up on black back to you nice so this is gonna be a little strange but uh i am going to hunt oh okay for just one one provision one provision yeah you're just one short huh yeah well yeah it's because i spent it here to get this freebie so i i figured i would have enough so i think i'm going to garrison because i would like to flip over the last debt i'm going to spend black and red and i have to spend these three provisions to do this so here they are and then i can basically put this in the last spot that allows me to flip over a debt right there so doing so let me flip over my last debt oh man so now i am debt free that's free and you have these cards for every debt red workers flipped over that's 10 points i had to monopolize on my sadness you purposely took debts to then flip over that's great okay so uh doing the garrison action now let's maybe bump up on black that is that's it for that so back to you all right i'm gonna fortify so i'm just gonna spend this one here to fortify here so now i have the two um provisions i have four plus six so i have ten so i can definitely fortify that seven there you go cool so i get to flip this which gets oh man it gets me two coins or i can discard uh one of these um well i get my red so that's at 20. that's nice wait are you sad about that you don't want the two coins uh i wanted workers i wanted to see so specifically peeps well there's the spot there's that spot so uh i will take i'll take two coins two coins yeah okay oh there you go thank you okay i'm gonna hunt so i'm gonna go red and purple so that i can take three more provisions which now i'm realizing i uh i didn't need that one extra no oh well oh well what can you do you had a very efficient six round okay i'm gonna absolve with this one blue and i definitely have enough blue to do it uh so it's gonna cost me two of those coins all those coins i just earned they go back and i will absolve and i'm just gonna do this one which opens up spots for me so uh i get to discard one of these uh because i absolved i go up black i'll take off this converting over here oh we're gonna convert again i think so that's pretty nice okay well i'm gonna go ahead and do this fortify that i've been wanting to do for so long but i couldn't for whatever reason and so this is going to i've met the blue limit it's going to cost me three provisions so here's the three and let's see what the wall gets me two points okay two points that's nice i go up on red and that's it yeah there's nothing else that i get for fortifying all right i'm gonna convert again so uh let's put this here um i will convert this person so because i have i have four of those green type one two three four it's gonna be worth four points that's nice so i'll convert that person and you get to go up twice well i'm maxed so there's some uh some issues there yeah it's gonna cost me two coins okay bye bye coins it was a nice thought was yeah it was nice it was it was nice potentially gonna get you two pop-ups all right that's my turn done yeah okay for my i think i'm just gonna end it i'm gonna end my game here no no that's gonna end my game i'm gonna recruit and discard the only one i can discard because i don't have any money and that's the missionary amazing so discarding the missionary will allow me to go one by three-point discard so just three three points that's it i'm done i don't have any more workers i'm watching my hands clean of this game paladins of the west came down and you how are you going to what is your final send-off going to look like i have no idea okay so i am going to i don't really like my end here but alas so i'm gonna go here okay uh so i'm gonna take this defender and i instantly get a provision so can i have it oh you're you're hiring them or are you gonna discard them uh oh sorry i'm uh i'm discarding them yes okay i'm gonna discard them for a labor and a provision which i definitely need and then now i'm gonna finally do the garrison action which is what monique has been doing uh and so we'll go right in the middle in these two and so perfect i'm going to do is garrison it costs that one provision and then now i can go and get it doesn't really matter i think i'm just going to take two coins because for every three resources between provisions and money i'll just drop it down in the cheapy area here and get two coins two coins there you go you buy yourself a point and because i garrisoned i do get to move this up so that was a three-point turn technically yeah very good so that is it that's it i must pass wow and unfortunately i was not first to pass if that if so i would have then moved up again i forgot about your yeah but i have to do other things so i can't i can't do that that was that was really intense yeah i can't i can't believe it no that's really intense okay so let's go to final score sure let's do it okay so somebody told us about this handy-dandy app so we are going to use it this time yes instead of the notebook from uh from architects yes okay so first thing is the king's orders so would you like to go first uh sure okay so um the first one is have at least five attacked so i did one two three four five six so i eat four points nice four and then have at least five on the wall i do have that so uh six more so ten points total and then i did not do this i just said forget that one okay that's me so for me i did not do the attacking yeah i only talked once i think right uh but i did do the wall yep and then you've cleared off everything yes and i cleared off the commissions so you got 14 14. so next thing is the attributes track so final position of each of your attributes so you're going to add up your all three so 20 plus 11 plus six so 31 37 oh you can type it in yeah yeah you can i was uh manually going up on the numbers okay so i have 16 times two 32 plus plus 11. 43. so 43. okay next thing are the uh developed buildings yes so i have a six points six points and i have one then a debt if anybody has any unpaid debts or paid actually so mine are two i get two points you get two points i had no unpaid debts and you have what five i have one two three four five yes five any additional silver and provisions so one point for every three i have nothing so i have four so i get one point okay commissions so they're the monks that we're we're commissioning here nothing i think okay so i did all of mine so that's nine then uh any fortifications which are these uh four to five so i get one point i think you get three so you get one point plus uh yes uh one two three four points yes i have what is this three plus two positive five garrisons which are these ones nothing okay so i built up to here so i have five points absolved oh i was one short yeah don't be another okay we're gonna follow that even that's a wash yeah it's a wash take a walk the con converted uh outsiders sure yeah do you want me to go first sure okay oh actually let me go first because you have so many okay good i only have two and they're both the same thing yes so just get one point per converted debt and i had five of them so times two it's just ten points okay so what are yours all right it's one point for every two so it's two four six eight so four points one point for every uh completed plus one so another three point so one two three yep so that's seven uh okay these are the same thing so it's one point plus one point for every mercenary so it's one two three times two six seven plus six is thirteen and then one point for every one of these symbols the green uh that i've attacked so i have one two three four wow i think that's uh seventeen yeah that's really good oh that is really good there were some categories i said zero though okay and that's it those are all the scoring conditions are you ready i need to have lost by less than twelve less than twelve yeah for the minor victory yes that's for the tome saga yes that doesn't make sense this is a really awesome app by the way for scoring because it literally does everything for you so the final scores are naveen with 77 okay two moniques 92 no no shoot okay okay oh no so in this in the tome saga if it's a victory of uh 12 or more then it's considered a major victory so in a major victory monique is going to get the three tomes oh yay the three tomes that we did not but they're all gonna be face down so they don't all get me a benefit they're just the the face down tone so what's your total tome count right now uh seven because it was three from architects one that i um acquired mid game and then the three that i did okay and mine is uh three plus two so i have five uh but i do as uh second place i do get one of these shields that are is on here so let's go ahead and just expose this i get to choose one of these because it's a major victory monday got the three tomes and i get this one so let's see what i'm working with so i have two reds two of these can i see what what all yours are mine yeah your shields all your shields that are active not the uh inactive ones just these two and for in a two-player game it has to be first to four shields so so i can either take the red ones to get closer or the uh these ones these uh hashed ones uh the problem is i don't know we can be friendly here you can just take the red one i might just take the red one i don't know what the next uh sounds risky right yeah it does i don't know what the next game is going to be but i'll take the red one because then there's no way that you can yeah i'm not i'm definitely not going to be able to take that red ah very nice well that's it that is paladins of the west kingdom oh my gosh i feel like that was the longest playthrough ever that was it felt long it felt really long it did um but uh let's talk about it so it's so interesting to go from architects which is fairly light and free and just kind of like just going all over the place and so much interaction to this heady game right it's yeah this is a very heady one um man it's it's definitely multiplayer solitaire but there's definitely uh some competition with certain things in certain aspects of the game yeah the tome saga makes the competition it just takes the competition from here and brings it to here right because you you want to say like okay i'll just ignore the tones but you don't you don't ignore the domes you really want them i gunned for them yeah yeah i think maybe possibly to my detriment the first third of the game i was thinking wow naveen is like you're so much closer to all three of the tomes except for the hirings that's why i went for the hiring first and then you were already like making your way through the attacks so i didn't feel very good yeah because the attacks was part of it so um but somewhere in the middle there it got kind of intense right yeah i think i was i was focused a little too much on getting some of those tomes instead of uh trying to be more competitive in this one but i don't know because the tones are very important for the next game yeah so that's what makes the tome saga interesting yeah so i'm going to have two legs up to your one yes you know the next one so i don't know we'll see okay so let's talk about uh this game starting it's the three starting with theme like per usual so this is a continuation of architects of the west kingdom if you haven't seen the first video it's part of a trilogy and it all has the same art style it's all by the same designers and but it is a very different game so what are your thoughts uh you know it's just kind of like the last one um i think it is actually fairly thematic uh what you're doing this one maybe a little bit less thematic than the last one um yeah i definitely think that this one's a lot more disjointed in terms of theme yeah like you are still doing all these things but it definitely feels more mechanical yes right the game is is like you're drawing wall cards and it's it's not really thematically not there but but mechanically it is right right like technically the things you're doing is like okay you're fortifying you're you're protecting your your areas you're trying to convert people uh who come with special bonuses you're trying to attack against the people that you don't want to convert yeah so i mean like it's kind of there but it's very euro-yeah it's very euro yeah uh even more so than the first time i appreciate the continuation of the timeline yeah right yeah so you're building up and then now you're protecting and continuing to bring people into your city grow your population i suppose so i think that that's cool in terms of the components so the first time we pulled this game out i we pulled out the player boards and i was like what is this i had some culture shock yeah because i've never seen a game before where the player boards were this i mean it's it's so multiplayer solitaire in the sense that everybody has their own book you have your own game board you're playing your own little game and then you kind of look over and be like oh what are you doing so it's kind of like that but i think it's really cool it's really unique in that way and all the symbology is still very very consistent with the first game so it's very easy to kind of dive into the similar concepts of the debt and and all that kind of stuff right yeah that would uh architects would be a good stepping stone and then you can just say oh yeah that's victory points that's what this is that's what that is it's all the same art style yes in terms of player count and replayability we played this game at two and three this time uh what are your thoughts well it's multiplayer solitaire so uh i think two is great you know yeah uh i didn't really see that big of a difference between two and three for a while maybe time yeah yeah because you're just waiting for that person to take their actions this is a game that really really really invites analysis paralysis yeah there's a decision tree from the moment you draw your three cards then there's a decision as to which uh which town spoke uh enough time smoke um tavern cards you're gonna take because those are the workers you're gonna get how are you gonna allocate your workers and then there's so many times in this in this game where you forget to account for the workers you're gonna gain from certain actions so then that causes more analysis paralysis every decision is very very important yeah so it causes a lot of that yeah so so in that sense i think at a two-player game then it's like my turn your turn my turn your turn uh versus if i was to play this at four man yeah i honestly don't really feel the need to play it more than two i really like it too yeah because of that reason i just don't think it offers that much more other than the um the debt that you get from going into uh the inquisition because then it's like you or me versus like okay those other people uh but that's not that big of a deal and like you can still have a good back and forth with that and you so in this game it turned out debt was a very good thing for you it's true yeah and i mean i think in higher player counts some of the uh spots on the board here for when you garrison and you commission are a little bit better yeah they're opened up and these spots here are tighter for the king's favor the green order the green new yeah the green spots so in this game i can pretty much time if i'll be able to take those cards but otherwise a two-player game is great yeah i don't really feel like i lose that on much at all this game is highly replayable in my opinion the uh combination of paladins that you get every single time you know that that's definitely a part luck but you have an option of three so it's not you're going to see them it's very informed it's very strategic still and i really think the combination of which paladins come out along with which uh king's order cards and favorite cards come out really dictates the feel of the game like this is the first time i've ever absolved yeah you normally don't do that i normally don't do that i don't think i've ever done it before actually so i had to recheck in the rulebook how you've absorbed they really helped they actually unlock a lot of things that you need like when you get at these like kind of stuck points you can go absolve and kind of undo things that you kind of messed up yeah solving is sweet yeah it discards a suspicious guard yeah so in that sense it's really really fun to come back to the game and see what how you're going to try to be efficient again right how are you going to build your engine how you're going to do a combination of everything it's just such a satisfying game it is yeah right so super replayable so in terms of weight of the game this one is definitely a step up in terms of the brain burniness uh versus architects architects is a little bit more loose uh more like i guess like table talk and more like crazy things this one is like i am looking down and i'm like uh-huh you did that that's that's really cool but i need to really what am i doing here we joke around about it and say in this game it's like okay i'll see you after seven hours yeah yeah you're very like head in the board yes right so in terms of weight i think that it's definitely uh more complicated in rule set i don't think it's that like it's not that complicated but it does require a lot of concentration focus you really have to focus on what your plan is because there's a lot of like comboing and efficiency issues that you'll run into and you just can't miss anything if you miss one thing that'll cost you something right yeah if you're short like one provision it's like i have the workers but not the provision how do i go get that provision oh no i've already hunted so i can't get that so if you spend the wrong color you're an uncolored worker hence going back to that ap thing that we were talking about yes every decision is extremely important yeah and so finally in terms of mechanics what are your thoughts like what are your thoughts in this game what an interesting game right yeah this is one that uh the first time we played it i was very inefficient at the game um i was like how do i manage these workers and these meeples i definitely say the second and third play you will definitely have a leg up over somebody who has not played the game just because you see kind of the management of the meeples you know now this game is so interesting because it's a hodgepodge of mechanics you know you have worker placement which is very very straightforward on your board but uh you're going to want to take the same action multiple times and it's going to hit you when you're like trying in your planning phase that you won't be able to or yeah you can go prey you have to go pray and then sometimes i forget that you can only pray once because i'll say oh well i can always pray and i'll pray once clear off something and realize that i can't clearly technically pray absolve clear off where pray is and then go do that later and so that is the heart of the game that comboing of things to get you to where you need to go because you know you need to push up on these attribute tracks and one action will only push you up on one attribute but that's cyclical like well you need this to get this color attribute which will allow you to do this other action unless you get the other color right so there's a lot of comboing in a lot of different ways but there's also engine building like i did that with the townsfolk and that is very satisfying if you're able to get that to work every action you take you got a coin or a provision and another worker so that's like i just spent one worker to get one back yeah and that's going to do something else it behooves you to try to figure out what exactly you want to focus on as early as possible because if you can figure that out then you can get you can hire the townsfolk who will uh who are applicable to what you want to do and they'll help you get there right or um you can just start planning ahead of time this is definitely one of those games that uh you're always going to want to move up on that on those three attribute tracks but you should definitely be focusing on a couple different things you don't want to just be diversifying and doing everything because you only score uh in the in the back end of doing certain actions so right if you're gonna be saying okay i'll do one garrison here and then one commission i'll kind of fortify i'll kind of do this you're not gonna really get anywhere yeah and especially in the beginning where all of the actions are so expensive they all cost three workers so you're only gonna be able to do two things in your first round typically right and so until you develop and then when you choose to develop which where do i develop that question is always so hard to answer like trying to foresee what you want to make cheaper uh for the future but am i gonna have the paladin to synergize with that right lots of questions and lots of efficiency issues that you're going to have to face yeah your first three rounds you're like am i even doing anything in this game yeah and then all of a sudden you're in like round five round six and you're like okay here we go now i'm moving up these tracks i'm finally getting somewhere yes so this is a game where at some point you can expect to think oh my god i didn't do that right oh gosh i did not uh i i didn't plan that properly yeah that happened to me at the end when i went to go attack and i was already at the max red and it was like uh i should probably be moving up a different track instead uh because what am i doing with this yeah you know so so people who enjoy planning this is this is probably free for you right but all in all i think this is a really really good game and i know that so many people say that this is our favorite we're not going to give away which one is our favorite uh yet because we are going to do a wrap up and i will say that that our decisions are kind of wishy-washy we kind of go back and forth between yeah a couple of them but we'll go over that we'll go over that later but this game is excellent uh this is definitely going on our shelf i really really love this game it's such a departure from the first one i know this is probably like the third time i've said that but it's it's kind of funny that they went from okay architects fun funny yeah into like paladins yeah this game has now been out for a little while so i think about two years so um it's kind of funny now that we're talking about it two years later but i could imagine two three years ago when this first came out and anybody who played architects and was ready for that kind of a weight of a game and then was like whoa this is heavy compared to that so i would love to hear the designer diary of like the progression as to how they went from that game to this one right and then to buy counts which you'll see soon and so what are your final thoughts on paladins of the west yeah it's really good i want to be more efficient uh i every time i play this game there's always like a couple moves that are just like holding me back and so this is my first time uh we've played this now a handful of times and i beat you all the times except for this time yeah so there was that sixth round that you had that i was like well i think she got me i hope i played it properly i think you did that would be embarrassing i think you did so final thoughts like yeah i like it a lot yeah it's really really good you love it i do love it yes do i want to marry it maybe i will say that every now and then he would pause and naveen would say gosh i love this game during the play through so this is a love this is definitely a love i have no problem with euro multiplayer solitaire as you probably know i have no problem um it's fun we just get to play it together yep so that is paladins of the west kingdom well thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it we will be continuing on with vi counts which is the third part of the trilogy uh we will wrap up and figure out who wins the tome saga currently monique is out in front with seven yeah and i have five so it's two different so it's only two difference plus i have one crest closer to getting another one so and two benefits going into the two benefits going into the final one so if you are interested in watching that one uh please consider subscribing that way you get notified and then we'll go from there thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 25,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paladins of the west kingdom, paladins of the west kingdom board game, how to play paladins of the west kingdom, best west kingdom game, paladins of the west kingdom tutorial, paladins of the west kingdom rules, paladins of the west kingdom review, paladins of the west kingdom gameplay, paladins of the west kingdom playthrough, paladins of the west kingdom thoughts, paladins of the west kingdom overview, Paladins of the West Kingdom, board games, board game review, review, tabletop
Id: g-ckBdEuFe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 45sec (8205 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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