The Siege of Runedar - GameNight! Se10 Ep5 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] tonight on game night lincoln deborah aaron and nikki are tunnel digging axe wheeled and dwarf and the orcs are coming to steal our gold but not if we can help it in the siege of runadar or maybe it's roondar i lost my dwarven to english dictionary it's a game for one to four dwarves designed by reiner kinicia and published by ludo nova so come on down to our dwarvish mining stronghold and see if we can defend it and get the gold out of the tunnel from all these trolls and goblins and catapults and siege towers the siege has already begun hey aaron hey lincoln will you teach us siege of rooney is it ruined or is it i don't know i'm going to have my dwarf cake and eat it too and say whichever one it is i said it right okay all right uh so this is our dwarven fortress of roondar or whatever we're gonna call it um it's our castle fortress and it's our mining outpost it's been used for centuries um by the way we all said we were going to grow our beards out for this episode and i'm the only one who remember your dwarven vows mean nothing but uh you're very committed i am committed to the bit that you guys forgot i shaved this morning i could have skipped it this fortress uh this mining outpost has been in use for centuries by our dwarven clan and uh but it's it's a it's running down it's decrepit the the tools are old and falling apart but we've just discovered this huge new vein of gold so it's all of a sudden very valuable and the orcs are coming to take our gold and just us four dwarves are left to defend it and uh get as much gold as we can and escape from the orcs before they come and take all our gold and kill us so we're going to do that by excavating this escape tunnel here and escaping through there and hopefully not losing all the gold that's in our central chamber here once we get to like this point do we need to break out um bandito and try to escape yeah we can chain together a legacy system of games do some dig dug in all right so we have our central chamber we have our three workshops here the tannery has leather the foundry has metal the carpenters has wood those are our three resources besides gold which is essentially just hit points or victory points if we lose all our gold that's one way we lose the game okay and this is the tunnel entrance area it has rubble here that we need to clear okay before we can remove each section of the tunnel okay that is the only way we win the game we remove this rubble pile five times because it's gonna reappear for each of these five tunnel sections goodness and under each of those tunnel sections are two goblins that we have to either defeat or negotiate with once we've done that whole sequence five times in this game that's how you win there are many ways to lose but i'll explain that to you as we go through the game this is a cooperative game we're all working together we can discuss our strategies and discuss what we want to do on our turns the only thing you can't do is show your cards out of turn you know you can say on my turn i think i can move here and deal with this problem but you can't show you know i've got this card that lets me do this okay that's the only limitation we each have uh the same starting deck we have our dwarf color and uh our hand has 12 cards two orc cards which are bad and 10 dwarf cards which are good and give us actions to play at the beginning of the game you're going to do this and this is how your turns are always going to cycle you're going to take your deck shuffle it up a little bit always take two cards and immediately discard them without looking at them so you don't know what you just lost out of your 12 card hand but it could have been some of the bad orc cards right then you take a hand of five and that's your hand for your turn and then at the end of the turn you're going to take the other five and those will be your next turn so you're going to use 10 of your 12 every cycle okay all right your turn goes like this like a lot of cooperative games the bad stuff comes first so the first thing you do is if the siege tower is in your area of play it could be in other people's area of play just basically means sitting in front of you you activate the siege tower and what that does is brings a troll into the tunnel entrance area trolls are so big that they need to climb up the siege tower to get over our walls right the orcs are going to be constantly coming from outside and climbing the walls on their own but the trolls need the siege tower to help them climb up so that's the that's the uh gimmick there that's the rationale a troll will go here and the troll will come with one of these five uh little border icons that tell us how to kill them this troll is going to take need six damage points to kill you can see but they're all they all have different stats on here this is one of the ways to lose the game if the fifth troll tile is even revealed the fifth troll comes into the courtyard game over wow okay so you cannot let this siege tower activate five times uh we can deal with the first four trolls but the fifth one being activated just immediately means game over the second thing you do on your turn is if the catapult is in your game area in your play area in front of you activate it the catapult has a deck of five cards you just flip one over and it will destroy one of our upgrade cards that's a display here that we haven't looked at yet but it will destroy this card this slot is now unavailable to us we might have even put some resources on there which would go back to our workshops and now we have one less thing to deal with or to one less card to upgrade to for our decks similar to the catapult if the fifth um similar to the siege tower if the fifth catapult card comes out game over okay as soon as the fifth one hits the board we're done we've lost all right and uh so does that mean that means um not that there are five trolls in here at the same time but the fifth troll is revealed correct so we could have gotten rid of all four and it's still death correct there are only five troll tiles and if we they just once we've defeated this it goes away out of the game and once we've defeated the second one it goes away a lot of ways to lose i'm glad you asked that because i just figured we take care of one right put it back and we're okay then we just keep ahead but that's not it okay we can't keep it the third and final bad thing that can happen is now you look at your five card hand and first you must play the orc cards if you have any just lay that in front of you show it to the camera you might have up to two because there are two in your deck you play those and every time you play one of those it just means turn over a siege card right we have a 50 card siege deck and they are numbered from one to five getting increasingly bad as the deck goes on and here are the things that can happen on a siege card they can place new orcs around our fortress the position of the orc on the card will show you which section of the castle they will go on okay this part of the castle or fortress by our dice tray and deborah here is backed up against the mines in the mountains so orcs will never appear there they can appear here here and here on these three sides of our fortress and we our dwarves can actually go out there to these areas and fight them if we want to but nothing ever moves here this is a mountain all right so that's the first thing is orcs can appear where they're pictured on the card the second thing is this arrow means move all orcs every orc that is outside moves up onto the wall of that section every orc that is already on a wall moves into the workshops that is adjacent to that section and every orc that is in a workshop already moves into the central chamber immediately steals one of our gold and disappears forever they go back to the stock and the gold goes out of the game so as i mentioned that's bad the game recommends to make sure that you move all the orcs correctly you move the interior ones first so we should move these workshop ones in first then move the wall ones and then move the outside ones here so just so you make sure that you have gotten them all and don't move any twice that's how orcs move and the last two things that can be on these siege cards although just so we know uh i checked and these are not going to be on the first 10 cards the first 10 cards are only going to have orcs and movement these are going to be later in the game as things get really hairy this means we're dwarves we're pretty here right things are things to start here we go uh dwarf we've got dwarf tons of plenty of us to go uh this means take the siege engine and place it in your take the siege engine or the catapult and place it in your play area okay that's how it becomes active and in your play area if it's already in someone else's play area it activates immediately as we discussed earlier it means it fires and either destroys one of our upgrades or places a troll in the uh tunnel courtyard here so as as soon as these are active in front of a player that's really bad and we need to deal with them as you can see since these are both clocks to end the game very quickly for us that's how orc cards trigger siege cards now you can play all the rest of the good cards in your hand and they have i believe four types of actions on them you can play these in any order you like and you can play them all you can do these actions as many times as you like generally you play one card at a time and do the action of your choice on it generally the first action is move every card you have should have a move on it and it's got usually the move and a number two that means move your dwarf two spaces here's how you move around our fortress it costs one movement point to go from the central chamber to any one of these workshops or the tunnel courtyard it costs one movement point to go to the adjacent wall from one of those workshops it costs one movement point to go outside from a wall or up or down to a tower you cannot move directly from a tower all the way down to a courtyard there's no ladder here there's no it's too high to climb what about a tower outside yeah that's what i was just wondering yeah it's nope it's the same thing you've got to go that's a two-space move too far a drop d6 bludgeoning damage yes it's too far a drop the towers are meant to be high um the one thing that is kind of neat uh that the rules mentioned specifically is there are doors on the sides of these towers so this is a one point move oh okay so you could if you really needed to go one two and get all the way across to the other wall all right or you know one two drop down to here or one two even uh yeah right one two three coming from here okay so yes um some of the upgrades uh we've got one out here this is a magic weapon uh it specifically mentions that some of the upgrades are magic items and they have infinite move icons on them so that means move anywhere in the castle obviously anywhere on the board these are also some of the only items that allow you to do two things with a single card when it has an infinite move on it you do the infinite move first move anywhere and then trigger the icons for another action so the magic items are quite powerful the next icon on your cards and action that you can take is work that's when you are in a one of our workshops you know doors they gotta go to work that's right this is how we pay resources to our upgrade display and get these better cards into our hand you will see that sometimes the icon specifically says one wood or one metal or one leather and sometimes it's wild if you can mine one of any resource or work one of any resource later upgrade cards will allow us to work multiple resources at once more than one you must be in a workshop to do this the workshop must be free of enemies you cannot i can't work in the carpentry while there are orcs we're so busy ignoring them you've got you've got to clear the orcs so remember that you cannot use the work action while there are orcs in the workshop you're trying to work from so when you take this action again you just do this one card at a time even if you have multiple cards in your hand you're in the appropriate workshop there are no enemies there you take uh the number of resources shown and you place it on the upgrade card of your choice um uh do any of these take wood this one does take wood so i'm gonna try and build this magic axe it's got got it one wood list all right i'm sorry the price is actually at the bottom we haven't gotten to this yet but this this magic warhammer takes wood okay with less players there are additional costs on this upgrade board because we're playing with four players there are no costs listed on the board itself so we're just paying these costs on the cards which actually makes the items more affordable and easier for us to get out which is good if you if you place multiple resources but if you've got a great card or you've got lots of work cards you can place them on different uh objects different upgrades you don't have to place them on the same one and if there are only you know if there's only one wood in the workshop but i have three wood worked on my cards i can only place what's in the workshop okay all right that's work the next icon is attack and it comes in hand-to-hand and ranged flavors this is the this is the one action that you can use multiple cards at once to trigger so you can use lots all your attack cards to attack whatever's in your location you can the numbers will tell you how many dice you're going to roll so if i was in a room with an orc or outside or on a wall wherever this is going to roll two dice hand-to-hand hand-to-hand means i'm in the same space as the goblin it's the same rule so deborah's going to give us a sample roll the dice have as you'll see crossbows these do not help in hand-to-hand and kapow and they have kapows hits they come in ones twos and threes the dice are a little unfriendly so there's a single two and a single three and there are two ones and two crossbows which for our purposes right now are zeros so i got one hit on my two dice unfortunately you need two hits to kill an orc in combat all right so this does nothing right so there's no way it doesn't carry over there's no wounds to damage him and keep it correct um some of the much later uh foes like you'll see here's a troll that has seven damage but you get to mark each one as you go so like one would actually carry over and be marked right there may be a goblin or two that are similar but for a for an orc you just have to do two damage and and kill him all in one blow if i had multiple orcs in the same room let's say i had three orcs and i got an amazing roll like this you know you can kill them all with a single roll so that's six hits i did get three uh damages on three different orcs and wipe out the entire posse of orcs in that room okay amazing ranged attacks use the crossbow symbol you can only do a ranged attack from a tower that's where we keep all the crossbow bolts and the bullets stay and stuff and then and you know we're short dwarves we got to get up high to shoot at things so here's what you can target with a ranged attack uh when you're on your tower you may target the wall sections adjacent to that tower and the outside sections next to those walls so on this tower i can't hit orcs over here or here in addition once an orc is inside in the workshops they can't be shot with crossbows there are actually roofs on these buildings right um in addition uh you can target the siege tower and the catapult if they're in any player's play area so as long as they're active and not out of the game right now this would this is very helpful because as we mentioned they can be very bad and in the game for us so targeting them and taking them out of play so they can't uh activate and do bad things to us can be very good in addition from this tower only we'll call it the tunnel tower because it's right next to our mining tunnel you may target into the tunnel courtyard here so you may target uh there will never be any orcs here because orcs are just gonna go straight into the gold area but there will be trolls and goblins who we haven't quite gotten to yet so you may use ranged attacks against them okay um so as we implied when you roll ranged attacks you're looking for these crossbow symbols those are your hits there are two of them on each die and a single crossbow hit is enough to take the siege tower out of play or take the catapult out of play or completely wipe out the orc that you're aiming at you don't have to keep track of single points of damage or two points of damage one crossbow hit damages an orc and takes it out for a troll trolls have differing layouts as we looked at but a crossbow hit will take will fill a circle completely on a troll do one damage to it as you can see that could be extremely useful or not so useful for like this troll that has seven different circles with one hit right oh interesting so but a crossbow basically obliterates whatever you're aiming at with a single shot all right that is ranged attacks uh your final icon on your cards your final action is dig and that's the pickaxe this can only be done in the tunnel courtyard here uh this is the only way we're going to win the game with a lot of dig actions because as i said at the start we have to clear these rubble tokens and that will clear the tunnel and then the goblins will come out and say hello so the dig action is how many rubble tokens you're going to remove the courtyard must be clear of enemies if there's a troll out there or goblins from already previously clearing rubble and revealing a tunnel section you can't dig yet um except that there's actually a goblin that requires you to dig he says please clear this other rubble for me you can use a dig action on that and you can't normally use a dig action to clear rubble while there are enemies in the uh in this tunnel courtyard but so uh in your basic deck you just have a couple cards to clear one rubble that's your card action you clear this rubble away wow it's gonna come back with the next tunnel section but that's how we win the game we're gonna have to clear that entire thing five times and then uh deal with 10 goblins because each section will reveal two goblins here's a couple goblins i've got out here the goblins like the siege cards are numbered one to five and will get progressively harder so a number one goblin that we're not using in our game he requires two rubble to be cleared he's got two rubble on the back of him some goblins will have hits damage on the back of them and we have to fight them some goblins can be paid off with goods uh leather and wood and um metal metal so we will just have to use work actions to pay them and give them stuff and then this one wants to just fight this is a level five goblin so he's an end game fighter but we would have to do four points of damage to these goblins you must clear the two goblins that are revealed and come out of the tunnel before then in our case we're playing normal difficulty it's eight rubble in the courtyard you can increase or decrease this amount of rubble to increase or decrease your difficulty level of this game so that one where it has five in one circle if i shot that with a crossbow you would kill him with an entire with one shot yes that would be a very good judicious use of the crossbow i would say although we happen to know we're not playing with that specific goblin i just didn't shuffle him into our random choice um i believe that is everything oh no we have um three decks of upgrade oh the upgrades when you have completed an upgrade meaning we've paid the entire cost here of the upgrade card you don't have to take it immediately you can but it could be strategic for instance uh deborah completes this upgrade on her turn but maybe it works better for me to use it on my turn you know maybe i'm going to pick up this magic weapon and go fight five orcs with it or something so you're not forced to immediately use it but when you want to pick up an upgrade that has been completely paid for whether i did it on my turn or someone else did it's a free action it does not take one of your cards you immediately take the card the resources go back into the workshop the card goes into your hand and one of your unused dwarf cards that you have not used this turn goes out of the game forever so you're upgrading your deck and you're going to use this new great card right now this turn yeah if you want well no you're always going to use all your cards every time so you're going to use it for something right i mean there would be no reason not to use it for at least you know an attack or a dig action or whatever it does um and and as you might suspect in most deck building games these are all going to be better than our starting cards so they're going to upgrade our deck infinite movements the rules do recommend getting some of these as soon as possible we need the magic ones and even and you know and don't leave one player with just their basic deck when everybody else is upgrading we probably all at least want one of these so uh let's say let's say it's my turn i did i we fully paid for this card i take it i've i throw up you out you cannot throw out an orc card no out of you you must throw out a dwarf card yeah so you're always going to have two bad cards so then i'll use this immediately and as we mentioned this is one of the ones with infinite movement but some of them are good you can't befriend an uh an art card there's always going to be hordes of orcs coming to destroy us you know this one here's a big crossbow that has a two ranged attack here's an anvil that has three metal that you can work at once uh a better sword with two attacks so they're just gonna have upgraded abilities right if not the infinite movement which is pretty great that we've got two of those to start we have a yellow deck a gray deck and a red deck when i take this i can replace it with whatever i want these are progressively more powerful and expensive let's just look at a red card and then reshuffle this one costs six metal well you gotta get that one first but so yes so you can choose whatever comes out of here these are more expensive and better cards as the decks go up so as you get better cards then you probably should bump it up the cards so that they're actually attainable yeah but you know the yellow ones are nice and cheap and easy as well here's another little thing at the end of your turn when you've played all your cards you may wipe away any of these upgrades that you don't think are useful and get rid of them and replace them wipe them all just selectively even and this would probably be later in the game when we decide a card is not useful but uh let's say this card costs three wood and we've already placed a wood on it you can still wipe that card away put the wood back and we decide we need a red card right away to deal with some problems so you can wipe away anything you want from here and put new cards out i guess the the but there are you know there's a limited supply of these cards they're they're not going to refresh the decks are what they are yes if a catapult covers one of these it's dead and out of the game and part of the risk of leaving you know leaving this to take later is that it could get wiped out by a catapult that is correct uh and so i think most of the time we'll probably grab these pretty quickly did they do them in order um no i i sort of might have implied that in my catapult description these catapult cards are randomized so we don't know which slot is going to be destroyed first or next who designed this who likes to make things unpredictable so yeah you have no idea which slot is going to be destroyed at any moment what was the red x on the bottom oh thank you uh whenever a catapult card comes out we lose a gold from our supply i did forget to say that sweet so that's another reason catapults uh are bad for castles terrible miners uh well like i said world is crumbling that's probably why we want we are the last defenders of this place and we really gotta just get what we can you know my goodness um the final thing i haven't explained which is also a free action we can do at any time but it has an expensive cost so it's sort of a last resort we really need to take care of a thing kind of thing are these five cards okay these are the mercenaries they are out in the forest surrounding our uh mining outposts uh they will come and help us but they will cost two gold per card permanently so that's out of the game again when we run out of gold that is a way to lose the game so these are five different one-time actions we can do at any time during your turn doesn't cost an action doesn't cost one of your cards but it's a steep cost but it may be necessary here are the five things they can do uh they can cancel one activation of the catapult so when we have the catapult in play and it's about to trigger maybe it's going to destroy our last uh upgrade and lose the game for us we can pay two gold to cancel that one uh activation of the catapult and it does place the catapult back out of play into the reserve okay this card will cancel a siege card that we have revealed and seen so that lets us once during the game again see one really bad card that's coming out and gonna maybe move a bunch of works into our gold chamber or you know do reveal our fifth troll something like that it cancels the one just we don't have to draw a replacement we just cancel the one that we just flipped over we don't have to review we don't have to do the effects on that card uh this one removes all orcs that are currently in workshops just in our three workshops not the walls not outside not in the courtyard or work would never go they just go straight in here but so only in these three interiors so we managed to stack up a whole bunch in here and maybe work worth it because what if you wipe out six orcs or something all right and the last two target the tunnel entrance area here and they are just wipe out one goblin or wipe out one troll and they would so they would already be revealed and already in there but if we're just having trouble getting there or they're just too tough again those are all really good effects but they're all too gold out of the game which is a very costly payment unless we're doing very well and have a lot of gold left all right that's the entire game uh take your 12 dwarf cards shuffle them up i'm prepared you're prepared that's good yeah the shortest dwarf goes first so why don't you play your first do you have any orc cards in your hand i surely do then play one and i'll tell you what happens okay there's one you pull five it puts one orc over here in this play area near lincoln okay you don't have that yeah that's all it does it's a nice easy card so i mentioned most of the ways that we can lose there is only one way to win the game but there are five ways to lose and i think i mentioned them all if the fifth troll tile comes out the fifth troll appears in the uh troll court order here no matter what happened to the first four the fifth one destroys us the fifth catapult activates destroying all of our upgrades game over all the gold goes out of our central chamber game over the last orc comes in the play that's one i did not mention yet so if there are so many orcs that's one reason we might want to use this mercenary card to wipe out a bunch of works if there's a whole so many orcs in play there only are i believe 10 orc tiles so if the final orc comes into play game over that's just too many to deal with and the the final one is this is a 50 deck siege card deck if the last siege card is revealed game over so basically if any resource runs out yeah game over but uh the one the only one i hadn't mentioned was the ten orc uh counters so we don't want any of those things to ever happen before we clear all five of these tunnel sections and deal with all ten goblins all right nikki yeah you have placed an orc from your siege card and now you can play your four dwarf cards okay however you like however i like so i don't have uh i can get rid of a rock one rock i mean that's certainly something to do yeah before there's somebody stopping uh so i use uh this one as a movement is that how that works so i'm only using that part i am not you're you're using anything one thing on each car doing them so i'm gonna well who am i you are i don't know who i am i tried to put it are you sleeping grumpy grumpy i'm sleeping and then i will remove one this rock rubble rubble rubble rubble and then i can move again what's up there for buying uh well we've got a thing we you could use there's nothing that costs metal they all cost wood or leather but so there's a weapon that has magic movement and a weapon that has magic movement and a weapon okay a thing that does a lot of metal and a ranged weapon right well there's a lot of things that take pelts right so i'll move to one two that sounds good to go over there and then use my wild and take a pillow and you can put it on i put it you can choose right away in fact you can take one of these things because you can pay the full cost for either this or actually you can't because you've used all your dwarf cards okay so i just place it yes okay which one do you want let's do the magical sure yay agree so since you don't have an unspent card you cannot take that into your hand right now all right gives lincoln the chance to use it on his turn why not all right those go under your dwarf tile your discard tile and those other five become your new hand hand okay uh you of course do have the option to clear any of these cards at the end of your turn although there isn't i have no reason i mean unless we wanted to like see a gray card or get something that takes wood out there but i don't think it's necessary really all right lincoln okay first bad no no no bads oh good all right no siege engine no catapults no so i guess i should move and maybe try to deal with this uh orc or you can do like nicki and do some good stuff let the orc come to you okay okay um i've got a lot of a lot of stuff here obviously since i didn't have a bad card you're not supposed to i mean i don't know your card during his turn you can't show it out of turn i will say i i also will not bring any uh orcs into the arena okay nice so if you want to focus on collecting or rubbling um yeah maybe we can buy that also means they won't be moving on your turn my turn so i can take care of this guy on mine as well as collect something if they're not moving on his turn or your turn they're going to be moving focus on good stuff yeah right they may move on my turn but like i say let them come to us right right we're not in i mean it's the easiest part of a co-op game it's the beginning where nothing bad is happening because i have a ranged attack available to me now i see i was kind of thinking you might might not have more so i was kind of like why don't i exactly get up there and i do have two rings just get rid of them um so i'm going to move i'll move over here to um do you want the other magic one because you could go get wood yeah i'll go over here and get wood yeah then i will pick up the wood work the wood work it there you go all right and then you could take either now you can take either of those yep um and use it right away as long as you as long as you exchange it with an unused card right oh i agree let's get those going oh i mean there's one yeah two matches yeah and then i i guess i'll take um well i got i just gave up pelts so i'm in trouble there none of these are pelts um i might as well take the one that works wood because you're in the work place right now that's smart yeah just in case you're using okay and that goes back so how do we get a new one of these cards in do we just flip one now no uh i explained the how you can put a new card out there from any deck you want and you can wipe away any any of the old cards that you like and put out any gray red or yellow card the part i forgot the important part is your dwarf must be in the central gold chamber at the end of your turn to do any of those parts of the action so this upgrade board will never refill until one of us ends a turn here that's what makes it so like valuable and and means that like it's actually a really clever mechanism because otherwise we would never ever go back to this central park sure right nothing's happening there right it makes this a more valuable space to the board so we now have an empty space the good news is now we hope that we draw the one card and that can be the destroyed spot if the catapult ever actually oh sure it activates but yeah sorry i did not completely get that rule right at the beginning when using these magic ones we do get movement and one of the icons that is the only time you ever get to use on a card do i get to choose the order that i do them in the the movement is always food because i can teleport first no i know you teleport first and then use the thing yeah uh something to fight and i know well i was i'm gonna i'm obviously i think i'm gonna go over here and just mine too dig or dig up to rubble too so i'll do that and take out two i can dig it dig it i can dig it does seem good to so when we reshuffle we pull these two out reshuffle put two away always right you're always just gonna trash two without looking at them and have ten yeah and he had me put mine under my yeah that's what this discard tile is for that's your spent card uh okay so i have no orcs um okay my plan is i would like to move into the hides and take a hide which i could then place on okay either of these well i'm going to map this out so i do it correctly then i'm going to take oh i think i was going to take another hide so i could place both of them while i was there then i was going to move two up here and take a single range it sounds like that's my plan of stuff yes it does sounds like a turn hope it's gonna be okay so my first is to move i'm purple here then i'm gonna use this to get one of these and put that there i'm gonna use my miscellaneous to get one of these and put that there um then i'm going to use the two now look at how unselfish you are making all these items and not taking them for y'all um and then i will use this to roll one die whoa all right that's your entire turn all right did you have two and why but my new hands i put both of my orcs no way you guys cheated no he didn't i know that's great i was too and like me really bad all right i do have one orc so we're going to reveal a siege card i'm very happy about that uh it has an orc and movement but we have no works but we have so we're going to place one yeah that comes first and then he's going to move i cannot believe we both oh he does both the orc the orc placement is first the movement is second okay it's only those cards that don't have the arrow that would ever leave them outside yes if it has the arrow they're basically always going to get there okay so yes so they can appear and then immediately move because move comes out that's a fast work that was a fast one all right so uh i have four dwarf cards oh i can take a good card though do i want the attacky thing i can get up to that wall our good luck has been spent on the first round it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine all right i've got a i've got a great turn here okay not great but it's but it's pretty good oh wow there's a lot of mining cards either no there aren't i would say everything you should never try not to get rid of those right so i'm gonna get rid of these let me look at those my metal working card okay to take this magic sword okay because i'm gonna use it to kill this orc oh spear and magic helmet spear magic oh man so i'm going to move here i'm going to work wood which will complete this crossbow and then i'm going to move up onto the wall and i'm going to two dice with my brand new gigantic hacking swords yes kill this orc bam okay [Music] all right and that's all my cards all right so here's my bad guy all right here's your siege card it has again a single orc all right it moves up onto this wall boom okay then and then uh can i hack at something i can um what's out there oh i should arranged yeah metal working and a magic hammer i move up here okay gonna deal with him i'm gonna try and then um i guess i use the crosstax right because i wouldn't want to do range there you cannot you can only do range from the towers okay now remember you can use multiple cards here since you can roll more since you likely want to roll multiple dice at the same time so there's two of that type that makes sense two dice is a pretty good thank you not guaranteed but pretty good shot at an orc come on money amount of money yay wow plenty wow okay he fell off and carly's got one card left oh i don't want to get i want one of the specials but this card i do not want to give up we're going to fall hard well you're giving it up no matter what what yeah you want to upgrade all your cards oh she doesn't want to give it up i don't want to throw it out to get one of those the other thing you could do is move back into here which would let you two yeah let's do that i will use it as a movement and get in there so what do we want do we want more yellows we want a gray we probably don't need red yeah exactly yellow and a grey let's put the yellow here a magic wand or spear yeah it comes back and we have a dagger that does ranged and oh he's throwing to wood yeah two it is expensive but it's cool okay wow all right so just going back there let me take it out and also wipe away these if you want it fills everything yeah and wipes away anything you like why would i do that with goods on them you generally wouldn't but it's an option right all right okay well i've got a bunch of cards again no wow you guys really shuffled well it's going to be bad well well i think we did these cards have been shoveled a lot you can tell um i'm gonna try to go dig mine i think there's only two i only i think there are two two which is bad i mean we definitely need to focus on them and try not to which might that might be i mean i again i agree with nikki we don't want to clear away cards that we have worked materials on yeah but we may want to like try to get some dig ones out there yeah so do you think that dig ones are they're probably interspersed in all of them you imagine maybe they're more in the red ones yeah okay well i've got but i mean you know we're almost halfway to our first clear got a lot of goods i could potentially do like half of one of these this gray one um we don't have any questions to deal with you already did pick up a card right yes i have i have the one that i used already that was the uh axe i think yeah not the hammer yeah um i i'd kind of like to go for this one absolutely totally and you're already on place to use it yeah i mean there won't be anything out there i mean i won't get to use it on that turn correct he's not bringing anybody out i'm not bringing anybody out but i'd still like it um because all of them i mean you should take something regardless regardless this isn't usable because there's nothing to to place to place metal on same here and there's nothing to fight so as of right now i mean it's still usable as a move so it's going to be good because it's magic infinite moves right that's true nice this one's a single if you're able to see that i'd take that either as well sure okay i absolutely can do that so because i'm too far away really going to do it i have no mining so i won't mine but i will all mine two which is just one yeah and then i will get the cool wood for that thank you get yondu's arrow and then um i guess i could start filling up some of the other things as well so i'll take another wood put that here sure nice and then we've got a lot of filled cards over there i see i mean i would say take don't take another magic i don't know if you already have one i'll tell you maybe take this one just because you want to get the card cycling right yeah it's just nothing to do with it yet but it's yeah you could use it right well yeah he's going to have to use it to move and do something else i must discard a card okay i guess i'll do the one metal one at least no keep it up yeah it goes out yeah and there is that my other one over there yeah yeah okay i'm making pineapples and then i can [Music] move two i guess and do three but we can't put it under there yeah there's nowhere to put it yeah can your other one is there anything to attack do we clear no no then go then go back in here oh yes and put your card back in there that's all really you can do that's me oh okay there we go and i'm done our color uh what color would you like red you want so we want to do gray again see if we get a yeah let's do another gray yeah all right let's see what are we looking for we're looking for dick you got a war hammer it works metal and it fights and it takes one metal working without much payment i know i want to you know yeah yeah we want we want diggers yeah we want digging tools all right deborah has no orcs again no works again i'm gonna lose this guy to take this one magic thing um i'll immediately use it yeah to fly over here sweet um and i'll use this too can um then i will use this to move here and get one wood on here to help build that up and i guess another wood on here to help build that up okay i think so boom all right i have one orc card which is going to place one orc these are easy so far i know i know right wait only get we are we're still on the number one pile the orcs are barely aware you haven't gotten to uh i do sort of like my turn actually check this out i'm gonna do where am i i'm up on the wall i'm gonna move you're on the roof up on this into the tannery and work three leather one two so he went up he went to the tandy leather factory and we're only one short of this one you like that so you want to you want this crossbar no i i just wanted something it didn't really matter so that's fine i got a good thing now i already have a really good weapon so i guess i'm going to take the infinite move one i got to get one to nicky too yeah well there are no no i mean you don't have a card yeah i'm fine oh no wait i can't i you i've used all my cards oh you did okay all right i'll get one next turn it's fine it was a good turn all right i'm done i'm ready for you you're a literally we've got everything paid but one resource right now so everybody should be picking up cards as quick as they can sure except for nikki who's going to kill us with orcs right now i am so here's a orc it does an orc in front of you okay and then they all move which means up on the top up and now i'm sensing another siege card are you ready are you ready another orc it's in just one orc right here okay nobody all right right now i'm going but nikki only has three cards give up a card i guess i'll give up this one for the hammer what would you don't know i mean this one is infinite move which is always nice but the other ones have more icons more more gooder stuff kind of want those grays going i think it was great can get a gray and look how nice that is yeah i mean but the if i should have one i feel like that's true one infinite move maybe i mean there may not be one for everybody but yes it's not a bad one to get i'll take the infinite move so don't forget you oh you did all right card then we will where am i we do have some work problems but lincoln's gonna okay i'm gonna move can lincoln do any killing over here take one of these now that one's over i'm just gonna make things worse use your magic hammer to hammer some metal i did yes then i'm gonna move over here and but we also have three orcs yeah we do is lincoln going to activate some orcs i do not have orcs wow so that's crazy shuffled fortunately especially if he tells us that his next turn might be sort of bad my turn is sort of is sort of bad he's sort of very bad so then lincoln should do something like damage as you can should do some damaging all right so um i have like pretty good oh nice movement i've got a little bit of i got three attacks potentially one ranged oh actually uh ranged over here which i'd hate to use because it digs but uh i may have to go with that so i am in the center i will you do have an infinite mover yeah i'm not sure that it matters i mean because i'm just going to one of these positions unless i want to go up here but see i'm only going to be shooting one direction so i'm not going to work metal then this turn so i'll move to i know it came up yeah and then i will use two to deal there's one outside is still there there is one over on the ground but it's going to take him three moves to get in here sure you know deal with the closer ones right okay then i will do i will do two dice and hope that i take one out here everybody else has rolled well hey that's a lot i thought you were gonna jinx it with that everyone else is rolled well so then uh that was those two and then i will move to gosh i really would i'm not gonna be able to mine or clean rubble so i'll move two and then i will do one that's really the only one there's only one but okay yeah okay uh all right okay time for some bad cards okay here they are okay oh it's a single orc this side of the castle okay that's good yeah and another one the same place no movement though no movement the car the deck is going to get worse and we've gone through we've gone through seven is it shuffled yep it is shuffled in each section right so there's ten ones ten twos right we've gone through eighty percent of the easiest part of the shift okay here we go here comes the bad news now the ma the magical ones i always get to do both or is it just on the first always uh if it's got the red glow and the infinite move i always infinite move and the move is always first if you're going to use anything oh yeah but it didn't make any difference right i was using the uh i didn't need to move i had much more movement than i needed so my infinite move has a yeah attack oh it has a crossbow um and i also have some things but nothing needs filling nope nothing needs working so i will probably just in fact well if i mean i only have three cards can you take one well i might take one i might use one to take one fly and attack one orc guy and then use this last one to return to the center and refill some okay i then i was going to say if you don't i need to because we want to yeah um so who who would we rather i range attack the twofer here do you get a two dice range attack i just get a one then what about the guy yeah i know why don't we just take him the closest one because i i could fly here and range attack him and then i'm still well but then i'm three to get back which i don't want to be oh right but i can only see she has to be further away to arrange the attack oh yeah i have to be on one of these to range attack yeah so let's i'll do this thing first because maybe i can use it oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah take that and wipe everything out then you can target this and white i might like this guy okay sure either okay so i'm gonna first of all we're both very strong get rid of this that way it's better yeah we're so we're so silly i know right we are ignoring the actual things you can do with those right okay great so hopefully i can try attempt to go for as many as i'd like here i'm using these for attacks i think then you could move one two up here and then just do all three ranged attacks well what i kind of want to do well with the three range do one here and then do two this is this is three dice it is three guys yeah but i can target anybody forced to combine the two you have to do as a scene you could do one here move up here then do two here it's not as you see what i'm saying i know i know i well but i can't use my range at all oh that's right correct right but the question i have is can i move to to take me here use my hand hand to hand try this guy then infinite move up here and try to take one out with them okay that's what i'm going to try to do them so moving to brings me up here i'm going to use two dice to hand a hand against that orc come on so that one's out um these have been played then infinite move up there i have one here dice on i guess it doesn't matter you mean either doesn't really matter yeah one of the two um no oh no i need a crossbow to get across i must get a card all right close enough okay uh i have one orc card yeah oh which is an orc and a bunch of moves a bunch so one over here well i mean that's a troll which i mean means four of them jump up onto the walls yeah yeah all right which kind of thing means i'm going to take this card and start start shooting see nikki's there for digging can you dig on your turn yes okay good both and then join you on the tower get your freaking feet off the are stage in show business oh but then i wouldn't be back in the center to to refill the thing which we want which i really want to do so i think i'm just let's see one two gosh they've been all this but you didn't have any you didn't have any orcs this turn one they just all looped up on the wall that's unfortunately why you have four scary that's an interesting aspect of this is that a lot of your cards become useless because if you can't place a work yeah you can't you know so you really need to really be responsible you really need to so i'm i'm not gonna so the the crossbow is gonna remain i might say we start getting out reds because even if they need more resources it gives us more things to do with our cards i agree yeah yeah we'll do it we'll do a solid sensitive red or two at least this gives us yeah all right it's good hit that guy let's see [Music] then do i work leather or do i i almost don't have enough things to do okay now i'm going to take this card boom boom i'm going to get rid of i have two of these leather working cards in my hand so attack yeah i'm going to move attack move i'm going to move through the tower over here i'm going to three dice attack that entire pack of waters okay hoping to kill both of them with four hits and then i will move obviously back into the center to refresh the entire row so oh sweet here we go a big old axe that has double dig double ranged double legs yeah we gotta start some digging that's not that bad uh a giant ballista thing which has four for six wood okay all right let's do a gray pincer tongs which can make anything work work any workshop okay it's only one of each okay we do a yellow or gray for the last one it's great i say great yeah me too we're doing all we can do a lot it's a spear it does dig it it's like a claymore some sort of like pole arm with a spike on the bottom yeah so it does range and digging all right now you got some stuff to spend one night first throwing at people the other one for frying bricks or something [Music] all right nikki yes i have no you have no so uh let's get a rubble removal all right okay then i can go attack stuff all i have is uh hand to hand that's fine get up there on some wall yeah we go now let's just use that one first one two boom and then we atta one two and a one might as well yeah actually two you could do two and take this card with your last card or you could do three and be safe and kill them how bad is is lincoln gonna bring it's like how much does it matter to get rid of a guy for sure is it going to be bad it's going to be bad it's going to be like i had a free hand so then i should be spending all three maybe you should maybe because we want to get rid of him so there's all three for three days more important than he not get in there i think for now one two three there it is no just need two right yep oh she got one wow our luck is starting to turn yeah wow yeah three cards thank you so much nothing you are welcome all right and and lincoln is going to give us the the last one and the first two card to see how bad this is the first one all right it's just places an orc over by lincoln's side here we go here we go the first two cards let's see how bad they are no no no no it's an orc and a move it's okay so it's here work here it's okay then all these moves pop and then these two move up on a little bit okay it's not quite okay it's uh we need to do something all right well i can attack with the one so i'm just gonna do it right here the one card i have three cards in your hand that's come on baby get them nope crossbow would have been great and then i'm working no there's an orc there you can't work workshops this is okay but you could oh no no we can't because we don't you could get this if you literally can't do anything can you go here i'll take that and i can actually uh potentially use it next turn or something i mean that's something yeah so let's uh they're both the same this is just something yeah we now have limitations but i could move right and get over yeah you can move here to refill this yes i'm just going to do that okay all right should we do i think we should do a yellow now because we have a lot of expensive things sure we kind of want a cheap one out there it's another question it's another same deal i think that's good i agree that's smart all right array you've got some grays you got some bats i have no bags i have one by the way i think that's good to know how bad the upcoming turns are going to be are we allowed to talk about i mean yeah it says said you're allowed to share information it's not allowed to show your hand yeah okay i mean again i think you know your own you can either have zero one or two gray cards in your hand so you could say my turn is gonna be great okay or bad okay you know can um you guys get around to this mess i mean i can i'm gonna try i think i'd like to take two ranged immediately this guy hope to clear that sounds good then use this to move one two and take two hits on that guy that sounds and try to clear both of these okay oh yeah i'm already in the center yeah so you can start to make that thing okay so first off two dice hoping for one crossbow to take out that guy no and i got six kapows they don't translate no they don't and so we're speaking in the wrong languages no wow that's horrific all right well i'm still doing this other thing yeah so stick with it excuse me or i'll be right back be right back see you later we'll meet you inside after i kill your friend hopefully two dice just to try and compel him oh yeah that's enough the first time okay he's capable he's compact all right okay i have one gray card i don't know when the catapults and siege engines start sure no we haven't seen anything that means that this comes into play in my play area right so it does not activate until another card comes out or my next turn starts remember it starts at the beginning of your turn you check your player right right right before you even play your org cards okay on my turn or one of your next turns we probably want to try to target this with a ranged attempt right okay that is the only way to get rid of that yeah thank you all right uh i do have four cards and i mostly i could i go do stuff i could do a single ranged attack but my range is not very good i think i am one you'd have to get up here right i'd have to use two cards to do that unfortunately i'm the black backgrounded red shirted dwarf yes not the red backgrounded black red shirt it's red it's red background the two daggered lady there so am i a lady one more lady related i got sweet forehead two ladies sweet freaking tribal tattoo um unfortunately well okay i'll ask you guys what do you think should i roll four dice against this one guy or should i do two a move and then a single against the guy up on the top of the wall wow there's no world in which you can roll the two and if you don't kill him you need another card absolutely they can do that yes so maybe split them up and see i think that might be the wisest thing but i was just wondering if they mean the over you know two two can miss and then two can miss is the problem sure but that's awesome yeah all four is much better but i mean i feel like do do the do the two and if you hit then you know you're moving and if you don't hit you can then choose to do two more i i i understand that yeah so two dice i'm using this card all right i'm using my giant hacking saw that's gonna do it scary right yes the giant hacking sword can't fail so now i can use a move up onto the wall and one die with my little hacking axe come on oh i see that's well you're up there but at least i'm up there yeah well now he's going to move past me and like going to the workshop all right i'm done mickey yes uh you got bad friends i do just one though all right let's see there's the maddie it's one orc over by nicky's side sweet no movement no movements sweet yeah okay don't jinx it don't ask here we go i'm going to leap down do a back foot that's right and then come on no no you were just tossed there he rolled nobody tosses the door uh okay now i'm cutting the same thing i can roll three dice or i mean well do we have oh you can't pick up any of these things no or can you work you can't work wood you don't need that so then and there's a guy in there anyway so no i mean but if you killed him and then you had one wood left over i don't i'd say roll off three unless i use a different card to hop down then i could have oh because that's the wild i think three is safer we got a lot of orcs okay let's do three die woof thank you sir we have another hey see you need it you roll too many crossbows i do all right until she needs him right until she does a range attack until yeah then it's hits and hits and hits all right that was mine they just keep coming the hit's just kicking from coming lincoln yep hey guess what no no no no this time thank goodness they'll be in the next hand don't forget about this it's going to trigger on my turn i have a ranged attack i know i did too because it's laying down and hard to see so i'm going to move two come up here do uh well i might as well just roll them all no i need movement so i'll roll two dice come on let's take that guy out nope nope um he's hard yeah i think i need to move i need to move and just hope that i can get the the siege tower and then roll a single die hold on if you're you have to be on a tower oh yeah okay that's fine that was enough movement okay um so that's good i was gonna attempt to get no cards again i know well i need to check your deck and make sure they're actually in there well i've had two in a hand so i've seen them both together um all right sue there's a dude down here yes there's a dude sam i do see him um you're here so i think i'm there that one's fine deal with that as long as you don't have a too many fists full of orcs the question is should i make one of these and have one less attack on this guy or should i jump up and have an extra attack on them do you have a ranged attack because my my plan is i'd like to jump up one hit him twice move you know infinity move shoot twice at that oh that's a pretty good plan okay does it really shoot twice yes because i have to get this one right and this one to add to it okay i like it rather than making it leather for now so first of all we are getting ready here comes uh hopefully yes come on come on this guy's due yes he was tough he was he was a named character he had identifying scars and i have two oh you're gonna get try to get this dude or that one okay i need that one because because i'm standing here because erin can take care of that one all right here he comes come on one crossbow i just need one crossbow wow okay yeah looking good looking good all right i've got one orc card and we just have this one orc is there one down there or just that one okay one here to nikki's side okay and then they all move oh that's about to get bad yep that's not tomorrow that's me just means i gotta hop down we haven't made anything or dug because we're so focused on getting rid of these orcs yeah all right i can it's hard i should be able to work a medal i don't have any dig cards so i'm gonna i gotta hop down to chase that orc that just ran away from me i get three dice with my giant hammer you can reach it okay [Music] oh my gosh really all ranged wow it's a third of a chance on each die so yeah i know but that means that's like three percent yeah wow goodness okay and my final okay well enough my final thing is move or work and that's it i don't even have an extra attack to roll so i guess i can't work in that one because i can't get in there but i can move i'm going to move sorry i'm going to move here just in case i get it okay because i should get dig next to you yeah yeah that makes sense sounds good that makes sense since that's the only thing i can do yeah and i'm so now i'm assuming this guy's going to steal a gold i think he's he's had his chance and beat me yeah i mean yeah because it's going to get bad over here so all right are you ready yeah okay here's a baddie okay just one arc over by lincoln's side okay and then they move so this one is in the leather workers oh and he got the knot and he goes back here well it's not like it does go back to them we didn't try with that guy okay no not two cards thank you no no no more no more is there only one i think we need to get that other crossbow activated so that yeah it's a double attack yeah this yeah yeah that's a good card okay who's got the first ones who they can be double crossbow double quick got one i've got one that needs to be some wood on there for that to happen and i suspect there's going to be lots of orcs for me to be shooting yeah and i'm in the position to do it so yeah i'll just take a wood and maybe we did go to the red card store if you wanted to we needed more yellow or something or start no yeah get this one get this going but there's nothing to shoot is there anything you can shoot this guy no because it's not a jason oh where is she no that's me oh so she can't shoot anything and she can yeah unless i may i can who's this you that's me yeah maybe i'll take it on my journey over here it works i got orcs no no more attacks yeah i can okay uh so i will burn okay i'll burn this one so i can do a clo i only have one attack though so what about the other card it's arranged and the other one was ranged as well and the other one was ringing she could instead move here and dig twice yeah i could but i didn't know if that was really worth it it's your only two dig cards let's do it yeah it's just you had prepared yourself i know but now there's going to be there's going to be more you started in here yeah yes i got a wood you got the wood i'm moving yep okay all right okay so we have cleared one area because we're coming from this tower right and digging the tunnel out to our escape this way so we clear one of our tunnel blocks sweet and two goblins come out to say hello oh what and then we are kidding we see what's on the back of their tiles we may have to fight them we may have to give them stuff these will these ones both want to fight thank you can we put the little guys in they're little angry guys no what little like what little the little gobliny guy oh that's right we do thank you so again the crossbow if we arrange to attack these guys we'll kill them immediately but this one only takes a single hit okay so this is one of the only uh times when like this would be a good role that you could split between two targets right or a two and a one would be okay you could actually kill both of those with a normally fairly cruddy roll like that okay okay so we do need to fight those goblins although i'm in a fine champ place to do it online yeah and they're not going to move anywhere right they're not going to do any damage they just sit there until dealt with so do we put these back yeah exactly there's more rubble come in after they are done okay but what about you cannot dig while there are enemies but there are and there are goblins that want there are romans that want that's that's the exception to that rule but these should go back in there you just can't dig them until you dispose of the goblins same same difference but meaning if one of these popped up that wanted dig those are separate rubble if the goblin wants right rubble to be dug it doesn't count for this eight it's a it's another two phantom rubble that he's carrying with it okay phantom rubble okay okay so we just have to use two cards the rubble that he wants doug is blocking his house okay not blocking our escape oh my gosh so this this rubble does not reappear for us to dig until we go i see i see in whatever way theirs is additional correct that's additional other rubble that we weren't gonna bother with gotcha got it okay all right by my side and no movement that's it and then another one oh okay that shall be revealed okay another good one just one orc over by lincoln's side a good one well i mean as they go i know okay i have a big three cards yep um i'm already in a position to shoot should i just do all of my shots at that guy and at this point i mean sure as many as you've got i mean i have so i have uh three range attacks and then one close if i were to just take two shots i would take the two move over here and then take i can't oh one no this is infinity oh that's right oh yeah yeah yeah so let's do that let's go so three attacks using those yeah and then just move and then just give me and take one hand do the best chance again okay so there's my first shots at the orc on the ground oh wow that's what you need i got it there was another one almost there and then i'm gonna move as much as i want and then take a single die attack on this fella here hey wow nice that's pretty good for three cards there's still one guy down below but that's okay i'm up i'm up here and can target him i'm going to release more pain i'm going to release that there but i'm going to release he's i think he's going to get gold and get out of there because i've got two orcs it's my turn oh well yeah that sounds pretty number one number one is the siege tower from the debra's area that can trigger from another card you got another or another orc siege tower so so that means fires the siege tower goes back and we have one of these we have a troll oh no and he immediately appears here okay he's in the tower oh come on he takes six damage to kill oh my goodness you guys are gonna be busy over there it also means that we cannot dig while he's there okay or two ranged hits from correct that may be the way to deal with him especially since you have the ranged not in this hand but well that's sort of ready to go that's this is also ready to go but it's not an infinite infinite although it's i guess that's you is that you and me yeah yeah so we may want to climb up here and start shooting that's true yeah you're faster so i might leave that for one of you what's in my hands to get it right away i would like to point out that my special card keeps getting nothing shoved into your discard that's more than one special part by the way yeah you do you should ridiculous yeah so from where i am we should try to fill these up and give her some doing anything um i'm just gonna attempt to arrange on that guy why not because that's all that does i can't get there to dig so one shot guy outside guy outside over here one shot on him no no um all right and then i guess i will move and try one shot on them that's about all i got could save us a gold could save us a gold except you already rolled your three hits now you're gonna roll a crossbow oh hey there you go all right that's the two i touched you we're keeping rolling i mean no i'll go back inside we'll do it again whatever i think they should stay they should stay in the thing nope then there you go our gold are me gold our balls i'm a leprechaun you're always after me gold all right i can't climb up to that tower i have to go yeah i gotta go to the wall first so i'd have to go one two three that's what stinks you can't climb the tower directly can you and i don't little dude i can punch some little dudes watch the little dudes what what what i'm sorry what are those goblins goblins punch the goblins the unfortunate thing is i have ranged attacks you have ranged that's i have ranged i know and i'm not going to be able to use it i've ranged and dig and i'm not going to be able to use it unless i climb up on the tower and get this which would be like my whole turn i think you know what it's worth it i can i can do what else would you do you know yeah yeah okay i gotta do that i'm gonna exchange my wild working card which is just one working but it's going to make me more of a ranged suite the unfortunateness is i use two move cards to climb all the way up here because i need three movement points the good news is i roll four dice for rankings you go come on you spread it spread the damage i can kill them all right now okay come on crossbows oh i killed the troll kill you did you play them wherever you want yeah so that will completely wipe out however remember one troll has appeared five will end our game yeah yes however that was okay i'll take it and i had no bad cards in my hand that turn all right nikki okay is that it kill some guys that you can't remember the name here's a bad guy first okay okay one true one orc out on my side of the castle and then they move so this one is going to get our gold yes which we suspected we did suspect that absolutely so that moves up to the wall and this one who just appeared moves up to the wall okay we've lost two gold all right let's uh stay where i'm at and i will fight uh to die fight these guys on the goblins nice thing is even a one hit will help yeah and a two and a one would be perfect that's perfect you can spread that out however you like it break up you can break up three hits however you want and now rubble goes back and now you can dig if yes it does it all appears now you can dig if you have digging cards this is the fantastic thing i do yeah it's only one but i'll take it away i'll take it and there's no cards out there okay so moving on and then the gold if you want me to and that's not a bad idea and get a yellow card out there for us we we might have screwed up by putting too many reds oh wait couldn't but do it she can also wash cards away i think she should put more yellow cards out there i know but some of these are great well i can wash this i i don't care there's no way we're getting six resources on this car i know but this is six as well but we want that card at the rate we are going though okay i think we should get rid of one of them okay we can do that i think we can get not a wipe of everything no it's wipe whatever you want and refill whatever you want that one's pretty good for specific like or super generally well that's got mining and it's got a little range maybe we like this i wouldn't but the issue is you got to go more places but or where you go one place moreover or you go one place and just do all wood and get the super ranged attack i like the specialized kind of okay so we're thinking she could wipe those two how do we feel i agree i mean this one isn't that exciting this one's not bad yeah it's not this is an easy one although it does work it does it's basically an upgrade it upgrades your engine which is great to get more stuff but if we have enough opportunity to actually do but also to have to go boom boom places boom so yeah let's wipe those okay okay i'm moving in here so and do we do i move one okay in there so we definitely want to yellow we're wiping this and wiping this yeah we want all yellows i mean the yellows are cheap that's just a work maybe we want but that's magic oh it is a magic infinite movie yeah somebody i think you need i don't i don't have one yes you want another yellow and a gray you want at least one more yellow yeah one more yellow and then a gray look at that versatility one metal for anything you want that's pretty good and a gray i think so i like that that is one of each which is as deborah mentions this is unfortunate it means you have to go three different places okay well here's the first orc to level three the level three cards no two orcs out here on mickey's come on now wait a second did you say the first orc the guy is teasing you cheaters okay i was scared i was actually scared so i think i should move over here and move up here and try to take a shot at those guys with my two crossbow you're the reason about that so i will i'll spend i need to worry about this so first thing i'm going to do is attack i think that's what i need to do i'll do i'll do a double attack on this guy okay okay you're not changing them and then see if we can take him out then go up there and see if i can take those two guys out hey yeah he's gone he's gone love it and then that was that then i'm gonna move up here and take a shot at those guys okay nice one sounds great better than better than nothing yes way way good all right i have no orcs wow yes um oh i might while this is clear work some things sure i'm gonna work some stuff work it work it work it cover girl okay that's the dwarf in the forge yeah okay i have the ability to potentially pay for a lot of metal on some of those things over there there are there's four five total yeah one take one move two i'm glad we got that troll out of the way but it's bad because four of them mm-hmm i mean well i mean we got unlucky that that triggered twice a double whammy yeah so i'm going to move one get two or metal metal to start that guy okay um then i'm gonna move here and dig one dig dig dig it dig it i dig it all right i've got an orc okay he puts an orc here turn them together and then they move yeah and i just oh man let's see all right they took away the one that i was going to shoot at with my range but i think range is still my best move so i'm going to use a move to go one two and then i can roll three dice ranged against these nice okay we believe in you i got i got a magic crossbow and a regular crossbow i sort of have a speciality wealth those two things here we go this is the one that's the one yeah at least one yeah i believed in that last step so this last one i can just jump down somewhere and prepare for something i cannot hand to hand the air i guess let's see just punch the air um i can punch it pretty good you are allowed to play a card and not do anything so i don't i'm not forced to move if i don't want to but uh i guess unless you want us oh i guess we don't own anything i guess i'll go i mean it's two he's gonna move he's gonna you're perfect yeah i'm gonna go here just in case like this guy is very smart three turns i like that yeah i mean all right yep nikki yep i think you should just be waiting for him there's the clown daddy all right we got some batty it's a catapult oh sweet so that goes in front of nikki wonderful and it will activate on her next turn or the next catapult card we see that will destroy one of our upgrade slots to fantastic thank you very much no you're not welcome okay don't do it again do you have any ranged attacks [Music] if you can make that then this is up for grabs and that's a nice one okay well i did get my wonderful special card so i can move and wherever you like bite or move and get some um metal she can't do wood until she kills yeah that's where i serve so i'm going to move and right because i can do work through metal no and fight first guy okay okay all right three dice thank you p come on don't screw it up don't screw it up like that like that what is with the crossbow thank you thank you again three cards for nothing and i have a wild but i was expecting to be able to be able to get the wood so i can so four cards like you can move you can move i mean we don't need that you could move back to the digging spot since you didn't get any digging cards this turn maybe yeah or you could stay where you are because works well i know yeah you don't know what she's gonna have why don't i just hop up here okay i'm done all right all right well no i need to take care of the catapult well yeah before you had no range so yeah i didn't but i might someone else may take care of it lincoln maybe you can from there there's my first all right no catapults two orcs over here no moves and that's the last of the orcs okay and then i'm going to take a shot at the the catapult are you on okay and then you just made that case just fyi the catapult counts as being and you can shoot at the catapult from anywhere it's not it's not here in this area just because nikki's city okay okay the catapult tower right the catapult being in your play area is targetable from any tower all right just because we're putting it here in the area does not mean it's in this outside thank you for that because i think i was thinking that way right sorry i'm gonna move two one two catapult exists outside of time and space it can be targeted from any tower in the world it doesn't matter it doesn't matter and then i'm going to mine wow that's all we need i think yeah i think it is gonna try to do a fourth but i don't know we don't need it now one two two do you want this card if you this is an extra yeah i'll take that i'll do that and take the the wonder act uh the wonder pick yeah that's a wonder pick yeah it's good for your teeth dennis recommended all right dwarf dentist stuff's about to get nasty uh-oh uh-oh i don't like it number one two orcs by lincoln's side but no move but look there's only four i know right and they're all gonna be up on the wall if yeah one orc and a move okay oh we start from when we start from the inside because i'm just gonna get confused so this one comes and takes a gold this one moves into the leather workshop and then five come up on the wall hey cheers you showed up where i went things got hairy for the dwarf okay hairy dwarfs hairy time dwarves are here okay uh uh so right so now i'm i'm oh i don't have any orc cards by the way okay that's wonderful good piece of news um in this grim grim day i don't have any either uh nikki how much kapowage do you have a package i have three capowicz a three and one range in one range so i i'm gonna go help nikki i think so with two movement one two i can do three kapowage nice although her catapult but i don't think i can't get there uh i could take a i could okay i think this is more pressing yeah i agree so three oh my goodness oh she got two out or no all of them you get to spread it however you want sweet that is the roll even when this is exactly what we needed thank you that was the one i got last time too yes good thing all right all right sweet finally is that all your cards that was on my card all right i have no orc cards for once i think that's the first time i've had this maybe maybe maybe a second time um i do need this magic weapon yep and then i i will have a lot of chopped chop to attack those orcs plus it can get you over here to take try to take a shot at that at the end of your turn good point although i can actually do that with any card right with actually that actually that's that's good because i can do do i want to get rid of this i wish we had this because then you would have it done get rid of this over here all right i can i can try everything okay i'm gonna move with a normal card up here and fire one range shot at the catapult actually i actually have to move up onto a tower obviously but i still have the cards for it come on one catapult shot yes oh my gosh and then i love games i love games so much you know what i knew it i i felt that one i knew it was coming yeah yeah that one i picked and then with my new magic chopper i can move here and roll four dollars one bag okay yes four on those more guys i agree i agreed thank you much agreed yeah this guy is close i know but much agrees get rid of these yes should be able to get it and i rolled the debra roll yeah yeah seven points hey goodness our situation i feel much better about our cast yeah yeah for sure yes all right all right maybe yes sir this guy couldn't could steal a goal right now no oh she's got a lawyer she's got no works i have no idea so we're good so what i wanted how it ebbs and flows oh yeah like you get a couple turns with no movement and then a really horrible jump they all jump up on the wall so i'm gonna we need to dig let's dig we need to get this card going okay then i'm going to just need wood should i do three on this guy three's the safe shot i mean unless you've missed three three times you can't miss it again right yeah maybe although maybe three's not good for you maybe you should just roll two and that's what works yeah i'm gonna do two here we go two she's gonna do two it's only two is good for nikki yes i don't know yeah it's no this is it'll work okay okay okay [Music] sweet all right and then i can't even get that stuff because i don't have uh can you move and do some wood can i move i can only do metal or you can do a dig you could go all the way across oh dig it dig it or i can go get some metal digging we don't need any metal there's no metal to do so that i use as my move and and i dig done done dig dug dig is done the digging is stuck okay well here's the first of these guys that's really only oh okay i know i hate it when you say that no catapults in front of you right back right back at you that's all right but we it would have triggered yes well it would have triggered on her turn but we at least got it it also gives us hopefully a lot of time to deal with i'm going to move two come up here and i'm going to just go all in on making sure that's out oh all right get rid of design his own categories oh that's right and he fell over the wall we lost him too bad there wasn't something else to shoot back now and then i'll move um one i'll stay here just in a position to maybe do something we're nicely spread out in case somebody yeah your face down i don't like it so i was napping is there a face downside oh there is i didn't even know there was a bat they've got fronts and backs too okay i i don't have a lot of fancy things going on here no no that's great that's three out of four turns with no no it's good um this is a little little fussy here but i think it'll get everything done so i'm gonna move one take a one of these i'm gonna move one sure and dig one and then i'm gonna move one and refill oh yeah nice so how would we like to refill we want um a yellow and a gray or a yellow or two yellows or yellow and red we want a yellow i assume i think i kind of feel like another red i mean i do too i kind of do too okay so one yellow so yeah well yeah there we go a bottom and a top yep all right three crosses three digits but it's six meters six metal that would have been and this is just uh because you have that three metal card eventually then again if it's not underneath the next time okay yeah all right i have here's my first orc man we got a lot more digging to do we got a lot of digging to do a lot of digging to do a lot of digging it's the siege tower i think i have to do i have to do a a debra double move turn because it actually is more efficient that way so i'm going to move move one i'm known for rolling sevens and you just did because i have this warhammer that mines two metals yes nice and then we'll put it on this giant card here yes and then i have one move and one dig to finish the turn fantastic wonderful we like all of that there's only three left there okay yeah okay all right yeah bad guy bad guy catapult in front of nikki boy yeah things are getting scary anything else good i have strong i think the catapult and the siege tower are always by themselves i think here we go yeah we'll find out that guy again orc over by lincoln and then he moves i think he's the only one so he just hops up on the wall oh that's not too terrible all right so i dig one oh you're already there yeah right only two left second in there i got nothing to fight nice uh what do we need resource wise we need a little of everything yeah most of the well mostly mostly wooden metal yeah and one hide it if it's all right but we don't really want if it's all you got but yeah we're not sure okay so i'll move over to the wood and i will um get a wood wood work it's called work get that okay finish this one yeah there are 50 cards this means there are 20 20 left okay and we need to clear this before that happens i know yes so digging so we need this digging card asap and this one yeah like we just need we almost need like these and then someone who just digs forever all right that's just there it is this tower meaning meaning a troll comes number two troll into means and he stops all digging while he's there it's the one with seven single points okay but that means if we get a big like yeah die roll you know they can all but i mean so he's not a he's not a ranger he's a he's amazing well i mean right you can use range it just would not it's just you have to hit him several times the other the other good thing is if you hit him five times you could get that trash tonight right you should own that that seven hit roll is a debra okay right i guess i'll move to the tower takes me up here okay i'll use my only ranged weapon i have all right let me choose the die for you like you okay yeah yeah it's this one right here okay that's the good one it's gonna roll across the good one it's gotta go in the thing it's still good it's still good i know it it's gonna roll across now [Music] you got to be confident with those dice sometimes it works okay and then um oh wait i can move as much as i want go get i'm going to do that this is i can't move yeah and then take to attack are you sure because i i've got a bunch i can take on him if you want to go get wood and start filling up this or you know sure i'm just saying yep infinitely and he doesn't do anything he just said he just sits there and chokes us okay i'll do that i'll go over there go over here and do two wood put them where you want them i mean it's i mean here or you want to start filling this up one is i think since it's two i'd say go here okay and then that's that okay cool um i've got one bad guy all right bad guy two orcs over on that side and then they move so this one comes into the workshop and these are those two but okay okay so i've been looking at what i actually didn't get to use that term oh do we want me to go after the troll or do we want me to go after some of these guys i also i've got the cards and i'm already there okay so so i would say be more efficient do something else um uh the other question would be so i could fly up here take one shot at that [Music] then spend one of these to move and have three at these guys three dice at these guys it's not too bad rather than fly up here not take a shot and have four dice no i one of these to go ha ha you thought you got away with it but you did not three die come on oh i keep doing this where i take the just five yeah nice wow it's a demo we only need four yes okay all right i've got a single orc card and then i can chop up a troll oh two over here and then they move so this one's going to get in the guild okay and then those two jump up again okay all right i i'm gonna roll all four i got four cards and i don't need to get to any workshops with a single work so i'm gonna roll four dice i need a debra seven to kill the whole thing come on come on i got three we really are good at rolling the but the least the good news is it carries over it does carry over and we only need four to get him next time oh that was my whole turn that hurts it does it's a hurts donut because you should have rolled this one i know i thought you should yeah i chose his you need your other player to choose the blessed dice for you and then you gotta think yes and put power into those dice all right nikki what do you got yeah oh nikki's got no orchids i have no orcs no i'm okay with that so you want to think we want to someone can take this oh yes that's right um someone who is someone who can do sitting to dig and do arrange the tax yeah we should almost wait until someone is in a position to do ranged attacks or dig and then take that immediately right agreed right take it and use it like boom yeah all right um i can hop up here and fight these guys or go back in here and fight this guy both both fine i mean i do think well i have an infinite move so okay that's not getting to where i need to be isn't a problem how much fight do you have two only two only two because if you thought you could wipe them out and still have a card left over to take this we could do that okay so yeah left side we're all amazing so then i might focus fire on yeah since they're a little more threatening these guys he said he just sits there we might as well wait until we can do satisfying i will uh move over to here with the magic thing with the magic thing and roll two okay yeah two this is very unsaturated for me i forgot there you go four hits five there you go all right it works we got a system though we do that's it all right now i can do any pelts for stuff yeah we do i get crappy hands i can hop down so so unhealthy take a pelt but we'll see what happens do you have one card left i do you may just want to take the card you just put this belt on is that a bad card oh it's a dig card it's a dig um now we use the other palette do the other pelt oh you can't no it's so wide put the pelt on this instead and start building but i was thinking she might be able to you know place it take it immediately but it's a it's a tack which we have nothing to do before she can i just use those no i use those two i use this one to hop down right and then i use this one to take the pelt and then i have another ranged or a dig so that can't really do anything kind of my problem do you want to instead then place this here or she could she could just set that up uh she could take this i am getting rid of she could take this and then move into the middle to put a new card out i don't think that's worth losing a dig oh no i don't either yeah yeah you're right that's that's not worth was this your movement but it no no that wasn't that was my best uh oh she can't get to the oh you she can't mine there's no no she has two dig cards and can't do it right sad so that's very sad my only question is is this where you want to place the pelt rather than build something that does the same thing but also gets you something else yep i think so because it still it lets lincoln get a crappy card out of his hand and take this i'm sure i think that's what if you got a crappy card i do you're it gets rid of wood but it gives me a double chop which i would like okay okay then so just you're just wasting your life well i'll just move into the middle gives you something have you how many special cards have you gotten one that's oh then yeah you need more she can't take that one if i give up a dick actually so then she's just not going to dig as much as the rest of us right i feel she needs to have something yes i agree more power okay so then she can take it stay here no you can take it and use it to move it's because you always you take it let me wait i need to throw away a card first yes there but now that's active in your hand for this turn okay you can use it to move into the middle and still refill the cards all right yeah so do we want to refill this then with the yellow i think so yeah yeah just to keep one cheap one cycling quickly around oh it's a double digger okay so first things first my first orc and only i hate it all right yeah the cat pulls back out in front of me yeah okay okay and then um i'll move infinite come over here play this take out three so we're very close to the the super digger and then um and then i'm going to move up to the tower yes once you take a shot the single shot at that all right [Music] that's on me so i'm going to mess things up here a little bit number one okay number one orc uh we don't want a catapult of course it's a catapult well wait can't we use this to stop it because this is gonna be bad we've got it right because we've got everything we like all these and we've got resources on everything i wouldn't be mad about that going but how do we know what it's going to be but like we really like these digging cards cards okay and every catapult card costs a gold we may as well spend two agreed right oh absolutely because this is the only does this remove this it cancels the card that we would have revealed and puts that out of play okay this is the only time we can do that one ability okay so here yeah here's our mercenary framework there you go look how photogenic they are all right yeah are they they really are okay okay well i'm i'm not done being uh trouble here's another one all right it is oh you've got to be kidding me nope no that's why they make the catapult not be able to trigger like three times right right right right right that's why it always comes out and back that's there okay wow but we still have it to deal with i do have range i can try to deal with it on my channel i can also attempt it on my first thing here but then i have some range as well what i what i was thinking about doing that must mean that there's a lot a lot of them in the deck in the last few cards well i think probably to really like ramp up the both of those are the the heavy hitters so there's probably a lot maybe i will leave this for one of you to deal with at a certain point because i think that's fine that's okay we just drew two in a row how many more can there be because i think i can get this guy okay do it do it so and that means you oh but you can't use it this turn unfortunately you i might no because there's a troll that you can't dig through oh right okay okay so do you want me to dig oh i see to use it you want to use its dig um no fill it up don't draw it okay fill it up don't draw it all right i know it's risky i don't want it to disappear in her hand i'm not coming this could be five right here you know i know we'll see how the turn plays okay because i also have i have this one range infinite movement so i could attempt you know i could i could move up here attempt one attack on myself then take two down and make the one thing and i'm i get everything and it's just gonna sit there for someone else to take i have a decent chance of being able to use it on my tournament okay you feel it okay so all right i am then going to first of all infinitely move up to the table what are you doing i'm joining you i'll take one shot at my own catapult please good luck yeah you got it nice fantastic great that helps a lot okay then i'm going to move to boom boom boom so yes i'm so in the fire hey things are getting hectic yes you can't worry about everything i'm not graceful any longer and i will build one metal to fill that up okay well at least it's not another catapult and it and it won't really matter if it is yeah yeah okay well there you go all catapults and what if it is actually i might be able to deal with that as well all right so i'm crazy we'll start with i have a lovely hand coming up now lincoln pick me three good dice that are gonna roll red really really good red capacity so i need to kill this troll and then i can clear the rubble okay that's enough yes you did two and a three what i was gonna do for my turn now he goes away he's gone okay see you later alligator yes boy troll again now alligator i will take this card and get a get rid of my one dig i will use it immediately unfortunately i can only use there's only two rubble in the spoon but i will use it i do three dig yes we clear a tunnel section and we have two goblins this goblin once needs to be hit three times this goblin wants any one good no any three goods okay sorry that means you can be in any workshop and pay him immediately from there so it's like you're placing on his tile instead of placing on one of these things okay uh and remember uh there are goblin figures in there you cannot dig while they're in right right sure i have one card left which unfortunately is a good ranged movement but i can't move and do range with it at the same time but i'm going to move up here um i think that's that's one two three you are correct this is only a two move so i will instead go in here and we'll put a gray card we may not have enough to get another red the reds feel like they take so long they do and they but the yellows are almost so cheap that they're not this one is wonderful i mean if we get another one of those that's amazing i'm there you know we'll see what happens as we come around but i've i've got a nice fancy turn coming up too so nick let's get a yellow one for you i agree she could be able to use one it is a it's a three leather working card for a single wood if we get it seemed that valuable but it would pay this goblin completely if we happen to get it and use it in turn so that actually would work how does that work for you nikki if she has a wood making card she could do it that'd be actually pretty good all right okay do you no so i shouldn't fight these guys and just go get the wood well one of them is fought by come by generating three resources okay so that's pretty good to pick this up and do it okay so i move yep cool then i'm going to get a wood and put it on that car and then i will get rid of this wood sounds good i mean this goes live into your hand it's live it's live and on tv okay and then i move over to here so we can start getting well we want to get money for we want to get somewhere together play the one you got all right right yeah so then i will play this one for the three three and immediately it just goes to him and back there we go and i've got one card left i can stay there and get a you might as well not put the leather and put the leather on there oh okay yeah cool done that's a lot you went to the leather shop and you made a lot of lines wow having fun we're under attack i know that's what you do making leather working with leather calms me down okay okay i believe this is out because you drew three on your turn at some point we're probably going to lose one of these things i didn't have any range so i couldn't only done this okay well here's my first order okay stop saying it one day it's gonna be it usually is too but lately it hasn't been so here's my six it works two orcs who immediately move that's those are the only ones though so yeah we're good we're doing them we're doing all right yes this is bad yes yes especially because it comes with the big cost underneath i'm going to move two okay one two okay i'm gonna do two uh rain shots at the uh catapult sweet why don't you um give me those okay two of them or one two one two okay get them and neither oh that's gotta get in there come on come on come on come on it's duke yeah yeah yeah nice oops i got those go away and then uh over there we need wood i'll just move into the wood pit and then i can help fight them if yeah if they want to yeah yeah that's actually good yeah i have no works since they they very likely could that's nice networks from here all right um first thing i would like to do i would like this guy take it so i'm gonna if you can use it you're gonna go fight and then maybe dig that's my hope oopsies over here throwing all that all over the place i'm just throwing it through cause it's in my hand so i'm gonna use this to move in here yeah then i have two dice to attack and get three things okay uh oh no i just slid those two dice oh you did it [Applause] so these are now useless well you can move and go do something else i mean oh i hate this oh no you can uh you can move up here and take shots but it's it's three to get up and then i would only have two shots still two's okay it's better than two is better than nothing right oh you're so mad because i got it all there so much i know you have no more hands i use this too and use this to move um because i was going to hopefully get four you know dig oh yeah you know was the hope yeah um because he only needs three but i didn't get it okay um so yeah i mean that's the best i can do yeah two so two cards to move one two to go there one one two two to go up here and then although i can ranged him from up here you can't arrange um i have no dig so it doesn't matter um in which case i might just do this you might just do those yeah i have some dig i don't have dig either but we means we've got two players to potentially take them out before your turn so i'll use this to do two ranged on these guys come on these are the two you guys right don't know that they're gonna work now right but were they chosen for red they were chosen for red hints exactly that was what i know entirely useless you got it you got to roll the right dice at the right time yikes all right i've got one card it's a catapult incredibly impressed we don't because of the number yeah we have not women we used one special thing but i'm not lost anything yet it's pretty incredible and and it may behoove us to for instance like get these last two cards and then ignore this for the rest of the game because if that makes the catapult oh this is one we would like to get to yes no this one's actually really good that's easy but then if we stop refilling this and stop worrying about the catapult that's a lot of these phases that i i don't know how many catapults are left in here could be one could be six well we do need to stop them from coming out just to get all these definitely but we can take care of that at least if we can just ignore a couple of these that helps us right yeah at this at this is about the point when we've gotten all the cards we're probably gonna get all right i have a lot of hand to hand so i'm gonna jump up on the wall and hit things or do you have dig no i have no dig okay kind of sad yeah nobody's over here how much hand to hand do you have three so should i let her do the goblin and i'll take those orcs off the wall i can't do the i can't do any catapults unfortunately yeah i have no ranged either so i can't i will count either i'm well-rounded so i have a lot of arch well i've got more dice than you so i'll take these because that's more hits so one to jump up on the wall four dice against those guys all right all right i'm imbuing the red kapow power into these sports power power here we go there we go exactly four exactly four that's it it wasn't a double roll but it was still it was still enough close enough [Music] yes one all right two orcs who do not move okay and now we're on the fives oh wow we are not going to win this game no we have a lot of digging to do all right yeah there we go that's what's going to get us amazing can you get yourself okay and then three die for a handy hand yeah you gotta get them i gotta get them gotta get them you can do them three really do come on come on come on just know the odds are with you the dwarves are yeah that's all so doesn't handle back in here handily dealt with now we can start digging all right we got ten cards to go and we're forty percent of the way goodness all right i have one card left can you oh you're two no no it's moving no well the working is i would like do you want me to just go in here and i i guess just to to do something or i just sit there or you move yeah there's really nothing else you might as well put cards up because maybe something because maybe it's fantastic maybe we just put it down easier yeah do we just want to easies yeah we do because because nothing else is we're not going to have time to get in we don't have time to get great focus if we get another one of digger great there's a single digger okay that's good and it's an infinite move dude yeah yeah it's not a lot of things so this is good yeah you could be anywhere just going we're going to take one but we don't we don't care about the wood anymore we don't care about this wood making i mean yes it's oh yeah but range and i like i said i think we're giving up on this yeah by now all right lincoln so we'll see well um first off the only one i won't tease siege tower we knew that was going to be okay oh and movements so the orcs come up on the wall okay okay okay um um yeah we could also probably start ignoring orcs at this point i know i only there aren't going to be enough orcs to empty this gold out and lose the game that way we don't think though we don't i don't think there are okay there i've not okay we're in the fifth deck i'm with you we have not seen more than two works on the card that's true we need to dig dig deep you're right digging is a priority yeah it is okay i'll attack because i don't have as much digging anymore so no yeah right we got rid of one of yours but the rest of us need to dig whenever we see a digger okay well i'm gonna move one two that's me oh no no it's not me that's me i moved i moved you for once instead of moving me like i was telling you oh my gosh well i'll do that i mean i'm sure it's fine i should have had a green shirt or something i know red black and black red is really good it's a little round i also did give myself black when i usually play red right now that was going to scream a green shirt would have been very wonderful yes although dwarves do seem to like red and then i'm going to i got it right on me too i wish i could [Music] i wish i could get the to really dig um well i i i could potentially get this if you want to wait a second where did i start oh who knows where i started no you started here in the center i just moved okay the wrong figure and then i'm gonna dig twice that's really all i can do um but that's better than nothing it's absolutely fine and then um [Music] i will go to the wood i don't know i feel like we should focus on i'm going to go over to the wood area well no one too i can come over here and hope to stop well we don't care about the orcs not as much no i'm gonna go there yeah do that and try and okay all right i have no works are we abandoning the catapult do we not care i'm gonna i what i would like to do not abandoning because we do have two so three two digging tools that we want to get i um i would give up shooting the catapult to dig four i think that's absolutely worth it so let the catapult go i'm gonna get this out of there good okay all right then let me double check make sure that's something i can do um that gets us much closer to victory i have no dig symbols so okay that's so let me see first of all slide fly free two make up three trade take this in my hand four move five four dig right one two nine three four just one one two one there's two left two left okay if we have any chance now unfortunately this is actually the first time we've done this where this activates immediately on the front of my turn because we can't you can't stop it okay it's before you play your orc cards if there's one in front okay okay but i'm not a girl but i think that's okay exactly we got our best card out yes this would this would be nice to have right yeah this one doesn't really matter yes this one's empty so this only helps us if we're going to get there we may not get there so so i'm okay it's going to lose us a gold yes and destroy number two so it's not great but it's not horrible we weren't even a long haul it was long the bummer is i have no dig so i'm just going to go fight some orcs yep i have digs so i'm luckily maybe just going to sit i'm going to remember which counter i am this is there any way we can get debra ready to have that um i also i can't produce any metal okay my hand's pretty bad let's see i could i can do metal okay i could do wood but this is not really an important card but so is it oh no no no no that's why i was going to fight whatever happens i think you should find i can do them it doesn't totally because i have to dig and as soon as oops as soon as that happens stuff's going to come out so i won't be able to use it on that tournament sure so you could fill it to get it in a hand um but i can't do you have anything i have one dick i'm really turned into a fighter right yeah well maybe if you dig one i can dig the other and we can get this going so that we can deal with the the goblins that are going to be coming well but again i have only dig really right so you dig these i i have the ability to maybe hit some stuff yeah you should go hit things but if he digs first he might be able to deal with the goblins that are out there that's what my goal is that's why i want to try to set it up so that you can dig as much as possible and then even you can it would it would require him to get rid of both goblins which is going to be sure it's going to be a long time otherwise we also oh my hands you have a killer goblin card over here that's right so it's right if it works out that's right you may need to use that because i i have a pretty useless hand if i can't dig all right do we want this card does anybody need this card is it worth picking up this card what might just i mean if it's if it's all you can do no oh uh i'm saying it i can do it but i don't know if there's a reason to i mean if you can go oh okay his siege can you get up there and kill he's got attack actually i can that's probably the best thing for me to start doing let's see because yeah we don't want anything i go trolls we have three more of those okay i can do this i didn't see that yeah here's what i can do watch this that's why it's supposed to do this i can move one through here roll three dice against those guys i'm picking them i'm picking them all right i'm gonna pick really good ones i'm gonna pick really really good ones i'm already starting to okay and get ready my power these ones are my compile power [Laughter] and now i still have enough to oh i've got an infant oh i could have i could have you rolled another die i had an infinite move because it doesn't matter you kill them uh and then i have two [Music] super crossbow okay now pick ones that roll crossbow okay these are the ones these are the ones these are the ones that roll up you with the power of crosstalk that they do all right nikki you got uh any bad cards nope oh good can you kill lincoln's tower i only have one distance thing and you have to get here too all right so this is an infinite if i get that close then i can do it so i will move over to here i will get that prime then i will move up to the tower yeah okay yeah and i will take a rain shot again yeah i don't know one shot it's all on you lincoln that was important it was super important because otherwise that's a troll which stops the digging too then oh no i can't you need to dig right she's in this she used it she used it for the range do that you can do this and dig yeah swap it out this one or this one that one this one and then now you can move with that card and dig with this card oh no you can't get there it's not far enough it's infinite oh this is infinite oh my gosh infinite yeah fly fly my pretty oh yeah thank you and then you're gonna move over there so i i'm using this one and she's still got an unused card yeah digging one infinite infinite dig then i'll just stand in the middle and we can pull off sure might as well pull some new cards yeah that's awesome this is our last year all right let's do a yellow and a gray see what we get hey we got a shovel 2d but it's two metal and two leather well you know you do well you just toss your leather thing but to reshuffle and take it in your hand okay all right first all right that's the only only a few of these i have some bad catapults okay no again we can ignore that i say we just lose it whatever it is nothing there yeah nothing there is is i mean this is nice but it's hard this is nice exactly it's so many actions to pick it up and use it and we want to focus right and we right i think you're about to get bad on my dentist yeah i mean i don't know what to do i mean yeah we're still going to just just we've done as well as we could we're still going to die horribly very soon yes we're not going to make it but again i want to remember these things wait wait yes wait wait wait wait there's a dig right there there is a single dig yes yes so i am so get a hat i'm over there one two i can get over there yeah so give me two to move over there one two um work metal yeah i mean i got i got so much metal coming out of my ears so i'll take that metal then i will swap oof i don't want to do that one i'm going to do it because this one's a good one here this is the infinite move okay i'll do this though i'll do that in the middle here just just because we can t two just because we can well we wanna yeah exactly oh because he's got the thing he's got the three sure yeah yeah so why not exactly it does it doesn't hurt it doesn't go in i'm going to take that a dump that to take the one dig card dump this to take this and then i'm going to move with this yeah and dig that it doesn't solve the problem but at least it's got that and then we now have now we see goblin number two one of each good yeah i know we really needed a rubble guy rubble well barney before i can do nothing oh oh okay i just have to say my turn is not going to be great and mine's awful so okay remind me what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait remember all these things okay uh kill a goblin kill a troll and then ignore a siege card so we still draw it see how horrible it is and then we can choose to make him just ignore and then this is take out clear no well this is clear a goblin okay the other one is clear all orcs in workshops that one we don't need i i i would let's see what they are we might want to clear this goblin because i hate he might i think you're right because that's three separate actions yeah that's holding us up this one is one orc in every area i think that's okay i'm okay with that yeah again they need three more moves to get into the center so they're okay in every area no one in each other one of these well here's potentially their first move unless we decide to kill it two over there plus a move uh you still look regular guys oh yeah my card has my turn has two orc cards so let's wait okay let's listen so this goes up those go up no no oh yeah they all go out okay now are we spending two to try to to knock this guy out right now i agree because otherwise we're gonna spend our whole turns running around and maybe paying part of that guy because then i i i mean again i have so little to do i mean the only thing i could do is run up and try to kill can you fight the other one a little bit if yes i can fight him one because i i'd have to roll very well at the most could pay him one resource on my turn and that's if you know we're alive so yeah i think we'll let's do we want to mush this the goblin immediately i agree i think so everyone sure was happy with mushing a goblin again and we've got a bunch of gold i mean yeah the mo the more gold that's left over the well the better you've done in the game assuming you even live but we have plenty all right we've spent two we've destroyed a goblin okay and the mercenaries destroyed him he's gone he's been obliterated okay one two one and i'm shooting at this guy yep with a single crossbar yep nope darn it all right so yes that was my turn i could dig on my turn if if my two orc cards right live through the game okay first one two orcs out here okay and then they all move okay so oh wow now we could use the one that wipes out all the orcs in the workshop or we're going to lose five gold on them two gold to five and that's right yeah if three come in yes we lose right so i guess we should do that now yeah yep lose two to wipe five out yeah yeah mercenaries at least prolonging our suffering all right second siege card giving us hope three orcs that would have ended the game one two three around the edges would have ended the game yeah no we could have cancelled the card we have one more cancel okay we can't well we don't care about this we no we don't we really don't yeah or okay all right so here's my turn here's the only things i can do i get three dice against this goblin and if i kill him i can do three digs oh my god i'm i'm gonna pick the best one i got it okay you got it my odds are with me these are the best these are the best dice the odds are that you've ever seen in your life well above fifty percent that you can use these three these three right here right i'm gonna set them all to three pounds oh boy that's asking for it but they have only three capacities i believe i believe it believe that now only three capacities they're transforming them into only three capacitors i'm gonna roll with my eyes closed that is all that they are and then as we discussed i will dig three rubble so you can only put five in there wow all right at least we're starting on i didn't think we'd even get to the fourth block because we started on it my lord okay i'm i'm happy that was probably my last turn before we die but at least it went well probably okay no no no no no all right nikki what do you think she's got hang on one card there are four left oh my god this one just puts two out here so i guess we can live with it for now they're crunchy okay oh and then they move sorry oh boom but you know what they're fine they're not they're they're only going to end the game by appearing they're not going to end the game by stealing our gold i think and we can still cancel one don't want to fight these guys or do i want to dig dig all right so i will move dig only dig i i don't have great digging i know buddy we're doing what we can we're not gonna win no we're not we're not gonna there's two nice all right two three two is good and i have another move or something um another move or nothing or forget it or just yeah i don't know uh let's well let's imagine she gets another turn i guess you should stay there and dig and fight so stay there dig and fight okay well first and it is the first no really i have two yeah so do we want to kill cancel one of these you get to look at what we have to look at we actually look at it and then cancel there we go there's the process three orcs around the outskirts of the castle that kills us kill two gold for our fourth mercenary it's gonna be the same thing gold left it's gonna probably is right it's gonna be three orcs right hey it's a catapult oh it should have triggered at the beginning anyway so then it's out and then back in so yeah so it killed this okay okay and one gold yeah okay at the beginning of the turn right now it's better and they all move so two gold are leaving and then all these are in here okay and there's only one card left so this is the final turn of the game unless you draw no orc hand you have to do something amazing me uh yeah there's nothing new it's all on youtube okay so i don't she probably doesn't first hey we're getting there and then i will um move and attack while you're still shuffling you're shuffling choose the right two to throw out oh not enough where what were you shooting like okay one two three was that it that was it oh because you had two orcs of course all right and i believe if deborah has any orcs in her hand the game is over because we reveal the last card i have no order yeah no way oh okay i'll keep shuffling i don't know what it is i have digging too so it won't be enough to get us all the way through only two i have digs oh my god okay all right let's see here we go but part of it too is that like find out what you if you have work should i all right to see if we get another turn i'm carefully choosing five magical non-orc cards okay oh my goodness oh that's that's that's yeah i did pull two you already did i already pulled the two yeah i'm going to check and see what they are yeah uh-oh yeah that's not good no it's not all right here we go this this is an arc all right here we go this is an orc i have two arcs in my hand so this is the final turn okay go all right deborah says no pressure no pressure you need uh ten digs plus defeat two goblins or four goblins so what would i like to do in my final day my final moments here i think i would like to go out swinging um so why the heck not okay right that's only two there right okay yep so yeah just gonna take a wild shot in the dark at that catapult from where i am because why not yeah go i didn't hit it but that's okay now i'm just gonna fly down here and take one one wild swing all right one of them no no i hit nothing then i'm gonna fly over here and take a wild dig um and that's the end of my turn and then my turn is the end of the game i have two horses and the final one will end the game just have it just well but i believe it's as soon as it's revealed the deck is empty the game is over wow as we all well knew so we almost got 80 of the way through our rescue tunnel but the fortress has been overrun the dwarves gold is gone and the orcs and goblins digging is a challenge is a challenge it is the only way to win so you really do have to jump on it i guess you almost have to probably should have prioritized it sooner i know but we didn't really have the options right i mean maybe we almost have to like remember the first few turns seemed free and easy right yeah like grab the dig things out of here and wash away them were there even any digs i don't think there were things but wipe away the ones that aren't there and get to get the cards out there and help you so when i also it's so tempting like to take out orcs and sometimes but like while you have it again right now of course i would almost spend the first 10 turns all of us sitting right there digging and singing and upgrading any shovel dig carts we could get that's that's just my thought well there is something about specializing like just being like hey can we just station you here with you know yes and station two people here with digs and then station and then another person and maybe multiple magic weapons and all the big hand-to-hand cards right you're right it might have been really special to specialize that but i don't know that might be interesting yeah let's see what the last two were five shots six well i heard that scott has played this several times and they have never won and he had an advantage because they misplayed something i thought we were going to do better than we did but i mean we tend to lose co-op games the first time we played yeah and that's i think this is a very shame obviously you can win but boy it seems like you have to have like really fantastic results now we saw all the yellow cards there weren't any that were amazing digging were there that we had uh only there are two more double diggers in the gray and they all seem to cost four resources i don't know what else is in the room i had a double digger in the yellow um we did play on the normal difficulty so now that we know that uh easy difficulty is only six rubble to clear per phase oh so i would say i would recommend that to new players yeah if we had done that we'd be a lot closer to the end we might not be winning but we would be close to the end of the end of having four special cards which was you know you need no we did we balanced it out pretty well you can't see pretty quickly yeah but the cards that we've all wiped out of our decks is all either four or five now so we did pretty well balancing that out she just had a slow starting yeah upgrading which we we rectified yeah the reds had another three like a three dig it seems like there's one triple of every triple of everything and then this is you know your jack of all trades but it's very hard to get but i and i can't imagine i mean obviously you play this a lot and you get really good at it but you know the hard and expert levels are 10 and 12 rubble in here every time you need to clear it i can't imagine how you would do that i don't know without just perfect you need to do something like you said lots of movement yeah and it's right someone has to dig so they get like six or seven at a time you just have to i think specialization would be my next strategy i think that would be a good strategy to try i think all right i think it's sort of clear that we all liked this are engaged yeah we're really thinking about how to like attack it better next time and then really like how all the systems uh interlock and everything and that's sort of typical with konitsi games they're well designed and well thought out but what did you think lincoln any other i think it's cool i mean i i like that there's some pretty power i mean i only had the most basic of the yellows they were not bad cards at all but um i like that there's that you know there's a element of figuring out what you should be trying to do there as as far as like getting upgrades what was the deal what was th did we basically see all the the good digging cards was that there was and in the red there was a three and a two oh but they but we did get the best they're very expensive but they're right they are expensive they're very hard to get may i i think maybe we should have stayed slower and done more yellows just to increase our you know work production more okay yeah right i i think it's great i mean you know this is not like a kinesia to me no it's not it doesn't feel like one of his it's something completely different for sure uh and it's it's a challenge i mean they really keep coming out and we towards the end of the game came close several times on running out of the the orcs yeah which would be terrible now we only did two of the only two that was amazing um well it seemed like the siege cards were a few early on and then saved for the end but it does and it doesn't seem like there are just catapults oh my gosh this deck is not going to change so there's going to be a little advantage of knowing exactly how many catapults that's very true you can start to plan a little bit so because if you know catapults are going to come strong in four you do this quick sure two siege engines in five and two and four and two in two and one in one so there are seven spread siege engines so you really only have to cancel three of those because five will kill you but the more you cancel the less trolls you're dealing with that's that's good and the catapults were definitely heavy on four right there are two in num in deck five those are critical looks like five in deck four that four is half cap yeah yeah yeah the uh these are here also because of the shuffle we got them all in row there's also three in deck three so there's eight there are eight catapults and they're all in three four and five so they definitely come in like yeah catapults are stacked to the end and these are more spread out but they come in like two four and five and i wonder does the siege early on not have an arrow maybe or something like that like they might oh they definitely i mean they definitely yeah they they definitely increase they level up for sure but knowing the the flow of this deck will give you a little bit of an advantage that we did not have what do you think nick oh i enjoyed it a lot it's pretty engaging i mean there was a lot of cheering and crazy crazy easy yeah it's fun i think i would like to know the mix of my cards um more intimately so that i knew that what i was getting rid of and what i was working towards when i was grabbing those because i'm looking right now at what i had left and i only had one ranged left which means i gave up two ranges maybe only one i'm thinking that you have two dig and two ranged to start well you yeah but i didn't i also have not analyzed the starting deck as well yes so no we just kind of went back to arranging a dig times two is what we get and it's the same card it's the same card that's all you get so you have this card twice that's it yes you only gave up one of them it seems like then maybe the ranged attack should be only reserved for the siege and you know the siege tower and the catapult you see what i'm saying because the reality is is you need to dig you do what we almost decided at the end with you give up both of these cards and then you're the hand-to-hand person right for sure specialization is absolutely one of the things because i did have one one one and then a one up here and a two here yeah yeah so yeah yeah specializing does seem like a way to go that's also knowing these on a second third fourth playthrough knowing that you could compare there's some other ones there are four of each type and they're randomized during the game i didn't say that at the setup so you won't always know okay you could end up with lots of resource or lots of rubble or lots of fighting but at least you have a sense that they're they're five years that's crazy i thought it was i thought the rubbles were all gonna be like one or two and maybe three at the end five additional rubble seems insane yeah yeah i don't know how you can really keep up i don't either it really you have to have somebody specialize and you have to focus on helping them deal with you have to have somebody who can overproduce digging and like goods at any moment and then somebody stationed here yeah that's focusing on on these taking out anybody that comes in here very interesting a ranger here a digger here and then fighting resources guys that move around they have they get all the magic weapons to teleport around yeah maybe maybe you don't spread out the map yeah right the ranged person stays here the digger stays here and the other two people move as much as can this person hit at any time yes and they can shoot into here to get the trolls and goblins when they're trying i think that would be yeah i do i do think mostly yeah that's a good strategy all right you just need to have those things to show up right you need to actually have the goods but then but then you would like you would see a card well and you would know who was taking it right and white right when you know when nothing is there just go boom get rid of all these more aggressive and accurate management of this might be key i think you're right especially i mean clearly the reason why you can select several one or two or several of them is for that very reason right yes to like get rid of the things that are now that we have lost we know yeah well we didn't really know what we were about i don't think we made the mistake of bringing out grays and reds i think you want those out for sure early while it's easy i would i would rather have gotten a few more yellows into our hands i guess so but the i mean they're the ones that are helpful are few of the yellow but the yellows are so cheap and easy to get going right but then when these when these were out later we were like there's no chance we'll ever get them so i kind of wanted them out early while we still had a clear board to fill in i think i think we clogged it too much we put two red and two gray maybe maybe one red or two gray that's something great three yellow or something else the big uh work working ones are would be helpful right yeah to get those out to be able to pay for things in in one of the yes the people the jack of all trades players yeah running around the movers yeah the movers yeah yeah i mean that seems to me like that would be the deal at least one or two infinite well nikki had two infinite movement there yeah at the end it wasn't it was a while she was yeah we were we were making her into that person yeah we just didn't think of it yeah he'd be two around two or three rounds interesting interesting interesting so yeah so this this deck stays the same but each uh fifth of it is randomly shuffled the goblins have four types in each tunnel section so those are randomized each game and your starting deck and the mercenaries are always the same so that and of course you you start with five random yellow cards and these decks are shuffled so those are the randomization elements you always start with 20 gold and if you win the number of gold there's a there's a score sheet a results sheet sure uh to record how well you did so if you win how much gold you escaped with and even if you lost you're supposed to believe record like what you had left we killed a two dig i know i mean we had that which was i agree with how expensive it is six goods for in different locations right and it's not really good at anything it's only kind of good at a few things well digging digging is clearly what we need digging is clear yeah all right i love that we really uh we know how to do this somewhere we know how to do it next time we're going to lose much better yeah yeah well cool or thanks for teaching us siege of roon d'or okay it's one thanks for coming along and dying in the dwarf all right and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell you get notified when we put new videos see you next time [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 32,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: EX6tkmZPadE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 40sec (9340 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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