Women’s Skateboard Street: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2019

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Brandon Graham joined alongside the legend Lindsay Adams Hawkins pastrana of course Craig McMorris will be reporting all day long drop that Street course one young lady who has taken this x-games by storm hi ISA al this little girl I mean you got to see this Instagram this is how this is how most of us first cut an intro to this awesome little girl hit that heel clip and her fairy costume and now she's here with the potential to win women's escapable yeah you want to talk about a fairy tale heel flipping that stair sets at now competing at X Games Minneapolis a look at our finals for math we've got ten skateboarders three runs each The Seagull best score counts and as always it comes down to overall impression [Music] well Alexis subloan is certainly no stranger to the x-games stage this is a contest she's won three times before let's check in as she gives us a course preview hey I'm Alexis alone we're out here at X Games Minneapolis and I'm gonna give you guys a Street course preview right here if you have a small euro gap small but it's like a little bit tall and then this is the big rail in the four block maybe keep that for the end of the run something big and here we have a bump to ledge I have some stuff planned for this here we have another bump to edge and a gap the angles change a little bit so that can be a little bit tricky if you're trying to flip your board and then this one's pretty fun it's kind of like a small bump to Barb and it's pretty fun to do tricks over I really like this part here as you can see it's a big long double kink rail personally I'm gonna try to just go over it that's what I like to do I think what's nice about this course is it's kind of like circular so you can skate it really in both directions and around so there are lots of possibilities thanks to Alexis and her iPhone for giving us that nifty course preview so a look at our start list today it's got a little bit of everything Lindsay when you talk about veterans rookies and and young superstars with the potential witness thing out wrap yeah it's crazy there's four rookies in this final today 14 12 11 and 11 can you believe that along with all of our veterans it's going to be a super exciting contest and everybody's in skating super well on this course yeah kicking things off a fourteen-year-old we really got the invites somewhat last-minute hope it said and Craig I know you've been watching her practice she might be a podium threat here today oh my goodness I did not see that in practice that back 50 she locked in almost too good and went up that flat to up bar which we haven't seen but pochi Olaf Mack Sennett 860 you know she's been a machine out there in practice she really knows how to put together a contest run which serves our well in this format 14 years old not yet in high school just finished eighth grade okay Lance that mark flip was magical yeah she does those on point almost every time she's really good at getting tricks in using the whole course we always talk about it Lindsay every single year no one ever wants to be the first one to drop into any contest let alone the X Games let alone the final let alone as an X Games rookie Pope it's and showing no nerves right there there's that 5050 all the way up and off I I didn't see her do that in practice even I don't think she meant to do that I think she kind of locked in and then just hope for the best I think that's even gnarlier though right improvising that something judges definitely like to see so her score coming in it he said that'd be three point six six a solid first run and she'll get two more cracks at this course we turn our attention now to 29 year old baby Jacobs making her tenth X Games appearance and Lyndsey still in search of that first-ever X Games battle yeah kandi is in the past few years you can tell every contest how much better she's gotten right she just has such a passion for skateboarding and enjoys it so much she brings a lot of good energy to a session in the today's contest guys can we just jump back to that first trick up for a run that front Smith on the biggest round in the park that's how you set the tone right you drop it and escape the biggest feature on the course and the judges go okay okay okay and sometimes Candy's undoing is her first run we've seen in previous contests we always joke about her being generally the first one to drop in for whatever reason now she's running second and not being able to close this one out but but a much better opening showing than we've seen former tradition it was an incredible run she got so many tricks in stayed really solid and focused she looks pleased with that and she knows that she has more to give [Music] oh there's that big Smith Grimes straight out of the gate setting her confidence for the rest of the run and I really like you know it sucks to fall but if you fall at the end of your run when you put down a couple hammers already done really take away from the confidence right so Jacob swore coming in a 68 next to choppin you make a oda 12 years old making X Games debut and shockingly not the youngest competitor in this field today Lindsay also starting out with that huge rail big nose grind kickflip over the hip which is a great little competitor does not show that she's a rookie oh we saw this during elimination just a laser focus from Jamaica she seems to be in complete control unfortunately going down there stepping off that nollie [Music] 150 50 kick full bow now ladies gentlemen if you're watching the bull contest just moments ago you'd have seen people fall and that was the end of their run Street it's very different Brendon yes Thank You Craig yeah and in our part contest we have a GM for back where essentially once you followed no matter where you're at in that time your runs done different still the traditional three run format here in the final look at this she could have just easily 50/50 this and come back off but to flip out judges love that it's so much more difficult to flip your board while balancing on the ledge and right away especially landing in the in a bank like that rather than just a flat so here is high e suddenly al eleven years old you saw the video of her heel flipping and seven that caught Tony Hawk of all people's attention she's been a star ever since here she is making her X Games debut at 11 years old [Music] come on she is tiny but it doesn't show she has so much pop so much style that Smith grind is one of the best I've seen she's just a pleasure to watch back live down that rail that probably comes up to her bellybutton at least I leaned over the rail box in the middle there a little bit different creativity giant rail and hi ISA drops the hammer on her very first run Wow I'm speechless the youngest skater in our final just 11 years old with a near-perfect opening run take another look if that stylee smith just dips it so low well you said it Lindsay it's one thing to have the Trix it's another thing to do those tricks with the style that she possesses right side people you could tell if the board wanted to slide into into a front board but she has the skills to hold it into that a huge score for Aissa 87.6 6 puts her in first place and there you see Leticia Bufoni trying to win a fifth Street gold medal also have three skaters out here tempting to become the youngest X Games gold medalist of all time and we've got five previous gold medalists Wow that's a lot for for a final big signature 180 down the biggest steps on the course knows how to play this game she's gonna put down a solid run with difficult tricks but probably not her most this difficult usually she she gets in like a solid run and then she steps up gave up later laticia fresh off that gold medal performance at X Games Shanghai just a couple of months ago also fresh off a rolled ankle two days ago and practice she's been icing go to physio so we'll see if that affects her too you know back lips are so hard because you approach the rail and you have to get your back wheels and trucks over the rail and it's blind and it's so scary and it's so easy to to catch on the way over so Leticia Bufoni will look to clean things up on her second run as she tries to earn gold here at X Games Minneapolis a seven eight point six six good enough for third place we're early here in the women's skateboard Street final and it's high Eisel al the eleven-year-old leading the way more after this message and a word from our ABC stations [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lower here at the x-games is crazy as you can see I bought myself backstage at the step-and-repeat but I promise it'll be way more exciting when you cut to this crazy party [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a great look back at Diplo last night on the Geico music statue according to my timeline everyone who was in Minneapolis yesterday I think was at that show inside the armory which of course used to be home in the Minneapolis Lakers the Minnesota National Guard Prince shot a music video there and now it's the home of all of our concerts and burst stage welcome back to X Games Minneapolis we're in the middle of run number one here the women's skateboard shoe final next up making their fourteenth X Games appearance Lacey Baker veterans out here with the most style and technical skating I'd tucked me over there on the quarter to bank was it was definitely something that they were working on make sure they got the tuck in there of course the trifle I mean Lacey's just one of my favorites yeah you've been skating with Lacey for a long time almost 20 years and it's so neat to see Lacey skate well on this stage 7 X Games medals and Lacey's career trying to add to it today Lynn's Brandon what I like about that run too is yeah Lacey fell but Lacey kept going yeah Lacey kept riding and that's something that being a veteran you have the mentality to to keep going and to remember that this is a time to run and you have till the end not the clock so Lee I'll still leading this thing early with that eighty seven point six six Pinson and Bufoni rounding out our top three and now we move on to the second youngest in our field the 11-year old Momiji Li Jie out of Japan okay okay stepping it up from qualifying I didn't then shove it in the end of that hi Momiji that what's so scary cuz you can hang up and she totally tapped her one truck on that but hung on I was sick ok we have a 1 we are focused we are witnessing the takeover of the 11 year olds here at X Games I'm feeling on that biggest feature of the course she's really used the whole course well it's like Momiji saw the top of the show where we opened with hi ISA yeah and she said hey don't forget about me I'm 11 - I'm 11 kids ready and cute we've got three tweens and two teams in the field the average age of the five youngest skaters is 13 years old two months how about the Sally out after the too sad for abort I love that the average age of the five oldest by the way 27 years two months a night before Momiji she takes over first place come on I love to see the smile and pipe after figuring out that score don't look now but first its second place in this final are held by a couple of 11-year olds right now the top three are 14 and under let's see if thirty two-year-old Alexis subloan can shake that up she's won this event three times she has 7 X Games medals this is her 16th appearance you know it's a lot it's risky to start your run off with that big rail and a few the girls have done that today just didn't work out for Alexis the pop on this girl is next to none that kickflip you almost don't even notice she flips it coming in backwards now from her normal stance stepping up that front board we saw her go down wins on that front board on the big rail I like how she attacked the small round with a switch front board one of the most technical pork slides we'll see today we've got ten years of Alexis alone at X Games she made her debut in 2009 which he earned silver as a rookie we'll have to clean things up though on her second attempts who's that kick buff look at it oh my gosh I want to grow up and do kick books like this [Music] I don't know if any of you saw x-games Shanghai but we'll talk about when Alexis comes back her experience yeah that was a great story her prose signature shoe had just come out and she had brought two of the wrong size right to left shoes or something yeah and someone in the crowd the right size on it all places I was on real and she got on the podium here's our Anisha Murrow she's won this event before after a fifth place finish in Shanghai she went bronze in Sydney a silver medal last summer and of course gold in 2017 people just 18 had already 3 X Games medals I know I feel like she's a veteran already like oh yeah you've been at 18 with the amount of 11 to 12 year olds we have in this field she is Oh gap to lipslide and so far the common theme and let me know if you disagree Craig I hope not it seems like the young bloods feel no pressure and have skated this course better than those who have been doing it for a decade could ignorant people is the big board side though to end her run might have been after time there though so she gets up frontside feeble in which is such an awesome trick but she does dab her hands and the judges will take note of that so glory awaits our score of 58 well she's our defending gold medalist from X Games Minneapolis last year we got a chance to learn more about Moriah Duran in our Great Clips athlete profile we're taking ordinary people so we just take their picture beautiful just through the magic of green street photography everybody looks like a pro alright Mariah sure turns hold that right there I gotta hand plants there it is well we print it for you it looks perfect I want to send it to my mom from the station over here we can show your photos look so you got a cool collection of photos or five of them they'll be under by Charlotte thank you note up now back to reality it's gonna be great I love that I don't think Mariah actually needs the green screen for those photos but she was a great sport there yeah that front side didn't work was so 20 tier old Mariah Duran she's got 3 X Games medals a golden Minneapolis last summer gold at X Games Sydney but missed the podium at X Games Shanghai frontside feeble I'd say more frontside peoples in this contest and I maybe happen any other contest there's and everybody's have been so Stevie cranked are you alright no I'm not okay rider an laying waste to that pyramid right now I think she was going for something other than about 50 watching in practice there but kind of collecting yourself yeah it looks like she ran out of speed a little bit [Music] melons I don't think that will be enough to knock off Momiji or race' but well Pinson I don't know if she's gonna stay in that third metal position let's take a look at this shop brought to you by Pacific oh but really Verizon ran picking up where she left off last summer here in Minneapolis a seventy six point six six good enough for bronze metal position and with that we are one run in here in the women's scape would sweet vinyl Mariah Durant trying to defend her gold she's gotta fend off a couple of 11-year olds or from X Games Minneapolis right after this [Music] x-games minneapolis is brought to you by next care first aid products [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well shred hate is one of the best initiatives that x-games does partnering up with the know fully organization we encourage fans to shred hate and to raise awareness about bullying and what we can do by choosing kindness and shredding hate you can all join the movement and for more info check out x-games comm slash read hate we're kicking off run number two here in the women's skateboard street final and that 11 year old you see Bobe jeannie hsieh is our current leader absolutely an incredible performance thus far and another eleven-year-old is right behind her is Lal and puppets and saying wait wait wait I cannot hit the course yet until I get my track curious what she's listening to but she's right now in fourth place just outside of the podium and she's an ex game for food listen he has one of four x games rookies in this final today oh stepping off that back set fifty-fifty which in her first run she totally nailed it 50/50 to fakie means coming in backwards off of that ledge there Oh late shove it she's still putting together a decent run here we're just gonna say it's at the end you're X Games debut to be 14 years old to have a great first run and then to fall on your opening trick on your next attempt that might take the wind out of your sails but Pope Innocent does seem unfazed unfazed there's our 50/50 to fakie middle balloon left so she'll hold on to her first runt score fourth place is where she will stay Mandy Jacobs making of what was looking to be a really good opening run and then the wheels kind of came off can she clean things up and complete what she was looking for from her first attempt almost getting that kickflip backside 5050 that would definitely get her some good points hooking into that trick when we saw Momiji get points for fifty-fifty the flipping out of it dandy trying to clip into it she did get that Smith garden on the big rail coming in to fakie here still hanging on to a decent room people driving down the other rail she's definitely got good use of the course just something the judges look for they want to see skaters being well rounded and hitting as many different types of features on the course as they can and lens it's so easy to get locked into a feature go back and forth go back and force you have to really step outside of your comfort zone into features that maybe are a little bigger a little awkward for you candy Jacobs making this course front sights always fun happy camaraderie between the women street skaters out here twelve year old you may coda she sits in seventh place here's her second attempt coming out of the gate like we keep saying to that big rail is just so impressive yeah somebody skaters are ending their runs on that feature right and to kick things off with it is huge all that nollie flip Stanford - I know we're all seeing her missed that at all in practice hopefully she can get it into the third round switch oh you know she's got a lot of technical tricks for someone so young and so new to the game also very tough we've watched this kid take a lot of Falls some hard hits in these two runs so far and just pops right up yep that's 4 foot 8 85 pound 12 year old seems to bounce back every single time a score of 72 put her up in the fifth from seventh yep there we see hi ISA layout never too young that seems to be the theme of this X Games particularly on the lady side between women's skateboard park and now women's skateboard Street coconut Haraki making history on opening night at just under 11 years old earning silver becoming the youngest battle-ax stand X Games history could hi ISA join that list right now it's looking good as she's sitting in that silver medal spot the way she hangs on to that all the way to the end a lot of people wind up coming up early but not hey ISA getting that huge lipslide everything just looks so automatic for her Craig and it's not easy she's not doing easy tricks Smith K grind back to live that's not easy big Olly again I just get excited to see what she's going to do next I just want to watch full commit to that kickflip down the big set though I really like that and I might be mistaken but given her two runs in elimination that then our second day that might be the first time I've seen her fallen on a contest run this week at X Games Minneapolis man that K grind is just on point locking in and staying in it till the end just looking like a boss on each of these features Leticia Bufoni trying to earn gold here in X caves Minneapolis she has her hands full with a couple of 11-year holds more for Maxie's mini after this and a word from our ABC stations [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you you a lot of people don't know this about me but I'm actually temporarily blind in my left and right eye oh no I didn't yeah oh no see what that is [Music] that's a great question what do you have please excuse my friend Craig we'll have the bacon aiders it's bacon fest how's that Burger friend it looks so good oh I told you bacon aiders are in demand say that I'm not even mad at impressed but I will get that burger back I spell it Emmy thank you for that Wendy's look at Craig and myself we're in the middle of rod number two here in the women skateboard Street final at US Bank Stadium Leticia Bufoni getting ready to drop in for her second run but before she does let's check out the Pacifico discover more she's very far yeah you can tell that she's got a real competitive drive anything to do it you know like she can do anything she's kind of like a firecracker though not just one big boom just constantly changing I always be super competitive at everything everything you do I always wanted to do my best I was 21 [Applause] any fun if she doesn't win her second happy like we're sure she wants to be on the top I mean if she liked the fear I know that she can do it you know and then when he landed she's like so satisfied about and I think that's what it takes you know to become better every day like how much do you want it when you watch her skate you want to do it just Leticia is one of the ones that's closing the gap between men and women skateboarding is my life the most by a woman at X Games all the time but here she is dropping in for her second run the team doesn't have the run she was looking for in round one but adventures and I believe she'll kill it out amazingly it's our third time here in Minneapolis and she houses gold yet here can that change today she did have that ruled ankle two days ago and you know these these Street skaters just came off of Street League last weekend so it's it's really hard doing these contests back-to-back and battling being sore and injuries and things like that you only have so much time for recovery that's the Penguins I'm not a doctor but if you're skating on a rolled ankle all the time it's just not going to get better yes I don't mean a lot that the injury just that you had to qualify that you were two doctors right they will then bully starting out with that you never knows and Lacey Baker will never be defined as touched by their contest finishes but we know what Lacey Baker is capable of and Lacey's always been a fierce competitor always you know as you can see with the frustration of the fall well it's been an awesome year for Lacey feature in the Miley Cyrus video mother's daughter Nike SB full Park gizmo part of the just do it 30th anniversary campaign a lot going on for Lacey Baker but they will try to clean things up on their third and final attempt there we see our current leader get ready to drop in she's the only one in the 90s club right now that's a big score just to give you an idea hi ISA four foot five Momiji four foot six both eleven that tells you how they would even be able to get up to a basketball hoop if she put Momiji on her shoulders they still would come up short from the rim so Momiji it looked like a walk in the park but her first run what does she do for a dog before I think she's got more but unique combo she does there spin front port again how are you doing the big spot where bigs been from work every single time like butter well like even though she's got a whole run under her belt on 90 she's still like I love the hustle from Momiji this will count but you're right Lindsay I mean other young skaters might feel to turn by going down midway through their run that he'll flip and you know something about that euro gap that you probably don't notice is it's actually really close to the bank which makes it really difficult to actually get up it without catching on the ledge or whatever that you're landing on that's a great point lence these skaters have to ollie so much earlier than on a normal gyro Gavin Alexis alone had a tough first run she's sitting in 10th place dropping into that classic alexis front board there I mean the hop overboard though to reset which can be time-consuming there's that perfect kickflip she does over that big rail coming in backwards here so technical it's so hard to do things that the premier for backwards from your normal stance like that a bronze medal in Shanghai a bronze medal last year here in Minneapolis kick foot front border kick foot front 50 I think she does both of those super bummed but does have another run look at that Oh parata's backwards that's just insane almost not hanging over that so Alexis will get one more shot on this course and although she did some harder tricks there she really didn't have that many tricks here's our ignition bar again just 18 years old but if you ask a lot of the young Japanese skaters they all say this is the skateboarder that they look up to totally and she actually just turned 18 on Wednesday so happy birthday Orie can she add to her petal collection she's got three a gold a silver and a bronze sorry I just had a quick dance party hope you care to lipslide already cleaning so much up to her first run [Music] that was a very very good at-bat well she's at night place now she will not stay there I can guarantee you that after this fear second run vehicle gap to lipslide it's hard to tell there but she has to travel a fair distance from where she takes off to where she ends up in that Lipsyte there's that backlit getting those trucks over the rail and blindly sliding down Lucia Leal and Duran are currently in our podium position here in run number two that Nishimura put her name into that conversation oh my goodness on 92 and Nishimura takes over first place and that shouldn't shock anyone as she has won this event before a near-flawless run for our ii so Mariah Duran our defending X Games Minneapolis gold medalist is set to drop in for her second run looking to get back in that top three position inside feeble down that big around [Music] three-sixty over the hip she really does love that section [Music] slowly working her way across the course to use as many features as she can [Music] Oh you think mariah is hyped absolutely bulking after that run this is how you finish a run [Music] that hardflip was beautiful absolutely stomping it an eighty eight point three three four Turan good enough for third place and us big stadium is on fire hey let's head down to Craig McMorris who's with the X Games legend on the winter side and my personal favorite snowboarder Chloe Kim that's my brand I'm down here with royalty especially on the winter side Chloe are you enjoying summer act and who's killing it for you right now sick to watch in the summer we love watching in the winter I can't wait for Aspen I know the fans can't wait either you have me - it was so excited see you guys there see it Aspen guys back to you in the booth that's awesome you never know who you'll see here at X Games Minneapolis so Moriah Durant putting on a really big score there at the end to get her into the top three well more coming from x-games but we have breaking news we're throwing it now to the ABC news desk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] well it's your number three for the X Games here in Minneapolis and each year it just gets a little bit better it's been an amazing host city love the culture love the vibe love the sense of community and I absolutely love US Bank Stadium which is where you'll find us right now as we kick off run number three in our women's skate Ward Street final and believe it or not an 11 year old was was leading this thing before I or ignition bird took it off it's really been the story of that but now gaining headlines Leticia Bufoni I'm being told is officially pulling out of the contest for more on that let's head down to Craig McMorris that's correct Brandon obviously we reported that rolled ankle it happened seven weeks ago she kind of re-injured it two days ago and that was bugging her quite a bit so I think with the ice on with the spray and not taking her third run is a good leticia decision but we'd love to see her skate yeah tough to see because we saw her skating practice we saw her and skating in eliminations we thought this would be a course that she would have some fun on has been her quest to win her first ever X Games Minneapolis Club medal but it won't happen here in 2019 but run three kicks off with the fourteen-year-old hello Benson missing that late shove it and what's that big rail what's so frustrating about that guys is in the brake pull went three for three on that late shove it over the round don't tell us that I'm sorry I had to they can't cook the flat there I just love that she keeps going and continue to run and doesn't just throw it away well if you're just joining us this contest has been a youth movement in real time as I was alluding to Momiji the eleven year old who was leading this contest until oriini shamora took it from her last run she's sitting in second place and then our other eleven-year-old taissa layout is just outside of the podium right now at fork Penson great showing for her rookie year here at exhales but again the perseverance and like you said the stick I'll kick to ative miss to kick off that run with a fall and then sit go and keep going there's ministers from the park side right they're good friends good to see them hanging out candy Jacobs sitting in 8th place trying to knock out her best run score of 68 this is her final run do it trying to kickflip into that back 50 right we need to talk about just how difficult that is she could very easily 50/50 that right off the gate trying to flip into it adding that degree of difficulty it adds a big degree of difficulty as you can see was the second time that she did not make that so it is a much more difficult trick than just straight 5015 lifts you have to flip your board catch it land on their budgets winner she looks a little lost now kind of like I don't do me no but severe last trick don't hurt a full fifty fifty I think that's what she's going for all smiles anyway I do have to say I love the 2-tone pan yeah I'm diggin the style today yeah it's awesome this street course directly under the windows of this beautiful u.s. bake stadium you might think if you didn't know where we were that we were actually outside and looks like Candy's gonna try and give up one more go for the fans here at US bank we turn our attention now to you make o it up she's sitting in sixth had a really nice 72 on her opening run and she makes some noise and possibly jump up into that podium party that crooked grind is so sick she walks in all the way to the bottom nice kick but you had a nice buy though that quarter pipe she's been so solid at this part of Iran insists nollie flip getting the nollie flip to continue her run [Music] oh nice nice Smith grind she's doing awesome on this run coming in switch frontside flip Oh Donna stepping up kind of making it and it should be noted Oh de skatey Leticia Bufoni Dax is a homage to Leticia I almost want you me to go up and try that again right so close but what a showing for interacts Games debut walking in that carpet grind walking in the Smith grind these kids just do everything so proper there's no little kid style here right not even teenagers we've talked about that time and time again kids might have some really neat tricks but there is that quote unquote kid style doesn't exist out here well more action from women skateboard Street when we return up to this message and a word from our ABC stations [Music] I'm here to announce my retirement from sports the pressure takes the plate nine is not what I expected when I start at five I obviously can't compete this level any questions [Music] ESPN is partnered with the world-renowned Aspen Institute to start a campaign called don't retire kid that raises awareness of the declining participation in youth sports for materials including tools for parents and coaches visit project play dot us we're in the middle of run number three here at the women's skate Ward Street final and this young lady has set this course ablaze ie sadly it's her third and final run she's just outside of podium position right now Lindsay Aissa uncharacteristically going down early in her run we really haven't seen that from her at all today or this week on this force fortunately probably will keep her from inter x-games de PUE but we thought right now see if she could try and get one more we thought that she had podium potential and possibly could even win this thing after a huge win at Street League just a week ago yeah she definitely had has the potential and big hugs with Pamela there she will I'm sure we will see her right Pamela Rosa of course a former gold medalist here embracing what is almost sure to be a future gold medalist at some place in this event but we move on to Lacey Baker because Leticia Bufoni who would have dropped because of that nagging ankle injury will not be dropping in so here's Lacey's knows manual and that knows Manny off the top she does not have that much room to run and so she's going a little bit slower than I think she would hope to but the balance on point [Music] man blowing minds Laci stain on this run really well but because Laci goes a lot slower than some of the other skaters get as many judgment get as many tricks in but easily their best run of the day I definitely feel that that will better the 10th place let's take a look at that again from our Pacifico spider camp what a view so pumped so - it's hard when you come up and you go nollie because you're now putting your front foot up on the nose and getting your pop from there rather than from the back that's a really good point Lacey improves the score but not enough to get on the podium here's Momiji deshita in second place with that ninety can she catch our Anisha burrow and reclaim the top spot [Music] there's that big spin front board again four four four on that lips lightning that's what she went down on and run - so she's got momentum [Music] Oh stepping off and the end unable to close it out but that should not be an indictment of the 11 year old say she was simply remarkable from the opening run leading this contest early this x-games rookie looked like she's been in this contest for a decade not just 11 years old Wow very very impressive another one of the ones that I'm sure we're going to see a lot more out of three skaters left to drop in for their final attempts including our current leader Rory Nishimura more after this message and a word from our ABC stations [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well money's at the x-games must be nice don't hate like your co-workers trip book your own with hotels calm so hard to say goodbye its fourth and final day here at X Games Minneapolis but this woman's skateboard Street final cosby wanted to stick around the ladies putting it down here at US Bank Stadium Alexis subloan who has won this event three times before currently sits in last place I can't believe I'm even saying that Lindsey because we know what she's capable right starting it off right with that big frontside board side down the biggest rail biggest feature basically on the course that kickflip I always say it but a man it's beautiful here she comes backwards for the same trick frontside boardslide Oh No but slamming and not staying on her board and you see her hustling looking up at the clock not giving up anything last ten seconds for Alexis stepping off with something that I've noticed in what this contest is Alexis and Lacey as well you know they're way more methodical about their runs and they do a little more right they're trying to bring the tack up always but without as you said especially with these young kids that we're seeing the 11 year olds the 12 year olds they are pushing the progression and they're getting in as many tricks as anyone at this field and there you see aresia burro she's our current leader she's guaranteed at least a silver medal because mariah Duran sitting at third will be the last skater to drop in what can a worried do to baby give herself at least a little bit more breathing room on the scoring Department Lindsay so as you saw right there she did he hit her board on the way up the Euro gap because it's so close and so tough but hung on to it you know she really just needs to stay on her board and up the difficulty a little bit of her get some more tricks in and then I definitely wouldn't up the difficulty but stepping off looks like she will stay where she is but for Lindsay we've called a lot of these contests that score of 92 is very strong and would annually probably win any contest so she's got to feel really good about what she did on Rock number 2 basically talking back to Laci and Alexis thank you the quality over quantity used to do it used to be enough but it's looking like now that some of these younger ones they have that quality but they've got a quantity of they've purchased emerge the two and you know Laci and Alexis might have to reevaluate how they put together their runs that's a really good point and we shall see what the future holds but you can see the future right there standing next to sky Browne who put its top three it might it might shuffle after Duran's next run but that's our top three right there Janna Jie at least guaranteed a metal which is amazing here's Mariah Durant are defending gold medalists if she wants to reclaim gold she's got to do it right now at best that 92 from Oh worries [Music] people beautifully done [Music] he's just she's got for sure she's on one right now remember she closed things out with that hard flip from her previous run [Music] taking a different approach here get wobbly and you've gotta wonder if that slight wobble as she said was her undoing but with that lorry Nishimura is guaranteed we're second X Games gold medal [Music] you were on the podium last year how much sweeter does the gold feel though I'm just so happy to be here and winning gold again I'm so hyped I you look so good and gold now Japan has taken over the X Games how does that feel to be part of that illustrious metal and that illustrious country you want you think you got oh come on that cuts actually the neck of a sudden you know they don't worry about Scott yeah I just want to keep this up and get the best that I could do out here in the X Games congratulation era back to you guys Thank You Craig our ignition bura just incredibly adds a fourth X Games metal her second gold and she's still just 18 years old Lindsay she's still such a youngin look at that podium Wow Wow there you see our podium and let's check out the highlights Wow look at her shoelace gosh it did not catch that the first pass and I do want to congratulate Bomi Jeannie Hsieh on getting the silver medal and becoming the second-youngest X Games medalist ever in the process Wow at eleven eleven is an awesome title but at the end of the day our indicia bura reigning supreme winning her second career X Games gold medal well that wraps it up for women's skateboard Street but Chris Jocelyn and the boys from the skateboard best trick contest are about to hit this course Chris Jocelyn is a beast when you think of gaps the first person you think of this Chris Jocelyn Chris just like I'm gonna attack this gap like I'm getting shot out of a cannon Chris Jocelyn how old is this kid the rookie taking over the top spot that dude sees griptape he is going to try to roll away [Applause]
Channel: X Games
Views: 257,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, X Games Minneapolis, XG Minneapolis, XG MN, full broadcast, skate contest, skateboarding, women's skateboarding, x games skateboarding, replay, LIVE, replay live event, leticia bufoni, mariah duran, street skateboarding, women's skate contest, lacey baker, alexis sablone, women's street skateboarding, X Games Minneapolis 2019, x games street skateboarding 2019, Aori Nishimura, Momiji Nishiya
Id: _s5DZdW8cEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 56sec (4976 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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