I Bought A Unclaimed Storage Locker For $1200 To Do Extreme Unboxing!

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you guys are gonna see me grandma ventures national adventures unbox all this in the warehouse so stay tuned and i'll see you at the warehouse oh my goodness oh what is this oh my goodness we hit the jackpot guys wade with weights ventures and you're watching the ventures youtube channel a family channel we scour the state of oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our youtube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what up guys welcome today's unboxing we've got some good ones here for you today hopefully you guys are liking this little mini series from this really old storage unit some people like us unboxing in the storage unit some people like us unboxing in the warehouse let me know what you guys prefer of course i can't promise either direction but um this was a good opportunity since the warehouse was not full we can do unboxings you're not cued in yet i'm joking that's grand adventures over there we are ready to do some unboxings today hit the thumbs up button if you're here for the first time subscribe got some crazy stuff for the end of this year can't wait okay so without further ado we have the grandma ventures over here hi we're happy we have three batteries they're all charging at the moment so i've got 29 percent here after that i may have to switch the batteries out um but yeah what do you what are you you're chomping at the bit to say something oh i just wanted to let you know wade every video you always ask me for my last words so i wanted to let you know that this video i'm gonna spend the whole video thinking of something really special and profound to say to you as my last word the wisdom never ceases to amaze me i'm working on it this time i'm never good at last words all right guys so i did open the boxes up we did not go in them i'm just trying to save battery time and except i think i forgot this one i forgot this box to open up there are scissors by you oh i got scissors up here i always come prepared [Laughter] and we'll all just let that one pass okay okay all right this one is interesting because it's i think breakables should we lay it on its side um let me see let me go over there and see it is all oh my goodness wow can we show us okay there's some good stuff in there look at this oh my god that's a vintage corning ware oh wow is it corning ware it says uh i've never heard of this before g-a-s-g-l-a-s bake glass bake glass bake i don't know you have to take a look it's the whole set wow this is so gorgeous here let me put this over here i want to look at one oh well that's not that's corny nowhere okay it's good look at that it's crazy okay wow i don't recognize that it could be something it's glass it's glass i thought he spelled glastrom that's how they spell it glass bake usa and it has the there's some corning wood it looks in beautiful condition oh that's that cracked where oh dang it that one's broken oh oh he has a good eye all right get it all out and then we'll show them okay well start unwrapping it for them well it's not hard to unwrap it's all napkins it's not like it's taped shut with a million different okay here's a lid for one there you go oh man this is a whole set it's stoneware it's easier to do it when you're not there it's just an odd box okay what do we got what do we got well we've got this okay old corning ware this is a set of stoneware i did i think this is old pattern oh wow chateau hand-painted stoneware safe for your dishwasher oven and microwave and it's made in japan this is nice don't worry i'll bet you if you look it up you find out it's very nice japan remember how nice they made everything and they just set a pretty large set yeah everything so far there's two it's six yeah i mean japan and it has all different sizes of bowls the cool thing too guys is it doesn't show up but there's like a little rivet here and it is stoneware you can tell especially if that one plate is chipped is it chip it's all i haven't seen many issues no oh another chip like dang it dang it maybe it may go from an eight to a four piece play setting it may it may or is yeah six two four something hmm this one's not so there's at least four of them okay there's a set of four but you oh oh no no there's six of them there's five so you have six good ones yeah where's the chipped ones i have two chips so i have two chips and then one two three four five six there's six right here that are not chipped six that are not and then you've got another bowl and the two big serving bowls maybe meant to be over here oh wow that's weird look how that one cracked and then it just turned dark but it's still usable they probably tried to repair it maybe no it's not is it clack i don't think it's clear through yeah see on the other side it's okay there's one casserole look at this in this crazy cool whole thing it's a beautiful condition wow salad place it's really unfortunate that this yeah i'm so sad about that that's so pretty dang it and we have two of these i'm hoping this platter's not chipped and it's not it's not that's good nope and we have these beautiful ones this is a pretty big set guys you know it's really pretty too and i'm not normally a brown type of dishware type of person but this is a prettier set yeah the whole box is a set yeah i bet there's more too because we don't have the cups yet yep guys let me show you so that other box right there probably is look it's all there so we can at least do probably six um a setting of six and then add extras yeah in case you guys skip yours too do i do this one yeah okay let's see these are such crazy sauces wow oh my goodness we might as well take it all out because uh you want to lay on its side yeah and i'll pull it out you lay it gently oh yeah i can do that okay there you go whoa oh oh oh i thought you said gently well i didn't touch it okay let me see they're waiting well i wanted to see what it said it says montana state university okay i have to tell you we already have one chip but we didn't do it it was already done yeah full disclosure so hand painted same beautiful set so this is the chip one so i think we're gonna do a play setting of six without any chips oh something either broke oh yeah we got another montana oh one broke i'll take that one it's real sharp too but that wasn't us no and when you guys sell these you put a white piece of paper in here and then they can see the um there's the handle graphics another two whoa oh they're tumbling they're tumbling they're tumbling okay oh we even got drinking glasses that match probably wasn't his bar got another one of these that makes two so far yeah be these are the heavy bottoms he did like brown they wanted them all to match yeah you like brown these are like bar glasses they have a name because i i've sold them before yeah gosh darn it i can't think of the name if you guys know let me know i i actually sold a set of 43 of these or something like that on ebay i wonder what good it is to know things if you can't even remember what you know that's called all [Laughter] i timers i got it is her store still more in there oh it's coming oh this is the first tall one we've got of these so now we've got a short and tall one wish we had something good to put in them yeah right now five minute break guys with ice we're gonna run to the store yeah it's supposed to get 95 here in portland which equals 100 degrees here in the warehouse i think 79 yeah that's what it is right now oh oh those are vintage oh blue ribbon oh that didn't help oh those are nice those are older they put they put the stemware on the bottom of the box uh-oh so i don't know oh wow i love that oh my goodness look at this i love that oh cooper's light mug that is old these are all old because these people had it in storage enough to make it old here's a coors light mug a lot of people will put these in their freezer guys so they get nice and cool collected uh just a normal wine glass they should have used it while they packed everything and we have another this reminds me of uh my mother's uh we won these at the fair you threw dimes in them oh yeah at the oregon state fair and they got little indents here yeah yeah we used to win those for mom are you guys too much drinking and those are cool and they're collectible oh there's more debbie i know you like green wow these are big too they may be worth some money big old suckers oh man oh another one of these so we have a set of four okay i gotta do some digging here well we could do wow okay oh don't make them break no i got it pepsi oh that's cook oh yeah those pepsi cola that's a nice one i wonder if there's oh a gold one no that's the same color oh no you're right no that's the same color the same color yeah one went green way no you're trying to convince me i know i'm right so they have another set they have one more glass and i know what it is the people that are watching right now are getting a little tipsy these are look at this one these are from affair and and back then you used to throw dimes in them and if you get a dime in it you got to keep it well we don't have any more of these this is it is it there's no more that is a fair one they all are because we used to win those for mom so we have a set of four and then two off ones there's no more in there no oh okay is there another box like this somewhere okay guys so this is what we got so far so if you want any of this glassware let us know in the comments we'll put it online for you we have pepsi cola cores we have a blue ribbon uh we have all kinds of seven up that seven up glass man can you imagine we have a set of four of those well i'm happy about the uh carnival glass i mean the kind that when we went to the oregon state fair yeah do you have do you have a penny no i don't have any how would i have a penny huh you don't have a pen oh okay well let's see those are the days when your parents could let you uh give you some money and let you and your sister just run around the whole fair and you knew nothing was gonna happen to your kids you knew everything was gonna be okay those days aren't here anymore we had more fun we just they were at the horse races because oregon had horse races going during the fair and we just ran around the fair okay are you ready quarters don't work the same well i i want to do a big because i feel like that would help you uh okay dimes are lighter than quarters okay it isn't the same okay well let's let's try it okay so when you break the [Music] actually let me put it over here so it's more of a challenge for you just to be real good at it i'm sure i'm not good at anything anymore let's actually do it like that give you more of them all over the table all different kinds okay and here you go you get two shots well you remember i use dimes these are quarters my whole throws no yeah it is okay go ahead i'm worried i'm going to break the ball you won't you won't go ahead oh one for oh wow i still got it phil okay still happen okay i i don't want to do you do it no of course i can i don't want to do it though cause then we had to play best out three all right let's go on this next box next box see you in the next box if you guys want these they'll be on the poshmark all right next box we'll be right over here oh okay there you go oh dear what do you got you always ask that and i always say oh dear sports illustrated oh some of these some of these could be worth something the summer of fires oh man 98 or yeah 98. 35 years of covers wow the greatest athletes okay some reason i think this might be there you want to go up there with those other ones no what not special enough oh oh yeah i feel like it's in here let's see yep it's in there oh this is something you could use but it wouldn't hold enough what is it oh thank you they wouldn't they have april of 84 on here that's an old okay huh brady must have been around oh he only deflates the football brady only deflates footballs yeah yep okay is this football deflated no it's this is a nerf is this one of your running balls i actually like brady but you gotta you know you gotta be able to tease him over something like that yeah i think he wins his first game come out of the gate i hope he does all right so i hope they all win i like a lot of teams now we got another oh my gosh wade what is it this is old i hope it's in there i'll let you surprise them if you know anything about gloves guys put it down below oh here we can inflate our own balls up there we go yeah okay i'll let you see i think that's in there wade yep this is in here no i'm talking oh this no the box that you just threw down oh yeah it's in there are you gonna show them what it is yeah i already did what is in here i don't know oh is this a fishing rod well that would make sense with what we got here oh some of these can be worth some money too wow this is an old one oh wow this is up here alley wade's a great fisherman yeah this is this is an old sucker here some old fishing rods can be worth some good money too i love it when he goes salmon fishing yeah i wish you would again i don't know when the season is but yeah we uh by bonneville dam guys okay i put this over here open for you this is pigeons yup and some of these can be worth some money to these old spinners and lures oh hey are you hungry why did you found a fish i found better oh no no you're not hungry okay all right show them this while i put this together okay this is i can just tell by looking at it a vintage lunch pail okay that i want to see it even has some vintage little claps oh somebody stole our thermos oh they're worth a lot more money i know i hope we find it somewhere and the thermos is not there gosh darn it wow i love the old-fashioned latches yeah this is cool though i mean it still hooks up you can use it for lots of things then you put this on there you can put fishing supplies in there yeah you come up with the best ideas i try oh this is heavy everything we open for you guys mystery boxes to the max this is a bunch of heavy um well matt i think it's more personal stuff it's uh like personal taxes or something oh is it all personal yes okay it's a heavy bunch of personal oh well we're gonna get mad back i try to take out all the personal okay here you go you never know is that one still taped up i just untaped undid it this says xmas this is a snowman it's what it says let's see if it's right oh it's right is it a vintage snowman oh with the tap it's a hallmark vintage snowman i'm looking for a year i don't see it but that's almost better there's no year because then people might be on the bottom tag wow this is a hallmark vintage snowman and boy is he cute he really is keep them in that box that way you can because when we put them on the poshmark you can ship it in that box okay next next yeah i'm ready i just want to see next you don't have a year on it it's all right am i being rushed i feel mixed i feel rushed okay i'll start with a smaller box first a small box and a big box oh wow holy moly this is old walt disney productions oh it's one of those wow that is cool yeah oh this is the 74 world's fair that was in spokane pin holder my mom and dad went to that they raced horses during that there's a clear pin in there oh a knife the kind dad likes see this is just a box made for him yep this is an old knife there's some bills and oh an old game okay give it to your kids while you're traveling want to be quiet are we there yet and some cassettes the rest is personal oh yeah oh i didn't see what this is we have personal in there yeah the rest is all personal okay this rattles what's in there i don't know i'm getting it undone here oh oh my goodness scented blocks cowboys wow this could be worth some money here guys i just put a bunch of old toys on my poshmark these are old these are plastic they're the kinds we used to play with yes army guys diana and i we played with our barbie dolls but we also played with our cowboys and indians and let's see yep cannon isn't it yep that's a cannon and they have here's the indians the indians look like they sit on the horses i wonder how much these things are worth oh right here says oh they're tina toys they're tim toys something tim maybe i guess one like more clearer anyway they're all hard plastic too guys yeah they're from the they're from the 60s i recognize them and i remember things like that too it's like a buffalo in there here's a horse and they're thick plastic wow they're from the 60s they're they were very common then wow that was pretty cool put that back [Music] okay all right ooh somebody's gonna be worth money and are they brand oh my goodness yeah some of these can be worth the money has something to do with golf made in the united states we could have our 100 bucks for the balls right here guys we got some more balls yep we got some more balls this could be i'll let you have that this could be worth over 100 bucks right here what you see oh i felt some balls we got some crazy he spills the balls we got some crazy eyes over there oh some more tea wood tees a bunch of them in there whoa that's heavy whoa what's in there here's some more oh god i wouldn't be on the walk if i put those around and these are these are made in the united states uh book okay come on they're waiting what is this don't rush me oh it's his teeth that's the tea things this must be the exercise box could be could be rainy day gold rainy day golf i've never seen this made in the united states a family game i think this is for home golfing or golfing by yourself of some kind man we oh yep this is a home golf kit you put your little green grass in your office when you're supposed to be working and you close your door and you close your blinds and practice to practice your spirit i've seen it on many a movie sharon i'm going there's a meeting jump rope i used to have those old jump ropes and then this thing man it's heavy for your ankles try them out all right let's get one more box from the pile make it a good one oh this is heavy dude my goodness what is in this thing if it's heavy it's scaring me it might be more magazines i don't know there we go oh oh you're going to be thrilled that's in there oh books that way my goodness and they're economic books yes like reading very light reading business law accounting okay guys so that was today's video my goodness what do you think of today's video i liked it it was fun i feel like we should do one more box this one didn't do it justice what do you think okay let's pull this off i'm not thrilled with this okay and i like books but economics that are 20 years old doesn't sound good to me okay try to try this but at least it's a lot of wrapping paper yeah i need that the people think we went through these guys we did not i just cut them open yesterday paper would make me think it's gonna be good but after the first box of books with the paper i kind of didn't get my hopes this is labor and then okay that's economics yeah what about this though is this in here oh no it's empty okay all right let's do one more box okay that one didn't do it you see that kind of paper stay away from the box okay one more box we only have eight percent left though so i can't go too uh too big let's do that let's do this careful are you are you guys watching that let's do this let's do this one right here okay your cable's breaking okay we'll do this one right here all right oh that's going to be quick but i'm always interested in looking at globes because i want to circle the world and now i have people to visit in almost every country that is an old glow is the other piece there hand me the world there's the world honey i gave you the world and i'm even gonna give you a world book okay we have you said you wanted to visit the world we only have six percent left so we got to be quick but let's see where you're visiting okay ready all right okay i will spin it for that way you can't cheat pick out where you want to go like i would cheat ready ready hopefully you don't pick the ocean what'd you pick i just drowned you just drowned okay that's top three the best out of three okay ready did you drowned no i didn't drown where are you visiting huh right above mongolia what's going on guys this is how you get to our online store so many people are asking how can we purchase stuff in the storage units guys well let me tell you so all you do is you go to any one of our videos it doesn't matter which one you click the video guys and then what you'll do is you'll scroll down and the first link of any one of our videos will be our online store link guys it's it's always pinned at the top comment of any one of our videos so you click that and then it will take you to our online store this is our online store for grandma ventures and myself 3100 items in this store and a hundred percent of everything that you see here is out of storage units guys so if you want to support the ventures family and you want to purchase something that you see in one of the videos it's going to be right here this is called poshmark guys if you don't have an account you can sign up it's completely free to sign up for a poshmark account and you can see it see anything that you possibly want that was out of a storage unit click it and you can buy directly from here directly from us guys so that's exactly how you get to our online store hopefully you enjoy all the items you see in storage units guys and again if you want to purchase anything that you see in any of the videos just click that link in any of the comments of the videos and it'll take you directly to our online store where you can purchase all this cool stuff that we find in the storage units all right guys have an amazing day thank you thank you for the support much love and let's see you to the next video [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 17,194
Rating: 4.9118805 out of 5
Keywords: I Bought A Unclaimed Storage Locker For $1200 To Do Extreme Unboxing, I Bought A Unclaimed Storage Locker, Unclaimed Storage Locker, Extreme Unboxing, Storage Locker, 2020, storage unit finds, storage unit shop, storage unit auctions, storage unit business, storage auction, treasure hunting, storage hunters, auction hunters, storage lockers, self storage, surprise unbox, american pickers, mystery unbox, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, time capsule
Id: EQTdVuaTDzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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