Evolving to survive this WALL OF DESTRUCTION in The Eternal Cylinder!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to the eternal cylinder the eternal cylinder okay i've been told this is a wicked game it's a bit spore like uh very very unusual name though all right so i've been told these are our starting creatures the trebum that's quite a weird angle so we'll ignore that one let's look at this one in the middle it's like a weird little two-legged elephant right little mate what's going on oh he's trying to he's trying to birth himself okay so we're starting a nest oh it's got like a little heat lamp under it run why are we running oh god what am i doing i'm i'm pissing everywhere i need i need a leak right run there's rocks falling everywhere oh is that the cylinder all right there's a cylinder legget all right we can get a better view of it now oh god there's crushing trees look at that tree holy crap okay i understand the name eternal cylinder now oh look we're a ball oh wait where do i go where did we go oh it stopped it stopped so yeah unless you can like you can suck up things with your trunk so i'm eating some petals and stuff i just ate that random creatures poo which was a bit weird but this is a survival game and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to survive oh and now i just ate his poo it gave me bigger legs okay so eat things poo and then it evolves you so now we can jump way higher right so we can shoot water with right click so we'll shoot you little bug nice and it dropped whatever it was oh we can't seem to eat those they're all shiny they're like an easter egg guys i found an easter egg in this game already all right so these guys drop water i don't really know why i think i can't eat these things because can you see they're like bigger than my trunk they won't fit down my trunk hole maybe we need to earn a bigger trunk first but i'm loving this oh crap the cylinders off again look it destroyed that thing right so unfortunately it looks like we've got to move the the cylinder is coming so i'm going to make like a ball and roll there's so much to explore but i don't have the time oh i jumped it i cleared the river oh we can stop the cylinder step on the power symbol at the base of the tower okay where's the tower tower's over there right me are we gonna make it holy that thing's cool looking look at that oh you gotta get to the cylinder what the hell is that thing it's so gross looking i gotta step on this thing quick oh we're stopping the cylinder right so we've stopped the cylinder with our tower i want to go see what the oh crap it's a bloody mouth that's terrifying can i shoot it with water wait let me pee in your mouth don't take that out of context if i squirt his eyeball no that's terrifying right right it's a weird like snail thing are you scared i'm just giving you a wash mate look i'm in a nest oh it's one of my siblings all right so this can hatch if it gets warm enough so we can pick it up i think [Music] cool right so let's place it on there i imagine that's probably the better spot the heat lamp rather than in the lava it's hatched are we naming these after patrons so you are dk smoke what do i do with these like mushrooms do i impress c so i eat them oh so that's our mouth down there that looks really really weird from this ankle all right this snail thing are you gonna poo i need animals to poo oh god it's the tea thing let's get the snail eaten all right we'll stay here oh god wait over here you prick he's gonna eat the snail oh god it failed it failed ah run all right i have no idea what eating does at all i can't eat these eggs now okay i think i couldn't eat the eggs because my thing was full so they give me food so what does the egg do oh it gives me water okay all right so if we grab the egg if we eat that now our water is full nice okay what is this thing it's like a massive shell can we go inside can we shoot water inside oh my god there's a dinosaur thing all right i'll go check him out oh what is this plant there's a weird plant right watering it doesn't seem to do anything i won that red thing though can i jump while peeing yes yes we dropped it it's flashing and it's got an electricity symbol let's eat that oh we're evolving we've got fur to prevent most predators from eating us apparently all right my mission is to eat any and everything all right so we're too young to swim across the water watch beams of light okay so gotta aim for beams of light all right so there's another plant with a red thing i wonder if they all make me evolve oh god bloody mouth all right we've dropped it we'll eat some of that all right can we evolve okay so maybe only one of each type makes you evolve all right it's cold over here i wonder if my fur is going to help me what's in there all right so it's really cold i'm not sure how far we should go before going back to get some heat or is there going to be heat from this it's like yeah this might warm us up oh we got a new member welcome josh you're like one of those babies that looks like an old man you're all wrinkly and old looking even though you're a baby but cool welcome josh oh sorry i just uh milled you with it cool right come on guys where are we going oh god this ground's all sparkly oh no we're still cold why didn't it warm me up it didn't warm me up bollocks all right the game doesn't know i'm cold yet because i'm rolling oh now it does relax all right we're meant to be heading towards the light but that's that way so we can't go that way let's go along this crisscrossy thing back to the safety of the warm area oh i think we're following that light over to there okay well look we've gained some trumpet things can we evolve with these ready eat them up boy oh god his eyeballs his eyeballs oh now our trunks like fat i tell you what maybe if i shoot and then suck up the water can we eat some of these fish things all right we just ate a fish the fish might let us evolve as well oh this is really addictive now i want to i want to eat everything ready let's eat this flashing fish oh the eyeballs say bulge they bulge i got flippers so now i can swim more quickly and i can jump out the water that would be useful oh we just got this jellyfish right we gotta we gotta eat the jellyfish as well all right eating the jellyfish oh no i'm a fat boy now oh cause that's increased my storage capacity but look at what is this creature this is horrible i can see up here we've got we've got another egg so we've got to take this to some heat i saw there was a lamp over here oh god we sank there right so plonk it in there and it should hatch yay hatched this is the mayor nice they're all like different colors i i thought they might evolve with me i guess they're not going to evolve because they haven't eaten anything oh look i can sit on his head oh me what is that is it trapped oh it might be trapped that's where we're heading though hey look hexagons are the best guns oh well this is intriguing what does this do oh we need three peepers wait come on one of you jump on yes right nice what is in here then the elder cave okay look at this shiny wall patterns oh look we're all cleaning it off together ah now we can eat them no no no no all right so that gave us some water not a lot else bit of water a bit of food man i'm such a little fat trebeum now oh is this thing interact oh god what's happening to my face okay so this is our compendium this is just everything we've eaten i think so far is it interesting all right so i've been told i can change between characters i assume i'm too fat to go through that now so if we press q we are now the mayor oh we can't go in okay so i reckon we're probably gonna need to become square or cubic to go in there that's what i'm gonna guess because there's a lot of qb stuff over here so if i become someone else what if i don't want this guy to become cube or do i do i just want to evolve one i don't know i don't know all right i'm gonna swap to josh and you're gonna become a cube i think to eat this up and then become a cube josh just think square thoughts think like an architect not an engineer ready now he's a cube all right so now we can go in here oh and we've opened it it's a new door oh it's an elder get out of the way josh you've done it you've done your bets now i need to interact with this i'm the leader right we basically just got to look out for half man half car people obviously but yeah basically this dude just gave us some backstory so yeah that was interesting i guess all right shiny stuff is good it fills up that bar in the top right which i don't know what it does yet filling up a bar is never a bad thing right oh look triangle just through here exit cave we don't want to exit yet we've got down here to explore all right what is this oh look there's more there's more shiny stuff eat that up alright we filled our butt we got four things now whatever they are and the question is how do we get through these bars we've got to unlock it somehow there's i can see there's a cube up there you know we can't shoot him there is a ramp there does this guy turn to a ball when he sprint kind of all right can we go up this thing not really we're all balls now this is weird all right not a clue how to unlock that so let's exit the cave oh that thing looks like a knob it's the strongest shape cave door oh what's wrong with you you're right mate he looks a bit sad what should we do guys shall we uh sprinkle him he needs rejuvenating all right what about this are you not impressed oh we can revive him with our moon rock things yes you're one of us now it's for breezy all right holy what are you oh god i need to run i think i need to run run guys oh god look he landed i think he's attacking oh if we head to the blue area it will release the cylinder so we don't want to go through the blue why are those things trying to kill me all the time it's like a tony hawk map there's bloody quarter pipes everywhere squirting oh run no they died josh and the mayor died crap can we revive them alright i'll revive them oh no they're all dying how do i get them back they need star things you bastard all right i can't go on like this i've lost everything all right so not a lot round here i don't think i think we're gonna head back and go out the other door no we can't head but why can't we head back oh dear i feel like there was a lot we didn't do before we entered the cave all right here we go then we're waking up the cylinder oh look at it it's terrifying all right we've got to find another tower there's the tower we'll just head towards that distracted by these guys i've got one i don't know what it does all right so that you're coming with me nice quick the cylinders come in oh look at his face it looks like a dog or a seal and the question is can we get there before the cylinder gets oh crap it is coming it is coming i will save you oh crap look at the rocks getting destroyed oh god i don't know if i'm gonna be able to save you it is really really coming holy that looks cool though oh look how close we're gonna do it we're gonna do it that's it that's it stand on it come on guys get in get in oh no all those animals getting destroyed he's gonna pop he's gonna pop wait he's getting pushed towards us i disappeared he's finally disappeared right to you to get his face oh he's like pushed up against the glass anyway we saved you now we're gonna have to find out a way to eat you hey what is that thing just out all right what does this do that's going to evolve us into an even more impressive beast oh water processor okay so it turns food into water all right that thing is running towards us i'm a little bit scared of that especially as it rolls is that because we had its baby it does look quite similar look at this little thing oh it's like licking all over the place all right come on we gotta find a way to eat you mate how can we pop him all right what is this this is like a big old it's like a lift all right we're going down here i don't know how to pop this guy i'm just gonna carry him wherever i go he's my mascot now look it's got like a rainbow it's got like a starfish thing on its head i'll have some of that and get out my mouth go away you're really annoying all right okay let's eat this thing up are we gonna evolve again a mineral processor cool i think oh my god look at me i've like turned into an engine oh wow look at all this look all this shiny stuff get out the way stupid dog thing all right come on guys we're gonna head back there's more stuff down here oh what's this one though that looks interesting oh they're all just minerals oh my god i've lost my i've lost my big body storage um i think i've got to like have a team so for breezy you're going to eat this one up and you'll see what it does it's very dark down here mine all right ready for breezy your eyeballs are bulging that thing's licking your butt oh we can see stuff so if you press c oh we can see footprints okay i'm not sure how that helps us oh but i did not see all this was this here before it's like a chest it's a cylinder chest okay so what do they do we got that one's just food all right they probably did something good i just ate them instantly which i didn't mean to do oops all right let's get let's get out of it get our new and improved eyes they've seen things man all right and we're free the game told me not to worry about waiting for the other ones they'll they'll catch up apparently see there they are i want to switch back to my engine one what is it this was like my lead one all right let's use my get back get back we're scaring him this is awesome get back no no no run away guys run away he's only scared a little bit no guys run oh look there's stuff to eat hang on all right now we're running now we're running run run run all right there's a slinky i just say it's slinky i've just eaten one of them i remember what it did i had that one earlier it gave me big old jumping like oh but now i can't swim how the hell am i meant to know what does what's what does this slug one do oh so now i'm a water processor okay i don't know if there's like different symbols that could make it easier to understand what the frig i'm doing oh god it's warm over here it's a bit too warm all right my guess is we've got to get in the pyramid but the question is how all right if we can find an egg is that an egg no that's a snail that's a snail but if we do find there we can put it in that incubator all right let's grab you you've been crushed right we've got a new thing we've got the dog we've finally got the dog where's the safe spot there's no safe spots all right found the entrance to the pyramid but i want to see what the dog does oh no no with this mutation you've lost your legs what is that thing i don't know why that's useful to anyone anyway let's go in there it's a trebum shrine oh my god i am so ugly it's like i got a smiley face now sort of like something i have a kid's nightmare like a scary clown a very hairy scary clown all right so we got this weird statue which sort of has a man who's got an entire body for a leg that's quite terrifying in its own way i think we need to be triangular to get into it though do you think that could make someone a triangle he wants to try it all right the mayor you're gonna try it it's already eat it up all right what's gonna happen to him oh he's about to explode oh okay so this attracts the flies apparently yeah look they're all coming oh i reckon i reckon we head up here oh yeah look i think we got to fill these with flies yes there's one fly okay let's go get the others wait flies follow me i think if their eyes are green they're following me i just want to make sure their eyes stay green and don't go red nice right i'm going to swap back to the leader and we're just going to eat these shiny things up all right who wants to go in there i think fly guy you sort of did this so the mayor you're going to go in here okay i think we gained a map could be useful all right i've just switched to this guy you can jump high because i found there's another chest up here so we can get up there and what is in there what a hard shell to try experimenting by throwing them crushing them or feeding them to other creatures all right so things with a yellow border can we like drop it from a height i don't know how i eject things oh right click and i just i just did that to it right who wants this then who's going to try this one i think dk smoke you haven't tried anything yet have a go with that son have a chomp let me know your thoughts oh oh now he's got a shell nice so you're like our safety first guy okay i've noticed there's another one up there i wonder if we can high jump up to it yes we've shot it off right who wants that one then should i have it i'll have a go oh the gate all right ready oh god what's gonna happen the third eye okay so yeah any any mutation we've already picked up we can like select it and it will sort of point us to the nearest one so that'll be useful if like say like that one we didn't have our jumpy legs we could go find like the jumpy leg thing josh can you fit down there is there a square no okay fair enough we shall exit oh god where's my friends are they trapped inside oh what is that that's behind the cylinder all right have we done everything here or should we like head over this way let's head over this way we don't want to miss anything oh look another incubator there should be a nest about somewhere is that just the angle of these rocks or does that look like uh i need to hydrate i'm low on water like freaking out that guy is gassy let's get the hell out of here he's farting all in our face as i'm low on water i'm gonna eat all of these stuff and then i should just turn them all into water and mushroom it's about to be water oh god the thing's following me still freak off me all right so let's go for an explore into the cold area maybe up this cliff look there's a little there's a little ramp up here that's it come on little jumpy dude what is that that's a new one that's a new one all right let's eat that up might be like fur that will help us not shiver ready ready yes we're all furry we're resistant to cold that affected all of us that we've got like the world's fluffiest cube now oh nice i am glad i came up here oh we found a bridge we found a bridge it looks a bit dodgy that bridge every bit we better do an in-game bridge review so bridge review i would say doesn't look very safe uh no trusses probably one out of ten that bridge it's a it's a bit lazy if i'm honest oh what is that or is that the fly thing again hang on where is our fly boy i feel like we've lost one where's our fly one i don't know do you want to become the fly guy all right eat that up oh how random he won't he's lost it for some reason all right anything decent up here i'm all about rock climbing in this game now i want to get on top of that like corkscrew thing no idea how i'd go about that lee a nice vantage point here i can sort of see where we've got to go now there's nothing over that direction and i think we've done everything in that direction so it's probably time to move forward but i think for today that's a great spot to end this uh what a strange game look at that creature right so let me know if you guys enjoyed this if you want to see another video boost the old like button but otherwise i'll catch you guys next time peace love and eternal cylinders bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 302,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder ep 1, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder full game, the eternal cylinder game, the eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder ep 1, the eternal cylinder ep 2, the eternal cylinder mutations, rce, real civil engineer, giant cylinder game, wall of flames game, evolution game, spore, spore 2, cylinder game
Id: cAJytbMGmvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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