Overnight in a Haunted Hospital (DARE YOU TO WATCH AT NIGHT)

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[Music] jesus are you kidding me [Applause] oh hello welcome and uh as always i'm so glad that you're here with me right now but i'm particularly glad that you are here with me in this exact moment because i'm in desperate need of very very good vibes right now so much so that at the ungodly hour of 7 43 a.m i just had 86 dollars worth of flowers delivered to my house there there are some back there i i don't even like flowers i i don't even own vases they're just in paper towel rolls i just ordered them to have good vibes and life and living things around surrounded around me right now because i need that and i'll tell you why it's actually not as sad as it sounds you see i need good vibes right now because of the video that you are about to watch you see for the past 20 nights i have been sitting right here in this chair scared out of my mind every night editing the hospital exploration part of this video and within that footage i have discovered things so unsettling that they have brought tears to my actual eyeballs and made my heart do things that made me google am i dying right now so many scary things which you will soon see for yourself for better or for worse and you know what's funny is that this video which has been scaring me to the point of numbness for the past 20 days actually started as a joyous celebration of returning to life and being able to get out into the world again after the year and a half of weirdness and general isolation that myself and we all just went through i thought to myself you know what garrett it's time to get out of the house and get out there into the world get some life you know so what did i choose to do in fact i'll make this fun for you here i'll give you three options you tell me which one that you think i chose to do to get some fun in my life a a sun-soaked tropical vacation b a backpacking trip through europe or c gaining access to and staying overnight in an abandoned severely haunted hospital built in the 1800s where an estimated 25 000 people have died people constantly report being physically attacked by violent dark entities and is said to be one of the most violently haunted locations in all of america it's sea of course isn't that awful oh but there's more to it than that i've actually been in that hospital before and have already had nightmare-inducing horrible experiences inside of there which makes my choice to return so much worse you see it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that this video is based on a tweet kind of on january 20th 2020 i tweeted this if you're seeing this at night or scare easily maybe don't finish reading this tweet i'm editing a video right now about exploring an abandoned hospital built in the 1890s and when i caught this in one of the video frames i legit felt sick and had to stop editing for the night and that's a true story perhaps you noticed the evil demon-like figure in the window making direct eye contact with the camera i sure did and according to twitter analytics so did 5.5 million others so of course where's the video where's the video i was talking about in that tweet what happened to it well i'm not proud of this but that's something that i've left people wondering for over a year now and the answer is that that video is gone completely forever destroyed i think i'll make this quick i got access to this severely haunted hospital called saint ignatius in colfax washington ages ago i got in there with my brother and i tried to film this video once upon a time but it went wrong very wrong i went in with my trusty cannon camera the same one that i'm using right now that i've shot on for three years and has never given me a day of problems but inside saint ignatius it completely failed me it kept turning off randomly in the middle of shooting so i ended up improvising and trying to shoot the video on my brother's iphone 6. so needless to say the video ended up looking and sounding awful so i got disheartened and ignored the footage for like two months and then quarantine happened and i attempted to dive back in and go you know what i'm gonna make this video work i don't care how bad the footage looks but of course since i'm me i had accidentally deleted the entire final cut library a few weeks previous when cleaning up my computer in fact the only remaining images from that entire shoot are this image from this tweet and this four second video of my dumbass brother scaring me to death in the hospital so now you know about what happened in the past and you'll hear more about that experience throughout this video you see i'm actually really glad because i did it a lot better this time i returned to saint ignatius this time ready to battle any weird ghost energies that want to mess with my camera equipment but this time with backup cameras and most importantly one of the most technologically competent men on the planet my very good friend anderson who i kind of tricked into coming with me but more on that later oh and believe me when i say this time this experience in saint ignatius was about a thousand times more horrifying than last time and if you're watching this at night good luck although i will say it started really fun and then it gets scary as it goes you'll see but before i throw you head first into this experience i have something really really fun and oddly unexpected to tell you that also really scares me but makes me equally excited because it gives me a chance to hang out with you and talk about ghosts and horrifying things in a very scary place so because of the wonderful sponsor of this video right now discord i can't believe i'm saying this but i will be returning to saint ignatius hospital on july 15th but this time i'm taking you with me inside of the most horrible part of the building the morgue at night alone and that is because discord is launching an incredible new feature called stage channels and stage channels are for audio only conversation and they allow audience members to join in on the conversation on any topic but since i am me and i do the most approximately all of the time i said sure discord i'll do a live stage channel event but i'm gonna do it in an abandoned morgue beneath a violently haunted hospital to discuss ghost stories and all sorts of horrifying things with you because there is something wrong with me i don't know why i'm going to do this so please for the love of god don't let me be alone in there and join me on july 15th at 6 00 p.m pacific time for my discord stage event mark your calendars if you use calendars which if you do that's very responsible all you need is a discord account which is free and it takes less than 15 seconds to join so click the link in the description and i will see you on the other side on july 15th now in order for you to understand why i'm so frightened to return to that place congratulations you're getting thrown head first into the video pretty much now buckle up and if you're watching at night like i said good luck and i will see you after [Music] you see this all started three weeks ago when i asked my friend andrew sawicki if he joined me in washington to film a video in an abandoned building i might have not mentioned the violently haunted part but luckily for me he said yes and agreed to meet me the next morning for our flight to washington [Music] and then it was time to hop on the plane [Music] oh come on it's the end of the weekend but i still wanna turn up yeah i still wanna turn up all i want is to go again but you ain't picking your phone up why are you messing my head up any night any day let me take you away that's completely nights better necessary when you're here with me babe cause you're all that i crave so i wonder where are you here are you don't hide away from me when i need you most we got love [Music] guaranteed [Applause] [Music] tell me where's your location used to talk 24 7 every other second just to make sure we were up to date now it's closer to 11 and i ain't doing nothing i just need to know that you're okay weird like documentary channel hey what's up guys welcome to washington we're going to hit this ghost hospital hey what's up guys my name is garrett and welcome to washington where i'd say it's feeling kind of ghosty and i'm feeling kind of hosting [Music] [Music] hey michael i was just uh we're out here right now oh oh oh okay okay okay um all right cool just like the most needlessly dramatic person he went to southwest i can't believe he's doing this to me oh your uncle graciously came to pick you up you're complaining because you went to the wrong you're taking sides this is what you do welcome to spokane ladies how are you we're here at my uncle's place in washington really nice home they got here and uh this is where we're gonna be before our big uh a journey tomorrow to saint ignatius hospital andrew really excited just arrived got my sandy's on ready for adventure going to shoot a hoop sure i would do messed up the first time but i'm actually really good [Laughter] [Music] you think just a youtuber could do this almost did i make it no i have everything prepared this is our base station dude we have the whole basement to ourselves in there um are you i wanted to ask you personally just so people can hear you are you afraid of the actual hospital uh i mean if it was like super super actually haunted that would be one thing yeah that would be kind of scary no no no no it's not like super super actually haunted yeah no no what's up you gotta itch or something oh sorry the sun so yeah i'll tell you more about the hospital i'll tell you more about the hospital and then oh dude they have kayaks and i can do it ouch listen listen there's plenty of activities around here until tomorrow for our big journey uh watch me make this shot michael jordan so i'm going to show you my my life up here before we go on our big haunted hospital journey tomorrow washington is a place like to come and upload i come up here all the time i get away from la espeliamos i like to come up here just do some washington natural activities that's called taking care of business vibe up here you know i've climbed that wall [Music] oh before to my world just the sun man i normally wouldn't sweat this much but it's elevation i'm more in shape than i've ever been and this elevation is killing me welcome to washington no no oh it's here i'll tell you more about the hospital let's go yeah i don't know nothing about it it's not that haunted it's not that haunted it's not that scary keep saying that what are you doing you have allergies out here i have claritin [Music] wow is he the baby walter come here buddy okay let's look at the game [Music] it's the last one oh little orphan orange is my favorite um what otter pops little orphan orange what the hell is that me well she's an orphan okay and she's orange you want one an orphan [Music] i know there's a gate here somewhere what's that program 73 questions asking a question i just need a couple questions come on falcon my home i'll show you around what's your favorite childhood memory falling off a zipline and shattering my arm in four places sorry let me just get past here do you have any pets pets it's too loud it sucks it's a wind there's a couple museum what about just behind me [Music] were they really not the chill ones [Music] come on loser what are you worried about safety [Music] [Laughter] saint ignatius andrew built in the very very very late 1800s it was a hospital where i've heard an estimated 25 000 people have passed away in there and if you think of like places like you know hotel cecil in these places where like you know 20 to 25 people have passed away and it's still like haunted holy smokes so yeah it's ignacious it's been abandoned for 20 years i don't want you to be too freaked out by it but people have reported some activities in there um sometimes people will be their physical contact will be made with them yeah but you said it's not that scary though it was scary it was scary's relative anyways don't worry about it who's to say i don't know we're gonna experience in there but i am excited about it um yeah i've been in before but nothing like this it was it was it was kind of sloppy before and quick but um it had like my night left night with hollywood what's up sorry i was like i think it was a bird or something yeah yeah last time i was in there it was not that scary and a little bit of a mess and by that i mean i had to go in with a police officer for the first time to like see the place i had to go in with a tour guide they had to make sure it was safe the tour guide was also she though she was friends with some of the people who have passed away in there so she was like oh the spirits are very friendly to me but this time what's different and what is so sick about this we don't have people with us it's just you and i because my friend austin purchased the building and he's very cool and i said austin can it just be my friend andrew and i just me and him overnight in the hospital and i honestly thought he was gonna say no i thought it'd be like no there's a lot of things in the way of that i wish we could i wish we could but he was like yeah man we'll give you the keys we'll meet you there and give you the keys so tomorrow no friendly tour guides no friends of the spirits no electricity no nothing just you and i overnight in saint ignatius um what i've read to be the seventh most haunted location in america how you feeling feeling fine i mean that stuff probably doesn't really happen that often i'm assuming which is why i'm not really thinking that much about it i don't know uh yeah so uh what i want to do when i go inside of saint ignatius center what i want to do with you is basically just start from the bottom [Music] pretty scary location i chose huh yeah set this up i thought we were having this nice conversation about like hospital what we're trying to do in there 30 000 bmxers so um when we get in to the hospital i think that we should just go by four by four there's uh four floors andrew and then the fifth one which is the nun's quarters and apparently from what i've read from a lot of people is that each floor gets a little progressively a little more haunted because each thing was used for different things surgery rooms hospice where people passed away and apparently the worst one is the fifth floor which is a little bit smaller than all the other floors and it's the nuns quarters which is where all the nuns used to live that watched over saint ignatius and people say that they are still in there and the first time i went in there when it was crazy with all the people and everything i could not enter the fifth floor i could not go into the nuns quarters and i don't mean because someone said no i just i was too frightened there was i was just too scared so i want to face my fears and go back in there and people do say it gets more terrifying the more you go up we'll see but i do know for a fact that the fifth floor is like a problem there's no other way to say that but yeah kind of you know facing my fears i want to do it i've had six nightmares about that fifth floor you have dreams about this no not dreams nightmares ah sorry did it look cool like a dream yeah okay um no joke though it is it's very scary yeah then you go back on the rock up there yes okay let's go sorry i'm remembering those nightmares right now i don't want to freak out i don't want to freak out it's just spooky but yeah fifth floors announced quarters is what i'm really spooked out by and there's a morgue too by the way all right so what's the goal the goal is just literally to make it to the top without getting so scared that we leave before yeah jesus [Laughter] so we're going tomorrow yes tomorrow [Music] wait what floor was that uh you took that picture that was on the third floor yeah that was interesting i showed val that picture by the way the woman who's got in there you know the tour guide for that place yeah and she was like she was like this spirit what she thinks is that spirit named michael she was like he doesn't stick around he's all over that place which is very scary but that picture is disgusting i think about that picture a lot the scariest part of that is his eye contact in that picture it's not on me it's like into the camera like the person seeing it that's what's so disgusting to me about that picture but it'll be all right it'll be all right time we going we'll get there with a little bit of daylight andrew so you can see the outside and we can get prepared wait what do you mean oh sorry thank you so what time are we going i'm not going uh now listen i will say what are you saying we're gonna go at night the whole thing the whole time we're gonna be there it's gonna be at night so it's gonna be dark i guess now that i think about it i did tell you that we were just gonna be going into it and stuff why do we gotta go at night i love this video are we going on top of all this you're gonna go at night time too it won't be that bad all right well if it's not gonna be that bad you good to go yes good but that's tomorrow we have plenty of time for i don't know something else [Music] garrett what do you do for a living youtuber king of nature maybe you ready for tomorrow morning andrew where our journey begins you and i in the darkest darkest abandoned asylum you've ever seen ever was that it was me keeping my balance on a canoe on a kayak okay god enough inquisitions what is this spanish inquisition yeah i'm ready for it as long as i'm not gonna get like hurt or anything um i mean there's a lot of broken glass and a lot of holes in the floors and a lot of sort of like especially sort of things and a lot of old chemicals that weren't really regulated and a lot of falling bricks and lead-based paints and uh a lot of people who actually i think have probably been injured and certainly 25 000 who have died in there in the past but we have flashlights watch this [Applause] are you good yeah sorry i think it was like a it was like the sun or something got in my eyes tomorrow we go okay andrew i don't know about you but i'm ready for an adventure oh god oh no oh oh do you know how many bodies they found in this river oh god oh jesus i'm so scared oh dude are you good i can get i can get back on dude chill out no i don't think that's how you andrew take it easy take it easy dude okay what i was saying is i don't know about you but i think i'm okay but then i think a fish touched my foot okay andrew stop you're not being brave chill out dude compose yourself we have an adventure to go on tomorrow and we need to be we need to be brave sure you're ready for this man andrew what part about me looks like i'm not ready for this i'm a guy who looks like he's ready for adventure and brave ice thunder that looks like a little wand little water one imagine me you want me to call somebody you need some help call someone andrew i can get back on this boat in a minute it's getting kind of dark andrew it's not going to get dark i'll be fired just chill i got this garrett yeah getting really dark now i it's fine andrew i can get back on the boat in a second i can't even see you i'm fine andrew okay it's fine i'm just gonna get in your boat what do you have any room oh my gosh you're gonna take this off you were gonna take no need to stop actually stopping the camera i have the camera [Music] dude no oh my god dude it's over there i'm gonna go get the boat garrett i can't wait for tomorrow it's going to go bad it's going to go as good as this oh god i got in my eyes my allergies saint ignatius one of the most haunted locations in all of america weird commercial part oh i just got a notification that said you're about to enter one of the creepiest locations in america watch your back okay that's creepy caller id says it's from the spirit realm i don't like that see my stickers well you can fortuna show me images of ghosts okay yeah those are in the hospital for sure this hospital is ranked as number seven most haunted locations in all of america according to my research that's not my research i did that several minutes ago now i've just downloaded this disco this disco ball app oh it swings with the ipad oh my god but yeah number seven most haunted locations in america pretty creepy oh way to go look at that that fun i'm reading some comments of people who have been in saint ignatius before right now there's lots of subreddits there's lots of forms about saint ignatius of people who have gone into it for the past 20 years since it's been abandoned and here's a comment now that says uh i would rather die than enter that building again my sister feels the same way we were both jerked by the hair backwards my sister actually fell to the ground and cut her hand on a small piece of glass i got into saint ignatius about three years ago on a tour it didn't feel that scary to me and then i heard a man's voice immediately to the right of my ear i never told my friends about that because i didn't want them to think that i was scared i never want to enter that place again jacqueline says i've done some light ghost hunting before i tried to go up the stairs and i felt ah that i felt something tricked me when i got to the fourth step and i ran out of there physically tripped some spirits are violent man i tried to break into saint ignatius with my friends uh in graduation night in 2007 we heard a woman scream directly in front of us we all looked at each other like what i said in your glasses i'm doing research about the hospital wait wait wait wait where are your left glasses right there what's on the screen we got freaked out we got free bro andrew i'm remembering these from memories so what if i want to have a little fun i need something light-hearted i was getting too freaked out reading about the hospital so i downloaded the disco ball app head over to the supreme court take me to there sue me apps are insane what if it makes the sounds i will read comments but this fireworks app come on and what would you do if you were a ghost oh i'd be a um ocean ghost swimming around in the ocean oh eating oysters or just being their friends or maybe both good morning everybody i need coffee i need coffee all right time to be a youtuber time to do it you're gonna make him laugh and laugh and laugh and if you don't you failed you're right you failed you don't make it you don't make them happy you don't get those numbers you don't please the analytics you're a failure and they're all gonna laugh at you you need to hit one million views in the first day and if you don't your mother had you for no reason this is what you do and if you don't then what are oh actually i think it's right there i think sorry i was like singing a song though that's what you might have heard i was like this new song on the radio that's like well i forgot how it goes i'm just gonna get this oh god oh god oh god oh no oh god oh no it can't hurt me that's my friend oh sorry i was just gonna see if he was still there would continue brushing my teeth [Music] all right andrew thank you for meeting me outside i have just prepared some things for our journey today can i show you some things okay let's go [Music] dude welcome to the ghost lab i got all this stuff prepared i got it all set up beautifully the first time i shot this video was a mess the audio was going crazy the video was going crazy i think it's because ghosts do that yeah i hear we're going to have no issues this time i'm battling it we have cameras we have three cameras i'm going to introduce you right now to the tech [Music] i have so many things dude headbands shoot it on click it like this constantly different things okay and not only do you have this white light like this but do you know what ghosts uh do not run away from green light really yeah apparently they respond kindly to red and green lights i have five different ghost friendly lights and i have something called the no scare room that i want to do but the no scared room is basically like a safety room for us if we get too scared we run back to it so i have several things that we're going to put in the no scared room that are going to be like safe sure like lights um good vibes um like charlie's angels playing on a 17.5 inch dvd player that i brought what's that man what's up what's that so you say you're freaked out right oh my god i just saw the ghost of a nun party lights you understand uh i have over 20 different lights that we could put in the no scared room i have lounge music i have christmas lights why you have christmas lights because it's the opposite of scared oh dude look at this lantern right you go i thought you said the white light wasn't ghost friendly you're right i've done my research and i know ghosts me saying that just sweating what is that on your head oh this my wound jesus i know it's bad it makes me look like harry potter though which is kind of time no yeah what happened is i was um reaching for some raisin bran it was on a high shelf in one of those you know those like plastic containers that people put like cereal in like a bunch of cereal and i was reading up and trying to get it off with my fingers and it came down hit me on the head oh i'm sorry that's okay a little raisin bran scar not sponsored okay oh what i'm gonna wear in there okay okay okay so so this is a huge part of this video in general you all know those ghost shows andrew you know those go shows right where it's all green with their lamps and all this stuff like there's a tone and i'm not gonna name any of them by names shade free zone my channel right okay but it sucks because they kind of do this thing where they go into these places and they act like dominant this week on spirit hunters janine we know you died in 1927. show your face right now on the count of three no they get rude to them do you know what i mean i am taking a friendlier approach my approach to going into haunted places i'm going much more friendly so i was doing a lot of research to find out how to actually have ghosts present themselves to you so i was typing away on the keyboard like a magnet and they said you need to adapt to whatever era the ghosts like were in when they were alive right so we're going into a place that was a hospital in the late 1800s so again i'm on my computer shredding away and i find a doctor's costume from like the late 1800s but so what happens i went to open up the packages and they sent the wrong thing and so they sent this uh coat here victorian gothic steam or something and then this uh pirate shirt so this is all that i have to wear in there and i was actually kind of upset about that at first but i think that it's actually gonna work in our favor because who doesn't like uh gothic steampunk victorian royalty like if you were a ghost and you see this are you gonna be like more cute you look like a pirate should i wear that in there maybe okay so i've spoken a lot about friendly energies um let me see if i forgot anything here um so the one thing that i didn't do the first time that i entered this hospital was bring benjamin because well it's a whole thing uh he wants to absorb some spirits in there so it's really complicated we're gonna bring benjamin in there um so i've spoken a lot about friendly ghosts but i need to tell you about something else i want to be incredibly well prepared for the spirits that might not be so friendly i know that some ghosts are very angry and might not be coming from a good place angry demonic entities because andrew i've read countless accounts of people and see videos of them in this place they get hit they get black eyes they get pulled into rooms it's what he's talking about i haven't told you that yet it's a huge problem this place is a huge problem but don't this is what i'm telling you you need to be like i thought you said this place wasn't that scary no no it's disgusting dude where we're gonna end up in the nuns quarters you have no idea okay so um so you lied to me i didn't lie to you you just didn't ask for the details you're with me my guy you're with me [Laughter] well i thought of this i have defensive mechanisms in place i didn't know we were going to get pulled into rooms and punched in the face by ghosts i feel like if you would have told me that i would have got on a plane and come here okay well things are scary when you're not prepared andrew but we are do you want to know why say a scary ghost is coming towards you right you don't know what to do you think you're doomed fortnight guns you know what these are full of holy water come on no i promise i had these blessed with holy water where did you go get them blessed um well i put a bowl of water in front of a youtube video with a priest blessing the water so they were blessed you know by a priest technically but through a computer screen all right no come on andrew that works dude that's works that's balance i don't think it is i don't think that's how blessings work i don't think blessings work through screens that are like pre-recorded videos andrew listen i know the supernatural what about this to you looks like you're not in the best hands no so i know what you're thinking you're going okay okay okay what if i'm running and running and running it's in a dark i stumble over you know one of a wheelchair or something and i lose the gun stumble over a wheelchair what are the stuff in there there's so much stuff in there you have no idea i didn't know about that added element no andrew listen you need to focus so say okay i'm scared i need to focus you're like i don't walk out of here what with you lying to me about that andrew did i lie to you or did i just not tell you think about it okay listen i have something that you're not asking about which is very important so here's the situation you're running around you lose the gun a spirit's running towards you okay a nun sharp teeth uh hair flying everywhere snakes coming out of her eyes she's possessed as hell and you know it so you're running like this you trip over wheelchair you go to the ground right go like this you where's my gun my holy water gun i've lost it i'm defenseless but because i am prepared ankle holster full of holy water right here blast she gets blasted back to hell where she belongs that's sick you really think this is necessary yeah i thought this was supposed to be like friendly and stuff well if they're not being friendly to us andrew you can learn in this life that sometimes you have to clap back back in that costume um and by the way i'm prepared to use the holy water against benjamin if i have to oh oh my god we bring a hot pocket i actually didn't bring any snacks so we can steal some from upstairs yeah oh this is great andrew um so the morgue is really messy right you don't want to touch stuff because you can get cut but you're my boy and i protect you so check this out gripper look at that look at that action we see a human bone we're not touching that we're not gross we're grabbing it with this isn't that sick ghost meter so what is that supposed to do this is we hold it around and i think it goes jesus oh this was actually given to me by a witch in new orleans and her husband who went bankrupt she said this was some of the best stage wrap i have a utility belt andrew did i tell you about that i actually don't know exactly how to wear it actually i don't know if this will fit oh here we go oh my god did i even tell you about the dvd player this is for the no scared room isn't it is it broken no it's not broken andrew what the heck is an evd video i don't know i think they got that wrong i'm not sure if that's gonna work i don't know about this man i do um the one thing that i didn't think of andrew um is getting snacks but my uncle he has such good snacks so he can sneak up and ground so let's start our journey because it is 702 right now and i told the woman who's letting us into the hospital that i meet her at seven how far away an hour so let's go steal some snacks from upstairs and then the next thing and then next thing is we'll be overnight in one of the most haunted locations in america that is also incredibly violent because people get injured in there by spirits but don't worry because you'll have your pistol [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] don't put it in your pocket don't put it in your pocket jesus [Music] all right let's go what i didn't have time to get food andrew do you want a banana [Music] sure what if we find chicken [Music] all right i'm prepared i'm doing it right this time everything packed and we are ready to go come on let's hit the road and find some hots back i didn't see that it's locked let's hit the road oh sorry let's hit let's hit the road come on everyone buckled up i think we're back you put your hands on the wheel um okay ah have to pee so bad same oh jesus well be careful with your child back there oh he's all right you have no idea what he's been through wait wait wait wait wait wait where [Music] okay sorry um we are going to i want to go into this at night time obviously um but right now i figured let's just walk around it kind of wait for it to get a little bit darker um i'm getting there a little a little bit before like night night time because right there andrew that little room right there right in the entrance is that room so we can set up the uh no scared room in there so yeah we're just gonna wait for it to get a little bit darker before we even go in to set up the no scarecrow but yeah let me uh while we saw a little bit of daylight i'll show you the outside a little bit and point out some things yeah yeah oh fun piece of spooky trivia as they say cats always like hang out around haunted locations to like protect them or something in every cemetery there's like families of cats there's cats that are attached to graves cats that are attached to locations it's incredible val was saying the craziest thing andrew is like now they have security cameras around it and all these precautions to keep people out and stuff so they would know if anyone entered but people still see people all the time in the windows sometimes call it in oh and they have to call val no one's in there i saw someone in the window no one's there it's fine secure [Music] it's crazy just looking up there it's so spooky man third floor is supposed to be the worst and the third floor is where i got that photo on twitter the guy in the window yeah so there's these two rooms 311 and 312 that apparently the most activity is in room 311 which was owned by this woman named rose and one 312 which was apparently a very very very angry patient named michael so we'll go in there and you know i'm no expert but that person in the window in that picture looked pretty angry to me and if michael looks like that i hope we don't see him tonight oh my god this is literally the sketchiest thing i've ever seen in my house dude andrew be careful this is like the place you could fall and get impaled by something and die this is not like dude so just be careful the vibe i'd like to pick myself like for instance nobody should try to walk down steps in here because they're probably rotten but i'm gonna give it a shot no no no don't do it well but no no no don't do that i can't even see you bro don't don't don't dude i can like hear it [Music] what are some of the things that happened in here this place is a nightmare it's terrified we've been pushed we've been kicked we've heard voices i've seen things running down the hall yes i have it open really yeah we'll take a look at that good nightmare something's gonna grab you yeah like something's gonna grab you if you get in there andrew are you ready to go into the abandoned morgue beneath the saint ignatius hospital so val with a abandoned place like this is are people breaking in is that a huge problem yeah people break in we have cameras now but the police don't even want to go in they usually wait outside for me until i get them in there okay well here's the keys just lock up when you're done good luck thank you so much thanks [Music] what is going on oh dude that is like nightmare ammo right there the hell was that you good she in there [Music] okay right now we should set up the no scared room while we still have a little bit of light and we're gonna do that right there in that little place because that that at the entrance to that it's not like deep in the hospital or anything it's just immediately to the right of the entrance so we could just go in set it up real quick and then journey in yeah but let's get some flashlights and uh get it started black eyed peas stubborn arm okay andrew so val told me that we have to um you know like medieval movies when they put like the wood in the door to like block it off uh do you know what i'm talking about yeah that's what we have to do in there um when we get in we have to put like a board in the door so once we're in we're in so do you have everything because we're not leaving for the rest of the night yeah okay okay let's ride weird andrew just for yourself just cut the light off for a sec i cut the light off and looked that way can't even see it huh man that's where we'll enter but for now jeez we're gonna have to go down there we're walking through there sorry feels like a really bad idea it's a horrible idea so i designate this as the now scare room this room here so we can take a look at this because it is not scary um okay so all right is it what's happening i don't know i'm sure the door is just on the slant no scared room take it easy answer this is the no scared room it's chill what is that a giant ass spider what is it it might be fake if it's not think i'm gonna die dude that's not real we're leaving for this i'm not scared in here look at this nice room can you give me some light oh dude this isn't scary this is the chill room um now all we have to do is bar the door closed so we're locked in so we will do that oh i'm good on that okay well don't make it so close that we can't even get out of here if we want to did it just break off i don't think so i think we're stuck in here okay let's set up the no scare room i actually literally just heard something and i'm not just doing that sounded like a bone yes all right let's set up the nose gabriel you're scared i'm the lightest no i'm not scared five floors of that i can't even set up no scared room no scared room nothing scary is allowed in here no nuns or ghosts or demons are allowed to enter this room and slit our throats in the dark oh god welcome andrew welcome to the room that's going to be the chill place yeah okay let's set it up see ya the fact that my reflex is to grab your arm and hide behind you isn't great yeah i don't like it's not good for me either did you hear that yeah i heard it i chose a good room for the no scared room right uh maybe keep it out here then not in that there was a little bit of a footstep in there but it's okay whoa what the heck what happened i'm not even kidding but i just heard like a weird little glitchy noise from the camera that i've never heard this is what i experienced if i start having actual technical problems with the camera i'm not gonna know what to do because that's what i'm focusing on that's not keeping me scared is that i'm looking at the camera but when that starts messing up you're gonna have to focus on that pretty intensely okay this is fine dude this is what we're doing i'm sure it was just a um footstep like sound and it's fine this is the most standard so we're just going to set this up so scared i'm just peering into the darkness of a room that we just heard a footstep in or something [Music] oh take it easy andrew hey lighten up okay you think this is called the freaked out room new sir so if there's anyone in here we're going to give you a movie to watch charlie's angels is on the roster isn't this fun wait did you buy a knockoff dvd player no andrew dvd it says evd people get the general idea okay already having some focus problems well that's because it's capturing other patients dude you're not in focus at all and i'm like dude no no i'm dead serious huh okay now we're talking lighting up the place whoa dude yeah yeah oh it turned off did you not like it dude wait are you kidding me when did it turn off [Music] [Music] i just turned my back through for two seconds okay are you serious i promise are you serious you really didn't promise weren't you filming me no i turned my back because i was about to say whoa it's crazy that the lights don't show up in this room no i do not do that okay back in action okay if that ghost wants to turn off these lights let's just say you have a lot more work to do okay well we'll just start with one we'll throw one light in there and it didn't still do it now no and some weird noise from the camera where is it it's fine throw another one in there to get a little bit of lightness throw another one in there to get a little bit of light in that room hey now that's a festive room well it looks great okay you ever seen one of these okay play a little bit of music in here [Music] nothing scary about this this chill right christmas lights of course oh wow oh that's beautiful this place probably hasn't seen decor like this in in decades charlie's angels one or two two okay this is exactly what we need it's my costume song you're putting that stuff on yeah i feel like i should wear something right like this you're gonna start sweating like crazy man so maybe just this yeah okay okay i believe this is an emf reader and there's no electricity in this entire building so if anything goes off it'll be a a ghost energy apparently we'll just pray to god that it doesn't make a sound how about that okay andrew that's for you okay so this is the not scared room easy breezy and we are good now we just continue this way i'll show you the first sword okay okay all right benjamin can just do his own thing goodbye safe room hello saint ignatius what do you think of that oh i did hear something down there so that's something i say we take a look i don't know what's scarier me going first at me being the last one interesting wait so what's the plan i just want to go down here because jeez that closed weirdly really did it's freezing on it what's this i don't know but this is an actual um tunnel that goes to the morgue jeez nah should i go in there leave me out here alone no man i want to take a look would you be okay alone in here if i went in uh all right i'm just gonna go dude i took the light down i can't what's that smell well this is a tunnel to a morgue are you really going in there i'm just gonna take a look where are you going i just want to see where it goes i get scared i'm coming in there you don't want to come in here i never been in a more scarier moment in my life than this okay so if i were to go through here it would go all the way to the morgue but we have the key so thank god i don't have to do that okay i'm gonna take a picture though [Music] oh it's disgusting all right let's just uh upstairs yeah okay um oh my god there go one second let me figure out this yeah wait wait you shine your flashlight in there go in the middle yeah sure was nothing oh that's gross man no no that wheel moves you know i'm sprinting right don't move it there's someone in it but she said for some reason this was one of the most haunted locations in the place was this bathroom on the first floor men's bathroom for sports for this guy what was that noise no no no no no why am i walking over there like it's comforting like i walked away wait what was that noise was that the door dude that thump above us literally a thump one wait what wait stop listen what'd you hear dude am i i'm just what i don't know if the camera picked that up but this noise that i just heard that my headphones was very very very specific really yeah i didn't hear anything out here no no no no it was like in the camera which is i'm like hot like my whole neck is like hot now all right sandra wait wait wait wait the bathroom stall you don't want to see in that toilet that's hot dude doing it again in your headphones yeah what does it sound like it's like gears turning it never ever does that i'm not even just saying that obviously i know everybody could just say anything but where's your ghostie wait what the heck what what what'd you hear dude you're scaring me my name but it sounded like it came from behind me where's your ghosting where's your ghosting where's your ghosting i know this is all specific but this is what is going on anyone in this bathroom the camera keeps on making that noise again oh what if we turn off the lights even the camera one you hear that right yeah like a knock yeah all right so the higher up we go the more haunted it is yeah floor two wow but what no when you said that just again it sounded weird okay the heck was that what were you walking up the street no what are you talking about sound like a woman who went what oh andrew i'm not dude i'm focused on filming i'm not really well it's what's scary to me is that you're in headphones hearing like ultra noise sensitivity i have very bad hearing in general i mean how often with you do i say what what what oh something there too oh this place that was the first floor yeah dude we just elevating is like not it elevating didn't someone say something earlier about the elevator too is like something about getting higher up in the building is bad anyway let's go to four two three four and then the other one wait dude you're like barely going up the stairs and like four things has happened i keep on stepping oh oh i hate this feeling wait oh no oh wait should it be loud i shouldn't be loud what do you mean i don't know people trying to sleep and stuff sleep in here andrew when you said people are stuck in time right to the hospital people are resting right dude what you just said is so scary i don't want to be disrespecting anybody's vibe which is a great thing to say okay yeah i'll be that's for two what's the vibe oh wow yeah i don't know at all turning off the light is something okay well how about we walk onto the floor that we just heard the massive also this is gonna sound really weird but i looked up there and i felt like i wanted to scream oh that means oh oh what is that dude that's the door it's the door it's okay it's the door yeah i know it's the door shutting behind us i don't know it was a little too dark now i'm not thinking about making it brighter oh god oh my god just hold on hold on everything just happened once that was insane this floor is like don't come up here oh yeah okay all right no no no no no i love that i don't think that that's coming back dude it's coming back he's trying to warn us dude if we got the ad on camera for a second he's just like he's like holding up his instagram app i'm sorry what the hell was this by the way yeah a little bit of movement my hands are a little sweaty oh i wonder why because when we just walked onto the second floor of an abandoned hospital a bat attacked us while a ghost swifted by us and set up our emf uh yeah camera's doing weird stuff again oh dude stepping in here is not the move anyway you first hello say anyone in this room um are you kidding you heard that it was a it was a grump it was like a rumble like a low stuff you're hearing in there andrew no i'm sorry i'm terrified to hear what you're hearing because like i said hey that's me it's okay i will always expose it when it's me trust me hey i have bad hearing oh yeah you have ultra sensitive is it just my mind sorry okay this room is terrifying [Music] say anyone in this room um are you kidding [Music] i don't like room a one no don't leave me in here oh i'm sorry i'm sorry that way no what is that [Music] i mean no no no are you kidding me right now dude i opened up the door back there no no no no no i still hear it i don't know what do you want to do i don't even know where to go i mean there's stuff crumbling everywhere i opened up a door when i was like that whole room was falling apart maybe yeah the crumbling along with the uh wood sounding like it was creaking because of the weight that was on it yeah yeah there's not a human in here it's dead silent you would hear someone like oh yeah i think it's breathing so it's like it feels really safe because they're like well there's no humans and if there are i have a taser but it is interesting that was um that made me feel disgusting very much so like get out well we're only on floor two oh man oh yeah that's not good oh no is it hot wait i don't know if we hear i do i feel like i clear out if we heard that sound again from the hallway no i'm dealing okay okay oh wait a minute not me being jealous of the deep bathtub oh yeah you like tough i mean come on oh if anyone died in that bed i'm sorry cute blush pink color though yeah that's good oh good good more stairs you remember how i said the green light was like more friendly oh my gosh let me just try the green light i mean honestly that is supposed to be more like friendly because the green light is supposed to be the one you want me to cut the light off just the green just we'll just we'll just film down the hallway for a second i didn't even think i didn't realize that we've been going through this whole place and i had a light on this whole time that's okay we'll just try out the green light just for a second i don't it's not i don't think anything will happen oh dude i feel this place anyone on floor two i got more focused like that wait whoa whoa whoa did you hear something i just feel like i am hearing a lot of stuff but it's very very very subtle i don't even want to go down there whoa i have no idea hey this is it was coming from over here yeah did you make a sound you want to make a sound again did you hear that you know about neither in haunted locations and stuff no well they're supposed to be really evil jeez man dude so what is happening in this room oh man i don't know okay what dude what is this wooden ladder doing here what is that [Applause] we're leaving floor too whoa face tracking is going crazy what what is my face tracking the camera oh what wasp bye bye floor two [Music] somehow something's worse about the open door i like feel like i would have rather opened it it just feels awful yeah no this is a different [Music] [Music] so oh wait wait gosh i mean this is just like asking for it all the taser yeah oh dude look behind us oh no without the flashlight wait what is that what okay dude where are you i'm right here so i don't mean to scare you [Music] so i don't mean to scare you no no no okay oh oh rose's room so this is um this is one that people talk a lot about yeah wait wait wait wait wait no you got a draft i heard that little like noise oh dude i something just went through me well i hope that's not true because we got to go back home together no dude there was a noise there was a noise as soon as you said you felt something that wait wait are you kidding me right what are you hearing are you kidding me what are you doing what that slow pronounced wind sound in this still building wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't leave me out here dude this is a problem you know what maybe let's cut that light off just to give bros a little less light hello rose hello rose beautiful name people have left rose some offerings oh there what that room oh oh that's michael's room just a feeling i'm not sure [Music] his name that was disgusting hey michael [Music] i'm gonna walk in this room okay hey sorry oh wait is that the whoa oh my gosh oh just did you see something yeah something in the window okay all right all right what no no there was a knock again that means i'm feeling ew that's where you uh just between those rooms man it feels so gross virus [Music] oh it's getting closer to those quarters man that's so gross wait this would have been a place where a lot of people passed away i'm gonna go in here what's down there oh it's the fourth floor right wait do you see like the entrance to the nuts or whatever no no whoa what was that uh camera's doing crazy stuff dude dude are you kidding me are you kidding me that door just closed on its own i swear dude jesus are you kidding me what are you doing wait wait hold on wait dude dude dude what could have happened there's nothing on the ground that was wedged in between i thought that dude it's over there again you ever heard of holy water i don't want to call it no no no no this was like a catholic place but you know here's a taste asbestos just burns out my eyes dude for real though i'm making jokes because i'm scared that door shutting i wish i had a camera right here seeing that you know what's funny we're like stuck here because everything's going that way so it's like we have to go past that that's the door that closed right there that is so scary trying to get doused with some youtube priests holy water all right no that room well now you're making me want to see if it looks a little bit more like where that picture was dude wait is that is it the room right there is that the window no feel free to come back out in the hallway so i'm not stuck out here alone it's funny i feel like any one of the things that's happened here would be like oh that's enough to have a scary experience yeah yeah we keep on going up which is not it listen i'm just gonna face my fears i don't care if nothing happens but i wanna at least try to step up to the nun's quarters i couldn't do it last night man i couldn't do it it was disgusting if my memory serves me correct and i know it does it's right through that and to the left the non-square it's in there it's all bat there's bats in there dude what is that somebody just talking just freaking talking man yes definitely over there dude that what are you gonna do go there up the nun's quarters with the bats with the noises and the moaning behind you right after the door snapping behind me dude if a bat flies at me i can't can you just take a peek around the corner please up there you know where we are just up there wait what what is it that's where i no [Applause] jesus i'm going to uh andrew if you don't mind i'm going to try to brave it alone just first bit i just want to go up there like alone for a bit i've like had nightmares about this place i just want to walk up there what do you want me to do i'm serious what are you going to do out here alone i can't with my back to this kid i'm going to walk up there not me unironically brandishing my holy water fortnite gun i just felt like last time [Music] you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me oh i hated yeah i don't want to be alone hold on this camera is really doing a bunch of weird stuff right now oh man there's a bat i would literally squirt it with holy water and i'm not joking are there bats up here dude i can't deal with a bad manifestation of peace up there they're getting a little bat face full of holy weather what does that mean i don't know dude that there's a vibe over there that or not know how to articulate that yeah whoa dude dude no this is like on another level i feel like dude yeah this is not it i feel like i'm about to get shoved out maybe that's when i said johnny mitchell that's kind of interesting how did i do this what if i do this i know that's not great is it not into that wait what when you had the red light on was that a growling noise that i heard i hope not again bad hearing man this was a cool night cowboys oh yeah you would have been friends somehow i will say this room feels kind of safe it feels really scary out there but this room feels safe whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was something touching my head okay that is actually a thing here no no no no no no no no no well these well these say you want to leave sure we'll get out of here now and we have to go get i forgot about the no scared room which was actually ironically too scary to access because we would have to come down here again um okay so we'll go pack up and get out of here but we're going to see the more before oh bad bad bad jesus all right take it easy buddy you're gonna get some holy water let's just run and i'll squirt if i no i am staying in this weird corner andrew come on all right fine and i'll squirt him in his back face where are you gonna where are we going we can just run down and then go to the left oh yeah running down look we're just run and go to the left that's where the no schedule is we just got to get out of here i'm going to score them if you've seen it no don't you worry about it don't even worry about it i got this i got this if you see the bat it's getting squirted the board's still on there which is good all right i'll just pack these things up and get out of here well when i say get out of here i mean enter the morgue oh my god i've never enjoyed fresh air more can you see that i enter that house up there like nurses used to live apparently before we go i just thought we'd check out the morgue a little bit that door right there andrew they left it unlocked for us how would you want to go in there after all of that i really don't but i at least need to see it i just need to see it dude wait i just jesus this is a leaf oh those are scary yeah ain't going in the morgue the morgue andrew why would you do this i'm addicted to it you're running around scared of your mother literally cut to me just like hiding behind you grabbing your arms dude how do we know no one's in here dude that's like a crazy cremated like thing or something oh my god do you think it could be dude put that down put it down whoa i just saw something moving oh it opened here it's really dusty in here i don't know if we should be in here no one ever got hurt from old chemicals that they used in buildings i don't think this is a good idea is it the whole point of that thing so that you don't touch everything with your hands oh this makes me miss christmas so bad what is it it's a christmas card barely look at that little cat looking under fire ooh cool old morgy equipment dude i'm seeing all these things that i just want from my home okay someone liked their burger bunch like look at how many there are a lot oh hospital gowns dude all right oh my god oh is the door rattling so much go that was like dude i was like looking in there and just like a thing just fell off disgusting that was great yeah okay bye forever bye forever oh jesus we need good vibes right now man really good vibes ooh donuts did you say [Music] donuts i'm thirsty oh drink wait a minute oh oh oh why are you acting like it's not clean dude blessed by a priest andrew open up i'm good yeah you're dehydrated andrew open up oh i sure do hope that you had fun today with all of this i got a little tired of sitting in the dark room editing all those scary things and i needed to switch it up so i tried to think of the polar opposite of sitting in a dark room and editing scary things and this is what i thought of uh pool pancakes with a couple friends i got quite a motley crew here and i don't know if you could tell but to my six o'clock someone's a little bitter that they didn't get possessed in saint ignatius it's been such a pleasure thank you oh so much for joining this adventure today thank you so much to andrew schwicki for miraculously filming and contributing to this video in so many ways and thank you so much to discord for sponsoring this video join me in a morgue let's talk about stuff from this video let's talk about scary stories let's talk about all the terrifying things again that's july 15th at 6 p.m pacific standard time and the link for that is in the description then hopefully i don't get killed by a demon in there and of course shout out to saint ignatius and austin storm the owner and val gregory the wonderful woman who gave us the keys and gives tours in there i wanna i wanna tell you all uh that saint ignatius this hospital austin the owner just started an indiegogo called save saint ignatius hospital by the way and he's working on restoring the entire place he's such an awesome guy it's such an awesome thing that they're doing over there so i'm gonna put the link to that in the description and you guys can check that out you can even copy yourself some cool saint ignatius swag you can even get your name immortalized in st technicians hospital check out that link to the indiegogo as terrifying as that building is it's also incredibly incredibly cool and uh and by the way let me know if you saw anything in that footage that i missed there was so much in that footage that i probably missed so hit me up in the comments i i i've uploaded some creepy videos before and people have pointed things out that have made me uh terrified and also amazed that i didn't see them the first time so if you have anything like that throw them in the comments because i'll be curious love you thank you for joining this was an absolute blast go explore spooky locations with your friends it's a wonderful time tell me about it in the comments if you have tell me about a time you've explored a creepy place in the comments please i want to know about that i always want to know about that oh my god i'm going to eat it like a taco anyways ghost drill life is crazy love y'all and until oh man my chopstick fell in the pool okay love you adios goes to real life is crazy tell me something spooky in the comments [Music] bye [Music] oh
Channel: Garrett Watts
Views: 3,055,229
Rating: 4.9746838 out of 5
Keywords: Garrett Watts, Andrew Siwicki, Spooky, haunted, adventure, ghosts, ghost, talk, how to summon ghost, afraid of dark, abandoned, spooky boys, sweet boys, shee, sheesh, memes, lol, washington, colfax, st ignatius, story, ghost story, real ghost, actual gosts, ghost footage, found footage, spirits, actual, paranormal, ghost hunting, evp, real
Id: Rjx1z48od7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 56sec (5156 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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