OVERNIGHT at ALCATRAZ | World's Most Haunted Prison

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this is really it staying the night at alcatraz look how far away that is i mean look at the golden gate bridge miles man we brought every tool we have we're gonna do the best investigation we can do did you see that yeah what is that must kill him let's kill him now are you behind the window i think i was too late tonight i am right now were you a prisoner or were you a guard inmate if you don't want to talk to us make these rods cross [Music] well hello everyone this video that we're about to do this place we're about to go to right behind us has been three years of trying to finally get it and it's happening we're going to alcatraz we're not just going as a normal tour or visitors it will be us just us evan our cameraman and the two national park guys that will be there with us we have the entire island to ourselves wow the whole island all of it all 22 acres i think of it there all the buildings everything just us for the night with an entire arsenal of ghost gear to investigate to explore to have fun oh wow this is the mecca of overnights i don't know where we're gonna go from here after this one where do you go from there i mean you don't go anywhere yeah i don't know the fact that like you're doing the intro for alcatraz right now is like really hitting me yeah because this is insane dawg how long it's been what three years you've been trying to you've been talking about this for me he's been talking about this for so long it's actually crazy it's gonna be so excited before this is also on the real the the real thousand items on the actual list this is on that list this is really it staying the night at alcatraz i never thought it'd be possible and as far as i know no youtube channel has ever gotten the island to themselves no it's only been major networks so we will be the first ones to ever be there so we're going down in history and everyone afterwards is a copier yeah they really want us to focus on the history and they are allowing us to do our investigation is however we want with whatever we want but the island is ours and i think thank you to all the people that are watching this that have helped this channel grow and allow this opportunity to happen because that's that's they dug deep into our channel and that's why they're letting us do this so it's getting real we got to get up we got to get over the dock we have a boat that we chartered to take us out there and we're going out in basically an hour and we're not coming back to the sunrises so jesus christ okay i'm ready let's do it baby history we're making [Music] yo to all the kids that hated on me in high school look at me now i'm going to prison [Music] i need to have a alcatraz clip jumping trip just decided all right guys before we go to alcatraz i think we gotta do one thing let me do a photo shoot absolutely [Laughter] okay yeah so for the pictures i want you guys to lay down and act like you are a bed a bed okay yes event okay [Music] now here no here no here yes down that would fix calories stand right here you look at the camera me camera me corbin camera me corbin even camera corbin me that was brandon that was okay first okay i have many catechists reach your hand out like you're holding jesus evan you are jesus stay here what kind of shoot is this what the heck is going on i got a pager oh my god so where we are now is where all the currents were and they said nobody can get off of this because this water is pretty crazy out here yeah and that's what that's about 100 foot cliff let's jump it really yeah those are about 100 feet at the highest points you'd have to survive the jump then swim and the freezing water and those great white sharks and it's about a 1.2 one and a half mile swim okay so double gainer into the water yep congratulate yourself grab the back of a great white shark grab the fin yes right into the golden gate bridge yeah and then just jump out of the water all you gotta do is stay on uh under the golden gate then you're allowed out okay yeah that's how you escape it's pretty simple underwater yeah whoa amphibious you got to get the candles that you can light up we have to have a waterproof you gotta get a waterproof uh spirit box yeah dude this just got real this just got very here we go i've read online that since the island's kind of abandoned it's now the home of thousands of birds these chickens yeah these turkeys they're everywhere but i wonder if there's even any pelicans here because that's alcatraz translates roughly to pelican wait is that a joke aren't these pelicans no no those are chickens what what so they are oh my god they are that hurt my brain tours on this island yeah oh this is the sun wait so this is original right oh look at that this is original yep warning persons procuring or concealing escape of prisoners are subject to prosecution and imprisonment now like the heavy hitters had people like coming to the island to try to like oh we can ask questions these were the top of the top gangsters that is a really good question we know that people have tried to escape from the inside but how often do people try to help others escape from the outside there's a sign right here that says that but then there's also sign that says if you come into the buoys that you basically like we're gonna shoot you yeah yeah so it had to happen you gotta think like yeah al capone's people probably didn't care about a sign that said don't do that yeah exactly yeah but if you're like seeking your freedom yeah that probably doesn't look that okay yeah like that's like that's like kind of that uncomfortable distance you want to do like life on this island yeah and the worst cells ever or you just give it a shot to try to make it to that beautiful city let's try and get the ghirardelli so i've always heard that the current was like the number one reason the swim was impossible and like i always didn't really believe it much but like this water is insane it's moving in like every direction i feel like it would be super hard look at this right here especially like yeah they're bunching up yeah there's literally water coming from every direction wait so is this everywhere tide pool i don't know i think it's just water coming in from the ocean into the harbor and then and we're only looking at the top side so the currents below or what will really get worse [Applause] this is probably the most beautiful shot of this because we have this we have the golden gate bridge in back and we're at the point where you could try to swim as far as you can and maybe get it to shore is that what we're saying yeah directly across the ghirardellis yeah so al capone was just trying to get a chocolate sundae i know or a bread bowl or a red ball from boudin's yeah either way i mean i'd swim for a bit for it yeah if it were me i'd just stay here do my time and i'd try to become the top dog i'd learn all the card games try to finesse as many ramen noodle packets as i can learn and just try to learn the banjo and just try to be the top of the top you think you'd be top over al capone yeah all right al capone i've done way more gangster stuff japan wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what hold on technically technically al capone was caught for tax evasion so so that means technically he never did anything worse than tax evasion he was probably really good guys wait a second about his taxes he went to jail for tax evasion so yeah technically all you gotta do is assault corbin right now and you'll be more badass than al capone yeah the the famous i don't know i don't quite know about that the famous elton's phone yeah only tax evasion huh you're telling me elton's phone only went to prison for tax evasion al capone elton stone that's what i said oh capone i see that i see the mistake yeah what did i say i truly think we would be the worst history channel on youtube ever made no all we do is just go so we think this happened but we're not sure but probably but maybe and then we argue that is literally every show on actual history channel right no that's every news station yeah maybe it's not all true but it's entertaining we're just being non-biased we're being uneducated it's like an abandoned little city up here this is crazy oh wow so technically right here is where the actual prison started right [Music] for the record there is no one else here besides the two national park guys with us there's no one else it's just us wow and and a ton of seagulls wow so this is the very first lighthouse on the west side of the united states this is perfect for spike ball oh why didn't we bring that because we're at alcatraz okay never mind you've never wanted to play that wasn't on the list play spike ball at alcatraz i did not make the list spike bald alcatraz not clickbait if you're a prisoner here though you have a pretty awesome view uh everything i don't think they get balcony privileges well you know really what about playing basketball yeah when you see the wreck yard you'll see dude i swear to you al capone was probably like this is seriously so cool we're on an island right now yeah on an abandoned military from the rock prison yeah well i'm literally v rock we're on v-rock we are on we are on dwayne johnson right now we're on watch him just explode out of the harbor he's wearing the tooth fairy costume hey maybe if we get close to the pigeons we get a ride back i think we should all just take a moment to appreciate how ridiculous this is wow like just the view alone and then what we're sitting on and then this opportunity to be here look at that i mean it's it's beautiful this is once in a lifetime and it was raining heavily raining two days ago where we could not have done this so we almost could have been cancelled on and so this might be the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in the golden gate bridge i mean this is the most beautiful view yeah wow this is so rad normally when we do like these overnights we like show up and it's just really spooky and run down and crazy and this one we're like oh this is delightful we brought oreos it's actually really nice yeah we brought snacks and water this is just so rad yeah it's just crazy knowing like that or standing where all those prisoners stayed yeah yeah and the history well beyond it yeah military prisoners and the native americans that were here and just so much more like even without the gangsters it's still crazy yeah this history that'd be so frustrating you just see like oh everyone's living their normal lives right there but you're stuck on this rock yeah like that's crazy it was clarified to us that there were basically two times a day that you could actually swim across this if it's not those precise two times a day even like an olympic swimmer could make it yeah so even if you made it out this far and you hit the water you had to have that precise timing which there's no way you're gonna know yeah so there was a prisoner here that got out maybe around this time and it swept him all the way underneath the san francisco uh the golden gate bridge and that's where they picked him up we found him three miles away from here unconscious how he woke up in the hospital yeah imagine that like you you spend every ounce of your body like trying to escape and you wake up and you're back inside he's the only known person to have actually made the swim the only known person ever actually made the swim because he was found other than that that's what he passed out while swimming yeah yeah look how far away that is i mean look at the golden gate bridge miles man i couldn't even make it a hundred feet out i can't walk three minutes yeah i don't i don't think i could make it 15 feet out you don't think so no i wouldn't even know how to get that i don't even think i could make it to the water there i would just get caught just like kind of like grannying my way yeah yeah i kind of swim like a dog you know i do this and i don't usually use my feet too much i want to make it too far i probably asked the guard to help me down i feel like they would catch out and like stuck like this just trying to get over the little wall to like almost get going dude i've already been eyeballing so many spots i would just jump in and saves you a little bit of energy yeah yeah and then you die swimming yeah you'd be the first person to do a triple backflip absolutely i mean if you're gonna go out you might as well send a triple yeah all right well let's see the rest let's do this this is great we've seen like two percent that's so awesome i'm just so intrigued with the outside bro like right here like just this side even alone is just so like me and jake were saying down there it feels like a dream like it doesn't feel real kind of looking at the building that's the prison right there it feels like we're on like a huge movie set yeah that's like not really it's fake yeah exactly but it actually has been used as a movie set quite a few times but it's also like legit yeah yeah but this is the real yeah you know yeah yeah this is real for the movie i wonder because you said that's like the guard tower i wonder if anybody's shot like over here like somebody trying to run away oh maybe yeah because that's where they would shoot from i mean that's that's the spot all right let's carry on my friends let's carry on by the way guys if you don't know corey and i are actually doing a fun little contest where we are picking two of you and we'll be flying out to your hometowns and bringing you to do an overnight investigation exploration fun thing whatever it is that you want to do and there's two ways to enter one super simple on this video all you have to do is leave a like and a comment and for every video you do that on starting now to the end of the year that equals one entry the other way is if you want to support us and this channel and what we do head over to send society.com which is the clothing line that we run and for every dollar you spend equals one entry and then we're picking our winners in the very first week of january and we'll be seeing you then so so wait so if they're if they're from san fran and and they pick alcatraz that may not be possible because it took a very long time to get a permit but we will do our best to make it the coolest adventure you guys can possibly go on within reason you know what i mean so if they're in san fran and they like chuck e cheese those again went out of business chuck e cheese are all closed so exploring abandoned chuck e cheese uh i mean it would just be probably an empty room it's exploring warehouses yeah i think they sold off all of the chucky cheese things okay we'll leave it up to y'all okay okay enjoy the rest of the video this is so crazy we're in the rec yard corbin do you think any uh inmate has ever done a backflip here oh boy oh that's why we're here huh that's not i mean well that's why we came to alcatraz yeah we came all the way down you know we could get a backflip on the wreck yo got it if your beanie comes off it doesn't count yeah you have to catch it in [Applause] that was midair crazy i wonder who the uh star athlete was in the backyard corbin yeah yeah i am now i used to dance on this prove it back when i was a firefighter prove it drop the soap the wood drop the soap he knows what you're talking about okay can you make shower noises like the water's coming up [Music] oh i dropped it [Music] wow i picked it back up okay and i was washing my leg i felt like i was there was that that was guys that was a reenactment of uh someone showering at alcatraz i also i also feel like we should have a pole dancing competition in the backyard about oh pole dancing with these yeah i didn't even think about that what are you just doing showering that's just how it did that was me showering my core what do you got what do you got cory come on what pole dance you get a b-boy there you go corbin can you spot me yeah oh whoa i'm too nervous try again try again it's 20 20. yeah come on try again and this is a respected career now try again come on come on [Music] touchdown wow that was my pole dance since i've met you you've had a lot of crazy skills yes very unusual ones i feel like i feel like you can do this it's not it's been a while it's going to happen it's been a while since college yeah but yeah but looking at you i feel like you could do things on this i don't look at you and think he could do a backflip on the ground but i see what you can when you better send your dollar bills out there i don't know you need a 12 foot radius on your uh hold on you guys might want to step back oh my atlanta get over oh i literally can't he doesn't want the money all right literally he's the only pool answer i'm trying to put it inside his beard and i can't give a try you got to really try elton take them guys i'm sure there's a lot more at the island than this pool and just for the record everyone that's watching we actually can't go inside any of the buildings the covet is still a thing there are restrictions that is considered a closed air museum this part that we're on is considered open air so the way it works out this is what we're allowed to see unfortunately we're not allowed to go inside but when things kind of relax and and cobra restrictions ease out we will be able to come back and go inside round two wait a second wait a second so you're saying you're saying round two 100 we're gonna be first on the list when that happens that we can make sure we can come back and actually go into the jail cells and the tunnels and everything else that they might have here and the more there is so much more to see here but we still much more so much more to see here but i think as of now we've seen maybe half of the exterior so we still have a lot more to see but just fair warning on that one uh that's just how it is i'm not even we don't even need to be like a hundred thousand likes we'll come back we're coming it's gonna happen it will happen but yeah enjoy you know the rest of the video this place is incredible we're still doing an investigation maybe we'll play some dumb games oh it's our style so that's not a maybe yeah let's go see the rest let's do that let's do it enjoy this and enjoy that oh god working i don't i don't know i just i just let them do their thing the more they do this the better they sleep at night so oh that's all you got all right you guys are talking all right cory hit us with it welcome down the road [Laughter] hey cory how about you give us a tour this right here is the great wall of china it was built in 2012. many people have tried to climb it but they just can't seem to reach the top even standing here it's almost impossible to get up there it's called great for a reason thank you it is called grape for a reason um if you follow me i'll show you our next location oh that was really interesting um this has been here for over 132 years what um it's called vk resources hand sanitizer yeah what what inmates would do back in the day is they would place their hand under this device and it would squirt out this goo it was gooey and it would just just squirt it all over your hand and then you would go you would go like this and it would kill bacteria that was lingering on your skin it still works what how is the elton elton get the spirit box elton get the spirit box now how is this still working what would you ask it al capone it's not like a girl she went eat oh my gosh wait a second it's rotty rich it's rotty rich and this looks like a box back in the day when this prison was open humans were six feet tall which is insane yeah because six feet tall maybe they won't invite us back when it's opening you flatline you're done kid you know what look play mid i didn't even want to do this job you were the one that said hey corey act like you're act like you're a tour guide for the skit and you literally made me do that to make me look like an idiot you set me up for failure elton set me up for failure he did this to make me look stupid i was trying to be funny i was trying to give information that people wanted to learn and you're going to make me look stupid i'm trying to have fun i'm trying to be on alcatraz i'm trying to investigate yeah and you're gonna treat me like an idiot you're looking the right direction man well before we get into the actual investigation which we are going to do up in that cove which is as close to the interior of the cell house as we can get uh we all did something fun at the conjuring house that jake hasn't done yet yes and we are in a playground you know i mean a wreck yard what do you mean what is it come on kid you don't have the setup i remember what you're talking about so i think i think we should have i think one round it's goofy it's silly we know it you look concerned you ever seen the conjuring movies you seen hide and clap so you're going to be blindfolded we're all going to hide and then you got to find us all by asking for claps yes you only get three well you only get three i don't want to be blindfolded well that's well are you guys able to move your location now while we're locked in we're locked in that doesn't sound fun for me i mean but it's not supposed to be it's great content yeah stop it corey just spoke how i think by the way you know i feel like i've been cheated out the last couple times we played this and i can't lose if i don't have to say last time brandon had to do it we were hiding like 15 feet up in the rafters of a barn yeah and he had no chance of getting to us it was very fun so i lost and had to go down the well of the conjuring house it's a lot of fun jake doesn't watch it i don't want to go down a well guys there's no well here i have to go actually you know a loser has to uh go inside the water tower loser has to try to swim back to san francisco yeah like i like this i like this a lot put that in your right hand be easy on me boys it's my first time okay so we have to stay within the stairs right yeah which is a broad area like that wait wait so we can't go upstairs no no we only can go on the stairs oh my god yep that's sure that's around my hands so no you ain't gonna drop it good i wanna be safe all right be safe here we go here we go do you want to see his lips at all [Music] all right whenever you're ready all right 30 seconds to hide [Music] 15 seconds 10 9 8 seven six five four three two one five minutes out of time or jake you may go [Music] evan are you gonna make sure i don't die maybe i'm not about to fall off a large cliff am i evan these stairs aren't are pretty high evan oh my god did someone just throw their phone at me oh i dropped my phone evan it's okay i'll get it clap this way am i gonna fall um one minute on the timer he didn't move wow guys i could actually see a lot better since i was like looking in absolute darkness i have a clear vision right now like everything's a little brighter now how did elton get around that because you went all the way through it dude i saw you like i kept my right foot planted yeah and i swiveled like this and then how dare you and then well you're loud so you can keep your foot down all right so this is going to be the best place i think we can find yeah on alcatraz island given that we aren't allowed inside um so right now we're basically next to the wreck yard yep actually sell houses partially in the wreck yard we're as close as i think we can get i mean literally we could touch the exterior wall all the summers had to go through here yeah so that's that's very true um so we brought every tool we have we're gonna do the best investigation we can [Music] you
Channel: TFIL
Views: 1,486,796
Rating: 4.9298868 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, vlog, Elton Castee, Vlogsquad, Travel, 24 hour challenge, overnight, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil mall, overnight challenge tfil, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, trampoline park, tfil scary, claustrophobia, jake webber, alcatraz, haunted prison, most haunted, paranormal activity, al capone, 24 hours in alcatraz, alcatraz island, 24 hour challenge jail, exploring alcatraz, corey scherer, exploring with josh
Id: NiZ0PfDH0k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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