Roasting Each Other With Smosh Memes #2

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- Cast going to a movie premiere on a Monday at 4:00 p.m. Crew. Oh no! (group laughing) - Oh my God! - Oh no! - Oh my God! Oh my God! (upbeat music) Hello and welcome back to Who Memed It? I'm your host Shayne Topp. The rules of this game are simple. We had everyone here at Smosh submit memes that they created, and we're going to show these all one by one. And these contestants have to guess who made the meme. - I drew you again. (contestants laughing) - (Damien) That's pretty good. - (Kimmy) Look! - Our contestants are Damien... - Hi. I don't know, I wasn't, I didn't watch the first one. So I'm just like, ah! Hey, everybody! I'm from here. - Courtney. - Hi, I'm Courtney, and my meme language is ass. - And Kimmy. - I think? (quiet laughing) - In each round, we will show a meme that was made by someone maybe even in this room, maybe even me, who knows? Then we will present a multiple choice of who made it. You guys will write your answers down and then we will reveal it. Whoever gets it right gets a point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the episode, wins. What do you win? Nothing. - What? - Well, we'll begin the game once you guys like and subscribe. Round one, let's see the meme. Types of headaches: migraine, hypertension, stress, Ian on live stream. (contestants laughing) - Oh my God. Oh, I don't know. I have no clue who memed this. - Those of you who don't watch our Twitch, which you should, whenever Ian is on, we never know what he's gonna say. - In a live format. - Now, who memed this? Was it Jackie? You know, we all know Jackie. - We know Jackie. - Was it me? Was it Garrett? who is one of our producers, just a great guy. Or Kiana, our creative producer? - Oh, this is (mumbles) Okay, I'm (mumbles). - All right. Kimmy, Who do you think memed this? - I said A, Jacklyn Uweh. - Oh. - I can see this shade coming from her for Ian. I can see it. - She's been on live streams with Ian, so she knows. Courtney? - I feel like you've been on live with this person a lot. So I think it was you. - You think I did this? - Yeah. - (Shayne) Okay. Damien. - And that is a butt, right there. - Oh. Nice. Nice little peach. - I think Kiana is the one always dealing with things on the back end being like, "Ian" like, "Ian" - [Shayne] That is true. - I think we got Kiana there. - I mean Garrett does, too. - I sometimes forget he works here. (contestants laughing) - I thought our choices were A, B, and D. - That's why whenever on Eat It or Yeet it, we're like, "Oh, Garrett came," you're like, "What came?" - (frightened shouting) (Shayne laughing) - Let's see who memed it. It was Garrett! (contestants shouting) - Garrett, nice! - Who? - It was Garrett! - Ah it's a good one. - At least put the option up on the board next time. - Nice photo. All right, so no points! - No points. - Next meme. Opening a fresh booster on the Pokemon Card Punishment Twitch stream. Damien seeing the QR Code. (contestants laughing) - What? - Whenever we open Pokemon booster packs, oh let me explain this. - Thank you. - Whenever we open Pokemon booster packs, you know when you're going to get a rare out of the pack, because there's like a QR code and it looks different. So whenever Damien's opening it, he'll be like, "Oh this is gonna be a good one." - Well, the chat knew the whole time. It was just amazing having two people in the room being like, "How did you know?" It was like, it's not like I'm lying to the whole group, it's just like to the two people right there, so yeah, jig is up, but it was fun. - Okay. Was this Tim? Tim, who is just the master of technology. Mark, who runs our Twitch streams. Spencer, the editor and also just crazy dude. Or Rebekah, our social editor and also she's basically the chosen. - Yeah, she's the real chosen. - (Shayne) She is the real chosen. Everything that the chosen does, she knows better. Put your answers down. - I did. - Oh, you already, you already, you already did it. Wow. Okay. - Because of what you said, I do think it's Rebecca. I think Rebekah knew that from the start and has probably been laughing about it or resenting me. (Kimmy Laughing) - Okay, Courtney. - I say the same, I think Rebekah. - (Shayne) Okay. And Kimmy? - I went Marky Mark. - Marky Mark. All right. Let's see who memed it? It was Tim! (contestants shouting) Tim roasted you, Damien! - Wow. - Ah, I feel so bruised. (Shayne and Kimmy laughing) - Wow, zero points still. All right, next meme! Smosh thumbs be like, Eat or Yeet literal (beep)! - Oh my God, your face! (Shayne and contestants laughing) - Can we use this? Can we use this on the next Eat It or Yeet It? Oh my God! This is tough because the choices are Tommy, who is our editor and also master of music, Max, who is one of our social editors and edits Board AF, Brittany, our graphics designer, Or Rock, who is also an editor. These are a bunch of people who are completely capable of doing this. If I was on there, you'd know it's not me cause I can't do this magic. - I think it's Brittany. - [Shayne] You think it's Brittany? - She's known to do the face altering stuff. So I'm going to say maybe her. - Okay. Kimmy. - I went down the same route. I said, Brittany. This looks correct. - (Shayne) Okay, Damien. - I thought it was Brittany too, but I made it Tommy because I feel like, is Brittany gonna make fun of the style of things that she does? - I don't know. Let's see who memed it! It was Brittany! - That's right! (laughing) - (Kimmy) Aw, look at her belly! Aw! - (Shayne) She would. Brittany is real good at making some (beep) up (beep). All right. Let's see the next meme. Pitching videos. Making the video. - Oh my God! - We have giant pitch sessions where we pitch ideas for Pit and Games and the pitches are nuts. We just pitch whatever. And then the people who have to make them are just there like, "Yeah. Okay. We'll figure that out." Was this Kiana? Was it Spencer? Was it Mark? Or was it Garrett? - It's Kiana. I think it's Kiana. - (Shayne) You think it's Kiana? That makes sense. Kiana is very much in charge of making the video. - Yeah, this has serious Kiana energy for me. - (Shayne) Okay. Damien. - Kiana's so busy. (laughing) She's so busy! - All right. Let's see who memed it. Spencer! All right. Next meme. Smosh Try Not To Laugh characters be like (contestants laughing) (Shayne) Pancake astronaut! - That's actually pretty good. - This is an Ian character, for sure. And it would be some real tragic story. Who memed it? Was it Rachel, who's the head of audience development, Jackie, Garrett, or Tommy? All the people on this list are very funny. See Garrett, I'm being nice today. - (Garrett) Thank you. Thank you for acknowledging my existence. - Who said that? - God, dude, you gotta give me a heads up. Wear a little bell. (Shayne laughing) - Damien, why don't you go first? - At first I thought it was Rachel, but I'm like, no, Tommy's got those quick edits. He's gonna make the pancake head. - All right, you think it's Tommy. Courtney. - I was really torn between Garrett and Rachel because the "be like" format is super millennial energy. - I went with Garrett on this one, he sees the development process of a lot of our characters and it really do be like this sometimes. - Let's see who memed it! It was Garrett! - Nice, Kimmy! - Way to go Garrett. - How dare you! - All right. Let's see the next meme. Yelling about getting pegged. Just regular yelling. Shanye. - Oh my God. - Now who made this? Was it Tim? Was it Spencer? Was it Tommy? Or was it me? - I don't know Shayne, was it? - This is a tricky one. I don't know who to peg. Courtney. You think it was Spencer's gifts? - No, it is just his gift. - Oh, I thought you were talking about like, the store. - There's no S there, what are you... Are you okay? - Damian. - I wrote Shayne, but I meant Tim, but it's Shayne. - Okay. So you answered Shayne. - (Damien) Yeah. - I went with Spency. - (Shayne) Spencer. - I think (mumbles) - Let's see who memed it. - (Shayne) Spencer. (contestants shouting) - I'm doing so bad! - It's okay, it's hard. - Next meme. Smosh casting. We already have Courtney Miller and Olivia Sui, so the rest need to be all men. (contestants laughing) Oh man. Was this made by Max, me, Kiana, or Tommy? - This one feels interesting and different from the energy that I'd expect from everybody else. So I think it's Max. - Okay. Damien. - The energy feels different. - Right. - I put Max. - All right, Kimmy. - I went with my girl on the list, and it's Kiana. - Okay! - Cause, you know! - All right. Let's see who memed it. - It was Max. - We have equal points now! - Yeah! - (Shayne) Way to go, Max! Max, man, (Kimmy laughing) Going straight for the throat. Next meme. Garrett explaining that it's funny because it's literally a mud pie. Jackie. (contestants laughing) - Just (mumbles) - Who memed this? Was it Garrett? Was it Jackie? Was it Saige, or was it Tim? - This has some Saige energy to me so I'm gonna say Saige. - Okay. - I think maybe Jackie. - All right. - Because that was really a hard day for her. - Yep. Damien. - It has Saige energy, but she hasn't been, I don't think she was in that Eat It or Yeet It. I'm putting Tim. - Oh, Tim! All right. Let's see who memed it. It was Garrett! - Wow. - Whoa. - You guys don't believe in Garrett. - Who? - Next meme. Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. They're the same picture. For those of you that don't know, that's Garrett and that's a milk bean. (contestants laughing) Now, who memed this? Was it Kiana? Matt Duran, our assistant editor? Was it Max or Brittany? All right Damian. Why don't you go first? - All right. You know what? We haven't seen anything from Duran yet. I put Duran. - All right. - It's got some Dur-energy - Courtney. - I also put Duran because I feel like if it was Brittany or, you know, Max, I feel like the picture of Garrett would have been like more put onto the paper nicer. (contestants laughing) - Okay. - Sorry. - Kimmy. - I like Kiana. - All right. Kiana. Let's see who memed it? (contestants shouting) It was Matt Duran. - No offense, Matt Duran. - This is right before he smashes a watermelon. (Shayne and contestants laughing) - Dude, a Gallagher joke in 2021. - Yeah, gotta love the Gallagher joke! Matt Duran would love that. All right, next meme! Arriving to set Camera Ready, to eat bugs and barf. - (beep) that meme, dude. - Was this Rock? Was this Saige? Was this Tommy? Or was this Jackie? - It feels very obviously like, like Tommy, but I'm like, is it too obvious? Is it someone else trying to like psych me out here? - Ya cause its someone who likes Stan's mom, right? And I feel like, I don't know, I, I feel like Tommy does. - I think he's mentioned it. Okay. Courtney. - Tommy loves Emily Miller and this is just so you nailed it. Tommy, I think it's Tommy. - Is it, it's Tommy across the board here. - Its probably misdirect, I'd rather guess Tommy and be wrong. All right. Let's see if it's Tommy. It's Tommy. - That's so good, and I hate the reality of that meme it's so sad. Why am I in the mirror? Like nice and then literally... - Next meme. Ian with another bummer story, any Smosh content. - Oh my God. - Another bummer, another bummer by Ian Hecox and Smosh. Was this me? Was this Mark? Was this Rebecca? Or was this Tim? Go ahead. Mark. Damian, with Mark. Kimmy. Also Mark. We got Mark's across the board. Who memed it? It was Mark. Incredible photo. - He's the only one who knows wrestling. - All right. Next meme. Bella, you need more training. (contestants laughing) - It was 11 or 12 years ago. - Was this meme made by Spencer, Max, myself or Brittany? - I think this is Spenz. - Spencer. Courtney. - I think it's this guy. - Oh, (beep). - I think it's Spenerman. - Spencer. Let's see who memed it. (contestants shouting) - No, (mumbles) literally constantly like, so when he uses his one for the year or whatever, it's always a beggar and I love it. - Yeah, they used a really roasted meme there. Next meme. Kimmy, say something mean or draw 25. - Oh, I love it, I love it. - Yup. - Was this Tommy, me, Kiana or Saige? - I'm gonna say Kiana. - Me too. - (Shayne) Courtney's saying Kiana. You're saying Kiana. Kiana is across the board. Who memed it? It was Kiana. That's a was very sweet roast from Kiana. - Very good, very good. - Haha, you're very nice. Next meme, CFM: *screaming in the bullpen*, Rhett and Link shooting Good mythical morning. - That's funny. - The amount of complaints we've gotten completely because of me. I think they're all. I think it's all the complaints. Was this Lisa from HR, Tim, Jackie, or Brittany? - Tim. - Kimmy. - We haven't seen Alisa one yet. - All right Alisa. - What about some of that Tim. - All right, Tim energy. Who memed it? It was Tim. All right. Next meme. Shane on Eat it or Yeet it. Kimmy on Eat it or Yeet it. - Oh my God. - I didn't get this one yet. - Ill never forget, I'll never forget. - Damien you need to watch Squid Game and you'll get it. - It's my fault that I haven't watched it yet. - Who memed this? Was it Rachel? Was it Erica? Who's one of our social coordinators. Tommy or me? For those of you who don't know the reference, there was an Eat it or Yeet it Episode where I betrayed Kimmy. No, no, don't... Damien. - Shayne. - You think it was me? - (Damien) I do. - Courtney. - Oh, Erica. - Kimmy. - Said Shayne (mumbles). I wont forget. - That's the meanest thing you've ever said. - All right. Who memed it? - That's so good, that's so good. All right. Next meme. Evil Smosh be like, keep talking. - This meme, this shred is so weird. - Oh, this is like shut up and now it's keep talking. All right. Who memed this? Was it Tim, Tommy, Spencer or Garrett? Go ahead. - I don't know man. For me it was between Tommy and Spencer. I'm with Spencer. - Spencer. Okay. Courtney. Spencer's gift. Okay. - Speng. - Speng. All right. Let's see if it was Spencer. It was Spencer. You guys are good, you guys are dialed in. You guys are all either all right or all wrong. All right. Let's see the next meme. Ian saying literally anything. Courtney. (contestants laughing) Now was this Tim? Was this Sarah Whittle sending us a meme from the underworld? (contestants laughing) Spencer or Garrett? - I mean, I kind of hope it was Sarah. That'll be exciting. - That would be fun. - I think it was also Sarah. - Okay. - I think it's a misdirect. I think we got two Spencer's in a row and it's a lot. He sees this. - Okay. Let's see who memed it. (contestants shouting) All right. Next meme. Sure Ian, let's get you to bed. I'd shoot your grandma for eating durain on a plane. (contestants laughing) - It actually happened, actual words. - We were on a live stream and Kimmy was talking about how her grandma would open up a can of durian, which is, has a pungent smell. And Ian literally turns to Kimmy and goes, "I would signal down the Air Marshal to shoot her." - Well, it's not an exact quote. He's getting someone else... - Ian didn't say that he himself would shoot Kimmy's grandma. He said he would ask somebody else to shoot Kimmy's grandma. - Totally different. - Totally different. - Different things. - Now, Who memed this? Was it Kiana? Was this Ian? Lisa or Tommy? - I think this is Kiana. - Okay Courtney. - I put Tommy. - Tommy. Damian? - This gotta be Kiana. - You think it's Kiana. All right. Let's see who memed it? It was Kiana. - She's so busy. - All right, next meme. Cast going to a movie premiere on a Monday at 4:00 p.m. Crew. - Oh no. - Oh my God. - Oh no. - Oh my God. (contestants laughing) - That probably is insane. - Where's the line? - We're off to see no way home. Bye. Who memed this? Was it Spencer, Kiana, Tommy or Brittany? All of whom are in the crew. All of whom are equally pissed. - This is Tommy. - You think this is Tommy? - I think Spentz. - Courtney you're struggling - It's Spencer I think. - Okay. Who memed it? Kiana. (contestants laughing) All well done. Oh, you guys can pack this up, right? We gotta get going. All right guys, we're onto our last meme. - Pretty scam. - Show us the last meme. Oh no our ankle, hold on. Oh no... , our ankle... , it's broken... Was it Kiana, Ian, Garrett or Matt Duran? - (Courtney and Damien) Our ankle... it's broken... Basically this kid is stacking up stuff on a glass coffee table and the coffee table breaks and he stands back and just goes, "Oh no, our table, it's broken." - I think this is Kiana. - You think it's Kiana? - Alright, Damian. - I think we've got a two in a row Kiana situation as we like to call them. - Kimmy. - I'm switching it up and trying Duran. I (mumbles) - All right. Who memed it? Kiana and Duran. (contestants shouting) So see, Kiana wrote, "Oh no" Matt wrote, "our ankle" Wow, so all of you get points. We have our, we've checked the points. We've got our winner. Courtney has won. (contestants shouting) So Damien got 10 points. Kimmy got 11 points. Courtney got 12 points. Thank you guys so much for watching. Let us know what, we're going to do this again. This is fun. We got more videos down here for you to watch. One right there, one right there. One right there, one right there. One right there, one right there. - I need it to make memes next time. I gotta get (mumbles) memes together. - Dude, I gotta start checking my emails.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 850,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Who Memed It?, memes, meme review, game, challenge, guess who, guessing game, 2021, Roasting Each Other With Smosh Memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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