other movie stars insult Steven seagal

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many things is it your dream to work with steven seagal is that on your bucket list no he dyed his hair steve wonder that's all now he exclusively works with celebrity steve so yeah it was probably stevie wonder no i was particularly annoyed somebody told some journalist told me i'm a junket uh there's about three four years ago i was promoting one of the tekken movies right that's steven seagal this journal suddenly said hey what do you think of steven segal saying you don't know how to punch oh i was like what yeah because you're a boxer well i yeah i boxed as a kid but yeah i know how to punch right did he really say that about it apparently he did oh boy and he boy is he regretting that right now in that halloween costume he's wearing in russia [Laughter] has he really moved to russia yeah he moved to russia i don't know if he moved there or we sent them there and told him that steven seagal went on the mma hour and ariel was talking with him and steven seagal said that never happened and he's senile and delusional and this and that and that all that stuff that you know happened on set supposedly allegedly didn't happen what do you think about that what would you ever admit it a and b i mean obviously the guy's a liar i mean he told everybody he tires and slowed that kick i mean seriously the guy doesn't have a very good track record um and i just i'm so mad that he would say anything like that to gene like um i don't want to give anyone another question you know everyone i'll give you another quote i would be the grandmother it's a goal but i thought that could oh yeah you know what if he says anything bad about gene to my face i would be forced to do something of course i would i had to make him crap his pants a second time you think his like any of any of his talk in mma any of his uh is real do you think he's a legit force no it's like keto i mean is cool but i mean like who in mma does aikido who has nikita background so-and-so coming in the cage isn't a world champion with the background and makito you've never heard that once have you ever heard that once it's for a reason it's because she labelled would destroy steven's goal again even as old as they are now if they had like super super master master division gene would still throw it down man i'd still put my body on him to this day and and the first day we get together for rehearsal with the actors and the director he comes in i'm in command what i say is law you disagree and i started cracking i was like i thought he was kidding you were just hanging out yeah and he aikido me against the brick wall pow knocked all the air out of me i was like why yeah i mean what i really want to say is how big and fat he is and how he runs like a [ __ ] look at it online you can see he runs like this i'm not [Applause] like he's like he's a double dutching little [ __ ] but [Laughter] but he hits like uh like he is like an akito master he is six foot five i'm scared of leaving the studio now i'm gonna sleep here tonight he runs like a i'm not going anywhere he runs like a little girl but he hit like [Music] we were shooting on a houseboat late up in toronto and the director said well let's practice let's rehearse this scene one time it's kind of complicated we're sitting around it's dmx or whatever and steve's goes like i don't rehearse man he goes so seriously if just for camera will you let us ring no let's just shoot it let's shoot this oh he goes okay so anyways he starts and stevens goes like well i will tell you one thing and he starts to get up he goes i'm going to kick all your asses and he starts walking out towards what he thinks the door but it's not the right door it's the door that goes into the ocean okay i swear and i'm gonna say oh my gosh you're going to the wrong door but then i know what's happening so i'm like holy [ __ ] and he takes a step and he drops into the ocean just out of frame and you know at the time he colored in his hair he had about that much black like magic marker i think he's a great guy by the way and he wouldn't wear a hairpiece so he just painted it and if you watch the movie up closer you could go oh my god there's like an inch of black stuff and he's like kind of fat for a muscle guy he's got very big wrists so and he's you know any but but and that so i looked down i was like holy buddy and so he comes up he's sort of embarrassed and because you know and the black stuff is running off but you know that was fun it was great that's amazing but i remember going i should tell him and i look at the director and he's like and then he walks and then last question last last a colleague of mine is having some issues with his girlfriend right christy came on footwork to fight between steven seagal and boss root yeah without a doubt that's a short answer i'm sorry girlfriend you're wrong i will slap him pop pop pop in the face grab his ponytail maybe a headbutt here and there and fold him up no doubt but he uh was meeting steven seagal for the rewrite for for the writing potentially for under siege too right the you know that was the one that broke him when it made 57 million dollars when that was 57 million dollars right in the early 90s and so he goes into one of those trailers you know to meet with steven seagal he's on the set and it's one of those big triple bangers where you go into this trailer and it's like you can get lost in there it's a maze of pop-outs you know which pop-out is steven seagal and he's in the third bedroom to the left and the end of the big star and he's waiting in there for 45 minutes he's making him wait sitting there by himself finally steven seagal emerges from one of the other answer rooms in the mobile home and he comes out and he said i just read the greatest script i've ever written my life really who wrote it i did but i don't say there's a newer one and i think it's even superior it's uh this has happened i just heard that because i collect those stories like jewels any time there's steven seagal's story like i love that jamie presley wonders i'm an expert in shiatsu massage please let me beside you you know you told me that one and see next thing you know she's having her boobs grabbed on by him i'm an expert i'm an expert let me give you those titties baby so anyway he's doing a movie he's doing a movie with keenan ivory wayne's right and um and i did one and that's where i heard keenan tell me this story i hope he doesn't mind me telling this story but um he uh steven segall had just met with a dalai lama and apparently if you give enough money to the dalai lama's charities eventually you get something out of it right and so the dalai lama made him a deity wow a god tibetan buddhist um that must have really appealed to his ego oh yeah i know it must have now you're so anyway he comes to the set after he makes you the dialogue and he comes now he's a god he comes and said now he was stephen siegel now steven seagal now he's steven seagal the god the deity from the dalai lama and he comes to the set and uh he's you know he's there and king so what i just met with the dalai lama he in his wisdom decided to make me a deity and he gives him the queen whatever you know i feel a difference i feel like i an enlightenment the sense of that i can do something now and everything just seems to come into place for me spiritually in my career and i feel like it's certain certain things now that never made sense to me makes sense to me on a universal level and his assistant comes up to him and says hey steven uh your your ex-wife called you can't bring the kids over this weekend you tell that [ __ ] [ __ ] she doesn't get those kids over here i'll break your [ __ ] neck in terms of your life in america you've been very much caught up in all the allegations of sexual harassment you had a rape allegation against you and i wonder how you deal with all that hello people love to make up [ __ ] i was reading up all the [ __ ] that stephen seagal's made up all throughout his career because there's a whole thing going on right now where stephen seagal uh told everybody that anderson silva he taught anderson that came right which is kind of what he's supposed to do right i mean he's there's videos of him training with anderson well [ __ ] it anderson barely even speaks english just run around tell everybody that you taught him it and you know what anderson's so cool he'll probably be like yeah yeah he touched me he's a good guy that was just him playing a goof but anderson well he always does that he'll do a little like moving the hands funny and he's just letting you know he's ready to [ __ ] explode in your face to kick you in the chin yeah that was a ridiculous fight it was ridiculous really saying that is he really saying that he's the one that taught him yeah steven segal's really saying that boss root and went [ __ ] crazy and boss rude i'm gonna go do an advertisement for his gym so i'm gonna try to get him on the podcast too because boss root and we'll have some [ __ ] amazing stories of brawls and holland he's just a savage i love boss but boss went crazy on twitter and he's like you know what planet is he from did he learn this from [ __ ] disneyland he's like boss roots go crazy on twitter he's he's angry at stephen i heard an unverified story about uh when gene labelle and steven seagal had a yeah that's a new story that's an absolute true story jean labelle told me that story jean jean tells you it like this he doesn't actually tell you those stories i'm sorry well you know steven was trying to say that no one could joke him out you can't choke him out he had this move this move stopped you from choking out so you know all right stephen let's try it and i get him in a headlock there i get him in the rear naked and uh he takes this hand the free hand and then you just karate chops me right and you know the old sisters and there's like you know the way geno bell talks about i wouldn't even say his balls he's like the nicest guy ever he would say something like right in the old johnson you know and then uh well and then i guess he got tired after doing that and he just fell asleep i guess uh maybe he forgot to go to the bathroom so he went to the bathroom then hello guys and if you know jean labelle jean labelle is like first of all he was like one of the original mixed martial artists he's a judo guy that had cage fights or it wasn't a cage it was a you know um basically a mixed rules fight where he fought a boxer you know he fought a boxer with his judo guy on and took the boxer down and beat his ass you know gene was like he's like the guy that taught bruce lee about grappling you know bruce lee back in the day thought you could just karate kick everybody in the head and that would that was the [ __ ] you know and bruce lee actually worked on a lot of like more effective things like leg kicks and short range techniques wing chun boxing punches and stuff like that but he really wasn't aware about grappling until he hooked up with gene labelle and gene lapel is a [ __ ] gorilla he's just you know national champion judo player and he's just so [ __ ] ridiculously strong and i'm sure he grabbed that little 135 pound chinese man and had him [ __ ] [ __ ] in his pants going okay now we learned grapple yeah you know i mean you had to learn grappling after you [ __ ] around with jean labelle i wanted to ask you there's been this sort of story that's been passed around and i like to get to the bottom of things i'm sure you can appreciate that you versus judo jean labelle what exactly happened on the set of that movie um i don't even know if he's still alive is he still alive actually we just had him on the show like three weeks ago yeah i you know i i never knew this about him either he is a pathological liar or he had somebody you know making up these stories um he came over to my trailer and i was with a guy called conrad palmison who is still a legend and one of the greatest stunt coordinators in the history of hollywood uh and we were standing there we were just talking about moves and stuff like that and we were just doing some stretching and uh you know he was showing me you know how you can stretch or he he wanted to stretch my back and he stretched my back and then i just kind of you know flipped over the top of him and and said thank you for that there was never ever any confrontation with him ever never uh in any way shape or form and i swear to god on my children they're the most sacred thing to me in this life and so if he said that he is a pathological scumbag liar so what where does this come from sorry go ahead well i keep and i keep answering that you know either he made up this lie or someone made it up um and and and when i first heard that i was dumbfounded and so was conrad pomezano who you're welcome to go talk to he was standing right there and he's probably the most famous stunt coordinator in our business and you know vietnam veteran and a great salt of the earth honest upright honorable non-lying man well just to be fair to him this is what he said when i asked him just so to to set the record straight he never really actually really wanted to clear the air for whatever reason but he did say well if a guy soils himself you can't criticize him because if they just had a nice big dinner an hour before you might have a tendency to do that that's what he was implying obviously the story we've heard is is is sort of related to that so you're saying that someone has created this sort of fable this myth of an altercation that never even happened and i'm just wondering how it has continued to live on well gina bell has never even said anything impolite to me when you see me he was extremely polite and just acted like a friend and i think you know the truth here and i think everybody else knows the truth here and if gene is saying [ __ ] like that he should be ashamed of himself and after i heard this i did start to think of some of the things that he had said like he said to me that he beat the [ __ ] out of bruce lee and you know so i just started thinking well you know what maybe this guy he really is a pathological liar yeah you know maybe this is the fight that we should we should book in the usa and i mean well he's got to be what 78 years old oh yeah if not older maybe he's 80. yeah you know so i mean you know but whether he's 150 or 10 years old he should never make up these kind of sick you know i mean it just makes him look like a total [ __ ] yeah he's the one who's saying it's unfortunate you know it makes him look like a demented child are you familiar with his student ronda rousey are you impressed by her i never heard of it's a her i've never heard of her oh okay all right fair enough uh i don't mean to rile you up or everything i thought this was a very fun interview i just uh i just really wanted to get to the bottom of the store and i think we finally put the nail in that coffin don't you think yeah you know what you should do if you if you don't believe me and i'm pretty positive you do i do i do find conrad i know you do then find conrad palmisano and let him call conrad a liar too i mean this guy i mean if he said those things he should go have therapy and by the way one last thing you mentioned bruce lee have you ever met bruce obviously when he was alive yeah yeah how do you think he would have done in the ufc i really don't know i mean you know obviously danny no santa these are real guys you know daniel nassanto and people like that i mean danny and i go way way back we are brothers cut from the same cloth you know and i think that um you know i met bruce through james coburn and i met bruce at his house many times and you know i knew brandon too i first met brandon when he was a baby boy you know probably six or seven years old something like that young boy well sensei on our third anniversary this is our third anniversary show a major honor for us [Music] [Music] bye you
Channel: kingbo
Views: 1,141,368
Rating: 4.8115149 out of 5
Keywords: steven seagal, actors, funny, liam neeson, movies, interviews, segal, vandamme, jcvd, honest, martial arts, kungfu, akido, master
Id: oBq38kPC_kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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