Times Celebs Gave Unexpectedly Honest Answers To Interview Questions

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all right well it seems like you're busy with something because you're forgetting to cut your son's hair um this is look at him he is beautiful but look at his hair when are you going to cut that hair do you have a problem with that no i don't have a problem that is some long hair you know i have to say it's amazing right you you cut your some people shave the the head of their children and people say oh isn't that terrible well i don't even cut my son's hair and they say oh my god when is she gonna cut her son's hair right you know um whatever i will do i won't please everyone right but are you still considered the fat guy when you go to a party or anything because i run into that a whole lot i'm the fat one okay so does that does are you the fat guy in hollywood still or or does everybody like look at you and they're like oh wow you know this is great now you're healthy uh do you have any other questions that are smart um i didn't know that i was coming up here just now they protect me i'm not kidding they're like you just have to take this picture in this room and it went in there and they just ushered me in here so hi here i am sue are you part of this so what's going on walking directly in front of you uh chris with gma philippines the movie obviously is about the joker but it goes beyond that it's really about um the the mental state he was in can you tell me a little bit about what research or what kind of uh what you did to prepare for this because this was really an intense performance um what was kind of the process of getting into that mindset is this old news isn't this old news didn't i do that i feel like i've talked about this for six months what i mean right i mean i feel like i i answer these questions questions you you want it again it's like a different you want to hear a different version of it i try and change it slightly or what should i do where do you see the character going if you come back what do you mean why huh what do you mean why i just i think there's some there's some criticism that says like obviously going right into sequels is sort of just predictable and might undermine the exact reason why the film is so unique i'm not saying yeah no i don't care who's here i mean it's awesome i love you i love whoever says it have you guys been here all night sitting in here yes is it all right or is it awful are you bored like would do they bring you food do you have drinks like no nothing do you see food okay okay okay um there's more space in here than there was in there so i'm not kidding so maybe doing all right and um my publicist is telling me i just need to get need to go home thank you thank you very much thank you very very much okay were you asked were you asked to physically transform at all as princess leia i heard they asked you to lose weight they did they always do they want to hire part of me not all of me so they want to hire about three-fourths uh-huh and so i have to get rid of the fourth somehow so so fourth was this before the first movie or before the bronze i made a joke i'm sorry the fourth can't be with me oh the fourth can't be with you that's i made it up just then use me everybody yeah just for you okay i've covered a lot of fashion weeks this is the first time i've run in to jim carrey wait tell me is it true you're wandering the streets you need a date to the party what's up no no no i'm i'm doing just fine uh i just uh you know there's no meaning to any of this so i i wanted to find the most meaningless thing that i could come to and join and uh and uh and here i am there's something i mean you gotta admit it's completely meaningless well they say they're celebrating icons inside operating icons boy that is just the absolute lowest aiming you know possibility that we could come up with it's like icons what do you believe in icons i don't believe in personalities i don't believe that you exist but there is a wonderful fragrance in the air you don't believe certain icons have the power to make change to think differently to be bold to inspire others artistry you're one of them on the good foot yeah you shut it down now yeah and people love to laugh i mean that's why people love you but they also know that you you know you have some shock value to you i mean you're on the cover of your book you're wearing a fur and you knew that there would probably be animal rights action you know this whole interview is becoming a defensive interview are you wearing leather shoes yeah shut up you know what i mean i don't want to hear you're wearing fur you're wearing not an actor you're eating chicken you're eating meat i don't want to hear this nonsense come to me with a paper belt and i'll talk to you let's work with each other to beautiful ladies like you two beautiful women it's very hard to do this acting especially on those days what do you mean because because you're so beautiful yeah because sometimes on those days you're starting to be angry to be furious uh you keep fighting on each other on those days you know it's so hard sometimes yeah i think especially on those days i think there is some uh some like stereotypes maybe that women um are you know very catty on set with each other um but that doesn't really happen on our set uh they're just still wondering in this question oh i get i think i i can't tell there's like um i feel like it's accidentally maybe a little bit misogynistic because it's like you're so beautiful what's it like having to do all that acting i can't tell if that's the question but if it is it's insane oh great beauty on the show everybody is uh you know professional and talented and um very nice very capable so i don't think that really anybody's thinking about something as um meaningless as uh their beauty when they're at work or certainly not this show kind of becoming a bit of a sex symbol which for some of your fans is kind of weird because we've seen you grown up on the screen and now here you are you know so yeah how do you feel about i don't know um i'm if people if anyone sees me that way i'm delighted that's awesome around the time of what if the romcom coming out that a lot of people were saying you know you're an unconventional romantic lead and so eventually i got bored of hearing that and i kind of picked someone up on it so i was like what about me is unconventional does it exactly like tell me and she said well i think it's probably the fact that you know we associated you with playing harry in a young boy for so long and i know my immediate response was well that the male population has had no problem sexualizing emma watson immediately um the fall on the way up to the stage was that on purpose what happened what do you mean what happened look at my dress i tried to walk upstairs in this dress that's what happened i don't actually yeah i think i just stepped on the fabric and and they wax the stairs and if you can choose between being a god or a fish what would you choose and which fish would you like to be sorry i shouldn't ask those questions i'm sorry about that sorry i don't know um i i don't want to be god um but maybe i'd love to be god's fish that's cool it's it's we're almost writing poetry right now yeah almost not not really it's not really good poetry but it sounds like poetry did you shoot greedo first or did greedo shoot you first i don't care i just wanted to show the legs because as i was telling you ahead of time you're going to walk home with more than maybe just a trophy tonight i think lots of men i'm not going to walk home with any men tonight i'm going to go hang out with my friends and then i go home to the cat if you could use makeup or your phone one last time which one would you pick your makeup or your phone is this what you think girls have trouble choosing yeah can you really go anywhere without your cell phone yes how long can you go without looking at me many hours hours many i don't believe it absolutely i have to do it but you know when i'm at a dinner table i like to be present and talking good quality eye contact ladies learn listen ladies boys oh right now we got our have you seen the new boys and girls we can all learn things are clearly going brilliantly in your career i just wondered if you are as happy in your private life and will we be seeing a certain mr ashton kutcher perhaps making a trip over here wow how disappointing was that question should we move on to another one absolutely i think that was the quest we've got to move on i think we're happy and i'm single if that's what you're really asking so is that really coming up like soon or something oh shoot you see this as well i need to stay on the internet more i was hoping that we would why would you think i'm invited i don't know you met him okay you met me you think you're kind of coming to my wedding am i coming to yours i mean you'll get the invite oh girl okay but then maybe i should feel awake lasted how long nine years 180 episodes you gave it up right i did they didn't cancel you you cancelled them you're not aware of this no i'm asking you you think i got cancelled are you under the impression i've hurt you given interviews you've done in the past um your own sexuality seems a bit more ambiguous do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to their sex to talk to media about their sexuality what on earth do you want about but what is your question i was wondering if you find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality i don't find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality um are you asking me about my sexuality sure why why um thank you okay now were you able to wear undergarments you're like the fifth person that's out no because what is going on what since when did people start asking each other about in interviews about their underwear this is not um well well is it inappropriate to ask somebody what kind of underpants they were i didn't ask you what kind you just asked me if i was wearing any oh it's amazing wow thank you so much it looks like you've just come off like an island or something you're very tan very tropical i mean you know i'm ethnic me too so it's just being ethnic that's what it is um allowing yourself to just be a woman it was the whole process painful uh physically for you to to make this you know because there's a lot of surgery involved a lot of drugs involved obviously hormones etc yeah was it was it challenging in that way i've just i guess just i just did my knowledge i just got my breasts done just little things that i've always wanted to do the medicine you still your your your private parts are different now aren't they i don't want to talk about it because it's it's so it's really personal and um i don't know i just think i'd rather talk about my modeling stuff or i'll talk about being a w and being you know maybe an italian vogue and doing fun stuff and and showing people that after the transition there's still life to live and what are you looking for in the next man ready what are you looking for in a man now to wear this i'm not looking for a man let's start there [Music] so the tony stark character and did you learn anything throughout the three movies that you made and to scarlet to get into the shape of black widow did you have anything special to do in terms of the diet eat some specific foods or that sort of thing like how come you get like the really interesting like existential question and i get the like rabbit food question but here he is interviewing anne hathaway apparently she was there was a picture taken of her when she was getting out of a car at a uh some type of uh premiere the guy who taken the picture got really low took a picture of her crotch essentially wardrobe malfunction the other night what's the lesson learned from something like that other than that you keep smiling which you always do well it was obviously an unfortunate incident i think it kind of made me sad on two accounts one was that i was very sad that we live in an age when someone takes a picture of another person in a vulnerable moment and rather than delete it and do the decent thing sells it and i'm sorry that we live in a culture that commodifies sexuality of unwilling participants which brings us back to les mis because that's what my character is she is someone who is forced to sell sex to benefit her child because she has nothing and there's no social safety net and i yeah so um so let's so let's get back to the most creative terms of a question i have ever heard and i'm gonna take it at that that's fine you are in phenomenal shape thank you you had to make sure you were in perfect shape for this one didn't you it was about being able to do the stunts and the fighting perfectly what was that suit like it had to be comfortable to wear but it looked like it was so form-fitting was it it was fine i think christian had it worse in the bat suit than i did i didn't have my ears covered is there a certain regimen you put yourself through in terms of the diet the workout what is the feline fitness regime it's just watch what you eat and get yourself to the gym any particular workout you're trying to lose weight well what's what's the deal man you look great no no no no no seriously that we have to talk about this what what do you want are you trying to fit into a cat suit how frustrating is it when you're linked to another hollywood star and even if you're you you've barely met them very frustrating almost as frustrating as being asked about it yeah you don't like going there i mean it's what's the point wondering about uh do you have a penis or not you know my beautiful vagina is very offended by that question really so you got a vagina now we all know that thank you absolutely has something changed in the last five or ten years for women in comedy because there used to be this myth that you know women can't be as funny as men i don't know if you've ever questioned boring i'm sorry i just like i just feel like you're like you get questions people who say that women aren't funny or just they're not they're probably not funny you know what i mean like who cares so [Music] you
Channel: Salty Facts
Views: 2,102,427
Rating: 4.9357314 out of 5
Id: kCu2DVhqxm4
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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