SCP-343 "God" (SCP Animation)

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[Music] viewer discretion is advised 343 was standing just behind 239 his face was knit in concentration the old man's nose had a drop of blood forming just below the left nostril slowly running down over the crest of his lip and dropping down onto his shirt hello everybody i'm the rubber today we bring you scp foundation safe class object scp-343 scp-343 colloquially nicknamed god by the staff of scp foundation is an older man he is a humanoid in appearance but with apparent omnipotence according to the foundation although 343 looks like an old man his features could appear differently to each observer 343 claimed to be the creator of the universe when asked to prove it he laughed walked through the wall of the chamber and returned seconds later with a hamburger in his hand when the doctor returned for a second visit the previously bare cell had been furnished into a larger room one that embraced a fantastical old english type of style and seemed many times larger than it did from the exterior 343 was discovered walking the streets of prague he was detained after a staff member witnessed him disappear from the street only to reappear a short time later on a rooftop 343 is detained willingly in his chamber as containment has proved impossible 343 resides in a 6.1 meter by 6.1 meter room at minimal security site 17. he should be brought any items he requests and visited by at least one staff member each day because he likes company attempts to add further safety precautions or required clearances are unnecessary due to the nature of 343 scp-343 greatly enjoys speaking with people and seems to have a knowledge of all topics visiting 343 has become a daily event for many of the foundation's staff members and most of them have reported feeling happier after each visit since 343 has been rather harmless thus far all staff have been allowed access according to scp tales it was believed that 343 is the one who mentored scp-239 allowing her to master her powers and create ways scp-239 is a small girl with the ability to do whatever she expresses a will to do as long as she is conscious if she can see it she can change it hence as a method of controlling 239 the foundation has put her in a coma however scp-239 later developed a complete resistance to the drugs the foundation had used to keep her comatose to stop her from reawakening the director of scp foundation was forced to request the o5 council for the immediate release of dr alto clef from his confinement and immediately assigned him to this case dr clef was given access to any materials he required all personnel were to assist dr clef by any and all non-carnal means clef walked into the victorian style study and smiled at the fragrance of pipe smoke and at the site of old books the old man was seated in a high-backed chair with a hardbound copy of don quixote open in his lap the old man looked up startled surprise before smiling doctor clef hello 343 oh please no numbers between friends said please we both know what you are i've never said anything about you not to anyone nor have i recommended your termination mainly because you stayed at level three and never posed a significant threat you remember me from the goc then geneva 1989 and you remember that you owe me a favor yes doctor i remember i've come to collect there's another type green this one has progressed to level four i'm very old now doctor i'm not sure how useful i can be sometimes i look for books but i can't remember their names and they're just not there anymore just the other day a young man came in here to ask me about about something then i forgot he was here and then he wasn't just gone and i can't remember him no one wants to say anything your aid will be necessary i am a man of honor doctor i will do whatever you need [Music] days later dr clef appeared in scp-239's containment he was looking through the steel attempting to get a glimpse at 239's sleeping form he watched her watched the fading phantasms of her flicker about the room and scratching at the walls he turned and picked up the thin helmet strapping it to his head the body armor was a little bulkier than he'd anticipated but it fit well enough he pulled on the gloves fingered the purple gun underneath his jacket and fell through his pockets until he found the tiny box containing his emergency backup he grinned and picked up a key card sliding it into a control panel in front of the glass he flipped the switches all down to their off position and pulled out the revolver bringing it up to point at 239 who is slowly waking up clef was running very quickly he could feel her back there floating somewhere he risked a glance backward watching the floors buckle into water and piss dirt and air he hoped she would be off balance enough from the medications that she would be less capable less able to affect the environmental changes on the universe he was quite sure it was a pointless hope now he rounded the corner and the walls slid into chunks of burning human flesh the smell of human flesh began to turn his stomach slightly before making it growl uncomfortably one more turn and he'd be at ground zero another ten feet nine eight seven he burst through the doors where's three four three the doors opened slowly the being that floated through them didn't look like it was is or had ever been a little girl years of atrophy had turned her limbs into spinely wires of flesh wrapped around bone she wasn't able to lift them she couldn't even turn her head the tubes that had hung out of her arms were now crawling over her body-like centipedes she opened her mouth trying to say something but only a gurgle came out she looked at clef and gurgled again louder angrily 343 was standing just behind two three nine his face knit in concentration the old man's nose had a drop of blood forming below the left nostril slowly running down over the crest of his lip and dropping onto his shirt the girl screamed in rage in 343 cried out staggered by the changes she was forcing into the world the drugs in her system were quickly dissipating with her control over the world around her returning 239 turned the air into chlorine for a moment just a moment before 343 could stop her 343 was kneeling on the floor ears bleeding his knotted hands were clenched as his foe turned for the moment from clef to float toward him it was almost beautiful to watch clef thought stopping for an instant to observe what he hoped was a rare circumstance the distance between them crackled as the hovering female changed things reversing the laws of physics and existence as 343 set them back into place it was like watching a petulant child throw her toys to the floor while her patient grandfather picked them back up clef edged around near the door raising the revolver again he fired chunks of flesh were ripped from her body and thrown behind her to the mirror she screamed as the cancer started to form almost instantly under her flesh don't care much for that do you little girl clef dropped the gun and tackled her before she could recover hitting her tiny waist sharply and pushing her toward the mirror grasping scp-093 and shoving they fell into a strange field with rolling wheat and smells of emptiness the girl was rolling on the ground wheeling herself up off the ground pitifully clef stood nearby knocking the bits of wheat and grass off his armor he walked over and forced her body over sorry deary different world different rules finally he managed to knock her out as she loses consciousness her eyes thankfully glossed in the pleasant emptiness of oblivion remember to check out my new animation channel the rubber talks where i share my life story thoughts and opinions just click on the link in the description to enter the rubbers world before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art a big thank you to all of you you can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video check out our description below on how to submit i hope you enjoyed today's video which scp do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 2,261,531
Rating: 4.9303703 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP God, SCP-343, SCP 343, SCP Safe
Id: 4dTKr4vna5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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