SCP : Sedition - SCP - 049

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035 running a snake oil stand is killing me because all I can think of is

035, gesturing to freaking pegasus blood or something: And this, this right here, should be able to help with any aching limbs.

(One of the arms on his current host body just fucking falls off)


035, sweating: That. That was supposed to happen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ViaDoesAThing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

With both this and the episode 8 trailer of Confident on the same day I might explode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ViaDoesAThing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
let's get this over with sir all five council must never dragged orders from the council my expendability has been reached it seems sir jacobs he could kill you i'm dead either way never was partial to a bullet close camera feeds if my death is caught on film i don't want to give them the satisfaction already done answer good luck i will be conducting a mandatory interview with the scp designated as 049 also known as the plague doctor this interview is taking place at the bridge facility july 27 2018. due to the nature of containment and history thereof with the subject your cooperation in these proceedings is required under penalty of any and all privileges being revoked do you understand the terms it's good to see you again administrative oversight jacobs pleasant to encounter a familiar face site director answer the question as you wish come to co-opt another service of me you promised me a worthwhile test subject last time he had to meet his end elsewhere moses the pity in him i sensed so much of the pestilence building twisting his very dna corrupting all life around him if i remember correctly it was your offer of mr lambert's body that brought your delay from undergoing my procedure unless you want to go fishing in an acid bath to find it i wouldn't get your hopes up that that promise will ever be fulfilled now the years have passed my list of patients grows stale and the pestilence has made a meal of you it fasters even now greater than any i've witnessed before you won't be able to buy your way out this time my friend however i am willing to entertain your notion of an interview for old times sake mercy for the infected that's not like you doctor call it a mellowing of nature or the smell of lavender from your breast market i'm feeling indulgent let's start from the beginning shall we how did you come to be taught about the great pestilence did anyone teach you the skills you currently possess where did it come from the great pestilence is older than you could possibly comprehend any chance i could get some actual details it is a factual enough answer it's evasive and only the first goddamn question i know i i know look i'll make this simple answer me appropriately and you don't spend the rest of containment in a one by one cell you drive a hard bargain very well no i had no better god to instruct me on the ways of the pestilence nor the intricacies of treatment what has been gleaned has all been derived from personal interactions and studies or was until my access to resources was unwisely stemmed what of its origins ah no that is a mystery i cannot help but be vague with wherefore indeed theories abound but none are set in stone judging from how intertwined the pestilence is with its victims tied directly into every molecule and fiber most if not all life upon this world is infected carried from birth it seems so it may be hereditary if it's as old as you claim why hasn't it mutated into something more lethal why haven't we been wiped out that is not the nature of the pestilence it cannot exist without a host like any virus it must maintain its ecosystem but the changes are small unnoticeable minuscule perhaps it existed within the primordial soup from which life first erupted into being piggybacking of the first sentient creatures to take root on earth may have an offshoot of some prehistorical neolithic variant of human ancestry interbreeding with a deformity creating a sequence of genes that retroactively attack and overwhelm its host layman's terms doctor or has the pestilence merely become unavoidable when all infants are born pure but immediately exposed to its effects through contact nutrients too young and indefensible to protect themselves they wouldn't stand a chance would a single party benefit from a virus such as this is it a means for control or an insertion of power what does any of that mean it means what it is always meant behind all the theorizing and contemplation my eons of study i don't know but how did you come into contact with it you must have had a first patient and like most in my profession each and every one bleeds together i recall my new details a solitary merchant on the road desperately clinging to his wares for safety twin sisters barely alive in desperate need of relief their parents lords queens nobles and peasants rich poor disenfranchised well to do in the ocean of patience i get the picture you must remember where it all began for you an overgrown cottage on the outskirts of a decrepit battle worn castle i had been passing by on my way from i cannot recall when i was flagged down by a distressed servant to a prince humans were scarce in the region and so my services were desperately sought the prince's bride had been struck with an ailment of unknown origin and her life was feared in jeopardy however upon reaching the heart separated from the rest of the court to keep the illness from spreading i discovered the source origin of the pestilence not quite while ailment was severe his was far greater the symptoms were present if subdued but i felt a great well of pestilence within not the source but a carrier capable of spreading it far and wide i could not allow any of them to refuse treatment i would go against any ethical code i hold dear you killed them all cured them all first the cottage then the castle they were willing at first but much like yourself they were displeased with the results they opted to flee and burn their castle with myself and their healed brethren trapped inside they thought much like you but i create monsters from the ill that is the farthest from the truth i create life it is not i who destroys what they do not understand it was here that i learned that in order to achieve what must be done to eradicate the pestilence i would have to be as ruthless as i am dedicated and look where that's got you exactly where i need to be for here is where i can best influence the outcome of the pestilences spread given the power to do so are you immune to the pestilence i am more than well equipped to prevent the strain being passed on to me that wasn't my question are you immune to the pestilence have you been infected since birth like the rest of us or have you managed to whip up some kind of miracle cure just for yourself i'm not sure i understand the meaning of your inquiry you've said every living thing on earth has this thing according to you i have it yet i don't feel anything wrong with me an insidious virus is it not that's not what we're talking about focus 049 my apologies but your words aren't making much sense it borders on incoherent babbling i crushed you as bad as my ex never mind once more you've maintained all organic life carries the pestilence correct that would be an accurate assumption you've also theorized that it lays semi-dormant within us from an early age childhood not all together correct but yes this is a valid conclusion then if you too were born as helpless as other children exposed would that not also make you a carrier i i do not believe so well why not you're just as likely as anyone else by your own logic that is untrue i possess many methods of combating infection yes now you too but what about before i do not understand what you're saying this is nonsense as nonsensical as a sick doctor treating patients just as ill as he is if you are infected aren't you more likely to spread this pestilence rather than contain it is it possible that the only reason you find it wherever you go is because it follows you stop stop cease this i wanted to answer your queries but as part of an interview not an inquisition is that understood despite appearing to be wearing a medieval plague doctor's uniform our studies have determined your clothing is made from muscle and skin tissue in other words it's all part of your anatomy my question is how is this possible that my dear acquaintance depends upon your perspective well any good doctor must single out a diagnosis in order to treat a patient given several indications honestly led to a conclusion and thus the road to a cure but in order to walk the proper path of healing one must be sure they are tracing the cause and not the symptom which one are you there the cause or the symptoms how does that saying go imitation is the sincerest form of flattery it astounds me how similar a mentality humanity is to a virus how eager you are to assimilate another simply because you can you excuse it the reason or feeling but all the same you carry out your shared function without fail are you saying that plague doctors were inspired by you i can hardly call with those imposters became an inspiration a virus would not be so if it would not for its imperfections in its attempt to impersonate the virus is unable to change one but durable difference itself an imitation is still an invitation no matter how many skins you wear but reasons to justify your appearance to say they lost sight of the importance of my work is to imply they even understood that concept in the first place they didn't believe you they watched they learned and then they left to kill colds and coughs and broken bones insignificant in the wake of such destruction as the pestilence presents these doctors call themselves men of science but elect to ignore the enormous catastrophe waiting on the doorstep why would i associate myself with such blind stupidity and yet their blind stupidity has created a wealth of knowledge in the ways of treating the ill not just with medicine but dignity from the dark ages new science has brought about the health and well-being of billions across centuries of study is that not a thing to be proud of ending their ignorance have merely healed the sick in order to further propagate the pestilence prolonging the inevitable downfall all your treatments and advances are meaningless buying your only temporary respite what good is dignity and medicine against the wrath of the pestilence then again that's not what my question was about they're very eager to remain ignorant of the subject at hand 049 they were afraid to answer ridiculous then answer me i am as such because i was born as such do humans question their own anatomy do they claim awareness of life before neanderthal do you hold any perception of time before birth before life before creation do you know or do you rely on observation and history to write the past for you you don't know hell of a roundabout way of saying as much but we know something of your anatomy your skeletal structure though enveloped in this is still human is it possible you were human at some point flesh is still flesh regardless of its shape while the bones lay the foundations the rest of the structure is influenced by its environment tailored to best suit its needs are you saying you're like this because of evolution i would not label myself as such what i am saying is that my construction indifferent of similar traits was made to carry out a singular purpose and that is my only concern are you the only one of your kind of doctors no of you beings like you if there are or ever have been we have never encountered one another nor have i particularly dedicated myself to finding out the answer to your question have you ever been curious at all finding out whether or not you are truly the only one of your kind my kind as you put it rests less on the physiology of my person and more upon the practice my kind of men of science logic and reason medical practitioners not species since it is quite clear any biological classification would be useless given my own personal lack of health issues i have no use for one i am not diagnosing myself how very selfless of you suppose we would have encountered another by now if there were more of you in the world perish the thought well instead of another of your race what about colleagues or assistants have you ever had an apprentice several over the last millennia and a half some have remained after the rest of mandarin by work others who followed after witnessing my prowess in the field the countless lives i had saved was not unnoticed by a few they had their uses in spite of their impediments you mean despite the fact they carried the pestilence they gruffled at the opportunity to stand by my side and help absolve humanity of this plague are you sure they weren't begging for their lives whatever it took to keep it the chance to pass on my knowledge to a willing party is not an opportunity to squander i had hoped given time their fear would be converted into understanding that my work takes precedent over all other worldly concerns and therefore all methods in its treatment were necessary and pray tell what was the success rate of for these students becoming enlightened ultimately new york that sounds disappointing your sarcasm is poorly concealed i should try to try harder next time do all of these people bleed together as did your patients or are there one or two that stood out above the rest yolanda name she must have been special i rested more hope on her than any before or since none truly seemed to grasp the pestilence as well as she her family had lost their battle with another sickness spreading across europe at the time but yolanda had managed to avoid contamination she crawled out of the filth like a rat and despite the pestilence's grasp on her something within me stayed by hand i sensed a higher purpose for her and she was willing to follow jesus how old was she i am not certain i do not tend to judge by a specific age but she was a child make no mistake she showed remarkable resilience both in survival instinct and mentality the things she saw with me traveling together for nearly a decade would have broken most men's minds and her senses of detecting the pestilence impressed even me she could see it oh yes she could identify exactly who had it in a room with absolute accuracy according to you that's everyone but she believed we would sit and discuss the pestilence by a fire she even taught me to appreciate the clarity of her mind after a well-cooked meal i hadn't eaten food until she came home and reminds me of yeah just someone i knew they're gone now the infamous interviewer i've heard whispers of his exploits a shame i could not have made its acquaintance he would have made a most interesting study anyway you were saying hmm i sensed in yolanda unease she was no longer a child and through her life had seen much exposure to the pestilence to humanity the logical impartial side of her was giving way to a sympathetic soul who saw her patience is more than just that she was growing attached and it was interfering with the necessity of our work more and more she began to question the path she had chosen and the expression she made around the surgical table group coarser sometimes i feel morality can be as deadly a plague it's the worst of them morality keeps people from forgetting that all life is important your ethics are how you enact that all life is important of course i know that but there are things that must be done to ensure survival everything you do is morally wrong and goes against everything doctors stand for can't you see just how much you have hurt people and you are in a position to judge over me when we first met you attempted to elicit me into murder from what i understand we should be a little more than refuge disposal to you what i do is selfless a cause to benefit all mankind and beyond you kill for your own benefit you think it's what i want lambert was a threat to us both and i am always under the council's thoughts following orders i've walked many battlefields in my lifetime atrocities you wouldn't even imagine left out in the open for all the world to see survivors on both sides would crawl to me with what little strength they had left in beg it wasn't my fault i was just following instructions they were the enemy i have no enemy all are patients in my eyes but you you're just one more along the line of monsters excusing your crimes on the basis of following orders do you deny this no admitting the problem exists is the first step to finding the cure and what about jolanda what became of her we happened upon a village in the midst of an epidemic i wanted to administer my cure but yolanda insisted on an alternative treatment for their current ailments she was turning into one of those who had betrayed me and lost their way i admit to feeling disappointment in her especially as she forbade me from curing them she said she would keep me from them no matter the cost did you leave no she had not outlived the pestilence's influence nor moralities i had to stop it there uh then the town it was not an enjoyable experience but it had to be done the calling demands it following orders if everyone has contracted the pestilence might that not mean it's just the next stage in our evolutionary line is there something funny on the contrary it's an interesting concept i suppose i could understand how a layman such as yourself might be goaded and believing such a proposition genetic evolution possibly being perceived as a type of deformity leading towards an actual growth or supplement marking an improvement upon life form however you are missing a key component i know what it is you can't possibly understand what it's like to sense the pestilence i can feel it throughout my body i can see it taste it smell get close enough i can hear the individual molecules churning but it's not just physical sensations of stimuli i can feel the emotion of its presence how it affects me that tells me all i need to know about the pestilence what is it you feel fear as to whether it is my own or projection from the victim's own subconscious screaming for help like they know deep down that something is horribly wrong i cannot say have you ever felt like there's something inherently wrong in the world with you something you can't see but an instinct buried so far into your soul it's calling to warn you it's part of the human condition everybody has it in the basement as everyone everybody has a pulse too but just because i say someone is dead on the inside doesn't stop it from being subjective firstly you have proven my point you cannot sense it like i can you do not even register its existence outside of our discussions so how can you even make a claim that could be the future of your species has there ever been anyone immune to it if i had ever found any instance of a naturally occurring immunity within her life do you not think my role here would be complete with it i could easily derive a cure but the pestilence is universal there may still be hope if you'd been looking for an immune individual as long as i have you too would have lost all semblance of hope it will never happen and your being here your position at my mercy also means that you too have given up hope what say you say director jacobs is my inquiry like your suffering finally had a close not quite yet sir it's here thank you disengaged locks so a new cadaver not as fresh as i expected our own doctors had reason to conduct an extended autopsy what can you make of it we shall see you object what your ilk and i have had our disagreements on the nature of my practice they simply refuse to understand what it is i'm trying to accomplish they understand all right and if the pestilence if there even is such a thing presents as much of threat as you imply that i don't think anyone would argue with your goals you present as skeptic and adaptable in invaluable combination the real issue science has with you is your methodology all in the name of saving lives at an inhuman cost if any of you understood the true consequences the pestilence has on mankind none would argue with the costs every cut every incision brings my work a step closer to perfecting a cure and reading this scourge from every organism preventing further outbreaks from arising is that not what you want trying to convince us to fear the theoretical and yet when a madman claims to have witnessed a spirit there will be more than a few to rally and support perhaps humanity finds it easier to believe in lesser threats than an extinction level plague our doctors and scientists have spent years trying to follow your research to reach the same conclusion that this pestilence even exists nothing any help on your end always results in the same convenient dead end you give us your journal for study the text is untranslatable we ask for a list of symptoms too many and varied to pinpoint a single illness even your methods of treatment betrayal and error they were people have you ever bothered to stop and ask who it is you're torturing it is not torture to safeguard the future [ __ ] i've seen what becomes of your experiments that is not a cure it is beyond torture they lose every remnant of themselves after you've had your way with them and there's no way to live your cure isn't worth the cost it may be one day even now i am content with the results given the alternative and what about him the man you're operating on right now have you considered what cure he'll settle for what costs he'll accept of course not you just poke and prod and twist everything inside until you feel the disease is eradicated but so is the man what's the point in a cure if nothing of us remains what was his name this subject this person gregory sline he was an engineer a science none too distant from my own mad and machine are far more similar than most care to admit operations communication internal network fuel and fail ability how did he die why does it matter because i cannot cure him of course not he's already dead there are no treasures of the pestilence in his system however there are clear signs of its presence at some point in time prior to death when gregory slime died he did so cured how's that possible i'm unsure but the results speak for themselves they tell you that with perseverance and dedication a cure may yet be possible you may remove him do not fear he won't rise again i have been satiated for the moment what use do you find from your proxies cured they are invaluable to my research for starters their behavior their very state of being reflects the effectiveness of my treatments and how would you gauge its effectiveness right now i have a revival rate of 95 a key component to eradicating the infection living beings cannot survive the shock of being torn from the grips of the pestilence and how satisfied are you with the results how the person survives and not just the body that is a tough one not to crack granted much of the mind alters as a consequence and physically there are permanent alterations but there are benefits benefits how for example the cured can now detect pestilence carriers and neutralize them you mean they kill anyone in their path and rip them apart like animals knowledge i possess perhaps you're brushing what they do aside because they don't have your medical skills regardless it does not matter i am still able to perform my part on the guitarist we leave behind right do you need further explanation oh no i get it it's sick and twisted logic but i understand i'm almost afraid to ask what isn't justified because of the pestilence how much you let yourself get away with i have no personal gain from any of this more subjects to experiment on isn't that the only thing you've ever wanted from us from anyone to cure if i wanted to wipe out all life on earth believe me i could very easily all right show me there's something behind that mask that isn't just flesh has there ever been someone you've not been able to save in spite of our opposing views her betrayal of everything i'd worked so hard to accomplish i had hoped to save yolanda i thought that she of all people would be more resilient that not much of her would perish during the process but she never did she never came back it was as though her spirit refused my services this is the second time you've alluded to a soul is that something you believe in i have no reason to disbelieve it and i'm not blind to the absence of it from those i cure or perhaps a more apt term would be suppression you mean you think those people's souls are trapped inside of the cured again i have not said i believe in such a thing but i would rather believe the cured still have a chance of returning to the former selves if their souls have been purged then that is an impossibility given what you just said has there ever been someone you have cured but would have rather let die how much do you know of my history everything we've catalogued thus far then you should remember an incident with one of my first doctors from the foundation staff dr raymond ham i don't think anyone who knows about you doesn't also know about rey did you know him not personally but we had interacted in the past on administrative assignments he was a good man you don't get many like him within the foundation it seems try the world i even talked about him in years when i did i mentioned little remorse for his demise with the addition of time i've come to understand several truths the first is that i could sometimes judge one too harshly based on the knowledge and bearing of the pestilence the other is that i regret taking his life when i did when you did he might have understood given time and i may have also found a breakthrough with his help developed a vaccine made the need for terminating a patient to treat a redundancy but i panicked and the man paid a terrible price if souls do exist i subjected him to a claustrophobic and demeaning existence inside his own body when your task force put him down i'd hoped it was quick it was good now site director i wish to move on to the next question this line has run out of avenues are you aware of any scps that have the pestilence yes and no it will be difficult to point out to select few unless you have several in mind what why don't we start with 106 the old man oh yes him a rather fascinating specimen i can see why you would link him to the pestilence and although he does carry the strain with him his figurative and literal etherostate is not a result of the infection the man literally dissolves metal and melts his way into pocket dimensions if that is not an advanced case of pestilence infection then what is i have not allowed a full cycle of the pestilence to be completed in any one subject to do so would be immoral to study diagnose what kind of doctor doesn't try to understand what they're treating to the greatest degree if you were done sir reprimanding me for saving lives once more perhaps we can move on to another example fine scp-008 it's a form of virus that reduces brain function limits mobility and increases necrotic decay all whilst keeping the infected alive some refer to it as a zombie plague sound familiar i believe so but i can't quite no the one from russia correct as far as we know no idea what they're doing with the stuff but that's where it's from any correlation between it and the pestilence hardly but should the pestilence no longer threaten earth my next recommendation would be to purge this 008 from existence so you know what it's capable of what was your take away from it limited even my current priorities but it did not seem to me to be born of this earth and if that is the case was it survival here coincidence a mistake or a calculated move i suppose that's a mystery for the russians to worry about all right um what about an inanimate object like 079 the intelligent machine not in so far as i know but there is every chance that it may be an unwitting puppet of a design but how he's a computer do not underestimate where the pestilence may strike from even my senses cannot detect it at all times and it is so very clever who knows which shape it will take next right i guess how's about your old friend 035 friend if he says so again it is a difficult affliction to diagnose in things such as him but what about the black goo surely that has to be something related to the pestilence is that what he told you it is true that there are trace levels of pestilence in his excrement but dormant levels nothing i can do anything with but the mask himself holds no best friends so far as i can tell just like zero seven nine yes all right then now three four three god so he claims i do not believe i have had any interactions with such an individual and they say they are a deity the deity the only one according to him after the experiences of my life i have little evidence to believe our god could be responsible for so much suffering the vastness of his egotism said the cattle to the pot pardon nothing in any case if they are a living creature it is more than likely that pestilence has them in its grasp as well such a shame well that leaves one last candidate scp-001 thoughts you do know the one i am referring to yes i can only hope it does not have the best events in its system why is that if so my work is meaningless as is the function of all life understood get that yep 035 spoke about how he accompanied you across europe during the spread of the black plague he said that not only were you able to resurrect the dead and injured to perfect health but that you wore him on occasion dio does have a wicked imagination for storytelling what tale did he weave this time we'll see the reincarnation of apophis an embodiment of loki zion accomplice in his duplicitous acts or will we rivals friends or foes he said anything he says is neither truth nor lie reality simply does not matter to a creature of his habit well then what is your recollection of zero three five i picked up the scent of a pestilence mass across europe growing in size my path led me through bosnia where i encountered zero three five on a merchant train right 035 said he had been abandoned in an attack no such attack took place he was not a forgotten trinket on the roadside he was running one of the stalls as soon as he laid eyes on me he flagged me down you seem like an individual looking for a cure to all your problems equipped with this forked tongue come browse my wares every item of purchase all of his stock carried with it a tale of incredible utilization against some ailment or injury snake venom that reduces inflammation a variant of the oriental snake oil leeches that clean blood and infected areas and re-inject stronger nutrient-filled cells rabbit down elephant-y urine unicorn horn he claimed to own a piece of palliative care from every corner of the earth a phallusiol he was a con man who could no more cure the common cold than he could keep consistency no doubt he had suckered in several of those doctors who adopted my persona he believed he could do the same with me so when he presented arsenic as a way to ease sore throats i implored him to please demonstrate and did he if there was one positive i can give to that creden he is very dedicated much like myself he drank the tonic and to my surprise did not falter when i pointed out my observations of arsenic poisoning he admitted to my superior knowledge of the matter confessed to calling previous doctors along the path and became interested in my trade he inquired as to what i specialized in to which i responded the pestilence he believed him at the plague the current fascination of all in the medical profession but now i explain not wishing to extend my stay i hastily departed that's it that's your only interaction unfortunately now unbeknownst to myself he stalked me across europe and observed my practice eventually he came forward and attempted to assault me he did what wallace leaving venice i encountered him along a pier at that time i did not recall who he was but all this saying 035 launched at me i touched his house and rendered him a mopar you mean you killed the host the host had already expired i merely made the body useless to him i sailed back to trieste and slovenia and headed north toward austria in germany again he pursued me further up the road more and more over the centuries i would see him and soon his face became etched into my mind almost as vividly as the pestilence every time he would attempt to remove my mask in order to supplant my mind with his will he did not at first his appearances were nothing more than a mere nuisance until he began to take my avoidance personally on our next encounter in belgium ensured it would be an event i could not ignore knowing zero three five i'd venture a guess and say it was psychotic the trail of pestilence i had been tracking diverged leading me to head steam castle in antwerp that was not its name at the time but i understand it was rebuilt many years later i arrived to the gates sealed shot and the only sound from within was crying and screaming i believed that the pestilence had reached a new stage of mutation that is until i saw him through the bars of the gate he gave me a single ultimatum allow him to possess me or have my precious patience die but your mask is your face i explained as much but he was convinced i was lying to save my skin it did not take long for his patients to run out he stared at me as he nonchalantly tossed the torch under the pyre the flames spreading quickly into the hall engulfing the castle and everyone inside within minutes i had no time for petty games i turned my back on him and cast it from my mind what did he do after that he realized two things one i had been telling the truth about my face two i was no doctor he had ever encountered before from here he focused on being friendly with all prospects of ever possessing me diminished 035 made do studying me as intently as i study a fresh cadaver i returned the interest and kind by studying his attributes to discern if there was anything of value from keeping his company the mask itself was uninteresting but the excrement proved somewhat more fascinating 035's hosts appeared nullified whatever pestilence had been present prior to death i attempted to create a synthetic ointment based on its design but there was something inherent in its makeup that i could not simulate without keeping the excrement's acidic qualities by the time my interest had dissolved i had developed a new reputation how so 0.35 had begun a rumor associating me with the omen of death this image of myself spread faster than a variable of disease before long i was being chased into the streets out of townships and across borders 035 himself spurred on several of the lynch farms against me eastern europe had been poisoned by his influence and i knew then that his usefulness had run out it was mid-19th century by now and cholera had begun to grip italy upon a return we reminisced about times past and eventually led 035 to our first patient only the house i took him to had not had a soul within for many years i took 035 to the crypt below convincing him that those sick were being quantitated within the gullible fool felt it was very atmospheric i shut him in and made sure the door could never be opened that is until your organization set him free yeah we regret it too sorry my only relief is that he is being held far away from me um actually the sight you're being transferred to oh sorry about that let us hope they never put us in the same room is it is it possible the pestilence is a sixth sense for you that it senses oncoming death and you are its harbinger given a sufferer's ultimate fate i could not differentiate the function of the basements from that of death why did you surrender to us so easily should i fault it well we're rather glad you didn't but the circumstances of your capture are suspicious how so well until months prior we hadn't the notion of your existence and it just so happens that one of our operatives manages to escape your proxies without you noticing it is not a prerogative of mine to obscure my presence from the world and then there's the capture itself when we found you several of your proxies attacked we were delayed and i'm almost certain you knew we were coming and yet when you had every chance to run you decided to stay in fact you watched us did you want to be detained detained is such a harsh terror temporary accommodation is more appropriate can the smart ass remarks i'm tired of you all treating this facility as though it were a result now answer the question why are you here you claimed to have been observing me but i was watching you for much longer what do you do how you operate the stock of your subjects but what attracted me here most of all were your morals your ethics a distinct lack of both just enough for me to see a glimmer of myself the foundation is dedicated ruthless and willing to do whatever it must to ensure the survival of the human race against such an overwhelming threat i knew then that being amongst you would be of great benefit to my research and fearing the pestilence you would provide me with a sterile working environment protection and most importantly subjects well that backfired didn't it since we've not actually found a shred of evidence that proves the pestilence even exists for all we know it could be just a figment of your imagination a justification for an incessant need to kill and disfigure all life to suit your own design which one am i supposed to believe more that you surrendered in order to work with us to fight the greatest plague ever to face man or that you're using us through a thinly developed ploy to make us accomplices through fear in your secret bid to create a world all of your own design the only other option i can see is that you're completely insane believe what you will sir but in a matter of minutes none of your truths will matter for you will be dead and i will go on last question dog what will you do after you have cured the pestilence or do you believe this is an impossible goal to strive for if it were impossible or i believed it so that would not keep me from attempting to rectify the problem but wouldn't that seem pointless futile if you loved or believed in someone or something so much that it was tied to the very fate of your soul and fighting for that thing appeared impossible to succeed would you still not fight for it would it still not be worth giving every ounce of yourself for even when all other hope is lost i wouldn't know i've learned to diagnose many symptoms of pain do not think you can hide yours from me it's the kind of pain that leads many to commit great and terrible atrocities though they think they are justified through their loss that is never the case such is the fate i see for you like you said it won't matter soon i'll die with many regrets but at least that won't be one the undiscovered country from whose born and traveller returns puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those heels we have than fly to others that we know not of thus conscience does make counts of us all hamlet no just something 035 would matter to himself from time to time he would often ruminate on subjects such as death and the human condition how most feared the consequences of a life filled with evil to be themselves evil and so spent their lives too concerned with the afterlife to live i have never held such a perspective i do not believe there is an afterlife waiting for me much like you perhaps do not think there is one for you i am certain that once this pestilence is eradicated my function is complete and i will simply cease you couldn't turn to another illness it is not my design much like a life after death is not in my design but suppose you were wrong in your assumption suppose there is a life after death for you would you suffer for the wrongs in your life or would you suffer for the good deeds you failed to act upon destiny is not a predetermined plan but the inevitable result of the actions you perform when death comes do you feel you will fulfill your purpose would you feel there is more in life for you to achieve it's done no more questions then it is time okay sir i can still get you out of here [Music] yes good but then just stand there kill me damn it fascinating absolutely fascinating i don't understand i thought you wanted me dead i do but it appears another fate in store for yourself the best ones has proceeded it no longer invests you to such a horrific degree the sudden change it bears potential keeping you alive may yet be worth the benefits what we do now live on act upon instinct shape your own future oh and should i encounter your dear friend watch at this new facility i'll be sure to send him my warmest regards sir are you okay fine fine what do you want to do with him now somehow i have to report my failure to die to the o5 council what do you think he meant by the pestilence has receded sir i uh sorry i i didn't knock is there any news no sir no developments from the surface i didn't mean from them no sir watch hasn't made contact do you expect him to he's probably long dead by now so many scps many of the most dangerous ones too how could he survive after everything we've seen i can't believe he'd go out like this no isaac is alive i'm almost certain even then what can we do what little we can sergeant ensure that anyone matching watch's description who reaches the surface is not shot i'll deal personally with anyone who disobeys yes sir and sergeant drop the sir we've known each other long enough the crimin wilder jacobs hello who is this speak god damn it hello watch jacobs i know your instinct right now is to hang up on me but unfortunately we've both ran out of time to hold grudges suffice it to say i don't want you dead i'm just glad you found this phone but you tried to have me killed that puts you on the same playing field as everything in here trying to do the same i should be asking for more but give me one good reason why i should listen to you because if we want to fight the future and lay the foundations of what comes next then we must work together our goals are the same i see that now but to survive you have to do exactly what thanks for the escort not like i saved your sorry asses or anything aren't you a sight for sore eyes so what now you're gonna manipulate me some more make me talk to these scps get them dancing to your little tune everything go back to normal now ain't happening i know now i know why you put me there it was all a goddamn test no i put you there because there's been something you've been hiding from me whether you realize it or not whatever it is has kept you safe but believe me i wouldn't have sent you there if the decision were up to me then who was it you talked to me about being honest and keeping secrets but you don't tell me jack [ __ ] well i'm tired of it i'm done you can take your little experiments and find another patsy the 05 council it was a ploy all of it staged meant to draw out people they'd suspected of being members of the chaos insurgency for a long time so many high-profile scps in one area so many of their operatives in one place a gold mine for them at the same time it was a test for people like you people who exhibit abilities beyond our understanding you survived the impossible watch and i know you saw things at c2 that were beyond your comprehension you may very well be an scp i saw what it did see couldn't be real what about the breakout i was framed for i was nowhere near 682r079 how could i know and they knew too the evidence was obviously planted but they had reason to send you to c2 anyway they used it as an excuse and i played along i'm sorry all my career here i've tried to fight against their bloody whims we have an ethics committee and for what half their members are funded by the council and the other half are just as corrupt or eager to abuse the system for years i have tried to block them divert the course before one of their harebrained schemes really does some damage we simply can't walk away from or delete from someone's memory and no one no i can trust most of my life watching over my back trying to be better than they are making this place better but i gave up i lost hope i gave in [Music] i almost gave you up with it you are the first person in a long time who i can actually trust because i know where you stand i know just how much you want that change to happen and you would do it an instant i used to be like that i can't let you do this on your own because otherwise you'll turn out exactly like me whether you can i've learned to trust me back that's up to you one more thing the footage of the 682079 breakout was anonymously sent to me to clear your name it's from a closed camera feed outside of the official foundation security network person is blurred but clearly it isn't you feel free to review it the details of our next assignment are on there too and you'll need a change of clothes oh and uh your eye class clearance has been reinstated you really seem to have a guardian angel looking out over you but that angel was the one who framed you too my sister i think i saw her at c2 perhaps she did we'll find out together what the welcome back watch a pre-recorded message designed to activate when inserted into a specific node located in your new quarters any attempt to preserve this message will result in self-destruction you're probably wondering right now why i decided to set you up on a one-way trip into the d-class pool at the time i figured you were just another weapon of o5's council being used to subvert and control the other scps with your unique abilities but after seeing you in action with c2 i no longer believe that to be the case i won't apologize but i can offer you something better i know you want to change things so do i if we work together i know we can tear out every last shred of abuse of power in this place and what's more we can get the scbs to help us out too the council and more importantly jacobs won't see it coming i don't know what he's told you in the past to exonerate himself but i don't trust him and neither should you the man has no pass no allegiances to anyone not even himself whatever is planned for the foundation it can't be good and yes i almost got you killed why should you trust me the real question is what choice do you have if you agree just open up a document and type don't save don't send it anywhere i'll see it i'm always watching did you enjoy the video why not click the bell icon and subscribe to see more content from us at tat stop videos and now let's see the creators of this video so you
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 630,645
Rating: 4.9619894 out of 5
Keywords: SCP Sedition: 049, SCP-049, O5 Council, Jacobs, Watch, McCrimmon, Greg, SCP-035, The Great Pestilience, Jollanda
Id: wS8mh0A5eGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 18sec (4158 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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