ORGANizational Apparel - Shady ORGAN HARVESTING Colony - Rimworld #3

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our evil organization has come such a long way managing to have extracted the hearts kidneys livers and lungs and many more hearts livers kidneys and lungs from anyone unfortunate enough to encounter our colony we have a little ways to go but pretty much I want to make this entire prison area into some sort of fucked-up Resident Evil Hospital villain nightmare lair today but we have a few more tasks to get to and obviously things around here are not totally efficient so let's just get to those really fast before we get to the good stuff our freezer wasn't completely efficient so I'm going to shrink the size and I'm going to make it so that there's a slight airlock right here we can do this with all the limestone we found over here and even though that it's under mountain I I'm not too worried about dealing with an infestation so I think we're just gonna have butch go over there and deconstruct that since our pawns get upset about working in darkness I'm just going to put a lot of lights and power lines around our base and I'm running them through the walls so they don't get the negative Beauty debuff okay there we go our base is getting lit up and we can get some of these torches back too we also just had a transport pod crash with a guy named Jarvis I don't know if this is out of iron man or what but he is too smart triggered he is a psychopath as well Wow Randy is like feeding me Psychopaths that's honestly awesome I'm going to grab this guy and see if I can convert him to join my colony since he's gonna die in five hours i'm gonna have neville the fast walker bring him back okay this guy's got only two hours to live I can't believe that it takes Neville two hours to walk across the map but Dimitri's gonna go to work on him now use the good medicine Dimitri okay okay it looks like Jarvis is stabilized with good quality tending and even though I wish that we had a bed or a hospital bed for him he's gonna have to make do with what he's got honestly Butch and Frank make a great team and they just managed to get this entire area deconstructed and tooken warg just got a plague I don't know if this is really gonna hurt him but it can't be good he's gonna need tending a lot but honestly this is more medical practice for Dimitri and it seems like he just needs a little bit more to be the best surgeon possible okay we're also gonna install a nutrient paste dispenser right here I don't like to do this for my colonists since we already have addy in cook but I figure if we start taking in a lot of prisoners this is probably a good way to give them all small sales a common room and then just have them have somewhere that they can easily serve themselves meals because I don't want to think too much about them we're also gonna open the doors of the prisoners and leave this as one main common room good job butch just getting done with the nutrient paste dispenser and we'll also put some raw foods in there to use we're also gonna add a couple hoppers to this thing I don't think we should need too many but a couple doesn't hurt and Jarvis just got an infection in his left hand so I guess we did the right thing using that high-quality medicine but he still got infected and Frank keeps getting this mood lit of recreation starved so I think we're gonna move in the horseshoe spins to our dining rooms so that they can I don't know be happy more honestly he just seems stupid to me and Frank's an idiot he went into a recreation starved days so we moved everything into our dining room and hopefully this won't cause them to be so pissed anymore I think we're gonna make this out of a nicer material like Marvel 2 which spent a lot of the day working on this marble chess table so I'm guessing that this thing is gonna be really nice because it's taken about 700 units of work to create it so even at Bush's level of construction skill it's taking him forever to make this marble chess table and don't worry Dimitri we'll get you an indoor area to research soon Wow because of Butch's bloodlust he's actually getting a +4 mood buff from wearing human leather for two units of clothing I wonder how much else we can find for him to wear because that's pretty much just like a permanent positive mood boost to him I think we're just gonna make butch an entire set of clothing out of human leather cuz this is gonna keep him from having mental breaks pretty much ever will make him human leather pants and a human leather I think it's considered a t-shirt he could have three layers on that are all made of human leather that is slightly [ __ ] up but it works and Butch just finished off the marbled chest table and he managed to get good quality so this should significantly enhance the beauty of the room right now it's dull because there's dirt all over the floor but it's good for teen beauty honestly not as nice as those chairs which is kind of a surprise but hey you know it's a chess table it's helping out the whole room since the entire base is such a goddamn mess and Jim keeps hauling everything everywhere think I'm gonna have him clean before he does any hauling just so that they don't all go crazy before he manages to haul stuff to the place he needs to work on it yay Frank isn't crazy anymore and he had a catharsis so he's on a massive mood buff but we're gonna have to figure him out because he's honestly been the craziest one since this colony started and it turns out keeping the frizz indoors is actually a terrible idea because Jarvis keeps trying to escape when there's clearly no way to get out of here we had cargo pods rain out of the sky let's see what they have and it looks like we got a bunch of hops so what is that even useful in making a beer honestly that would be a great production for us to get into but just now right now till we start getting our organ business set up it also looks like Jarvis managed to develop an immunity in his left hand where he had developed an infection so we are much better off because of that because it looks like he actually might be a decent person to have in our colony with this good melee stat it says here that he was a medieval Lord but look at all these incapable of I mean we can take somebody so specialized but Jesus Christ that's terrible we don't really need any of the things that he's good at he has good traits though it's just that he has all these stupid things he's not capable of so I guess we'll put him on like I don't know hunting we're also just gonna start mining away the rest of this cliff I want to use this area for hospital and organ storage if we manage to find all the space in here and we'll just take away the rest of the steel from this so you have more room for our workshop and that looks good okay Neville also just finished making some pant set of human leather so I'm gonna see if this debuff or if this buff keeps stacking on butch because he's getting six mood buff from wearing human clothing this is insanely overpowered and I am definitely going to cheese this okay we also want butch to wall in Dmitry and we want to give him enough room here for his research so I think we're gonna make a pretty large area for research in this room we might even end up wanting a second table at some point in time for all the technology we're gonna be getting so let's get a wall in around Dmitry and we'll take away that floor we're also gonna install a lamp and eventually clean the floors in here and we're gonna have butch wear this human leather shirt let's see if it stacks again on his original clothing buff it looks like he just gets 1 4 etc so this seems to stack 4 times but it's a +8 bonus to his mood that's honestly insanely overpowered just for the clothes that he's wearing and I could definitely see myself using bloodlust in future playthroughs since this area looks terrible I'm gonna create a new stockpile zone over here so that they can actually have a place to store all their crap yeah at this point we managed to light up Dimitri's research so all we got to do next is take away the dirt on these floors right now we're just gonna start to put down a sandstone tile floor because it's the fastest material to build with of the stones and I think for that we're just gonna dismantle what we've got up here let's just deconstruct this area and take away all the floors and it looks like Neville's starting to make some smoke leave too so we shouldn't have as many mental breaks because they'll just use those instead of having a break also just expand the zone down here and how his token wargs training going he's actually gonna start to haul soon but it's gonna be quite a while before he's regularly hauling goods but he could be really useful for that and I'm obviously not sure if Jarvis wants to use the common area I think he just wants to stay inside of his cell so I don't know maybe I messed up when I made these cell blocks but I figure it was a nice idea and I still might make it into one big prison cell we're also just gonna grow some corn down here because honestly corn is a good long-term investment and I just want to have a lot of food stores on hand and we're getting raided they're gonna attack immediately and it looks like these people are actually fairly strong we've got Wilkins who has frag grenades Vicki with a bolt-action rifle Compton with a pistol and bard with a knife so we're gonna have to draft everybody Neville you suck so just go back which is really good so we're gonna line him up outside with his bolt-action rifle I hope he has enough time for them on the approach Frank and Jim can follow up at the back and Dimitri was cloud watching over here so I think we're just gonna run him in on this side hopefully he'll manage to get there in time but I think all we can use right now are just the walls that we have on our sides let's take out the people with the guns first so you want to be shooting Vicki I think and then crap Frank's gonna have to worry about well Jim is really good with this machine pistol crap count its name but that thing could hopefully take people alive because it doesn't do a lot of damage per shot thanks to Chris for pointing that out to me let's just crap let's have Frank shoot bard Jim you could also shoot bard because I don't have to get anywhere near as Demetrios start shooting Wilkins and then just stop and shoot right now okay good looks like we're gonna take them out and we also want to take out Vickie and wasn't there another guy wow it looks like Compton just head back okay crap no don't kid it don't get us crap and it looks like he just went for the wall with that and oh geez they actually killed him butch could probably run up here but I think just the amount of time I don't even think that he's in covered let's run him over here and let's run Frank up a little he is gonna get friendly fire there let's have him work on Wilkins yeah it looks like nobody's shooting Jim though so let's also have him shoot Wilkins crap and it looks like they're gonna get fragged I got to get him out of range of that nope he's okay and stay away from the grenades and it looks like we got him and her and at this point let's just see if we could get Jim to take Vicki alive because she is is that a she or he it could be anything okay it is a she nervous and nimble that sounds like delicious organs so let's take her and then Frank you see if you could shoot Compton and everybody tried to take out Compton and it looks like he got away alright so he got away and we got three more dead bodies not really great but you know it's more human leather for butch in case if his clothes run out and we got some free frag grenades out of that - Vicki dropped 65 silver we're in these people's Psychopaths looks like Wilkins was nimble and sickly bard was pyromaniac brawler and Vicki was yeah no Psychopaths okay so no real regrets there and darn it looks like we lit a little bit of dog leather rot out here but still not that big a loss it looks like butch got shot with a bolt-action rifle and Dimitri got shot with an auto pistol but I think that they'll be okay Frank is actually a decent doctor so we might have him attended Dimitri I know they're dirty rooms so it's not really that great but they are well lit so we Frank will do a decent job patching them up butch will also be okay neither one was really an immediate danger the only real fear here is an infection chance cuz there's dirt floors on their rooms and it looks like Neville's making more good human meat for the worg to eat I gotta say despite the fact that he got shot Butch's mood 'lets are probably the most entertaining ones for me to read low expectations killed someone you almost got two of those human leather t-shirt etc witnessed death with blood [ __ ] that blood lust extremely comfortable recreation satisfied somewhat impressive rec room and somewhat impressive dining room so nothing else at this point makes a difference to this insanely awesome and also evil man Butch's construction speed is getting even faster so now he's tearing through these sandstone walls and he should be able to get down all the floors in our base really fast let's just lay these out down our hallways I've heard that you can use two wide hallways to give them a better buff but at this point I figure maybe I'll come back later on but for right now I think it's quite fine it looks like Dimitri and Frank are actually getting a little bit more intellectual skill from this chess match so I think this is a good choice of activity we could give them pool for shooting but for right now we more desperately need the research to happen good job it looks like butch and Frank are finally getting these sandstone floors out and we're getting everything lit up so now they should be walking faster down all these hallways and that should just generally speaking increase the efficiency of more or less everything that we decided to do in our base and we got a visitor a defector from but be amiss all these people from but BM coming to visit our colony I don't think that they're buying organs but let's just see what this guy is he he's not a psychopath so we won't kidnap him and try to make him join our cut he just took off his cowboy hat well whose I've never actually seen that that is weird but he is not particularly good at anything all right well whatever we'll trade with him anyway all right Grove will trade us not our organs so let's just see what else we want to give him and honestly I'm just gonna trade a few clothing items some smoke leaf and short bow because I need a little bit more medicine I didn't realize we were running kind of low but we've got only three medicine left and before we get a bunch of new troe a mean or much stuck with herbal medicine which I don't really want in case of Timmy tree or butch get sick because those two are probably the most important in my colony speaking of which we might actually want to get butch on to sumpin oxacillin now because he and Dimitri are pretty much the only two important ones right now okay we set up a new drug policy for Dimitri and butch and same thing with the smoked leaf joints but we want them to take the noxious Illin I think it's once every five days so we'll just set them off to that VIPs and everybody else is on social drugs which is pretty much our normal one and Frank's on his special plan I gotta say having a somewhat impressive dining room slash rec room is really nice for your colony because I haven't had any mood breaks since that one and it's affecting all of them together even with these guest hospital not Hospital these guest beds in here which are not changing the room at all so it seems like until we can really specialize everything the nice dining room slash rec room is a really good way to kill two birds with one stone until we actually have our [ __ ] together okay Grove from but BM said that his stay was okay and gave it a score of 49 we're doing a little bit better so now we might start attracting more organs to join our colony I don't want to take his organs because we may trade with him but people whose organs are high-priority like Raiders can be traded to people like Grove we're also gonna put in a wooden sculptors table so that Frank who's incredibly lazy can do his goddamn art and then we're also going to put in a wooden stone cutter table so that we can make use of all these chunks were finding okay a refugee is being chased to home is where the heart is a navy scientist can name Bob Mays a navy scientist named Bob that's not a Navy he's being chased by Ann Landers from South unbury unburying great names today he bakes for safety and offices he's 57 but there's no more okay we could always just let him get killed if we want to it's a hostile factions so that's fine one town councilman one town guard in three villages or otherwise disposed I think we're gonna offer this guy safety let's just check him out is he a psychopath he's not a psychopath so we're gonna actually just let him get captured and carried out of here okay well I you know what actually let's see if any of the other people who attack us are psychopaths cuz we may as well find out and we could always just run this guy back to them to get him captured but I want to know first you know what everybody just go about your tasks except for Frank I want you to stay away okay are any of you people psychopaths psychopath nimble alright so we got one on Jordan one on Lou Bob great name great name great name I got a I got to be easier on the names all right let's see Jordan Jordan is incapable of I'm sick of people who are incapable of dumb labor I don't even really want this guy Jordan it would be nice to get more organs but I don't want to risk anything so I think I'm just gonna send this guy back out to them there are some fights you just shouldn't fight cuz this one really wasn't worth it too much alright goodbye goodbye Bob sorry you had to get shot I think are they going to continue rating us wow they may they may actually continue rating us okay um screw it everybody's drafted we might have to get some organs out of its fortunately my three best fighters are right here already so let's draft them and let's give them a second to see if they decide not to kill us wow they really are just leaving Bob there oh no they've decided to kidnap who they can't leave alright goodbye have a nice life holy [ __ ] it turns out when they decide to kidnap who they can and leave they still are hostile okay let's just see if we could shoot them down cuz I figure why not we're already hassle with them we could take more organs we might be able to get Kavanaugh down this guy was not yeah alright more organ OTT organs but human leather at least so we are very good it is very satisfying to people who have people who are not crap at shooting in this game I got a say and I just realize we also totally left these frag grenades out there let's bring those in right away and that bolt-action rifle okay butch is going on level 16 construction right now and it looks like he's about to finish off to me trees lab so Dimitri should start researching at a faster clip we're gonna get micro electronics which is going to bring in more traders and then I think right after that we're gonna spring for the hospital to ideally keep people alive longer while we harvest their organs improve the chances of the surgeries going well and just generally good practice there we go he just made sixteen okay and we just got a combat supplier from but BM maybe he'll be I don't think they've been like willing to buy any organs but I don't know maybe a combat supplier we do have a lot of weapons maybe they'll take that but they don't look that advanced let's see what they've got greetings but beans we've been awaiting your arrival they won't buy anything that I want to sell them namely my organs and they do have really nice stuff but I'm not finding EMP grenades the the incendiary launcher in particular would be really nice but I don't want to give up all my flak jackets and flak pants for that so I think I'm gonna let these guys go very reluctantly but it's kind of gotta happen the incendiary laundry would mainly be good for infestations but nah I can't I can't do it by bike we managed to finish the Stonecutters tables so I'm just gonna have them make all the different types of blocks and we're also gonna set out separate storage stones for each type of block so they don't have to go running we might use this upper room for it too just to keep this room kind of clear and I don't also want to put shelving well actually now that I think of it we could put shelving everywhere because it would keep things more beautiful and we have a lot of woods so screw it let's just do that and we're pretty much just gonna put shelving all around this room because it actually will make the room look better if they see things on a shelf so I figure why not obviously to do this we're gonna need more woods so we're just gonna give Nevel some more trees to chop down we're starting to run low on power so I'm gonna make room for a second wind turbine over here I don't I want to keep all the power in here because there's good Rock floors and I want to leave some of the room open for farming while keeping our power sources well shielded inside of our base so hopefully we can do all this underneath the rock roof okay there's Mountain right here so we don't actually have enough room for another wind turbine so I think I'm just gonna move another one over here because it's stone floors so you know we're better off having a wind turbine there anyway and we'll just have to string a little bit more wire there it's alright and we're going to put a wind turbine right here cuz it's completely on top of the stones so we're not losing out on any farming ground there's one unit of rock roof tile so I hope that doesn't interfere with anything but then we'll just put a little bit more power there and honestly this looks like a great place to put these I don't know it interacts with that though as long as we got rid of all the walls there I'm hoping that this works and we'll just wire it up to seal the gap we're also just gonna build a limestone wall limestone is a really hard material so this should be a pretty effective wall for us and we got cargo pods crashing nearby with a bunch of chocolate great for trading to pirates whoo all so you seem to like chocolate and insect jelly for some reason and for some reason I just find it so incredibly satisfying to watch Frank I mean butch build wires really either one just a really high construction skill is incredibly satisfying for me and all of the power is finally back on we are saved okay we've now managed to separate out all of our shelves so we have 1/4 limestone one for granite one for marble and one for sandstone we're also just gonna make this stuff by the tailoring table be exclusively for textiles and I honestly think I'm just gonna double up on these because they're gonna need a lot of room for chunks but at this point uh steel slag we could do two and I guess if any slate comes in we may as well have a place for that too we're also gonna tell Frank to start making large and grand sculptures I'm gonna do these well the grand sculptures are great because they just provide a massive mood boost for the room but I think I'm just gonna do a few maybe to sell them and then other than that mainly large sculptures just because we don't have a lot of room to work with here and finally Jim is training token ward he can almost rescue people but he just needs more human meat to be trained this is going to be the most badass worg I've ever it's Pete I'm not sure that's badass or just evil at this are they the same whatever there he is literally eating human meat learning to rescue humans which is slightly [ __ ] up no matter how you look at it since we have so many components I'm just gonna add in more batteries in here I figure we may as well take out some insurance just in case if anything goes wrong I decided to turn this berry harvesting area into a cotton planting area just because we'll need it for pool tables and such Dmitry's finally managed to break down the resistance on Jarvis the prisoners so now he's gonna start attempting to recruit him 37 percent difficulty be too long and I'm thinking he's gonna become an animal tamer he's also I think too smart which is a fantastic one to have especially when you have animals which take a long time between recruitment or training attempts our reward is now better at rescuing but he still needs to be trained in hauling so that would be great and although I don't like having Jim as a permanent hollering cleaner because if it's too smart we don't really have anybody else who can do that and it's very very important for our colony so until we can find somebody who's almost completely useless except for their labor we're just gonna stick with that and at the same time Demetri has now managed to get really really close to researching the comm the micro electronics so we're about to get hospital beds and then we'll have our screwed-up resident evil' ish type of prison setup ok Demetri is finally just researched micro electronics so we're gonna go back to the research screens start researching huh we need a high tech research bench for this okay so we'll get the high tech research bench where the hell is that again oh we need to build it yeah okay so we will on it we will deconstruct this we'll make that and then we'll build the communications console in here or the comms array in the trading beacon in here this should be under misc here we go okay and then this is gonna cover the entire room we may expand this but I think that's more or less fine as it is because I don't want to use it too much and then the comms console we don't actually have to have right next to it so I think I'm going to doesn't look well yeah you know let's just put it in the trade room we may expand this thing in time yeah I'm thinking that this is gonna be fine we'll just put that in there eventually we may move that because we wanted to be slightly more well defended because drop pods could hone in on that I've heard I hope that that it's better may not be correct so do not take my word for it but we will get this high-tech research bench let's put it right here well we have enough room for yeah we have enough room for another one or two if we want to put them in here later okay great so we're gonna get that going and then we should research faster and we'll get hospital beds next okay it's taken Bush about six trips to bring all the stuff that he needs here but he should not mess up now we're gonna have a high-tech research bench which makes Dimitri's job way easier until he gets this sorted out okay so now let's actually get him a cloth chair or any kind of chair in general because he will be in there for a while who knew but BM is our greatest ally we should probably try to make their stays nicer so maybe they'll I don't know maybe a little like us more or something for that but whatever regardless we need pirates because they generally speaking will accept organs and we're just gonna set up two Dimitri two researching the hospital beds and Dimitri finally managed to recruit Jarvis okay Jarvis is our new recruits that we're gonna start to give him a real bedroom let's just see what he is like what are you slipped on ground eat without a table well that's all understandable but he should start to feel way better now and he's gone he's putting on a flak jacket and grabbing an m6 are you gonna grab an m16 as your first act by watching okay now we will give you these up no actually we want you to take a good one but he's pretty good with melee so we might get him a ruler a knee a Mesa Suze why is the power of flickering I guess it's our main source of income is going to be selling human organs to pirate I know that yeah but we are going to need to take this part of our stockpile zone and dedicate it to there's a lot of really interesting stuff here we'll use this part for body parts because that good you know what screw it let's just put all of them there for right now and that would be great now let's get power back online cuz we gotta make sure we get those pirate Raiders as they come Jim has decided to go on a chocolate eating and smoke leaf binge I don't really know why I don't think much prompted this but we're going to beat the crap out of him so that he doesn't do it we're also building one more bedroom for our new recruit Jarvis and we're going to have Frank practices medicine with Jim because there's really nothing that could go wrong here we'll stick to herbal medicine and we just want to conserve the last of that good medicine that we have okay we're getting a flash storm here and I'm honestly getting massive dr. Frankenstein vibes because we are finally getting close to the hospital beds that we need to make organ extraction much much easier for our dr. Frank finished his first evil sculpture titled black pit I guess that's appropriate for an evil colony well put it in the rec room because they spend most of their time in here and it's disgusting right now because Jim has been hurt because he tried to go crazy and we stopped him and he's pretty much been our cleaner so I think we're just gonna have joy oh he can never do the cleaning though okay so we'll take Jim off of animals put Jarvis on animals and just have Jim exclusively do cleaning when he gets back up Wow Jarvis can't do anything I'm like I'm flabbergasted because he sucks at everything he cannot do crap we will have him hunt I guess when we start to get animals in here he has an assault right we might want to replace that with a bolt-action let's replace that with a bolt-action rifle since he'll probably spend most of the time shooting he's got on a flak jacket so that's fine now Dmitri just finish up that research so we can get evil hospital bed soon okay we're starting to get intensely god-awful temperatures so I'm going to start to install more temperature control things in here namely a heater because they are getting cold and we might just deconstruct the passive cooler for right now Frank created another evil sculpture called despairing father I think we'll put this one into also the rec room to distract them from how ugly it is and we had a psychics who the randomly which is very nice somehow when Bob came in from two seconds of being here he became Jim's rival so Jim is actually getting a mood buff buff from his misery and sleeping in bed because that guy Bob died every he was also Frank's rival and he was also Neville's rival and he was also Butch's rival and also he was Dimitri's rival Jarvis did not experience him being around them okay until we get hospital beds - I want there to be some room that they can go to to rest up so I'm going to make a hospital room right here and we'll just put in a couple beds as placeholders until we managed to get hospital beds we should have this and we should probably also have some sort of shelf for medical supplies because they will need a lot of them as they go along I'll actually put in two shelves one herbal medicine and one for better medicine okay it ain't perfect but you know at butch and Frank got done with most of our Hospital right now it's fairly well defended eventually I don't want this to be on the outside so I think I'm just gonna move the whole location because I don't really want it to be this close to the outdoors because I want to be better insulated but it is a start and we could probably move it over to this section and I do want it to be somewhat central it might end up becoming this room honestly which wouldn't be so bad to move all the stuff but at this point they've gotten much more evil I would say with this gym got the [ __ ] beat out of him by butch I think it's because of his marine armor so I might want to be careful and take him out of that I didn't really know who needs the best arm it's almost counterproductive to have him in armor like that for when he does go crazy so we'll want to handle that situation a little bit better but I think at this point the only thing that we're really out is those hospital beds Dmitry's gonna get those for next time so that we can more successfully take out the organs of prisoners who come in here and fully our comms console will start to work soon because we do have allies in but BM but that seems to be the only place and we need to make some more friends to sell these things too because right now we have all this valuable crap on us we just don't really have anything to do with it do not put weapons in there let's start putting in medicine alright so I think I'm gonna leave it at that yes I know there are still a few things that are you know loose ends that need tying but I am progressing so let me know if there's anything that I do not see and you think I should know anyway thanks for watching it as always I will see you guys in the next organization video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 488,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld organ harvesting, rimworld organ harvesting playthrough, rimworld organ harvesting experience, rimworld organs, rimworld harvest, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.0, let's play rimworld, rimworld 1.0 gameplay, rimworld 2020, rimworld organ farm, lets play rimworld, rimworld lets play, rimworld #3, rimworld bloodlust, rimworld mood buff
Id: 87blmeInE4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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