Optimized Shadowmonk | 99% hit chance | Astarion Build | Darkness party | Baldur's Gate 3

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thank you [Music] hello guys and welcome to today we're gonna be talking about the shadow Monk and there's a lot to talk about as you can see we're gonna go through companions early game feeds essential items and various builds that you can end up with so let's get straight to it so we have a lot to talk about no no no no no no no no so what I would recommend is that you either use this for a study on Carlock or shadowhunt so asarion when she ascends other than getting the vampires as he gets a vampires a sentence or ability which essentially allows him to do one to ten extra necrotic damage on every another tag and he gets the ascendant bite which is a bonus action that does a lot of damage and makes him happy right so happy gives a plus one two ability checks to attack your savings ability checks so again very strong ability to have Carla comes second with soul coins dealing extra 1d4 damage and Shadow heart getting that free blasts permanent bless also is very useful because it's going to increase your chance to hit but again from all of those I prefer astadion is going to be the strongest one no yes if you want to see more of it like And subscribe and comment Darkness party in the comments to make a party that's fully relies around darkness in the early game I recommend the first three levels of going rogue and at level four you have the option between Rogue or Shadow or Monk and then again at level five you're gonna be respecting into full Monk so really you started out as a rock with this build so you can even pick a start on a case and continue with him there she would be the stats but it's not that big of a deal early on and then you're gonna be continuing as a monk you're going to be getting two levels in warlock for the devil side but we're gonna be replacing that with an item so you're gonna drop those level as soon as you hit Level Nine those levels as soon as you hit Level Nine and then you're gonna go straight out six month and then there are some variations at the end of the of that so we're gonna go through that as well so very very quick you pick strength dexterity Constitution if you want to skip this guys I'll put a marker down below but I would start out with strength instead of dexterity if I had the option and for skills I would pick athletic proficiency a slide of hand expertise this is that Athletics proficiency is important because it prevents you from being shaft and since you're going to be strength primarily focused then that helps a lot then sleight of hand will help you be the thief of the party stealth is always good Province himself inside is good and precision is okay if you're a river caught stealing but you don't really need it and you have two more points to put whatever you want if you want you can even put it in text edit it if you go down the strength route you need to equip the glass of dexterity to have your armor class not suffer you can get them early enough too and if you go down the DEX Build you should find the club of Hill giant strength will set your strength to 19 or the portion of your giant strength or the portion of heal of cloud Jam strength or the condolence of heel giant strength there's a lot of items that boost your strength so just make sure that your strength is high because we're going to be needing it it's gonna boost your damage significantly now again if you're gonna if you want to go down with exteriority route I recommend putting 16 points in it and 15 Constitution because when we get the tavern brawler fit we're gonna be boosting Constitution or the strength you cannot boost dexterity so in that situation I would definitely put the points increase the extra point in Constitution okay so let's say that this is what we want to keep at level two at level two you're getting another Rogue level which allows you to use your bonus action to disengage hide or Dash at the level three this is important you want to take the thief subclass and all that assassin might look tempting to be honest and it could work but since you're gonna be playing a class that uses its bonus action to to Blink we don't want to be wasting we not we want to have that extra Advanced action to do the flirty of close now level four you can go either as a rogue or as a shadow man if you go wrong you definitely need to pick Tavern brawler as we talked earlier and put the point in strength or Constitution if you went down with the dexterity route make sure your your numbers are even and this will essentially this is very useful guys because it allows you to add your strength modifier twice to the damage and attack rules what does this mean now if you imagine this let's just do some really quick math it's just just a quick overview of why this is really important so let's say that I didn't have to have a brawler and I have 17 strengths right or a thin string sure so I get to add plus 4 to my from my strength modifier right so the bonuses the bonus here is going to be plus four from my strength modifier and plus three for my proficiency bonus so that would be plus seven right so if the enemy has an AC of 15 I need to roll an 8 to hit him so I anything greater than a seven I hit so I miss on 7 out of 20 therefore 35 of the time I get to add my strength modifier twice on the chance to hit and the damage but we only care about that to hit now so instead of getting a plus seven I will get a plus 11. now this would mean that my attack would hit if I roll F4 or higher so I will only miss 15 of the time and now if I'm wearing the heel if I drink the heel giant strength potion now and I have the tavern brawler again I'm gonna have a modifier of plus five so five plus three is plus a is plus eight but I get to add five twice because I'm a Tavern brawler right so it's my bonus is going to be plus 13. so I only miss on a natural one and if you can find Advantage which we will be having Advantage because we're gonna be using darkness in this build your chance to miss is five percent without having advantage and it's one out of 400 if you don't have Advantage if you do have advantage so it's gonna be almost impossible for you to miss so at level four I would probably pick another level in Rogue so this is the early game now what I would do in your situation guys from level six from level five to eight I would respect get five levels of Monk we're gonna go through the levels of Monk because they're we're gonna be using them let them down the line but I would also get two levels of Warlock why is this important because this would give you double side which will allow you to see that in the dark however as soon as we get the other side ring which you can get halfway through act two you're not gonna be needing the levels in Warlock and then you would respect at level nine and go six levels of Mark and three levels of Rogue and six levels of Monk and then we're gonna talk about the piano game in a bit so let's go through the monk levels real quick so monk levels you get flary of blows but only two key points on level one in level two you get some abilities that you don't really want to be using apart from the patient defense patient defense is very good if you cannot get Darkness down with this build level three you get deflect missiles and you choose your way of Shadow now you're gonna be able to cast pass Without a Trace which you're not gonna really have to do that you won't have to do that but you can do it and it's going to increase Yourself by a lot but it is concentration Darkness again is useful but instead of using Darkness you can use an arrow of darkness which is much better and also does damage dark vision and silence silence I do like silence I like a lot and I'll show you why and the minor illusion can't trip okay so level four monk now you have a choice you can either max out your strength which I would consider so you would you don't have to use potions anymore or you can also choose to go down the Sentinel route and now whenever you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack they can no longer move so what happens if somebody is in darkness or silence that you cast or an Ally cast and you're next to them and you snare them now they are stuck in the silence or the darkness and they are forced to attack you with its advantage and they can't even see you so they can't Target you with specific spells if you can cast silence on an enemy enemies and then walk next to them they cannot get out of the silence field so they cannot have spells so they are useless they are forced to stay there and attack you with your high armor class right they are forced to stand there and attack you with their quarter stuff which they have like plus zero or plus two chance to hit effectively you're just gonna be making them useless you don't even have to focus them you can focus someone else and just stand around um the spellcaster and they just can't do anything so this is very important so I would pick it but again if you don't want to be using the the strength potions you can just drop this so this is good to repeat anyway guys if you go down the strength build find a glass of dexterity and put them on if you go down the the dexterity part find a club of future strength this is on the Arcane Tower in act one or drink potions of strength or the hill giant strengths uh strength gloves down the line okay so this is this is it let's say that you do pick Sentinel in this situation because you're gonna be drinking potions and you don't mind this is unique about what God this build can do because it's very agile and very mobile and can silence enemies now the level five you get your stunning strikes again if you didn't put point in wisdom you're not going to be using them if you did put points in wisdom then these are very good they can effectively help you crowd control a big chunk of enemies and then you get advantage on all attacks and also you get your extra attack very important and your Glock of Shadows this is not very strong but it's good when you're sneaking Mark level 6 you get your most important ability which is Shadow step now why do we like shadowmax because of this ability right here yeah I would argue that open Parliament gets more out of this but getting Shadow step makes you so much so mobile it makes you very likely and very good at sneaking at exploring and you can just maneuver the battlefield very reliably now you have two levels left right so at this point you would be three dog six month and then I would get the get the Rogue level again and get Sentinel alternatively though if you want to you can get go for three levels of Ranger and if you haven't found the any item that prevents blindness you can just keep your two levels of Warlock and you're you're good for the late game however what I would recommend if you want to optimize your combat is get two levels of fighter so that you can get action surge or you can forgo The Sentinel ability and get three levels of rager and go for the Gloom still care subclass and that would give you bonus to initiative and an extra attack on the first turn now let's just complete the the build if you want to maximize your damage you should be going for fighter levels now you can't go at level one like respect and go fighter so that you can get heavy and more proficiency however it is not a necessity because you get a lot of expertise with that Oak so it's up to you do you want heavy armor or do you want more expertise on the character it's up to you and more skills so it's really up to you so two levels of fighter will give you a fighting style and action search for fighting style I would probably be Godzilla by the way we finish with the build now let's talk about items so there's a lot of good items guys that work with this build so this might take a little while four items all right guys so let's talk about items so for armors definitely a good pick is armor of agility held us armor if you have bad dexterity is also a very good option because you are proficient with it no matter what so you don't even have to pick the fighter levels you don't even have to forgo the skills you get from the Rogue level one and it also gives you the ability to fly and some something stuff thanks Gabrielle Silva for subscribing now for helmets again as I talked helda's helmet is very important if you if you don't have the ring or the Spear of shot now if you do have it if you don't have the rest this is also very useful because you can fight in magical Darkness for cloaks my favorite one is shadeslayer cloth but you can also go for cloak of the weave Club of protection or displacement they are all very very good alternative options to the to the mask the held us helmet is Duchess t-shirt helmet because it increases your chance for critical hit while obscured helmet of grid because it gives you an extra bonus action which is an extra flare of blows so it's extra damage helmet for the extra crit chance the horns of blazer for the chance to hit an even higher chance so you can go up to 20 plus 20 at this point or covered cowl does a similar thing um to to the Dr Cesar hellmann and you can get this in Act 1. now for boots evasive suits are always good can go wrong with them black art sleeves will give you long Striders so that's extra movement speed bone spec boots are only good if you're not wearing armor real armor so in my opinion Spring Step boots are very good and alternatively the Speedy light fit when you dash you get you gain lightning charges so this is going to boost your damage slightly okay now for gloves now late game gloves right guys are so much better than gloves of dexterity so you would have to dump your strength put poison dexterity entering a cloud giant potion so this is how I would do it I drink this okay now I have a very good chance to hit and my attacks are doing plus 11 damage yeah and now you can equip the glass of Soul catching which do an extra 1 to 10 damage and also increase your Constitution right alternatively if you if you can't get this you get this at Rafael's place by the way the contents of hilljon strength are a very good alternative to drinking the column the cloud giant potion or the health clubs will give you again a 1d6 extra damage it's a little bit worse than the clouds of Soul catching but again if you can get those and you can get this then they work very very well so now let's talk about amulets there's a lot of good amulets I do love the subjugation amulet this is something that will paralyze an enemy and you can do it efficiently if you have lack of the Firearms very effectively so there's no reason for you to not wear that sentient amulet you get this early on will give you some key points will give you advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws again very very useful Amulet of Greater Health this is great especially if you plan on concentrating on silence or darkness which you shouldn't be by the way on Darkness but on silence it's it's a possibility so if you plan on casting silence and doing the Sentinel Shenanigans this is good so it would be between greater health or subjugation amulet really Gretel Earth is very useful so it's more useful on the characters that are concentrating so you don't want to be wasting it you have the other side ring as we talked about you want to equip this otherwise you need to change your two levels of fighter into warlock right and then you have the option of killer sweetheart or Shadow Blade ring now Shadow Blade ring you can get early in Act 2 and is very useful because you can cast Shadow Blade which that deals 2d8 this is useful early on really because later on it's not as good well actually it does stack with your strength but Tavern brawler doesn't work with it so if you're gonna go with weapons this is good and it also do all right damage especially early on down the line if you're drinking a cloud Jam to strength potion this is not very useful if you go down the dexterity path this is very good and I mean since we're talking about weapons knife of the under Mountain works very well with this build alternatively orange weapons are crazy good for any good dexterity character right the club of Hill gem strength early on we're gonna also be gonna be wearing that or you know there's a lot of combinations of what you can do here it's really up to you what is it what is good to know about Shadow Blade you get advantage on obscure targets even if you don't have darkness and if you're fighting in the shadow this is very useful however what I do like the most is and what I would be doing early early game I would be wearing a Sentinel Shield and Club of field gem strength and I wouldn't be drinking potions and pull Point putting points in next Saturday and then down the line when my strength is high enough I will just unequip it you don't really need weapons with this build so this is what I would recommend now it's really up to you what you what you want to be doing there's a lot of good weapons that would work with this build but your punches are so strong that as soon as you get enough strength and Tavern brawler you don't really need weapons but I would be holding Club of gem strength if I went down and extended it out and I didn't have enough potions to keep me going for Bose I recommend either that fair short bow so that you can cast haste on yourself but your Constitution is kind of low so you're gonna be easy to log out so I don't like it a lot but it's an option both awareness will give you an extra bonus to initiative role and the dead should we give you an extra it will reduce your chance to create well increase your chance to play by reducing the number by one that you need to roll so which is very very good alternatively there's something called a Titan stink bow guys which adds your strength modifier to attacks so you can also use that now let's go through how combat would look like for you guys I would always drink a potion of of speed right let's say that uh Airman middle is my enemy it's very tempting to cast Darkness on the enemy and then Shadow step in it but you know what's better than that throwing a Darkness out of and why is that because it also does damage right you see it did damage and now I can Shadow stabbing it because I'm not blinded by it and now in here oh my God in here all my enemies are blinded and I'm not so I have advantage against them and they don't and I'm again I'm doing a lot of damage as you saw there and that was just one bonus action right and just because you use this an arrow you have a second extra attack right so instead of using your action to lose key points you just lost an arrow yeah it's a consumable but it's very easy to find in the game right you can buy them very cheaply from vendors as well and now you can also do an extra attack and if you wanted to really you could even throw concentration breaking arrow and silence the enemy for free right so you don't have to cast silence or Darkness with this build so if I do standing strike on my enemy there's a chance it's just stunned and then yeah they take a lot of damage as you can see it attacks to quite a bit of damage and I can stun them and now he doesn't have a turn then I get to heal as well from the glass so I'll catch you so this is how your average combat turn would work like so I've equipped the items on our Stadium now let's take him out for a spin all right so let's look at what the average turn would look like playing this build so we only have the elixir of last term again we're losing a little bit of damage because we're not going down the elixir of cloud Jam string so it's about no 8 less damage with every attack that we're doing so we have one mind flare over here we can choose to attack now we can't use our action to do the ascendant bind which will which will make us happy this will do significantly less damage than one of our flare of blows as you can see so what we can do right now is give him a couple more punches okay one punch was enough and we can also shoot an arrow and what Arrow do we like the most Darkness Arrow that's right very high chance to hit see it's it deals a lot of damage and now we can Shadow step inside now we can Shadow step inside our Darkness and he's blinded we're not and lay on him we do with advantages you can see 99 chance to hit yeah so we do that's all it took to attacks we have even more attacks so we can even yeah and this is the average turn without a portion of Speed without anything without being hasted it's just what we can't do in one turn and this is quite strong I would say oh this is what you would expect to be able to do in combat should arrows teleport to them or even shoot Transportation arrows if you want to but thank you guys for watching if you enjoy the content drop a like subscribe to the channel there's a lot more I want to do yes if you want to see more of it like And subscribe and comment Darkness party in the comments to make a party that's fully relies around Darkness so if you guys are interested in that and you want to see me make bills about that drop a comment Darkness part in the in the comments and I'll make sure to do that thank you for watching guys
Channel: Sawash93
Views: 15,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Astarion, Karlach, Shadowheart, Minthara, Baldur's Gate 3, Best Shadowmonk Build, Shadow Monk, Way of shadow, Way of the shadow, best monk build baldur's gate 3, Beginner Friendly
Id: SnONy64bMrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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