🔴Astarion Actor Neil Newbon on Bear Romance in BALDUR'S GATE 3 & Why this role gets him Emotional

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ladies and gentlemen a great friend of the show Neil newborn mate it's so good to see you how are you thank you for coming back I'm good I'm a little husky right now I've been working a lot despite having a mini break in between I've been back at work straight away as you can see I'm in the wonderful creative assembly uh mocap stage uh in the UK doing some work here uh for the next couple of days which has been really fun uh I'm good I'm very busy but incredibly excited and a bit over the moon um with a response from the communities that I've been playing Baldur's Gate three um like everybody in the cast and developers at Lori and the directors and crew pistol Productions where we do the recordings and all the cast my fellow cast of 300 people including the very special six uh well nine really I guess um uh party members the hardcore party members it's been absolutely extraordinary what a trip and what what a character I've been handed to play over the last four years it's been amazing I I really I can't stop grinning actually because it it's a Bittersweet thing in some ways because I'm obviously I realize that at this stage there's a fair chance you know obviously I'm sort of letting go of the character I'm not really ready to do that yet so I've been having an amazing experience um he historian was being developed over four years for me for my work he's developed obviously longer before I joined as the actor the writing is exceptional the fact that people can choose whatever almost without any kind of limitation almost obviously there's a certain amount of limitation but it's pretty big you can play the game as you want you can kill everybody with a meeting them you can ignore them you can fall in love with them you can become their friend you can become their friend of me uh you can do almost anything you can do in a DND campaign from you know on tabletop in the game which also means the character my character gets to experience every possibility of his Multiverse reality within that so I got to play historian with every different possibility that you could have his reactions be or his needs and wants could be coming to obstacle or you could help him or not or hinder him so as an actor it's amazing I get to play like thousands of different versions of stories with the character so he develops in every which way be possible which is incredibly fulfilling as an actor I got to go so far with the character and larian and Pitstop were amazing at supporting my choices and allowing me a lot of freedom with character design and how I saw the character Stephen Rooney who's the incredible writer historian um he and I got to know each other well through the words and also we got to know each other personally but he followed a bit of my rhythm I followed his rhythm we started working symbiotic he when he heard the what he said was unusual tapes on his lines he didn't predict how I was gonna say the lines in some ways and so therefore he found a new Rhythm for the writing through uh I didn't improvise almost anything because the right his writing was so good but he found that what I did with the ideas was really interesting so we he kind of started tailoring some of the lines towards what I was starting to to do in terms of my work which is a really beautiful experience to as a writer act a combination you know it's really nice to experience that and the directors were Stella we had a lot of directors on Baldur's Gate 3 I also was a performance voice director on it as well um but there's some incredible directors I worked with people like Professor Gilmore Tilly Steele Beth Park uh Josh Whedon obviously Adrian Townsend um bronya uh another amazing director a lot of great performance directors and we worked with Eliana Barron over um really incredible people it was a really there's more as well I can't name everybody it would take too long um but all of them were stellar and fantastic to work with and I feel very blessed with all this experience and it's when you know thanks to swen and Jason Latino and Greg um lidstone and all those cats Jerry as well there's so many there's 500 people in the in the development side more or less five different Studios all over the world uh 300 actors uh like about 20 or 30 directors it was amazing ABS extraordinary and it's great to see the reception going so warmly as well isn't it for everyone it's been cool yeah it's interesting I've been like checking out like everybody I don't I don't try to I try to spend not as much time on the internet where possible but I have been checking out the only game I've ever been really truly nervous of the release to be honest the only person really why is that just the the amount of time or the amount of passion the amount of passion and love and the friendships we've all got we've got real you know all these friendships these little family units have been erupting from The Experience there's so much love in this um so it's passion in this from everybody from the developer side and what is the casting crew um you know we really poured everything into it um I burnt out for one day only one day in four years I actually had a burnout physically focally as well ironically um yeah and I had to take I had to take two days off just to recover and then go back into the studio again because the pace was phenomenal um we well I left my blood on the floor on this job you know literally actually at one point um and one of the I also did a lot of mocap um body doubling and combat and stunts and creature uh it was Consulting as well my company performance captured limited to do workshops as well as production so we were working with them teaching the animators how to get into makeup suits I literally left my blood on the floor as well as having the best time even the day even the day I burnt out wasn't a bad day it was just I'd reach the limit of my stamina for that particular period of time now to just reset for a couple of days um everything's been thrown out the people have worked the the butts off on this not that you need the validation man but every time every time I see one of your characters I don't see Neil I see the kids oh thank you very much man I mean I'm a character actor and I struggled in the TV and film to some degree because I wasn't often given the opportunity to be a character actor because I had a very strong look whereas in games you can take your face off and as long as you're playing anything within your ethnic background casting which is appropriate um you can play any role you know within what is appropriate for you to play and when you're playing creatures anybody can play the creatures like Dragonborn and tieflings and stuff you know you can play anything pretty much but obviously as long as you're adhering to ethnic background uh what is appropriate and we it's great that diversity has been represented this game particularly is very good with uh you know genders including non-binaries and gender fluids uh sexualities is covered in here my character's pansexual for instance not the the only thing about him just a strand of a thing um the inclusion is and diversity is very important uh for Lauren but also important for us uh we have uh transactors on it we have trans crew just as an example of how inclusive this experience has been how amazing it's been so this really we really this game really means a lot to so many people that put their lives into it um so that's why I was nervous because not because I want it to be good I don't need the validation of that in that way it was more like I just want people to see the love that was important to this game you know what I mean but I really appreciate you saying that you know I'm being allowed to be a character actor has been the greatest gift of my career and games gave me animation games gave that to me um I spent a long time crafting and developing characters I have a lot I'm very lucky I've been taught a lot of amazing teachers Charles Foreman Roberto Wallach Linda mcclus from Charles woman Center of acting I have a lot of tools I've spent Years Learning and to be able to use almost everything from Comedy de latte to animal work to using friends of mine as inspiration for the character and personality to pour all of this stuff over four years was incredible was absolutely incredible how did you thank you I appreciate the company my pleasure man how did your how did your role evolve because did you come in as just an actor at the start and then they're like this guy's so good let's get him to do this this how did it work no really it was uh so I was I was actually shooting my company did a performance capture side of Final Fantasy 16 we did five months in Hungary with digit motion uh we brought nine actors out we did all the cinematics performance capture stuff it was very cool some combat and stunts as well and during that time I got the rumor that there was this project going around called Dragon well I think I can sell the name because it doesn't mean anything anymore it was called project drakenfels which is a made-up name actually drakenfels is a reference to war am I I know that because I'm a [ __ ] geek and I used to play well I'm a role play drakenfels is a character in a castle probably thought it was a Warhammer game initially I was like that's cool they're doing a war I'm a role play thing and I think wait a minute it's a project it's a secret name project we which usually covers the real name so you can't be warm that just too obvious so I was like okay well let's look at the casting brief it was like pick any of these races to play like tiefling or halfling or or dwarf or high Elf or wood elf or human or whatever and then just submit a tape for it so I looked at it and went those are D and D races you don't get those anymore [ __ ] hell this is going to be one of three different projects it's going to be icewind Dale who is going to be you know this whatever or it's going to be [ __ ] bold as gay and I was like oh my gosh bald's gate three holy [ __ ] the sporting good three so I was freaking out in 2019 because I was like holy [ __ ] I make it monster that was like nobody told me I just made in a supposition I'm pretty sure I was right so freaked out I was like right there's 12 possible races I'm gonna submit for almost every single race I'll play anything in this game I will do literally I'll just be a background dwarf holding a pint of it so I submitted like yeah I think I submitted like 12 tapes or something crazy and there wasn't a particular there was a script for each one but it was pretty open there wasn't a definitive character yeah I think on the on the heart the high elf thing I just got into a thing with that I think that's what that's what people liked about that and I was very lucky the previous year I just um Resident Evil um resistance which is like the mini game extra for Resident Evil 3 remake I worked with pit stop and Josh Whedon I think Adrian Townsend was on that as well I went with Adrian and Josh on that so Josh and I already had a rapport going and he remembered me so when I submitted he already knew what I was like as an actor I'm very playful um I like to improvise not improvising the script necessarily but improvised character and just like developing character in a big way and I'm quite versatile vocally and physically as well so he was the one that picked me for historian and I believe that he spoke to Jason Latino who's the wonderful cinematic lead at Lorien and they okayed me to do a demo so they brought me in to do a demo session which actually is used um for historian to see a could I work with them was I okay to work with was I not you know not psychotically and also my take on the character and if it went well it was kind of like a recall audition kind of but basically they end up obviously using that and then the whole ball started rolling I didn't realize the story and was a companion so I didn't realize exactly what that would mean until we started working they said actually he's a companion I was like [ __ ] because that means he's gonna be there for the journey you know he's not just doing a little bit here and there he's there the whole way through well that has made you more nervous if you knew that going into that because you're pretty confident you know I'm pretty I'm pretty I think I'm pretty competent um I also competent probably better than confident I'm I'm aware of nerves and I'm experienced enough to know how to use nerves positively but like every actor when we like someone we get nervous because we want to do it I think for me I I think it would have made me want the job more which isn't always useful I think you should want the job I think you should have passion for doing it in the right way not in a desperate way so I think for me as a fanboy at Boulders gate and DND it was probably a good thing I didn't I thought he was a minor character do you know what I mean because I think I would have probably probably anyway um luckily they didn't tell me that straight away which is great um and then I got to start working and I started meeting new directors and the crew who are incredible uh a pit stop they're really great fantastic crew to work with would become a family really um the amazing Engineers I'm not going to name all of this too many but the audio engineers of Engineers there as well Hannah Smith who's what the producer there is incredible has looked after all of us just reading obviously helming the thing um yeah it was it was amazing to start into the work when does a directing part of it come in so I directed a game called Deliver Us Mars last year which I also acted on uh which did pretty well for the narrative side was great um and I worked with an amazing career I've been directing for about four or five years on smaller things and action directing I was actually direct action director on a uh an animated film in Japan just at the beginning of the pandemic funnily enough for about a month um so I have history of directing anyway and I think with they started getting the workload was so extreme that I just really wanted to get involved on the direction side because I know the story really well I know the story of balder Gate 3 really well I also know D D very well I felt like I was in a good position to justify asking and Pit Stop were very sweet um and they were very supportive and they they said you know after I asked they said yes you know absolutely let's get you in I did a trial session and it worked out well I love actors anyway I like working with actors um and I think it just gelled you know it was interesting learning how they do things with the pace of which we do the work is incredible I learned a lot from working with them as well well and that's they just brought me on and then it just stuck really so I I think it was a good experience and it was great to see also friends of mine directing uh people like Fraser blacksland he's a wonderful character actor uh keeping both of them I work with Kirsty Gilmore he's incredible an incredible director um as I said Beth Park as well and I mean many people are involved in this that are also mates and a lot of friends that are actors as well so I was very lucky to be able to work with friends like Doug cockle and Jane Perry Legend Maggie Robinson you're bringing in all the a star you're like yep yeah man but that's 300 axes I mean I've got friends of mine from National Youth is a lot in turkington and I'm naming people I'd please say if I don't name somebody there's 300 people a lot of which I know so please don't give Neil guys please forgive me we've only got a certain amount of time before we've got to carry on foreign [Laughter] I'm curious because you've played a lot of villains let's call them and obviously the other side are you think of them as people as people yeah but would you call a Starion a an anti-hero yes yes is that different for you because I don't think you've played many anti-heroes right I played a few I always view my character actually I always view the villains I play as anti-heroes I don't really view them I view them as the heroes in a way they're the heroes of Their Own Story you know what I mean I don't judge my characters I don't to be honest with you I don't really put a label on they're just characters yeah they're just people yeah people that do things and the great thing about playing villains is that they they don't have to carry the story which is number one they're not Romeo they're table or Mercutio you know um and they also get they're Unshackled usually by moral social moral compunction so what Society tells you to do they tend to ignore and this it doesn't fit with what they want to do so they're a lot of fun to play um I'm quite I think I'm quite pussycat in real life I'm a bit of a hippie so for me to play people like that it's actually quite liberating because I get to experience something that I don't do in my real life um but I I find I have a bit of a knack for it I think I really like playing with those characters they're really fun and I really enjoyed the enjoyment of them the story and if I'm looking back on it he is an anti-hero he can do the right thing or he can do the self-serving thing you can manipulate people or you can be moved by people and I think he's flawed deeply flawed and wonderful in that and the Beautiful a beautiful creation um so I think you know but he's still one of the hero party you know he's still there trying to save the world he might be trying to save the world for different purposes than other people but he's going to save the world with with the party you know in that way so he's definitely an anti-hero I would say more than a villain I wouldn't call him a villain as such no so talk to me about some of these romance scenes um you know do you want to hear something the Internet by storm yeah we either did you mock yeah no mo cap the bear uh I swear I heard you say that somewhere no no no no I directed directions who's an amazing actor I directed Dave Jones in that scene and we didn't know because the moment that scene basically that scene you can use historian or you could use anybody so it doesn't have to be historian for that sexy it could be literally anybody including the player character right it has to be the play character but the play character Can Be An Origin character or custom so you don't know who that then they chose the story which I thought was just deeply meta and bizarre that I directed Dave and then months later that it's my character that's doing that scene with him so I I directed him and it was wonderful uh the main party are incredibly talented actors uh you know we've got Jennifer English she plays Shadow heart Deborah Wilde who plays lizelle Tim down he's extraordinary um there's uh Samantha Bayard who plays carlak who's incredible in that role um Theo Solomon that we can now talk about also plays um the new version of will which has taken a new Direction developed in a different direction which is why they got a new active for it to fit in that new Direction he's incredible it's his first game I believe as well we've also felt that you know the supporting characters uh tracing wild plays uh Jahira he's extraordinary um that you can see now they've got Matt Mercer legendary Mount Mercer playing mince and there's some other characters I'm not entirely sure we can talk about who can't so forgive me if I don't mention them well um just wanted to make sure the main party sorry I'm just going to make sure I mentioned people um I feel bad for you there's so many people you know there's so many people with so many names uh you know I have ADHD so like trying to keep a lot of information in my head whilst other ideas of firing off so yeah how did a Starion evolve over the four years do you think well as I said before the his The Writer's Rhythm I I tapped into very quickly uh and then I developed my own rhythm of it takes on that line and through that I used a lot of tools a lot of different to really explore the character under his circumstances the needs and wants are very clear uh to be free is a super objective but that's his ultimate aim to be free whatever whatever cost um and with that it helped me also with the background that they gave me of he was a magistrate he's a high elf his Noble class he's a Bulgarian and he's decadent and hedonistic and he had this amazing life before he turned a vampire all that stuff feeds into the background work and then it helps me create habits he's got a very unique um bass pose for him so let me show you I've got room probably so he stands uh he's unlike any other character his Base Post is this so bass pose did you come up with that I would developed it with the director with Josh I think it was Josh Whedon I think yeah and I believe there was they wanted it to be slightly different than the regular Bass Place I think that was already given by Larry and I can't quite remember but we definitely talked about it and I definitely felt well the one thing that I felt if he's always looking down his nose at people so his head is always back and open his arms are open inviting people in so he can eat them you know so we had this idea I'm pretty sure it was like a combination of things but also because I was working as physicality and his musicality as well you know I use animal work he's a cat he's a black cat there's a stray that comes into my house called red we knew him in red um he's a stray cat and he's quite feral it took me three years before I could pick him up and hold him he's totally cool with me now three [ __ ] years wow it took me to allow the Stray Cat to be cool but he gave me a lot of inspiration about historian um there's a great mate of mine called Reuben k it was a very funny comedian Australian actually um who has some physicalities I really enjoy so I used a bit of that there's another friend of mine called land of who has some useful uh uh things with his habits that I also use and there's also my teacher Josh Forman who I also stole a little bit from as well vocally so there's lots of other friends of mine that come in to create this on top of which he's a theatrical character he's not Camp he's theatrical which is a big difference obviously so there's a certain enjoyment of all that stuff as well which I really had fun with I used committed a latte for instance to do some of his movements uh very much alakino from Canada latte I went to town on this character I really pulled out every stop I had four years to do it as well it wasn't like a two-week shoot where you will start and finish like Heisenberg was really over a year but it was only about three shoots and you've got to retry and get the character set and then go with it I had four years and all this writing all this dialogue this incredible work to really develop kind of like a TV show you know and what point in the process did you do you think you found him well this is the definitive version of him I've found him within the first few weeks were very much the introduction of him how you meet him and I think within a couple of weeks uh because his character loosened up because he was started trusting the player a bit more we we could allow he's quite he's a little stiff and formal when he first meet him very dangerous but then eventually starts loosening up and his voice starts loosening a bit and his mannerisms start flowing like crazy so that was all your purpose kind of it was a happy accident exactly accident we started off with The Arc with the with the foundation of in the core of him and then that suddenly started growing into those things and actually it makes sense in the story because he starts loosening up with a plan so he's starting getting a bit more of a flowy version of him because he's more comfortable and he's more stable he feels like he's more in control and is safer in a way you know um so it was a happy accident that he developed in that way and it makes sense when you play the game it actually makes sense which is thank God otherwise it would have been a problem I've uh we've spoken before in our last chat about method acting is there is there a correlation with character the work that you do and method acting and I'm a method actor I'm also a yat malgrim uh student I'm also uh give me the latte lover um I I do everything I've tried every tool that I I know of with a few exceptions uh there are some big exceptions I haven't tried yet so I'm very lucky that I have a massive tool set to come from my first hardcore training was method I definitely use a lot of method techniques in filling out the life of the character uh playing with the character I definitely going I go into studio with my I've been in studio quite a few times with Joel's uh to work on characters Isaac Johansson from um Deliverance Mars I unlocked with Giles specifically to find uh that character's Rhythm because I was having a bit of a hard time with him initially then I found him so uh yeah method acting is a misunderstood thing I think it doesn't mean you have to walk around as a character being horrible to people because you play a villain you know what I mean it is an excuse I don't agree with quite a lot of the stories you hear of people being bastards on the set that's ridiculous yeah [ __ ] off man so for me you know there's a lot of great method tools I use I still use on a regular basis um but really for me like you know actors should train even if it's not a traditional drama school but you do courses all the time your local teachers you have teachers and mentors that's fine it just needs to be happening all the time it takes years I've trained for 15 years I still go back into class whenever I if I can which has not been very recently but I still use the studio method and ideology I still have my mentors to talk to and to train with um it's important and so yeah method was method I used a lot of methods in in my work generally overseas musicality I have a Spotify list which I use to for the characters and the scene work as well I'm very excited man I feel like my energy is like yeah let's talk about you know I'm really awesome I love it man it's been awesome I absolutely love your passion man it makes my job this project this project has been it's been extraordinary it's been absolutely extraordinary I've heard you say you've never had a bad day in the doing performance capture right but you have challenging games one of those challenging days on Boulders gate three I'm curious physical burnout I had I think I I think it was more than once I think it was twice or maybe maybe twice in four years I had and doing hundreds of hours in the volume uh and the volume is quite a small where we shoot and it's it's pretty you know it's pretty much within a meter meter that's why that's the movement not moving very much and you're doing hundreds of lines a session hundreds I'm also doing the mocap in um I was also doing the mo cup stuff in the mocap stage which is body movement which is more traditional makeup stuff that we were doing body doubling for other actors that couldn't physically get to the UK um I was doing a lot of that as well um I have physical burnout when my voice went and my body went and I just was just doing not great work not because I wasn't passionate or focused or prepared just because my bodies went we're not doing that anymore Dan it was like you know has that ever happened to you before on a project um it usually happens after big projects I usually crash it for about a week or so afterwards but this happened during yeah this I think is the I think is the very first time it happened during a project actually yeah that's true I'm going to try and avoid details that's kind of disgusting but in Japan um I've been rolling from one job to another for about two years literally traveling from um America to Hungary to Japan to India all over the place continually for about two years with very little breaks in between yeah my body did give up on me uh let's just say that keeping food in the stomach was quite difficult for about two week periods yeah I was going to the bathroom every like 10 times a day no more discussions but I was still filming I was filming continually through that period so I didn't stop filming so my body definitely gave up it was had fatigue severe fatigue and this is the start of the pandemic so I freaked out that oh it's covered you know what covid was at that point I went to the doctor when your fatigue you went no I'm not I'm getting at least five hours a night I feel great your body is fatigued your body is giving up on you so sorry I shouldn't laugh at you you know I thought it was hysterical when he told me I think this is ridiculous so uh but this is the first time I've ever had to cut a session short yeah it was the first time did you feel bad having to do that yeah I felt awful I felt awful for I didn't want to waste people's time yeah I felt bad the director was amazing luckily it was my friend Kirsty Gilmore who's an exceptional director anyway and hugely supportive uh and the crew are great as well I think um coming with the crew was that day I remember that the crew being very understanding as well um but I just felt bad because I was like I'm wasting your time and you know it's awful lousy for having to go home early and not be able to finish the session and the work wasn't where I wanted to be but like I said pit stop and directors and larian as well are so understanding and supportive that even though I felt awful and bad they told me you need to go you're not we're canceling your session for two days rest sleep you know look after yourself yeah and so I did that and within two days I was back into it it was fun yeah yeah it reminds me of a scene in the game that I've seen where you're vomiting and it sounds so realistic Neil it sounds like it man I'm worried I definitely wretched definitely wretched up a little bit so yeah yeah sometimes you go a bit far but it's all manageable it's fun so what do you want to say to the bald Escape fans um as we wrap up because I know you're busy we are going to do another one hopefully um once I'm back from Hollow once we've been able to enjoy the game and once I can talk about some of the exactly some of the spoilers I'm not going to talk about right now absolutely yeah um is there anything you want to say to these fans that have come out and or people that maybe haven't played the game and maybe think you know they should give it a crack yeah sure yeah this is one of the truest I I personally believe this is about as close to playing a game version of a tabletop d d campaign that you'll ever find balls get one and two are extraordinary games they're amazing they still hold up today but I think ball to get three is the closest you'll ever find to playing an actual live version of DnD um if you haven't played the game if you have played the game I just want to on I'm speaking on behalf of all the cast as well because I know how they feel the amount of love and support and generosity and interest and joy that the community have already started talking about and the artwork full of characters and stuff has been overwhelming has touched on all of us we're just so thrilled that you have enjoyed our story and and obviously it's Lauren's story you know we're a part of that and we're just Overjoyed that you have loved sven's vision and our work and we feel really embraced and seen by you so thank you so so so much for all the sweet things and the positive messages and the love and joy you have for our work because it's been it's been um especially quite emotional in a really good way sorry but um no look I really respect that and I I was gonna say what is it like you know the last time you do a session for this character after so many years honestly I was pretty heavy it was um I haven't really let go I think the character's still very much for everything Maybe I don't know part of his I've actually assimilated part of his life yes yes I do like a high-pitched giggle when I feel incredibly mischievous I've done something particularly naughty that in a good way like not bad just a little bit like you know she had this high-pitched his high-pitched giggle I have now I did it I started doing it and it's it's a part of me unfortunately so um yeah I don't think I'll ever quite let go of him but I I like the fact that that fans of the game and the character are now greeting there and head Canon and their own ideas about stories and stuff and I think it's wicked I think it's really cool I'd love to see people put a story in their campaign you know if they play it for real that'd be really nice uh who knows maybe we get to do something else again with the character I'd love to uh you know what I'd love to more than anything else I would love to play a story in live action that's what I'd love to do I would love to see him in a in a d d film or something and play him for realsies well I know you can listen so not playing for realsies I played him for real in the game I mean playing for Live Action Aussies yeah yeah I'd love to do that that'd be really cool I look like a guy a little bit oh yeah maybe a cosplay hey I'm that's my closest thing I'm gonna cosplay and and we've decided I need to find somebody to make something appropriate for him but I'm going to try and cosplay them yeah because the only time I've ever cosplayed never done it never done it before but I think it's appropriate this time two more and I'll let you go what do you want to take away from this character mate I'm curious one thing I would say is if you want to play him as An Origin play him as a companion first and then play him as An Origin character because there's a lot more that comes out talking to them as companion because you're not immediately he's not immediately accessible so first and foremost blame his companion and then if you want to play him as An Origin play him as an origin um I hope you just come away with a sense of the fun of the story of him um and I hope he touched I hope the story in my performance touches the player in in terms of his journey because uh when I say I put a lot of my you know a lot of my work into this and a lot of my passions this I'm not kidding this character's Journey has been absolutely extraordinary and I can't thank swen and lorian and pit stop and Josh Whedon and Jason Latino and all those kind of Stephen Rooney the writer enough to say thank you so much for giving me this uh [ __ ] helmet sorry for giving me this character because it's allowed me the totality of an acting experience in a project sustained over four years I've made friendships I've had fun I've it's allowed me to sustain myself as an actor and um honestly man you need to get me well enough man for the first time sorry it's been one of the best games gifts and characters it really has and well we're gonna have to do this again it's on camera time yeah no we're not recording don't worry we're gonna have to do this again so we can get into some spoilers and I know it's a mammoth game we're talking what a hundred and eighty hours of cut scenes it's loads I think it's more than that it's something yeah something like that maybe more I think it takes you about 100 games to play 100 hours to play the game from the 200 to see everything and it's something like yeah 180 hours of cinematics minimum maybe more yeah it's amazing have you gotten not everybody not everybody's going to see everything by the way it's also you're not supposed to no no of course you're supposed to like to train in a way yeah so I need to understand the mechanics and everything but I'm going to do a complete playthrough on my twitch Channel yeah I mean start to finish yeah it's gonna take me years oh I don't know that's gonna take you a while did you end up beating Village in the end I did yeah it was the first Resident Evil game I ever finished I always gave up before we go mate can we get a quicker Starion to wrap this one up yes I can I can use something my voice a bit croaky so it's gonna be a bit lower Edge oh hello my name is okay thank you Neil I look forward to talking to you soon brother no we're all good mate thank you so much for that chat I really appreciate it much love brother take care thank you thank you
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 86,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 astarion, baldurs gate 3 bear romance, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 bear scene, baulders gate 3, astarion romance, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 romance, neil newbon
Id: ikUV7hletb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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