Operate in Your Authority // Pastor Jay Eberly // September 8, 2021

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psalm chapter number 8 verse number 3 and if you're going to get something say amen praise god verse number 3 we'll read on down through verse number 6. psalm 8 through 6 says when i consider the heavens this is uh the psalmist david when i consider the heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained in other words he said him in their courses what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him what is man that thou art mindful of him i don't know if you've ever thought about it man is is god's highest creation you know down here we've got animals and plants and all sorts of stuff uh and uh but but man is god's highest creation and if you study the uh creation god made everything he made the earth and you know put everything in place and all the plants stars and everything and and then separated the water from the dry ground and made trees and all that and animals and all that and separated the firmament and all he did everything he did and then he said let us make man in our image and in our likeness and let them have dominion over all of this creation we could paraphrase over all this creation now um you know the way god created the way god created the order let's say it that way that god created things in showed what he was doing why he was doing it he was getting it all ready for this highest creation it's like a family that's going to have a baby they change they take a room of their house and they say okay this is gonna be the baby's room and they take out the old furniture whatever maybe they were using it for an office or whatever they take out all that furniture and they take they paint the walls a baby color you know pink or blue or something they put a crib in there and they you know just set up the whole thing for that baby why because that when that baby comes they're getting ready for that baby that's what god was making this earth for that's what he was doing when he created the whole earth he was making a home for his man amen he was making a place for man to live his his man his highest creation to live and and the the mankind is the only creation part of god's creation that god gave the right to choose their own destiny their own condition in life health wealth and even to eternal existence nothing else that god created can make those kinds of choices they just sort of live if if you do any i did a little years ago did a little study on some of this animals are not uh uh they're not as self-conscious they're a lower level of creation they're sort of on a program i don't mean that they're totally like robots but i mean they're just sort of living out of different psychological impulses bible talks about animal impulses and humans are to live above that because they can as spirit beings i didn't tend to get in all this but you know just just pull and we'll get there as human beings we are spirit beings somebody people somebody said you know man create or man evolved from animals you know a little amoeba crawled out of the goo and then it developed into some a fish and then birds and then monkeys and then man i got a big question for you why are animals not spirit beings and humans are [Applause] that nobody can answer that question well the bible people can't but but evolutionists can't answer where did the spirit of man come from in fact they don't want to talk about the spirit of man they want to just talk about the psyche of man but man is a spirit he's alive to god he's aware of god he's aware of another realm he's aware of the spirit realm that's why anywhere you go in the earth whether anybody's been in contact with a tribe somewhere back far away back in there they've carved out a tree and they're beating a drum going they're worshiping that thing why is it that everywhere you go mankind is worshiping something but anywhere you go and you and you go back way back into the bush and you meet a monkey that's never seen a man before they've never carved a tree and he's like well he's never doing that because monkeys are not aware of the spirit realm they are not spirit beings man is [Music] man he's always aware now now see they're back there worshipping tree that's not god they're worshiping but but the bible says they worship demons but that's still the spirit realm they're aware of that realm i'm not endorsing worshipping demons i'm simply saying they're aware of another realm why because man is a spirit being and he's aware of spiritual things amen now um so this is man is god's highest creation and man because he is a spirit being can in one sense of the word step outside of himself i'm not trying to be weird i'm just simply saying he's he has self-consciousness he has awareness that he's making decisions and that those decisions are going to affect the outcome of certain things my cat has proven to me many times she does not know that these decisions are going to affect a certain outcome i've been trying to train her every way i could i could go more detail i just won't right now because me and her aren't on good talking to talking terms right now yeah she's got some things to learn but she just doesn't get it she can't step outside of herself and say i don't know if i do my business on the floor again he's going to punish me she just can't seem to do that anyway anyway how did you get me off on that anyway so but but the point i'm making is man is a higher creation he can he he can he's aware that his choices affect outcome and there's much more to that we could go into i actually went to the into detail on that in bible school but but what is man look at this what is man that thou art mindful of him the son of man that thou visited him god didn't make this earth for all the animals although they're enjoying it he made it real he really made the animals for us to enjoy and all the creation for us to enjoy and the bible says he made certain things but just because they're pretty you look at genesis chapter one two and three four down and through there certain things like certain trees and bushes and stuff so just because they're pretty to look at what are they here for well they're all for man for for him to his enjoyment uh like he created the herbs of the of the field and the ground the things that grow out of the ground for man's nourishment it's all for a man i mean you take the uh you take the gold that's for man and making transactions you take the why is the sun just at the right distance if we were closer we would burn up further away we would you know what would iowa winners be like i mean dear lord maybe he can move it just a little closer no i'm just saying no that's not because of the sons of the wrong this is that's because of the flood the earth tilted and it's so far away from pointing away from the sun in the winter time the earth tilted during anyway i don't know why i'm getting into all this during the flood the earth axis is tilted it says that in the bible there's a lot in the bible so but but here's everything was created for man everything was created from man it's not in its perfect condition right now but it was created for man what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him that's when jesus came when man fell jesus came to redeem man why didn't he come to redeem all the rest of the creed it'll finally be redeemed but i mean there's there's there's god's focus is on man he's mindful of you and i he's mindful of our needs the bible says in the book of psalms that if all his thoughts were uh you know put all together they're constant of his he's thinking of us constantly that's a good father amen all right so what is man that thou art mindful of him the son of man that thou visitest him for thou hast made him god god has made man a little lower than the angels and then the greek excuse me the hebrew that's god and has crowned him with glory and honor thou made us him a little lower than god and has crowned him with glory and honor man is god's highest creation uh there's a whole lot i could take i could take three four services and show this prove this to show this in the word hebrews chapter number one two and three make it real plain but man is even a higher creation in his original state man is in a higher creation than angels now in the fallen state in man's fallen state he's not right and that's what hebrews goes into quite a bit of detail about it we could take time and look at all that but but in the reading in the original creation man was higher than angels well when he fell he wasn't but now that he's redeemed he's now seated far above amen and and we are god's highest creation that mankind in general is but uh at the redeemed now that's that's that's the highest that there is down here in this earth thank god there's a day coming we'll be going to heaven but but uh so uh you know man's intelligence is much higher than animals i'm just trying to show you man's god's highest creation i'm getting to something here talking about the authority of the believer um you know people say well you know man is just an animal you know another one of the animals homeosapien and you know we've got these other things that are also animals that's a lie you need to know it's a lie man is much higher than any of the animals when have you seen monkeys get together and say hey let's build a sky a sky tower a high a sky-rise building or let's create an airplane or let's design computing or or uh telecommunications or or medicines to cure our whatever none yeah they don't do it isn't that right i'm just saying man's the highest creation all right what is man you're mindful of him son of man you visited him that made us him a little lower than god and has crowned him with glory and honor now notice verse six thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou has put all things under his feet the well said you know pastor man fell and he doesn't have that anymore yeah and jesus came to redeem us to get that back now you could just interpret the verse i'm getting ready quote two ways but the bible said jesus said he came to seek and save that which was lost now that's us that's mankind not trying to take that away from from the the truth of that verse that's that's us he came to seek and say what was lost we were lost but you could also say he came to seek and to save what was lost that is man's dominion man's dominion when jesus rose from the dead he said all authority is given unto me in heaven and earth somebody said well then man doesn't have it jesus has it but he turned around instantly and said you go and you exercise basically you can say exercise that authority because he said you go and cast out that one of the first things he says cast out devils that means exercise that authority over devils so when he got it he got it back for man so he said no he needed it he had it before he died jesus jesus hadn't he didn't need it he cast out devils and he exercised authority over the devil before he died he didn't need to get it for himself i mean if he needed it for himself he shouldn't have died because he already had it no he got it he died for us see what he was doing he was taking our place and getting back what the devil stole from us oh i love digging around in this subject god's been dealing with me about this subject so when god got when jesus got man's dominion back he gave him dominion over the works of his hands hallelujah and put all things under his feet again now you read the new you bring that through the new testament the bible says the last enemy that will be put under foot is death so uh we that's that's one that hasn't been put under our foot now i don't mean i don't mean god hasn't given us dominion over premature death because he has i've had two cases now two situations now where and one time i i i exercised it and the other time i didn't to where in the face of physical death not my physical death but someone else's physical death actually three times i take that back three times in the face of physical death i was praying and saying lord what do i do about this and twice once i had an unction uh let me put it in the right category once i had an unction to to take authority over death and the person came back alive his daughter's sitting right here if you don't believe pastor then she won't lie you know she won't lie [Laughter] amen the second one was another one my relatives and the lord told me be better if you didn't and i did anyway and they came out of death they were dying the doctor said we've never seen people with sepsis like that in fact that's what your dad was dying with it's just it's a killer you understand and uh but then the third time the lord said don't do it and it'd be better if you don't and i said all right i won't but see those are all premature death but we don't have but let's see if somebody's done living out their life we don't have any promise they're going to live down here forever that's the last enemy it's going to be put underfoot how many of you know this body will take on immortality one day if we're still here and alive when jesus comes there'll be a big zapping sound and you'll glow and shine and you'll take on immortality then this body won't be able to die after that but if somebody's in the grave their body will be raised from the grave and made alive and become immortal and they'll live forever in the physical body well it's it's a it's a different form of a physical body amen well anyway i don't know i'm getting into all that but thou has made him a little lower though he gave him dominion when man god put man down here he gave man dominion down here all right go to matthew 18 18. that was way longer than i intended but uh since we're going to be ministering on this subject for a while so no no problem digging around god wants us to be uh conscious of this dominion a lot of believers are living without an awareness of it and they kind of feel like a victim [Music] of things no born-again believer is a victim of anything tormenting thoughts in their mind sickness and disease infirmity pain amen not a victim of other people's choices come on now not a victim of you know the lust of their flesh well i just can't help it no they're not a victim to that the position we're in in the new birth has made us victorious over all those things and able to rule over all those things we can rule over torment and anxiety and fear and doubt and rule over worry and and a vexed mind we can rule over our body and say no i'm not going to eat that another whatever i don't want to be eaten we have the choice we can rule over our eyes we can rule over what we look at our eyes guide our eyes we can decide what we're going to look at what we're not going to look at we're not a victim to our fleshly lust and we could go on and on and we have shared in the past on many of these things but matthew 18 18 says verily i say unto you this is jesus here whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven so the power notice of binding and loosing is given to us notice he didn't say i'll bind it and i'll lose it he said whatever you bind well we've got to live conscious of this people are praying for god to do something and he said why don't you bind what the devil's doing now your flesh is not the devil you know when we gave you all those several different categories there's many more but uh when we gave you those categories you got to understand that it operates your authority operates different in different categories you can't cast out the flesh and you can't crucify the devil you crucify the flesh and you cast out the devil and whenever your body wants to eat a third piece of pie that's not the devil that's not a spirit of gluttony but you do have authority over the appetites of your flesh amen our body needs rest but we have authority to tell it now you get up out of this bed and you get out of here you get busy our flesh needs certain things our flesh needs food it needs sleep so forth but there comes a point where carlos get up no i think he probably probably needs needs to get more sleep probably but anyway i don't know i'm just i just know he's not lazy it's what i'm trying to say anyway now now stop meddling now right so whatever you bind sometimes they say whatever you forbid or whatever you refuse will be forbidden or refused in heaven in other words heaven will back you and i up in this all right and then also we see that earth has to move before heaven will do anything in other words god will let us have whatever we're okay with there's a lot of things people say why did god let that happen because you did oh i didn't well maybe through ignorance i've done that before anybody done that before because i wasn't aware of what realm how far my authority extended you see now i'm not talking about other people's lives we can frustrate our faith trying to exercise authority in other people's lives we don't have that kind of authority we'd like we'd like to we love people sometimes we like to exercise authority whatever is binding them or afflicting them but we don't we can't unless they're a baby christian and they ask us to that's a different situation you understand we're a lot a lot of things we don't have time to get into but uh but when it comes to our own lives sometimes why did god let that happen according to this verse he let it happen because we let it happen we allowed it why did god allow it because we allowed it now that's tight but that's right i don't believe it that well i didn't write the bible don't do it i didn't write the bible i'm not saying what i think i in fact i wouldn't have thought this if i hadn't read it in the bible besides that it's red matthew 18 18 is red the red the red text in the new testament the hot sauce of the bible i mean you're getting ready to scoop that one in and get ready because ha ha all right so matthew 18 18. whatever you bind will be bound on earth will be bound in heaven and so earth has to be has to move first the lord said to me one time don't sit and permit stand up and resist the bible said resist the devil you ever seen somebody being arrested and they re on tv or something and they resisted arrest that means they fought back so when satan's trying to bind us or something we're not supposed to just roll over come on come on come on now you know what i'm talking about just roll over and let it happen [Music] no we're to stand up and resist it yes and so uh that's what he's telling us in matthew 18 and that's what he in 18 and then in psalm 3 excuse me psalm 8 3-6 that's what he's telling us amen what does it mean to permit something that's the difference that's uh that's the opposite of driving something out well i can't do that well apparently you can the word is what gives you the uh faith to do that are you here with me that the word is what renews our mind and gives us a dominion mentality if you want to be stronger in dominion meditate on dominion and it'll give you the faith to operate in the dominion that really you already have it won't give you the dominion it'll give you the faith to operate in the dominion anybody got anything in their life that shouldn't be there i'm not accusing anybody we probably all do isn't that right and so uh by doing the word or let's put it this way by by not practicing the authority of the believer which is the word we're tolerating things stroking them and allowing them to remain in other words we're not driving them out by faith we're not in other words we're permitting them the word permit is another word for tolerate what have we been tolerating what problems have we been petting [Music] some people's bondage in their life becomes their pet they use it to get sympathy to get attention or whatever you need to wean yourself off of that because holding you in bondage if if that's you amen so really um to what what he's saying here is when he says whatever you permit is permitted he's he's taking response he's taking the responsibility for what happens in our life and putting it on us and a lot of christians don't like that they like what you could call a no-fault religion if it happened in my life it's not my fault you know what i'm talking about no whether it was us yielding to the flesh whether it was us you know with uh not renewing our mind or whether it was some sort of bondage of something or or affliction of some kind it's there because we allowed it if the bible is true or should we tear that verse out well praise the lord thank you for your enthusiasm tonight so we've got to renew our mind and put the responsibility where god put it now this is not a heavy burden his commandments are not grievous but yet right on the other hand it is a responsibility amen uh to to forbid or to refuse what the devil's trying to do to trying to hold us in how many of you know you don't have to wait for a a cartoon character like a red guy and a pitchfork in a pajama suit and a forked tail with horns to show up before you've resisted the devil just any of his any anything the bible's called the bible mentions his works satan came to destroy the works plural of the devil so anytime you see any of his works say no no no i'm not going to have that and start taking the word to that amen hallelujah there's freedom in all these areas isn't that good so we can do more about things sometimes than what we want to admit amen all right so let's let's let's keep moving here god's okay with what we're okay with amen that's the authority we have uh god's okay with what happens in our nation with what we're okay with it's up to the church if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray i'll heal their lands turn turn things somebody said well hollywood and politicians and this and then no he didn't say holly if my if if politicians in hollywood and and no he said if my people. why they're in authority [Applause] boy that makes that challenges me all the way down to the core sometimes but i just like to be i like to let god stomp on all my toes and tell my tell them all my own religious thinking gets all black and blue you know what i'm talking it gets all beat up hallelujah all right so um let's move on here god wants us to have a mindset like this through the word of god that's that's what a spirit of faith is the spirit of faith is a spirit that doesn't just allow things to happen it says it stands up and resists it amongst other things that the spirit of faith is amen so um jesus really gave us this authority but it's our responsibility to use this authority you know as a parent a parent can have the authority to stop their children from doing certain things or hitting their sister you didn't you know anything that they they have authority but but if they don't use it their children are going to act wrong anyway any parents say amen amen anybody that knows any parent any parents say amen amen so he gave us his authority but we have to use it we have to use the faith of god and use the authority he gave to us amen and that doesn't happen a lot of christians have this but they don't think much about the authority they they kind of sort of uh they kind of have the attitude i don't know why god allowed that in my life well you can see from matthew 18 18 isn't that right they don't have a exalted position mentality they don't have a seated at the right hand of the father kind of mentality far above kind of mentality they sort of treat these things like they're subject to it and they're a victim you know you just can't help it that's just the way it is anybody getting convicted tonight all right i'll get convicted myself then a lot of the people of god are a little like israel whenever israel came out of canaan's land they had been in you know egyptian bondage for 400 years as slaves slaves can't make life happen on purpose you know what i mean by that they they're just subject to the whims of the slave masters slavery is one of the most wicked and evil things that any man could do because because we don't have dominion over another man per se unless it's you know the law has dominion over criminals and so forth but you understand what i'm talking about but uh but really god god uh delivered israel out of egypt's bondage but they came out of egypt's bondage but they didn't get egypt's bondage and slavery mentality out of them they came out of slavery but they didn't get it out of their mentality and so god said go in and possess the land and they said we can't because see they had never been used to making life happen they've been used to things being imposed on them against their will by a pharaoh by a tyrant named pharaoh am i making any sense tonight well see we came out of the kingdom and dominion of darkness and we were used to things being imposed on us by a tyrant man named the devil we had no dominion over him no authority over him we did have free will but he kept tricking us up and tripping us up amen and getting us to yield to him even sometimes whenever we decide we weren't yet here we are we did it again why because we didn't have authority over him so so we were used to just things being imposed on us against our will well we got born again came out because that's what israel was in type they were they were if you read first corinthians 10 they they were in type what we got in reality when we came out of the kingdom of darkness and were born again we came over into the kingdom of god and we were translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son and he satan no longer has that dominion over us that he once had over us he doesn't have the dominion to hold us in sin he can't make us sin anymore he used to be able to keep us sinning because we had the sin nature i mean in our spirits we were sinners all the way through all the way we were died in the wool sinners all the way down to the bottom all the way to the core spirit's home body now we're born again now the new man has created christ in us the hope of glory we're born again and we've been born as the righteousness of god in christ and we don't have to bible says sin shall not have dominion over you anymore [Music] see there there's one we could take a lot of time on i don't have to do it anymore the flesh says uh-huh i'd like to do that i say shut up sit down not doing that anymore glory that's real freedom people say they're free because they're americans no you're free because you've got dominion over sin that's what that's that's who's really free you just don't have to do it anymore by the way do you know why nations begin to get more and more tyrannical governments is because they don't the citizens don't govern themselves [Music] see law stop and think about that anyway there's a whole lot there we can spend time on i got so much going on on the inside tonight all right so but god wants us to become dominion minded and dominion mindedness only happens because we meditate in the word along these lines and we constantly remind ourselves of what the word says what the word says the devil may the doctor may say the devil's not the doctor i didn't mean to say that way but but uh the the doctor may say it's this and that and you've got three six months to live or whatever and and the devil can jump on that and say see see you're going to just like they said you don't have you can't do anything about it that's a lie somebody said the disease is alive no he's telling you what he sees in the you know microscope or mri whatever but that's not a lie that's a re that's a natural fact but it's not the truth amen the truth is by his stripes you were healed isn't that right so the devil will jump on your head and tell you well what he says is going to come to pass and so forth and so on well he's not don't fight him he's just working in the natural realm he's trying he's on your team he's trying to help you but yet right on the other hand you don't have to accept that as the final verdict because because you know the word that's right [Music] and you ha and the devil try to tell you see you can't do anything about it they don't have a cure for that disease and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but see that's a lie you can do something about it the psalmist david said i'm going to live and not die and i'm not going to i'm going to declare the works of the lord and he got what he said he didn't mean he's going to live forever he was just being uh you know in a situation where satan was trying to take him out and he said no not now glory to god you and i can do the same thing praise the lord well i don't know i just well see that's why you got to meditate in these things now um but see what happened was we got saved we got born again talking about israel and how they came out and god said go in and possess the land and they complained and remember they wandered into wilderness for 40 years because they didn't know how to i like to say it that way it just rings true with me they didn't know how to make life happen for them in other words they didn't how to operate in authority make a decision and go after and say by god's help this is going to come to pass this is what god said is ours and we're going to have what he said and but so the problem and that's that's a type of us we got born again and we were used to things being imposed against on us against our will you know just so i mean if you're sick you get sick you know if you get this you get i mean you just gotta die and that's just what that's the mentality of the world out there but that's not the mentality of the bible and so the problem was though we were delivered from the authority of darkness and we're living over in the kingdom of god that's not the problem but i'm going to tell you the problem the problem is we sat under religious teachings that never told us that we had any authority religious teachings will keep you a victim jesus has authority i mean i'm talking about religious teachings jesus has authority and he does of course and he's way up there he's seated far above he spoiled principalities and powers he did all this and isn't it wonderful what he has and whenever we're in heaven we'll have it too no no that's where the religion gets off yes jesus has it yes jesus rose from the dead but he joined us and whatever he said we're heirs of god and joint heirs joint heirs with christ that means we have the authority to say no and we have the authority to say yes like we were saying on sunday amen but see we've got to get that kind of mentality amen uh a mentality of religious thinking will pray god do something about these things and the mentality of the bible doesn't look to heaven to do something first it says earth's got to do something first the mentality of authority says i make a move in my authority and heaven will back me up amen guaranteed amen well pastor i tried that one time and it didn't work he's not talking about trying something he didn't say whatever you try to bind will be bound whatever you try to lose will be loose no you don't try it you do it just do it amen and just stand just keep on standing and as light comes walk in the light and keep on tweaking as the lord guides you amen hallelujah uh this message carries a different sound to it than what a lot of people are used to this is a joyful sound to me i used to hear religion preach for years and i started hearing this and i'm like say that again read that verse again that sounds different this is a strong man's gospel this is not a weak beggarly worm woe is me so unworthy kind of a gospel fact that's not even gospel that's gospel means good news this is good news right here this is the sound of freedom this is the sound of this is the sound of victory this is the sound sin can't boss me around anymore this is the sound sickness and all oppression and things that the devil's trying to do i can't my body can't even boss me around anymore i'm the boss of my body i'm the boss of thoughts of fear i'm the boss of poverty i'm the boss of sin i'm the boss of bondage and all these things i don't have to be afraid anymore amen i don't have to be oppressed in my mind anymore praise god i can i can succeed in what i put my hand to hallelujah so um this is this this sounds like a commanding man rather than a victim god wants this word to get in us to changes the image on the inside of who we are we're seeing too many times we're seeing ourselves as the or seeing the problem is big and bad and then the devil is big and bad oh he's doing so many things you know you turn on the news oh my goodness he's running everything no he's not he's not running you he's not running me and it looks like things are big and bad and actually uh like the devil's little i was saw a documentary on the discovery channel one time the fish down in the deeper part of the water down the ocean they can when a predator fish comes around they can blow themselves up i don't know it's probably not air there's no air not i don't know how they would do it but some sort of reaction or somehow they can make themselves look i think how many times sick five or six times bigger than they really are they call it a blowfish i thought to myself the devil is a blowfish he's a little we peon guy but but he makes himself [Music] you get that on camera [Laughter] i got to keep some folks awake tonight amen he goes and you go in the name of jesus he becomes this little wee guy and runs off hallelujah when we get the image of god's word on the inside of us we'll see the big jesus in us and the little devil in the world amen praise god how many of you know the way you see this yourself determines how you act you remember whenever they god said you go into the you know to israel go in and possess canaan's land they sent spies in and the spies said we were as grasshoppers in their sight and then they said so we were in our sight see that's how they saw them they saw themselves as grasshoppers you know grasshoppers were small grasshopper except the problem was grasshoppers just went on them then they went and ate the crops anyway and they sat back there and said we can't we can't oh we would love to but we can't we can't let's get that on camera we can come on because of the way they saw themselves well see christian's got to get a mentality of dominion authority a ruling and reigning seated with jesus at the right hand of the the father mentality get the mentality if he can do it i could do it because as he is so am i in this world say not in thine heart who should go up into heaven that is to bring christ down from above why because you're here that's why you don't need jesus to come down here again because he already came down here and redeemed you from satan's power and gave you the authority so he doesn't need to come down here you just stand up with his name and say take your hands off my baby fever you leave my [Applause] the righteousness was the righteousness which is of faith this is romans chapter number 10 uh speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart so here's the way it doesn't talk it doesn't say oh if jesus was just here that's you don't you don't hear people say in their heart uh let's go up and get christ down here that's not what they're saying but they'll say oh if jesus was just here why does he need to come back he came back and did everything he needs to do hallelujah this is a strong man's gospel and i'm just that way i like strong things i'm not a drinker in fact i never really drank anything in my life i thought it stank but uh but if i was a drinker i'd probably be a strong drinker you know what i might just i'd go all out that's what i do with the word i go all out if it's true i want it all you know praise god so the way they saw themselves determined what they were able to i'm talking about now israel the way they saw they sell themselves as grasshoppers compared to the giants the way they saw themselves determined what they were able to possess they didn't have a mentality that they could say they could make something happen amen i'm not just talking about what the world does as far as you know grit and and and just intestinal fortitude that'll help you don't misunderstand me but we've got all that plus the power of god plus the authority of the believer praise the lord if you're in business you don't just work hard although working hard is is scriptural but but put the power of god to work in what you're doing put the power of god the thought but you exercise the authority of the believer over satan because you're no your natural ability is no uh match for satan in the spirit realm you need something working for you more than just your wit grit and and and spitzerington you know what i mean look the word up you'll you'll enjoy it so amen hallelujah in spiritual death we didn't have a say but in the new birth coming out of the kingdom of darkness you know that put us into the kingdom of god god gave us our authority back and he gave us our save listen young people you can say to certain friends that are wrong influences i'm not going to come to your house anymore [Music] sure can and you're not coming to my house anymore amen so you know can you see how that if something's in our life it's because we're allowing it now maybe through ignorance so don't don't you know be all critical on people sometimes maybe it's just through ignorance now if you're seated with jesus at the right hand of the father then you can also decree things and the authority you have there is the authority of god's throne and that authority is waiting on your words amen when we think of uh the authority of the believer we think of exercising that authority by answering something or rebuking something or binding something like it said in matthew 18 18. amen and that is an act of dominion isn't it that's one way to exercise dominion is to express authority through the words that we speak but let's look at a couple other ways i'm going to make some some things quick here we can refuse how many of you know when we refuse to let anyone else when i say anyone else i'm talking about the devil i'm talking about fear talking about worry i'm talking about condemnation i'm talking about what people think of us or even people just in general but by by uh to exercise authority means we refuse to let someone else do our thinking for us come on now that's an act of dominion to let to not let somebody else do your thinking for you they might say something about you and then and then that's you know that wasn't in line with the word it's trying to put something in your thinking about you and you have authority to decide whether that's going to form your image of yourself or or uh or or determine how you act people because of a lack of education because of all sorts of cultural issues and so forth they they think they're limited i said they think they're limited it's like an animal that's been in a cage for a long time and then you open the door they'll just stay in that cage they think they're still limited but they're not but see when jesus came he opened the jailhouse the door the jailhouse door that we used to be in he unlocked it and said whosoever will let him come and come on out you're not bound to stay in that satan's little jailhouse anymore but if your mentality is still thinking in the way in the in the line of the old bondages well then satan's pretty much got what he needed can you see a big part of walking in authority is renewing your mind can you see that when we renew our mind uh we quit thinking wrong and when we quit thinking wrong the devil loses sway over us [Laughter] i like it professor nancy made this statement she said the renewed mind goes around and slams the door's closed on the enemy anywhere he gets in it was just just a wrong taking a wrong thought opens the door to the enemy okay the reverse of that refusing to take his thought slams the door closed on him somebody might say something to you that tries to bring condemnation on you something that's under the blood and if you take that thought satan's got you something in you belongs to him but if you refuse to take it satan can't can't make you take anything he could try to keep hammer in your head with it we can't make you take it if you refuse to take it that's an act of dominion see we're just looking at ways different ways that dominion is expressed does this help you amen now the bible says over there in second corinthians 10 4 through 5 we don't have much longer here let's wrap this up that the uh ii corinthians 10 4-5 you know satan uh it talks about us there weapons of a warfare are not carnal mighty uh through pulling down strongholds casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts so what he's saying is that's a picture of us walking in dominion the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to pull down strongholds imaginations and thoughts you read down through there and circle those words those are all in the mind and he's telling us that as believers we have dominion over those things that's a man who won't take the enemy's thoughts and let them become strongholds or imaginations and then strongholds that's a man walking in his dominion amen so so deal with people say i rebuke you satan why don't you deal with the thought he brought answer that with the word and refuse to take his thought whether it's a thought of premature death or whether it's a thought of of uh sin or being unfaithful to your spouse you can you can take that a thousand different directions refusing to take his thought is evidence to the devil that he's whipped yes it's just not going to work on you anymore you know i'm not even to the good part tonight i'm trying to get to the amen the devil can tell when something's not going to work on you anymore not because he's all-knowing but when you no longer take what he presents to you maybe in the form of a thought it sends a clear message to him that he's doomed it just things that used to work don't work anymore he come and make a suggestion to to sin or a suggestion of you know of some sort of condemnation i'm convinced some people not maybe not everybody but a lot of these people that go into cycles of depression for three weeks a thought came to their mind and they took it that's where that's coming from now you can't medicate that i'm not preaching against medication i'm just simply saying if you want to get to the real root of what the problem is you're going to have to deal with thoughts and the moment you stop taking the thought because you get your mind renewed the word and you answer it with the word that's the moment satan is aware he's doomed it's not going to work anymore hallelujah that's good whenever you don't have to go through those three-week cycles anymore you know he can tell when something's not going to work anymore i may remember the story of wigglesworth the satan came and manifested himself in in the nighttime sitting on the end of his bed he felt the bed move and he looked and felt the evil presence it was satan he said oh it's just you and rolled over that's an act of dominion he didn't even speak and say i bind you get out of here which is scriptural isn't it but this is also dominion by just ignoring him isn't that interesting isn't that interesting you know if you don't listen to what he's saying he can't do anything amen another way of expressing dominion well the same thing really mark 5 jesus hearing but ignoring this is the amplified what the report was that his little daughter was dead jairus daughter was dead he was ignoring satan that's an act of dominion that's the posture of the renewed mind the renewed mind doesn't just go have to fight everything the new renewed mind just doesn't take the thought and goes on without taking the thought it's like satan's out here trying to get in but he can't do anything because somebody won't take it ha-ha-ha amen all right so let's look at one more let me let me give you one real quick and then we'll go to this last one sort of kind of together but another way of exercising dominion is uh well let's just be one it's laughing and rejoicing psalm 86 says he's made us to have dominion but psalm 2 4 says when satan threatened god's plan he that said in the heavens laughed i'm going to do this i'm going to do this [Laughter] that's an expression of dominion isn't that right now go to psalm 84. we'll wrap this up psalm 84. thank you for staying here a little bit a little bit tonight psalm 84. this is something now the whole service is for this you ready we're starting the service right now no but i just wanted you to remember before we read this verse before we read these verses i'm going to read them in the amplified psalm 84 we're going to read verses 4 through 7 in the amplified but before we read that verse remember psalm 8 thou madest him to have dominion right all right all right so now we're in psalm 84. and we're going to read this in the amplified verses what did i say verse 4 4-7 bless this is amplified blessed happy fortunate to be envied are they who dwell in the house of your presence they will be what singing your praises all the day long see law pause and calmly think of that bless happy fortunate and to be envious he whose strength is in you now there's some things you ought to underline this man he's dwelling in the presence of god or the house of the lord he's singing praises his strength is in god that's the third one there is verse 5. and then verse six passing through the valley of weeping now in paris the amplified says baca that's what we bacca means weeping in other words a hard time in life they make it a place of springs the early rain also fills the pools with blessings what is this place this is a place of of a hard time fills the fills they make it a place of springs the early reigns also fill the pools with blessings they go from strength to strength underline that in victorious power excuse me increasing in victorious power each one of them appearing before god in zion oh i got i'm out of time i could fact go read my blog i wrote a blog on this you need the blog tell your neighbor you need a blog blog blog tell your neighbor you need a blog listen to that blog it's good i don't take the credit for it god showed it to me but i wanted you to see these are people that are st they stay in the presence of god now this is in a hard time in this this va they're going through this valley of a sorrowful time a place of weeping and and it's a hard time and so but but in that time they're spending time in the presence of god singing praises they're drawing strength from god through those praises and the refreshing reigns of the spirit fill up that low place and create a place of a refreshing pool of water and it went from a dry low place to a refreshing rain place of the pools of the reign of god and they keep in strength they keep going from strength to strength increasing in victorious power whoa but the whole reason i wanted you to show this to you remember psalm 8 he made you to have dominion why did he do that verse verse 6 passing through the valley of weeping they make it a place of springs a pool is a blessing in other words he made you so you can make it [Applause] make what make whatever hardship you're going through a place of the blessings of god now we can start the service [Music] when you exerci when you praise god in the middle of your test in your trial that's an expression of dominion and listen rain falls on dominion the power of god moves on dominion in fact god does what he does on dominion meaning he does what he does where he has is given the right to do it he is not an intruder he does not uh you know uh intervene where he's not invited but when you praise you're giving him the authority to come in with his power and changed things [Applause] yeah glory can you see why i really needed to get to that praise be to god i said praise be to god he made you so you could make it i'm going through a hard time make it a pool make it a place where the rain of the spirit falls that's your authority you have the right to you you your authority gives you the ability to direct the power of god wherever you need it to be to put it where it needs to be hallelujah i said hallelujah he made you so you could make it in other words make it something that other than what the devil intended it to be he intended it to be a place of defeat a place of sorrow a place where you were you were depressed a place where uh in other words he intended to put you in a hole that you'd never get out of we'll just start praising the rain down and there it is the the the waters will rise and get you up out of that low place [Applause] he made you so you could make it what god let's put it this way what you can make it what god intended it be hallelujah they make it i like that those are my favorite verses in that whole passage they make it well i'm just having a hard time make it something different that's what ii corinthians 4 17 means when it talks about uh he you can uh how does that say that talking about the this light affliction for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal you can make things work for you what the devil meant to defeat you you can turn it on his head and make it work for you put that in your pipe and smoke it mr devil [Laughter] hallelujah you can make it you can you can bring the power down and make it into something other than what the devil meant it to be amen hallelujah you can turn it around in other words so praise is your recognition of what he has already done for you and you're just saying what you've already done for me i'm going to praise you for it so that the power can come and turn it into what you've already done you've already redeemed me i'm just turning it into what i've already got in christ stand with me to your feet you know how somebody said i just want to know how to get god to move let me tell you how to get god to move praise him that he already has praise him that jesus already took that curse on himself he already moved in the plan of redemption hallelujah i'm telling you whenever the devil says he put bring something bad and you praise you know when you just when you just sing and praise and dance that's an act of defiance isn't it it's an act of dominion it's an act of i'm not letting you put me in that in that low place i'm not going there i'm not this is not your decision where i live i'm not living where you put me i'm living where i make make it the way god intended it to be amazing amen you have to have a defiance in your faith you know what i mean by that in other words you just gotta let's just say it you just gotta have an attitude you just gotta have it out like the little boys you know put him in the corner and he's sitting in the corner as punishment i'm standing up on the inside that's the way you got to be and walk out of the corner not the little boy but but the devil walk out of the corner and say you ain't putting me there i'm going to make this a place where i'm free i'm in a large place i'm not in a restrained place hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah when you praise when you praise faith comes out dominion comes out amen and you're deciding you're going to make it hallelujah this is our authority this is our this is our privilege of living this way all through my life satan has tried to put me in certain holes whether it's a whole of mental oppression or financial you know limit you know small places where i couldn't really do much or you know he just keeps he's always trying to push but see you can always you've got the remedy to get out every one of those holes every one of those holes amen well you know so-and-so won't let me someone said well let me well why don't you do something about it i'm not talking about fight them i mean we don't flesh it we don't fight flesh and blood hallelujah well somebody shout amen amen amen praise be to god glory [Applause] praise god [Applause] praise god hallelujah somebody said you just make me so mad no you can't nobody can make you anything you just get me so irritated no that's a choice that's you not walking in your dominion you know when they'll stop was when it stops working because they're just working and trying to get you worked up get you angry when it doesn't work anymore eventually they'll give up the devil's the same way ha ha trying to put you in a whole depression [Music] amen [Applause] take it if you want it if you don't want it leave it here i'm going to take it home with me i love living this way i love living this way amen father we're so thankful for the way you've given us to live the privilege of living in the authority of the believer we thank you father god that you have not uh you've not given us a life of bondage you've given us a life of large spaces large largeness of life grandness of living freedom liberty and uh father you've given it all through the blood of jesus we decide you're not going to pay that great price and let's not have it or not us not living the benefits of it we're making these things what you intended them to be in our lives hallelujah we praise you and glorify you in jesus name amen now somebody's going to have to go home and say all right i'm not going to think that way anymore [Applause] i'm not going to think hard thoughts i'm not going to think i don't enjoy my life or will enjoy what what my assignment is or no i'm not going to think that way it's our choice it's our choice amen
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 210
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 1sec (4021 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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