Praying Out Mysteries // Pastor Jay Eberly // April 5, 2021

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i said something to the whole congregation i think a few weeks ago or a month maybe more ago about the three things maybe it was during was it vision sunday i said it anyway so i'm having fun times flying but uh the the thing i said i wanted to focus on praying this year about was the plan of god and specifically three things concerning the minister the development of this ministry the progression of this ministry remember jude just one chapter remember verse 20. in the amplified well remember the king james first it says praying that when we uh pray in the spirit we uh uh oh i don't even remember the king james now but the amplified says make progress king james building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost building up yourselves king james says building up yourselves the amplified says make progress things get stuck when we don't pray in the spirit praying in tongues and some things the lord has dealt with me that that we prayed out when we first came or before we actually came he said you've walked out everything you prayed out he said this to me more recent times and he said there's some things that some more things have to be prayed out well we've been praying but yet he's saying focus on this focus on this and um and as i've prayed in the spirit about it there's three things that seem to stand out to me as far as some other things that need to be developed in this ministry when i say this ministry i'm including the church i'm including our traveling ministry and so forth and so on and in any way that you know the daycare all of it just anything god's having us do and there's three things and i mentioned these three things i'll bring them up to you again because i want you to remember these and and focus on these three as we pray number one uh no particular order just i'm just listening them here number one the traveling ministry there's more we've got to do in the traveling ministry the lord said to me recently he said i told you after you were i told you when you were finishing building your house i said there was going to be a season of rest after you build get the house built and i didn't know it was going to be coveted staying home so much but but he said that i said there'd be a season of rest but in more recent days just here in the last couple of weeks he said to me he said now based on what's that first peter 1 13 it says there gird up the loins of your mind remember that uh and uh and hope to the end for the graces to be revealed and so forth gird up the loins of your mind and he spoke to me in the context of the way they would you know the men wore dresses back then too togas whatever and they they would tie them up around their legs or their hips to run and he said gird up your mind for it's time to run again he just said this a couple weeks ago well i'm ready amen i don't know but i've been feeling a little bit like a caged tiger at the house you know what i'm talking about and uh so i'm ready and this time it's time for some things and he was talking to me specifically about some other uh some more things in the ministry he's going to be having us do and one of them is traveling more that's why the plane's necessary some people some people think it's all about a plane it's not about a plane that's just a tool i mean i was listening to people's testimonies recently about getting a car and i thought okay praise god for it but it was a car okay move on you know what i'm talking about thank god for those things but but it's about the plan that's what these things are about it's about the plan and so but he said to me uh three things number one more traveling number two no particular order i don't really remember the order he put him in but number two uh the uh some more uh internet media stuff social media kind of things more more broadcast more things to be doing in that respect and uh then number three does anybody remember these amen number three is planting churches and as i've prayed in the holy ghost i'll tell you how that came about because i started praying and it kept coming to me lord i've got to reach more people i've got to reach more people we've got to get this message out yes i mean thank god for the number of people we're reaching we're reaching this city and to a degree the families in the daycare people that come to the church we just had 15 people saved sunday praise the lord uh you know this community came because of the way we set up the service structured it for the kids to come and so forth i mean that's uh yeah that satisfies me i go home times like that i'm like yeah come on now by the way the lord dealt with me this is a little side note don't let me forget where i was at if i get off if i don't get back to it i'll have to you know be your fault you know but one of the things he's been doing in my heart the last couple of days he started a couple weeks ago and it's been stirring in me more in the last couple days he said you some of the things you've said about this city in this state he said you can't reach them if you don't have compassion on them you know i've said these iowa folks you know they cold in the winter and in the summer you know kind of you know some of the things i've said he said you can't reach him if you don't have compassion on him and he's been putting a love in in my heart for iowans now that's a supernatural work for the southern boy southern i thought you grew up in pennsylvania well it was southern pennsylvania [Laughter] but i lived almost as long in tulsa almost as long in tulsa as i did in pennsylvania and everybody thinks i'm southern because i talk a little bit like that you know i said where are you from and i say well you wouldn't believe it i'm from pennsylvania but i lived in tulsa for a long time anyway but he's been putting a love in me i look at the people and sunday i'm just just like thank god for these folks god loves them we're going to reach them god we love them amen if they're a little messed up well we still love them praise the lord we all came in messed up [Music] so he's been working at work in me and he's been dealing with me about what i say don't look at me in that sanctimonious tone of voice but anyway where was i starting churches that's the third thing and it all came out of me praying lord i've got to reach more people and and he gave me these three things to focus on now you might say well we know the will of god why don't we just go do it well you can know the will of god and not have it prayed out and boy you'll struggle to get it to happen i don't know if you've learned that yeah if you haven't learned that yet learn it right now there's some churches we need to start amen and there's some places we need to start churches i've already got two places in mind actually i got three places in my but uh praise the lord somebody said how you going to do that well it's going to take some help that's for sure [Applause] but we're not down here just to pay the bills and suck air we're down here to get the plan done you know and so uh it's going to take some help it's going to take some travel it's going to take that'd be a good place to use the plane i'll tell you especially when when two of the areas are either five hours or so well i won't tell where it is but longer than that think it's about seven hours if i think right maybe a little longer than that but in the plane i mean get the right plane hour and a half two hours yes hey man i mean you don't even need a bathroom break an hour and a half well let's put it this way i don't need a bathroom break in an hour and a half anyway let's get back to what we'll share romans 8 romans 8. now he's talking about prayer in romans 8 and this is something we have gone to many times i just keep getting drawn back here romans 8 26 27 likewise the spirit also helps our infirmities what infirmities do we have well here's one of them for we know not what we should pray for as we ought it didn't say we don't know what to pray for say we don't know as we ought we don't know what to pray for what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit king james says him itself but it's himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered now here's something that even now the now modern word of faith people don't know much about they're trying to put faith the prayer of faith and faith confessions on everything and some things are not working including praying for this nation that's not going to cut it the prayer of faith is primarily for you and your life where you have authority but it's not for uh things or realms of prayer where other people's wills are involved you have to hear that when other people's wills are involved the prayer of faith won't work when other people's how many of you know in this nation there's more people's wills involved than just the church and so you're gonna have to pray a different kind of prayer you're gonna have to pray intercession kind of prayer when it comes to this nation and this nation is in trouble without the church without the church interceding i'm not just saying that i'm telling you by the spirit this nation is in trouble without the church now you say well we're here so it's not in trouble well we can be here and not pray not use our authority not deal with the forces of darkness and still be in trouble you know but anyway when it comes to other people's wills being involved the prayer of faith will not work i want to scream that to some word of faith folk right now and i want to i want them to know it's going to take groanings these yearnings and groanings which cannot be uttered you understand the prayer of faith we believe we receive and then go make a confession of faith is not enough we found that out in this election people were trying to fake it i'm just i'm just saying i'm telling what the holy ghost told me it's going to take this kind of travail it's going to take getting into the spirit when you read the new testament about intercession and supplication both of them are done in the spirit here's mention here's intercession mentioned and he's talking about doing it by the help of the holy spirit under the anointing guidance and anointing and direction of the holy spirit listen if the holy ghost doesn't hook up with you with intercession and supplication you're up a crick without a paddle yes you understand so he's talking about this this kind of praying this is a different kind of prayer than the prayer of faith so verse 27 and he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god now it looks like he's saying in both passages that intercession is made for us in in 26 or 27 for the saints but if you look up the word for which the lord directed me to this and he said you don't make it intercessions to stand in the gap between two parties that are at odds with one another saints and and the father god are not at odds with one another that's right now if somebody is out of fellowship with god you could make intercession especially if their life is in danger that's really not supplication per se but but he's just talking about saints in general and they're they're not at odds with one another you can't make intercession for somebody who two parties that are at odds with one another intercession means stand in the gap between two parties at odds with one another and bring a reconciliation saints are not out of fellowship with god so when it says 4 there he's not talking about intercession for the church he just mentioned in the first part of verse 26 what he's talking about the the spirit helping the church he's making intercession helping the church and i could even go further into the word four i looked at the spirit of god prompted me to look up the word for and it doesn't always mean uh for in the sense of doing something for somebody in fact he said here that the spirit doesn't do something for us he helps us do it so it's not making an intercession for the saints he said the holy ghost doesn't do this without us he helps us so he's not doing it for us he's helping us but the word four doesn't always mean four in the sense of he carried that chair away for you or somebody somebody carried a chair away for you the word for also means to lift up to a higher place in other words he'll take you up to a place in prayer where you weren't without the anointing coming on you i i and that's a when the lord showed that to me i like oh now i completely understand it could have been translated in a much different way there but anyway all right so he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because he makes intercession helping the saints anointing them to pray in other words according to the will of god so what that verse is saying is we are to make the will of god a target for our prayer life for our faith in prayer now you're in the book of romans the eighth chapter we might get back there but ephesians chapter number five ephesians 5 says something very similar although it's not uh talking per say about prayer ephesians 5 look at verse number 15 it says see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil all right so then then the the amplified well let's let's read uh verse 17 wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is be not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is now the amplified says in the 15th verse live purposefully worthily and accurately not as unwise and witness but as wise sensible intelligent people why sensible and intelligent about what in verse 17 in the amplified be not vague and thoughtless and foolish but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the lord is so don't be uh inaccurate unwise witness but be sensible intelligent people in other words about the will of god know what god's will is it's wrong to not know what god's will is one reason is because we've got to give an account for it we can't stand before him and say i didn't know yeah he'll say i gave you all the tools to know yes sir number one the words the general will of god but number two uh praying in the holy ghost listen this is so important praying in the holy ghost is so important to fulfilling the will of god uh uh that you really cannot fulfill i know this is going to be strong some people won't like this but denominational people won't like this but that's what this verse is saying you cannot fulfill the will of god without being continually filled with the spirit and praying in other tongues because the very next verse verses say be not drunk with wine where in his existence be continually filled you can't fulfill the will of god without being continually filled here's the reason why because if you're not continually filled your mind will go down to the level of the carnal and you'll think carnally about what the spirit is trying to pass on to your spirit and you'll put carnal interpretations on it i've talked to i don't know how many people i've talked to who uh whenever they finally come and said under the word they realize that what they had in their heart what they put their own interpretation on it we've had people come here say i spent years in medical school getting ready for medicine and and found out whenever i got here that really the call of god on me was to have a healing ministry that's not speaking against anybody in medicine thank god for people that are in that there's a place for that and i believe god calls people to that but they found out by getting their mind renewed or maybe they were studying the field of psychology and they found out or they were thinking about politics they said under the word for a while they realized i got a call to the fivefold minister i got a heart to help people but i put my own interpretation on it what what happened they got they got their mind renewed and number two they started getting filler filler fuller and fuller of the holy ghost and they became wise sensible amen no longer foolish about the will of god that's good preaching pastor jay thank you and so uh really the will of god is mentioned here in ephesians and mentioned in romans it's mentioned many places but we are to make it a target for our faith that's just something you need to be praying about you need to pray about the plan of god for your life don't assume you know everything you should know amen don't just guess and go if you pray in the holy ghost you don't have to guess and go you don't have to just kind of you do like the world just say i hope this is right no you don't guess and go you see and no for the believer the plan of god uh the plan of god let's put it this way for the believer the plan for their life is already laid out it's not something they just kind of pick or choose or decide or mentally calculate it's something that god has already laid out and we'll have to give an account for it well i don't have time to pray about those kinds of things well then you'll have time to fail you'll have time to get off course or have time to live without answers and all the consequences of that that doesn't appeal to me now there's a person first john 5 4 whatever is born of god overcomes the world this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith it says there whatever i believe he's talking about people but he didn't the king james says whatever whatsoever is born of god that could include more than just people being born again that could include the plans that god birthed in your spirit because of prayer when that when something comes into your spirit birth by the spirit of god in your spirit because of your prayer life that will overcome the world that will come overcome anything thrown against it anything the devil throws against it the devil can't stop that he can stop you in your own plan but he can't stop god's plan when especially when you mix faith with it all the all the money you need will be there all the strength you need there all the all the wisdom you need there all the will be there all the equipment you need to do it all the help all the all the the the people that come alongside to to help you get it done or be there nothing can stop the plan of god if you'll mix faith with it and make sure you get the plan that god actually has not your own calculations and so forth hallelujah whatever is born of god you're not going to see that verse the same again are you whatever's born of god it'll overcome it's got in it what it takes to overcome glory to be to god hallelujah now paul said that this was important to him because in first corinthians 9 26 he said i don't run uncertainly and then he said i don't fight as one that beats the air in other words just missing the mark he said uh i don't run the king james says i don't run uncertainly the amplified says without definite aim how many of you know our uh our you might say movements our decisions and so forth they should have direction and purpose not just passing time they should have in other words they should be proactive on purpose not reactive to what comes up in life [Applause] [Music] you know you don't talk about that's the way a lot of people live including christians they just react to things listen you will never stay in god's plan just reacting to circumstances that's the ploy of the enemy he's the god of this world he'll bring circumstances to cause you to react to them to get you out of what god has in mind paul said i don't i don't uh my movement in other words is not uncertain i have definite aim the amplified says in other words i'm i'm deciding where i'm going because of the leading of the spirit i'm not just reacting well that dried up i can't do that anymore well what did god say what did god say amen well that door closed well stan if it's the will of god then you stand there and command it to open that's right amen amen yes sir well that door opened well that doesn't mean it's the will of god for you to go into there you know we're not reactive to circumstances and lead of circumstances we're led of the spirit tell your neighbor he's preaching better than your amen and already hallelujah so but ephesians 2 10 you know it the good life in the amplified the good life is on the paths that he's prepared ahead of time there are paths prepared for us we're not just picking and choosing guessing and going saying you know well let's take an aptitude test and see what i'm supposed to do in life or let's google it you know what i'm talking about that's all head stuff well my friends think this or they think that well they don't have the holy ghost most of them or their minds very renewed most of them amen so there's a lot of uh lives you know there i don't know if you've ever read this verse but in first peter 1 18 i'm not going to take time to go there because i've got some other things i want to spend some time on here they amplify the first peter 1 18. well let me quote the king james you remember the king james we were redeemed not of corruptible things but of incorruptible from our vain conversation somebody said i'm redeemed from sin that's right i'm redeemed from sickness that's right all the curse of the law that's right mental torment that's right poverty that's right but here's something you redeemed from from your vain conversation no that's that's king james elizabeth in english it sounds flowery it doesn't sound like that's much of a problem uh the amplified says redeemed ransom from the useless fruitless way of living many there's a lot of even christian life people that are that their lives still don't count for much it's still kind of a useless life they suck there they paid their bills but they didn't raise up another generation after them to know god they weren't in church they didn't bring anything to the work of god [Applause] they didn't help the work of god on the earth i mean if it was up to them the work of god's not going to get done just kind of a life that doesn't really count for him you know why there's a reason for something like that according to these verses it's because they they did they were unwise and didn't find out what the will of the lord was and second of all they didn't pray it out amen even though people are born again they they can live meaningless and futile just a just a life that doesn't really count for anything in fact some christians lives don't even count for society leave alone the body of christ not trying to be mean on anybody tonight but it's just aimless chasing empty pleasures bigger house nicer car listen it that's on the plan the good life is on the plan but you get to chasing it the devil will keep you out of the plan you follow god he'll bring you into that but you follow all that and you just chase money and the dollar and you know another this or another that or you know a house in florida for the wintertime i mean i'm not against that actually about two weeks ago to my utter surprise i had never had this thought in my life i i just came up in my spirit office on another house down south i'm like what yeah i i've never thought crossed my mind in my life i never really thought about it or even desired it so i don't know i'm just keeping my mind off of it but if there's a church down there it'd be a good place to stay for a few days and come back you know so if you don't get offended maybe we'll let you stay there you know see the weather report is going to be three feet of snow hey let's go south shovel the driveway up here for me okay well i'll be back in about i'll be back in about five days sunday morning i'll be back some of you don't like it but that's because you got problems anyway anyway so i hope sorry lord i didn't say that did i ah i'm redeemed from a useless life but i'm not chasing that stuff that's that cross you say well you're chasing that that never thought crossed my mind until a couple weeks ago i was praying and it just came up i'm like what is that never even desired it anyway so now that all of you are really engaged um when you pray in the spirit remember first corinthians 14 14 says when you pray in the spirit your spirit it prayeth and your king james says understanding is unfruitful notice that in other words you're under your mind doesn't understand what your spirit what you're praying in tongues out of your spirit but how many of you know you could say that he's not you could say this he's saying your understanding is unfruitful he's not saying your prayer is unfruitful there's a lot of people that think what's the value of praying in tongues just just i mean it's just gibberish isn't it just come on and it's you know they kind of look down on us for being simple minded to think that that's doing anything or saying but the bible i i've had relatives kind of make fun of me because of praying in tongues i remember one particular one and i said i said to all of them or wait till they all got in the room i said the reason you don't value this is because you never had any sound bible teaching on it it's hugely valuable it didn't bother me at all that they were so dumb [Laughter] amen the bible says don't be ignorant about things of the spirit you open your mouth and make fun of me speaking in tongues it just shows me you're ignorant about things of the spirit there's huge value in it it's not gibberish you're actually praying first corinthians 14 2 you're praying mysteries and how many of you know part of that mystery is what is god's plan [Applause] well why does god make it a mystery not so he's hiding it from you he's hiding it from the devil because the devil if he knew more he'd mess it up more yeah but he don't and when you get on the red telephone speaking in tongues he can't get in on that he's like don't do that you and he'll he'll try to harass you not to do it because see the reason he doesn't like you doing this because it's you just stepped out of him knowing what's going on and he wants to know so he can mess it up so he he tries to distract you remember the chicken in the refrigerator somebody calls something happens you get on your computer and you get distracted don't look at me in that tone of voice he doesn't want you praying out the plan he doesn't want you see the lord said to me one time mysteries prayed out bring revelation amen amen he's not having you pray mystery so he can sit up in heaven and nudge jesus and say they don't know what they're talking about but we know what they're talking about that's not what he's having us pray it it's a mystery we don't know what we're saying our mind is unfruitful but he's having us pray it because he wants to reveal it mysteries pray it out bring revelation well i don't know what to do shut that head down and go shanda bakhi shikhiyah mandaluya and start dipping down here and uh let him bring that up and as you pray that out the revelation comes out oh i like it you know here's here's a verse you need to go to right now remember jew uh let's see here where is this uh jeremiah jeremiah chapter number 33 you know this verse verse 3 call unto me and i will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not the the the hebrew actually says hidden things great mighty means hidden things things which the mind doesn't know we just read a verse that had that in it it talks about mysteries praying in tongues you're praying mysteries well there's there's parts of god's plan that we've walked out it's not a mystery but there's parts of god's plan that we don't know yet or if we do know it we don't know it as we ought like i got three things on my heart i've got you know traveling more i've got the the internet broadcasts and some other things on the social media and then i've got some things about starting some more churches this would be the mother church amen this is the base the lord has called this the base in prayer oh it's always just that how he refers to it the base amen but a good healthy church will give birth to new believers new churches ministries raised up ministers raised up a good healthy church will always be giving birth to you know fruitful see that's what that's what fruit is it's called fruit not activity fruit i don't i don't like activity i've gotten to the place i don't have time for activity i want to be purposeful i want to be accurate i want to be on track i want to what what what good is this doing what i'm spending my time on right now what is what is this bringing forth in the plan of god how does this make me progress so but anyway call unto me and i'll show the great and hidden things mighty and hidden things which thou knowest not so uh mysteries is what he's talking about and things that the mind doesn't know and the new king james says inaccessible things now with that in mind look at romans 8 again king james again verse 26 likewise the spirit also helps our remember here in in jeremiah 33 3 this is old testament so when we bring that through the new testament over over through the cross and into the new testament what do we find the spirit helps our infirmities which we know for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit himself makes intercession for us or helping us with groanings which cannot be uttered the amplified says too deep for utterance in other words up here we don't know how to express what's going on down here something's stirring yes yes and and we're like god's wanting me to there's something i'm supposed to be doing there there are times that there are different things he'll help you with here's something he'll help you with and this is something he's been talking to me about in more recent days he'll help you with when you get to that place in life where there's a divine say divine i'm not talking about a natural but a divine dissatisfaction now i'm going to help you with something here some people put their own interpretation on it and they think they always need a vacation or they need some time off or they sit down and eat the whole bag of doritos think it's a natural physical hunger or some need they have for for relaxation or recreation or something but it's many times it's much deeper it's a divine dissatisfaction there's something in your spirit that's trying to get your attention hey you're not listening to me there's something more god's trying to tell you something you don't know your head's not caught up with yet remember brother hagin talked about it he was pastoring and he said it was like washing his feet with his socks on there's something not right just something not right down inside there was a divine dissatisfaction there was a minister one time that asked him what describe that too this is in private describe that to us in more detail what do you mean that it was like washing your feet with your socks on he said well just everybody was irritating me i said oh jesus he said just nothing was i wasn't content with anything going on everybody everything was irritating me how many of you know sometimes it's not them sometimes it's us there's something on the inside going this i got more for you to do there's more in my plan there's there's more you know a lot of times when the spirit of god stirs us to pray it's because he has a he has a something further for us to know something further some further blessing he has for us some further steps he wants us to take and uh and he doesn't want us to miss it so he's stirring us to pray so we'll get into the knowledge of it number one we're going to finish talking about praying without giving birth to it number two but but there's there's oftentimes that divine dissatisfaction is is in your spirit uh not how do i say it it's in your spirit to get your attention without putting your own interpretation on what it really is am i making any sense tonight i'm not all by myself on this tonight am i you can you can get to the place in life where you have a divine dissatisfaction in other words it's put there by god in your spirit in order to stir you to pray what is it that i'm not settled about on the inside brother hagin said in his case he had his pastor in the best church they loved him more than any he had had past he passed some other churches but he said this church was the best church he ever pastored they loved him more than any any other church ever loved him and he said they were doing better financially living in a better parsonage they had more money they said the church was doing good the church was growing church was bigger than it ever had been he checked all the records every the church was doing better than ever had he said he had every reason in the world to be satisfied and yet something on the inside wasn't said just just a dis divine and he said he got to pray and he said well the reason he said it took him time to get his mind quiet about it but he said i think after a few days or however long it was he said the lord spoke to him said the reason because i never called you to pastor to begin with now that doesn't make that true about everybody that's dissatisfied but there's something he's trying to pass on to us when we got that divine dissatisfaction rather than just go through life living with that why don't we get quiet and find out what that's all about why do i get so irritated why am i not satisfied on the inside i remember when we were traveling in the full-time traveling ministry that i the lord was trying to get across to me about pastoring but i i wasn't listening i thought that was a step down to be honest with you i'm just being honest i mean you don't get anywhere being lying about stuff so i thought you know but but whenever i finally surrendered to it i described it to some of you i might have said it publicly we came here and we lived we just really when was the plan of god we wanted to get in the plan of god quicker than we as quick as we could so we just moved real quick and then we just got a rental house we didn't even buy a house we just fell let's just get up there we want to get in the plant of god so we bought this rental or i mean we moved in this rental house and i'll never forget it for weeks weeks uh you know i'd get in bed at night and she always takes her longer and so i'm laying there waiting for her to finish whatever she does over there in the bathroom and uh i just remember just laying there just waiting for her to come in i'm just laying there and and she would walk in night after night and see me there with this big chassis cat grin on my face and she said what are you almost she'd say i was almost laughing what are you laughing about what are you smiling about i said it's just so good to be in the will of god this is so good to be the will of god and and you realize before you stepped into that you were living with a divine dissatisfaction amen hallelujah that's why some people are so boring to be around they're just anyway i didn't say it about you just i was looking up at the sky when i said that wasn't it all right all right so pray in other tongues will help you pray those things out it might be a mystery while you're that way i mean god knows you better than you know yourself you might say ask yourself you might lay down and i say why do you act that way about that and you're asking yourself that question but you ought to ask the lord lord why do i act that way you start talking to you anyway just something you ought to be praying about hallelujah how many of you know praying in tongues enables us to pray about the unknown it's the supernatural means of communication with god uh because he's a spirit and we're spirits and god wants to he's given us a means of praying on his level spirit to spirit and we're enabled by the holy spirit to uh pray out things with our spirit in contact with the holy spirit when we're praying in tongues the holy spirit's given our spirit the utterance and it's a divine cooperation of our spirit with his spirit by the help of the holy spirit in us praying out the will of god you can't pray in tongues and pray your own plan you can pray in your mind pray your own plan yeah yeah pray pray your own plan out of your mind but you can't do it in tongues because notice here he said and here's the verse you can stand on for that it says he prays helping us in verse 27 romans 8 uh make its intercession for us are helping us according to the will of god you can't pray in tongues and pray your own will i could go further into that and explain that but that's just that's just good enough for now hallelujah so you're praying out god's plan apart from your mind and your understanding and that's what scares some people because they're like i got my plan i don't want to be messed up oh you you really do want to be messed up you want god to mess up your plans if you only saw the end of your plans you praying in other tongues is praying as the spirit gives utterance it's spirit-directed praying above things that you understand and beyond things that you understand you say i know all this yeah but are you doing it it enables you to pray more fully as you ought more thoroughly in your mind you can say lord like like some things that have already been revealed i just shared three things you know social media church starting churches and traveling more in our minds we know some things and we can pray a bit in our understanding with that but not as thoroughly as we need to pray about it yes amen as fully as we need to does that make sense he didn't say we don't know what to pray for because you you start praying in tongues and some revelation is going to come out but it's it's a little like this i mean the revelation can come out but then you're the next the question is how who where you know you know what i'm talking about i'm helping myself tonight [Music] so we we can pray in tongues and get more we can pray more thoroughly and more fully until we know completely what we need to know now i understand there's some things you just got to take steps toward before more revelation comes but sometimes you just you just know you're in the phase of praying some things out hallelujah so that's what we're going to do tonight we're going to pray some things more more fully more thoroughly amen some things that we don't know how to express an articulate speech it's too deep for utterance you might think of a few things to pray about and before long i mean maybe usually two minutes you've come to the end of your understanding about how to pray about that hallelujah you need to give yourself time to speak in tongues give give the holy ghost time to help you pray it thoroughly as you ought amen amen give yourself time somebody said well i don't have time well that's been the problem you've got the same time that everybody else has the fact is if god created 12 more hours in a day and now it's 36 hours you still wouldn't have enough time it's not about how much time you have it's about making priority for what's really important somebody said why is this important because you can run hard but if you're running the wrong direction you're actually wasting time bible said redeem the time here's one way you redeem it you find out what to do and pray it in tongues find out what his plan is so you're not wasting time running hard in the wrong direction because you don't waste all that time running there and then you got to take all that time to get back in the plan when you could have been using all that time for the plan or praying out the plan so really you do have time you're either doing your thing or doing his thing with that time amen one of our infirmities is we don't know everything but you don't have to go through life not knowing you've got the great helper thank god for the new covenant for the for the holy ghost and and the new covenant now proverbs 20 verse five i'm almost done with this section almost i'm getting to something here proverbs 20 verse 5. you can draw out remember he said he that counsels in the heart of man like deep water is a man of understanding will draw it out you can draw out what the holy ghost within your spirit knows by speaking in other tongues words are containers if i'm speaking out of my mind i'm speaking a portion of uh my what's in my mind i'm giving you a portion of the information in my mind if you're speaking out of your spirit by the help of the holy spirit you're speaking out a portion of what your spirit knows because the holy spirit's passing it on to your spirit well but i don't know that's the problem well wait a minute wait a minute you keep praying eventually it'll come up and then lighten your mind hallelujah i said hallelujah but you have to draw it up it doesn't always just float up sometimes you got to draw it up he said it's in there but you got to draw it out amen isn't that right hallelujah i said hallelujah hallelujah now the amplified of romans 8 describes uh let me read it here in the romans 8 the amplified i think i've got this okay i'm in ephesians let me turn over here you got a minute we're going to we're going to practice this tonight romans 8 starting in verse number 26. well we read verse 26-27 verse 28 says we are assured this is the amplified and know that god being a partner in their labor that has to be understood because a lot of people quote this verse out of the context the context is 26-27 yielding to the holy ghost help in prayer that's what he means god being a partner in their labor all things work together and are fitted into a plan for good to and for those who love god and are called according to his design and purpose a lot of people just think well all things are working together for good just thinking about everything that happens everything the devil's doing god's making that all work for good no that's not what he that's a thousand times no that's not what he's talking about he's talking about whenever you yield to the help of the spirit and let him partner in your labor in other words he's partnering by helping you pray out mysteries that's what the context is then you follow that out and pray that out mysteries prayed out bring revelation so you start walking that out and also praying in tongues makes a supply of the spirit to things so not only did you pray out the revelation you got the revelation now there's an anointing have been prayed out to help you accomplish that makes the supply of the spirit that's that's the whole another side of this but uh he said doing that things will work together and fit it into a plan for good in other words god's good plan comes to pass as we pray it out doesn't just come to pass for everybody there's a lot of things that don't happen even for christians that happen that are not god's will well god did that to work a good plan i mean did evil to work good i mean god's up in heaven doing evil things to work good plans no the bible said he's he's not uh you know a house divided against himself will stan it cannot stand he said and the bible said a good gift and a perfect gift comes from bob nothing evil comes from him he doesn't blow your house over or kill your child so so that you could learn to know him better or something people like that they need to be taken behind the barn people think that way take their head behind the barn clean it out amen open it up and dip something out of there that's wrong not you but anyway notice that fit it into a plan in the amplified fit it into a plan whenever i read that one day all of a sudden some things i'd experienced in prayer started making sense i don't know if you've ever experienced whenever you pray in tongues sometimes some of these things when you're praying in tongues the way he describes it here it's a plan starts fitting inside it starts something starts being formulated amen and uh the this what he's talking about is it's like things start starts fitting on the inside and when as you pray those things out um it describes that plan being formulated deep within your spirit and you cannot even expect cannot even describe it yet with your mind but as you pray in the spirit although your intellect and understanding doesn't understand it something's going on down here and something's being rearranged it's being fitted things are fitting inside and sometimes even when i get to praying in tongues my it bubbles up and i start laughing my head's going what and it doesn't understand what it is but yet something bubbled up something's being prayed out amen something's being fitted into the plan i'm praying something to fit into the plan how many of you know there's a place you fit and you're finding out where you fit and you're praying that way where you fit and your mind goes huh and you're up out of your spirit comes and you know if there's something that your spirit see the holy ghost knows things your your head doesn't know and your spirit knows things who's in contact with the holy spirit that your head doesn't know hallelujah this is where success is folks this is where you really succeed in life rather than flounder and have a useless meaningless throwaway life you actually find the plan and you closely walk in that plan your spirits develop to dominate you and not to let your mind pull you out of that plan or your flesh pull you out of that plan and you recognize the leadings of god and you just follow that rather than your head that's where success is tell your neighbor that's what i'm interested in praise the lord so it's being formed in your spirit as you pray it out and uh and uh life takes on more meaning more purpose it's not as much frantic activity running here and there and i mean it's just it's just smooth it's just the one phase flows into the next phase and the the things he's already got to do and come they at the time you think it's it's i'm just walking out as planned and of course you are but what you realize as you get into the next step you look back and you're like i wasn't just walking out god's god's plan he was preparing me for the next part of his plan i didn't even know it he was fitting this whole thing i love it i love it i love it glory be to god some people's lives are just like bouncing from here to there and in and out and you never that's not god god god's plan is a flow [Music] amen hallelujah praise god now let's let's talk about the last part of this i'm going a little long but uh let's look here at uh well let me just to save some time let me just read a prophecy uh brother hagin prophesied back in the 80s um i want to say some things here i'm taking a little longer than i normally do this came i don't know what year brother hagin prophesied this it seems like from the way some of the things were said which i won't read all the things that pertain to just the 80s he was prophesied some things about the 80s but it seemed like it might have happened in the beginning of the 80s maybe the end of the 70s i don't know but um he was saying some things about the move of god let me just start reading it yea says the spirit of god the greatest ministry of all is the ministry of prayer now actually you have to be careful about calling prayer a ministry but he's talking about bringing something to the people you know the ministry of prayer the greatest minister of all is the ministry of intercession even all the and even all the other ministries will fail unless the intercessors or prayers will take their place unless they take their place and stand against the forces of darkness and the forces of evil and will intercede and help to bring forth to bring to birth the move of the spirit the revival the manifestation of god's power in later years brother hagin realized there were some things that he was calling intercession that are actually supplication but but you understand that and won't get off to bring forth the move of the spirit the revival the manifestation of god's power and bring to birth that's what i wanted you to see bring to birth the ministries that god desires supernatural ministries to be in manifestation in the church but it will take those who will travail it will take those who will bring to birth those ministries and oftentimes the one who stands to minister may uh many will look upon him and and think oh he's a mighty man of god and he should get all the benefit but you see the reward will not go to him he will not be the one that gave excuse me he was not the one that gave birth to it he is the result of the birth the birth was caused by those who did travail until that was brought forth that god desired to bring forth so in this hour excuse me so in this day in this hour there is a work of god that has yet that that has not yet been wrought oh yes he was in the move of the healing revival he was in the move and instigated it and men prayed and brought about the revival that we call the charismatic move in the denominational church in the catholic church and what a mighty move but you see now you stand saith the spirit of god on the threshold at the door of another move another move of god now i contend i think uh i believe i believe you can judge this and tell me if i'm right i contend god's been trying to get this move that we are still only in the beginnings of all the way he's been trying to get this going ever since the 80s so this is still where we are amen uh he said but you see now you stand seth i'm going to repeat it again say you stand saith the spirit of god on the threshold at the door of another move another move of god somebody said my goodness pastor jay that's been 40 years ago well with god a thousand years that's the day he's not the one that we're waiting on he's waiting on us then he went on to say by the spirit here will it be brought forth shall god said then by the spirit shall i bring them to the birth and not bring it forth oh says the lord of hosts when zion travailed she brought forth her children you see it is not just the lord that brings forth the move for he moves through men he uses his church to do his work in the earth it is instigated by the spirit but you see it is zion that travails see he's quoting from isaiah 66 here verses 7 through 9. if you want to write that down i don't think we'll take time tonight but those verses talk about as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children and then it says shall i bring to through the birth and not bring it forth he's the lord's talking about that here and so you see it's not just the lord that brings forth the move for he moves through men he uses his church to do his work in the earth it is instigated by this by the spirit but you see it is zion that travails in other words we have a part in this so travail ye o ye intercessors you intercessors travail ye seek ye the face of the lord give yourself unto the lord and you'll bring forth the birth of that which god desires to do uh here he said in the eighties and you'll be glad and the reward will be great but see this is true about our day not just the 80s you'll be glad and the reward will be great and how marvelous shall be the results thereof hallelujah to jesus that's what the spirit of god is saying hallelujah so so i want you to see there and that's in line with some things even in the new testament we just read romans 8 it comes forth and somebody prays it out and and a lot of other verses but you can just write that down isaiah 66 7 through 9 people meditate on it as you go to bed tonight or something like that it talks about as soon as zion travels she brought forth her children in other words there's some things that won't be birthed unless zion travails he's using the illustration of a woman giving birth to a child and it's it's referencing prayer remember paul prayed for the church of galatians galatians 4 19 is it he said i travail in birth again until christ be formed he had travailed in birth to bring that church into being to bring those those into the kingdom of god amen we've had 15 30 sometimes even more people saved during one of these services some of these what if we spent more time travailing [Applause] rather than 15 or 20 or 30. it'd go to 50 and 100 250. yes sir amen i'm just saying i'm you might say i'm you know picking on you well what about me what if we off what if souls meant more to us and we really it mattered to us mattered enough loved them enough had compassion enough on them to where it was on saturday night we didn't watch a movie we spent our time praying for these people and i'm not talking about waiting until the ser to the night before either i'm talking about just living this lifestyle yielding as the spirit of god comes on us hallelujah but i want you to see two things he's not just talking about uh travailing for souls to be born again in this passage i mean this passage in this prophecy he's talking about travailing and bringing forth the move of the spirit and listen to this those ministries that otherwise would fail unless this kind of praying took place because these people in prayer stood against the forces of darkness i've had some things that the social media team knows this brian uh miss katie is course busy tonight but but uh we've had uh teresa's not here she's a pastor david some of the christine's have been in some of those meetings we've been working and planning about some things on social media for about two three years now and there's just something that's not coming forth well the lord's been dealing with me you're gonna have to pray this thing out all right i don't want to just do it let's just start and do it no let's let's pray this thing okay okay i'm supposed to get on there what am i supposed to talk about when i get on there am i supposed to talk about faith am i supposed to talk about the move of the spirit am i supposed to talk about prayer i know some things amen but what if we do it and it's not prayed out it'll go like this it'll just have so much reach but what if we do it under the anointing because somebody helped us pray this out and the forces of darkness to try to oppose it are dealt with you know the lord spoke to me about a year ago and said did you know your social media is being sent what's the word he used uh suppressed whatever the word he is the lord will use the word that had something to do with suppression i said us he said yes he said some of the ways they set up the algorithms and stuff they don't like the people of god that's true well we can deal with those things in the spirit your neighbor i don't know what you're thinking but you ought to listen hallelujah so these ministries that have to be brought forth need prayer and he said here that these things will fail without this kind of prayer isn't that what this prophecy said well let's get with it what do you say bring forth the ministries that this kind of prayer brings forth the ministries that god desires supernatural ministries to be in manifestation in the church but it will take those who will travail it will take those who bring forth those ministries amen well amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so let's spend some time praying tonight about these ministries that are supposed to come forth and even see we're we're here pastoring and seeing fruit even praying more for the for the work we're already doing so that it's more fruitful birth things i had experienced way back i don't know within a couple years of being here just first coming here where in the spirit praying some things out i saw the back of this auditorium filled with wheelchairs and stretchers in a healing i suppose it was a healing meeting i mean why why else would they be there well somebody said well why haven't we seen that it takes travail yes it takes that kind of praying amen
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 374
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7KBuAOvp7ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 58sec (3838 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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