The God of Restoration // Brother Andre Echols // September 1, 2021

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it is such an honor to be here um um i just think i thank my mom and dad thank pastors for uh trusting us you know this is a you know you all are just precious fruit you know it's like y'all y'all are there you know y'all are right there you know you're right there with them in their hearts so so so we we minister with great responsibility and uh great joy as well so um so i'm just so thankful for them as they are getting some good rest getting some good rest on this anniversary weekend and week uh they deserve it amen yeah they deserve it so uh we we just say that they are strong in the lord and power is might they are refreshed times are refreshing uh times of fellowship as well uh you know i i'm not sure you know pastor debbie go shopping i'm not sure what pastor jay be doing i don't know he said so but uh but praise god it is such an honor such a joy so um so yeah praise the lord well i have um [Music] it was interesting um as we uh see how to start this here hmm um do you know who your god is yes do you know who your god is do you know that he is the lord jehovah you know that he is the most high god he is the el shaddai the almighty god himself the everlasting god he is the god of eternity the god of the universe the god of ancient days do you know that he is jehovah rapha that he is your healer do you know that he is jehovah gyra he looked ahead and provided for you do you know that he is your intercessor that do you know that he went ahead and fought your battles for you do you know that he is the captain of yourself hallelujah oh my gosh do you know that he is your redeemer he is your rock high he is your restorer oh my god he is your fortress he is your strength he is your redeemer he is your love he is your joy he is your all in all i love how moses asked so what do i what do i say lord what i call you know and he just said you know what just say i am that i am i am the i am i am the i am he is the mighty god the father of eternity he is the prince of peace haha he is the rock of ages the crown of glory and beauty hi he is the tri-stone he uh he is the king in his beauty yes he is my leader he is my everlasting god he is glorious he is the holy one he is my portion my maker my my husband my or my wife uh [Laughter] god the god that we serve is such a multi-faceted god and and there's so there's so much which is why it's just like a lifetime of just fellowship and spending time with him that will take to actually get to know all of who god is i mean it's oh my gosh i mean every time you get a fresh like glimpse of oh this is you got it even if but i know this is this will probably have you know happen with you all sometimes where you realize you've read something it's like you've read something you know since you're kid and things like that but all of a sudden it's like a fresh revelation of something like oh i never saw that before you know that's what i mean there's there's so much more there's so much more uh uh to know about god and and it that's a that's a life a lifetime uh pursuit of just getting to know him you know it's just like when you're married you should never stop on the wedding day and just say oh i know you and we're done no no no no no no that is s-t-o-p-e-d you know if uh if you if you i'm helping some some marriage counselor if you if you think that that just uh that just by getting married you're done and that's no no it's it's a lifetime okay all right so right you get the point right [Laughter] all right so uh now [Laughter] so uh i was um pastor jay had asked you know as the minister and and i'm like all right lord i'm you know feeding on certain things and getting ready for the advance and praying about next level and things like that i'm like alright so so you know where should we go what do you want us to do and he and and i was driving home and it was like a download so much that i forgot that oh i needed to go get some gas and almost ran out of gas and i was like oh wait i gotta go maya is texting me are you okay i'm like oh i forgot to go get gas so because if i didn't get gas yesterday i wouldn't be here today so so i'm thankful i got gas but yes uh i was he told me specifically of of where to go today and it's it's one of the fastest one of the characteristics of our father and um and it's something that you're probably very familiar with but it's something where i think that you know this is for everybody this is for everybody and i want everybody to go to psalms 23. psalms 23 hallelujah father we just thank you for your word we thank you father for your the help of your holy ghost to to uh help me speak with clarity and boldness we thank you for utterance and uh father i just depend on you not my will but your will shall be done in this service so we thank you father in jesus name amen and you know what it's it's always good to uh to talk about who god is because the more you speak the more you talk about it the the the uh the more real it is in your life okay because uh uh and let's just say you don't have a understanding of everything but you know just keep talking about it keep speaking about it talks about that in uh philemon did i say right yes i did yes yes but by the communication of your of your faith by the communication actually the fellowship too as well you know that's how it becomes effective by speaking about it you know talking about it and that communication is also translated fellowship so hey talk about it with somebody else about it with somebody else i'll tell you this if you find somebody at your job where two or three that's all you need i started a new position and i was i was praying to god about you know give me some i i don't because i don't know many people there yeah i know some of but but i said give me somebody there that i can you know connect with and and um you know because i want to i want to make an impact there and i ca oh i kid you not i think the first day i met a pastor's wife she working in the library i'm just saying and there's more coming so you know but i'm just saying if you get somebody that you can uh talk to about the word of god you know but yeah all right i'm not sure why i said that that might that may help somebody but but here in psalms 23 it says in verse 1 um it says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want i shall not want ha oh my my my the lord is my shepherd he is my shepherd he is my shepherd he is my shepherd he watches over me he protects me he fends off the wolves in the in predators he he tells me where where the where i should watch out those those valleys you know he tells me where to go where the green pastures are that's my shepherd and because i follow him hey i will not want i will there was there would be no lack and praise god we got shepherds over us too oh that works the same thing with our pastors as well yeah if you feed on that word and you you and you and you receive what they're what they're ministering on oh there would be no wants that's in the office of a pastor okay that's out of the flow there that's your help that's your help there having a pastor okay if there's some place that you may be lacking you may be wondering where is that connection lucid with your pastor where is that connection lucid with that with the ministry of that word is there something that you got to get tweaked in get tucked in look i remember one time we were playing i think i don't know what year was at the advance and we had like uh uh like some kind of static or something in the in the lines of one of the keyboards and like you know probably didn't have to use the holy ghost on this one but we're like hey just plug it in and see what happens it was loose it was loose that's all it was it was a loose connection so there may be a loose connection somewhere where you know that uh something is not firing right or something like that so if there's something that you that you're wanting something you're missing take a look at that connection okay yep all right are you are you feeding on that word okay all right and i look i i get i get challenged with this as well okay uh you know we have the blogs that come out yep oh my goodness we got youtube it's it's there it's there okay all right so the lord is my shepherd i shall not want uh he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me down still waters whoo when you follow the leading of your shepherd you get to you get some good rest it's not it is not uh it's not you know rough waters but still peace there's peace there there's peace there and then it says in verse 3 he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and this is where uh i wanted to to take a look at one aspect of our father the god of restoration the god of restoration uh and that's actually i i have um i would say probably for at least two years or so i've been wanting to just feed on this but just haven't got that action that's been directed other places which is okay okay and i was just asking god okay what's the minister on for tonight and this is like that right there i'm like really so so when he does that i'm being obedient i'm being obedient but he is the god of restoration okay and um and if you read that he says he leads me down paths of righteousness for his name's sake he restoreth my soul he restores your soul he's not only interested in your spirit man because he's giving you a new spirit his spirit he's not only interested in healing your body because by his stripes you were healed he's also interested in your soul he's interested in those though the mind the wheel he's interested in those things that's why we have shepherds also to be the captain of our soul you know and uh so so he's interested in those things that's why it says in in third john 2 i wish above all things that you that you may prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers and um and god is in the restoring business he's in the restoring business and and uh one of the most famous scriptures i probably i don't know you probably know what it is most common scriptures that's you know you know uh out there you know you see it at sports games and things like that you know john 3 16. for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him shall not prayers but have everlasting life okay but if you keep going and actually i i wasn't planning on going there yet but if you keep reading there and john you keep reading there i'm gonna go there real quick sorry i wasn't i didn't have this in front of me but i want to make sure i said right because it's because people know they quote scriptures they quote scriptures they they know of they know of but they don't know him [Music] and we want to get to the place from the place of knowing of but knowing him so people know the scripture they know john 3 16. they know of that that that he did this but they don't know him and so and and they miss out on a lot of other uh characteristics of our father so it says and that was john 3 16 but check this out it says in john 17 john 3 17. for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world okay uh but that the world through him might be saved jesus oh his his heart was uh to to uh build that bridge that connect man back to god there's no longer separation there and then it says in verse 18 he that believed on him is not condemned but he that believed not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of of the only begotten son of god so here if you um if you see here he did not come to condemn he came to save he came to save he came to save okay one of his job descriptions is to save to restore to restore okay and um uh as we as we dive into this tonight briefly um you know i don't want you all i don't want people to to think well i don't have much to you know i haven't really done much you know i'm good you know i'm looking good mm-hmm you know and i don't want you to come from that heart because you know we're spiritual people we're spiritual people okay all right go to go to galatians chapter six i want to make sure we go here because i want to make sure everybody is listening because this is for everybody okay this is for everybody here and i just i just hear uh my my grandpappa dr defrane and and and it's interesting with of um the the the amount of uh power that flowed through him but the amount of love that flowed through him he had on his heart restoring ministers he always said several times several times and this is one of his i know matthew 6 was was one of his favorite scriptures but he always brought this out here as well you know we should not be shooting our own men or our wounded men and uh uh and he would dr defranco will always ask where's the where's the uh the compassion am i saying it right where is the compassion and and this is the compassion of god where he you know to restore so here in uh galatians chapter six verse one it says brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault uh ye that are uh spiritual restore such as one so and well let me keep going so in the spirit of meekness considering myself lest thy also be tempted bear you one another's burdens and and so fulfill the law of christ for if a man think of himself to be something when he is nothing he deceives himself so it i'm i'm encouraging you all don't come of you know thinking i got it all straight throwing stones or anything no no come with the heart of restoration to pray for your brothers and sisters to lift them up to to get guide them back to the word and back to their pastors of their help that's what we are to be doing as as spiritual people that's what the word did the word say that that's what we're supposed to be doing okay um and i tell you what some i mean i got to deal with myself you know sometimes you're like man i got to deal with this again i gotta deal with this again [Music] i gotta deal with this child again and then i hear i hear the holy ghost saying restore [Music] and he also reminds me remember what i did for you [Music] [Laughter] remember what i did for you so i i don't have a right to to throw stones okay so y'all can't throw any tomatoes at me no no rotten lettuce nothing none of that at all today all right so all right all right so uh so god is in the restoration business okay and um that's what we're supposed to be doing as well as ambassadors for him that's what we're supposed to be doing um so i want to go over to luke chapter 15. luke chapter 15. some may think well i haven't done anything major i haven't robbed a bank haven't killed anybody you know but actually let's but actually you know and we're about to look at this right here about uh one son of a father and um yeah let's just read this first before i before i say that so in verse 11 of chapter 15 a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that fall up to me and he divided unto them his living and i can only i can only hear or just imagine that the younger son is saying you know dad just give it to me right now i'm you know i want to wait for it just you know i want it right now give it to me right now give it to me right now okay and um and it's interesting because it makes you think that the dad probably knew his sons which is probably why he didn't give them give it to them you know at a certain at that time as it was you know at that time then he probably knew that one of them is going to waste it away he probably knew the other one's going to get jealous you know he probably knew that but it's interesting but he loved his son so much that he actually gave him the his inheritance he gave him his inheritance and um and you know this is talking about money and inheritance and things like that but i just put it like this as well this is one thing you got to watch out for okay because we as christians have been given an inheritance from christ all that we have in christ that's our inheritance so and this is he was dealing with me he's like man he's like you know how many times have you laid down your love or my love because you got mad at somebody talking to me you know um he was you know you like you walking around like man i'm gonna give them a piece of my mind you know i'm getting piece of my mind yep you gave him a piece of your mind you look stupid because you gave him your mind all right and then you gave him your peace too as well now you're the one that's this that's you know all mad and anxious and things like that you gave away your inheritance like you know you know so so that's how he brought it down to me it's like i got to think about my adherences that he's given to us in christ what he's given to me okay honor that inheritance but uh but then in verse 13 it says and not many days after the younger um son gathered all together uh and took his journey into a far country he left he went far away he didn't he didn't want to be seen interesting you know um and there he wasted his substance with wireless living okay so so here you saw what he did okay um but like i said you know we we do the same thing with some with with our inheritance of what we do okay so just got to watch out for that and then uh and when he had spent all there was uh there arose a mighty famine in atlanta and he began to be in want he he um he he started to he wasted it away um yep yep hallelujah hallelujah listen with your the ears of your heart listen with the ears of your heart yep hallelujah hallelujah so yeah he spent it he spent his um his inheritance okay and um and he went to the uh to the country this is verse 15. okay he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into fields to feed the swines so here he went far away and uh he got caught into the culture you could say he got caught into what people are doing there he started and and he went to work there okay and then to the point of this where in verse uh 16 and he said and he would feign actually let me read this in amplify this it'll read a little bit better this is the not the classic amplified but it says he would have gladly eaten the the uh the pods that the pig the pigs were eating but they could not even satisfy his hunger he got so hungry he was eating what the pigs were eating and it didn't satisfy him and no one was giving him anything to eat so he came to his senses he finally came to his senses okay and uh and i think when he says he came to ascension i think he had a change of heart he had a change of heart and he says i will arise and go to my father and i'll say it to him i have sinned against heaven so it's from what i can what it seems like he got his heart right with god and he's going to get it right with his father as well and um he sinned against uh heaven and before thee and i am no more worthy to be called a son thy son make me one of thy hired servants and um so here he got his heart right he repented okay and he was going to go back you know you may think well he you know he made it he got a whole speech cool but you know what i got to give it to him he was going back to his health that says something where you can humble yourself and go back to the place that that you know that will help you and uh um so so here he humbled himself he made a change okay and if you see in verse 20 and uh verse 20 says and he arose and came to his father but when he was yet far a great uh way off his father saw him this is god he is looking he's looking for his man or woman his son or daughter he's saying and that's the heart of the father he's not sitting back and just you know well he's gone forget you praise god i'm not god because sometimes i want to say that so but he said no he says he says i am searching i'm looking i'm looking i'm looking i'm looking that's the heart of this that's the heart of the father he's looking over here he's like is he over there is he over there where is he at is he coming back that's what god is saying he's looking for his man you know he's looking for him to come back home yeah you made a mistake but come back home come back home come back home that's what the father is saying yeah you made a mistake you made it you made a mistake something with finances or whatever you know what just come back home come back home you made a mistake you know uh you got an argument with somebody okay that's fine come back home come back home come back you made a bad decision with that with something that's fine just come back home god is looking for you his heart is to restore his heart is to restore that's the love that he has for you he looked far he was looking he was a great way off and the father saw him and had compassion there's that compassion there's that love and this is a just and this is this is another one this is he didn't come up and say he didn't walk he ran he ran he's like that's my son that's my son that's my son that was that was the expectation there yes i got him back now yes i got my daughter yes and he says you know and and he fell he fell and ran and hugged him kissed him just as just as he never left and the son was about to give his speech and say hey father you know he's going to repent and he was going to say you know what i'll just work for you and then dad said you know what don't even stop talking stop i don't care about that i got my son here i got my daughter back and he said um and then it said here you know he told his servants bring the best robe bring the best clothes bring the best the best threads the best drip bring bring it you know y'all like what a drip huh that means you dress well you know if you don't understand that ask him by the next level okay [Laughter] but he brought the best have you considered in the midst of our mess that we might have had god did not he did not say i'm just gonna give a little bit he gave his very best he did not withhold any good thing he gave his very best his son and he put a ring on his hand and she was on his feet as well so god is in the restoration business now you may be saying well that's great you know i wish every time you know i'm gonna say there's a mistake or something like that you know got restored yes yes the credit card company they'll they'll give me the finest linens every time i make a mistake you know because they can restore me right yes they're not gonna come and uh you know give you you know their best rings or anything you know you might have made a mistake at your your job or whatever your boss is you know he's not gonna you know give him the ring off your finger hey let me give you this employee you know no he's you know he may but you know most cases they're probably not but it doesn't it doesn't mean that there's restoration does not occur even though you may not see something manifested right then and there perfect example i know you're asking this yes i'm going to answer that question yes thank you for asking reverend richard robert i'm sorry not well yeah i was i was the thing about the randall greer actually he went to jail now he got his heart right and he received god's mercy in jail because he wasn't released immediately now that's faith right there to receive that even in the midst of that that you know yes he's still in jail but he knew he's he's he's he's uh he's been forgiven uh and he was he had faith that he's gonna be released i think didn't they did didn't they decrease the parole or something or shorten it time that was there i don't know the exact um timing of itself but the bottom line is is that he was in jail he made some mistakes he's talked about it before he made some mistakes god restored him he had to have faith that god restored him before he got fully out he had to have faith for that and uh so so your restoration process you know you may it may manifest in different ways it may come in mercy it may come in favor it may it may come in like you know a miracle you know um so if you go to actually go let's go back to psalms 23. it's just where he's had said to go tonight okay the god of restoration all right i gotta find where psalms is my but here we go psalms 23 so you can see this okay and um i'm just being obedient to what he said but in verse three as we saw earlier says he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake now um now let's take a look at this scripture let's break this down a little bit okay so it says he restores my soul he's leading me down the path of righteousness for his namesake who's doing the leading who's he god is doing the leading god's doing the leading all right then let him lead i know it's just like simple right you know y'all were looking for something special come on i'm just a city boy you know i just you know i'm just come you know i'm just reading as i said you know [Laughter] he says he restores he leaves let him leave let him leave now if you're going to let him lead you know in order for somebody to be the leader who what has to be there you got to have a follower all right let him lead you be the follower man we can close the service tonight let him lead okay what did god tell you to do what did he tell you to do because your leading process may be different for you know between somebody else's like that's what i'm saying with it with the with the with that prodigal they call the prodigal son i guess with that story there you know what you saw with his leading may be different than somebody else's leading okay it may be a leading us that says all right call that company let's say you made a mistake and forgot to pay something whatever call that company humble yourself okay that's a leading and you're like well man nothing's going to happen you know no but he said no call him call him that's your lead he's leading you he's leading you it may come through some wisdom here's a perfect example uh god is teaching us about how to um set money aside be more wiser and things like that so we're learning some things and we did that starting this year for our vacation and uh um but there's a portion where it's like before you know in between this and that where it gets a little tight and uh we got some wisdom from someone and they're like you know what if you know this is gonna this comes every year why don't you start at the beginning of the year right duh that was a leading now it came through somebody because you know what god can god can help you uh through somebody else god can god can use other men and men and women as vessels for him to speak to you okay um but so that's the question what did he say for you to do so your leadings may come in some wisdom it may come it may come in some correction it may come in direction um so it may come in different forms but what is he saying to you let him lead you okay let him lead you um and in order to to lead in order to be a leader be a follower be a good follower did you know what a disciple what disciple mean the follower of christ that's what we are that's where we are just follow just follow um pastor jay said this um i think last oh my gosh okay no miss anne minister last sunday last wednesday and by the way she just knocked it out and i'm you know um i'm like man this is like some tough shoes to follow now you know after missing so uh but pastor jay said this he said you know and i think he said this in the in the blog as well a good minister will not only minister god's promise but also man's responsibility god will do his part but he's waiting on men to do their part okay god will make it worth your while to meet the conditions of his word so there is a part that we have to take within this restoration process god restores us but but you know what it's not it wasn't just for us to stay there and and not change our mentality of certain things okay i'm going somewhere here there's a responsibility that we have that we have to do as men and women uh for the the true restoration process to actually fully take effect or have some type of efficiency in our lives because and if you keep reading that scripture there it says he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths say paths now if there's a path that means you got to walk down it right who's doing the walking who's leading who's following y'all smirk y'all pretty smart y'all getting this so as you are uh as he's leading you as he's leading you you got to walk you got to do something you got to walk you got you have a part to do it you have a part to play because that with that leading make it like i said it may come with correction may come with direction instruction wisdom and it's not for for you just to sit on oh that's good that's good work yeah yeah yeah that's good no no no no it's intended for you actually to take it and do it and do something with it we talked about hey you know he's the restore of your soul right um and your soul is your mind willing and emotions okay um the the thing about this is that uh with the the mind what are we supposed to do we're supposed to renew our minds okay and pastors have taught this a renewed mind isn't until there's a change of mentality so if we're doing the same things we haven't fully renewed our minds that's part of that restoration process that's part of walking it out we have to take that time to renew our minds with the truths or whatever that is in that area you know like for us we you know we're renewing our minds with certain changing certain things with our finances to make sure that hey okay we're going to do this you know because i tell you what when he told us to start putting some things aside for vacation i'm like oh this is great this is why didn't we start doing this before didn't renew my mind to it so so so when you're restoring part of that restoration process is you gotta renew your mind you gotta renew your mind okay that's how transformation comes transformation comes by renewing your mind change comes by renewing your mind restoration comes true restoration comes by renewing your mind praise god hallelujah hallelujah yep um the uh it's funny it's like you know gps you know when you're driving and uh i think we're going i think we're going somewhere in oklahoma or something like that and and um i was like i think we're supposed to go here and you know and it was the wrong one and and gps was it was i i got confused i guess with it and we ended up having to drive around for another what 10 miles or something like that i think and you know you hear the gps saying recalculating recalculating recalculating recalculating recalculating you know and we don't want to be driving around here recalculating recalculating you know we shouldn't be walking around in our lives recalculating recalculating recalculating you know the uh i want to see somebody develop it's a witty idea you know a gps that has like you know you know uh you know a voice of a woman that has an attitude or something like that now i told you go this way did you hear me what i said did i study i told you [Laughter] i just i'm just saying that would be a hit if somebody i don't know i mean they got voices and stuff you know there's one they even have like one for uh cookie monster you know that yeah cookie monster yeah yeah it's like turn lights turn right you know ah you know you've arrived hahaha not cookies so but i'm like man if they have one with a woman it's just like you know i'm just saying you know i told you to turn up don't make me take out my earrings all right all right so so uh once again she didn't proofread my sermons late tonight [Laughter] so so we we're not supposed to have lives just going around in circles where it's like recalculated recalculating no let's get good at listening to what he's telling us to do and that restoration if you want i mean it's like you know it's like a train let's say you know a train has a lot of momentum you know when it's gone when it keeps when it's going and let's just say you got this certain situation where it's just like it's just traveling just like a freightliner just just and it's like man how do i get this thing to stop this is where you have to tap into your father the god of restoration because you know with like train tracks if you want to change the direction all you have to do is like you know pull you know have a whatever conductor or whoever it is engineer pull a lever instead of going this way you have now gone this way all it takes is one little switch one little switch one little adjustment but you got to follow those tracks got to follow the leading of those of that tracks there to to go that way instead of going the way where is it going and and there's i mean this is this is the how rich and how full god you know god's mercy is he is the father of mercy because there is nothing too hard for him there there's nothing too hard for him nothing all it takes is one switch so you know there they're going to be there may be some paths that you have to take you know it may look like wisdom it may look like you got to put on some forgiveness it may look like you got to you know you need to humble yourself you may um you know what it may need to be maybe along those paths maybe yield signs that say you know what you need to put on some joy there may be some yield signs that say you know what you need to you need to uh have your care there may be some youth signs that says you know what you need to fill yourself up by being be being filled by by praying in the holy ghost there's some yield signs along those paths that's that's giving us some some signs to do something and we got to yield to those things and do it and act upon those things those things are helping us uh to restore hey it talks about in ephesians that he is the redeemer of time so when you follow those yield signs when you walk down and you follow the leading of of the the god that restores this hey you're going to have time redeemed for you he is the redeemer of time that's a part of that package of your your the god that restores your father that restores i like to say father because it's more personal i'm not saying god is not but yes you know but just you know because he's my daddy yes sir because if there's if there's an issue you know sometimes you got to go go back talk to daddy that's what the sun did that's what the sun did that's what the sun did so it may require to put on some joy it may require to to you know uh hey say you to dance you know uh so so along those paths that's why i say pass okay pass he leads me down the path of righteousness righteousness right standing there is right standing places of right standing on those paths they are pace they are they when you follow that path of righteousness then you are on the path of right standing and he that's a that's a gift that is on those paths for you just receive it just receive it just receive it hallelujah hallelujah so i'm going to read this here uh this this is some of the download that he gave me while i was driving i think crazy i didn't i didn't get an accident no just need to get some gas though but don't run away from the restoration process whenever you are restoring something something has to be removed i'm just thinking about with mr thomas he uh he restored cars frankenstein and the indian he did you know you know put black engines here and this like that and like oh i like these chairs i put that in there whatever you know but if he uh if you're restoring something okay let's say let's just say you got something from the junkyard or whatever you're like oh this is cool this is a you know a you know chassis of something i'm gonna restore this and you to remove some things right you got to remove some things and uh but to finish the job to keep it going not only do you remove it but you got to put something else there right you gotta put something else there so whenever you are restoring something you gotta you gotta you know uh put the word back in there okay don't just leave it you know empty just bare put something there put what does the word say about it what does the word say about it something has to be put back in place to make it new or to make it of value again or to even give it give it more value than what it had before this is what g this is what jesus did for us removed that old man that new man came in and we got we are new value new value this is where the renewing of the mind comes in and this is why such fellowship with your father um helps put things back in order it helps put things back in place this is why we have pastors and and other ministers and other other fivefold minister office to help render fit to make things put it back in his proper place all to put things back in proper order now i'm gonna say this restoration sometimes hurts sometimes it may not be comfortable we got some um direction about a particular thing that uh uh we were involved in and the direction was you need to probably say we can't continue with this anymore and on the flesh it wasn't that easy but we knew this was our answer so we had to like with gulp and fear and trembling [Laughter] and say hey we need to step out of this we need to you know take care of this and and praise god because of being obedient to that to that wisdom things have been restored things have been restored okay but sometimes with restoration it hurts because you got to remove certain things you know it's like you know you you're restoring uh that old coffee table or whatever you know you got that you're like trying to get the trying to sand it down it hurts i mean that that table like ah you know i it hurts because you're doing that you know but that's the part of restoring it that's the part of restoring it oh and yes it may hurt but you know what oh once it's all done and complete oh how sweet it is how sweet it is look at that mighty work of art look at look at look at how beautiful that that that is look at how beautiful uh that restoration is look at look at this this it's like brand new brand new restoration comes with removing renewing correction direction instruction inspiration and impartations these are things that protect your life it's protection it's protection so if you keep uh if you keep reading psalms 23 it says yea though i walk through the valley of shadow of death i will fear no evil art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest the table before me in the presence of mine enemies and thou anoints my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me i tell you what along these paths you have you have his goodness and his mercy praise god you have his goodness and his mercy he is that merciful that he forgave you and he allowed you to partake in his goodness he still says i you know what you receive me and i am calling you to be holy and blameless you are in my love you get that you need access to my goodness in my mercy and they will follow you for all the days of your life all the days of your lives and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever which is so important of why you gotta this is why you gotta have a church that's why you got a church this is why you got a church that's where you can see the mercy it's where you can see the goodness that's where you can see the mercy and the goodness now i'm gonna leave i'm gonna end with this all right now i can't say i know what everybody's uh you know how how things will be restored but i'll say this go over to philippians hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god you know when you make the change when you when you changed your heart and also you do what he's telling you to do you see the results of it you see the results of it and um and in verse 19 here chapter 1 verse 19. he says this is this is paul here okay and this is one thing that i just encourage him with with with us you know with our with our family as we talked about in galatians chapter one or chapter six there you know restoring each other praying for each other here paul was in jail but he had he had people praying for him he had people covering him and he said here in verse 19 for i know for i know that this shall turn my salvation this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer this shall turn my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ he knew that this thing will turn he knew it will turn you may see something in the front of you right now and you may be wondering man how is this going to turn how is this going to change how is this going to do this you know what you keep staying with the word you keep following his leading you keep following what he says on those paths of righteousness and that too will turn that too will turn to your salvation that too will turn there is nothing too hard for him nothing too hard for him this is something of which you can take to the bank you can take by faith and you say you know what you may have this this i like black pastor uh nancy she had all those bills and she's like she just went to do her nails she went to the air and they did her nail whatever that looks like i don't know but she went to do her nails she did her nails because she knew this too will turn too shall turn and your situation whatever it may be it too shall turn it shall turn it will turn to your salvation and it is all available for you on the in the on those paths of righteousness ah that is your god of of restoration that's your father that is his heart to restore that what was lost that is his heart he is the redeemer he paid he paid the price for it all everything's taken care of he paid the bill for it everything or whatever is needed for it's all taken care of it is it was on the cross he's done it he's redeemed you the bet the the bond has been paid for it's it's been restored so whatever that is this too shall turn this too shall turn this too shall turn this to shelter hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory thank you father the god of restoration hallelujah that's his love that's his love that's his love hallelujah all right if i with all eyes closed please hallelujah father we just come to you right now just thanking you father for your word and um i just want to say here for those that may be here that may say you know what this is going on that's going on hallelujah hallelujah this is your opportunity to just say father forgive me i receive of your love and your mercy and your forgiveness i know that you are my restorer and i give it all to you so i lay down my myself [Music] humbly at your feet and i receive of your wisdom and your guidance guidance [Music] hallelujah so if there is anyone or or any anyone that needs to get something straight this is your opportunity i'm not putting anybody you know i'm not trying to embarrass anybody or anything like that it's between you and the father [Music] and we say father for those that are committing their prayers to you father we thank you for your mercy for them for all of us and we thank you father for your wisdom we thank you for your direction it is your love and when we receive of it so father i just say right now that our eyes of our understanding are enlightened open up our eyes so we can see what do we need to do what are you telling us to do ask for that for your wisdom and your revelation what do i need to to learn [Music] and we thank you father lord we thank you for your help we thank you for your help [Music] and i'm going to open this up here as well if uh if there's someone here today that doesn't know jesus and doesn't know who you are and you may be wondering man you know i know that i know that that love is there i know that mercy is there and and i want that [Music] this is your time your opportunity to receive of that he didn't say come perfect he just said come as you are [Music] he said i have love and mercy for you and my and my arms are wide open for you so if there is someone here today that may not know jesus and you you you want to receive him into your heart to partake in the goodness and his mercy with all eyes closed heads bowed if you'll be bold enough just raise your hand if you are if you want that [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah well father we just thank you for your word tonight [Music] we thank you for your love as you just loved on us thank you for your help thank you thank you for not holding back your best for us hallelujah we thank you father hallelujah praise your father glory glory hallelujah why don't we just stand up just worship him for a little bit thank you father [Music] hallelujah praise god let's just thank him thank you father lord oh we worship you father we thank you we thank you we thank you yes yes we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you for saving us thank you for your mercy thank you for your forgiveness thank you thank you father [Music] yeah thank you father you know one of the uh [Music] one of the things that helps with that restoration is gratitude i'm just reminded of those the the lepers 10 lepers only one came back and he came back with gratitude and jesus said you're not only healed but you've been made whole that's complete restoration so having a heart of gratitude is so important it's so important to help with that it's like to seal the deal yeah hallelujah so we thank you father lord thank you father thank you father oh we thank you we thank you we thank you father hallelujah praise you father lord thank you father [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] i praise you father it's pastor debbie hallelujah hallelujah we worship you [Music] we glorify you we magnify and adore you you're the restorer of my soul you're the one who made me whole we glorify [Music] and worship you we lift our hands to you we praise and worship you too [Music] we thank you lord for making us [Music] your eyes run to and fro [Music] looking for me to make me whole we worship you [Music] we glorify you thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord [Music] you made me [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you made me whole [Music] when i was lost i knew not what to do but your love pulled me through thank you lord for making me home thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord for making me whole we worship you [Music] we worship [Music] you you lord [Music] thank you lord [Music] hallelujah thank you father hallelujah [Music] thank you father for making us whole thank you father for restoring my soul thank you father hallelujah hallelujah thank you father you father that gratitude is faith that's that is what keeps your faith active in whatever situation it is [Music] i have that attitude of gratitude that's gonna help you through hallelujah praise god hallelujah praise god well thank you father thank you father well we hallelujah hallelujah we thank you all i got some help [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah take this with you all take this with you all take this with you all praise god
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 130
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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