Faith and Perseverance // Pastor Jay Eberly // August 15, 2021

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hebrews chapter number 10 verse number 35 a good old stable staple verse cast not away therefore your confidence cast not away therefore your confidence that's a word for faith which hath great recompense of reward in other words the payoff is big time here's how you get the payoff has great recompense of reward there's a reward on the other side of not casting away your confidence [Music] how many of you know god wouldn't have to tell you not to you know cast away your confidence another verse says uh hold fast see if you're holding fast you're not casting it away hold fast the confession of your faith so all these verses don't cast it away hold fast the confession of your faith god wouldn't have to tell us to do that if there uh you know wasn't going to be something come to some opposition come up against us to oppose our faith and if every time you believe you receive you saw it immediately so these two verses cast not away your confidence hold fast the confession of your faith uh and others we could look at many we will look at some these verses tell us that when you pray about something and you get into faith enter into faith about it there could be two things happen time might pass and you see nothing otherwise why would he have to say don't throw that confidence away because time's gonna pass sometimes and you're not going to see that it happened doesn't mean nothing's happening or doesn't mean nothing did happen jesus himself and luke i mean in mark chapter number 11 he's the great passage of faith where he taught the great truths of faith there he cursed the fig tree the setting is the cursing of the fig tree and whenever he cursed it it was 24 hours before they could see anything happen he walked away and he couldn't see anything changed isn't that right 24 hours later peter called to remember to remember the fig tree that you cursed with it away and so jesus said have faith in god told us to have faith in god so sometimes whenever you and then he goes on and says believe you receive when you pray and so sometimes whenever you believe you receive sometimes whenever you speak a thing and get into faith because you can get into faith by praying you can get into faith by saying right sometimes when you release your faith let's put it that way whether it's praying or saying you might not always see anything happen immediately well if we had great faith like jesus we'd see it immediately well jesus didn't see anything for 24 hours it dried up from the roots that's where you can't see didn't look like anything was happening for a while amen but jesus walked away and uh didn't keep his attention he didn't keep looking to see if something happened he believed something happened amen that's what that's what we want to focus on this morning we want to look at just not casting away our confidence and not looking at you know keep checking keep checking keep checking keep checking keep checking to see if anything's changing well it's just an indication our attention's on the wrong things so uh if you don't see anything immediately i mean well let me say it this way when he says hold fast the confession of your faith when he says don't cast away your confidence that implies some time might pass before you say lookie there it is looky looky sookie sookie you know time might pass and second of all along with some opposition that will come against you in other words sometimes time won't just pass time will pass while opposition comes my brethren but james 1 tells us what to do count it all count it all joy when you fall into those times praise god why because there's a reward on the other side of not casting away our confidence the reward is something better than you're experiencing right now i believe in going from glory to glory don't you amen something better than what you're experiencing right now i don't believe life ought to be boring and dull i believe life ought to be full of things happening and god working and the world says if it's not one thing it's another i took their phrase but i use it in the in the blessings of god if it's not one blessing here it's another blessing there amen praise god hallelujah so so there's a reward poke your neighbor and say the reward is something better than what you're experiencing right now but how are you going to get into that through believing god for a day and then saying well that faith business doesn't work i tried that faith business you know that faith church down there they preached faith but i tried that that doesn't work well you really hung in there didn't you for for a whole seven minutes [Music] go over to hebrews the sixth chapter verse number 12. people have the wrong idea about faith they think you're going to always see it immediately no you always receive immediately if it's something in line with redemption you know but uh look here in hebrews uh you don't always see what she's received though that's why he said believe you receive if you saw that you received you wouldn't have to believe you received how many of you believe you're sitting in a chair congratulations not a single person believes you're sitting in a chair you don't have to believe you're sitting in a chair you know you're sitting in a chair you can see you're sitting in a chair believing for things you can't see i believe i've got a heart i believe i've got a brain that's right i've never seen it but i got evidence of it [Laughter] okay look at hebrews 6 12. hebrews 6 12 oh i thought i had this one written down let me turn to it and this is a good verse you need to put this in your spirit and and ruminate on it that's a good farm boy expression for chew the cud meditate on it that's what it means look at hebrews 6 12 that you be not slothful that means lazy but followers or imitators the greek night actually says of them who through faith inherits the promises huh how do you get into what god said is yours well you just believe god you know boom there it is no how many of you know farmers don't plant seed and then put on a hard hat and a helmet or goggles and and back up and protective gear and say okay the seeds in the ground watch out boom there comes the corn get the combine george you know no it's faith and perseverance we on our side of the county where we live there's i don't know four four or five weeks of dry rain i mean dry rain [Applause] oh my dry rain okay all right it's a new scientific phenomena you know all right oh my god lord let's help me get this service back all right no rain four or five weeks of no rain that was funny i can't even blame anybody on that one but those farmers had to persevere i mean you know what i'm talking about so there's times seasons in life to where it's just dry rain you know it's just it's just we may as well laugh i mean you know let's look at this verse again hebrews 6 12 be not slothful lazy how many of you know he's not talking about getting out of bed and working the job he's talking about being lazy in faith you can be a workaholic in the flesh and lazy in faith [Music] be not lazy in faith we could say and we read the rest of the verse we see that's accurate but imitators of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises now patience in the new testament king james i should say other translations will translate it better it doesn't mean sit by and wait you know you tell your child because it's it's uh you know told them okay we're going to go to disneyland and you know the dates you're going to leave is in three weeks but how many of you know there is it today is it today you know just be patient just be patient that means just wait but that's not what it means in the bible isn't that right patience in the bible just take for example hebrews 12 verse number one two three down and through there where it talks about let us lay aside every weight seeing we're compassed about with these great clouded witnesses less at every weight and notice run run with patience the race well the patience means sit by and wait uh that mean that means run by sitting by and waiting i watched a few of the olympic races and and i never saw any of them when the gun went off sit down and wait isn't that right they got up and ran and they the word patience should have been and newer translations will translate it perseverance yes it means endurance it means you don't quit in other words you're believing god tomorrow just like you did today and you're still joyful the third day and you're still rejoicing that the word is true hallelujah so believe god be an imitator of those who through faith and patience or perseverance inherit the promises tell your neighbor you need some perseverance that's what it means don't cast away your confidence hold fast to your confidence hold fast to your confession of faith and do it joyfully that will help you hold fast hallelujah because now now when we say that you could think well that means go over to a passage of scripture here i think that will help us rightly divide something here because i think people get the wrong idea when they hear that go over to first peter here i think let me check make sure ii peter ii peter chapter 3 verse 9. ii peter 3 9. i'm going to pop the clutch in a little bit second peter 3 verse number 9. look what he said here he said the lord is not slack if you look up the word slack it means a sluggard or not not performing his responsibilities if you look it up he's not slack concerning his promises in other words he's not someone who promises and then doesn't watch over that to perform those the bible said he watches over his word to perform it so he doesn't he doesn't just lightly say something a few months ago i told a minister friend of mine there's a particular subject he's really really uh well really skilled in really certain things that and i told him i said uh you need to write a book on that the body of christ i need to get out to the rest of the body of christ because i had something in my spirit to sow into it you know so so financially into it and he said i know i know my wife keeps telling me like who i've seen i see if the wife's telling him i know i'm hearing from god and uh so i said i'm i'm giving you my word right now that i'm going to sow 500 into that book now when i say things like that you know it goes on a list of notes that i write things down that i gave my word on because i don't want to forget that because i want to be like god i'm not slack concerning my promises i got a list of things like that amen but see i've done it in the past i'm thinking of well this is 10 years more than 10 years ago somebody i knew was supposed to write a book and they said they were going to write a book and i sowed i forget i think 500 or a thousand dollars into it and uh they haven't read it they haven't done a thing to write it since so i decided okay i'm not doing that anymore i'm going to say once you start writing it tell me you know i'm talking about just a little just i learned that it's not that i don't want to put seed in the ground i just don't want to put in bad soil anyway so the the uh that god is not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness in other words it looks like some things that he said aren't coming to pass let's just take this let's just take the last great harvest of the souls of the earth if you went by what's going on what it looks like is happening in america right now you'd say that doesn't look like that's coming to pass but it ain't over it's not over amen amen i don't know if there's if god's waiting on a fat lady to sing i don't know but it's not over keeping some of you awake don't take offense and think i'm against ladies i'm not i'm just amen it's not over he's not slack concerning his promises as some men scout slackness look at what he said but his long suffering to us word what i thought we were waiting on god he said right there he's waiting on us isn't that an interesting verse he's actually it's actually us he's waiting on he's long-suffering to us word isn't that interesting not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance some things are delayed not because of anything on god's end but a delayed response on man's end i've learned this that while if i'm standing in faith for something some things do take longer but not because of god not because he's slack not because he's slow but he's they take time because of me it takes me time to lay hold huh or it takes me time to respond he would say do this whatever it might be it might be go to this meeting it might be sow that seed it might be whatever and and he starts here's what i've learned about god working for me while he's working for me he will work in me he'll work in me to get in me get me in position to where i'm receiving i don't know if you understand what i'm talking about or not go out while god's working for me he'll work in me amen he'll work in me so uh praise the lord i said praise the lord he wants to it's it's him the bible said there's a couple of verses here i want you to think of think of uh philippians 1 6 being confident of this very thing he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of jesus christ he doesn't just work for you and me he works in you and me that's philippians 1 verse number 6. he that began a good work in you in you in you will perform it until the day of jesus christ now philippians 2 13 for it is god which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure amen sometimes that work in us is a work to keep us from casting away our confidence you know you've got to look at faith as a force sometimes people put put the force of faith in motion and then they stop that motion what if i am uh driving somewhere and i i go but then i keep stopping i go for 10 minutes and then i stop for an hour go for another five minutes or let's let's let's let's apply it to the faith life what if i go to church and release faith for an hour and for three days until the next service i'm just not doing anything am i making sense now well god has to work in us to keep working for us he has to work in us to keep us active in faith rather than encouraged in church and then discouraged whenever nobody else is around no wonder things take time how long how long would it take you to get home if you drove for five minutes and kept and then every five minutes you stopped for three hours but that's what we're doing you know maybe not all of us but sometimes people are doing that they come to church and they're oh that's right i believe in god i'm believing god then they get out of church and i don't know what i'm going to do it seems like i'm always behind just i don't know just so such a struggle this god doesn't seem to come through for me he works for other people but not me maybe we don't say it all but those thoughts and those thoughts rob our confession and we are not holding fast the confession the first thing that goes is confession that's the first thing that goes amen so are you glad you came this morning you remember uh that's what he means here whenever he's not slack concerning his promise but he's long suffering towards us he's actually waiting on us so how quickly we get serious about faith and patience determines how long it's going to be a lot of times the the process of renewing our mind can be quick the process can be uh short we can we can uh i mean it can be long excuse me it can be quick or it can be long we can just kind of play games and play church games you know what i'm talking about we're just humoring people by showing up but we're really not doing anything with what we what we heard we're not renewing our mind we're not casting down thoughts that say it didn't work you know it's not going to happen come on and so when with that kind of uh lazy faith that's what he meant when he said be not don't be slack don't be sloth don't be sluggered don't be lazy in faith with that kind of lazy faith god can't hardly do anything because he does what he does through us through us he doesn't just do it out here in the air independent of us he does it through us amen hallelujah so a lot of times in these areas the pro the problem is you know the problem with people's lives not looking like the word is because their lives are living with lazy faith it's excited for a little bit and then it's a little like i don't know why this shouldn't be called oh faithful you ever seen that geyser and we've seen pictures of that geyser in yellowstone national park called old faithful i don't remember how many ever uh so many hours it it shoots off people are like that every now and then they just get excited and have an explosion of faith and then for nothing for days there's nothing that's true pastor nancy was talking about momentum we don't gain momentum that way. amen uh pastor debbie and i learned after a number of years that it pays to keep on keep on keep on faith and perseverance faith and perseverance faith in first grade eventually you gain momentum and things start to snowball amen and things that just people say this is hard no what's hard is having momentum in the wrong direction that's what's hard but if you get momentum going in the right direction actually things things work quite easily the things of god work praise the lord this is going a little different direction than i planned but this is all good so he said he's long suffering towards us and so people they they they just give up and throw away their confidence and the devil says boo or they get a bad report or some fear hits them in the middle of the night or something and and and uh it's like it's like everything's gone that they once believed you know what i'm talking about and we've got to get their eyes and get their attention back on what god said back on what god said back on what god said that's ann's job day in and day out back on what god said what did god say what did god say what did god say people are asking too many questions when there's only one question they need to answer what did god say not when not how not through whom not not why is this not working not that's not your question your question is what did god say that's all faith is interested in that's all faith is talking about and you're holding fast your confidence in that in your confession in that amen hold fast hold fast people give up so fast but it said hold fast hold fast means hold hard grab your notebook hold on to it hold fast to your notebook you know what you know what i just implied by telling him hold fast that notebook i just implanted i'm going to try to get it away from him isn't that right hold fast means hold hard see hey man [Laughter] some other people are saying i'm not going to sit on the front row ever i'm never going to sit on the front row [Laughter] amen now think of think of galatians 6 9. go to galatians 6 9. galatians 6 9 says let us not be weary let me well remember the context let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things means sharing financially and so forth uh what's the next verse how does the next verse start be not deceived god is not mocked whatever a man sows that shall he also reap he's talking about sowing into the gospel the preaching of the gospel be not to see what whatever man sows that shall he reap what's the next verse say he the sows to the flesh of the flesh reap corruption he the souls of the spirit shall the spirit reap life everlasting how's the next verse start let us not be weary in well-doing stop right there what's the well-doing in the context here sowing to the spirit sowing to the gospel i right i mean it could apply to other things but that's the context sowing be not weary in sowing giving sowing seed isn't that right don't be weary in that don't be weary in well doing what's to say for in due season we shall reap period huh no in due season we shall reap if what we faint not now what's the thing what's faint mean that means we quit we well that doesn't work i tried that that doesn't work no it didn't you didn't try that it tried you and you flaunt pastor that was hard well that's that's the truth of it [Music] you and i don't try the word the word drives us all of us we're no nobody has a special edge on this we've all lived by hearing and doing the word a man or a woman with a miracle ministry and can have miracle signs and wonders flow through them where people are healed left and right and so forth and so on they themselves are going to have to get healed on their own faith that gift is not for them it's for it's for ministering to others and they themselves are going to have to lay hold hold fast and stand sometimes [Music] and not give up not quit stand on the see a lot of christians don't realize there's faith there's healing that comes by faith in the word only and then there's healings that come by gifts of the spirit and however you get it either way you're going to have to stand to hold fast to it because satan apparently whenever i illustrated with you know him saying hold fast that was an indication i'm going to try to get that away from and see god's not trying to get your faith away from you but satan's after your faith the bible talks about several places the trial of your faith your faith is going to be tested the devil will come and oppose it well i'm not going to confess that pastor you don't have to it'll just happen jesus said in john 16 33 in this world you will have tribulation i'm not going to say that doesn't matter you're going to have it anyway you're in this world where satan is out there he's going to oppose you he's not necessarily happy you got saved or that you're in the bible getting your mind renewed he's not necessarily thrilled with that he's going to oppose you he's not going to just let you waltz into all the blessings of god without hitting you with fear and doubt and and and symptoms and contradictory evidence and people lying and telling you things that aren't true every step of the way sometimes he's going to hound you and hit you in the with with thoughts yes sir yes [Music] he's not going to congratulate you you you got saved and filled with the holy ghost and you go to the spirit of faith family church [Applause] well then i don't want to get saved or i don't want to go to that church or i don't want well what's the alternative be defeated be lost no no i'm not going there amen so cast not away so be not weary and well doing in due season you will reap how if you faint not that means we'll reap if we don't quit if we don't cast away our confidence quit what well if we don't quit using our faith if we don't quit obeying the law of sowing and reaping if we don't quit let me say it this way if we don't quit when god is working in us remember the parable jesus gave the para john 15 the parable of the vine and the branches jesus said there's remember we mentioned many times there's five different levels of fruit bearing there remember the vine in the branches he that bears no fruit that's one level no fruit he purgeth it i mean he taketh away but if any man bears fruit that's another level he purges it that he might bring forth more fruit and then he talks about much fruit and then he talks about fruit that remains and we want to get from one level to the next what is fruit it's just simply results from the word getting getting results from the word standing on the word and seeing that come to pass if it if it's the word about uh controlling our thought life keeping our mind that will keep him in perfect peace his mind has stayed on thee then we practice keeping our mind on the word and saying what the word says and and resisting other thoughts so we can have peace now we can have a little bit or we can have no peace we can have peace we can have more peace we can have much peace we can have peace that's going to be the rest of our lives so take every area of the word and there's different degrees that you can experience different levels you see that all through the bible the parable of the sower he talks about you know three kinds of ground don't bring forth any fruit but then one thirty sixty and a hundredfold we read the in parables that jesus gave about the uh first the blade then the ear then the full corn in there that's that's that's progression that's more fruit that's that's the the best god that's moving towards the best god has but how do we get from one level to the next in john 15 he gives us the answer for men in john 15 verse number two remember that if a man abides in me and i in him same he'll bring forth fruit and then he says what's he say there what's the verse two say how does it start out every branch in me that beareth not fruity takes away every branch that bears fruit he what purges it that it may bring forth more oh oh here's how you get from one level to the next purge yes purge it that's just it you know my baby got cancer and i'm being personal no no no no no read the next verse now you are what clean that's the same greek word translated purge in the previous verse clean through how cancers and tornadoes and bad things happening and that's god trying to purge you he's trying to teach you something no no no no now you're clean through what through the word pastor said you might say pastor i know this but you might know it but not like you need to know it i might know it but not like i need to know it clean through what going to church and hearing the word that's part of it that's where it might not be all of it but that's part of it i just don't know why this keeps going on this keeps going on we'll keep getting purged there's the work that needs to happen in you there's the work that needs to happen in you so he can work for you we like to think we're all that in a bag of chips when it comes to faith how many have you ever thought you were all that in the bag of chips i'll raise both hands i thought i was all that but just a few years down the road i look back on where i was and go no wonder anybody know what i'm talking about no wonder my faith was so full of dross the dross of fear and the draws of worry and the dross of my mind being on the problem and the draws draws draws that that it was hard to conduct god's power no wonder it took so long see there has to be a work in us to really allow him to work for us and the work in us is cleansing us from all the dross all the you know we we believe god in church for an hour and then we go home and worry for the rest of the week or we don't ever get much washing done because we don't show up in church but once three once every three months amen and just and keeps telling people keep on coming i wanted to go down to staples and get one of those things that says what's that thing say at staples that was easy i want to reprogram and say keep on commenting because that's just getting dross out just getting dross out just getting dross out and listen it's not glamorous but stick with it stick with it stick with it well that power those waves came through in camp meeting and i got nothing well what are you going to do wait till next year's camp meeting no get in the word wash wash wash wash and do it again tomorrow morning my flesh doesn't want to get up i'm tired say shut up flesh i'm getting up and washing my mind with the water of the word this morning why would we expect anything to change whenever we're not changing so so we need to recognize here let us not be weary in well-doing in due season we'll reap if we faint not if we think not if we have this habit of continuing to quit or get our attention i'm just telling you that's ann's biggest job getting people's attention back on the order getting people's attention back on getting people's attention back back on back back back back just back back up back back where did your mind go where did your mind go wait wait wait where'd you go hey wait wait back back back back back it is written and before she's done she's got him back in peace again hey man just coming out different than i thought people just cast away their confidence so easy they they don't recognize how satan does it and because they don't recognize how he does it they're not skillful in stopping him they take the bait for three hours or three days and they're out there you know wandering around in anxiety for a while until until they get back in church and like oh that's right oh what was i doing we got to stop that habit don't we so uh it doesn't take god long he said we'll reap if we faint not i think this don't faint includes the process that i'm talking about in us does that make sense it doesn't mean if we just until god gets around in his good time to get our harvest to us no i think it's a process of not fainting when he's working in us to purge things out of our thinking and out of our believing with all this dross that's mixed in when i say drost you realize that paul not paul peter he mentioned over there in first peter chapter number one he talked about uh the trying of your faith and he talked about being tried with fire fire burns he said tried with fire as pure gold fire gets the dross out of gold amen and they say gold is one of the best conductors of electricity that there is so what he's saying is he didn't know anything about electricity back then but we can apply it to today to conducting the power like gold will conduct electricity the power of god our faith will conduct the power of god and the more dross we get out of it the better of a conductor we are and that getting the dross out of us is the process in us that's the process in us and most people aren't willing to go all the way through that process i have learned go over to luke's at luke chapter number eight we i didn't know this is gonna happen this way this morning look at luke chapter number eight luke chapter number eight look at luke 8 verse 15. remember the four kinds of ground verse 15 of luke 8 is the fourth kind of ground the good ground that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart having received excuse me having heard the word keep it and bring forth fruit with yes oh brings forth fruit with patience now luke's account doesn't record it but mark's account and matthews 2 actually talks about for the four kinds of ground also this this talks about all four kinds of ground but but in the when it come to the good ground luke's account didn't say what the other count said it brings forth fruit some 30 some 60 some 100 fold you know what a hundredfold is that's the best you can get out of the word probably none of us there the full potential the full potential the full potential is best the best god has remember the bible says the good acceptable and the perfect will of god um thank god for whatever we use to prop us up financially whatever we use to get through tests and trials physically whatever it might be whether it be loans or you know operations or medicine thank god for all those things but let's not sit around saying this is the best oh goodness isn't this aren't i hum danger i'm getting the best no this isn't a humdinger you're not a humdinger i'm not a humdinger yet we got to look in the word and see what a hum danger is huh always having all sufficiency in all things at all times isn't that right the head and not the tail above only that doesn't that means you get around anybody you get around you're still above them above only and not beneath shoes i'm not there we're going through faith and patience then he said with joy verse 15 the good ground well honest and good heart they receive it having heard the word they keep it and bring forth fruit with perseverance perseverance say perseverance that means not quitting we've studied that so without in other words how do you because mark and matthew described it as 30 60 and 100 fold luke described it as uh brings forth fruit perseverance so how do you go from 30 to 60 perseverance yes i'm getting a little results out of the word but how do i get more perseverance i remember someone said to me one time i was believing god for a certain amount to come in to take a trip and uh this is how much came in but it wasn't enough i said that's a lot better than you used to do yeah but it wasn't everything i needed yeah i know but just keep just keep persevering your faith will get there to where everything you need is always there but i was trying to encourage them because they're looking they're looking at it as a negative i said look at us as a positive have you ever believed for that much money amen and it come in yeah but it wasn't enough yeah but you've never had that much money come in we've got to get our yeah on the right side you know hallelujah just keep on keeping on just keep on practicing just keep on exercising just keep on doing the work when you feel like it when you don't feel like it we don't practice the word on whims this is a lifestyle with us amen amen whoever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them i liken him to a wise man build his house on the rock he's he's doing it as a lifestyle not on whims not just on sunday mornings not just whenever and here's one not just whenever the going gets rough i believe god i speak my faith all the time about many things a lot of things are working real well for us but i just speak it anyhow all the time i don't want to get lazy i don't want to get flabby in faith i don't want to i i want to keep on stretching i want to keep on reaching i want to keep on giving bigger and giving more and obeying the spirit and responding to the spirit quicker but here's what i wanted you to see in mark uh well it's luke's account here luke 8. this parable of the sower and there's four kinds of dirt right yes and the good ground is only one-fourth of it right and then in the good ground which is only one-fourth 25 percent the good ground is only 25 percent in the good ground only a third of the 25 percent which is what is that about eight percent somewhere roughly uh seven eight percent gets the full potential why because many aren't willing to go through the process persevering through getting all the dross out of their faith they show up to a camp meeting and then they leave and back to their dead church amen if i want to be good ground i got to persevere in this process and whenever he's changing my thinking and working on my thinking and saying and saying your thinking has been hindering you in this area i got to go through that process sometimes it's painful on the flesh but counted all joy counted all joy amen whether it's the word that led us into uh perseverance or whether it's a test or a trial that made you get ahold of the word either way count it all joy you getting anything out of this this morning praise god this is going a totally different direction than i planned to go but people are so ready to fling away their faith and say see that doesn't work no just stay in there and and be and let the process happen let let god teach you how this works even whenever it's not working just stay in there you you don't get the dross out of gold by holding it outside of the fire you jump you put it in the fire some things you just got to jump in but i don't know what i'm doing you'll learn [Music] i've seen parents train their kids to swim that way they're always right there you know what i mean i've seen parents throw infants in the ba in the in the in the pool they're right there you understand what some of you need [Music] kicked off the edge of the pool you know what i'm talking about we're right there for you when we just say swim swim swim i threw a little bit i can't can't here i'll hold you up paddle well they don't have any love down at that church that's more love than you realize you're going to need to be able to paddle at some place in your life praise the lord praise the lord people don't like it when you when you when you kick them out of the boat so to speak or kick them out of the nest praise god so um are you glad you came this morning the only one question you need to ask what did god say just stay with it praise the lord all right let's wrap this up um but like i said many the very fact that there's many exhortations in the bible we didn't even get into three of them i don't think but there's many many many in the bible exhortations to perseverance that means there's going to be opposition and that means sometimes time's going to pass and you won't see what you believe you receive now that doesn't mean nothing's happening because jesus said when you pray believe you receive so we're not counting god's slack concerning his promises you follow what we're saying we're just holding ourselves in faith and and let's wrap it up by going to this verse go over to philippians 3. chapter number three uh how to find it myself here philippians 3 is where paul said i press towards the mark you remember all that and uh the prize of the high calling of god the high calling is the ultimate the best god has for us then he said i count not myself to have apprehended verse number 13. but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind reaching for those things which are before i press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ let let us there for as many as be perfect perfect doesn't mean we don't have to make any mistakes perfect means wholehearted going after it that's what i mean by just getting out there in it just go after it i have more respect for somebody that just jumps in then waits back on the dock until they get every little little piece of understanding they need you can wait for the rest of your life so he said as many as be perfect or wholehearted they just get in be thus minded high-minded press minded amen reaching minded reaching for what's ahead press-minded as many of you perfect with us mind if any man if anything you be otherwise minded god shall reveal even this unto you i like that verse so what he's saying is just start going for it and if there's some area of wrong thinking he'll reveal it to you but you'll learn a whole lot better out there just going for it you know what i'm talking about then you ever will sit and back okay pastor teach me that again why don't you get out into it and let god teach you you've been taught 7 500 times almost not quite you know what i mean just get out just get out when i'm waiting for all my ducks to get in the room i found the devil will chase your ducks about the time you get him in a row wanna go quack quack quack quack quack he'll keep chasing your ducks around you just need to get your ducks going in a direction you know what i'm talking about praise the lord hallelujah patience or perseverance let's use the word perseverance is a companion force of faith amen if you've got a spirit of faith you don't just believe god for a day you believe god and you just keep on going and if there's something you need to know while you're going you just say god you said you would reveal this to me if i'd be wholehearted just go for it you'll reveal some things to me how many of you have ever just launched out into something and then whenever pastor preaches it just makes a whole lot more sense just get it just means so much more because i'm not just sitting here just packing this in my packing what i hear in my spirit i'm actually out doing this and and that's exactly what i needed i guess i get i get what he's saying right now those are the people that come to church excited because they're out there putting it to use and they're like okay okay i'm gonna learn some more today what i'm already doing and he'll reveal unto me what i don't understand praise god and if you get out there launch out and you only get 30-fold of what's available well you learned a whole lot while you're getting 30-fold and you learned a whole lot so that you'll be able to learn to apply to get to the 60-fold god is interested in doers not just church pew warmers praise the lord stand with me i'm a doer praise god you know a lot of things come to pass in stages the bible talks about steps of faith we're of those who like abraham take steps of faith hebrews 4 i mean romans 4 says amen take one step take a step what if i what if i uh don't don't uh what what if i don't know enough well you learn how did you learn to ride a bike by watching videos riding bikes huh huh give me another video mommy i want to watch another video that that another video isn't going to do you any good you got to get out there get on that bike and start pedaling if you fall in the ditch you fall in the ditch but you learn something people people play it safe in faith and that's why they never get this that's good [Music] you need to you need to be dangerous i don't always preach like that but just seems like it came on me this morning just just stop playing it safe get out there and it's where oh god's gonna have to bail me out this time peter got out there and got a bail out on the water didn't he he learned something while god was working for him he worked in him glory [Applause] glory to god get out of the boat get out of the boat get out of the boat get out of the boat praise god next time i see you i want to see some wet feet well what if i'm wet all over we'll just pull you up and say at least you went for it congratulations at least you went for it [Laughter] i think jesus was more pleased with peter out on the water than those those dry people back in the boat hallelujah [Applause] [Laughter] glory to god glory to god i'm telling you i i lit a fire on the inside of me this morning thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise be to god praise be to god praise be to god amen amen amen amen amen somebody got something to sing praise the lord well the lord the lord told me three weeks ago to sow that seed and what you're sitting back in the boat for well you know i don't know maybe i don't know maybe i need that for rent i've needed a lot of things i've given away amen hallelujah [Music] we have to be full of joy as we go through this journey glory to god [Music] all right hallelujah full of joy and i've got the victory i'm full of joy and i've got the victory i'm full of [Applause] nothing joy nothing nothing can't keep me down nothing can make me sad [Applause] full of away and i've got the victory i'm full of joy and i've got the victory i'm full of joy and i've got the victory now [Applause] every step of faith that i take i'm gonna follow the leading of god i won't bless down i'm gonna press into what he has oh yes i'm full i'm full of joy and i've got the victory i'm full of joy and i've got the victory i'm full of joy of joy and i've got the victory i'm full of joy and i've got the victory down praise god amen praise the lord thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus [Music] praise god hallelujah [Music] how many of you have watched us talk to you about how lord dealt with us with about aviation years ago and the lord said now phase three and you watched us take steps to train the pilot and then the lord spoke the other day about some connections where there's a supply for us and things see when you take steps more revelation comes amen but you got to keep taking steps and just persevere well well what if what if i miss god well at least you missed trying i think god would rather us miss it try and then sitting back in the boat [Applause] amen how many of you know your child rides that bike they they might fall over but you don't say that's it you'll never ride a bike no you encourage them you get them up and you you dust off their knee put a bandage on it and say let's get back on that bike amen hallelujah
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 180
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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