Responding to the Holy Ghost in Prayer // Pastor Jay Eberly // July 26, 2020

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let's go over to the book of proverbs the 20th chapter and we'll start here i got a lot on the inside this morning i don't know if you'll pull real good we'll get it out and uh i i have been if you weren't here wednesday night we posted that video i think the it wasn't the first the live stream didn't get it all the live stream didn't get the part that i really wanted those who weren't here to hear so we reposted it with the first part um you know the prayer time posted and i really wanted to encourage everyone to get that and listen to that um i go home from services like that just buzzing i just i just it's like yes yes because um it gets over into a flow of the spirit that i am accustomed to in other settings and sometimes every now and then it just hits in the auditorium in here have you noticed that and uh so there were some things prayed out and the lord put it on my heart to uh to say to the congregation that those things are demonstrations of the spirit the spirit not only wants us to we don't we not only want to read the bible and understand what the bible says about the things of the spirit whether it be the flow of the spirit in you know whatever ministry healing or whatever uh but but whether it be that or the flow of the spirit in prayer uh the holy ghost wants to demonstrate he doesn't want to judge preset preset precept precept he wants to demonstrate i came to church wednesday night this past wednesday night i came to church ready to teach on praying praying in the spirit and rather than talk about it the spirit demonstrated it and i went home going woohoo yeah [Laughter] and so but i didn't say anything in the service about this is a demonstration um but but to learn from to watch and learn from but i want to talk about that this morning and talk about what we should have learned out of what happened on wednesday night amen because we need to not just say isn't that wonderful how god moved on pastor well this is not yeah god god there there might be a few things uh that happened because of ministry that we stand in and so forth but this is not something that ought to be unique to just the ministers the flow of the spirit there's an anointing to pray there's there's praying in line with the word with our understanding and then there's praying in the spirit and uh what happened wednesday night was a demonstration of praying in the spirit and there's so much i can't even get it all out this morning in here about what we should have learned out of watching that demonstration because i didn't plan on doing that any more than i planned on going to the moon the day after yesterday which is today i i didn't plan on i mean i just had a prompting you know brother juan was up there i think he had already gone to the platform to give the announcements and that was it wasn't the anointing was not on the announcements everybody said praise the lord finally pastor no but i just sensed there was something god wanted to do and i knew i had it and i just stepped up there and just started drawing out of what's on the inside of me did you turn to proverbs chapter number 20. proverbs 20 is is what the lord put on my heart to talk to you or to use as a springboard this morning to dive into what we're going to be sharing um proverbs 20 verse number 5 counsel is in the heart of man like deep waters but a man of understanding will draw it out everybody say counsel and notice he said there are things in our spirits that we must draw out now that that says counsel but ii corinthians 4 7 says we have a treasure in our earthen vessel talking about our spirit man has a treasure of the things of god on the inside there's a treasure everybody say treasure so there's much more than just counsel thank god for counsel isn't that right that's on the inside of us how many of you know the counselor himself lives on the inside of us but many heavenly commodities reside within us how many of you know strength lives on the inside of us we can draw strength out of our you could read this strength is in the heart of a man like deep waters a man of understanding will draw it out isn't that right um direction how about how about direction direction is in the heart of a man especially we've run this through the cross and brought it over into the new testament we have the spirit of god living in us and he's our god he guides us and and bears witness with us so we can say direction is in the heart of a man like deep waters but but but say but but that's not enough in other words circle that butt right there what he's saying is the fact that it's there is not enough for you to benefit from it there's things on the inside that are there for our benefit god deposited them there for our benefit now i'm not saying inherent in every human being because they're they're born in this earth i'm talking about through the new birth we have many many things deposited into our spirit do you know that god came in with all that he is the holy spirit came in with all that he is yes so he has given us uh you could say direction is in the heart of a man how about uh uh how about comfort the comfort of the spirit is on the inside of us well why don't i have comfort because there's a butt in that verse there's more to it than just the fact that in other words us benefiting from it there's more to us benefiting from it than it just being there remember jesus said in john 14 peace i leave with you my peace i give unto you but he didn't put a period there he said therefore don't let your heart be troubled there's something we've got to do to walk in peace the fact that he gave it to us is not enough there's there's a side man must understand what to do in order to walk in peace let not your heart be troubled one of the big things is keep our mind from being troubled by you know uh learning to keep our mind on the lord there's a lot to peace but back here to comfort there's comfort in the heart of a man but you and i have got to learn to draw it out uh help is on the inside in every area uh the way of escape is on the inside if you're in a situation you have no idea how to get out of the holy ghost knows exactly how to get you out of that how about this there's things that god's put in your heart that he wants you to walk in and you have no idea how to get into them how many of you know the holy ghost knows how to get you into things i'm walking in things today i had no idea how to get into it but i just followed this for all of this follow this follow it before i knew it here i am standing in it but there's something else that i want to focus on this morning let's put it this way let's we could say uh prayer is in the heart of man like deep waters but a man of understanding will draw it out now why would i say prayer because the holy spirit lives on the inside of us and he is our helper in prayer the spirit helps our infirmities for we know what no not what to pray for as we are there are things that the spirit on the inside of us is endeavoring to get to help us to pray about there's things that came out on wednesday night that that i ended up seeing into the spirit realm i don't mean i was in trance i mean into the spirit you get more conscious of of what the spirit is saying down on the inside see i closed my eyes and i'm almost there right there and and you you become aware of what the spirit is wanting you to pray about i had no plans to pray about a nest of wickedness how many of you okay so if you didn't listen to wednesday night you're not sure what i'm as soon as this service is over go home and listen to it but but we got over into the spirit and all of a sudden i saw something in the spirit that had a covering over it and i and i could see it's weird i could see underneath it there's something moving there's something happening underneath there but you couldn't see what they were doing and i heard my i heard the spirit say uh the fbi needs to know about that and so i asked god lord the fbi i said lord the fbi needs to show the fbi somebody in the fbi needs to know about that and we prayed that out and then i saw the the covering being jerked off of it how many of you know that could manifest in some form or fashion as as in it comes out into the news and everybody is exposed it comes out to where everybody knows because it was under that covering i could see something's happening under there but it was covered how do you explain spiritual things sometimes it's difficult but i'm trying to this morning so so i can see it was covered and then whenever it was like in the spirit i saw the covering being pulled off and it looked like cockroaches that the light had hit people scurrying underneath underneath furniture and stuff they were hiding that's whenever we started laughing in the spirit tommy you know that's called praying through just watch you just what and see we ought to be having many of these kinds of experiences in the spirit we wonder why more is not happening because someone's not going into the spirit realm and dealing with it in the unseen realm god wants us to learn to do that and listen how did we get into that we just had a witness it's not time for the announcements you know what i'm talking about and we just started listen listen counsel is in the heart of man prayer is in the heart of man the way of escapes in the heart of man strength comfort all these things are in the heart of man that's deep but a man of understanding he's got to draw it out i had i knew there was something down here so i started drawing on it and the more we prayed you go back and watch the video i watched it again because i wanted to sometimes whenever you're the one being used you're not sure everything that's coming out and how it's coming out because you're seeing but you don't know how much how much you're what you're saying is expressing what you're seeing and so i wanted to hear it again and i noticed that as we began we just kind of began in the flesh there wasn't a lot of unction but as we begin we yield it more and more action more and more action until all of a sudden all sorts of things are happening that's a demonstration that you start out in these things many times just knowing some there's something that needs to be prayed about and you just when you start out you don't have much anointing on it and you feel dry and and and if you're on the platform you're conscious everybody's kind of going staring at you what are you going to do i'm going to shut you out that's what i'm going to do because i got to pay attention to down here there's something see there's a lot of things there's a lot of cues in the spirit say cues of the spirit that that god begins to prompt us towards certain direction but if we don't respond say respond we never find out we never get into these deeper places of the spirit we never get into these deeper places of prayer now i know this doesn't seem much like a sunday morning sermon but i really don't know that god told us in the bible what a sunday morning sermon looks like when you find out you tell me okay can you find that for me i know we want to be feeding the sheep i understand but remember the lord said to me i'm giving you this is january of 2017 i believe i'm giving you a new assignment and spirit of faith to train this congregation to use their faith for the things of the spirit i don't know if that's exactly how he said it but that's a nutshell of how he said it anybody remember that i said i just remembered it now because you said it well i want you to write it down and remember it so tell your neighbor there are cues of the spirit when you get that sense there's something god wants to pray about it's not okay to just say there's something god wants to pray me to pray about start dipping and start yielding to the holy ghost even if it seems dry at the beginning you might have to start out in the flesh meaning you don't necessarily have a strong anointing on you but if you yield to that it won't be long the anointing will kick in because likewise the spirit helps our infirmities he doesn't do it he helps you do it help doesn't mean you're the one doing it i mean excuse me that he's the one doing it he's the one helping you and i do it that's that's the way into the spirit now people say i i just don't get used much of the holy spirit like what i saw on wednesday night well let me tell you why because god you and i need to give god permission to move on us and responding to these cues is giving him permission see the holy spirit's not like demons demons will try to take people over against their will the holy spirit's a perfect gentleman isn't that good news he's a perfect gentleman he won't force anything off on us he waits to be responded to and whenever he gives us these cues in the spirit they reveal something to us what do they reveal they reveal that their that the spirit is attempting to get us over into something in prayer they reveal that there is an anointing to pray standing there ready for you and i to step under that anointing and that anointing comes on us and he uses us for his glory to change something in prayer to uh like like on wednesday night he there's some things the spirit of seeing knowing him will manifest more in our lives if we'll yield to these promptings to pray i didn't plan on i didn't have a clue that the lord wanted us to pray about that i didn't have a clue that there was somebody in our nation that is coming from another there's influences from other nations that was coming into our nation and that that i was going to yeah because there at the end i thought the anointing was going to lift and all of a sudden i was aware there was an angel standing in that room we were in and i started dipping about what he's there for and i and and tongue start a different tongue started coming out bible said we pray in the tongues of men and of angels and so there was some sort of instruction to that angel amen i know you might think i'm some of you some of you might think i've gone off the deep end but but see the deep end's where god's trying to get us into we want more of god's movement of the spirit and then and then the holy ghost prompts us and we're like no let's jump in but that angel i could tell see he's not there just uh just to say hi how are you he's they're very purposeful beings they're they're not foolish they're not they don't have foolish you know activities they're they're on assignment from god and so i just started dipping i started to realize that i'm talking to this angel in tongues and i found myself saying turn turn turn and i knew he was turning something and then i became aware it was somebody and some influence in this nation that had gotten in through a door and and i could sit all the way back all the way back where you came from and i'm thinking in my mind i'm thinking you can't send demons back to hell they're here they have a right to be here but it was a person it was an influence through people tell your neighbor now i know tell your neighbor i know pastor is not weird there are things in the spirit realm deeper things of the spirit realm that we need to not so quickly hold ourselves out of but i was aware that he needed to get that that thing needed to get out of this nation and then whenever i said there it goes and then and then i noticed that angel stood by that door he went out a door he got in through this through a person got in through something a door here into this nation and then i noticed that angel and i turned around and i thought well that angel's probably gone i turned around and there he is he's standing over by that door and i thought well yeah there's there's in the bible how many of you know you you find angels guarding doors the angel guarded the doorway or the gateway back into the garden of eden or the way back into the garden of eden so he couldn't get back in and you read that through the bible and i noticed he had a sword in his hand i'm like whoa he means business amen and as i prayed more in tongues i realized and he can't he that man tries to get back through that door he will be struck and slain dead you say that's weird okay read the the story of uh the prophet that uh if i remember his name uh that that was uh on his donkey balaam balaam remember balaam remember he was getting go through that gateway and there was an angel standing there with a sword because he was in disobedience and the donkey kept stopping remember balaam's mad at his donkey the donkey had more spiritual perception than the prophet [Laughter] that's bad whenever the donkey [Applause] you're out of fellowship with god when the donkey knows god better than you know god so but but that angel stand there at that he was going to slay him on his path of disobedience and the donkey said so i spared your life that angel was gonna the donkey starts talking to him you know what's more amazing he's so mad he talks back to the donkey not even thinking about wait when did that donkey just talk that's mad whenever you whenever you answer back whenever the cat says something to you and you go yeah wait a minute you're mad you're mad but anyway see that's what i saw i saw that angel standing there with that sword listen god's plan will and this all had to do with praying for things in the nation god's plan for this nation it will come to pass but only through those who get over here in this this realm of the spirit and draw this kind of prayer out and work with the spirit in these realms we've got to catch our cues tell your neighbor we've got to catch our cues hallelujah i'll tell you where god has laid the help of this government on where god has laid the help of this government on he's laid it on the church the church has the help the government needs praise god and that was a demonstration of what we need to be i don't mean try to reproduce what happened wednesday night you and i'll never be able to reproduce what happened but i'm talking about yielding to the spirit and praying these things out getting over into the spirit where the spirit is seeing and knowing manifests hallelujah now some of us have a little bit of an idea of what we're talking about some christians i would say a vast majority of the body of christ have no clue of what we're talking about they think we're strange because the spirit realm is not something they're they're even conscious of it but it's there and uh those that are conscious of what is there very few actually take advantage of it but let's learn how to take advantage of it what do you say how do we take advantage of it we start drawing out what the spirit of god on the inside of us well but but but i don't get used much that way i'll tell you why you don't respond you don't draw up by faith it takes faith to get over into this and listen i i some people think well so and so is used more in that than others god doesn't use me that way well that's it's a little bit of a mis that's a little bit of deception going on there it's not a gifting per se when it comes to prayer pray there's no ministry of prayer in the bible there is a giving of ourselves to prayer poke your neighbor and say pastor long said that way longs for a praying church i don't mean just lord bless me and my wife my son john and his wife us for no more pull the promise out of the promise when i grew up we had this little plastic bread plastic bread loaf that had little cards with promises and you pull one out a day oh that's my promise for today and five minutes later you forgot about inevit you know i'm not talking about that but pastor longs for a praying church holy ghost praying church now well why doesn't god use me more in this well maybe you didn't know anything about it maybe let me tell you something about the the things of the spirit you can develop in things of the spirit how many of you know when we were baptized in the holy ghost we spoke with tongues we spoke with talk so when we spoke with tongues uh and probably didn't speak fluently maybe some of us spoke fluently when i got that doesn't holy ghost it was a gusher it just whoa i mean i took off amen how many of you know no practice sessions no repeat after me say say yeah nothing like that it was it was just the holy ghost but not everybody gets in in that way it's like a water pool some people get in slowly but and at least they're getting in praise the lord but but uh the things of the spirit ought to progress in other words that day you got baptized in the holy ghost ought not be the greatest day of spiritual experiences in your life where you always look back to that oh that day i got baptized in the holy ghost it was wonderful like catherine coleman said wonderful she's a blessing amen but you can't i can't try to i'm not her but that might not be the greatest day the greatest day ought to have been the last time i mean you were praying a day or so ago whenever this kid anointing came on you like that praise god so the uh and i'll tell you this about developing as you and i are faithful to respond to these cues say cues sometimes it's just an inner witness like the announcements don't fit here i got it give it to pastor debbie i don't want to do anything right now i'm just telling you what your natural thoughts and but i knew i had it and the mind says but what's it i knew i had it but the mind didn't know what it was so i got to get up there by faith oh has it come to that faith oh my god we've got to trust god when the lord spoke to me and said i want you to lead out in the spirit of faith he i got there's there's so much i haven't had a chance to get into about all that but one of the things he said one of the main things i'm talking to you about is leading out in the spirit of faith is the spirit of faith to yield to the holy ghost it takes faith to yield to the holy ghost you can have a manifestation of the spirit but if you don't act on it right in faith because you're like i'm not sure what what what's going to happen if i do that well you don't know do you it's going to require you to do it by faith so so the lord said the primary area when i'm talking to you about leading out in the spirit of faith the primary area is to yield to the holy ghost to respond to the holy ghost wednesday night was a demonstration of what can happen when you just respond to a slight prompting of the holy ghost that's what we should have learned out of that see we're talking about things we could learn out of wednesday night i don't want to just pass that by and say isn't that wonderful how god used pastor god used pastor debbie isn't that wonderful how many of you know the move of the spirit is not something that we are to be spectators of it's to be something we're participating in it ought to be in all of our lives what is that what is that i got to take some time before i go to work this morning shotgun am i you pray something out and something was averted an accident was averted amen or you pray in the holy ghost and and you knew you pray something out for your child your baby and when the devil tries to put his hands on it on the child the anointing just instantly breaks the yoke you're like ha ha i prayed that out couldn't do it could you devil see there's so many things the devil won't be able to do if we operate in the spirit of seeing and knowing and yield to the holy ghost because we're the head not the tail we're not walking around behind the devil cleaning up all his messes no we're picking up what he's getting ready to do before he does it amen amen and we and we get over in the spirit we see it and we know it and we gosh see i see that pull the raps off of that the fbi needs to know that amen amen couldn't do it could you this lights my fire lights my fire tell your neighbor this is what you need to strive to live like hallelujah now this is where many things that the spirit is endeavoring to do in the earth die the spirit of god prompts somebody on something and they say well i'm busy i got things to do or or i i don't know what's going to happen if i yield to that so i'm not going to yield to that um it takes faith and without responding like i said earlier you can have a gift of the spirit that that has the god has put something in you something that he wants you to do or something he wants you to say or something like that but without responding to it it doesn't manifest and therefore you remember first corinthians talks about in the 12th chapter talks about in the 12th chapter he said that's the gift of the spirit and then he said these all are given by the self same spirit and dividing severally as he wills and then he said therefore the prophet of all the prophet so whenever god endeavors to move on us and we don't respond guess what there's some profit that we miss i'm not just talking about finances i'm talking about some some some uh advent some knowledge that we could have had and should have had of what the enemy was getting ready to do or what god's plan is for us to do and and something that we could see some things over in the spirit whenever god shows them to us they're they're it's something the enemy's getting ready to do but he doesn't show us because it's god's will he shows us because he wants us to stop it notice when i saw that in the spirit i said no you don't no you don't see but what if we don't know because we don't yield to that slight prompting see there's things that that i started out praying about i had no knowledge of but i got more into the spirit i had more knowledge of it it was revealed and therefore we could address it you know why we're not addressing more because we're not aware of more we're not aware the lord said to me one time he said if you were he said you're not aware of 10 of the corruption in your government he said it would scare you if you were aware of the corruption in your government well why don't we get over into the place where we're aware of what he wants us to be aware of so that we can address it and this isn't just for praying for the government but it's how about your own family your own home your own your own future you know what you're putting your hand to whatever tell your neighbor he's preaching pretty good so there are things this is where many things of the spirit's endeavoring to do in the earth that die because we've not been taught down taught to reach down on the inside and draw it out draw it out tell your neighbor draw it out so you say that takes faith to do that you get get a hold up you hook your tongue up to what's down on the inside you hook your tongue up to it there's utterances down there there's prayer down there the holy spirit's down there endeavoring to put that to give that utterance to your spirit but you and i have got to hook our tongue up to that and begin to draw that out and then whenever many times we start out in the flesh it doesn't seem like we have much anointing i didn't feel much anointing i just had a had a prompting and we start out in the flesh and we don't feel much unction but we have to use our faith uh and then as we use our faith that we have we'll begin to draw it out and what comes what starts coming out starts out in a trickle and then it's it doesn't always sometimes sometimes you as soon as you start praying you're in the spirit but a lot of times for me it starts coming out in a trickle and all of a sudden boom revelation starts flowing and i start i start then the anointing bam and you're in a different room and listen to these words in a deeper place of the spirit say i am i'm hungry for deeper places in the spirit i am i'm i am really hungry for deeper places of the spirit i'm tired of ankle deep if i can say that well praise the lord everything in god that god has for you including these manifestations of the spirit in prayer is already in your spirit you have to draw it out it won't benefit others won't benefit you without praying and drawing it out hallelujah now um let me let me kind of share something with you here i know of two two situations uh in the bible for example that um there's well let me let me just let me just say this there there are times i'll give you an example first samuel chapter three whenever god spoke to samuel the he wasn't very old remember i forget how old he was young boy and god spoke to him in the nighttime he said samuel he heard samuel heard god speak audibly he must have thought it was audible because he thought it was eli that was talking to him and so he got up and went over there and he said yes here am i you called me and he said no i didn't call you go lay down again. so it must have been audible for him to think that it was a man talking to him you're with me so god was talking to him in an audible voice now um but but samuel responded in the flesh rather than towards god in the spirit are you with me and so his response in the natural and failure to acknowledge god in the spirit realm amen cause no further manifestation to come because that happened three times i believe remember and he kept responding in the natural kept responding here my eli he said no i didn't call you and then eli proceed remember he said i he perceived that it was god that was talking to the child he said he said this is god excuse me he said samuel this is god he said go lay down again and if he calls you again say here am i lord uh here am i speak further or whatever i forget how he said it and the next time god spoke to him samuel rather than respond in the flesh towards a man responded in the spirit towards god amen and as soon as he made that switch what happened further manifestation of the spirit further revelation of what god was trying to say to him but notice there was no further manifestation until samuel responded towards god [Music] we have to understand that many manifestations of the spirit die in the spirit realm what do i mean die in the spirit realm in other words they i shouldn't say die in the spirit realm i should say many of them remain in the spirit realm and god what god wanted to do say or reveal didn't come from the spirit realm out into the natural it remained in the spirit realm why because nobody responded to it [Music] nobody what is that chakaramante you could i might start drawing it out draw drawing it drawing it out drawing it out of where drawing it out of the spirit realm see where is it it's in your spirit it's in the spirit realm it's in it's in the holy ghost in your spirit but it'll stay there without drawing it out god doesn't want the manifestations of the spirit to stay in the spirit realm he wants them to come out into the natural realm so that they can profit us [Music] he wants us to know what we need to know he wants us to uh you know because there's three three different three different uh categories of the gifts of the spirit there's the revelation gifts there's the utterance gifts and how many of you know utterances can reveal things as well in fact while you're drawing out of your spirit and sometimes whenever you pray in tongues sometimes you begin to say things in english and your head has nothing to do with it because it's not coming out of your head it's coming out of your spirit and it enlightens your mind and now you know something you did not know he he he devil now you can't pull it off like you plan to pull it off just like we all of a sudden saw a nest of evil corrupt activity in the government in in in the realms of government he he and now is coming out now it's coming out you just watch you just watch i've been doing this long enough i know how these things work and it doesn't always come out tomorrow in fact to be honest with you it might not come i don't know the lord didn't reveal it might not come out for a year but see it'll come out it'll come out it'll come out hallelujah this ought to be a part of our prayer life just it might not be wow that was something else that would be okay another day in the office you know what i'm talking about another day in the spirit another day of operating this is not just for pastors it's for a praying church that pastor longs for a praying church hallelujah whenever things of the spirit happen here at church you ought to sit there and chuckle prayed that out last week listen but you're not gabriel of the announcing angel to come to announce to the whole county i prayed that out look at me praise the lord god just does things publicly sometimes to demonstrate not to draw attention to a person because how many of you know whenever things are demonstrated we see it we go oh now i understand what the word says here the word now i saw i i learned more i think i probably learned more about what about you brother brian learn more maybe not more but as much from brother hagin watching him demonstrate what he taught he teaches the word on certain things and then he demonstrated you're going oh now i get it and we ought to take these these are demonstrations so we can learn we learn by precept and by example your children learn from you by precept an example it's not enough for you to just tell them what to do you you you demonstrate it you model the the the character and the kind of uh you know character that you want them to have isn't that right amen amen so everything in god including this flow of the spirit in prayer which that was actually supplication and and some intercession um these things are are they they start in the spirit realm but they have to be drawn out to benefit others but whenever we don't respond like samuel didn't respond there'll be no further manifestation now let me give you the second illustration in fact go over to this one go over to the book of exodus i think here i don't know if i wrote this reference down but it's in the book of exodus yeah here it is chapter number three exodus chapter three is another illustration of this are you learning anything this morning hallelujah i just knew i couldn't pass by what happened wednesday night and just act like well there's nothing further to talk about no we've got to learn from these things exodus chapter 3 is the story whenever the god re revealed himself to moses in the burning bush this is a you know this is a sunday school story we all heard we all heard this story we've known it for a long time but let's look at it see if we can learn anything here this morning exodus three verse one moses kept the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priesthood committee and he led the flock of the led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of god even to horeb and the angel of the lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed and moses turned away and kept feeding his flocks and said i don't understand that but i'm going to go over here somewhere else no look what it said verse 3. moses said i will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burned now get verse 4 and when god saw that he turned aside to sea that's you need to underline that and when god saw that he turned aside to sea in other words let's put it this way when god saw that moses responded to this manifestation of the spirit when god saw that moses was interested when god saw that moses turned toward it rather than turn away from it when god saw that moses uh verse number four when he saw that moses turned aside to see god called unto him okay so we have a manifestation of the spirit here's an angel and moses could see into the spirit realm here's an angel the bible says it was an angel in that bush it was on fire but the angel was in that bush and that was a supernatural demonstr that was a supernatural manifestation of the spirit wasn't it but notice well let me say this angels don't show up for no purpose at all when you see one you don't go hi how are you no you always need to know what they're there for because they're on assignment from god so moses he saw it that's a manifestation of the spirit uh an angel appearing and him seeing into their own spirit that's the man of state in the spirit but there was more that god wanted to do than just reveal that there to moses that there are angels and he could walk around saying i saw an angel i saw an angel i saw an angel hey did you know i saw an angel well what'd he say uh i don't know i don't know what he was there for huh so here's a manifestation but he's there for a purpose beyond just revealing that there are angels and he's there for a purpose what's his purpose he's got a message he's got a message from god amen well why didn't the angel as soon as moses saw him why didn't the angel just start delivering that message because moses had to respond if he had turned aside and said wow that's unusual i'm going to tell my wife i saw an angel today out and i was feeding sheep and saw an angel wow i'm gonna go over here that had been no see he had to turn towards it he had to respond towards it come on tell your neighbor i'm preaching pretty good when moses acknowledged and responded to the manifestation of the spirit god saw that he turned aside then what happened there was further manifestation are there further things are there deeper things are there are there greater things are there book of acts kinds of things are there angels showing up like the book of acts kinds of things yes how do we get into them responding responding yeah but i don't know what's going to happen exactly yeah but god doesn't use me much let me tell you why because you've never really developed your faith to respond now we can develop in spiritual things well you know so-and-so has a has a greater move of the spirit in prayer than i do it's because probably not because god just picked them out and said i like them i'm going to use them no it's probably because they started responding and and you can do the same thing and get over into deeper places of prayer just like somebody else gets over into deeper places of prayer it's not a you know this person's called to pray we are all made kings and priests unto our god we are to come boldly to the throne of grace and we're all it is not a calling it's a giving of ourselves we give ourselves to pray why don't i have more give yourself more learn to draw when you have those cues don't go to the person say you know i've been thinking about you that's the we all know that but still it still happens rather than just think about them we'll say father i lift them up what is it monster biggie yikkali i just take a moment and somebody said well i don't have time listen if you'll respond quick it'll be over quick why do we think it always takes an hour it doesn't always take an hour you might not be able to get it all prayed out because you got a job you got things to give yourself but listen when you get home hook up to that again hook up to it again hallelujah so moses responded and whenever he responded god further manifested himself say he further manifested himself amen what's the implication if he hadn't responded there would have been no further manifestation he had gone home told his wife saw an angel in a burning bush today with no knowledge of the commission to go back and deliver god's people out of egypt because that's what happened out of this manifestation the assignment the the the uh uh instructions came from the throne of god through this angel to that he was assigned to go back and uh you know deliver his people uh egypt out of egypt amen but he wouldn't have known that if he hadn't responded listen the prophet that god would that god intended the prophet of the spirit that god intended for israel which was deliverance from egypt would never have happened if moses hadn't responded there's things in our government that will not turn if somebody doesn't respond if we let it and we just let it go rather than say father i cannot sit by and let this happen and when you prompt me to pray i'm going to pray and listen i'm not even going to wait for promptings i'm just going to begin to pray the word get that i don't know if we have it out here but pastor nancy put out a list of things she prays from the word for our government get that off their front that's on the frame ministries website get that off of their website and begin to pray there listen if we'll start out in the word then the holy ghost will say now i've got something further here's ancient oh shakala monday and here you are boom you get over into the spirit and you're out praying about things you had no knowledge of therefore being more effective listen to me very carefully being more effective because you're more under the influence of the spirit at the time than you are your mind and what your mind knows which is limited the bible said we know in part isn't that right there's things that we don't know about going on right now concerning this election there's things we don't know about behind closed doors that's going on except when you get into the spirit you can go into the room and listen to them talking no you don't i take authority over that evil influence and i'm not talking about one side of the political liar or the other wherever it's found just this week some people were arrested for corruption you know on the republican side wherever it's found amen say wherever it's found praise the lord i remember years ago somebody asked i believe it was rachel t for teller i could be wrong if you don't know who she was you're phew man she was a praying house she was a house of prayer remember the bible said you were a house of prayer and she somebody asked her what you've been doing she said oh i've been at the white house under clean out from under the desk within weeks or wasn't very long uh the whole clinton scandal blew up came out into the news she already prayed that all out [Laughter] people of prayer are scary watch out for them if you're into bad stuff watch out for them hallelujah how many of you know we ought to be in for the prophet though not for not for uh abusing people amen amen well praise the lord jesus whenever he met the woman at the well she said well i don't have a go go call your husband i don't have a husband he said you had was it five and the one you have now is not your husband but how many of you know that wasn't condemnation it was just to arrest her attention our purpose ought not be to expose people it ought to be to get get the attention of well i just wanted to share that praise the lord everybody still happy you came so we must we must yield to the spirit for there be further manifestation and therefore the prophet comes how many of you know we're laborers together with god ezekiel 22 write it down verse 30 through 31 ezekiel 22 33 1 33 31 he's looking for laborers let's go over there in fact and let's read that i want you to mark it in your bible if you've not already and get ahold of this principle ezekiel 22 verse 30. i sought for a man among them now let me back up if you read earlier he talks about oppression in the nation and a lot of things going the wrong direction then he said in verse 30 i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that i should not destroy it but i found none therefore have i poured out mine indignation upon them i have consumed them with a fire my wrath their own ways have i recompensed upon their heads saith the lord look what he said i was looking for a man say that out loud he's looking for a man let's put it this way he's looking for someone to pray he's looking see how many of you know we're laborers together with god god's just not up here running everything well if he wants this election to go this way then he'll go it'll go that way no no no a thousand times no it's up to the church we got to realize that amen amen hallelujah we have to bind evil forces whatever the church binds is bound whatever the church loses is loose one translation says whatever the church forbids is forbidden whatever the church allows is allowed wow so it's not up to politicians absolutely not absolutely not it's up to the church if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray i'll hear from heaven and forgive their sin and and heal their land amen it's up to the church so we have to uh know that that uh god's looking for a man he said i'm looking for in other words he's saying there's getting ready some things to happen that i don't want to happen you could paraphrase these verses here in ezekiel there's getting ready some things to happen that i don't want to happen you know not everything that happens is god's will not everything that happens is god's will but why does it happen because he's looking for a man to work with him so that his will come to pass and not what satan's getting ready to do amen he said i was looking for a man what to do to stand in the gap make up the hedge but he said i couldn't find any what does that say we have authority down here you understand it's it's the church that's down here on the earth that has the authority over what happens down here god can't do things without a man to respond to him there's a lot of people don't like that statement they don't think that's biblical but i can stand here this morning and give you verse after verse that appears that that's the case he says basically many many verses you analyze many prayer verses he basically is saying i want to do something pray wait a minute if you want to do it just do it aren't you god you can do anything you want huh well yeah sure he's god but that doesn't make him able to do anything he wants it's like the earth became you know the the colonies of the united states rebelled against the king of england that's what the civil i mean the revolutionary war was all about right well up until then they could impose taxes they could do whatever they wanted but whenever we revolted now england can't come over here and and we won the battle of course now they can't come over here and just make us do anything without us inviting them to earth is a revolting colony against heaven earth has revolted said we don't want god and god said well then i can't do anything for you unless somebody wants him and asks then he'll move in yeah do you see it amen so we're laborers together with god and we have the authority down here and you know what authority gives us it gives us responsibility this is not just a privilege to pray in the spirit and this is a responsibility do you realize if you've been given authority you've been given responsibility on your job if they give you the authority to to manage a certain part of the office or you know certain finances or whatever you're managing then then you have not only you you don't go home and say the the privilege that i have been given is just wonderful no they they're expecting you to they they gave you responsibility not just privilege and that's what authority is is responsibility amen so and guess what it's not to be left up to the pastors what happened here was a demonstration of how all of us should be prayed amen amen so tell your neighbor pastor's preaching pretty good i don't know if you're getting it this morning but pastor is preaching pretty good praise the lord i remember one morning i woke up i don't know about four o'clock in the morning and i don't know if you've ever woken up and just you know the things that i had to do that next day were just like i don't want to do that and all my thoughts were negative and oppression is on me tell your neighbor at least he's being honest you know and i was i was uh you know just i was just under it i don't know if you've ever you know just worrying about this thoughts racing and just so much going through my mind what am i going to do about that what am i going to do you know and and here i go all heavy you know what heavy means you know it feels like you just i want to go swimming today i don't want to do that i'm going to go fishing i want to go to something else and i thought i'm not going to live this way i've learned i've lived this way too much and so i started turning my attention away from all that and and uh and by the way i wasn't sleeping very good before that it was just one of those nights i wasn't sleeping very well probably because of the same reason i woke up to begin with because i'm all worried about everything you know i got to talk to brother andre and correct him no i'm just kidding the beautiful thing he don't need it much you know yeah but if miss maya tells me anything i'll help you out so but i'm i'm just and i decided i'm not going to lay here like this because i know i've been here before and i'll be laying here awake for two hours or three hours i'm already not sleeping very well and how many of you know it compounds the problem i got to address all this tomorrow anyway and if i'm tired then i'm grumpy and it's going to create problems that god never meant that i have honest people all said amen i understand so i don't want to lay here and get tired you know not get enough rest and you know so i decided i'm turning my attention away from all this and i with no feeling was a fact i felt mad and didn't want to do it but i i just turned my attention to the word and i said thou i started quoting verses thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is because i can feel this oppression coming in on and really i had gone to bed with it but it's even heavier now me laying here thinking so i'm laying there and i said no turn my attention away thou will keep him in perfect peace mind has stayed on i'm turning my mind to you and father i thank you for the peace that passes all i cast all my care on you for you care for me and father god and i just started quoting verse after verse after verse and i'm telling you all that heaviness lifted and the peace of god came in i went in you know i don't know about you every now and then i go into one of those re i sleep good real good all the time but i mean unless i'm worrying like i just said but but most all the time just sleep real good and then every now and then i go into one of those deep sleeps i mean i don't know i think probably most of us have experienced when you wake up you're like oh where am i you know what time is it it feels like three o'clock in the afternoon i've been sleeping so deeply you ever been and i went after i cast all my care and lord started quoting all those verses got all that oppression off of me and all that peace came in on me i went into one of those deep sleep and i did it for about three hours i think it was about four whenever this whenever i woke up all burdened and uh i was probably about three more hours maybe seven o'clock in the morning i i went into one and you usually don't do that in three hours it takes a longer time you don't get into that but so i went into this deep sleep and i woke up so refreshed i'm like give me this mountain where's where is brother andre you know i'm just [Laughter] hallelujah and i was ready to go and i woke up in the morning and i and i and i have this written down and i pulled it out this morning i woke up in the morning and the spirit of god said to me that happened because you responded to the word and to my spirit how many of you know we can sit and fellowship with the problem or we can sit and fell and the devil over here or we can sit and fellowship with god and the peace of god the one who has all our answers and and the one who's our comfort and the one who tells us what to do and strengthens us to do what we need to do it's our choice but we have to respond we're talking about responding to the holy ghost and prayer but but how many of you know there's a lot of things in the word that if we'll respond to that first then god will take us into deeper things in prayer amen amen many people's faith would be working for things of the spirit if they would respond more a man c law page four that was paul harvey anybody listen to paul harvey all right we grew up when i was a kid listen at lunch time dad would always turn on paul harvey so he's a good man all right so you young kids don't have a clue but so without responding more we won't receive more remember brother hagin i mean uh dr dufresne said the reason people don't receive more is they don't respond more the reason we could say this the reason sometimes we don't see greater moves of the spirit in prayer so we don't respond okay now let's get into some of this we've got we've got a few minutes tell your neighbor he's going to get this all out here this morning and let's talk about this sometimes as we begin to respond well no i shouldn't say sometimes all the time as we begin to respond god begins to take us on in spiritual things and things begin to be get added i remember in fact i listened to the service and i remember it was a couple of different people that the spirit of god after we were in that time of prayer and in that place of prayer the spirit of god had us ministering to people and a couple of them the lord spoke to them about this is available to you respond to it and as you do there will be other things begin to operate remember there was a couple of i think it was three people but that's not just unique for three people that's true about all of us the as we go on spiritually other things begin to operate that we're not operating sometimes spiritual gifts begin to be added to our prayer life like the spirit of seeing and knowing some things that weren't operating if we're faithful to just practice the lord just pray as the word instructs us to do and just begin to yield to the holy ghost even if it doesn't seem like a lot is happening and as we pray in the spirit we're being faithful to do what the bible says to do and guess what the bible is a springboard into the spirit realm let me rephrase that being a doer of the bible is a springboard end of the spirit realm and as we do that then god takes us into deeper things and things begin to be added and you'll start seeing and knowing now why so you can go tell everybody i saw this no it's not for the realm of telling it's for the realm of praying just for the realm of praying there are there are there are things i tell but they're for everything i tell there's probably 20 experiences that i don't ever mention again i don't ever mention because it's for prayer they praise for praying out but see what god did wednesday night was for demonstrating how we could all be operating and should be operating why haven't we got there well we've got to be faithful and more things will begin to operate many times spiritual gifts will be added to folks as they learn to walk in the spirit as they learn to respond to the spirit there's there's there's a there's a a group of the uh there's a part of the congregation that's very interested in this there's some that this this is this is wetting your appetite this is you don't really have a much comprehension of what i'm talking about there's but don't turn away from it just because you don't understand it can i exhort some of you i mean the look of blankness uh i know you're interested but it's just not you're not aware of what we're talking about and i'll tell you if if you i don't mean to be be mean but there's a lot of people in the body of christ like that that's not going to cut it they're not going to be ones changing elections lord bless the bless our president bless this one well that does about as good much good to save your conscience that's about all the good it does amen it's people who get over into these deeper realms and actually deal with these evil forces they're the ones that are going to change things hallelujah now say amen the greatest things you'll ever experience in life in the natural realm will be the result of you getting into the spiritual realm and responding to the holy ghost we just had a great financial miracle to pay off the church building that was the result of a season of prayer in tongues all indications there's somebody getting ready to come through again not somebody even in this congregation i had a season i told you late wednesday night whenever it was last sunday maybe i've been praying a lot more in tongues i go through seasons i always pray but i go through seasons where there's an auction to pray more and i'm in really now still but i was in that season with a lot of unction again to pray and tongue spend a lot of time praying in tongues and all of a sudden bam another financial miracle hallelujah all indication is getting ready to come through the greatest things you'll ever experience in the natural realm will be the result of entering into the spiritual realm and yielding and responding to the holy ghost i want more to happen so do i let's just not want it and wish it let's go ahead and give place to the holy ghost i believe life ought to be exciting don't you just constantly always something happening in the spirit hallelujah hallelujah now as we go on as we go on in things of the spirit what we're doing is we're yielding we're using our faith to yield to the holy ghost do you know that when you pray in the spirit that the holy ghost is supernaturally directing your words you don't know the next thing you're getting ready to say praying in tongues requires faith you've got to trust god to give you the next thing to say and what that's doing is it's developing your faith to yield to the holy ghost say out loud just because i need to hear it right now because the look on some faces say out loud this is for all of us yes thank you thank you thank you your life it should be a life yielded to the holy ghost now that doesn't mean maybe you're going to prophesy over somebody whatever but in prayer there's things that god wants to reveal where it comes up you go oh no you don't no i see your plan in the name of jesus i exercise authority over you amen so but these things we have to develop faith to get further into the spirit do you know when the astronauts went out into space at first they just went out into the edge real and came back in real quick because they didn't know what was out there and they they brought them back and they scanned them geiger geiger counters and all did they have any diseases or is there any radiation yeah they didn't know what was out there and there was no bleep so okay okay they're not they're not lit up with radiation so okay let's try this again and and they did it some more and said well first of all send a dog out there or something like that they want to see it is he full of radiation they want to make sure they weren't going to die if they go out there you know so they were learning and and the more they learned the further they would go and the further they would go the more they would learn and the further they would go and and that's the way we are we're exploring a new realm [Music] and the further we go the more we learn and never seeing some things are learned from the word some things are learned from experience now not all experiences are in line with the word you can learn that wasn't god [Laughter] well praise the lord we learned something but but the further we go the more we'll learn amen and guess what the further we go the more the miraculous will come into manifestation the further we go the more the spirit of seeing and knowing will come into manifestation are you in any way interested in what i'm talking about ah thank you thank you jesus hallelujah we don't know when we're praying in tongues see all the things of the spirit are the same way as praying in tongues we have to trust god for the next thing like we pray in tongues we don't know the next thing we're going to say but we we just open our mouth and begin to yield and he gives us the next thing to say isn't that right and you know what that's doing it's teaching us to trust trust the holy ghost say trust the holy ghost and the more we yield to learn to trust the holy ghost the further he'll take us because he's got some deeper places he wants us to get into remember their vision of the old testament the the prophets had a vision in the angel measured out it was ankle deep measured out again that was knee-deep measured out again and he kept taking him into deeper and deeper water i want to get into waters that are i can't find the bottom it's true listen the the the things we see in the book of acts the greater manifestations they're in deeper waters we come to church and get a little get our ankles wet and we think we had church we had church and god's saying come on out come on out i measured out and you came out but let me measure out again and say then summons you to come on in come on in the water's fine deeper realms of the spirit how do we get there we trust god i said we have to learn to trust the holy ghost praying much in other tongues will help you get into it because listen when you start praying here's some things that ought to be happening it might not just be that you pray in tongues and that's all you ever do is pray in tongues let me go through a few things you ought to be experiencing are you still with me this morning how you going to get there you've got to give god permission to take you there by responding to the promptings of the spirit amen now here's some things you ought to be experiencing are you ready when it comes to these things developing in the spirit of prayer because we're talking about developing and going deeper the greatest day was not the day we got baptized in the holy ghost developing and going deeper here's some ways the spirit moves this moves in prayer to get us over on into deeper things travail our tongue sometimes will take on a travail remember the bible talks about travail there are groanings in the spirit now i'm not talking about something that i'm saying okay now i want everyone here now to begin to make these things up that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about if you'll yield they'll start coming up out of your belly and and sometimes you'll begin to sense an alarm or a a a the weepings of the spirit will come up and you'll begin to weep about something and uh you're taking the place of you're praying for somebody that they're under a heavy burden or something and you're taking that you're taking the place of that burden and and carrying it so to speak um there are what is called praying through we did we that was to be that was demonstrated wednesday night and i wanted to point that out there was praying about things and then and in fact this happened a couple times during the prayer time there was praying and then it got prayed through and we all laughed or there was a note of victory or the unction to really pray the way under that burden of prayer that we were praying it lifted and now there's just an unction to laugh and that happened a couple different times because a couple different things got prayed out i'll tell you what you get in the spirit realm god's he's so needing laborers he'll say okay here here here here pray this okay thank you pray this okay and he's while you're there he's got he's got a plate full of things for us to do because the laborers are few and the work to be done is great so there'll be those we had that we saw that uh and then the final pray through that's really i believe what god wanted us to pray about about that angel getting that thing out of our nation and that uncovering and when we finally got to that we hit a note of victory that that just hit the whole crowd hallelujah because i believe that's what the whole thing was about now praying through and when you get prayed through you pray you have a note of victory there are there are places in the spirit that you ought to be experiencing this in prayer where you start boldly making declarations in the authority of the spirit because there's an anointing on you to do so i believe some of these things are special faith we talk about getting into the gifts of the spirit right here's one of them where you start seeing something and something comes on remember that i told the story about the minister i was praying for he left the church got out into adultery and and and and he just seemed to be wanting to live that way and but i kept on praying finally one night through gifts of this i mean through really praying in psalms hymns and spiritual songs singing to the lord i got all of a sudden i went over into the spirit and i saw that thing that demon swallowed him up remember and i've declared in the spirit swallow him not up i it wasn't out loud because pastor debbie slept the whole but in the spirit i was i was speaking it wasn't just pastor jay raising his voice it was something in the spirit and that it destroyed that thing and he's now out back in the ministry god got restored hallelujah what was that that's beyond my faith i had been using my faith for months trying to pray for him getting nowhere he's telling people leave me alone i want to live this way i'm happier than i've ever been you know what i'm talking about we're getting nowhere because it's beyond the realm of our authority that's his life not ours but when we got in the spirit church has to learn the getting in the spirit we got in the spirit then we were able how do we get in the spirit they're just obeying instructions in the word speaking in psalms hymns and spiritual songs boom a door opened all of a sudden i'm seeing and knowing and all of a sudden something and i saw that demon and some the the anointing from heaven came on me and i believe it was special faith i could not do that in my own faith and it was special faith and it was not a suggestion it was a commandment if i had been that demon i'd have gone anybody know what i'm talking about of course you don't you didn't have it happen but you need to learn to get here on your own get here in this place in these deeper waters i'm not trying to be mean i'm just simply saying i'm i'm inviting you to come on in i long tells your neighbor pastor longs for a praying church amen those declarations of the spirit are bold and they are an authority it seems as if now i might have to get more knowledge of this but it seems as if when you get under this anointing it's an authority even beyond your own authority of the believer because now it's special faith i'm out beyond that when i was minister praying for that minister i'm out beyond my own faith i'm in the spirit under the anointing of special faith and special faith decrees something with the faith of god in other words it's not your faith or your measure it's his yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and i'm saying now by the spirit and presidents and governors will be seated by this gift and presidents and governments will be removed by this gift but we've got to learn to get over there where that operates how many of you know we can't operate it we can't operate i can't say i'm going to turn on the gift of special faith boy i wish i could i'd make leanne obey and give me a thousand dollars every sunday people say look at that covenant i'm just kidding i'm kidding you know i'm not but you can't come on but you can get into the spirit realm where it manifests make yourself available i did it i preached myself happy you might not have a good afternoon but i'm going to have a great afternoon now you're going to have a good afternoon hallelujah there's some how about this praying through like i said dancing and laughing we've done that many times haven't we how about um how about your tongue change that's an experience whenever you get into deeper things your tongue will change bible talks about praying in the tongues of man and angels there's different tongues we all have been given when we were i'm almost done but we've all been given when we got baptized in the holy ghost a prayer tongue that's our own prayer language we pray in that regularly and rightly so but there's times whenever you get over yielded to the spirit that that tongue will change it didn't say pray and we it didn't say we we should pray in a tongue it said we pray in tongues tongues plural there are times whenever that'll change i've had experiences praying for other nations to where i start and this in fact my mind didn't catch it right away what was happening so it wasn't coming out of my mind but while i'm praying for this other nation my dial the tongue that i'm praying in the dialect changed but i didn't think to do that because i did it for like three or four minutes before i realized wait a minute i'm praying for them in their own dialect and if somebody was here that knew that they probably know what i'm praying about i don't know what i'm praying about but that's available well i've never had that happen we'll keep going deeper say tell your neighbor keep going deeper there will be times you'll be carried off and it seems like you're in a different place your body's still there in that wherever you're praying in the room or the church or wherever you're you're still there but but in in the spirit you're in another place amen there that that was in manifestation to a degree on wednesday night i mean you can be in another place in the spirit realm but you can be in another place in the natural realm i've i've traveled to many countries of the world and stayed right here and amen amen i don't know about that pastor all right let me let me give you an illustration remember the prophet elijah his servant gehezei went after naaman who wanted to give the prophet all those garments and everything and he said well i'll take that gold and i'll take those garments and he went after naaman secretly and said my my master changed his mind there's some young prophets came and he wants to give them some of that gold and some of those garments and so uh he's ready to receive that now and naaman's all excited to be healed so he gave him all that stuff remember that and he was lying he got back to his tent hit it came in to see the dum dum dum dum dum dum when somebody operates in revelation gifts he comes in he said where have you been nowhere your servant went nowhere he said when you're when you joined yourself to that chariot he said i saw you he said my spirit is what he said my spirit went with you so gaza i thought he was all by himself and he wasn't there by himself [Laughter] elijah's back at the house but he's not he's over there he's in the spirit over watching something happen in order to address it can you get in the spirit and watch something happen watch corruption in the government happen and address it i say i i rest my case not only can you that's what you should be doing you can travel all over the world not even need a plane ticket praise the lord do you get anything out of that praise god hallelujah how many of you know there are things we can do under the anointing we can't do in the flesh or we can't do out of our mind one reason is because we wouldn't even know to do it how are you going to pull the wraps off of a nest of corruption the lord said to me it was the main nest i don't know what that means i guess it's the hub but but um how are you going to do that if you don't even know it's there that's one of the main reasons we can't do certain things without the anointing because we don't even know what's going on whether it's the anointing that reveals we get into the spirit we know it well hallelujah don't throw this out if you don't understand what we were talking about this morning hallelujah i've been given an assignment to take this church into the things of the spirit hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah do you know that um the church world between the you can stand to your feet maybe that'll help me quit some are glad some aren't sure they someone want to keep on going but we're going to quit the church world has been between the teaching revival and what god really wants to do in the earth we've been in a law between them there's segments of the body going on but i'm talking about the church as a whole has been a law and in those laws you know what i mean by l-u-l-l-l can are you understand what i'm saying in those laws a lot of times where false doctrine gets in because there's no clear clarion voice of the spirit you know keeping it at bay so that we get we're seeing a lot of that but it's a little like waves of the ocean the move of god is like waves of it's it comes in waves and we're between waves well what do we do between waves what if you're surfing out at the ocean when i was a kid we we lived in pennsylvania of course we would take vacations and go down to rehoboth beach delaware and my parents would always rent or we would buy we didn't have uh wave what do you call those wave riders huh no i'm talking about surfboard thank you thank you we didn't have the big long surfboards we didn't have the big surfboard well we had what it's called boogie boards you know what a boogie board is it's just a short little styrofoam thing just big enough to get on and you could ride a wave a little bit it's not not the same as a surfboard so we'd get out there and and uh we'd we'd paddle out to a certain point where the waves would start to really build and crest because we're riding waves and that's what you and i've got to do between waves of the spirit the impetus of one has crashed in and the energy of it has petered out what do we need to do get back out here listen where are all these things where all these waves begin they don't begin up there where they crash the impetus of them they start way out here so you get out there to catch that if you want to have a good ride you gotta you gotta go all the way out there and get that wave where it's really building and that's what that's what you and i need to do go out into deeper waters see the momentum of that thing that finally crashes in on the shore it's really started out here in the deeper deeper waters in the spirit realm the momentum of the move of the spirit that we're all hungry for it's it starts out here in the spirit realm in these deeper waters but somebody's got to go out there and catch that huh i said somebody's going and let's all do it why not it be spirit of faith family church go through church as usual i'm hungry pastor longs [Laughter] for a praying church glory to god the the shore could be a symbol of the natural realm it all finally crashes in on the natural realm and a lot of people get excited but it was it started way out there you and i paddle out there and start praying in the spirit and catching that flow before it crashes in where everybody else is excited about it and we'll not be just spectators we'll be the ones that actually participated and listen cooperated and co-labored with god to bring it into the to the natural realm hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 443
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 58sec (5278 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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