A Consistent Lifestyle of Dominion // Pastor Nancy Dufresne // August 5, 2021 AM

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praise the lord well father yes we say thank you for last night's plan and last night's flow and uh it was all with us in mind and we receive and we continue to walk in that which we received and we hold fast to what is ours and father we thank you today for utterance we thank you for revelation we we thank you father for words that bring heaven to earth and we say that we're guided by those words we take your words they are our thoughts they are filling our mouth and filling our doing every day and so we're so thankful for this word that has my my my it has taken our life and said it on course and we're so so grateful for that word thank you for your word today hallelujah and everybody said amen you can be seated this morning i have to say a great big thank you to the eberles of course i always love being with them it's like home it fits and uh if god didn't have a plan here southern california would be next in line for where they would be because i would make sure [Laughter] i would make sure of it but i won't treat you that way i'll do without for your benefit and i say thank you to them and the staff my my my you have done so and my my birthday celebration yeah so i so so appreciate it again congregation thank you for your generosity to me for the gift you gave me and uh and i so so enjoyed it and have enjoyed it all week and thank you so much and to the pastors that came the ministers that came thank you for that your supply elevates what uh the flow of the service does and so we appreciate that and then the ramos says all the way from southern california have we made y'all stand up here i don't think so no thank you pastor right pastor noel pastor ruby stand up turn around oh y'all that's y'all's anointing to make him do that and uh we have a good time uh he he uh he's uh he's you know my uber driver is what he calls himself but he's more than that and she's more than that and we have a great time together but as an uber driver what is it you're uber to top you're an uber comer [Laughter] all these oh what i forgot he'll do whatever i say yes he's overjoyed it's not over yet all these all these one-liners that i i live with they're so great you know that's one thing about my dad is his wit was so quick but it wasn't always something you could repeat in public and so god gave me something that when my dad went to heaven pastor noel's wit filled that spot but you can repeat his even in the pulpit so that's nice that's nice and then when pastor jay came to the hernandez's church there in olathe kansas and it was funny because he rode with us to the services because there's usually just the three of us so pastor noel said to pastor jay he said i used to say to god oh this woman you gave me like adam this woman you gave me and he said now say these women you gave me and so this morning as he was loading and hauling luggage and i'd tell you there's a lot of it baby there's a lot of it and he's got to make it all fit in one vehicle after he loads it he has to take a picture to see how he can get it back in again the same way and he said i realize he says my confession's been wrong he said because i've been saying when i said these women you gave me right after adam said that he was sent out of the garden and had to go labor and so and so he said so i'm going to quit that confession he said i'm going to flip over to those rich women following jesus funding him he said i'm gonna have to meditate on that one [Applause] so now you understand why they get to come with me if you if you can't be fun you can't come and so uh we have a good time on the road so that's uh pastor ruby ought to be glad i haven't made her dance on this trip in front of any friend of mine so there's some items back at the book table there's a few things left over there i see there's a supernatural prayer life and and uh different ones and we have responding to the holy spirit the price of the double portion anointing you know not everyone will will have the double portion anointing because we're talking about the anointing that comes upon but everyone can be an increased blessing everyone can yield to god better and position themselves so god can flow through them in a stronger way and these are the same principles that that that position us to be of greater use to god everyone is of great value but it's another thing to be of great use and so we want to not just be valuable which we are because the process was paid for us but we want to also be useful amen and so these these things help us then we have the merciful healer cd out there and then for those who are who are self-recognized soloists there's an instrumental of that so that you can sing your solo all by yourself so so low we can't hear you non-teasing praise the lord well i don't know i've got now maybe i've got probably about 40 to 50 pages on this subject here so don't you want to believe god that the right just the portions needed will come out not the whole thing will come out today praise the lord and i'm so thankful that god has had me to um go the direction of studying on dominion and preaching on it because we're going to need it we needed it now we need it every day and and so i want us to start with where we were at in this and um that is in psalm chapter 8 psalm chapter 8. praise the lord i don't know if you can read that wow oh yeah pastor so has she gone back to right now where where is she there you are love that's wonderful i guess you are the one that gave us this info did you find this out yeah wonderful that pat a member of pastor jackie hartman's uh congregation was watching last live stream last night and spit up a tumor during that well during that service praise the lord praise the lord i'm so thankful that god's not limited to locations the power of god when jesus told dad hagin the power of god is present everywhere so we're so thankful for that praise the lord for that turn are you there with me in psalm chapter 8 and verse 4. what is man that thou art mindful of him now that ought to that ought to just set your day right all the time you're in his thoughts i said you're in his thoughts and uh since we're in his thoughts don't you think it's appropriate that he be in ours and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou hast made him a little lower than angels the hebrew there is elohim it's not angels it's god the house made him a little lower than god god did that people will say how dare you think of yourself or speak of yourself in that way i didn't god did that that wasn't some that wasn't some self-asserted thing that we're we call ourselves that's what he worked and he did something more he crowned us with glory and honor and i'm so glad that crown rests up here on the head on the mind that we think in terms of our dominion and that crown is worn as a reminder of dominion right amen in verse 6 thou madest him god made him god made man god made man to have something not just do something not just need something have something god made him to have what dominion when you have dominion it means you dominate you dominate dominion means dominate something's going to be dominating you something's going to dominate the setting it might as well be you well you know no i don't dominate god dominates he dominates through you and he dominates in your life as you walk in the dominion that he gave you to dominate amen dominant he has made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou has put what all things under his feet and all things not all people all things your dominion is not to dominate other people it's to dominate in your domain in your domain and uh you can always dominate in your domain amen i you're we are either going to dominate or be dominated there is no in between and so we need to make sure that uh we are not being we're not living life as the dominated but dominating and really this dominion it's part of who we are in christ it's our inheritance it's part of our inheritance jesus restored our dominion back to us that adam lost so this dominion is part of our inheritance and i would say this that all of our inheritance hinges on us walking in this flow of inheritance if you're if we're not walking in dominion we're not going to be prosperous as we should we're not going to um we're not going to be walking in the health or walking in the victory unless this this uh feature of our inheritance is in place and skillful with it and you can't be prosperous without dominating that's right that's good you won't float into prosperity you won't float into the plan of god you won't float into healing you get there by pressing and you're and you and you press by dominating situations and um you remember what jesus told dad hagen when dad hagen was praying about finances one day he was praying for god to give him money and god spoke to him and said don't ever pray that way again about money don't pray the way you have been praying about money he says i don't have any american currency up here to send down to you what you need is on the earth he said number one claim how much you need well if you're not dominion you can't claim you have to be in dominion to claim things number two tells satan to take his hands off well see you're gonna have to dominate demons then he said tell the angels to go so now you have to dominate heavenly hosts with your commands really i can't dominate they're not in god's class of being as we are amen and then he said and then worship and i will say this that dominion is one of the highest ways to express dominion is through worship amen amen dominion flows when you worship amen you say you got scripture for that yeah remember king jehoshaphat that's right and there were three enemy armies they joined forces and god said put the praisers up front why they're the dominators they're the dominators and uh he told the dominators what to say for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever and that's all they were to say those are worship words why because those magnify god and not only that they uh they set the atmosphere for the anointing to show up and when the anointing shows up yokes are destroyed enemies are destroyed amen praise god and so with this praise and worship up front they were dominating amen amen and god set ambushments and the enemies became confused at the worship words the worship flow dominating through the flow of worship amen amen amen so all four of those things that jesus said to dad hagin they require dominion operating in our dominion dominating so you can't prosper so we're to dominate when we claim we're talking to things on the earth we're telling things to come the number two you're telling demons to cut to take their hands off number three you're telling angels and number four your your dominion of worship invites god so you're speaking to things you're speaking to demons you're speaking to angels and you're speaking to god in that instruction interesting huh so without dominating we cannot walk in the flow of prosperity that belongs to us so that's true with every feature of our inheritance it's going to be experienced as we dominate uh the other night god answered something for me uh that helped me and it's like you know things but you have to connect the dots of what you know so that they flow rightly and i was thinking of someone that that i that i know of uh and they uh before they went home to be with the lord um from what i understand the the people that were around them were saying that um that they would pray every night they were you know suffering they were having pain and the people that were there taking care of this person said you know every night they would pray and for relief and nothing was ever better i mean they were saved but i would say this they they weren't instructed in the ways we're instructed with the word and i went to bed thinking about that and i you know just your heart goes out to people the suffering that christians go through and i and i'm thinking about uh being skillful father how can i help in situations like that when people love the lord but they just what do you tell them what do you say you know and they want you to pray for them and you know there's just no hold there and how can i help instruct people about this so that things like this don't dominate us and i woke up about four o'clock in the morning with this one phrase and it was the answer and then pages and pages just the illustrations of clarifying it came after that and because i'm i'm i'm wondering for that person what was a missing element because they they they were praying they were sincere you know their heart was involved because they're suffering but they still didn't get they might have i i don't say they didn't have a measure of help a measure of relief but they didn't get what they belong to them and uh i woke up and this is the phrase that came to me there must be a consistent exercise of dominion and authority as a lifestyle to move in to the highest flow amen talking about receiving from our of our inheritance the word was consistent yeah you can't just ignore your dominion your whole life yeah come on come on pastor and then at a time of christ to start throwing your dominion at it dominion works but there's no skill in that that's it amen dominion calls for skill amen that's right anything of power you better know what you're handling amen and know how to work it and god said it's because there was not a consistency through the lifestyle that allowed me to work the way they were asking me to work they were asking me to work but they weren't positioned to receive that kind of help that kind of flow through their inconsistency dominion has to be exercised daily now then he gave me the illustration he gave me the illustration of parenting now he wasn't teaching me about parenting he was teaching me about dominion and he said a parent that starts using their dominion when a child is maybe 16. there's a momentum there's a there's a direction and a momentum with that direction that's already set in that child so then they start doing things maybe you know because when when when children are younger they're i'm not talking about toddlers i'm talking about you can mom and daddy are their world so they are more receptive to things that mom and dad say but once once the age of accountability comes and they no longer look at and treat their parents as the world they're taking in other voices they're if you wait till then to start exercising your parental authority you're going to get kicked back they will kick against that because they're not used to dominion playing a role in their behavior in their daily life and their response so how do how do you know that your words will mean something to your children in the teenage years it's when you use your words to mean something before they were you teenagers just pick up parental dominion on the day of great need and expect it to fully work you have to pick it up from the time they're babies and you have to have a lifestyle contest consistent flow because every life carries a momentum with it that's right and if you start a child off in the direction of no authority governing them they're just out they basically do what they want yeah they live in the house but basically your oversight over them is very minimal you're not watchful they're out basically running with who they want to run with watching what they want on computer having conversations they want to have on the phone you know all these kinds of things without lack of parental authority there's a direction that is set and there's a momentum with that direction every day they get to go that direction it it picks up momentum in their life right and then all of a sudden when they're 15 and they want to start now having people in their life and relationships that are beyond best friends now they're wanting to have more interaction on different levels and they're wanting to go places and hang out and then you try to step up and say no you don't they'll just flip their hand in your face because they have been going that direction and they've got momentum behind them they've got skill at rebellion they've got skill at not being dominated by a higher authority their skill is with their own will and so you start trying to in inter inject something different and they kick back against that right now i'm not talking about child raising today of course these things are apparent but i'm talking about dominion so you understand as a parent that you can't neglect authority then all of a sudden use your authority and it work the right way is something wrong with your parental authority no you just weren't skillful in it and another momentum was set in place and this is what god said to me about when i was thinking about this person how could i have helped them or how can i help others so we don't arrive at that place and he said it's about consistency with dominion it's about consistency a lifestyle of dominion then he brought up to me this story that dad hagan tells and i know you know it but we're still going to tell it again [Music] he was called to the hospital to pray for i believe they were a student weren't they or had they worked with the ministry or something uh 39 years old i don't know but they dad hagen knew yeah they were friends of them of the ministry so dad hagan knew this person so the person his the family of a 39 year old called dad hagin and said he's in the hospital he's expected to die i think he was in a coma i don't remember and uh they said would you come pray for him so dead hanging said yes so he walks into the hospital room puts his hand on him and god says take your hand off of him he's not going to he's not going to live it's best to release his spirit let him come unhumbly with the lord god and he said well god why he's only 39 years old he said because a spiritual law has been set in motion what's that it has momentum it has momentum a spiritual law has been set in motion that cannot be reversed at this time so it is best to release his spirit and let him come on home and be with the lord now let's look at those words because people think well god can do anything and power can do anything this isn't about power it's about dominion [Music] amen it's about authority and then that hagan didn't understand what that phrase all meant and so he went out and he said that to a brother what god said to him the brother asked and dad hagan told him what god said to the brother of this man on the bed and the brother said yes i remember when we were teenagers and he said we were talking we hanging out together maybe fishing or something and he said the conversation turned serious and my brother said i'll never live to see the age 40. now you don't say that as a teenager if you haven't thought about that see there is a flow of thinking that's not just something that leaps into your mind and you immediately say it there has been an entertaining of a thought the devil will suggest something to you and it will sound real and seem real and so you'll treat it as real if you don't know better if you don't know the word but because he said that he was agreeing with it right he wasn't questioning that well it's real it's real easy to spout out words when your teenager and your distance off from 40. but when you're 39 that that means something different now so he said he you say i don't know if he said he used to say that all the time i talked to his brother actually yes it was from time to time from intermittently he would say that well why is that because of way of thinking this is why jesus said there has been a spiritual law set in motion who said in motion he did with what his authority why because words carry authority authorities expressed through words so when he said that he set something in motion not god and not the devil that's right that's right the devil can't do anything to you any anytime he wants he's got to get your authority on what he says to what he suggests to you because his authority doesn't work so he wants to he wants to insert his thinking into your authority so that you misuse your authority in in the direction he suggests so he said a spiritual law has been set in motion that cannot be reversed at this time people say well god can do anything we're not talking about god we're talking about that man's authority and the momentum he set in his own life the direction and the momentum he's set in his own life cannot be reversed at this time why can't it not be reversed he's in a coma the man who set that in indirect in motion is the only man who can redirect that amen so it cannot be changed at this time because man's in a coma he can he can't speak how is he going to change what was set in motion by the way he said in motion through words and he's not coherent to speak words well can't god bring him out of that coma so that he can speak words absolutely he could but it won't do any good because on one occasion when dad hagan was telling this he said something a little further remember he said there's a spiritual law that's what god said to him there's a spiritual law that has been said in the motion that cannot be reversed at this time cannot and then dad hagan said because you can't reverse things with one time of saying that's right ah that's a key that's a key so if brother if god would have by his power touched that man in a way that he came out of the coma and said i want to live and not die one saying won't stop or change the direction of years of momentum that's right amen amen so you can't just say anything you want any time you want and then when you're at a point of need grab hold of the word and expect it to boom work like magic it's a lifestyle of dominion amen amen it's a lifestyle now you say pastor nancy i haven't understood this and i've been saying wrong things for a long time you know you can cram you know at school if you haven't been studying you can cram and you can pass you might not make an a plus but at least you stay off that f territory you can have a measure of success you might even if depending on how you cram you might can even get a b you might can even get an a-minus depending on your your ability to process things and how how how late you're willing to stay up and if you have somebody studying with you wow you can really have double knowledge here you can have what you know and what they know just going into you that's why you need a pastor they help they will help you cram when you haven't been doing your homework as you are [Applause] but that's a risky way to live yeah you know there may be something on that test you didn't cram for but what am i saying you can because i've done that spiritually you if you get behind you can catch up if you get behind financially you can catch up you get behind in school you can catch up you can't do it in one day but you can if you will be diligent you can change things quickly amen amen that's right so i'm not i'm i'm not trying to take hope out of you by saying oh i've been going the wrong way for you know maybe in a certain arena of my life for a long time so i have to suffer defeat no no no it can be reversed and it can be reversed quite quickly if you'll give an all-out effort if you'll give an all-out effort i mean you have that's for 40 years god's people were going the wrong direction in the wilderness just bumping the walls of the wilderness just going around and around and around yeah and then god was endeavoring to get their direction the right way so what did he tell he told them how to change 40 years of the wrong direction wrong momentum go a different direction and have victory he told him how joshua 1 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate therein what ah all-out effort lifestyle you're not just hitting it's not a hit-and-miss approach i mean you have taken your interest that was not in the will of god and you pick it up and you put it on the word of god and you don't let anything else in that's your focus that if you give an all-out effort and then how long was it before they got in not it didn't take 40 years to reverse 40 years of disobedience why because the word has such power there's acceleration with it if you give an all-out effort amen praise the lord so you can't be casual toward the momentum of a wrong direction [Music] you can't be casual and if you will give now see you think of dad hagin's testimony um for 15 years death had been working in his body heart trouble blood disease all this everything was working death every day he wasn't getting better every day he was getting worse every day he was getting closer to his death bed from the time he was born but in 16 months of all-out effort toward the word and he really couldn't give the same all-out effort like others simply because of his physical incapabilities he was blind at times he was paralyzed at times he could not move around he couldn't turn pages but he gave an all-out effort and if god sees you give an all-out effort he'll sustain you in that effort he'll empower you in that effort not so that you can bypass the effort amen but it's he sustained him and dad hagin said he did get better in times that his vision came back he could move pages some you see he got better the more he put himself in the direction of an all-out effort toward the word see that was that was what he was doing with his authority he was using that to get the word in him and uh 16 months he's up and off that bed that took him that was 15-year journey of getting there without instruction without help from outside he had the help of the holy ghost but it's easier to learn from a person many times than from a holy spirit from the holy spirit when you've never been taught how to follow him amen so uh don't ever sentence yourself that you know i you know i've been thinking in the wrong direction for too long there's been a momentum if you're giving all that effort to the word the word can change that but you'll have to give an all-out effort you're not earning it you're applying it there's a difference between earning something and applying something praise the lord i said praise the lord so we have to see that it does matter what we do in the face of opposition because every time we say something allow wrong thinking in it sets a momentum in the wrong direction every time we speak wrong words you are setting something in motion and every time you keep saying it's like if you put a child on a swing and you push them once they'll they'll have momentum but you keep pushing them brother they almost gonna flip over that bar right momentum matters and if you're going to go to stop them they say i want to stop if they're just barely swinging it's easy to stop them just just stand right behind and you can have an immediate instant stop and it's not a problem but if you they're swinging high you endanger them trying to do a hard immediate stop and you endanger yourself it's not possible there's too much movement there's too much counter movement to that you have to stop them gradually and many times people have spent years setting something in motion but they want god to stop it immediately and then wonder why why is this i have dominion i have authority yes but you have to understand that other things are in play here if you've left your mind unrestrained for a long time i guarantee you your mind is automatically rutted in that it did not take 16 months for god to heal dad hagen it took 16 months to get his thinking out of the wrong direction with the momentum it was out [Applause] and once he saw it within 10 minutes he's out of the bed it only took 10 minutes once the monk because see what was the momentum uh he'd been taught uh miracles and healings and all that that passed away with the apostles so see he's thinking for his whole life this has passed away i can't be healed because it's passed away i i love something that i heard one preacher say because he was raised in a church where they taught that the age of miracles and healings passed away with the apostles and he was preaching of course he he had been raised up under dad hagin's ministry and dealt with that that you know religious thinking that was robbing people and so of course he thought in line with the word now but he was preaching and while he was preaching he said one day he was referring to this that he'd been taught that healings and miracles and the power of god and all these manifestations had passed away when the last apostle died and he said while he said that he said he had a vision and in the vision there was a screen and letters appeared on it like it was being typed up there on typing on a sheet of paper and up came the words healing passed away when the last apostle died and he seen this typed out in front of him and he said he he saw that statement he was so familiar with and it frightened him you know it shocked him to see god showing him that and then he said then another line typed in but the last apostle's not dead yet no excuse the vice apostles not dead amen jesus is the first and the last amen but see dad hagin thought in terms of that so his thinking people people only say what they already think it's not hard to change people's words it's hard to change their thinking so every thought that's against your dominion that's against your authority you have to recognize it and get rid of it you have to deal with how the only way you'll ever walk fully in your dominion is renew your mind do you know your mind you have to think right every time we allow wrong thinking because sometimes we know we're thinking wrong i know that's wrong i know that's wrong i know that's wrong and every time you act you allow thinking that you know is wrong to persist you are setting momentum and uh it'll work against you so it does matter that you let it slip once it doesn't matter that you let those words out of your mouth you know you get real tick off but bless god you know what you're stuck so let's just get a divorce well i didn't mean it no no no no you're setting something in motion and you're giving it momentum even though you're only saying that to manipulate you're still words carry movement and every time you sing every time you say something even though you say well i don't believe it with my heart doesn't matter because you keep saying it and it will get in your heart without you intending it to and every time you say it it's like pushing that child on that swing a little higher every time you say it well i didn't mean for that to happen well that's what you said life and death are in the power of the tongue the power of words it's in your mouth amen amen now and i i do this uh i say the next thing the next illustration reverently and not critically but for those of you who heard it i want to help adjust something in your thinking because god had to adjust something in my thinking um when i was 18 a test started i got saved at 19. but there was mental harassment and bombardment before that why because i said it the other day the devil is not all-knowing he does not know don't give him so much credit he only but because he is in the spirit realm he is a spirit he can see spiritual movement around your life so when he sees god start moving he knows start moving he's an imitator because he's got nothing original he can only imitate there's nothing original in him so when god starts moving god you can see angelic movement around some people's in the spirit i'm saying if god were to open our eyes we would not just see an inactive spirit realm around our lives there would be movement and at times there's increased movement based on what's coming so the devil will know something is coming based on watching the degree of movement around somebody in the spirit realm amen so um no doubt god was dealing with me the holy spirit was dealing with me convicting me of sin before i was born again well the devil saw that movement and so he started a movement attacking this why so that i would miss the dealings in my heart so that's why no matter what kind of attack or test you're going through there it will always accompany an attack with the mind because he's got to get you in the mental arena to keep you out of the arena of victory which is the arena of your spirit your heart so he tries to create all this commotion up here so that you override hear your spirit amen so at 18 that happened that mental bombardment well i got saved at 19. and when i was 28 bombardment started again but i started pastoring at 30. see there was seasons of something god was bringing me into at 38 that started again so god works in patterns of promotion so the devil works in patterns so at 18 28 38 48. there was a pattern well ed would see that he had a pattern also of every 10 years maybe it's typical with everybody and ed would preach every 10 years every 10 years there's going to be a test well i had just come through that a test it started at 48 and it would last really till every residue of it was gone would be about three years it would be intense for the first year and a half and really intense the first three months i just learned that but every time i would at 18 28 38 48 i would have that four seasons i would get through especially 18 i got through you know well i didn't get through at 18 but in that season i would get through but i couldn't tell you how i got through i'd just bare knuckle my way i'd press into god but i didn't learn purposeful accurate steps that i could tell somebody i just accidentally pushed the right button so to speak i i did the right thing not purposeful but just by enduring and it was my desire with this as god this ought not be i it's not like bumping your head until you find where the exit door is that's not right that's not that's not the victory path it's just hit everything you can until something works and you exit out of that room you know and so then the answer it book see then i got the skill and god said write it and that's what the answer it book came out of hallelujah now i got them i got the steps those same steps work every time but you have to apply it every time so my husband would say every 10 years you're going to inner test of something so at 48 i entered that test but at 52 i had really it had been about a year that had passed and ed went home to be with the lord so in the back of my mind i'm counting down for 58. you just not that you're planning on it in the sense of or looking forward to it but you're aware so when i was probably 57 at different times there's almost like you know how people will say if someone is going to have an epileptic seizures there's preliminary symptoms to kind of note that they're fixing to go into a seizure sometimes with those tests there would be preliminary things that would happen it was you know that it you you know oh you could sense something you could sense something working against you yeah nothing really tangible or visible but you could sense movement and so uh here i was at 57 and there would be little tests that come and every time they would come and they were like preliminary type harassment that would start before you know it's almost like he would hit you like when he get you kind of off and then boom the big one you know usually with the boxer they don't just go in with the one big one they hit hit and then see they they get them off center yeah yes it was kinda and i don't know how to describe it that's just the way i process it okay i'm not saying thus saith the lord of i'm just saying that's how i process what what happened with me so every time those and here i'm in about 56 57 some of those are starting to these challenges that i recognize that are not just me yeah you can tell there's demons bringing stuff and every time that would come i'd just do those steps from here and from skill see it's not enough to know the steps you have to be practiced at the steps there's skill skill amen and so i would skillfully implement those and i'm telling you in a moment be gone be gone every time every time it'd be gone and then one day i remember exactly where i was and the spirit of god came on me i started travailing well i tell you what it was too let me let me explain this of what i recognized when a test would come here and i'm talking about a demon would attack the mind and thoughts just like machine guns have driven and you're trying not to notice them right but when uh when that happens you're gonna notice that it's there but i had learned i don't care how great the pressure here the bombardment how driving the thought is i had learned to turn this way turn to your spirit there's the skill many want this to stop so they can turn here toward their spirit they want the mental bombardment to back up ease off get relief so that they can turn here i've learned in the midst of that bombardment that's what skill does in the midst of that bombardment when it's so tangible almost you ignore it and you turn to your spirit and i did that without struggle why because i had learned through the other steps through the previous seasons i had learned it and when i turned that day when i turned i mean just great tormenting pressure that came here and i turned here i recognized on the inside there's something trying to spring up the anointing within the anointing that abides within and it was slight and i noticed it and that if i i'm just on this in my spirit it's almost like it was like this like it was it was trying to activate but it couldn't without my response that anointing that dwells within cannot spring up and flow out without you yielding to it it won't come up and dominate you have to yield to it amen and it came up i recognize that day that it came up as travail and so i travailed maybe just groaned maybe five ten seconds i yielded to it and once it flowed up phew that that which was being harassed was gone why because the anointing abides within came up destroyed that remember what the word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood god will raise up a standard what's the standard the anointing the standard of the anointing broke that thing off then i didn't have to try to get rid of this i let the anointing get rid of that not by might not by power but by the spirit by the anointing of the spirit does that make sense to you that's the skill learn that there is an anointing that abides within that'll deal with this it's not about you have to think right so that you don't yield to this and that takes skill takes practice no one can do that for you you have to practice your way into that place so no matter what this is no matter what's coming against the mind turn here don't forget the anointing within it's the anointing that destroys this that's coming against but not if you invite this in not if you invite the thoughts the tormenting thoughts that the devil is bringing to you if you turn them over in your mind then you open the door to the wrong thing you say well i open the door the wrong thing okay then turn away from that and turn here towards your spirit because that anointing that abides within is still there [Music] but because if you let it in for a little bit it gains momentum it may take a little bit of time to get it out but it doesn't matter just keep yielding keep yielding to the anointing within amen so i did that and it left like that and when after that remember what what paul said help me with the wording i was trying to think of the other day that scripture paul talked about this only for a moment there's a glory this light affliction is only but for a moment why it only takes a moment of yielding to the anointing within and in that moment it only takes a moment for the yoke to be destroyed by that anointing a moment and that's exactly what it was it wasn't even it wasn't it's 30 seconds it was a a moment it shouldn't be months and years but sometimes it's longer until we gain skill that you say well how comes more in the moment for me skill skill skill with dominion skill with walking in the spirit skill why was it why did it take dad hagin 16 months for his raised up skill with faith you see renewing the mind he had to get some skill he had to get some skill calling those things which be not as though they were of believing he received he had to get some skill just to get light and the moment he used it it only took a moment amen so anyway getting back to this other because i want you i want to help you with what god helped me with and he said you heard it said that you you every 10 years you winner test because my husband would say that every 10 years and god said to me if you expect to enter a test you will now notice the wording just and is it true that there came a test every 10 years yes but just because it came doesn't mean it has to be entered there's the key because all along that thing was trying it was coming and i was successfully resisting it now it was easy it was easy why because skill turns everything easy that's right and so he said to me unless you get rid of that thinking that it has to come and you have to enter it every 10 years you'll keep entering he said quit counting down you're counting down because you you think you have to enter that season so we've heard that that's why i wanted to say that so that we can not we can adjust some things jesus entered a test that lasted 40 days 40 days 40 nights not to see it not to see who would win but to demonstrate mastery to demonstrate skill you notice he never entered another 40-day test through his earthly ministry now why because he was skillful did the opportunity for another season of testing come sure but he resisted it in a moment never entered it he was all the time had it the opportunity to enter tests we all will have opportunities to enter tests offered us right but through skill exercising our dominion as a lifestyle amen now see the reason i was able even here when i wrote that book answer it i realized that for several years i know the answer i know the steps out of a test scripturally that work every time but every time something would come i would employ those steps i didn't just know it and not use it right yes yes because then when i'm 57 58 knowing it not using it you lose skill of what you know what is this dominion is a lifestyle that's what i'm trying to it's a consistent lifestyle look at what comes against your life on a daily basis thoughts circumstances symptoms feelings people who live out of their emotions they're they're touchy they're offended they get upset they cry a lot they cry at the drop of a hat and i'm not talking about crying under the anointing i'm talking about they're they're emotional they're emotional you better deal with that you better take your dominion and deal with that every day every day every day i'm not going to behave like that anymore i'm not going to say that to my spouse anymore i'm not going to i'm not going to manipulate that way anymore all these things are against your dominion and you better use it every day because if you don't you have a momentum of defeat moving and then when a time of crisis comes and you need victory there's the momentum of the wrong thing moving you got a momentum of wrong thinking a momentum of say anything you want a momentum of manipulating momentum of yielding to your emotions and breaking down you better stop that better stop a momentum of a bad self-image all that all that anything that doesn't come from god you better put your authority on it use your dominion on it answer it forbid it and quit working with it and quit being kind to yourself when you yield people are so soft on themselves sometimes sometimes they're hard on themselves and sometimes they're permissive very permissive well you know it's just because the way i was raised you better stop that excusing yourself [Applause] well i didn't one raise the home you raised me you better stop excusing yourself because i no matter what home i was raised in i still had to learn skill my mama couldn't give me skill so it's not about skill is not about the home you were raised in can i say the skill is not about the home you're raised in it's what you're doing today skills that's where skill flows out of praise the lord praise the lord dr um smith wigglesworth made the statement he said many times people wait until it's too late to try to get faith and then it's too late many times people wait too late until they try to take dominion things are already in motion and have momentum there was a a woman years ago she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer they when when she went in they had the diagnosis they said you've got three weeks three weeks well she's still alive today and that was in the early 80s she's still alive today but she said this and me listening to our testimony now i listened to it before i married ed so this was over 37 years ago i heard it the first time and i was just saved i hadn't been saved that long and i heard her testimony and she was telling about it and then she said i don't know why i got can't because i i thought to myself i wonder why how she why she got cancer not that i'm i don't ask that because i'm a busybody i'm asked that because i want to learn and some people ask that stuff because they're they're not interested in learning they're just want to know they're just they're nosy so i asked that from the right place and i thought i wonder how that ever came on her to begin with if there's something i can learn about that and out on the the tape i was listening to the next phrase she answered it she says i don't know why this came on me i prayed against it every day for 10 years ah same thing job did just because you put something in the form of a prayer doesn't turn it into faith fear can't become faith just because it's in the setting of prayer [Applause] amen just because you put it in the setting of prayer it's still it still has the same source so she was we were in the back room years ago with her after she was healed and she was telling us this in the back room and she said i remember she said i prayed against it for 10 years why because well did you pray against tuberculosis for 10 years did you pray against smallpox for 10 years why do you single something out when you single something out it's fear you don't have to pray see get on the right side of prayer don't pray against things pray for things i don't ever say i won't have the i won't get this i won't get that i won't get this when you start labeling it like singling out you're fearful of it you know what i say i'm kept by the power of god see i'm for the power that keeps me. that's what i magnify i don't magnify what's working against others and then put it in the form of prayer and call it faith it's not faith it's fear and the devil still hears fear even though it's in the form of a prayer so he answers it so she said in the back room she says i don't tell this publicly because i don't want to dishearten people but she said it was 15 years before every symptom left and i go you're my thought to myself i'm not disheartened i know why 10 years of momentum momentum momentum and two another problem is she didn't know where she opened the door so that momentum is still not fully stopped the way it could have been when you don't recognize the open door it didn't take 15 years for god to heal her it took time because she didn't know where she didn't know where her momentum was the momentum was fear she didn't know that so she didn't stop that and then she was adding power so she had to get the power of god if i could say this dominating the spirit of fear just stop the fear does that make sense to you so it's not enough to say what god has for you or what god wants you or what you're believing for stop doing what's what has a wrong momentum in your life stop that [Music] you can't say thank god i'm healed praise god i'm healed and then you know sitting at the dinner table and talk about your aches and pains there's a momentum that they're they're they're not agreeing so every time you say you start the momentum of faith talking the momentum of doubt hinders the momentum of the faith [Applause] [Music] and gives momentum to the wrong thing again and you go this back and forth because you're dealing with spiritual laws here then go i just don't know why i'm progressing because you're not all in on faith you're not all in on your dominion against something you're you're you're you're using your dominion part of the time and not all the time well that's how you turn out kids that are inconsistent you being consistent in your parental authority that's the one thing that my mother was just so my goodness so uh such an example in she was consistent that's the biggest thing i would say about her she was consistent as a parent she was fair and she was consistent some of you aren't fair when you're not consistent you're unfair to your child because you let them get by with it twice and then whip them for it the third time you're you're unfair you're not only faulty in your dominion you're unfair it's not fair to them because you gave them permission by being permissive and then you whip them for permission you gave them that's not fair inconsistency is unfair and inconsistency in our dominion will treat us unfairly praise the lord amen consistency dominion is a daily walk when dr sumrall went to the philippines and not telling the whole story because there's a huge so many things to tell out of that and he heard on the radio they announced that there was a 17 year old that had been arrested for prostitution and she was they threw her in prison and she was being bitten by devils to where people could see bite marks on her body appear and she would scream and torment and they said if anybody can help us come and let us then come and help so dr sumrall heard this advertised they they took the microphone into her pr into her jail cell and they heard her screaming over the radio and god spoke to him and said i want you to go set that girl free now listen to dr sumrall he said get someone else he had just been there in the philippines for six months there have been pastors catholic leaders that have been there for generations there have been others and i mean there there were christian people on the island it was not a non-christianity you know city there were christians there so dr sumrall had been there six months he said get someone else he's saying why don't you use some of these that have this is their home they're established here now listen what god said i don't have anyone else i don't have anyone else what was he saying i don't have christians no he wasn't saying that there were christians there he's saying i don't have anyone who knows their dominion i don't have anyone who's skillful with dominion enough to make a an effect with that to deal with that i guarantee you god has lots of family but not lots of family has skill and god is limited to those who know dominion to have certain flows yeah you can have a measure flows through people that they know a measure of things but when there's certain flows that god god wants to get us into and bring us into it's going to require skill at the use of our dominion skill at the momentum of dominion the momentum of dominion it comes to a lifestyle of consistency that means exercise yourself every day in your authority in your dominion every day that means with every thought answer it with every symptom answer it every feeling of your flesh and your emotions answer them you're not well that's just the way i feel i mean because today's society is in embedding our young people let's sit down and talk about our feelings are you kidding me my mama talked about winding the hole in your hand why aren't you out there holding that cot and i'm going to talk to you about that why don't you have let me talk about why why you're not pushing that lawnmower there's your feelings right there go feel that lawn mower but see today's society it's all about the feelings and we sit down and we talk about it and so people get entrenched in that and they think that they have a right to be led because that's the way i feel that's the way i feel you don't care about my feelings that's right i don't care about your feelings why because that's the devil's flow it's your feelings he uses your feelings to harass your life and make you inconsistent i feel like going to church today i don't feel like it now i feel like serving then i don't feel like servant the devil uses your feelings god gave you feelings to color your life not to lead your life amen amen because the way we our views and way we feel about stuff brings color indifference to us that that is really delightful but not to lead us that's right but it's easy to be led by feelings well i just don't know why i just you know i cry at the drop of a hat my feelings get hurt and all this kind of stuff you're carnal let's just call it that way you're carnal what's carnal mean your body ruled your body's ruling you your feelings are ruling you instead of you being in dominion you're being dominated you're not dominating you're dominated you do that stuff it'll cost you the plan of god [Applause] amen amen i there was a there was a man in our church he was on staff years and years ago nice man i enjoyed working with him he was a blessing to work with easy he was a precious man and one day i drove up in the parking lot in front of the offices and apart the moment i drove into my parking space god said when you get in there fire him i was stunned i said god why fire him i said he's a good employee he gives me no problems and he says his his uh his wife speaks against the church speaks against leadership and he won't tell her to stop so he's unsafe for you fire him see he wasn't walking in his authority as a husband he should have told her you're not doing that here well i'm keeping peace no you're not keeping peace you're disobeying the word you're opening the door to the devil on your life and calling it peace that's false peace when you're afraid of somebody getting mad at you [Applause] i don't care who gets mad at me my mother used to say to us i love you enough to let you hate me meaning and she'd tell she'd tell us this i'm not i'm not here to be your friend i'm your parent i don't care i don't care whether you like hanging out with me or anything else i'm not here to be your friend you get your friends at school you get your friends on the block i'm your parent so many of you are trying to be friendly to your children [Music] friendly to your family when you need to be a parent say i'm not having that you're not doing that in my life my mother would say i got four kids and my life is too short to live with four kids i can't live with meaning you're not ruining my life [Applause] and my mother walked in authority if she didn't agree with it she didn't call us right see today we have a society of people living in perversions homosexuality lesbianism and all these things and people changing their standard of the word they live by for their children [Applause] you put your children above the will of god and it's going to cost you something anything you put above the word will cost you it'll rob from you i love my children but they ain't perfect i'm not perfect and i'm not going to call them right when they're wrong amen and i'm not doing that to keep peace i keep peace by walking in authority not by being permissive to wrongdoing and god said to me you fire him it cost him his place in our ministry because he would not use his dominion every day at home i've seen men get very very sick because they let the woman run the house i'm not talking about the daily operations of the house i'm talking about the family they ran they decided the direction we go the only thing is when you're married god is going to lead through the head and the wife won't even know what god is saying and she's going to be guessing because god's going to bypass the husband go to her even if she does pray more even if she does read her bible more it's not about how much you pray or read your bible it's about your position and god has ordained that he will lead the direction of that family through the husband amen so the the the divine supply the wife is is praying for his hearing amen and it'll bear witness with the wife amen well i'm just trying to keep peace in my family you better stop that you better obey god that's right amen well my family tells me this you better stop that what did god tell you this is part of dominion this is part of authority every day in the home every day on the job every day with your children why because when challenges of life come up we want to have the skill of our dominion in place the momentum of our dominion in place so that it's moving and it carries us through those things easily yes when the right momentum is in place are you helped so i i had to go in and fire him did you tell him why no god didn't tell me tell him why and he said pastor he said i trust you whatever you have in your heart i'll do it and he says i want you to know i'm here you're my pastor i'll be i'll stay in the church i never saw him again why because he went home to a wife that said they weren't going back his heart i heard his heart he wanted to come back but he was so used to laying down his dominion just because the wife is bossy just because the wife that's threatening or loud does not make her equipped to lead that family amen just because she's assertive i'm going to tell you something husbands some temperaments are so different all of us are different some are passive some are more laid back and uh that's okay you know and then sometimes you have a wife that i mean she's got a she's wives are adapters they know how to adapt they have to handle children they got to get the kids school they they're they can do multiple things at once what a wonderful thing seriously they can keep 15 things going like this and just have their makeup still not running they just look good women have a skill that is just so impressive it's a blessing to the family but the skill is the the position does not carry having divine direction for the family that's going to come through the husband and if the husband's not careful if he is of a passive temperament and she's of an assertive temperament now see i'm i'm i'm not trying to pick on people i'm just saying this i pastored for 25 years i've lived on this earth for 60. so i've seen differences being assertive does not mean you're authorized to be the head of the family and husbands if you just don't want to rock her boat you've been laying down your authority for a while i tell you what there was one thing about my husband he was in charge and everybody around him knew he was in charge and not not in a way that pushed you down but in a way that protected you his assertiveness to exercise his dominion made us all safe we felt that safety my dad was that way you didn't do his thinking for him that didn't mean he didn't listen it meant you weren't going to just because you were loud and saying no we're not doing that checking the chat the wife checking the husband on every little thing inserting you don't have the same voice god is not going to lead you not going to give you the same knowings he has he's going to know some things just in his spirit just because his position is head of the family now the wife the bible call bible god uh paul told timothy guide he said to the women the women guide the household what's that mean that's different than head of the family he's saying god the daily operations of the household the cleaning the laundry the getting the children the why the wife is to guide the household amen god will give her faith for a home that many times the husband won't have the faith for the house the buying of the house because that's her domain but the family's welfare is the husband's domain and i was always so impressed when i would ed would say we need to do this we need to do that and i go my gosh he's so impressive how keen he is and then he died in that position became mine i go oh i get it the leading's with the position when i stepped in that position i had all the same leadings so when i wasn't in that position i didn't have any of those leadings he had i just had the witness of whether his leadings were right or not but it wasn't my job to sit and him pick him into my direct because i no woman is going to know what the man knows i'm talking about in the body of christ i'm not talking about does that make sense to you and because this man as the head of his family would not deal with his wife it cost him his place in the ministry it cost him his job and within a short time they were divorced it cost him his home a false peace tore up his home why he did not use his dominion every day and if he would have tried she would kick back okay pastor nancy what i do i've been laying down my dominion with my kids i've been laying down my dominion with my spouse maybe a husband says this and i want to finish this and if i say if a husband is more of a pers a passive temperament and a wife is more of aggressive you cannot lead your home based on personality you lead it based on the word as a i'm i'm i am not an aggressive person i mean i am laid back laid back laid back i got to kick myself forward and uh i'm not a confrontational person but my husband loved confrontation he thrived on comfort i mean it was part of his temperament part of it and so as pastoring i had to overstep my personality to confront what was wrong that what would try to get our place in the church family why to keep them safe and i would not let my personality decide how i pastored i pastored based on the word and not based on my personality your personality is to serve you not lead you it's to cut my personality colors my life in the pulpit my ministry it colors things but it is not leading me and those of you you're going to have you you'll never exercise dominion if you're led by your personality you never will not proper dominion the lord for dominion to be effective it's a daily exercise of it a daily consistent use of it so that there's a momentum of it amen well are you helped this morning amen because when we use i i love something that somebody called dad hagen there was a student of a well-known minister and uh they were at this um they were relative of a well-known minister brother and uh this minister was very close to dad and they the the relative was about 26 years old i believe he told his wife one night before they went to bed i'm gonna be playing golf with such and such and i'm gonna be leaving about four five o'clock in the morning something like that and he said so i'll try not to wake you up but when i when i you wake up i'm you know i'll be gone i'll take the car and stuff so he's telling her that well she woke up about seven eight o'clock in the morning she rolled over in bed and he's still in bed and she went to wake him up you know because he you you're so scared play golf and he was dead he had no symptoms he had not been sick he was dead so they called dad hagen because i mean he's a young man he's a relative of a minister close to dad hagen they they said would you come over and pray and see if god would have you to deal with raising him from the dead so uh he says no i won't come and they said why not and he said well when you want when uh to minister to someone to raise them from the dead you're gonna have to exercise authority you're gonna right yes that's that's an act of authority a dominion and this is what he said he said authority should have been taken earlier what's this some people wait until it's too late and they want to take authority so he was saying that while he while he was alive something should have been addressed something should have been dealt with then well we could all say that i mean when somebody dies something but in that situation god had been evidently dealing with him or with the family somebody and nothing was addressed and see lack of dominion you can't just throw dominion at it later make up for the use the lack of the use of it previously consistency will are your help stand with me to your feet father we thank you we were made for dominion we take our place we take our place whatever we bind whatever we forbid heaven will forbid whatever we lose whatever we permit heaven will permit yes and so we see that heaven watches earth to take its cues yes what are we doing on earth with our dominion that either invites or or hinders heaven's movement father thank you for the light of these things we have known it in a measure that we have dominion but we see the components that have to be adjoined to it the consistency mindful of what momentum what things are we giving momentum to in our life we thank you for divine help we give you thanks for the light of the word hallelujah listen this era needs us walking in our dominion the flow needs your your local church needs you walking into me amen yeah your pastor needs you walking in your dominion taking what he's taught you and putting it in place that's how we advance amen
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 2,783
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Id: d4LZMomz7zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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