No Ordinary Chess Pieces! - Secrets Hidden Inside!

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hi and welcome to another episode of mr puzzle today with six individual puzzles that are part of the hanayama chess pieces puzzle series you heard right these puzzles are made by hanayama the same company who made these small metal puzzles we all love so much and i wanted to get these puzzles since a long time now they are here and i've got one of each type of chess puzzle piece there's a silver version available and this is the black version from my opinion looks much cooler but this is probably a question of personal taste so if they are made by hanayama it means they are coming from japan and they have been designed by marcel gillen from luxembourg and if you remember that name yes i reviewed the puzzle of him earlier this was this puzzle here of the secret stash box made by bronze but marcel julian was the one who made the design for this puzzle however today is about these puzzles and we got here a pawn as i mentioned we got a knight we got a bishop we got a what is it called in english rook okay i cheated we got uh the queen and we got the king and i gonna solve all of them today they're all coming with different difficulty levels by the way the king and the queen level three then the rook number level one bishop level two knight level two and rook level one a pawn level one each of these puzzles by the way has a different solution to it and the task on all of these puzzles is to find the hidden coin and i have to say already just by touching them by looking at them they look insane i mean look at this wow and another time hanayama proved hanayama never disappoints so but before i start i would also like to show you a super cool gadget it's called square wave horizon i showed you the square wave in an earlier episode which is basically the bigger version of this one and this one does have a stand and is held or fixed on this stand horizontally you can just place this on your desk with these two little handles now designed by ivan black from great britain who also designs amazing really amazing looking and performing kinetic sculptures and manufactured by kinetica in italy and now let me show you how this works it's also available in different colors by the way you can rotate it here on these two handles and they connect it like a chain each of these 90 degree angles so they will deform one after one and this is just so satisfying i will just play around with it a bit so just watch it and enjoy [Music] wow this is so fun just to play with it [Music] wow just wow i could play with this now for the next hour but um i have to finish some chess pieces here and therefore that's it for this toy today let's get these back in place and after spoiler break you're gonna see my first attempt trying to solve the complete hanayama chess pieces puzzle collection and let's now start with the first one the pawn okay i can rotate it here let's maybe try spinning it no oh i can just screw it off okay okay is this really a puzzle i don't know um i'm not sure if this is intended to be able to screw okay okay i need to hold it here and then screw it off i think this it would be nice to make this at least a left-handed thread to make it a little bit more difficult nothing else can be done there's something inside there but oh wait i can also remove this this is this is cool man what guys come on look at this oh this is brilliant this is not a level one man this is a level two a minimum no but just kidding i mean this is this is i think this was pretty clever i think this is more like like a level two or three it can stump people pretty hard i think if you if you do not have the right idea very cool i didn't expect such a clever mechanism in this puzzle here's the coin the pawn coin so i need to to get this back i need to put this back in man this is clever i i'm now really surprised how clever this little puzzle is screwing this out it's like a small sequential discovery puzzle closed again the pawn very cool very surprised by this one really really really good puzzle actually simple but really good puzzle what is it called i always forgot the name of this one in english rook also level one so there seems to be some kind of a disc or something here it's like loose yeah the head the head here is loose and this can probably be screwed off or again taken out let me zoom in a bit that you can see it better so see how this rotates now it's stuck again now it's rotating again oh no it's stuck again can i maybe not unscrew something something comes off no idea what's going on here there's a pin here in the top and this comes ah okay okay i got the point okay i got the point yes oh yeah yes so here's the coin let me just explain you how this works the root coin it works the following so there is a pin and what i did in the end what it was actually right so this this can be twisted here and there seems to be some kind of a hole in it and at one point this pin will drop in so now it's unlocked condition the pin is in here i can't unscrew it but then this pin will drop in here at one point i think this was happening let's see here you go and then you can unscrew it now yeah now it's locked and this was the strange noise you could hear now it's locked condition and how how to open this up oh yes i can just pull it up okay but this is probably not intended i think this should be fixed more that i could not just rip it apart and here's this little pin inside of this hole and this pin goes in here so this is how you solve the rook didn't didn't expect that to be honest such clever mechanisms inside here now comes the knight knight is will open probably down here and there seems to be another pin inside let's pull it no let's screw it no oh squeak i won't apply any force because i think maybe if it's the same as this one i can rip it apart again but this makes no sense i can't feel any difference no matter how i move it this is now level two the other two have been a level one you can see it's coming out a bit but only in this position so this is the way this is the property position to open it at this area here now i can nearly look inside actually there must be a pin or something again blocking it what happened now ah of course no no it's stuck and here is the knight coin oh okay this is sneaky man these these puzzles are not like level one or two these are definitely much more difficult than the usual hanayama puzzle at this this difficulty level um this is a pretty sneaky one here actually there is a notch going inside around here as you can see and this pin as well as this rib is sliding in this notch and what happened and what was the reason i could take it partially out was this rip going through this notch but at the same time this little bolt need to be inside now down here and to unlock this one i need to put it vertical then back and then the what's what's what the thing i don't do not understand is that if you rotate it to the rear like so still fixed but if you rotate it to the front in two steps like so and like so you can push it in here we go wow i didn't i seriously didn't expect that another very cool puzzle now number four okay so this one needs to be taken out also down here which seems to be in the correct configuration now and i think it has something to do this time with this knob up here oh maybe kind of similar as the other one oh now it's it's staying outside whoop and solved i think i was right so it's kind of similar as the other one i need to maybe hold it horizontally and then flip it over okay and it's blocked and if this remains outside it's unlocked and if it comes back out again like so it goes back in so i need to put put it horizontal and then put it in and then it can drop inside the easiest one so far but only because i understood how this one worked so and now let's come to the level three puzzles let's see oh i can pull up also the head on this one this one does not come out here so when it's in i can rotate it when it's out and at one point it's blocked here there is there is something i can i mean i can touch it and i can feel it there is something inside here interacting with this bolt oh here we go here we go and and again another pin okay so every time this thing was actually inside was already close to the solution and what is the problem here what did i do don't i understand so if i hold it like this it's unlock condition i can only release it if i've turned around 180 degrees and then pull it up and then turn it back okay the problem on this one is to identify front and rear side actually so this is how you solve the queen a little bit strange this one depends also a bit of on luck i think i'm not working that smooth as the other ones and here we got the king of the mechanism so you can unscrew it no but so i expect this one works the same as the other one again a pin oh this was actually the easiest one of all um unfortunately they are yes they are different but not as different as i would expect so this one and this one they are pretty much the same same as this one this is also very close and how did this work i think the same as the other one i think i immediately held it in the correct orientation probably and therefore it was so easy to solve now it's dropping in again not sure about this mechanism to be honest what's really unlocking them here it seems i was a bit lucky on this one and immediately performed the right sequence of steps without knowing what i was doing it seems to be kind of amazing now okay now it's now it's in but high risk to solve it randomly on this one it seems i would rate the difficult ones with a level yeah three out of a maximum of five and the easiest ones maybe with the level two however none of them for me is a level one they are definitely more difficult and from cleverness point of view i think this one actually as well as this one these two together with this one these three here were definitely the cleverest mechanisms from my point of view the other ones were just like pushing and pulling and turning a pin to just make it drop in these were kind of clever and my favorites however um all of them are definitely recommendable really really cool and enjoyable puzzles let me know in the comments what was your favorite solution here and if you enjoyed this video as usual then thumb up like this video to support me and this channel that's it for today and until next time keep on puzzling [Music] you
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 64,410
Rating: 4.9281664 out of 5
Keywords: Mr.Puzzle, Chess Puzzle, Hanayama Chess, Hidden Coin, Coin Puzzle, Golden Coin, Metal Puzzle, Clever Puzzle, Chess Pieces, Hanayama Puzzles, Design Puzzles, Difficult Puzzle, Chris Ramsay Puzzle, Cuby Puzzle, magnus carlsen, Chess Pieces Black Edition, Hanayama Cast Puzzle, Agadmator Chess
Id: lL0GxfqTO-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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