The Five Snakes Puzzle!! - Really that hard!?

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hi and welcome to another episode of mr puzzle today's episode is about a puzzle that's very similar to the puzzles i reviewed last episode however this one is designed by human while the ones in the last episode were designed by an artificial intelligence but the category of the puzzles is exactly the same we are talking about packing puzzles today's puzzle is called five snakes made and designed by ryan of perplexers puzzles and the task is quite simple so you got five pieces which look really cool you're gonna see it in a minute you got a wooden frame and you need to fit these five pieces in the frame and it's called of course pipe snakes because these five pieces are not like commonly shaped pieces but they are actually look like five snakes in different shapes what i like on this puzzle is it's simplistic and at the same time very cool look also i think these neon colored snakes are an excellent pick because they look so interesting so i really really like how this looks like and i'm sure this is an absolute eye-catching everyone would like to try it out however the task is as i mentioned to fit all of these five snakes inside of the frame this name the frame does not come without any bottom side and it comes also with this instruction and the instruction says this is a very difficult puzzle which raised my personal interest to be honest i learned that of 40 people this puzzle was sent to only three discovered the correct solution so let's see if i will be able to do it and how long it will take me there are dozens of closed but not quite solutions you may be tempted to jam the five snakes into the frame to make them fit okay i got it you will not need to bend or force any piece okay so when you have the correct solution all pieces will be loose okay that's an interesting detail and you will be able to lift the frame up without any piece stuck into the frame ah okay so actually the frame without a bottom side or a base plate is actually part of the puzzle so you need to somehow fit it in i can go i cannot get even in four of the pieces this would be an okay solution because i can just lift up the frame without any piece sticking to the frame okay that's that's a very interesting idea and cool concept and this would be an not okay solution and i guess even if one piece is slightly sticking to the frame it would be a not okay solution but means at the same time if i'm able to find any kind of solution and maybe there are multiple ones even if this is an unknown solution by the creator it's also a correct solution if another piece sticks to the frame very few people have found the solution oh okay this is triggering me a challenge accepted but feel free to send the pic to perplexers puzzles on instagram for a solution check five pieces need to be fit in the frame laser cut pieces acrylic wood very interesting look very interesting shapes i really hope it turned out that the puzzling and the fun of this puzzle is as great as the first impression after the spoiler break you're gonna see my first attempt to solve this puzzle so let's see if i can make it now let's have a first look place the frame the frame looks symmetric to me so i think it doesn't matter how i place it and now let's start let's have a look at the pieces first so what can i conclude from these pieces maybe without the frame in the beginning this this piece really i think is important for the solution because i would assume you somehow need to place one of these snakes inside of this piece maybe like so let me try what i can get in here is it possible to fit as maybe one of these heads because if it's really that difficult i would expect that there may be some complicated unusual way to arrange the snakes to get it in so this can't be done here and what else do we have here we got this head the snake oh yes oh yes okay how did i do this here like this okay then we got this piece here all of the pieces can probably enter in here maybe put it in like like so okay so also i did not do what i mentioned in the beginning i think this makes really makes really sense to use this piece here as i mentioned it where is this one piece here this one i would expect that this is probably a connection you see it's dropping in so here you can see that it's not under pressure if i move it in the correct position this is not yeah now you see it's dropping in yeah so this fits together but you need to be exactly right okay oh but i'm so far away from from getting the last piece in [Laughter] hmm you see how this i just want to because i want to avoid any kind of complaints in the end here because you see this is fitting perfect okay if this is placed in this orientation i can't fit in that one or yes i can of course of course i can so like so and this puzzle this is really fun this is so these shapes are so unusual and so hard to predict i really like this particular puzzle oh i have the feeling this is gonna be a long night no clue until now so let's stick to my idea i just notice i need to keep my hand down i will do it with one hand because i think it's easier for you or better visible for you if i only do it with one hand like this oh yes you see this get through here can't help me but this looks right place this one in a effective way maybe like so oh my gosh this feels this feels right frame is still loose i somehow turn this a bit no if i would force it down i can't help myself but this looks to me this looks right i mean and i don't know this can be moved a bit these two are exactly bonded i can take it out as you've seen without lifting the other parts so there's no clamping or any bending or so by the way in reality these glow much more than on camera i could now force it in but this would be a wrong solution but maybe maybe i'm close just slightly misaligned the pieces just so close but still still this does not really feel right i i gonna try the the one of the one i tried before again but i can't get it in here ah come on come on come on come on get in get in okay this is this is i don't know is this the correct no it's not i think they're slightly sticking but maybe i can slightly rearrange the pieces to make it fit perfectly get in you sneaky snake oh man this is so close what's the problem here maybe if i place it different oh yes in these corners i probably can move this further inside of the corner because here it's not a complete cutout and therefore i can't move it as far as i could over here let me just flip this around like so here we go now i can move it further into the corner take this piece and move it here in the corner because here i can more inside of the corner and then actually here so i can move it further to the outside and now rearrange the pieces in the same way as before move them in over here then taking this piece down here and now i can move this one further inside of the corner because if it would be over here i demonstrate it to you with this piece over here i can only move it to like here it's gonna be stuck and if i move it over here i can move it further outside and this might be the trick where there are round corners and sharp corners it should give me some additional space this one was like like here and it fits inside here but for some reason it's not it seems oh yes oh yes wait a second there's light friction i have to admit so i might need to rearrange it i'm not sure if it's counting or not it's sticking very slightly maybe i'm able to get them arranged correctly no you see how sensitive this is maybe other way around yes here we go i got it i got it you feel immediately you feel when it's in you see how much free play the pieces have now and watch no sticking at all this is the correct solution and it took me like 20 21 22 minutes it worked actually it works actually super well wow insane so i expected this one to be maybe a level four level five puzzle but but today i was in good shape maybe and today therefore i'm gonna give this one a three out of a maximum of five for my personal difficult rating scale i think that's a fair rating that's it i'm a bit proud of myself today i have to admit i hope you like this puzzle as much as i did i really enjoyed this one maybe i get me a little bit more packing puzzles let me know in the comments if these puzzles are interesting to you if you would like to get a copy yourself i post your link where i get this from in the video description so check it out and that's it for today faster than expected and until next time keep on puzzling you
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 857,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzling, Packing Puzzle, Mr.Puzzle, 5 Snakes Puzzle, Five Snakes Puzzle, Perplexor's Puzzle, Lasercut wood, Impossible Puzzle, Cool Puzzles, Brainteaser, Puzzle Solve, Difficult Puzzle, Chris Ramsay Puzzle, Cuby Puzzle
Id: k9IslSerI2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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