BREAKING INTO THE BRIEF CASE from the locker bought at the abandoned storage auction

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Oh Oh hold on here we have a locked case all right now I should be able to do it with just a screwdriver here now let's see you last time on Locker nuts I paid 350 dollars for a unit that honestly didn't look all that great but I was buying a story and the story was that the prior tenant had passed away his wife didn't know what to do with this stuff so she surrendered it up for auction this doesn't happen all that often so I had to find out what was in there so far it hasn't been very good but I'm still hoping we uncover something of value this is probably the most hopeful looking bucket out of the whole thing [Music] gourds are good is at least five bucks each 15 yeah this is pretty junk you may be lucky to get five bucks on that that's probably more like a dollar this saw goes with the miter box we saw in the other box that's decent a couple bucks I see a lot more extension cords you know what extension cord sell that's the box it's a Dracula taco it's a Dracula taco right the coffin costume okay that makes more sense and jocular talk too but there's no ice cream five bucks right there five bucks what you feel like doing I email it's funny because when we saw this had a tip and I like this could be really good and we both saw we both were like doesn't look so good I think we both thought that this might be 20 bucks just depends on getting the rest the box is in better shape you know me too well it's a big set it's a roller coaster on propane it's empty though Gibble's and necess old Karen Karen came out of Michigan that's so cool yeah skittles yeah that is kind of cool the box is gone apart yeah couple decent tennis racquets 10 bucks forward that was your sport honey right tell everyone you're quite the tennis player I still got some back the day back in the day you can add tennis player when I first met you you were playing tennis there today really dig deep I don't think I think I beat you let me play I think they did not a tennis any I beat the kids in mini golf today they were attacked so you're pretty good at me go five bucks five bucks for a bore those five golf lessons I've had really paid off okay well what's in the big black bag is there anything in there right here soccer one it says soccer seasons coming up because I starting now I coach soccer and let me tell you it's looking like we might break even they can't all be either the twin locker honey that may go for something really popular pepper ear cleaner yeah that's optimism that's coming doing it company wants if I used everything you gotta buy the new filters for me yeah safety DeLonghi this is a good heater actually we should price ticket in our storage and wait till the December to sell it because this is probably 25 bucks okay right now in July yeah 105 on Saturday hey you want the space heater [Music] that's scary I don't know scary that's scary David it's actually frightening new yeah I don't like it mm-hmm I can't believe you put that on your face so is this like a Tiffany lamp like a light fixture I'm gonna be Vonda sitting broken just separated right here someone can solder that back well leave it in there but someone might want to buy it that's actually I don't see any broken panels but I see broken welds oh wait there's so many a few bucks that's kind of dark so that's how much clothes you think Ben oh I don't know 20 bucks for a dumbbell sit out so flea market for a dollar yeah but this is the smaller ones I mean a barbell sit those are better yeah I think this is getting a nice workout here we're gonna need it I told him he doesn't he literally should be like an Olympic runner for how much manual labor he does yeah I mean 25 bucks a page maybe something locally right away yeah I think you're right oh this bocce ball I can feel him ya know a lot of games in here yeah like the skittles game soccer so it's like their recreational cloud this zippers all corroded - it's like they stored it somewhere they're assault maybe they had like a water purifier and they put that bags of salt in their garage no they said epoxy so look at that - what somebody outside what is this baby you put a baby in there well is it a backpack for a little kid let me see yes No oh yeah these are the straps right here you put the kid in maybe and then you know clue this is their brand on it anyone help us out here I don't see the broom and just like that people you're out of here now lockers empty and in all right you guys we got two more chances to make some money on this locker one is that soccer goal we still have to sort that out I looked it up it does have some value but I gotta set it up and it's such a pain but it is soccer season so I need to get to it but right now let's check out this briefcase okay I've been putting that I put that aside we've been holding on to that let's take a closer look and see what we got here well you have a first let me just show you my beautiful Raiders table that is also a locker find many years ago one of my favorite uh favorite dip items all right yes are you ready to see what's in here you notice I got a little space to work now now that we've taken a two-week hiatus from him oh I think it was locked three one four maybe one four here that's not working here all right guys we got a locked case right a locked briefcase let's get some tools and get this baby open all right now I should be able to do it with just a screwdriver here now let's see let's see if this is Whittle Oh yep that was it all right well that wasn't too exciting and look at that I didn't even damage my favorite screwdriver this is a storage locker fine oh oh wait a second got a holes what the heck this what okay we got a holster right here Bianchi holster please baby please you gotta be kidding me guys I was I was not expecting anything in here seriously nothing so we got a holster we got a clip I think that might actually be illegal to own right there is pretty dope this I think is part of a Glenn gun cleaning outers just for cleaning the gun please that's definitely for cleaning guns right now I believe that's a little dent oil huh I never seen a lock that look like that before it's pretty cool well the keys and girl dang look at that that's a big fat bullet boom little cloths for cleaning and this is ear protection 3m for a DNF gun range okay what what is this briefcase sitting right now guns guns guns there's some rope okay and then here's a rifle cleaning rod okay very cool all right are these for something to do with guns I don't know what that is all right but here's alka-seltzer shoelace and then some more stuff for now I think that yalta alka-seltzer must also be for cleaning the gun or something cuz that's what everything in here seems to be thirteen yeah got a few more rods right here alright obviously there's not a rifle in here but there may be a handgun to empty oh man that would have been so sweet wouldn't look at this right there [Music] 3:57 dang it so close but what's in here here it's kind of heavy did someone actually mail this box like that I have never seen that before I don't think it guns in here but one way to find out all right let's see cleaning kit gun cleaning kit oh that was really exciting for a second there I was getting really excited all right well we got that holy smokes you guys I didn't think there'd be anything in that briefcase quite frankly that locker was terrible I'm happy with that this is some of the better things we gotten out of the entire Locker I can't believe that I held that for last and that indeed was the most excitement at least for me I mean you guys might be watching going there's no gun what's so exciting about that just a chance that there was we got close to having a gun in there pretty cool pretty cool so oh boy okay so that's that we got five minutes of that um I don't think there's really much else to show we got it we got a deal with that soccer goal which means I just have to set it up and get the the net looks old and kind of crusty I got to get that on make sure everything is complete and not torn up or anything so I can sell that thing but I think that's a hundred bucks so I believe that's gonna bring us pretty close to even let's take a look right now where we're at for the profit and loss all right we'll see okay wait before we get into that check this out this holster is a little better than what I thought look at this I just looked up the recently sole 125 that's the same holster looks a little better than mine bit so what 125 112 that one looks pretty I don't know 60 bucks okay 150 yep look at that that's ours right look at the baby straps and all that that's that's ours that is ours okay um look it's just a shoulder holster right here 75 bucks in that little part right I don't know Wow Wow Wow there's a difference still 42 we got a couple low 42 but then we have a lot of them hi hundred 115 cuz this is a good find right here this just saved my butt right there that's hey one more thing I just want to show you these are not sold prices this is what's available there's none there's none there's none 9r - you seen no we having some work done up here that drilling 9 or - there are no nine r2s available I'll see this we put in the search right here 9r - but there's a 9 r1 and here we got a 9 r + 9 r 9r so that's good I mean that means that when we get enlisted will be the only one I believe that's available for sale that's really good all right so you know what you saw me I got a tip or everyone got a tip at the auction tip was that this was a locker owned by a woman who husbands had died the stuff was supposedly his and she didn't want to deal with it or couldn't deal with it or didn't want to deal with it so she was surrendering it putting it up for auction I was a sucker that body and I say soccer not because it was a bad purchase it's just that I paid too much I should have let the other guys get it that day you know or at least I should say we shouldn't have fought each other before and so hard it wasn't that good but I did find a couple things and we did sell you know some decent stuff let's go over what we sold but before we do if you guys if you like seeing me take chances and telling you showing you how things work out give me a thumbs up if you would alright subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification so you can be alerted when we put out new stuff because you know what sometimes when I'm bidding here I'm thinking to myself is this a story that needs to be told to you guys and sometimes I pull the trigger just based on that alone and I will go against my gut which is telling me that's too much money or oh that's not good merchandise for the flea market you know that's what is sometimes I just need to get to the bottom of it and I know you guys want I know you guys appreciate that to you because it you know what we all like a good mystery don't we so let's get to showing what we sold out of this locker alright we did not have all that many items to sell out of this locker so this is gonna be quick the dumbbells 30 bucks they were nice no rust put them on Facebook they sold super quick next time I'll list him a little higher maybe 40 bucks next after that was the makita tool set so you guys didn't get to see that as I mentioned before some of the video did get erased off my phone it may have had something to do with the temperatures that day I'm not sure but those were sitting right up above where the briefcase was some of the earlier videos they were lost so the costs on this locker 350 bucks and then the auction fee tax no dump fees thankfully but still we're in at 435 oh man that's the sinking feeling in my stomach when I hear that number out loud but the sales 30 plus 60 and then we had to flea market days and of course we're estimating here because there's a lot of small items but they do add up $100 each day so we got 290 bucks in sales and there's no profit there that's a loss of a hundred and forty five dollars a negative thirty three percent ROI has sometimes away the cookie crumbles alright well you know what what am I going to do what are you gonna do we can't win them all they can't all be third time lockers it can't all be the boat lockers the candle be to the stacked on the left lockers those are some great profits for us this one not so much but you know what we took a chance but here's the great thing there are two items that came out of this locker one the holster I showed you so we did just get that listed on eBay for a hundred and forty-nine ninety-nine I might be pushing the price a little bit but as I mentioned there are none currently listed on eBay fitting that exact match and one recently sold for 150 the next thing is that lighter so that is a trench lighter from the 1920s pretty dope and that's made by JM Co I'm not sure why but there are some made by IM co and i don't know what the difference is there but they both seem to be kind of across the board anywhere from 2030 dollars up to 300 dollars some of them vary a little bit the patents are different etc mine I don't know I saw one buy I am Co this sold for about a hundred bucks so I listed mine for 100 bucks I might be pushing the price on that team but you know what that's a very small box on my shelf over there I'll let it sit for a while and besides it matters are kind of cool it's one of the things that I don't mind selling real quick because I like to have that sort of thing in my ebay inventory on my eBay store it's just got that cool factor and that's kind of what I'd want so those two items alone if we sell them I'm gonna push us into profit so happy about that but it's not a big profit but you know what it wasn't a big Locker it didn't take that much work and like I said before we take a swing right we're gonna take a swing and see what happens so you guys I hope you enjoyed watching this but don't forget on this day we bought two lockers and janna bought the other one and that one's not gonna be quite the stinker this one was you're gonna see that very soon that was a cool Locker really really cool Locker I'm glad she grabbed that one we're gonna show you that in just a bit okay pup until then good luck to you alright god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts because if you haven't seen my eBay store there is a link in the description below I've got some cool stuff for sale but I just want to show you real quick that holster that I've listed like an hour ago is already gotten three views and the lighter the trench liner seven views in one hour that is really really cool
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 21,819
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Opening trunk, Found trunk, Trunk Treasure
Id: nLUxlza_xmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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