Only Believe | Pastor Craig Field

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[Music] so Heavenly Father we come before you in Jesus name Lord Jesus I thank you for the precious congregation that have tuned in tonight to watch into and to join me on livestream father for those that are working or those that for whatever reason couldn't tune in live but I know they'll be watching later tonight or tomorrow whether they're watching right the second - whether they're watching later on father I thank you for each and every one of them you know them by name you know their number of hairs on their head you know their hearts you know everything they're going through and Lord you're with us at a time like this even at unusual times the Lord is with us father we remind you that your word tells us that your name is Emmanuel God with us and Lord Jesus well it's not just a Christmas phrase that said yearly phrase that we say all year long every day 365 days the Lord is with us Lord Jesus you're with us in the storm and you're with us in the in the celebration you're with us and the darkness and the light you're with us in the test and trial and you're with us when things are going good you're with us on the mountaintop when you with us in the valley father you're with us you never leave us Romans 8 says and you never forsake us so I thank you that as I minister your word tonight Lord I know it's a different environment a different setting I don't have people here for me to fall my gaze upon I don't have people here drawing on that anointing and on that office but father I believe that people right now that are watching that they're hungry for the word and that they're sitting on the other side of this camera and wherever they are in their cars or in their living rooms or in their work cubicle wherever they are and they're watching tonight I thank you that they're putting a demand in a draw in the anointing and that father they're hungry for the word and father we want you to know that we've gathered tonight even though there's nobody here because that's beyond our control but we've gathered in our hearts people in their homes and me here in the building we've gathered to honor you father we've gathered to worship you we've gathered to look and encamp about your word we've gathered because we want to hear what the Spirit of God would say to us father we reverence and we honor you this evening we bless the holy name of Jesus tonight and we thank you Father that despite the unusualness of the season that the one thing that remains true is that you are God and we are your people and that we love you and we bless you when we magnify the holy name of Jesus and we've gathered here father not in this building but around the city all in different locations but Lord there's no time or distance in the spirit and we have still gathered because we've gathered in spirit so father I can honestly say and confidently say we've gathered here tonight in spirit lifting up your name hungry for your word and expecting you to speak to us so father we put a demand on the anointing we put a demand on that office that I stand in and we thank you that you'll speak to every heart tonight we thank you for the anointing that makes it easy for me to minister that spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of your word that flows like a river into every heart father if there's anything we've done today that is displeased you or that has blocked any of the people from feeling a connection with you we just repent of that right now we ask for your forgiveness and we just cast ourselves on your mercy and we come father washed by the precious blood of Jesus into your presence tonight and we say father we were children and we're excited to hear what the Spirit of God would speak to us and we love you and we praise you in the mighty name of Jesus hallelujah amen amen and amen glory to God well turn with me if you would the Lord spoke something to me and I'd like you to go to mark 4 to start with I was praying and and I said Lord there's so many ways I could go there's so many sermons I could preach there's so many directions we could take this how do you want us to do it tonight is there something specific you want to say or do you just want me to teach in general and the word of the Lord came to me and he said these words to me I'm just gonna start off with a bang and tell you exactly what he said and I'm quoting and he said these words he said this should be easy for my people because when trouble comes all you need is faith let me repeat that that's the phrase that he spoke to me when I was asking him earlier today father is there anything specific you want for tonight or do you just want me to teach in general and he answered me I didn't know if he would cuz he doesn't always speak to me that way sometimes he just prompts me in my heart and I'll just pick a scripture and I'll just teach on it but sometimes he speaks beforehand so that I'll be very clear and specific I know exactly what he once taught and he said to me this should be easy for my people because when trouble comes all you need is faith now what does he mean this he's talking about this situation this coronavirus thing this whole unsettled dis-ease not just disease but this ease without ease a sense of disease a sense of unsettling a sense of this is weird this is not my normal flow this is throwing my schedule and my routine upside down I can't see the people I want I can't go the places I want I can't earn the money that I want this whole situation that we're facing right now that's what that's what he means what he says this this the situation should be easy for my people and I knew not sometimes when God speaks you know by the Holy Ghost the word that he is saying means a certain thing in other words he could say this but I'm a no in my spirit that he's referring to the body of Christ as a whole or I may know in my spirit that he's referring to a certain part of the body of Christ or to a certain person or to a certain local church but when he said those words while they sound vague I knew by the Holy Ghost on the inside that he was specifically referring to our church not necessary the body of Christ as a whole this scenario that we're facing should be easy for my people and I knew he meant polc because when trouble comes all you need is faith that's what he said and then he spoke scripture reference to me which I'm about to read you in mark and then that was it praise God and so then other things came out as I was praying and waiting on God by the Holy Ghost and we'll talk about other scriptures in a second this should be easy for my people because when trouble comes all you need is faith now if you would turn please praise the Lord to the book of Mark and it's in Chapter five I don't know if I said four did I say four or five I think I said four before and I think that is written uh just give me one second no it's it's Chapter five okay mark chapter five can you turn that I wrote down four but it's actually five praise God now mark chapter five and this is a scripture reference that he spoke to me the story of gyruss and I want to read it to you now remember the story of gyruss is in the context of the story with the lady of the issue of blood because as he says who touched me verse chapter five verse 31 and his disciples said unto Him thou see us a multitude thronging me and saith he touched me he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said and her daughter thy faith has made the whole go in peace and behold from they plague now watch verse 35 while he yet spake he's in the middle of the sentence to the lady with the issue of blood there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead why trouble of the master anymore now can we go back up for a second here and just actually read the entire context of the story it starts over there in verse 22 so let's just go back to verse 22 and read the whole thing and behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue gyruss by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lieth at the point of death I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live and I want you to notice the faith that gyrus has I pray come and lay thy hands on her and what did he say that she that she may be healed and she may live did you notice what he said and she shall live this is a statement of faith gyruss was in faith he said if you come lay your hands on her that she may be healed she will live what is faith believing that what you say will come to pass member mark 11:23 if you say to this mountain be thou removed and don't down II heart but believe what you say will come to pass you'll have whatever you say he is saying she will much she may not there's a chance he's saying she will be healed so we know gyrus has faith because he didn't make it a question she may be she may live she may be healed it says she will live in other words if you come Jesus we've got this solved so I want you to notice in verse 23 it's very clear that gyruss has faith because he said and she shall live no questions about it I believe that she will live this is how it will be now he's decreeing a thing maybe the Bible says we'll be established according to your word so Jesus verse 24 went with him and much people followed him and then verse 25 we interject the story of the woman with the issue of blood so drop down again where we had left off there in verse 35 while he yet spake to this lady with the issue of blood there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house so people that worked under him certain people and they said thy daughter is dead remember he just said she will live now they're saying she is dead why trouble thou the master any further now listen as soon as Jesus heard the words that were spoken by these people he didn't even wait for the guy to answer he says unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe and it goes on verse 37 and he allowed no man to follow him say Peter James and John the brother of James and he comes to the house of the the synagogue and sees a tumult and then that wet and we go on and on and on he puts them out and he says she's not sleeping she's not dead she's sleeping and they laughed him to scorn and he comes and he raises her from the dead and you know the rest of the story what I want to focus on is first of all verse 22 clearly says that gyruss verse 23 that Jireh said faith because he said she will live now verse twenty third first verse 35 they're saying she is dead opposite to what gyruss had just said and as soon as Jesus heard that bad report what did he do he didn't wait for gyruss to even say a word I want you to notice that Jesus jumped in he interrupted the flow of what was going on Jesus is moved with the feelings of our infirmities Jesus saw this man his faith now there's been a little bit of an interruption with this other woman getting healed now the people are coming from his house who he trusts cuz they work for him there's no reason for them to lie they're saying the opposite to what he's just confessed that she's dead but he said she'll live and now Jesus immediately speaks he jumps in and interrupts the conversation because that's the heart of God he's trying to help gyruss why do you think Jesus interrupted the conversation he interrupted the conversation because he didn't want gyrus to say the wrong thing he didn't want to give gyrus even a second to start speaking doubt and unbelief because he knows as soon as he hears those words their breath is taken out of him it's like he's been hit in the guts it's like the wind is knocked out of him I've just said she'll live and now I hear the report she's dead can you imagine put yourself in his shoes it must have just been enough such a head to him just the wind gets knocked out of him as he hears the sentence of death that has been pronounced and he's in shock literally he would have been standing there in shock and obviously what's the thing that's coming to rob him fear that fear is hitting him immediately as soon as the report comes fear it's him she's dead oh my god she's dead oh my god what am I going to do it's over can you imagine the thoughts going through his mind and Jesus knowing that fear was there Jesus probably sensing that spirit of fear that had come Jesus knowing that Jireh TSA's words are gonna make all the difference in this situation he doesn't want gyrus to say the wrong thing so he doesn't even wait for gyrus to respond he jumps into the conversation and he says these words as soon Babu says quickly as soon as Jesus heard the word spoken he quickly said to the to the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe there is amazing truth here and the Holy Ghost quickened this to me and he said just as gyruss and I listen I'm speaking by the spirit to you just as gyruss had been standing in faith and as gyruss had said the words that she will live I believe many of you you've been taught faith you've been standing on the word and up before this crisis came before you knew the magnitude of what we're facing you've been saying my I'm gonna make it praise God I have a supply praise God I'm going over God is with me God I'm increasing the righteous path' grows greater a brighter and brighter - this is I'm a righteous man my path has grown brighter this year you've been in faith you've been saying she shall live but look at the parallel as soon as the report came as soon as the report came the devastating report of crisis this is what's happened this devastating report for many many people that have lost their jobs this is a devastating report of crisis this word has come from Jai RZA's house to your ears and Jesus and His mercy knows that with this scenario there is a chance that fear anxiety and worry and doubt will grip you because of what you're seeing and hearing and especially those that have lost their job Jesus is not callous he understands what you're going through but I'm trying to get something over to you I'm trying to I'm trying to get you to see this the anointing I believe is helping you right now see this Jesus wasn't primarily concerned about his feelings although we knew he had feelings Jesus wasn't primarily concerned about you know his past or this or or whatever he knows there's a lot of things going on in gyrus right now Jesus is primarily concerned about his words and about the fact that he is not afraid and about the fact that he has faith that's why as soon as Jesus heard the report immediately he spoke and said don't be afraid only believe he didn't want gyrus to start spewing doubt and unbelief and fear and anxiety and worry and hopelessness and giving up because if he started to speak that it would have been over so Jesus was very passionate I love that as soon as he heard Jesus spoke he's making sure gyrus doesn't dig himself in the in the ground by his words and I'm telling you that many of you have been standing in faith you're just like gyruss many of you you've been standing in faith but you've heard this thing this report come and there's something that's trying to grip you and I want you to know that Jesus is interrupting he is using me and his and his Holy Ghost in your own heart to interrupt this at this interrupt this message that has come there's a message of interruption that's coming tonight for you this message has come from gerace's house that there is devastation and a message from the Holy Ghost Jesus as soon as he hear it he's interrupting the flow he's interrupting the conversation because he doesn't want you to speak wrong and I'm telling you as your pastor don't speak wrong he's interrupting the flow because he's trying to protect you your words can ruin this or your words can see you through the victory and he cut he'd made sure that gyrus didn't even say anything there's no record of gyrus speaking because Jesus as soon as he heard it he cut him off why he did it as a mercy to him he wasn't being rude he did is a mercy because he knows fear he's gonna take the thought and he's gonna start saying Matthew 6 he's gonna take the thought and he's gonna start saying Matthew 6:31 Jesus doesn't want him to take the thought and say he doesn't he knows the thought of fear is coming he wants to guard his mouth so he quickly interrupts he says don't be afraid only believe I'm telling you this thing may have come some of you it might hit lightly and others you it might hit heavily and for those especially all of us but especially those that it's hitting heavily Jesus has interrupted the flow and he has interrupt the conversation and he is trying through the Holy Ghost and me to arrest your attention to say don't be afraid and don't speak wrong don't speak wrong during this don't answer wrong when you when this report of devastation comes don't it's been careful be careful what you say it matters what you say don't speak wrong you'll dig yourself into a hole you'll open up you'll open up a whole problem if you speak wrong I believe Jesus is interrupting the conversation I believe Jesus is looking at you tonight and he is telling you promise of life don't be afraid because the thought is there to be afraid don't yield to it don't think it don't be afraid what is he instead say only belief what is believing it's faith what is Jesus saying you've got all this problem I just want you the only thing that matters is that you believe don't fear and believe so Jesus is telling us at times of crisis at times of struggle at times of anxiety what are we to remember where we remember two things we'll remember don't be afraid and we are to remember only believe why he's shown both sides of the dark a no darkness the kingdom of light don't fear because that's what the kingdom of darkness is based on that principle only believe have faith that to the kingdom of light the kingdom of God is based on faith he is saying to all of us in this situation again some of you have been hit lightly and others have you have been hit heavily for all of us but especially those that the wind has been knocked out of you I'm saying to you as your pastor I'm saying to you as your apostle and I'm saying to you as a man of God under the anointing by the speaking by the Spirit of God to you by the under the anointing of the Holy Ghost tonight I'm saying to you what your mouth don't speak the wrong thing during this season God is interrupting you he's using me to interrupt so that your words would stay right don't be afraid don't fear only believe do you hear what the Spirit of God is saying it makes it very clear no ambiguity no gray zone it's not hard to understand when it's black and right God is not complicating it listen God understands when crisis comes things have to be very simple and very childlike because if they're complicated you're going to struggle get confused if there's too many steps you're going to forget the steps and I don't know was that step number five or twelve or I don't know it's all confused in my mind when things of crisis come it's got to be very simple and it's got to be very clear it's got to be black and white and you can't get any more clear than what he says in verse 36 don't be afraid only believe in other words you got hit you've got hit with news now you have a choice don't fear what you need to do is only believe there is faith that is required at the time of crisis and the only thing that is required at the time of crisis is faith God didn't talk about the emotions of it he didn't address our gyrus felt he didn't do any of that maybe he did that later but we just see when you're in a crisis the only thing God's focusing on is believe use your faith and then he addresses the enemy of faith which is fear and doubt don't be afraid only believe praise God hallelujah so in times of trouble the only thing that was on the mind of Jesus was faithful and in times of trouble the only thing that should be on your mind is faith so that is why Jesus said this should be easy for my people we could add a promise of Life Church because when trouble comes all you need is faith I'm reminded of the great words the the words of the great RW schambach you don't got no trouble all you need is faith in God that's what he would say all the time that really lines up with this because when trouble comes all you need is faith when the schambach would say is you don't got yes we know you got trouble but really you don't got any trouble because all you need is faith in God see gyruss had trouble but when trouble came all he needed to know was simple I don't you to be afraid just believe so faith is the thing we have to focus on so can I say this to you I really feel and and I don't mean to be mean or condescending but I'm telling you I really feel sorry for people in other churches I feel sorry for people in other churches that have not been taught faith because believe me I went to churches for years that did not teach faith and I knew something was missing and I didn't know what it was because I didn't know who brother Hagin was my wife grew up with his teachings from a child and so she grew up with faith and they were the only ones in there Newfoundland rural community that believed that way and they were heavily persecuted and their religious Pentecostal church because of it and there's still persecution there today because of it they considered that Hagin back then especially it's getting a little bit better now but it's still very prevalent consider him a heretic and the faith message heresy but that's just religious demons and and that just because that community has it and that's a singularity to Newfoundland it's everywhere now lots of places have those religious Devils that hate the message of faith effect most parts of the world have that rules religious Devils that hate the message of faith and so my wife grew up with it but I didn't grow up with it I didn't understand I knew because I had a pure heart I knew something was missing I loved the church I went to but I knew that I was not there was something I knew it was about faith by the Holy Ghost I knew it but I didn't know what it was I didn't know what I was missing I knew I was missing it but I didn't know what I was missing in and out and I was on a search for a number of years I would have conversations I would talk to very smart people with double doctorate in theology I would go to different churches I was searching I I knew when I heard it I would know what it was that but I I just didn't hear it anywhere and I remember I was sitting at at harvest family church I was sitting on the right section the ring section about three rows back on the aisle and dr. de frein was on that side of the Khong of that of the sanctuary and he was in in that in that aisle between the far wing and the middle section about three chairs up so he was exactly opposite to me and he made a statement he was talking about money and he made a statement it's not that the statements that powerful but God you the revelation came to me light came to me when he made that statement that's why he really is my father in the because he taught me what this means and he was talking about money and he made a very simple statement that might have to the casual I might have just gone over their heads or but for me it hit me like a like a like a truck it hit me so hard and he said he's talking about money and believe in God for money and then when he said now if you believe in God for this then he he made the statement he says and if and he said and and that's not on your side where the money's coming from he said that's on God's side to figure out where the money's coming from your side is just to believe your side is just to speak your side is just to trust him it's God's side to bring it to pass and that was a simple statement but revelation flooded like a torrential river into my heart and the light came on and for the first moment in my life I understood what faith really was mark 11:24 opened to me at that moment what sort of things you desire believe you receive him before he believed you receive him we could we when you pray believe you receive him that we could add before you see him when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them you've got to believe you receive it before you actually see it with your eyes before you have it and and and I when he said that simple statement you've got to know what's on your side and you're gonna know what's on God's side your side is just trust him your side is believe you have received when you pray that's your side you don't have to understand it you don't have to see it you don't have to feel it you don't have to know where it's coming from that's not on your side your side is just believe you received God's side is to cause it to come to pass and manifest and the natural so that you have it believe you receive that's your side and you shall future tense have that's God's side he was teaching on mark 11:24 and when he made that statement do your side and don't do god's side because you can you're not equipped to do his side you're equipped to do your side you believe you've received when you pray let God figure out the hard part he's got the hard part not you let him figure out where it's coming from let him figure out when it's coming let him do all that calculation he's got the hard part you've got the easy part let him do his side his side is to manifest your side is to believe and when he said that my god I'm telling you light and glory came into my soul I'll never forget that moment i sat there and i turned to Jennifer because we were married at that point and I said to her I caught it and she had had it since she was 11 but I got a little later in life but mom telling me when I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it and of course it just grew and developed from then on and I noticed as time continued to pass and we traveled in that season I was traveling on the road for six almost seven years and going to different churches and none of them understood this I could just been talking to the pastors you just tell they don't understand and my previous church didn't really understand this and then I would come across occasionally people that I went to Bible School with and because it's so living and it's such a reality in me I'm telling you I can just tell when other people don't have it it's almost like you feel like you've been turned into a different kind of a person it's like you've been marked with something that's how I felt like I've been branded I'm no longer the same as I used to be this revelation of faith has changed everything it's changed the way I think it's changed the way I feel has changed the way I approach God it's changed the fear and the nervousness is no longer there because I understand faith I'm telling you it's it's the most precious message on the earth if you if I could call it that it changed my life it's the single greatest other than getting born again and spirit-filled is a single greatest thing that changed my life was that service when he said those words and the Holy Ghost opened up my heart and let me see that wonderful truth see dad Hagin saw that truth when he was on the deathbed he was on that deathbed and around 16 17 years old he was on that deathbed and he saw that truth after being on that deathbed for over a year reading the Bible not understanding and when he saw it he also God taught him faith through mark 11:24 God explained it to him about you have to believe you've received it first and then you'll see it and that's what got him off that death that that sit bed and that's what got his heart healed that's what God is paralysis healed that's what God is incurable blood disease healed that's what took the message of faith all around the world because he had an assignment to teach God's people faith it was that message that taught brother Copeland it was brother Copeland and brother Hagin that taught doctor to frame this and it was doctor to frame that taught me this and it's me that's teaching you this and compromise of life I I'm not trying to be arrogant or funny but I got to tell you you are stinking blessed in your I don't like the word lucky because we don't believe in luck but let me just say you're the luckiest Christians in the world and don't get religious on me for saying that you're the most fortunate and blessed Christians in the world because you have sat and heard the most precious words of this revelation I'm not important they're not important but this revelation is important and I sat under a man that toured it into me by the Holy Ghost and I can never thank doctor and pastor Nancy enough for that I can never thank dad Hagin because I started consuming his books and it just grew and grew and grew and grew and grew though their feet will forever be precious to the field family because they brought me this truth and I hope that you recognize some of you need to still catch this revelation you've been sitting here but you haven't caught it yet many of you of course have caught it I'm praying some of you will even catch it tonight tonight as I'm preaching to you and those that have caught it that it would strengthen your faith and strengthen your resolve this message of faith is the greatest message on the planet after you're born again which is the greatest message and filled with the Holy Ghost this message of understanding faith understanding how to approach God understanding how to get needs met and prayers answered I'm telling you what it's so important it's so precious to God and and I hope you feel fortunate and blessed that not that I'm important but the message is important and you've sat and you've heard me preach it and you've heard great men than me preach it to you and great people that have more eloquent in' and a better delivery than i have and they've poured it by the Holy Ghost into you and you've sat here and so many others have sat in dead churches and they're hearing wonderful nice sermons and sweet sermons and this is nice and that is nice but there's no faith to it and they get up and they leave unchanged and they still don't know how to approach God and they still don't know how to get prayers answered and they still don't know why things are they can't seem to make that connection people all over Toronto are in churches that can't make that connection they're born again they're going to heaven but they don't understand how to make the connection with God because they don't understand this message of faith that's why it's so important we preach it that's why you should be so grateful you should be so appreciative that you've been in the church that has taught it to you I feel sorry for people at other churches because they have not understood this can you imagine put yourself in their shoes this thing comes at you joblessness fear society economies crashing this thing hits you and you don't understand this message of faith you are on shaky ground now it's called God if it be thy will o God help me O Lord if you want to do this a lot of you and you're just beating at the air it's like you're in sinking sand there's no solid ax t under your feet you know you're saved and going to heaven that's solid but in terms of approaching God confidently in faith they don't have it many of them don't have it I'm telling you they don't have it because they're pastors don't have it and if the pastor doesn't have it the people won't have it I'm telling you the truth I'm telling you the truth I'm not against anybody I'm trying to I'm trying under the anointing tonight impart to you something of great appreciation and gratitude for the message that has gone forth in this house and the message that the ministers that we bring in bring forth to this house have gracious gratitude and deep appreciation for this message saves lives this message takes Christians and saves them from their circumstances and I am eternally grateful to those men and women that taught me the and I hope that you have the same deep appreciation for those that have taught you this because it makes all the difference in the world when you understand faith that is why God said to me this should be easy for my people because when trouble comes all you need is faith that's all he had to say I could finish the sentence for him because we've taught you faith because we've got this revelation flowing in this church if you're not getting it something wrong with you your hearts not looking for it see my heart was looking for it and that's why the first whiff of it I got it because my heart was hungry if you're not hungry looking for it I could be preaching right to your face but your heart's not really hungry it's not really open to it and so it bypasses you so you got a hunger for this you've got to say Lord I want to understand I want to get this revelation of how to get my prayers answered I want to have that firm confident footing with you than when I pray you hear me and I get my answers you've got a hunger for to know and understand that truth and I'm telling you then this revelation will flow into you because unlike most churches I'm preaching it strong and I'm bringing in other people to preach it strong and most churches don't so be grateful that you're in a place that's teaching life-changing truth because this is truly life-changing that's why I make the statement and I say I feel so sorry for people that are in other churches because when this kind of situation happens like this coronavirus and you don't understand what we understand oh my lord my lord my lord it is a scary place to be you may be born again and going to heaven but that doesn't that that's great obviously that's everything that's our salvation I'm not lessening that but salvation getting to heaven being born again in spirit-filled is is that takes care of the next realm that takes care of when you die and go to go over there but it doesn't it doesn't take it doesn't fix day to day living yes we're born again going to heaven but day to day living you can be and you can feel like you're in hell on earth you can have everything crumble upon you you can die of sickness you can lose your job and be broke all this day-to-day living without this message you won't live in victory you're going to heaven praise God for that in eternity that's all that matters but day-to-day living if you don't understand this you won't live in victory and fear and all the stuff will cramp you and enter you and push upon you and you will not be the joyful carefree Christian that God expects you to be because this message is what makes everything work and of course I haven't continued with my notes the way I wanted to because the anointing cake mocked me and God wanted to emphasize to you and I unknown to me I didn't know what was gonna happen I didn't know the flow would be like this tonight but God wanted to emphasize to you that you should have great appreciation for the message that comes forth from this pulpit and I'm not trying to be arrogant or praise myself because God knows it's not me it's the message it's the message I'm just a delivery boy for the message but you should appreciate the delivery boy because I appreciate the delivery boy that brought it to me thank God for dr. to Frank's feet thank God for him I don't know where I'd be in my life if it wasn't for hearing that through him and getting it and living it it's changed everything from me that's why Jesus can say this should be easy for promise of life because when trouble comes all you need is faith when trouble came to gyrus fear came fear in trouble or twins when trouble comes fear comes what did Jesus say he told him what not to do and he told him what to do don't be afraid only believe nothing but believing nothing but faith faith will see you through and he jumped in the conversation before he could start speaking death and doubt and unbelief and we know the end of the story if we know in verse 23 or whatever it was that I quoted you she shall live he had faith but for Jesus to say don't do not be afraid only believe it obviously meant that the faith he had was being shaken because if gyruss his faith was as strong in verse 30 in verse 36 he says only believe right but in verse in verse 23 we see he says she shall live so in verse 23 he has faith but down in verse 36 Jesus says only have faith so you are you following me in verse 23 gyruss has faith in verse 36 Jesus says only have faith so somewhere between verse 23 when he had faith the faith got shaken a little bit because if he had the same faith in verse 36 as he had in verse 23 Jesus wouldn't have to say only have faith if his faith was the same Jesus wouldn't have to say believe because he was already believing so the fact that Jesus said don't be afraid only believe showed that he was in fear otherwise why would he say don't be afraid he would have no reason to say don't be afraid if he wasn't afraid and you'd have no reason to say have faith if he already had faith so from verse 23 where he had faith something the news jolted him and and fear with that trouble came fear and Jesus saw ah he had faith but now he's shaken in his faith so he says don't be afraid that's stealing your faith only keep your faith keep your believing that's all that matters that's why it says only nothing else right it's not emotions but newscasts nothing matters but your faith only have faith you had it boy but it's being stolen from you with fear don't be afraid only only nothing else nothing else only believe this is the words of Jesus it's not the words of some theological professor it's not the words of some human from their brain this is the words of the master he knows when the trouble the report of trouble comes fear comes you know some of you had shaken you and it's jolted you and you had faith but now your faith is being hindered it's being broken it's being it's being maligned it's wobbling and Jesus through me is telling you don't say anything wrong I'm interrupting this situation and I'm telling you don't be afraid you've had faith but it's wobbling up don't be afraid catch that fear rebuke that fear answer that fear only only Holi Holi nothing nothing nothing nothing else only believe only believe only believe only believe in Jesus name only believe if you believe all things are possible to them that believe the Bible says only believe this is the answer to coronavirus this is the answer to any epidemic it's the answer to any trouble whether you're individually trouble news come and somebody says something and it might only affect you and nobody else is affected this is the answer if it affects the whole church locally here but it doesn't affect anybody else this is the answer it affects the whole nation like this situation the whole world this is the answer it's the answer whether you're alone it's the answer whether you're with the global church family this is the answer no matter how big or how small how light or how heavy the trial and the test and the trouble and the bad news and the crisis no matter how big or small this is the answer fear will come cancel put your foot on the neck of that fear say no you don't know you don't have one my fear I will not fear I will believe I will believe he had faith but he had to keep his faith in the day of trouble you've had faith promise of life it's time to keep your faith in the day of trouble and Jesus said to me this should be easy for them because when trouble comes all you need is faith when the report came to gyruss all he needed was faith when the report comes over the news all you need is faith when you get a call from your work that you're laid off all you need is faith when you get a doctor's report that something's wrong all you need is faith you don't got no trouble oh you need us faith in God faith in God will assassinate the trouble it will overwhelm the trouble it will cancel the trouble it will even raise the dead the faith in God could raise the dead how much more can it get you a new job it's so small how much more can God do I or nothing his daughter had died the finality of death rested upon him and even in the finality of human death Jesus said only believe if there was ever a time for a man not to believe that there was ever a time to throw in the towel and quit it was when that the finality of death comes to a human being they're gone their life is gone what do you what do you expect Jesus it's over we've lost and even in that he said only believe if he said believe when the word death had come the finality of it how much more is he saying to you only believe when you've been temporarily laid off or full time permanently laid off our problems pale in comparison to this man and yet the answer is the same no matter what you face don't be afraid only believe hallelujah and that is my message to you tonight I told you the anointing would be here I'm telling you the anointing of the Holy Ghost is here right now I can feel it on me so heavy and that is because you are drawing this is unusual this is unusual Holy Ghost because I I sense that when they're here they're drawing but I've never sensed this like this before because when I do preach under the anointing it's to the radio but people aren't drawn because their radio broadcast is not even live so I've never done a situation with an empty thing in a live stream like this before because like I said the radio broadcast is not live so I've never done something like this before and feel the same anointing come on me as if the church was full but I can feel the same anointing on me right now as if the whole church was full you know why it's because you're watching it's because your hearts are right it's because you're humble it's because you're hungry for God it's because you're drawing and that anointing that I'm telling you this is a friend this is a phenomenal experience for me right now this tonight for me to experience this this is another this is another thing I've learned about the realm of the spirit people out there can watch and draw and because there's no time or distance in the spirit you can be in a totally different location but you're putting a demand in a draw on my office said on that anointing and even though you're not physically in the room that draw pulls that anointing out of me and a cause is that anointing to flow my god the things of the Spirit is so awesome they're so powerful and I'm so happy you tuned in I believe it's art about yelling or anything like that it's about it's about receiving impartation hallelujah when trouble comes fear comes Jesus addressed don't be afraid told him what not to do that includes don't speak fear but he said only believe no matter what we face bigger small faith will get us through I feel sorry for the other ones because they're beating their fists and they're trying to make it work but they don't understand what we've learned and when you understand what we've learned and what I'm teaching you there's such peace now trying to make it work you know turn impress God you're just receiving from him you've understood how the world of faith works it's powerful I hope you appreciate dr. Dufresne I hope you appreciate Pastor Nancy I hope you appreciate dad Hagin the Norvel Hayes and Kenneth Copeland Jerry Savelle randy greer and all the others that have come over the years and imparted to us I hope you appreciate their message because they've helped build a foundation in us that is unshakable this stuff is nothing this stuff is nothing what's happening all the noise and the white noise and them it's nothing can't touch us can't cross the blood while it affects businesses and that does affect our income mine as well because if you're not tithing I don't make money I can't pay the bills so it affects me like it affects you but this faith believing we'll get a stereo we don't have to be afraid we trust God whatsoever things you desire father I desire income I desire another job I desire an interim job I desire another way you to speak to me another way another ability to another revenue stream Laura I desire that I believe that I receive it now buffet I believe that I have received when I pray not when I see it father the Greek says in the King James it says believe you receive but in the Greek it says believe you have received past heads so father I believe right now how I believe that I receive it I don't see it I don't feel it but I don't need to I believe I receive it and it's not my place it's not my job it's on my side how you're gonna do it when you're gonna do it or how you can organize it that's your side you've got the hard job father you've gotta figure this out but your God you can have it I'm not you I'm not built to handle that kind of stress I'm just built to believe I receive and you said that you would cause it to come to pass you said ye shall have it that means you are gonna manifest it for me and you're gonna take care of me so father I cast my care of Iran to you for I believe I have received I believe I receive my income I believe I receive my new job I believe I receive I don't touch it with my thought life I don't try to figure it out because it'll drive me nuts I can't figure it out that's your side that's not my side I'm not I'm not equipped to be able to handle that kind of pressure that's you but your job father my job I just believe I receive I believe I receive I believe I have received my increase I believe I have received my healing I believe I have received more income during the season I believe I've received witty ideas interventions I believe I've received investment counsel from the Holy Ghost I believe I have received all the money that I need I believe I have received father I believe I have received now you calls it to manifest so that I shall have see it manifest in the future it's simple it's easy it's not hard but you gotta take some time first of all you gotta have a revelation of it and then you gotta take some time just saying father I believe I receive I believe I receive I believe I receive it and I praise you for it while I wait for it to manifest while I wait for you to bring it to pass while I wait for and ye shall have it while I wait for the having the showing up the natural sense is seeing it you manifesting while I wait just praising ya I believe I've received glory to God grandpa Abraham was strong in faith giving glory to God Romans for father I'm strong in my faith cuz member mark 11:24 is talking about faith I'm strong in my faith giving glory I glorify you that I believe I receive I glorify you do it with me right now congregation even as you're watching lift your hands and say I glorify you that I believe I receive I glorify you right now I believe I have received I believe do it right now don't look at me lift your hands and close your eyes I believe I have received right now I believe I have received my increase I believe I have received in more income I believe I have received healing I believe I have received the financial increase that I need I believe I have received my new job I believe I have received peace hallelujah I believe I have received I will not doubt I will not be afraid Jesus said only believe the only thing required is believing I believe I have received and I praise You Father I'm strong in my faith giving glory glory glory glory glory to God I say glory to God glory to God glory to God I believe I have received glory to God I believe I have received my answer and it will surely come because faith works every time and a faith can raise that little girl faith can raise my situation if faith can raise the dead faith can fix my finances I believe I have received in Jesus mighty name now devil you take your hands off my increase I claim what I need when you believe you receive that you've claimed it so father we've claimed what we need and what we want and we say devil take your hands off it in Jesus name and stop enduring it angels mighty holy angels of God go in Jesus name and cause the money to come go before us Genesis 24 40 and press for us in the way angels and temp about us that fear the Lord and deliver us psalm 34:7 angels of god a psalm 5:12 we are encompassed about as a shield a favored angels go before us now according to Hebrews 1:14 and Minister for us as heirs of salvation O Father Psalm 30:5 27 says that you delight in our prosperity Lord Psalm 103 verse 20 and 21 says that angels do your pleasure and yours word says that if they do your pleasure and you take pleasure in the prosperity of your servant then angels are helping us with our prosperity so father we claim Psalm 103 20 and 21 we claim we claim it father that they do your pleasure we claim your word that says to us in Psalm 30:5 27 that Lord you take pleasure in the prosperity and the deliverance and the safety of your servant so father we thank you that if you take pleasure in our increase and angels do your pleasure angels are helping us increase Angels you've heard the word we've spoken go in Jesus name and cause it to come to pass now those angels go hallelujah glory to God and now we just praise you now we lift our hands and we praise you we say glory to God it will all come to pass glory to God it will all come to pass it will all come to pass it will all come to pass for me it will all come to pass glory to God it will all come to pass in the mighty name of Jesus it will all come to pass hallelujah can you feel promise of life that's spirit of faith that's the Holy Ghost helping us tonight that's the Holy Ghost helping you tonight I can I can just picture you in your living rooms lifting your hands and shouting and rejoicing and Denson praise God praise God praise God hallelujah my god I'm telling you I don't have to wonder if you're watching I know a lot of you are watching tonight because of the draw of the Spirit of God on my spirit and in my office and on my anointing that draws so strong tonight it's like the whole congregation is filled with people I've never experienced this in my life for because this is the first time I've ever done a live thing like this while people are watching because the radio is never live I feel the anointing but it's different on the radio I expected it to be the same as the radio anointing tonight but it's felt like it felt like the congregation was full of people I'm thinking in my mind Lord what is going on here I've never experienced this before and I heard the Holy Ghost say cuz they're watching son because they're drawing on you son cuz they're hungry son because they're gathered in unity and there's no time or distance and whether they're here or whether they're there they can draw by the Holy Ghost and that's why the anointing is activated on you tonight hallelujah I don't have to wonder if you're watching I know you are cause if you weren't watching you wouldn't be drawing and if you weren't drawing this anointing wouldn't be where it is tonight I only got one point done I had seven wonderful points to I had seven wonderful points but it is 829 and in three minutes I've gone an hour and I my god I I'm not gonna I'm not gonna keep going I'm gonna I'm gonna end it here because I just felt like the assignment foretell of course I could keep going and it's not that I don't want to keep going and it's not that it's it's early enough to keep going but when I checked my spirit do I keep going I feel the Holy Ghost kind of saying no that that's it call it a night because the assignment was for what I shared which was point number one I've got lots of other points but I greatly oh if I could if I could get you and squeeze it into you and shake it into you I would I I greatly encourage you to turn on Friday night at 7:30 because I'm not gonna I'm not gonna repeat what I've done but I'm gonna continue with the next point in my in my unless God tells me differently but if he doesn't I'm gonna continue with my next point because I got a number more points in this message to bring you but the anointing was so strong and point number one I could I just tried I couldn't get off it you see I've learned don't don't grieve the Holy Ghost just to follow your notes because the Holy Ghost is bigger than your notes and if the Holy Ghost wants to communicate and impart something by the spirit to people then he'll just have you stay on one thing or sometimes he doesn't have me touching the notes at all I just speak by the gift of prophecy which are mainly what happened tonight I mean I had one point with the rest of it was by the gift of prophecy because he's trying to impart to people and he knows what you need I'm not smart enough to know what you need but he knows and he knows the rest of my points wasn't the wasn't the float before tonight even though I had them all ready to go but we'll pick that up Friday night and that will be a great blessing to you but I'm reminding you have great appreciation for the message that has come from me and from the other ministers into this congregation because this message of faith other than being born again spirit filled it's the greatest message it's the golden message so our Bible says when I come back to the earth while I find faith Jesus is looking I'll end with this David Hogan you've heard me tell the story but they were having a Holy Ghost meeting I mean wild like imagine when Richard Roberts and everybody's laughing multiplied that by two or three and they're having hundreds of people in this little gathering clearing in the in the forest and they're having a conference and people are drunk and people are I mean people are getting healed instant healings happening but it wasn't a lot of instant healings but but it mainly is kind of like a laughing drunk kind of everybody's just going nuts kind of service and the anointing and the pray God loves those services that's wonderful but Jesus appeared to his son Jody Jody's come to our church and Jesus looked at him with fire in his eyes and disappointment in his eyes I remember all of this Holy Ghost manifestation is happening you'd think because God does offer that and you'd think he'd be happy with that but he's not as happy with just Holy Ghost manifestation as he is with faith and he looked at Jody and he looked around and all the people carrying on and and they weren't in the flesh they it was a good caring on but he looked to Jody and he said I have to leave and Jody reached out and grabbed him when he grabbed his his garment Jesus Turley looked at him like in other words you shouldn't touch me kind of thing Jesus was grieved by something Jody didn't know what it was and so he let go and afraid he said fire came out of his eyes and he let go of him and he said don't leave Lord master don't leave we're here we're doing this for you don't leave what's wrong or don't leave and cuz he said I have to leave but he said it in a way like he was not pleased like he was grieved so he grabbed him and then he let go the fear of God came on him because jeez looked at him sternly and he said don't leave why do you have to leave and jesus answered Jody and he said there's not enough faith here and he walked off into the jungle and I remember David telling me that both publicly and personally and it's it's always stayed with me you can have a lot of manifestations and you know they could be fleshly and even demonic but aside from those because that's not what we're after you can have a lot of Holy Ghost manifestations and God offering laughing and dancing and all this kind of stuff and that's has its place praise God for it but that is not really what impresses God the most what impresses God is people that have faith and what God was saying really to Jody is there's a lot of expression there's a lot of manifestation there's a lot of laughter there's a lot of dancing there's out of drunkenness and while that's all good and it's all in its place you don't you're not teaching faith you're not teaching the people how to receive by faith you're teaching them how to laugh you're teaching them how to dance you teach them how to praise you're teaching them how to celebrate and that has its place and it's good but there's something higher than that and that is teaching them faith if they don't know faith they can't please me if they don't know faith they can't get prayers answered and a lot of churches are focusing on emotionalism and manifestations but they're not teaching faith faith is what pleases God first and so we love to have services of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost but I'm telling you God is pleased Hebrews 11 without faith it's impossible to please them God is pleased when we teach the people faith because faith only believe only have faith it's the answer to trouble and it's the answer in the currency of heaven needs are not the currency of heaven lots of people have needs and they go unanswered faith is the currency of heaven few people have faith but when they release it God answers their need lots of poor pastors in Kenya lots don't have a sound system but the one pastor the one pastor the heard of Jerry Savelle teaching and without corresponding action your faith is dead one pastor lots not to need but one pastor made the sound bored out of cardboard with rope and markers and carved a stick into a microphone and staked the rope to the end of the microphone and preached for a year to his church and say look I believe I've received a sound system and I'm putting corresponding action to my words into my faith and I'm acting like I'm preaching and this is gonna turn one day into a real microphone I believe God that I've got a sound system you see a lot of need but very few people have faith and that one that had faith took a year but all that big black car rolled up one day and the man got out and said I'm from the main city in Kenya and he said I have come God sent me for this to deliver a sound system are you Pastor so-and-so they'd never met before and in his trunk a brand-new sound system with speakers and the whole thing and his faith turned into sight he got see lot of need but it took real faith to get the answer so thank God that we're teaching you faith because while there's a lot of need in your life faith will always bring the victory let me remind you this is the victory that overcomes coronavirus this is the victory that overcomes the world this is the victory that overcomes everything in the world this is the victory that overcomes fear this is the victory that overcomes financial crisis this is the victory that overcomes sickness this is the victory that overcomes the devil this is the victory that overcomes everything that's not of God even our faith praise God promise of life thank you for tuning in my god thank you for putting a demand and a draw in that anointing what a wonderful night we've had only thing I regret is that when I walk off here I can't give you all a hug and and and look at your beautiful eyes and tell you how much your pastor loves you but my heart is with you faith and God will see us through so keep tithing keep sowing so more than ever before because the way to get out the way the widow got out of the problem is she gave her last cake to the Prophet the way that you get out even if your emotions and everything fights you it's so so your way into victory so your way into increase the law of increase includes so if you're gonna increase so I'm not manipulating you followed the holy ghost do whatever he wants but your faith will see you through and so whatever you do sewing or whatever do it in faith praise God
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 1,013
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Church, promise of life, POLC, Craig Field, faith, word of faith, Word and Spirit, Holy Spirit, anointed, preaching, teaching, believe, spirit of faith, healing, health, prosperity, Jesus, God, Bible
Id: 3HMRk7wCCg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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