The Law of Seed Sowing | Dr. Jerry Savelle

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let me preface this with something before I tell you what I'm going to talk about brother Copeland declared at Eagle Mountain Church the church it's party his ministry he's passed through there's pastor George Pearson's and brother coppens daughter Terry and in a service coming into 2019 he began to prophesy about the year and he said it would be a year of the abundant harvest a year of the abundant harvest I like the sound of that how about you abundant harvest and the Lord had just a few days before given me some some new insight into harvest and I mentioned it to them after a psalm shortly after he gave that word and he got excited about it pastor George got excited about it said I want you to come over to Eagle Mountain and preach it and so we scheduled a meeting service for me to go over there and I preached it and it came out so powerfully and then the next place I preached it was our church back home and Crowley Texas and we were just having a conversation today at lunch and I had felt in my spirit coming here that I might be dealing with this but I wasn't sure and then our conversation at lunch today it just came up some things and I sensed the Lord confirming he wanted me to talk about this and I started to share it with pastors and and I just backed off and I said no I need to I need to wait and talk about it tonight so we're gonna talk about some things and much of it you already know but some of it you may not have heard quite this way before I don't know about you but I am interested in God's best I want everything he says it's mine everything that belongs to me amen my name's not Jimmy but you know like brother Hagar said my name is Jimmy and give me give me give me no no but my name is Jerry but I want everything he has how he did it everything he says it's mine I won't hit praise God I don't want to get to heaven and say let me take you to this warehouse where it's loaded with all the stuff you could have had while you're on earth but you didn't call for it I want to go to heaven and my warehouse is empty because I took possession of it down here how they do yet amen so this is connected to what we've been talking about the last couple nights the extraordinary life and I want to make this statement that the extraordinary life that God desires for you and I to enjoy includes experiencing an abundant harvest from the seeds that we saw an abundant harvest everybody say abundant harvest but you never say I won't abundant harvest now if you're not a sower then take those words back because you're not entitled but if you're a sower and you are following the instructions from the Word of God then you are entitled to an abundant harvest amen this is one of the first things go ahead and OB bounce to Genesis chapter one one of the first things that God spoke over Adam after creating Adam and you'll find this in verse this begin with verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle over all the earth over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth I like what buddy Harris you say we have authority over creeps yeah look at verse 27 only buddy so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them now the word blessed most of you know this it means empowered to prosper so God's plan for men from the very beginning was that he prosper another meaning for the word bless is to excel to increase to multiply to rise above and when God pronounced that blessing on him then that created entitlement he was entitled to prosper he was entitled to increase and to multiply and then it says and be fruitful be fruitful and multiply multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea the foul there and every living thing that moveth upon the earth now notice the term be fruitful everybody say be fruitful fruitful here means conducive to producing in abundance conducive to producing in abundance so here we see at the very beginning of creation God pronounced his blessing his man and his woman and then he told them to be fruitful prosper and calls abundance amen live in abundance hallelujah now that's a that's a long ways from religious tradition I don't know what you were taught but I can remember as a young boy and church we went to little Baptist Church little country Baptist Church down to the end of our road we we were just country people and you know that whole neighborhood was just country people and we'd go down to the the little church and I could remember pastor and some of the people there talking about how God loved poverty and that I remember one man making a statement that God loved poverty and it's a blessing to be poor because the poor you are the more spiritual you are well as a young boy that didn't sit well with me because I wanted to prosper I think every human being born on this planet has only inside of them a desire to succeed amen a desire to succeed and as a young boy I wanted to succeed I wanted to prosper now by the time I was nine years old I already had set the course for my life I wanted to be just like my dad I wanted to learn his skills I wanted to do what he did and and and I wanted to own my own business doing it my dad always talked about owning his own business but he never was quite able to do it and but by the time I was 20 years old our home business doing exactly what I had dreamed of as a nine-year-old boy now I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do but at the same time the reason I stayed out of church is because I didn't want people telling me the only way I could be a Christian was to be poor I don't want to be poor I tried poor it didn't like I tried black I didn't like it amen and so notice here at the very beginning God is pronouncing the blessing on him which means empowered to prosper to succeed and then he says and be fruitful which means that you are entitled to abundance that sounds like an extraordinary life doesn't it so if we can see the plan of God from the very beginning that God wanted his people to prosper and to enjoy abundance now even though Adam and Eve you know blew it God's plan didn't didn't end there God had a plan to redeem mankind by sending his own son and thank God the Bible says that he redeemed us amen he bought us back praise God through his life through his shed blood but it also says in Galatians that we are redeemed from the curse and if you look under the the the curse you'll find out that poverty and lack or a curse in the mind of God and we've been redeemed hallelujah I don't know why anybody would fight for the right to be poor particularly after God went to great lengths to redeem us from poverty hallelujah Amen so we don't have to be poor praise God amen look at your neighbor's say I don't have to be poor no more hey do you amen and I want you to notice the next thing God did verse 29 and God said Behold I've given you every herb bearing seed now notice God conferred his blessing on the man he told him prosper multiply increase in joy abundance and here's how you do it son through seed so God's very intention from the very beginning was that man was to have his life sustained by the seeds he sews amen and it's still the same way today man was to have his life sustained by the seeds which he soaked now notice that last statement in verse 29 to you this seed it shall be for meat and another word for meat or another translation says provision so God gave man seed he said I'd the blessing is on you that empowers you to prosper I've commanded you to be fruitful have abundance and now son giving you the means whereby you can make it all happen I'm giving you see and through the seed that you sow it will be provision amen and obviously I mean you don't you don't have to be a farmer to know this but the more seeds you sow the greater the harvest you're going to experience can you say Amen now I was born in Vicksburg Mississippi owned a farm that my grandfather bought in 1927 we had nearly 80 acres about 75 acres and my grandfather had bought it like in ten acres at a time in this is he could afford it he'd buy a few more acres and they by the time I came along we had nearly 75 acres I think it may be somewhere between 68 and 75 acres best I remember and a lot of it was farmland and my grandfather farmed and and he had cattle he kept a hundred head of hogs on the place chickens miself contained and and we had the chickens we had the eggs we had we had the crops we had the cattle we had the hogs and that's how my grandfather was sustained through the Depression in 1929 now my dad was born in 1927 and and of course he was so young he does he doesn't remember a whole lot about the depression but that's how my grandfather made it through the depression because they were self-contained and he would take he would take crops to the market and sell them and of course he had the Hogs he had the ham he had the cattle he had two beef he had the crops you know he had the eggs you don't know chicken we can go kill a chicken hallelujah that guy killed a few myself we had an outhouse anybody remember outhouses our old house didn't have indoor plumbing and we had an outhouse I don't know why my grandpa did this but he put it in the chicken yard and every time I had to go to the bathroom at crazy Brewster would jump right on my back and pecked me on the head and one day I took care of him I cut my grandpa's shotgun I blew that chicken in the Louisiana hallelujah he said son you killed my rooster I said he's not gonna pick me anymore and one day I went down to the outhouse to use the restroom and a snake crawled in there oh my lord dear God I jumped up and took off running and I come back and I set the snake on fire and burnt the outhouse down he said son you murdered outhouse now I said yeah but I got rid of that snake in the grandpa oh they really put up with a lot of foolishness out of me amen but my point is God gave Adam the ability to determine his own outcome by seed amen he was he who had the the authority he had the blessing and he had to see and with the authority of God on your life and the blessing of God on your life and seed you can make it anywhere on this planet Wow everybody else has fallen by the wayside you will rise up you will prosper praise God amen you know when I first started going to the continent of Africa there was one of the first things I began to teach the pastors that I was meeting with and I mentioned that earlier today I talked him about sowing and reaping because you know there was a lot of poverty a lot of the places we went people didn't have vehicles they were living in mud huts no running water no electricity you know and the quickest way to overcome those kind of circumstances is teach them how to become seed source amen amen and so I spent most of my time teaching them the laws of seed time and harvest now the missionaries from America were my greatest adversaries they'd say you can't teach these people prosperity I said why not they're poor duh that'd be like you can't preach salvation of these people why not they're lost well what else should you preach well you can't preach healing to these people Lana they're sick what else should you preach in a poverty environment seed sowing hallelujah amen teach him the laws of prosperity God's way to prosper how they do him but the köppen is said to me over the years the greatest anointing I see on you is when you teach on the laws of prosperity the laws are sowing and reaping and and I've been doing it all these years and and I live that way praise God my wife and I sowed our way out of debt we sold our way out of lack we sowed our way into abundance hallelujah glory to God and and and I've said often and I got this from the Lord years ago I may not have everything I need at the moment but I'm never without the seed that will produce it you got to write that down I may not have everything I need right at the moment but I'm never without the seed that will produce it amen hallelujah you say well I don't have any money well that's not the only seed sometimes if you don't have any money just a helping hand just a kind word just a good deed toward someone that's all seed when I first met brother Copeland and had an opportunity to talk with him a little bit I told him I said sir here you're you the messages he preached here even though I wasn't in all the meetings I only was in the last night but somebody recorded those services and gave me the tapes of it and I've been listening to him ever since you the first visit and I said and I just want you know I'm gonna become your partner I want to help you reach other juries avails just like me but I didn't have any money I was I was deep in debt still trying to pay off all my business debts and personal debts and I after he left I wrote him a letter and I said dear brother Copeland if I had a thousand dollars I'd sew it into your ministry today because I believe you have the ability to reach other jury smells just like me and I want to help you do it but Sir I don't have a thousand dollars I said I don't have a hundred dollars I don't even have ten dollars in fact sir if I had one dollar I had to split it up ten ways and paid ten creditors he he'll I said but I'm not without seed I never forget that I said I'm not without seed and then I wrote my seed is I will get up every morning at six o'clock and I'll spend the first hour of my day praying for you and your family and your ministry that's all the seed I have that was my seat and I got up faithfully every morning and I spent my first I work praying for brother Copeland for his family and for his ministry and by the time he came back the third time before I moved to Fort Worth I had seed in the form of finances and I'll never forget the day I walked up to him and I said brother Copeland you remember that letter I wrote to your way back there in 69 he said yep I said well I said if I had $1,000 I'd sew it into your ministry I didn't have it then but my seed was my prayer time I said sir here's my thousand dollars I sewed it into him and I was shocked at what came out of my mouth next I had no idea I was going to say what I was about what I heard come out of my mouth I said sir next time it'll be ten thousand I thought dear God I ever get 10,000 uh I just lied to the preacher you know I'll never forget today I walked up to him and I said sir remember that pledge I made for 10,000 uh here it is I got $10,000 I'm sewing into your ministry then I heard there's come out of my mouth and one day it'll be a hundred thousand I come my god I have I have just made an idiot of myself you know but I'll never forget the day I walked up to him and handed him the hundred thousand and I could hardly wait to hear what came out my mouth next praise God I said one day I'll put a million dollars in your ministry and I've done it how they do you hallelujah amen the Bible says let every man purpose in his heart what he'll give ci purpose that even though I didn't have a clue how God was gonna do it I didn't have a clue where he was gonna come from but I purposed in my heart that one day I'd be able to do that amen how they do you so that's a long ways from the only seat of God's prayer time look what the Lord did how they do you can you say Amen look at your neighbors say well I must be next hallelujah now behold I've given you every herb bearing seed say this was God's plan to create for us an extraordinary life he's giving us the ability just like he did Adam to determine our own financial future to determine our own outcome amen God gave him the authority to determine his own harvest now Paul picks up on this hundreds and hundreds of years later in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 6 but this I say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully so what is he saying by the Holy Ghost you determine your own destiny you determine your own financial future amen you do not the government not the IRS you determine I have a board that's that most of them have served on my board now for nearly forty years and they're wonderful men men of God some of them are pastors attorneys just wonderful men of God they love Carole Oona they love our ministry they've been impacted by our ministry and they've been loyal and faithful all these years and every year every every year when we have our annual board meeting we we present to them the financial statements we present to them what we've accomplished we present to them our goals for the year and we go over all that and then the last thing they do the Compensation Committee meets and Carolyn I leave the room we don't have any input in that we don't tell them what we'd like we don't tell them what we won't we don't have any involvement in it at all and they later look over the financial statements my lawyer he looks at corporations that are bringing in the same amount of income and what their CEOs make and so forth and their benefits and and all that and it's all based on you know working with IRS approved principals and so forth and then when it when they make their decision they called us back in and they're very generous people they're very gracious they're kind they're loving and they say brother Jerry here's what we've decided that your compensation this year will be and sister Carolyn here's what we've decided your compensation will be and they they're always generous and and when we see it most of the time I will say and I've done this for several years in a row now I'd say gentlemen you're very kind of appreciate it but we're fine we're fine we're well taken care of you you you you've already blessed us and and we don't need an increase in income we're waiting salary not income salary we don't need an in increase in compensation from the ministry so if you don't man let's just keep our compensation from the ministry as it is with brother Jerry it's been like this for the last ten years we're fine we don't need it and I'd say but thank you you're very kind and then they always wait for this next statement now even though this is my salary and this is the compensation I'll receive from Jerry Savelle Ministries International it will not be my income my income far exceeds my salary why because I'm a sword I'm a sower I live to give amen even though I get X amount of dollars from Jerry Savelle Ministries International and it's been the same amount for the last 10 years my income my reported income to the IRS area is far greater than what they pay me hallelujah what because I'm a soar I determined my income not my board not the IRS not the government amen and I'm an honest person I report everything hallelujah but a far exceed what I'm paid from the ministry because I'm a soul a men and I don't mind telling you make no apologies for it and I give God all the credit I live an extraordinary life thank you very much how they do you I live an extraordinary life praise God Carolina we we don't owe anything on our automobiles we don't know anything on our homes we don't owe anything on our buildings we don't know we didn't think to anybody so that means our largest expense for the lack of a better word our largest expense our largest outgo from our income is our giving oh yeah and we live to give my wife I'm telling you she everytime I come home she says I gave this and I gave that and I gave this and I gave that I said well praise God I did too I gave this not gave that and I gave this we're just constantly giving and I praise God for the ability to do that because if it wasn't for God I wouldn't have a thing to give I give him all the the glory for it hallelujah amen and and I hope you understand I'm not bragging on Carolyn and me I'm Oh God I'm bragging on these principles that are right there in the same Bible you have in your lap so that means it'll work for anybody thank you for your enthusiasm I said it will work for anybody praise God amen so notice Paul is saying you determine your own harvest amen it really doesn't indicate that God determines it you determine it you sow sparingly then you're going to reap sparingly you so bountifully then you're gonna reap bountifully now God's best would be for you to have a bountiful harvest but he now gonna make you so bountifully he may he may speak to you about a seed perhaps larger than you had on your mind and what you had planned but he not gonna make you do it that's like I remember the story Jesse Duplantis tells how first time he went to a Kenneth Hagin meeting someone he knew was was aware of brother Hagins ministry brother Jesse was not familiar with it and he invited him to come so he was sitting in a camp meeting and I was there but I didn't know Jesse back then and he's sitting in this camp meeting and Norvel Hayes brother Hagin asked Norvel Hayes to receive an offering for Rhema so Norval got up to receive an offering and and he just challenged everyone that that had the ability to says so at least $1000 so it into Rhema and any he said and if you can do ten thousand dollars so it into Rhema and and brother Jesse said I heard the Lord say Jesse I want you to so ten thousand dollars Jesse said Lord that's all I've got he said that's not last for I didn't ask for anything he didn't have I knew he had $10,000 he said Lord that's my last 10,000 well aren't you glad I didn't say 11 and with a little bit of hesitancy I remember Jesse telling me that he said I prayed I prayed and I prayed that lord would pass that on to the guy sitting next to me you know he said I was obedient I walked up there and I gave the last ten thousand dollars I had he said and before the year was up praise God it produced an abundant harvest glory now so God's not gonna make you give anything you don't want to give that's not in your heart to give amen let every man purpose in his own heart what he will give amen now the principle is if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully so once again God is allowing us just like he allowed Adam to determine his own harvest but obviously his best for us is to enjoy abundant harvest Wow not only so our needs will be met but here's the here's the best part blessed to be a blessing amen blessed to be a blessing glory to God that's why he wants you to experience abundant heart he wants your harvest to be more than you need so that you can sow into the lives of others so that you can help your church build the next building so that you can help the church pave the parking lot so that you can help somebody pay their car off so that you can help somebody pay their hospital bill long so that you can help somebody beat your you're blessed to be a blessing the more harvest you have then praise God the more seeds you have to be able to so can you say Amen I love the the in psychic witness that where it says he not only multiplies seed sown but he's the provider of seed amen he's the provider of seed he'll multiply your seed sown he's the provider of seed and it says in one translation and it'll give you seed for sowing hallelujah amen did you notice in Ephesians where Paul makes the statement let him that stole steal no more let him work with his own hands so that he will have what to give amen so that he will have to give this principle of sowing is all over the Bible amen he said let the men work with his own hands not so he can earn a living but so he will have seed to sow glory to God now if you have the attitude God thank you for this job praise God thank you for this job and I'm thinking you that this job gives me the ability to have seed to sow with that attitude when if it's not this you know I'm just making a living here but if your attitude is God blessed me with this job so I could have seed to sow God will keep elevating you he'll keep promoting you praise God because he knows he can trust you amen I'm preaching better Nero responding ina listen reaping more than you sow is a fundamental law of the harvest what farmer goes out and sow seed and expects to reap exactly the same amount of seed that he sowed no he expects more than he sold I remember my grandfather when I was still living in Mississippi and even when I'd go back during the summer and spend weeks and sometimes months with my grandparents and I remember when when it was harvest time and my grandfather said this every time he said son we're gonna have a good harvest this year I remember him saying it son we're gonna have a good harvest this year I said well grandpa how do you know that you say that every year he said well son this is good old Mississippi Delta soil you grow anything here Delta so the reason they call it Delta saw is its rich soil and then the Mississippi River starts way up in northern Minnesota I've been there I've walked on the I walk not on order in the water where the Mississippi River starts in northern Minnesota and then it comes all the way down to the Gulf Coast for thousands of years that river is running down to the Gulf Coast and it picks up every time it floods it picks up nutrients from the land where his flowing and brings it down and dumps it in what they call the Delta and the Delta was known as cotton country man they had rich cotton crops down there and our property was part of that Delta region and ice trees my grandpa would say son we will have a good harvest this year why grandpa because this is good old Mississippi Delta soil son you can grow anything here he told me one time said grab that stick and throw in this grass throw in the soil there it'll be a tree well I didn't I knew it wouldn't gonna be a tree but he was just pointing out that this is rich soil now that's a principle in the Bible did you ever notice when Jesus was talking in mark chapter 4 about the parable of the sower sows the word now he's using agricultural principles amen and he talked about four different types of soil and notice there was a minimal harvest in some of the souls but when they sold in good soul it reaped as much as thirty sixty and a hundredfold so the point is make sure your sowing in fertile good rich soil hallelujah I just want to announce I am good Oh Mississippi Delta saw [Applause] you you ought to be saying it to I don't care if you are from Mississauga that's just close to Mississippi as you can give somebody shout I'm good old Mississauga soil amen I remember one time when creflo dollar was building that big dome down there in Atlanta and he said that he they they come up and he's believing to pay cash for this building you know it's huge I preached it I've part of the dedication of it and he come up to a place where they were they were lacking more funds to do the next phase and so he called me one day and he said I'm going to send some money to your ministry and I want you to agree with me for a harvest because we can't start this next phase until my harvest comes and so he sent a nice sizable seed and when we got it we'd laid hands on him prayed over and it was not too long maybe I don't know maybe a month later he called me back he said Roe Jerry that's seed I sowed into your ministry he said if you are that good assault I'm gonna milk you boy hey I said well creflo I am good old Mississippi Delta soil hallelujah amen praise God so notice these principles are basic agricultural principles hallelujah now reaping more than you sow is a basic fundamental law of harvest proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 says this there is that scattereth and yet increaseth it's possible another translation said it's possible to give it all away and yet become richer and did you notice that word scatter there there's there's there's this person who scatters seed and yet increases in other words he's always looking for opportunities to sow seed my wife wrote a book years ago about born to be a blessing and she put in there principle we learned along time ago we'd get up every morning with join hands before I left to go somewhere go the office whatever and we said Lauren show us where we can sow seed today show us where we can be a blessing to somebody and because she said she found in Galatians where it says be mindful to be a blessing and so we were practicing that we get up in the morning we pray Lord lead us show us what we need today and and without fail some where we'd come across somebody usually before dark then we could sow into that we could bless somebody with and and many times we in those early days particularly we'd give the last portion we had and yet proverbs said we would grow richer and God's never let us down praise God amen we'd give which so which scatter seed and and be down to you know our last and yet next thing we know God has increased our seed for sowing you not only met our need they gave us more seed for sowing praise God hallelujah there's another translation says one gives freely yet grows all the richer still another the new century version says some people give much but get back even more and then the New Living Translation says they give freely and become more wealthy wealthier Amen now once again I'm not reading first Jerry I'm bringing proverbs every scriptures inspired by God every scriptural Scripture is profitable amen so I'm just I'm just taking God's Word and applying it James calls that being a doer of the word not a hearer only Amen so I'm just acting on the word and God is backing it how they do you if this didn't work folks I'd be the first one to tell you I'd be the first one to tell you folks I'm sorry I've been preaching an error there so all of sowing and reaping thing it doesn't work but I can't preach that sermon never will preach that sermon because they had worketh mm-hmm hallelujah and I'm gonna keep on working at praise God so let's remember that it was God who established these principles to start with so once again experiencing an abundant harvest is his best for us and it's certainly part of his plan for us to enjoy an extraordinary life now go to Genesis chapter 26 real quick I know you're familiar with this but I want you to see an extraordinary life through sowing and reaping verse 1 says and there was a famine in the land beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham and Isaac went out went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar and the Lord appeared unto him and said go not down into Egypt dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of sojourn in that land and I will be with thee and I will bless thee now notice he's doing the same thing that he told Adam I will bless thee I will empower you to prosper amen and then you drop down to verse 12 it says then Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him now notice he's sowing in a land that's experiencing famine in the natural that is not a wise thing to do because if there's a famine that means there's no rainfall there's no way to water the seed if you can't water the seed it won't germinate if it doesn't germinate it won't but God said you go where I'll tell you to go and I'll bless you I'll empower you to prosper and want one more things you remember that bless means rise above excel where other peoples are fail other people are failing I'll cause you to succeed and don't you know he looked like a nut out there sowing because a pound says and the Philistines saw it they saw his harvest so apparently he's out there sowing and they saw the nut sowing and a famine amen I remember Charles Capps when I first met Charles he was a full-time farmer he he owned acreage in England Arkansas and that's what he did that was that's what he did but he was just starting his teaching ministry and I used to spend a lot of time with Charles we became very close friends and every time I'd go visit him and I'd go out on the big combines and ride through the field with him and we're talking sowing and reaping and so forth you know and and and Charles was brilliant in in things pertaining to the Word of God and so forth particularly in the laws of sowing and reaping because that's what he did he lived by that everyday you know and I remember one time he said there was a drought in his area in Arkansas England Arkansas is near Little Rock Arkansas and that he said there was a drought and most of his farmer friends in the area had decided they were not even going to so that year because it would have been a waste of seed and Charles prayed about it he said the Lord told him Charles used soap and so he did and his farmer friends you know their property adjacent to his and they saw him out there so it and some of them said Charles what are you doing I'm sowing why there's a drought that's not very smart Charles he said you're not going so this year no he said well God told me to so well they you know some of them kind of made little of that made fun of him so forth and he said well I tell you what if you're not gonna so I'll leash your land he leased their land so don't their land and left him at harvest time with their mouths open and he said I had the best crops I'd ever had and I got the most return out of that praise God amen but don't you know he looked foolish out there sowing when everybody else is sitting on the rocking in the rocking chair on the front porch saying look at the nut sowing in drought well I probably Isaac look like a nut sowing in a famine but he reaped a hundredfold in the same year and the Bible says and the Philistines envied him amen the the goes on to say and the man waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great waxed means increased it's not a term we use today you know I've never said to anybody in Fort Worth Texas when they asked me how am i doing waxing great thank you they wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about and the same would be probably up here as well but it means gain more and more increase more and more and so the Bible says and one translation even says the man got richer by the day halli do him and how did he do it he sowed he applied the same principles that God told Adam same principles the Apostle Paul taught the same principles we should be living by praise God because once you live by these principles if you're on a fixed income you just own fixed it there was a lady years ago back in the early 70s has preaching in Meridian Mississippi and this lady came up to me after the service I'm teaching on the laws of prosperity she came up to me after the service said brother Jerry I want to be your partner I said well that's very kind of you I appreciate that she said now my husband died and she called it a pension she said and I get a little pension you know from the railroad he worked for the railroad and I get a little money from the railroad you know and that's what I live on but I'm gonna send you a dollar a month every month and I said was sweetheart and I appreciate that that's so kind of you but I'd feel like a dog taking that dollar from you I mean you're living on a pension and all you can sew is a dollar of mother I don't feel right about taking your dollar she put her hands on her hips she was about this tall put her hands on him you don't practice what you preach do you boy I said yes ma'am I do she said well what you preached today I'm about to get off my fixed income and you're blocking it I said give me the dollar lady I don't want to be the cause of you staying on a fixed income from the rest of that little woman every month until she died cent one dollar a month our ministry I'm talking about 20 years I mean well every month a dollar a month well years later I'm preaching in Jackson Mississippi I mean this long time later maybe 30 years later I'm preaching in Jackson and after the service this lady came up to me and she said brother Jerry you don't know me but I know you I said well how do you know me she said well my mother was your partner for over 20 years and I said well what was your mother's name she said oh you'll remember her she sent you a dollar a month I said oh you mean miss so-and-so and I called her name she said that was my mother I said she said brother Jerry I just want you to know that one dollar a month that my mother sent to you for over 20 years made me a wealthy woman I said tell me the story she said well after mom died I was an only child and so our property we had a farm with a lot of acreage it was turned over to me I inherited it and one day out of the blue the city of Jackson decided they just couldn't live without my property because they wanted to expand and they paid me top dollar and I'm a wealthy woman today and I attribute that to my mother sewing one dollar a month for the last 20 years praise God in that an amazing story hallelujah praise God so that little woman boy she said her daughter up for the rest of her life by being obedient too so that one dollar a month how do you amen sounds like Isaac here reaped a hundredfold got richer by the day waxed strong don't you never say I'm waxing strong thank you and it all came as a result of sewing the amplified says until he became very wealthy and distinguished so that would fall under the category of an extraordinary life can you save an item done with my introduction I'm gonna preach now all right now this is what I came for but I needed to lay the foundation so go with me very quickly to Galatians chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 and I won't well let me just say this when I get through to still be dark spared to brother Copeland just come on me how to do you could be an all-nighter hallelujah lock the doors sir no I'm not gonna do that t hey listen now you know this Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap the Phillips translation says a man's harvest in life depends entirely upon the seeds which he sews a man's harvest in life depends entirely upon the seeds which he sews now notice the word mocked God is not mocked that means ridiculed are treated with contempt contempt means showing no respect for so you if you say things like oh I tried that sewing thing and it doesn't work you just mocked God you just showed no respect for him or his word so don't ever say that again Amen don't ever say that again it's not over yet it's not over yet it also implies a willful disobedience to his authority in other words to ignore the Lidda t of what we just read his word to act as though is to act as though it doesn't exist or in modern terms it means to turn the nose up at to turn the nose up at in other words you have no respect for it just walk away I don't believe that well what do you believe it or not it's still the Word of God you're believing it is to your advantage can you say Amen now the message translation says don't be misled no one makes a fool of God what a person plants he will harvest the amplified classic Edition says do not be deceived and deluded and mislead God will not allow himself to be sneered at scorned disdained or mocked by mere pretensions or professions or by his precepts being set aside for whatsoever a man souls that and only that is what he will reap amen so it's a big mistake to go around saying I don't believe that sowing and reaping stuff I tried and it didn't work oh that's that's not that's not smart if it's not working yet for you just keep your mouth shut you'd be better off just go buy raw duck tape put a caboose on there and just shut yourself up amen you know you don't want to mock God once again the Phillips translation says a man's harvest in life will depend entirely on that which he sews now what the Phillips translation is referring to is what is called scheming the in inevitability of life's harvest whatever a man shows that will he read amen now second Corinthians 9:6 we read it earlier this I say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap bound sparingly implies moderately it also implies seldom or infrequently and finally it means meagerly are deficient in amount now if you only have a small amount then in the eyes of God if you're willing to sow it it's no longer a small amount it's a significant seed just like the little would a woman right Amen it's a significant seed but if you have more that you're capable of sowing but you sow meagerly then that's another story amen I won't get into all of that you pray over to yourself okay but then bountifully on the other hand implies liberally largely plenteous li big heartedly and abundantly so according to god's laws we can expect an abundant harvest when we so abundantly in our seed sowing amen can the person who sews meagerly expect an abundant harvest no they can't so we've got laws that we're dealing with amen now second Corinthians 9:7 and I've quoted this every man according as he purposes in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth a cheerful Giver now this is talking about attitude so let me let me point out some things here to experience abundant harvest number one you've got to be so you got to be willing to sow bountifully or significantly the best you can do okay what what would be the best I could do Oh what would be the best pastor could do may not be with the best that you could do in the terms of amount but when you so the best you can do then God looks on it the same way that he looks on the best I can do he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't say oh this was only $20 they only gave a dollar if the dollar is the best you can do now it's become significant if I could so a hundred and I held back in fear that what am I gonna do tomorrow and I know in my heart I'm I'm supposed to so a hundred and I only so 10 there's God look on that as significant no he doesn't you could have done better am I getting too deep for you now I'm not I'm not trying to be critical or our condemning but I believe you're like I am I want maximum harvest hallelujah but there are certain principles that must be applied in order to receive maximum harvest of bountiful harvest abundant harvest amen now grudgingly he said don't give grudgingly because so now we're dealing with attitude that means with reluctance our discontent another way of saying it would be your heart is not in it Amen your heart's not in it and then necessity implies feeling compelled to do it but once again your heart's not in it now that that's that's really an area where I have a big problem with preachers playing on the motions of people making them feel condemned if they don't do this don't do that and now they're giving you no with this feeling compelled to do it but their heart's not in it attitude has everything amen God loves a what a cheerful Giver that's talking about attitude amen attitude the message translation says for out of necessity arm twisting through sides arm twisting through sob stories and how many meetings have you ever said in where the preacher gave you all them sad stories that's one of the reason why I wouldn't go to church with Carolyn I got tired of hearing all them sad stories amen and and I was a nice guy you know I'd like to say even when I was a sinner I still a nice guy I grew up in a family that my dad was a giver I saw my dad many times when he had friends that were laid off or they didn't they didn't have the ability to go to work because of an illness or something my dad would go do another job to make money to give that family I grew up in a giving home now they didn't know all these principles they just did it out of the goodness of their heart so growing up and when I came Lord giving was not something hard for me to learn what was harder for you to learn was receiving amen and I when I first went the minister I wouldn't even receive an offering and I said to the Lord I don't want these people thinking I'm came for an offering so I'm not receiving an offering and you know what I thought I was doing a good deed there because I didn't want people thinking the only reason I came is for their money because I'd seen that so many times I'll let arm-twisting and sad stories and you know we started out traveling to Jesus lost everything we had can you help and I was not gonna do that I refused to do that in fact when Carolyn I first married her daddy was a builder he built homes and he was good at it and when we first married our first little house was just a little you know small house and needed a lot of work on it but it's all we could afford and her dad and mom said we want to come over and and do some remodeling for you and I said Olin I can't afford that he said it's not gonna cost you anything it's a gift we want to we want to bless you guys well I had this chip on my shoulder if I couldn't earn it myself you couldn't give it to me I'm not the charity case hit him and if I couldn't earn it I wouldn't take it from you and because my daddy taught me how to work in fact the only scripture ever told me about that was in the Bible was a man that don't work don't eat well I believed him I liked eating so I went to work and so I know we can't we can't accept that he said what's the matter with you boy I'm trying to bless you well I don't know what that means but but if it means you're looking at me as as a charity case no when I can't afford it I'll call you and you can do it well I'll come home from work one day and there is out there with his truck he's skilled so a couple of other workers boy they're remodeling my front porch toward the old one off and putting a new one on I got so mad I walked I said older what are you doing he said I'm putting a new porch he said Carol is about to fall through this thing every time she walks out I said I told you I can't afford that now and when I can then I'll call you I said to get these people out of here get your stuff bloated in your truck and get out of here oh I've made my father also man he said what is a what is man what is the matter with you boy I'm trying to bless you well I'm not taking anything you've got I'll learn it for myself then I was at my attitude you know and I'm not trying to be mean I just grew up that way that you work and earn you know with your own hands and I couldn't accept gifts so when I came to the Lord I was already a giver not a large amounts but I was a giver because I was raised in a family that was a giving family boy I had our time receiving but I got over that I got over real quick and the reason I did cuz the Lord scolded me I was in a meeting and he said are you receiving all from now I said no Lord I don't want them thinking I came here for an offering he said well did you I said no I didn't he said well you know that and I know that and he said and I believe that people know that not only that you're blocking them from increasing he said Galatians says communicate with those who teach you in the word communicate there there's a manger that was a great sermon sir we really enjoyed it no it means contribute to their support amen in the strongest meaning is partner with him he said you're not allowing the people to contribute to your support so you're not only hurting yourself you're hurting them you're blocking blessings we're gonna receive an offering tonight folks I mean I changed my ways the Apostle Paul said I don't desire a gift from you but I do desire fruit that will abound to your account amen so my my failing to allow the people to invest in my ministry I was blocking the fruit that would cause abundance in their account am i making sense to you amen and then of course you can you can go off on tangents and start manipulating people and you know yeah boy I'm really into this receiving thing and then you start manipulating people no I don't do that and if you know me well I've never done that and I never will do that how they do it I don't have to God has been good to Jerry Savelle and I'm just applying the principles and once again they worketh how do you are you still here let's never say I'm not mad at him I'm still open to receive hallelujah amen all right we're about there now it's important attitude is important would you agree with what we've read so far that where are you sow your seed is important attitude is important determining the size or the amount of your seed is important didn't we see all of these things in the word now I think one of the few things we haven't covered is watering your seed watering your seat you know just because we're talking about spiritual things remember these are all based on agricultural principles and there's no way that you can grow a crop if you never water it because if you never water it then it can't germinate and if it doesn't germinate it can't sprout it can't grow so you have to water it amen now how do we water our seed with the Word of God coming out of our mouth let me let me show you this from the word Revelation chapter 1 verse 15 speaking of Jesus it says his voice as at the sound of many waters so that means the words that of Jesus mouth the Bible compares them to like unto water there the voice the the voice of Jesus is like the sound of many waters Ephesians chapter 5 verse 26 paul says that he might sanctify and cleanse it talking about the body of christ with what the washing of the water of the word so there's all over the Bible the Word of God is compared to water amen listen at this and Isaiah chapter 55 verse 10 and 11 for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but water at the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that cometh out of my mouth notice he started talking about water coming from heaven the rain that waters and and and causes growth the seed to germinate and grow and then he turns into turns right around and say and so shall my word be in other words he's making a comparison that my word coming out of my mouth is the same as water coming from heaven in the form of rain and watering the earth so how do I water my seed with the Word of God with the word of God are you still here now there is an agricultural principle let me give you one more scripture first proverbs 18 for the words of a man's mouth are as deep waters the words of a man's mouth are as deep waters now there is an agricultural principle that if you do not water the seed sufficiently then that is called seed dormancy dormant seed if you don't water the seed enough agriculturists call that seed dormancy in other words it becomes a dormant sea and dormant means a state of being inactive so I think the problem in the body of Christ for many of us who know the law of seed time and harvest it's not a failure to sow seed it's not a failure to get it in the right soil it's not a failure to have the right attitude we're just not watering the seed enough we're not watering the seed enough most of most of the time we we're sors most of the people in here they they're if they're there they're so errs you know you're not having to plead with a crowd of people like in many churches and beg and plead to get in on tithing and sowing now you people know those principles you're givers every time I've come here you've blessed us abundantly hallelujah so I'm not talking to people who know nothing about seed time and harvest however if I was to go down the road and say are you experiencing abundant harvest not all of you could answer yes but the Bible says if you are a sower and apparently many of you perhaps the majority of you you so generously then it is a violation of God's Word if you're not reaping abundant harvest so is it God's fault is that the words fault no that only leaves you it only leaves me and here's what we've done and the Lord pointed this out to me he said they're not watering their seed enough they they sow it and then they forget it if the farmer did that if my grandfather had done that cloud up got the soil ready sowed the seed and just went back to the house and never watered it whose fault would it be that the seed never germinated never grew whose fault would it be that that seed was laying in the soil dormant it had been his fault hallelujah the problem is were not watering her seat enough now I studied this closely when the God brought this out to me I studied it and I drew from my grandfather teaching me basic agricultural principles when I was a kid agricultural is say you must water seeds enough usually at least once a day so that they remain constantly moist too little water and they will fail to germinate usually at least once a day so let me ask you a question have any of you been sowing in the offerings this week yes many of you have probably most of you have you watered your seeds since the last time you so to seed or you just kind of assume well I soda seed the Bible said whatever so I'll reap they said it's going to brother Jerry's ministry I think he's good ground that's not enough it's not if you want abundant harvest so yes keep sowing yes make sure it goes into good ground yes keep your attitude right about it and yes water it frequently water it frequently now what we did back home when I taught this back home I gave our church a whole list of scriptures to confess over their seat every time they sow a seed and we put it up on the board like this screen here we put it on the board and in our church now I'm not even though I founded the church I'm the worst attending member I'm hardly ever there but I see to it and I'd really don't have to say it anymore because just in our pastor he's right in there with me and he puts the prophetic word up every year keeps it in front of the congregation o year long and then when he heard me teach on this then he put all those scriptures up there and the confessions that I led the people in and they do it every week they're watering their seed but also they can take it home I got all the scriptures there and all the confessions that I make over my seed they can take it home right after church and water their seed on the way home or what are their seed when they get home what are their seed before they go to bed get up the next day and water their seed and when they think about again what are their seed hallelujah and they keep watering their seed keeping it moist and there's nothing that Satan can do to stop it from germinating and sprouting and growing into and abundant harvests hallelujah give the Lord a shout if you believe in God amen hallelujah all right would you like to what do you see now and you know what we haven't even received the offering yet but I know you're gonna give pastors that encourage you to give and he can do that later so let's just get a jump start on it amen stand to your feet with me baby here we go I'm gonna read the scripture because quoting the word confessing a word speaking the word over our seed is how we water it okay I'm gonna read the scripture to you first and then I'm gonna lead you in a confession based on that Scripture okay but it seems kind of odd for me to do this first and you're not have you seen ready well it's just it's just kind of backwards when you don't have your seed ready so pastor you come do that and then I'm gonna I'm gonna help you water it okay all right praise God let me make it very clear I didn't preach this sermon so you'd give better my life is not sustained by your giving my life is sustained by my giving my ministry is sustained by my giving but as I said earlier do we add lunch today when we were talking at just just some things that came up god confirmed to me that he did want me to talk about this tonight before ending this meeting so please understand i'm i don't preach sermons in the way of trying to manipulate people okay now hold your seat up and you two young men would you help me could you come up here and i need my alright one of you is gonna so you don't do the sewing and one's gonna water alright alright now look we got some soil in there right and we want to put some see don't you just take some seat and just put it right down in there because that's what you're about to do yeah that's good we're gonna need a bigger pot well that's what we're after a bigger pot praise God amen man you've been listening tonight hey lujah alright now just a moment every time I have them confess something you pour a little water in there because that's what we're doing with water in that seed all right all right so you hold open till I do this now stand up again keep your seed in your hand and let me read the scripture and then I'm gonna lead you in the confession okay Genesis 822 while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest shall not cease say this with me how'd you see it up while you're saying therefore I sow my seeds and faith knowing that the law of seed time and harvest is working in my behavior water that seed alright Genesis 111 and God said let the earth bring forth after its kind and it was so say this therefore I have sown my financial seeds I'm expecting them to produce after their own kind in the form of financial harvest water that seed mark 4 26 and 27 so is the kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed in the ground and the seed should spring and grow up say this therefore I'm expecting every seed that I have sown to grow and spring up and to produce an abundant harvest water that seed job 36 11 if they obey and serve Him they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years and pleasures say this therefore because I have been obedient to God and have sown my seeds I fully expect my days to be filled with prosperity and my years with pleasures and water that seed psalm 115 verses 12 and 14 the Lord has been mindful of us he will bless us the Lord shall increase you more and more say this therefore because God has seen my sowing his man is on me continually and I'm expecting more and more financial blessings and more and more financial increase in my life and water that seed Luke 6:38 giving it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall men give unto your bosom but with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured to you again say this with me therefore I'm expecting good measure pressed down shaken together running over parvis from every see that I'm song and water that seeds second Corinthians 9:6 he which soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully therefore I'm entitled to and I'm expecting a bountiful harvest because I am a bountiful sower what are that seed second corinthians 9:8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work therefore I'm expecting to have all sufficiency more than enough abounding and financial blessings so that I'm able to so so that I'm able to sow into every good work that the Holy Spirit impresses upon me and water that see and second Corinthians our second chronicles 2020 believe ye in the Lord your God so shall you be established believe his prophets and so shall you prosper therefore since I do believe in the Lord my God and I believe what his prophet has spoken tonight regarding my abundant harvest I'm expecting this each and every day throughout this year to come to pass in Jesus name so bid [Applause] Oh Laurita God hallelujah amen thank you sir amen that's what you do when you speak the Word of God over your seat yeah see it in your heart see it in your mind I'm every time you confess the word now these are the scriptures I confess you may find others there's certainly plenty more but every time I do this I imagine myself watering a seed pouring water and in most of time when I teach it I do this as an illustration so that you don't forget it praise God amen now let's make sure let's you know in the morning I'm flying out to Kansas Joe and I are flying to Kansas my pilot's will be waiting for me and they will have already preflighted the plane when we get on board and we get our clearance the next thing my pilots will do is go through a check list in fact I don't fly with pilots who don't go through a check list I don't care how long they've been flying I want to see that check list now what I'm going through it I want to hear them talking at you this is my checklist those scriptures I just read amen so therefore I have done everything that the Bible said for me to do I'm a sower I've sown it in the right soil my attitudes right I'm expectant because every seed produces after its own kind amen yeah and the only thing left to do is praise God in advance how they do so lift hands right now yes praise God in advance hallelujah come on somebody shout thank you lord abundant harvest sitting in thank you lord [Applause] abundant harvest sad again thank you lord my month at Harvard Lolita God amen we just went through our checklist we're ready to fly [Applause] glory glory glory how would you act if your abundant harvest manifested by tomorrow yeah [Applause] well [Applause] Rory [Applause] when I was younger I'd be turning back clips I don't know if I could still do it and I'm not even gonna try that I got a priest Amarna I don't have to believe for healing praise God amen did you receive it tonight you are well on your way to an extraordinary life one more good show [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 15,959
Rating: 4.8510027 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jerry Savelle, jerry savelle, church, POLC, Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto, Canada, Christian, faith, seed, prosperity, sowing, generous, giving, God, Jesus, Bible, The Bible, Word, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, preaching, service, Copeland, anointed, anointing
Id: QSvQydLkoOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 13sec (5353 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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