100,000 Player Building Challenge!

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i invited 100 000 random minecraft players to a building competition and they had exactly seven days to build whatever cool crazy unique things they could think of and i'm gonna give fifty thousand dollars to whoever's build is the best bill number one of a hundred thousand is this uh temple oh i wanna live here well you can't because it's in minecraft hmm i'm gonna have to give it like a four six four five it's in first place well oh look at this oh cherry blossoms [Music] oh look at the inside your honor this is huge yeah you can tell this took time this is really nice this is easily the best one yet look there's little hidden secrets everywhere i just found a monkey i give it a six i like this i'll give it a five i'll give it a six five all right it looks like this pink blob of puke is in first [Music] all right i think this is the first build that actually has a chance of winning what what the look at the sword this is actually really good i like this it's so massive all right chandler what do you rate it dude this is a solid eight seven and a half a six and a half i'm gonna give it a five this guy wins fifty thousand dollars it's thanks to challenge chandler's been your number one fan guys this one might win this gets at least a four for being funny i'll give it a six i'll give it a five i'll give it a zero so you guys can't give like my balls 50 grand oh my god i found my winner oh our goddess zero two oh my god spongebob's behind it they made this for me my two favorite things imagine having seven days to build with 50 000 on the line and all you build is this jimmy oh my god tp to me oh my gosh look at the orbeez spilling over jimmy a video like this i feel like would get a lot of views wait what is that i see in the distance it's our profile pictures whoa oh my gosh it's attack on tight me oh whoa oh with the tiger oh that's really nice sir asked him do you know why i added you to the call uh actually no as you know fifty thousand dollars is on the line and only one of the hundred thousand builders is getting it no way are you kidding me you didn't win but we are about to rate your build i spent like three days to make this statue chris what are you rated out of ten i'm gonna go with an eight and a half i'm also gonna give it a seven i said eight point five so also doesn't work in that sentence jimmy i like it too i'm also gonna give it a six i hate you guys i'll go six sir ask him you are currently in first place we'll see if it holds no way crystal elixir break it down for us so i made an among us girl statue holding his dream mask i guess now we know what the point of the mask is sad thing is there's structures like this and this and this in the challenge i only came here to make my mark it is definitely here forever now after a very long time of raiding the builds me and the boys managed to only rate a couple hundred of them and there's over a hundred thousand so i'm going to bring on our team of dozens of discord mods to dwindle it down from 100 000 builds to just the top 30 which then me and the boys will rate boom it has been some time later and these are the top 30 builds out of all 100 000. they're majestic and now we are gonna decide which one wins 50 000 remember they all had seven days to build this stuff so no mercy all right so up first we've got the tower of heads uh this is actually a totem pole of heads i'm poking you in the eye and there's nothing you can do about it hey jim you got a booger 50 grand on the line stop making a mockery of this sorry sorry you're right you're right all right what do you rate it out of 10 because it looks so realistic i give it a 8. i'll give it a 7. i don't have brown eyes so for that reason i'm gonna have to give it a seven i'll go 6.5 that's a 28.5 next up we got tiger in the dark alley the tiger looks very wise tell me what to eat for dinner tiger oh wally wait is that r2d2 i think if they built it higher and had more layers to this it'd be cooler i don't think this is 50 g's this next one's beautiful all right we got a lot of artsyness creativity i like that they said tree but upside down this is very artistic i give this a 7.5 i'm gonna give this one an eight for art seven this is an eight easily this is now in first place let's continue oh hell wolf and ice wolf no hell dear i'm gonna be honest jimmy i'm gonna give it a seven well i don't think it's that bad oh my god stop i'm gonna give it a six and a half five i'll give it a seven and a half not first place oh it's me maddie and i guess that's pinky i'll give it a 10. i'll give it a three i give it a two we'll give it a three all right i lost okay we got another contender here i'm gonna move this guy in what a b-dog so i have a hundred thousand people your build made the top 30. nice nice all right show us around your cherry blossom this is like the temple of the beast i tried to make your face oh my gosh i didn't even notice this part well i like his face oh and then we got our tiger on top of the mountain all right everyone i think we've seen enough decide whether or not he wins 50 grand i give it a 7. 7.5 i'm going to throw out an eight worry chandler b-dog is listening whether or not he wins 50 000 is up to you i'm gonna give you an eight so you're tied for first place that's insane i didn't expect that next one bro i like the walls because it kind of like makes it its own and closed kind of it's its own world basically oh it's like a geode kind of the buildings in here are very pretty go to the exact bottom oh my golly looks like a tails from the s p episode right here look at the top of the towers are twisty it looks cool from far away but i feel like it could have a little bit more substance guys this is the best build yet easily i'm gonna give it like a seven six and a half firm seven it's so good ten there's now a three-way time for first place okay now we're talking now we're talking leader potential first off they utilize the 100 of the space they were given which is a good sign oh my gosh and there's stuff down here oh look uh octopus wow it's spongebob's house wow in squidward's house too leo hi i must say this is very insane there's a lot of cool stuff going on how long did it take you to build this around 80 hours this is my favorite build so far i'm giving it a nine nine i'll give this one an eight man i gotta give it a ten this is amazing leo means you are currently in first place i want to win and the next one is beast dragon i thought that was a surefire win but this one's actually pretty good and the wings are even purple they added a little purple tint to them i'm gonna give it an eight i'm gonna go seven yeah i'm gonna throw it a seven i'm gonna give it a i don't think it beats fishy beast dragon fell short but i actually really like this build so i'm gonna give whoever built this a thousand dollars the only thing standing between leo and the spongebob build and fifty thousand dollars is me carrying planet earth jimmy you have a very disproportionately small head in this i like it 10 out of 10. because it's so unrealistic i'm gonna give it a one jimmy can't lift anything and since that didn't take first place leo yeah out of 100 000 different builds your build received the highest rating which means you just won fifty thousand dollars in cash okay that's nice winning 50 grand is nice yeah what do you want to say to the viewers they're all gonna want to know i'm really happy
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 39,412,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z2bcQBZyaY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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