Onething 2017 // Session 1 // Full Live

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[Music] [Applause] we [Music] your presence here we're longing we're lost curse me [Music] we all know [Music] the hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] her [Music] aha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the signal to come [Music] Oh the trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh we will raise [Applause] oh my god [Music] Larry harder door oh my god we welcome you and pray [Applause] Oh [Music] the only one found word [Music] the only one deter me of ours you're the only one found word the only one deserving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is only 1 pound Bernie Jesus said there is only one power jeez so there is only one there is only one bout worthy Jesus [Music] there is only one Jesus Lord of all spiritual everything we need is found in you yeah yeah God you're the sweetest day Jesus giver live sustainer up the feet Oh you it's all me one pound worthy geez there is own [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is all only you is only one pound per sheet Oh you want [Music] everything with me god made us Georgia the sweetest [Music] [Music] there is see [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] ooh yeah [Music] yeah yeah ooh yeah yeah Booya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] give you free [Music] [Applause] you were taken to the other side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] ooh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she befriends [Music] Thanks you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm their lover of my soul with all of it we are singing Jesus you're the lover of my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father father we have come [Music] [Music] our hearts rebound see father we've come [Music] [Music] rebound [Applause] [Music] Oh yeah [Music] so yeah see we [Music] angels bride for these the Lord God all the earth replies holy are you all the [Music] all the the [Music] describe God Oh holy Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see Jesus worthy that was [Music] you are the son of God you are raise your grade [Music] say that Jesus oh gee son of God [Music] Oh [Music] Oh your great name lost our say fine your brain Oh feel no shame of your grade [Music] every as new of your grade the end he has to [Applause] [Music] Oh it's worth [Music] ah [Music] [Music] you're [Music] we prophesied now fine [Music] [Applause] proceed [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're great [Music] it's not another worthy it's not another word a devotion in the love is not another word not another word it's not another worthy of our devotion and I love we are gathered in this place today [Music] glory into [Music] because you're the only one pound were holy Oh [Music] holy by [Music] you slain and you made us please that was slain for us worthy is [Music] [Music] exalted Jesus see the tray [Music] [Music] then the chorus is going on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the only one god damn it for the lowly of the only wide it's God stand before the mirror the only wise gotta say in heaven [Music] we long to appeared to be we love to gaze on Yahoo [Music] [Applause] we long to gaze on every [Music] we love to hear [Music] fascinate us none [Music] as we want more than Terry fascination we want more than comprises a sir holy fascination you got holy fascinate [Music] 20,000 people in a room me nothing without you God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] God becomes a sin oh the mystery of it all there's no Lord you are great greater than we can imagine and you met for us to come close you [Music] - Gary Sora's beauty [Music] Oh God we respond to your hearts crying and we honor you with our attention and we honor you with our love responding to yours we give you the glory responding and honoring you with dessert designer to see you desire to know you in that great mystery if you wanting us and welcoming us in inviting Troy in making away with your own life we designer you God be glorified in our desire be glorified in our attention because [Music] we warn you [Music] circumstances [Music] I still Oh No you [Music] [Music] cuz it takes you [Music] takes you to know you [Music] open up the eyes of our habits to behold spirit of wisdom spirit of Revelation come speak or two oh that we would treasure you the walnut angels never stop to sing us how much the redeemed how much more those who've been saved with your own blood how much go you're the guy that brings us close you don't want us at a distance you're the girls to be known [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] one InDesign [Music] that one things to see in your [Music] you [Music] you are [Music] beautiful rebury you are you are beautiful glory glory you are you are beautiful Lori Lori yes you are you [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful beautiful glory glory glory us you are you are beauty beauty beautiful glory glory glory yes [Music] you give me beautiful glory glory Boreas you are you are beautiful glory glory Gloria you are you are into your let me see your let me see your [Music] let me see your [Music] let me see [Music] let me see your face take me [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] together all together [Music] the highest heavens cannot contain the glory of your wonderful name yet here with your people you well in your mercy you bow low in your kindness you come close here with your be you'd wear [Music] the we cry Phylis with glory [Music] [Music] your family just to walk in [Music] and Touche the fear of your your ear we drive [Applause] [Music] voicelike [Music] come and shows my wonders God voice ID gonna show my we [Music] [Music] [Music] I will do anything just to see you to behold you as my king for your glory I do just to see yeah to behold you as my king Satan for you Jesus [Music] just to see - behold my king the Windsor refreshing send your spirit so the winter refreshing cuts in your glory town sin the Windsor refresh season your spirit to the winter repressing cuts in your glory town trust me your poori down No [Music] and refreshing your glory down set the winds up and rushing up no and [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] just to see you Jimmy holy for your Laureen I will do [Music] I just want to see to behold you as my up our eyes to see your beauty God we cry aloud that same cry that David prayed Psalm 27 Lord that we want to behold your beauty all the days of our lives we live to be fascinated by your beauty capture the heart and the attention of every young man and every young woman every old man and every old woman today God we surrender our gaze to look on you to be fascinated by you to know your glory Jesus a man and a man Thank You J Thomas let's give you a moment just to go ahead and get your seats so we'll have a transition for just a moment here J Thomas at his team they'll be leading worship tonight you know just while you're making your way back it's one of those of you that are first-timers here we have at the back there just outside the auditorium the hub the IHOP hub and that's where people come and they could learn all about the different programs meet the leaders interact with various people that are part of the IHOP staff so it's just kind of a time in between the sessions if you want to come and be a part of that we want to encourage you to come and participate in that well I want to introduce Ronnie Melissa here they are a host they are one of the couples that are hosting the women in commerce force and a very interesting life and profile and I just want you to hear their story for two or three minutes and just before they give some of the announcements now Ronnie he has been in the free style x-games you know those bizarre sports where you do double triple backflips on motorcycles and all that and he's been doing that now 20 years just retiring this year and been in the top 5 of in the world so has had quite a bit of of success and notoriety but got radically saved as some years ago and he's using this platform in order to preach Jesus and to bring people to the Lord now Melissa interesting she was in the X game world a bit but in a different way she was a model and had a very successful career and they met each other some years ago before they were saved and he had a big crush on her and he was a star and she was a model and Beryl both of them everything good was happening but then they both met the Lord separately and they went throwing way for a while and the Lord reconnected them and it's quite an amazing story and so Melissa you met the Lord and you left this world glamour and whatever whatever whatever and you left it and you ended up joining the IHOP staff I mean to give yourself to fasting and prayer and revival and the forerunner message how could you make such a radical shift from this world to that world yeah well I mean being a model it looks on the outside like it's this world of glitz and glamour but really on the inside I was so dying and broken and so when I met the Lord I had a radical conversion I was delivered of everything you could name and so in a moment I went from dead to alive and I knew that that life that I'd been living was no longer real and so I just decided I'm gonna leave it all like I'm gonna never watch TV again I'm gonna never look at a magazine I'm gonna leave I'm gonna move and so I actually moved and just jumped right into the House of Prayer world and so I don't really know what Sunday Christianity is I just know Jesus is worthy of my adoration 24/7 and I just want to give myself fully to him I mean that's such an amazing testimony that Jesus is better than way better you know in the Song of Solomon it says what is your beloved more than all of the others and the bride says he is better than he is chief above all the other pleasures it's so true he doesn't even compare and so there's so many folks out and about that would love to have your lifestyle beforehand but what you're testifying is man it isn't what it appears and when you came to the Lord some years ago you went all the way it was about to 8 or 10 years ago something like that and you jumped in the IHOP staff and you were committed in the prayer room and and now you two ended up in California for about a year and you're moving back to join the team here again and so we're so glad to have you back and yet you're gonna be reaching out to all of the x-games folks because you got about a half a million folks following you and they and they know your story and so why do you want to do this I want to do this just because the Lord has touched my life in such a way I want to share what a generation the Lord is so radically encountered who I was and it's it's transformed everything that when I see people in the same place that I was I'm like man you're missing out on something that's so much better and I see the action sport community running after the gold medals and running after the big sponsors but you were kids doing that I get it dude flips right yeah I can do it sorry I get it because I was that I was doing that as well I mean 20 years yeah but just as you got the same I found something so much better as well and when I see them I'm like that's good but there's something better so I want to be able to share my testimony and share the gospel and bring people into the family of God so they can experience how good he is so just for fun what was the scariest moment for you all right so in in X Games there's this trick called the 360 it's not a backflip it's a 360 so you spin it this way it's a BMX train what what are you on you're a dirt bike okay what sort of flipping this way you spin this way so it's a miniature in media so I tried this at X Games crash the first year in 2006 I separated my shoulder broke my wrist I came back the very next year try to begin and I crashed and broke my foot so this was building up year after year and everybody was expecting me to do it they're like is he's gonna try it again it's gonna change nobody does it like thing yeah there was like four people in the world I've landed it at this point so I was I couldn't even sleep at night I was so nervous about it trick used to make me sick but it finally in 2008 I finally came out anyway the personal goal so it's good but then you gave your heart to the Lord and how did what did the people around you think you to do you had this big crush on ER in the old days and now you end up married both radically for the Lord and what are they thinking and now you want to relocate from California back to Kansas City and what are they saying I think everyone takes a serious salad when I first got saved a lot of because I was so far in the darkness when I got saved people ad says I'm serious like that I know that guy that guy he calls himself Christian now but through the years like I got saved almost 10 years ago through the years they see me sticking with it sticking with it and eventually that people they even called me like most people in action sports call you by your last name they label me the old Feist in the new fights they actually says your name is five-spice that's my last night so people actually saw something completely different and knew that they would be like oh the old face new face so we earned the respect I think of sticking with it and and it not being a face I got married a year ago and baked California so why do you want to come back well we actually it's a big this is a hard rigorous lifestyle what we do here in Kansas City I mean in the flesh it's not like cake it's something you really got to be determined to go after well I mean for me it's an easy decision but I think it's cuz I've tasted and seen how worthy Jesus is and and how amazing it is to be in a community of people that see that and long to know Jesus more and so that's one of the reasons that we just want to be here we want to be with a people that are radically committed to making Jesus known and and exalting him 24 hours a day but we also we believe in the message of this place we both feel called to be forerunner messengers and so we feel like we're supposed to take this message out to the world to to the sphere of influence that the Lord's given us but what better way to be in it all the time soaking in it going deep in the word going deep in prayer going deep in the message to have something to actually bring to the people unapologetic yeah go on for well anyway I just wanted you to have that little short interview because they're so interesting and I just love who you are and watching your life over the last few years and thanks I just wanted them to be encouraged saying some folks are out there saying hey if they can we can because if you can make that transition can make that transition is the transition meaning to radical Christianity yeah well let's get back to business here I love your story and they'll be here a few more times in this four days tell us some of the announcements and the products that you have here okay so we just heard from Jay was that not amazing so we actually have Jays CD here it's here is my worship and I don't know about you guys but when I hear Jay I can be you know going about my day completely disconnected to the Lord and I hear one of Jays songs and it's like immediately I'm brought to the throne room and so that is what this CD does for me we have it in the bookstore that you guys can pick it up also when you guys when you guys registered you should have got the one thing conference guide so everything that you need to know is inside this guide all the scheduling all the scheduling for the main stage I'm gonna hold that guy okay oldest you got it on the way in but if you didn't yeah if you didn't you can go back to registration and grab one so everything that's going on at the hub is in there all the scheduling for the info meetings in there and I know also today at 4:45 Dave slyger is gonna be given a message on identity and he's gonna be giving out some free resources it's a short little it's just a short little devotional yeah yeah but swing by there if you're free today and there's also other IHOP leaders hanging out in the hub so just go by there kick it and meet with the leaders get prayed over and also with your conference guide you guys should have picked up the reset book this is by Bob soar he and we just want to thank Bob because he's giving this to you guys for free it's a great resource he has amazing resources of how to go deep in the place of prayer to reset your life and he's really one of the best teachers I know in the body of Christ I mean he wouldn't like that being said but it's true no it's it's absolutely wow they're so amazing and so actually and they're also giving you guys a deal if you want to buy these in bulk if you want to do them with your church if you want to do a small group they're gonna be in the bookstore as well because a lot of churches are buying like a hundred of them because there's it's such an easy on ramp to how to reset your spiritual life yeah and you're buying him but he wanted to give it to all of you free like gave us twenty thousand of them to give away in this conference thank you so much Bob yep and they're there also there's a one thing app so if you have not downloaded the app you can grab your phones right now and download the app and everything that you need to know is on the app as well all the scheduling what else is cool about the app is you can put notifications in there so you can get a little reminder there's something that you want to be set to notification and I'll send you a reminder that way you don't miss it and also we want to see group photos so take pictures of all you and all your friends post it on the app tell us where you're from you can share your testimonies on there and also on all your other social pages on your Twitter page your Instagram page your Facebook be sure to hashtag one thing 2017 yeah and on that app as well you actually can tell us things that the Lord has done at this conference because we want to hear we want to know what the Lord is doing so there's a place in there where you can tell us testimonies of what the Lord is doing with you guys and so we actually have the privilege next of hearing from Cory Russell you worked for Cory Russell with you understand for the three years before you the year ago you got married moved away and so you were Cory Cory Russell I mean I just feel to be on fire or she kind of he's always on fire like the guy you see on the stage that is Cory all the time and he's a big bride sit next to Cory in the prayer room we sit literally five feet four years for I mean he's been here almost the whole 18 years of I up and I sit next to him and I look at him he's there hours a day all day and I'll even go to a meeting and come back and he's still there praying in the spirit you can't end it for every by what I go this guy is the real deal it's so - it really is and so we want to let you guys know he actually has a new book out it's called inheritance and if you guys don't know Cory and his family actually went through a great tragedy and this book is actually his story the story of his family walking through this but clinging to the promises of God and what this book does is it really just helps you because we all go through small tragedies or trials or whatever it is this is a huge one but but it still helps you to in in those little trials in your own life to be able to ascend above the storm and cling to the promises of God in your life and your family for your generation and it's an amazing book so he actually is gonna be having a book signing tomorrow at noon in the bookstore so you can meet him you can get this book and have him sign it so he'll see you guys there my wife Diane she went on a ministry trip to preach at a conference and she sent me an email because this book is brand new it just came out she knows I read it on the airplane I cried and sobbed I love Corey and you gotta read the book read it tonight as a sweetheart I can't read tonight I got things I gotta do sugars you got to read the book tonight I didn't but I gotta read it yeah yes this is a brand new one but she was so moved well Jonas I love it you're singing here for us you've been a worship leader here what about 10 years and or more something like that and Laura core she was raised here even from her youth that you two been married for some years and your music your leadership the both of you together is a gift of God and your team what an expression of commitment yet joy and dedication I love your team anyway jealous part [Applause] [Music] [Music] you only close [Music] don't [Music] scars deep on dessert breaking rescue me [Music] Jesus oh my lord you have one me one [Music] Oh [Music] back on my left on my life [Music] right to the desert and you say my [Music] is real can you call me [Music] yeah merci no man [Music] and lifting me gee you have [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen amen [Applause] Thank You Jonas good afternoon good afternoon it's good to be with you guys who's grateful for J Thomas's worship I know I am you know it was 10 years ago at this conference he was off somewhere else in a low place in his life and he was watching through the television and the presence of God hid him called him as though I mean the reignited the call as a worship leader and the Lord marked him and called him and here we are 10 years later and here he is doing what he does this afternoon and I'm just so grateful to God for stories where the Lord breaks in in moments and the most hopeless and despairing of times and he delivers us and he breaks in upon our life who's grateful for the deliverance of Jesus in our lives I'm so grateful for it and I just love that man I love his worship and I love the story of God all right turn with me in your Bibles to Luke 11 Luke 11 my name is kori Russell me and my family have been here for the last 17 years and with the book that we just released we just also released a prayer CD that goes with it it's also called inheritance and one of the passions of my life is training a generation on how to learn how to ascend above life's storms and connect with the one on the throne and I do I want to do that in books I want to do that in prayer CDs and I just want to see a generation get equipped on how to arise above storms and lock in with the one on the throne and so that's my desire well let's just I just want to welcome you to one thing 2017 all of the the places you've come and for you who are viewing we just love to set this first come this first session off by just asking the Lord so right there you can right there in your seat or wherever you're at just open up your hands and I just want to ask for the father to release his presence and his blessing upon this conference that what God did with J Thomas ten years ago he would do with tens of thousands of J Thomas's and that he would do with tens of thousands of Khoury Russell's and you and all of your stories father we ask you in the name of Jesus we thank you for the blood of Jesus that washes us we thank you for the blood of Jesus that cleanses us we thank you for the blood of Jesus that has torn and removed all separation and that we now boldly enter into the presence of the Father unhindered and we come before you robed in robes of white and I just ask you Father these next four days look down from heaven and release your blessing upon this room release your blessing upon the times of worship and the messages I ask you to charge the atmosphere with light the downtown area would be filled with your light the spirit of Revelation that you would release deliverance salvation and healing that there would be breakthroughs God that you would release salvation that you would call the backslidden home that you would call those in compromise out of compromise and into wholehearted love God we ask you to release the fire of the Holy Spirit this first session I asked you for an awakening I ask you for a spirit of Revelation and I ask you to charge the atmosphere with lie in the name of Jesus we bless you and we thank you and everyone said amen amen well I want to we're gonna get to Luke 11 here in a little bit this is what's been burning on my heart for most of 2017 has been Luke 11 it's as Jesus is entering into those last months leading into his death and resurrection and it's a very intense time very lonely time but the thing that I want to talk about this afternoon and one of the things I want to present before you is that I believe and I want to seek to show it in the word that I believe that Jesus's greatest discipleship and his impact on those 12 disciples was his prayer life I want us to behold Jesus the intercessor in his life through the Gospels of being able to see his life of prayer because I believe that for that those three-and-a-half years those twelve disciples they watched him they heard him they saw him leave and go pray and that left the greatest mark upon their lives and I and it's my desire in my prayer I'm like asking God would you raise up a thousand men and women young and old every background that you would give and raise up a thousand leaders that would come forth in this next generation whose very life would provoke a question and a response around every one who sees them the most teach me to pray I want your prayer life whether that be in ministry or in the marketplace or whatever sphere the Lord calls you to it's my desire that God would raise up a thousand men and women who above everything else that they do that they would be burning men and women who wants to be one of those that's that's who you are but I want to ask just for a fresh focus on it that's what I believe he did for three years is he provoked them he modeled it he lived in it and for three years he kept wetting their appetite saying this is the primary reality that I'm given to am bound says it this way he says it was worth a trip from heaven to earth to teach men how to pray it's not a natural thing but it's something that must be learned and caught and taught and I believe that Jesus came to teach a generation and to teach the generations how to connect with heaven and how to bring heaven down into our worlds I love Mark chapter one and Mark one we see Jesus he's been moving in power and signs and mark 1:32 it says that the the power of Jesus was breaking out so strong it says that the Sun was setting and it says the whole city gathered at the door of the house that he was staying the whole city gathers to the door and then he begins to move even into the night he begins to move in healing deliverance and he begins to release the power of God and power breaks out the meetings undoubtedly went on until late into the night and then it says in mark 1:35 it says now in the morning having risen a long while before daylight he went out and departed to a solitary place and there he prayed the meeting goes late into the night and what do you see Jesus do is at 2:00 3:00 in the morning he now gets up and he goes to a solitary place and he begins to pray and he begins to seek the Father and to where the next morning Simon Peter and them go looking for him and they can't find him anywhere and after a while of searching for him they find him and Simon goes Jesus everyone's looking for you which means Jesus the power that was breaking out last night do you know that there are 50 more invites that just broke in because of the healing meetings that broke in last night and what does Jesus do he goes guys it's time to move on to the next city I have more cities to preach in and to bring the kingdom into the next cities which means this Jesus was not moved by all the ministry opportunities he was not moved by the size of the crowds and all the demands he was moved by the will of the father and you see him moving to the next city saying this is about obedience to the Father but the thing that I want you to see is what was it about that he could go to bed at 10:00 11:00 midnight wake up at 2:00 3:00 a.m. and then he's lost in solitary places praying to the Father you know we also see a picture of this in Luke 5 2 where jesus heals the leper he heals the leper and the whole city shows back up to him all the demands are showing up the lines go longer than the thing line this afternoon I mean that's intense think about the one thing line this afternoon and begin to give you that kind of idea of people that are in need of healing deliverance cuz for every person that got healed they went and grabbed 10 other people that need healing and now the lines are waiting but what does it say in Luke 5:16 we would think then Jesus would open the doors and begin to move in healing what does he do it says so he often withdrew into the wilderness and he prayed that when the one thing line was at its height Jesus obedient to the will of the Father he says haha this isn't an hour to move in that it's a time to withdraw from all the demands the tyranny of the urgent to pull away and to lock eyes with the father and to get rejuvenated get resourced and get reconnected with ABBA as I move into the next place and I believe that there are countless times that those disciples say what are you doing Jesus this is when you keep ministering the powers breaking and it's all happening and at the times when you think Jesus would step through the door of ministry he withdrew what was he doing he was showing them guys there's something bigger going on and I am beginning to provoke and model to you that above everything all the demands all the busyness all the activity in the life in ministry in your world I want you to understand that your primary occupation and your primary place is called intimacy with the father of seeing his face hearing his voice and connecting to his will well it brings us to Luke 11 and they're about to ask the question but it's even more intensified because now they're moving into those last months in Luke 9 Jesus sends out the twelve and they move in signs and wonders they're preaching the kingdom in Luke 9 their famous growing Herod is asking to see Jesus Jesus is feeding the 5,000 in Luke 9 Peter gets it you're the Christ the Son of the Living God in Luke 9 Jesus takes them to the Mount of Transfiguration and he prays and as he prays Moses and Elijah show up and is he was he was altered and they see him in his resurrected they see him in his glory his eternal glory and they're coming down from the Mount of Transfiguration and the season is about to shift they come down the mountain and a father is bringing a demonized son to them and the disciples go to pray for them like they always have and they've seen many anointings break out much breakthrough happen but now when they pray for the demonized boy he doesn't get healed and they go Jesus why isn't he getting healed and he says because of unbelief and he says however he says this in Matthew he says however this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting which means that there is a realm of Prayer that you haven't broken through into to see breakthrough over this over this situation and I am beginning to show you the gap between your currently ad in your prayer life and where I'm calling you for the next season and I believe it's that reality that sets the stage of Luke chapter 11 go ahead and let's read Luke 11 verse 1 now it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased that one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples I want to read that again now it came to pass as Jesus was praying in a certain place that when he ceased one of his disciples came to him and they said Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples I have three thoughts as I read this verse the first one is before we just move on I want everybody to just to take a step for a second let's just pause for a second and let's consider this we're four for three-and-a-half years these disciples get to watch God the Sun talk to God the Father through God the spirit the one who was there from everlasting the one who did Genesis one the one who was in the bosom of the Father from eternity past he is now in their midst and for three and a half years they are getting to watch god the son talked to God the Father through God the spirit who would have loved to have watched Jesus pray three of you I promise you you would have wanted to I mean to think about all the traffic we have to deal with in prayer most of us have to spend most of the times the first 30 minutes saying god I'm really sorry about what I did last night I'm really sorry I'm really sorry I'm really sorry I'm really sorry and by the time we've gotten through with our prayer time we finally enter in think about watching Jesus go right in to father to lift his eyes to the Father and to do it encounter the father in his prayers what intimacy did Jesus speak to the father what vulnerability what intensity what confidence what accessibility prayer wasn't a religious activity to Jesus it was his life his breath he was saved from the father and he spoke to the father he lived in two worlds at once Jesus lived in two worlds at once and he constantly moved in and out of prayer what would it have been like to watch sinless lips uttering holy words to the Holy Father to hear him to watch him fully God yet fully man to watching the long times go and replenish himself in the Spirit of God to be washed and renewed to watch him pray I don't think we can overestimate the power that it was in watching him talk to ABBA they watched him pray one of my favorite verses is John 17 1 it says right at the end of John 16 gee just goes in the world you're gonna have tribulation but be of good cheer I've overcome the world who loves that verse he goes but this is literally what he did in John 16 to 17 he goes be of good cheer I've overcome the world and then he did this father the hour has come glorify your son that he may also glorify you as you've given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to as many as you've given him and this is eternal life that they would know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent and Jesus launches into 26 holy mountain peaks of Revelation as Jesus meditates on his pre-existing glory he talks about glory which I had with you before the world was he launches they got to watch and talk it wasn't a religious activity it was breath it was life it was air Jesus lived in prayer in Luke 10 he rejoiced in the spirit he said father I thank you that you've hidden these things from the wise and the prudent in John 11 before he raised Lazarus from the dead because father I thank you that you hear me you always hear me and then he said Lazarus come forth to watch him pray Hebrews 5 say in the days of his flesh he had vehement cries and tears Jesus lived in prayer he prayed before his baptism in John Luke chapter 3 when he prayed the heavens were open and father's voice broke in beloved son in whom I'm well pleased he prayed all night in Luke chapter 6 before he named the apostles Jesus spent he did the Nightwatch to hear from the father who were the ones that the father was setting apart that should walk with him into that next season Judas was one of them he prayed before he was transfigured in Matthew 14 he prayed when he was grieving John the Baptist death and before he walked on the water in Matthew 14 he prayed before he fed the 5,000 in John 17 he prayed John 17 before Gethsemane in Matthew 26 he prayed in Gethsemane in Luke 22 he prayed for Peter that his faith wouldn't fail and that he would make it through the worst of nights and come through to strengthen the early church he prayed on the cross Father forgive them they know not what they do oh the power of prayer that Jesus lived in he prayed in joy he prayed before resurrection he prayed before glory he prayed to see heavens witness he prayed in Gethsemane he prayed to see that his will was fully brought underneath the leadership of the Father and then he prayed at the cross Father forgive them I love it not only did Jesus pray but he preached on prayer from the Sermon on the Mount when you pray to his last message on the Olivet discourse Jesus what do we do in light of the end times how do we prepare he says I want you to watch and to pray I want you to get a spirit of watchfulness a spirit of Revelation and I want you to get a history of faith upon your life Jesus emphasized prayer it wasn't salt on the meal but it was the meal that's the first thing is he they got to watch him pray number two he let them watch him pray this has been the one that's been touching me the most in this last year is Jesus has been saying Cory as the greatest leader ever for three years I let them sneak peeks of watching me commune with heaven and I'm going to raise up a new generation that are going to come out of their closets and who are going to begin to live a life of engaging with heaven that begins to provoke a response around the people that are around them the most see them the most and hear them the most there's something different about your life connect me to the source that's my main burden for you today oh Jesus invited them and he knew they were watching him and he let them watch him this is one of my biggest visions I have a vision for kids to wake up at 7:00 in the morning and to run in to the living room and to walk into the living room and see mom or dad on the couch Bible open worship music on a notebook open and the kid runs into the living room and runs right in to mom and dad crying as they're communing and praying with Jesus and the kid hits a wall going oh my goodness Jesus is more than a once-a-week meeting but he's a real person by whom mom and dad have intimacy with I promise you moms and dads your kids will remember your tears when you talk to Jesus more than all the other things you say and do the greatest impact we're going to leave on this next generation are when we're in the car and the worship song takes us for more than just singing and we leave I love you Jesus we're good that's the kind of moms and dads we're going to see when we get the text in the van and we move right into intercession oh I desired that leaders would begin to lead in prayer it's time to come out of our closets and to begin to invite a generation into watching us and following us as we follow Jesus Oh God raised them up I pray this is my greatest desires that God would raise them up I believe that God is going to raise up a new generation of pastors who won't resign intercession to the pastor of prayer or to the intercessory team or to the few women off to the side who carry the real spirituality but that we would begin to see shepherds according to his heart who would begin to as Alan hood says all the time that the people in our churches the people in our homes the people in our businesses they would see the back of our heads twice as much in the place of prayer than they would see the front of our heads when we're talking to them who would have loved to have heard Jesus preach to of you I promise you he was a good preacher you're like I don't know I tell you Jesus was a phenomenal preacher do you know what they look like by the end of the Sermon on the Mount the Bible says they were astonished you know what that means in kori Russell language speechless left dumb they had never heard anyone talk about God this way the kingdom this way the culture of the kingdom this way they had never heard anyone talk and preached the way he preached who would have loved to have seen those miracles blind eyes deaf ears lame walking I would have loved to have watched Lazarus come out mummified four days later Lazarus come forth and out he comes and they go loose those cloths around him and he comes out mummified I would have loved to have seen the deliverances how about Jesus casting out demons with a word go he said one word in Matthew 8:16 it says he cast out spirits with the word how about his prophetic evangelism to the woman at the well he's oh go call your husband she was feeling pretty good that day she goes I don't have a husband he goes you're right honey you've had five and you're living with the man I love what she said she goes sir I perceive you're a prophet yeah he's got a little something on his life I love that Jesus needed to go through Samaria this is the thing that blows me away is that these disciples spent three-and-a-half years with the Son of God they were in every revival service and then they were in every fireside chat after the revival service talking about the revival service and we don't see one recorded time in the Gospels where those disciples asked Jesus teach us to preach teach us to prophesy teach us to he'll teach us to deliver after spending three and a half years with the son of God God in the flesh the greatest leader ever watching him analyzing him witnessing him they connected the dots that Jesus's public life of ministry was the result of his private life of prayer and they go Jesus teach us to pray all true leaders can take people can take disciples can take a generation and teach them to pray John did it please you've done it teach us to pray oh that God would raise up leaders from one thing that God would raise up a new generation some of you are 15 years old and you're hearing my voice and you're going God above everything else make me a man of prayer make me a woman of prayer God I want to get so lost in you God that my life provokes that my life awakens that my love elicits a response who have you connected to the kind of leaders that God is raising up that could care less they're going to move and there's their anointings they're going to move in their spheres and business in the church and all kinds of different spheres they're gonna move in what they move in but their hearts cry is how do I get back to locking eyes with the father they asked him to teach him to pray just like John taught him here's my question to you is that what the people around you are asking you to teach them in is your life provoking that question or is it provoking other questions like I want wisdom skill strategy skills I want to build like you I want to do it like you all of those have their place but I believe their second place what are we disciple in the next generation in strategies of building the largest this or the largest that strategies of the greatest social platform is your life provoking this question my desire in this message is to call forth a thousand men and women who would devote the rest of their lives to prayer in a focused way until Jesus comes that they would be given to personal prayer corporate prayer family prayer marriage prayer prayer in our homes prayer in our schools prayer in our churches prayer in our houses of prayer just cuz it says prayer we get my desire is that we would get delivered from the word prayer we say it so many times we deceive ourselves that because we can say something over and over again or because we go to this House of Prayer or because we're the part of this prayer group that we pray you can be all around the fire talk about the fire analyze the fire write books on the fire to CDs on the fire and never get in the fire you can know people that pray you can be on their mailing list you can know them but it's a whole different thing to analyze something and actually walk in something and I believe there's a there's a gap between reality and what we think we're walking in and we need the Spirit of Truth to break in and I have a question for you do you live a life of prayer and it's the spirit of prayer upon you because the spirit of prayer falls on the life of prayer are you on fire do you pray do you pray in joy pray in pain paint on the cross do you pray when it's good and when it's hard is there this God I need you God I thank you and God I need you what are we building what are we disciple I don't care it's not my priority what you do with your life my only desire is are you on fire everything else a second go change the world but be on fire and always be looking to withdraw when the demands are the greatest oh can we get delivered from the tyranny of busyness the tyranny of destruction the tyranny of anxiety and busyness and opportunities can we withdraw when it would only make sense that we would walk through doors Charles Spurgeon the great preacher during the 1800s he says I would rather teach one man to pray than 10 men to preach oh that God would raise it up teach us to pray well Jesus says okay you want to learn about prayer they go yes teach us how to pray Jesus teach us he goes what we got to deal with the first elephant in the room and that's your stronghold concerning what prayer is because the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of prayer is list the first thing that comes to my mind is person and Jesus is about to take a generation one thing 2017 by the hand and says when you pray say our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name before he ever gets to a request this like Jesus says okay this is what I want you to do I want you to write down everything you need me to fix in your life okay I need you to save Uncle John okay I need you to deliver aunt Susie I need my cousin to get delivered God I need money God I need money God I need money I know you write it three times on your prayer list because you're Italian electric bill water bill and all the bills Jesus says did you get your list down they go yeah he goes okay did you get everything down yeah I think I did not get money yes he goes okay give me your list Jesus takes it from us because he's about to give us the Lord's Prayer and he's about to smack the current mindset of Prayer because many of us hold our lists as leveraging with God saying God if you break in on these ten things then I'll really follow you and most of us try to border with God saying if you do this then I'll get in and Jesus says I love you I'm going to teach you but we're not going to do it that way you're not going to hold me on trial and live at a distance so you can accuse me in your heart I want to bring you close and I want to introduce you to someone that will break all your fears and tear out all your strongholds I want to bring you into a place that you've been longing for and it's the place from where prayer emerges Jesus takes our list he looks at as he smiles he blows the kiss and then he does this he says we'll get to the list later cuz when you think prayer you think list when I think prayer take me by the hand I want to introduce you to someone Abba our Father when you pray notice he didn't say when you take a class on prayer notice he didn't say when you read a book on prayer he didn't say when you get all the stuff it's almost like we've become professional analyzers of everything and because we read the book we think we're walking in reality Jesus didn't say when you read the book on pray prayer say he says when you pray which means this is the stuff it's called on-the-job training he says when you pray I want to introduce you to someone and I want three words to get tattooed on the spirit of this generation father heaven holy father heaven holy father because I want to introduce you to someone because I've came to the earth to reveal the father to this generation that when you see me you see the father that in me you see the father that runs after products that when they've taken one step he's the father that sees you while you're a great way off he's the father who feels compassion runs towards you kisses you and embraces you while you're still a great way off he's the father of glory he's the father of spirits he's the father of lights he's the father in heaven and he has a name he's in heaven and his name is holy everybody say father say it again say father say heaven say holy say it again say father heaven holy one more time say father heaven holy Jesus says I'm about to introduce you to a person I'm about to introduce you to a place and I'm about to introduce you to his name I'm about to take you to the place far above every principality every ruler every Dominion all second heavens warfare I'm about to take you to the place where the father is shining like Jasper burning like sardius emerald rainbows surrounding I'm about to take you to the place where father has lightnings and thunderings and voices breaking out of his spirit I'm about to take you to the place where the angels who have been in the same room with the same person singing the same word holy holy holy Lord God Almighty listen to me young people it's time for the throne life and the throne love and the throne power to possess your mind to possess your emotions to possess your thought life it's time for you to get delivered from your narcissistic introspection it's time for you to get delivered from the my optic studying of how jacked up you are I promise you you're a lot worse than you think you are I promise you once you get into those weeds it's a journey into deep depression thanks be to God in Christ he has delivered us from ourselves and he has raised us to the right hand of the Father he has delivered us freed us washed us and he has seated us together with him in the heavenly places he has delivered you from yourself oh it's time to get your hand your eyes off the ground out of the dust out of yourselves it's time to get your eyes off your Instagram off your Facebook and off your it off your snapchats it's time to get delivered from how many likes you have for this and how many people think about that and what people are saying about you here and it's time to ascend to a higher place it's time to go to a higher place where you lock eyes with the father you look at his eyes and you hear his voice and it's adults it settles a thousand other voices oh if I could punch a thousand lives off your forehead I just want to punch you in the forehead and say go higher go higher go higher Jesus says that's where class begins in heaven he says we can't even talk about prayer because the throne room is the prayer room he says and I want to get reduced you to a boy I want to introduce you to him I love my father and I have come to share my father with the whole world and it's time for leaders to get delivered from all the other voices generation I would tell you I think it's always good even in light of this reset thing with Bob sore G take the first month of the year and say I'm going to push aside social media and lock in with the one voice that defines me Jesus takes us to the throne he says oh and that awesome revelation for holy holy holy beauty beauty beauty glory glory glory he says and as you connect to the throne life there's going to come one prayer out of you thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven I believe that God wants to take a generation up so we can bring it down we can bring it down in criminally now in fullness later but God wants to release breakthroughs today in your life God wants to release resource from heaven today in your family in your marriage in your ministry in your city in your region but you got to go up to bring it down but here's the great exposing of reality you can only bring down what you're living in you can only release that which you're seeing you can only release that which you're hearing and if we could get out of the peripheral voices oh if I could get delivered from what you think about me and I can lock in with one opinion he takes us to the throne and he he gives us the Lord's Prayer we could spend the next years talking out of the Lord's Prayer it's loaded but Jesus doesn't stop and his teaching on prayer with the Lord's Prayer he says guys I got you to understand and I want you to lock in with me these last few minutes here because there's a second part of prayer that I believe many of you have entered into and if you're if you don't understand what Jesus is teaching us about prayer it will throw you off course and I found many young people lose their way when they encounter the second phase of prayer and being taught in prayer Jesus says okay you still want to learn about prayer they go yeah he goes okay second part of prayer is that class starts at midnight I know some of y'all get excited some of y'all don't even start getting active till midnight for me I'm in my full REM cycle at midnight because I wake up at 5:30 he's going to do it at night he's going to do it in the day but Jesus says okay let's say you're asleep and in the dead of night when there's nothing going on you're gonna hear a knock at the door of your life this knock is going to awake you from your sleep you're gonna come to the door and you're gonna see a friend of yours who's in desperate need of bread and a painful revelation is going to hit you I don't have any however I know someone who told me I can come to them any time and they will give me as much bread as I need come and let us go to the Lord and begin to ask him for resource from heaven but Jesus says I'm going to throw a wrench in the storyline that when you are knocking at the door of heaven you will encounter seasons in God that when you're knocking with the greatest of fervency it's almost like God is operating on a different timetable than you and he doesn't immediately answer you when you begin to knock at the door of heaven and the question that now stands before you I just want to say to you in your journey of prayer there are going to come midnight knocks that you weren't looking for you weren't ready for and these knocks will awaken you from normal business and then number two it will expose your bankruptcy and then at number three it will drive you to your knees this is the paradoxes of prayer but God I need you thank you for what you've given me in Christ because Jesus makes it clear the first door gets open through my perseverance but the second doors are gonna get open through my perseverance through you I just want to say to young people who saying I want to give myself to prayer Jesus says you begin to knock at the door and the friend that you begin to hear says this to you I'm not getting up my children are with me in bed it's late I'm not going to give you what you're looking for Jesus says in Luke 11 though he won't rise and give to him because he's his friend yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs young people listen to me if there's one word that needs to get dropped like a rod of iron in the backbone of this generation it's the word persistence it's the continued confidence that the one who made promises is able to fulfill it what keeps you in the furnace when God isn't breaking in on your timetable the knowledge of who he is the knowledge of what he possesses and the knowledge of who you are to him what keeps you in that furnace when all the offences are coming to the surface God you lied to me you made promises and I don't see them fulfilled God who are you you don't you make promises but you don't keep them and the father of lies begins to creep in to that season's and we begin to see all the latent offenses come to the surface as God begins to purify a generation from all the faulty strongholds and paradigms concerning our Father have you been there friend have you been in a place where you've been exposed have you been brought to your knees in prayer have you been brought and exposed have you been there that is where class begins I want to tell you prayer begins where you end Jesus says he won't rise and give to him because he's his friend yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs I want to tell you right now that I believe that there are knocks at the door of heaven and what happens there's a place on the other side of relationship it's rooted in relationship but it's on the other side of relationship and it's called persistence everyone say the word persistence oh that God would deliver us from the god of convenience and 20-17 that God would deliver us from the god of expediency that God would deliver us from the wilderness lust and the wilderness cravings of this generation it says he will rise and give him as many as he needs I want to say to everyone who is in that furnace believing for the promises of God friend don't go anywhere get washed every day in the revelation of your father get revelation of his heart get revelation of what he possesses and get revelation of who you are to him because I believe to those who do not stop knocking I believe that doors are about to fling wide open over your life and that God is going to do more than just meet your individual need he wants to open up the floodgates of heaven and run conveyer belts called resources from heaven and he wants to begin to release open heavens over your life and He will give you as much as you need as many times as you need it for the rest of your life I declare that over you who in here has been in that furnace for a season and you're like God it's time for some breakthrough in my life I believe God is releasing brass knuckles to the praying church I believe there is an asking Jesus gives us the parable and he says so I say to you one thing 2017 ask and you will receive seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened and then Jesus says everyone who knocks everyone who asks everyone who seeks which means this he's not a respecter of persons he doesn't care if your dad was a drug dealer or a pastor he doesn't care what your past was he doesn't care how your past is and he says there is an irreversible law in the kingdom of heaven and is called to everyone who asked to everyone who seeks and everyone who knocks it will be opened he doesn't put a qualifier on it he doesn't put a disclaimer on it he doesn't put well sometimes in this season he says everyone and Jesus says if you ask for bread will he give you a stone if you ask for fish will he give you a serpent if you ask for an egg will he give you a scorpion what kind of messed-up dad would put a scorpion in the hand of a child who is asking for food there's many of you in this room these are your strongholds in prayer what if God doesn't answer number two what if God takes me on some journey of suffering to make it my answer and can I trust him I want you to know young people old people everybody our God is good our Father is good our Father is trustworthy our Father is mighty he's capable and he's generous he's mighty and he's generous and he really likes you and he is the god of more than enough and if you ask for bread he's not going to give you something to harm you but Jesus says of you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him I love that Jesus sums up the teaching on prayer saying really the cry of the children is more of Holy Spirit who needs more of Holy Spirit in your life I want you to know that all of us compared to father God are evil and that our heavenly father is good and he's generous and he is the God who pours out his spirit on sons and daughters that are crying out for a breakthrough I am asking God that he will open doors as we move into this next season I'm asking God that he would raise up a thousand men and women young and old in the church in the business world in every SEC sphere of society that God would give a generation of leaders who would prove the promises of God that we would not see a generation that is convenience driven that gets to the place of breakthrough shows up to class and the God that they fantasized about is it doing it the way they wanted to therefore they would draw their hearts I've seen countless 20 year-olds go for God they hit a wall and then they begin to withdraw their confidence that opens up doors to a fence and sin and backslidden ously Dem if that's where you're at friends put your heart before the fire of God and say father wash me again in the truth of who you are and the truth of who I am before you he's going to raise up leaders who go all the way through leaders that go all the way through that's the greatest gift we're going to give a generation of 10 year olds that's what we're going to give the next generation is part of me wanted to quit in some ways I did withdraw but God and his kindness kept drawing me back and whenever I kept forgetting about the promises of God he awakened me again and he called me back to it and he is the God who answers prayer and he broke in upon my life and I know he'll do the same for you and God uses fathers and mothers youth pastors and pastors this man and teachers to say I have seen and I have broken through that's what we can give the next generation I believe he wants to touch you right now I want to ask you all over the room let's just have the worship team come on out here I want to ask you all over the room to stand there's many things I hit on in the message you can chew on it for the next 365 days just went us all over the room just open up your hands all over the room I just want to ask right now that God will begin to mark us father I thank you and father I ask you from the back of the room to the front to those who are viewing father we come before you in the name of Jesus and we ask you Lord Jesus great intercessor glorious High Priest [Music] I just ask you right now that you would apply the blood of Jesus right now to your people if you don't know the Lord Jesus today is the day of salvation the life you could not live he came and he lived the death you didn't die he came and he died for our sins breaking the power of sin the grave the devil he raised again from the dead he is at the Father's right hand right now you call out to him he will save you right now [Music] oh there's a generation of leaders right now 15 year olds 15 and 50 gotta ask you right now that you would begin to mark leaders in this room and leaders are ones who influence one or more God I ask you that you would begin to baptize the new generation of leaders with the live from the spirit of Prayer deliver us from our over familiarity with prayer and birth us into the life and the spirit of prayer I ask you for the fire of the Holy Spirit to come upon your people I ask you for fire on our ears fire on our eyes fire on our hands fire in our hearts fire on our spirits fire on our feet we say take us to the throne right now Holy Spirit father of glory release the spirit of wisdom and revelation open the heavens take us out God we ask you all over this room forgive me for my prayerlessness forgive me for my prayerlessness God forgive me for the sin of prayerlessness of living in Pride independence self-sufficiency God I haven't lived on you the son of man can do nothing of himself but only that which he sees the father do god I pray deliver us from self-sufficiency deliver us from our own wisdom deliver us from our own abilities take us to the throne [Music] I wanna burn I want you to make that your prayer right now so that God set me on fire set me on fire with the spirit of prayer come on all over the room I want you to vocalize prayers he didn't say when you pray fake it in your mind he said say it say God I want to be on fire I want a spirit of prayer to come upon my life [Music] come on come on I want to hear voices across this room say God release fresh knock upon my life come on come on cry out to him right now again who are those ones who are believing for doors to open as you move into this next year come on who came here Saint got any breakthrough come on lift your hands if that's you who raised it father in the name of Jesus every hand that's raised further I joined my faith with theirs and I say open up doors over their life God open up doors over their ministry open up doors over the family over the marriage or the children God open up doors breakthrough resource from heaven God releases [Music] we got five minutes gotta ask you to set this one thing 2017 as we return to the thing that we thought we were living in god I want the real spirit of Prayer upon my life God deliver me for all the accusations and the torments that I've agreed with who here has struggled those accusations of the father have come to the surface lift your hands come on deliverance in the name of Jesus I command the accuser of the Brethren to shut his mouth over your life I break his power in Jesus name I break the lies in Jesus name I declare that God is good the father is good he's able and he's generous and your is beloved breakthrough over your minds right now Breaka Breaka Breaka break the confusion break the swirl break the accusations [Music] blood of Jesus over your minds right now [Music] where are my thousand liters at you're like god this is what I'm gonna do with my life where my thousand liters had come off I've been asking God give me a thousand God I know we could shift things Jesus shifted the world with 12:04 a thousand to be spread to the four corners of this world come on where my leaders gon take us to the school of prayer take us to the school of intercession Jesus take us to the school of intercession Jesus take us further introduce us [Music] give to us that spirit of wisdom [Music] all over the room if you've saved this is [Music] but I want to put her on the inside I want to break off deliver me God thank God it's what I have right now all over the road you're like saying I'm one of those thousand this is who I am where I just want to come to the altar we have a ministry lineup here and we have one in the back middle area we have a prayer team of people that can pray for you or if you just want to get on your knees and cry out to God I'm asking God to open up those doors just come to that place right now give to us that spirit [Music] [Music] release your fire God raise up a new generation of leaders God well I see moms come on moms and dads [Music] [Music] give us a seer [Music] [Music] spirit break-in right yeah come on together mr. Claire the door again [Music] what you wanna say wanna see was right well Brighton [Music] [Music] wanna see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] break it [Music] [Music] [Music] raishin free that a generation three years ago for you to the race longer years like you did for me that's why God the generation three come on July's the day promises God the generation dream just like you did me [Music] me [Music] the person [Music] [Music] [Music] addition Jen in the name of Jesus addiction be broken in the name of Jesus addictions be broken in the name [Music] [Music] come on just a few more minutes right now addictions are being broken in the name of Jesus depression is being broken anxiety is being broken mental disorders hailing in the name of Jesus [Music] do you need a breakthrough right now and anything that's standing in the way just lift your hands [Music] here we are Jesus what you did for J Thomas ten years ago today [Music] [Applause] God release it upon a 10,000 over this weekend God we pray deliverance in the name of Jesus I declared the blood of Jesus over you right now [Music] you walk out of this conference a different person than the way you walk in see depression goes the weight of oppression right now let's go see [Music] [Music] see over you these last few moments right now just again open up your hands and lift your eyes Father in Heaven hallowed be your name [Music] look at him all over the room look at it behold him with the eyes of faith behold your father [Music] the door has been open in Christ the veil has been torn to speak awakening to your spirit awakening to your mind the Spirit of God within us cries ABBA I belong to you I belong to you we cry out ABBA that's it that's it that's the spirit of prayer it cries out within us Abba Father I belong to you release that of a cry all over the road it will break off addiction to a break are lesser things let your fear come on come on like that cries [Music] I belong to you [Music] to him who asked to him who seeks to him who knocks open doors in the name of Jesus those mountains that have stood in the way we speak to our mountains and we command them to be lifted up and removed we command those obstacles to be broken we command those hindrances to be removed in Jesus name we prophesy to our mountains Jesus says if you pray and you believe the things you ask you will receive them we declare it right now father [Music] open doors in the name of Jesus love a fresh doors of Education amount of a dead should be mu movement of his name to the bound - me too friend we adesh at the mention of the name of Jesus [Music] possible nothing is let the mountains is impossible nothing possible nothing personal possible Oh let the mountains [Music] breakin breaking breaking breaking breaking right but now break it moms and dads all over the room lift your hands moms and dads thought I asked you specifically Oh God a life of prayer spirit of prayer a deliverer gotta ask you to deliver us in the Western world from Sunday only Christianity father I pray for the spirit of prayer to come upon moms and dads in a fresh way in 2018 I pray God that you would release a spirit of glory in our homes Jew interests release a spirit of Revelation in our homes that you would release a spirit of prayer in our homes the spirit of revival in our homes and that you would mark five-year-olds and seven-year-olds and ten year olds and 15 year olds with the week reaching of a sincere heart [Music] release it upon us God I pray release fire on our hearts fire on our homes fire on our churches fire in our cities fire in our nation's got to release the fire of the Holy Spirit and let it start with me God I pray 15 year olds if you're 13 to 18 raise your hand now I want to pray for you [Music] god I pray that you would take 13 to 18 year olds and that they would be wrecked for anything less than the life of prayer and that they would chunk aside every other aspiration saying I want to be famous in heaven I want to be famous in heaven I want to be famous in heaven and I want to be famous in hell God I want to be known I want to be known where nobody knows but only you go God is gonna give me reality make me famous in heaven and make me famous in hell God I pray that when I close my eyes that open my mouth that angels would move demons would move give me reality and never let me settle for anything else I want to know you I want the spirit of prayer upon my life God give me a vision for decades give a vision to 15 year olds for decades just release it all over this room got marked on my tray Thank You Holy Spirit [Music] all over the room about reality reality God Jesus provoked inside and to without the pepper inside turn into revive revive the pepper inside turn into bye-bye flipper inside into revive revive Oh [Music] 15 16 17 18 [Music] their hearts [Music] god I want fresh tears on my prayer lot I want fresh tears on my prayer life God I want fresh reaching in my heart I want a fresh confidence I want fresh faith to touch my spirit who in here is withdrawn their heart the Lord saying come again come again come again come again come again come again come again [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's it that's it let it rise from her across the room let's just enter right back in there's no timeouts in the kingdom he said come again let me see your face let me hear your voice face is sweet in your voice is lovely release your blessing upon all your people here god I ask you to visit us these next four days God visit us with your glory and your power change our lives forever but I prove what you did 10 years ago for Jacob for tens of thousands may our lives never be the same and for those who admitted this for decades I pray breakthrough come again bleed in the beginning of your confidence again reach again believe again cry again come again release the resource I pray wash us in the name of Jesus we bless you and we thank you [Music] see what you've done Holy Spirit and let this crack in the dam just continue to unfold over these next days release that I pray in the name of Jesus amen and amen just give the Lord a hand thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause]
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 181,642
Rating: 4.8528733 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, Jaye, Thomas, Worship, Onething, Onething 2017, Onething Live, Corey, Russell, Message, Holy, New Year, Christiian, onething, 2017, live
Id: FxnG4HUt59Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 54sec (10014 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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