Discussion with Eric Metaxas on Bonhoeffer and Isaiah 19 | Francis Chan and Mike Bickle

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in an increased way all throughout this evening we give you glory in jesus name amen [Music] holy spirit comes [Music] holy spirits holy spirit comes [Music] holy spirit dwells fill your church fill your church with joy over peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit holy spirit [Music] fill your church with joy [Music] and peace [Music] your glory fill your church with joy over [Music] peace [Music] and all [Music] glory in all of your glory in all of your glory holy spirit comes holy spirit [Music] holy spirit's world [Music] fill your church and peace [Music] glory the father of creation unfolds your soul and plan raise up a chosen generation that will march through the land all of creation is [Music] oh your glory fall in this room let it go forth from here to the nations your favorites rest in this place [Music] land [Music] oh let your glory fall in this room let it go from here to the nations let your families rest in this place [Music] the world has yet to see [Music] the church in victory [Music] make us [Music] that we could stand up and fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the nation rest in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nation [Music] let your will be done [Music] let us see [Music] let your will be done let us see [Music] let it go forth from here to [Music] in this place [Music] [Music] in this place [Music] face [Music] [Music] we could have seen worthy of all the praises [Music] jesus jesus worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] there is [Music] there is [Music] show me who you are [Applause] [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever [Music] breathe [Music] jesus every other day [Music] who could jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] be [Music] there is show me who you are [Music] there is show me who you are [Music] so built [Music] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] i [Music] i [Music] holy [Music] show me you [Music] [Music] i will [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] you are is rock that is [Music] that is [Music] is [Music] i will it is [Music] [Music] i she not be shaken [Music] foundation can be [Music] foundation can be made [Music] [Music] is no other foundation can be [Music] no other foundation can be [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] when it's all said when it's all i done i loved you [Music] with my whole heart made the most of every moment every chance that you provided it doesn't matter so what if i sing all these songs [Music] if my heart is disconnected from the greatest one of all so what if my faith could move [Music] if my heart is disconnected from the greatest when i meet you when i meet you i pray with my whole heart [Music] it doesn't matter [Music] so what if i sing all these songs [Music] so what if my faith could move the mountains if my heart is from the greatest one [Music] i'm making plans i'm making plans now i'm moving things [Music] is cause it doesn't matter of it doesn't matter [Music] what if i sing all these songs [Music] at all times keep me in the conversation at all times at all times keep me in the conversation at all times at all times keep me in the conversation at all times at all times keep me in the conversation at all times at all times keep me in the conversation at all times at all times jesus we love you we bless your name we worship you we open our ears to you we love you jesus name amen thank you helen thank you thank you so much worship team [Applause] yeah we're going to take a moment just to greet the folks around you just reach your hand out hello my name is and i want my five guests to come up here we want to welcome everyone joining us online as well we are so glad that you're with us for these special weekends in july [Applause] [Applause] okay let's go ahead and make our way back to our seats go ahead and make your way back to your seats okay eric and ken [Music] andy francis come on up here chris you five guys come up here real quick yeah yeah eric that's you yeah yeah yeah i just want you to see these five guys and mark anderson i want you to pray over them real quick mark anderson is the leader of the wyoming base here one of our dearest friends we are so locked in with wyoming he's an international leader [Music] but these five guys we're we're just connecting and getting to know each other we were gonna meet for a few hours yesterday last night and we went five hours almost and we're gonna be three hours a day but we talked seven so we're we've been talking like a maniac so pray for them real quick i just wanted everybody to greet them let's give them one more big greeting pray for them mark and thank you for being here and thank you for being a part of what we're doing in the days to come yes go ahead lord i thank you for these friends and the lord god that each one is faithfully walking out the gift that you've given them and lord i trust that tonight this week these two weeks everything lord that's on your heart all that you have in your mind that you want us to enter into that we'll enter in we won't miss any aspect of it lord we know this is the hour where there's great tribulation around the earth that's growing we also notice the hour when the sun's going to be revealed and so lord we trust that you'll help us enter into that place where we can help the revealing of the son father of your son and uh we love you trust that you will grant them the grace they need for everything that's at hand i pray for mike our dear friend my dear friend that has just navigated so faithfully so many years which you've assigned to him that he would have the wisdom the understanding to know how to lead and manage all this time for your glory again in jesus name amen amen amen thank you thank you mark you guys can go blessing together just as they're making their way back to their seats i know that many of their family members came with them and their team members as well we would just like to welcome you as an ihop kc family and if you came with them would you please stand up just wherever you're at in the room family members friends team members man we are so glad that you're here with us [Applause] in a moment we're gonna receive an offering we have uh three meetings this week all six o'clock and three meetings next week thursday friday saturday all at six o'clock and we're gonna take an offering each time because we want to cover some of the expenses of this gathering this special time which i'm calling this fantastic title it's called two weekends in july that that that's the name of this gathering two weekends so powerful yeah yeah i thought it was but and there's a few expenses in it we would pay them but we want to give a blessing to them they came actually at their own expense just to be together to sit before the lord to talk and pray and prophesy not to have a conference not to have a public meeting but somebody said here you got the world expert on bonhoeffer and luther in your myths why don't you just interview them i thought you know that's a good idea so we just kind of made this kind of spontaneous but it they came on their own they said we'll pay our own way we're coming to connect at the heart level in the holy spirit and again last night we talked almost five hours and today seven went twice as long as we were planning because it just kept on going awesome it's awesome well just a quick housekeeping point if you have an empty seat next to you you may no longer reserve it so please if you would raise up your hand because we have folks at both entrances that are waiting to grab a seat so please be bold and filled with integrity i get an idea raise your hand if you have a seat next to me they don't raise it because they're giving up their friend the guy behind pointed and my kids you can't raise your hands because i gotta i gotta sit over there in just a second so so please raise up your hand if you have a seat next to you that you're willing to give up and then those at the entrance says please go find a hand that's raised and there's your seat right your hand up for about a minute and ushers go ahead and come forward if you would and again we want to sow in these six nights and be a blessing to these guys and just just to these two special weekends beautiful well the information on how to give will be up on your screen right now father we come before you as a spiritual family father we love you we honor you we commit these evenings to you we ask that your presence would come that your power would come we want to see jesus we want to see one another with the eyes of heaven father we love you we honor you in your name we pray amen [Music] so [Music] this looks familiar this is [Music] in your presence [Music] this looks familiar this is [Music] in your presence in your life we see [Music] [Music] please [Music] glory [Music] let us [Music] we see [Music] please [Music] glory [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] i in your life we see life in your life we please [Applause] okay thank you helen okay eric and francis come on up if you would eric will put you in the middle francis yeah let's grab those microphones and then i'll just move this thing out of the way there you go there you go thank you i can't believe you guys would do ministry without a jacket well i tried to get francis to wear a jacket he just wouldn't you were supposed to wear green what anyway we've had a ball the last 24 hours we've really had an incredible time a ball's not the right word we've had a great time together you guys okay i'm just going to talk because i don't know what we're doing up here um okay so my family just got here and i'm telling them like you don't understand this has been the most mind-blowing day of my life that's a big statement this is not an exaggeration like i'm listening to stuff and it's something about this group that has gotten together which it wasn't supposed to be everyone that was you're doing um it was supposed to be you and andy and honestly because i don't know these other three guys and they even interviewed me for hand i'm like it was supposed to be me mike and andy i don't know if these other three are going to screw it up that that literally came out of my mouth um it's on video okay i i filmed it saying it so i have proof and i'm just being honest but now i the way the conversations the way the spirit has led these six people from different worlds and we are talking about mind-blowing things i'm not just talking okay okay i come from a non-charismatic anti-charismatic world okay some of you guys know that so this is all new to me and so they're kind of used to some of this stuff but for me where do you come from you know biblically we should bring you to the brow of a cliff to cast you off right yeah yeah yeah yeah but in my of course that that's what they did to jesus so it's a compliment really thank you thank you in my former life i i would find myself in a lot of places where i just thought wow these guys are brilliant you know they're on another level you know and my old mindset was like you know the charismatics they just kind of dream and have visions but they don't know the word of god they don't you know you know i mean that's just what i thought and so i you know that's why mike blew my mind you know when i met him years ago i'm like wait you know the bible like you really know the bible like i'm embarrassed by your bible knowledge and i started me and then this the these last 24 hours i and this is i think we'd all agree yes i'm the dumbest person in the room like clearly no you already said it no no no no too late you prophetically said yes before i even knew what to say so i don't want anyone hearing this thinking oh okay they just told about old experiences or this vision from the lord i am blown away away by the word of god that is rolling out of their mouths and looking at scripture some you know you guys that i have you're used to this um but then to hear these stories and the way it all came together and my heart is just leaping because it is all there's this this understanding of like we are in a different time right now and we have got to wake up we cannot be lukewarm during this time which has been my life message and and it's just it's just melding with everything these guys are saying and i'm trying to explain it all to my family you know right after lunch and all those crazy things that happen i'm like and you guys know this is what i've been saying my whole life and then here's a stream of people that i didn't know and didn't even like back then and now it's like what this is the exact same thing you're preaching and there was so much of this going there's no way i can explain to you that's clear i don't know because i was there i don't know what you're talking about this was an average day in our world man this was no big deal all right like we in fact we're disappointed that we didn't see the shekinah glory today because usually right that's almost every day that's normative brother i got to say this those of you that don't know eric okay yeah no i want to tell you he is an amazing guy but here's how i described him to people like a couple months ago backstage i said he is like he's as funny as isaac bennett with a free spirit a little funnier than that and they said no way and i said and as biblically sound as isaac i said just a little funnier than isaac when he's totally free and that's the funniest man i've ever met is isaac when he's really free but he too yeah there were a couple times where yeah it was it got crazy but okay okay last thing and then you guys can no no no no okay you know like some of you guys know my story that i we just got back from hong kong we're so sad but the visa situation didn't work out we're there for like a year and i just thought that's where i was going to be and it's like ah i go back to the u.s you know like really just thought we had our lives set and we're so excited and so happy as a family so it was a real downer to come back you know um a couple months ago but this changes everything no it's it's that big where i'm going no i had to be back for this and whatever these next two weekends in july whatever that's a great name um no seriously one time we have you copyrighted that when i said that sunday i go because people say what are we naming it because we only put this on the website yesterday because people go what is this i go no we'll announce it after we do it because we can't fit in the building i said two weekends in july and isaac early passion to say the guy said is so funny he goes that sounds like a hallmark movie that's cool exactly exactly if you had a good title this room would be really full so thank the lord you didn't anyways i'm trying to be serious here okay just ignore those two so in 24 hours already like i i just i don't even know what's gonna happen next i don't know what but but i really i don't just say these things like i i've never had a meeting like this and i've never walked into a time like this and man it we're laughing we're blown away by these stories and everything else but i really believe there's something sacred yes about this and there's something about all these streams coming together you know of people who love the lord jesus christ and are from some different backgrounds but i believe god blesses that pursuit of unity that is so uh you know what what christ died for and so in that there's going to be blessing so i kind of came in anticipating that because whenever i sought that type of unity i've seen god bless um but today was still that mind-blowing to me so no i appreciate that i really do and so i'm gonna give a two-minute kind of recap for those that are new to this meeting you're going what's kind of going on uh a week ago friday on june 25th i took an hour about about a week ago whatever and gave the larger story and it's on our website and it's called compassion and worship prophetic and intercession that seems like a strange why i titled that but i tell the story of these five guys with myself these six guys these six streams and what happened on april 9th some really important things happened on april 9th and those of you that are a part of this you know it and those of you that aren't you can hear the hour presentation but all six of us had a role the lord highlighted from six different streams in a unique way on that day and the lord highlighted bonhoeffer dietrich bonhoeffer one of the most i believe significant lives of the 20th century in the body of christ and highlighted luther and highlighted april 9 and april 18 4 18. and most of you know the story some of you don't but these six guys myself and the five they were highlighted by the lord in a way that was so unusual i thought i don't know how this fits so then about two weeks later is what francis is saying you send an email says hey i just feel like i want to bring my family and come to kansas city for two weeks first two weeks in july this is the middle of april and just be in the prayer room and be with the lord and just connect hearts and just connect with jesus together and i said fantastic and andy is in the email he goes i'm coming too so i go oh my goodness and i'm not going to say nothing to anybody i'm just going to have these two good friends we're going to do this and so then a day or two or a week whatever it was later uh chris reed calls up and or we talk we do email calls i go back and forth and he says hey i so loved being there on april 9th i want to come again i don't need to preach i just want to be with you i just love you guys but i'm not free till the first week or two of july i said okay well i got two friends coming but he goes no i'll stay out of the way don't worry i'll just i go no no it's not like that i was thinking chris reed meets francis chan blows his michael yeah yeah like that would be good i just got enough of that in me i went yeah without telling chris and then ken fish who you'll know in a minute and you'll know him well by the end of these two weekends and who's been a part of the vineyard for many years him and chris are connected and he we could talk and he goes hey next time chris comes to kansas city i just want to be there like as a spiritual father just stand behind him i don't need to do nothing just to be a blessing to him i go well he's coming in july he goes okay i'll come in july and i went okay i got four friends coming and they don't know each other okay i mean two of them know each other but the other ones don't he goes oh i looked at my calendar i can't i'm at eric matax's house in new york i go okay just come in october then i'm sure chris will come again and so on a day or two or three or whatever later he goes hey i talked to eric what if he came i mean he's the bonhoeffer luther guy that showed up on april 9th i go really i go this is this is the weird not weirdest the somethingest gathering that i never organized and so one or two of them said well what are we gonna do i go i just talk and pray and hug and tell stories and prophecy i don't know and that's how this happened and so i love it how francis says i came here we just came the two of us and these other guys showed up what's going on here but it's just the lord isn't it we couldn't have put this together and and i got so many good friends around the nation and they said why didn't you mention i said i put a fleece before the lord in april i said whoever says i'm coming in the first week of july with no knowledge of anything they're in the conversation with us so i'm throwing it out and if this strange guy from yugoslavia calls i said come join come on in sit in the circle because they don't know each other anyway let's just see what happens and nobody else did it was just the same six guys that was highlighted on april 9th and it it all happened without any organization so that's enough of all that we're going to shift gears now so lord we just ask you tonight tomorrow the next night saturday this next week the next weekend holy spirit we acknowledge your presence we acknowledge your leadership we say that we don't know how to go forward we don't know what to do you are the steward you are the escort and we thank you and we ask you even tonight as we talk about this most significant life of dietrich bonhoeffer and then we have ministry time afterwards extended ministry time with ken fish and chris reed we just ask you to touch us in jesus name amen and amen now the reason i'm really i've been touched by bonhoeffer and luther in a unique way for many years without knowing that god pushed him to write these two biographies they became best sellers and he gave years to their life and but they were really important to me four years without knowing how important they were to him and so this has came together and the real reason there's things in their life you might not like or disagree with or that's not the real point the courage they had the courage they had to stand up against opposition at the threat of their life both of those two men 400 years apart from each other they 400 years plus they took a stand that was sure surely they would lose their life but they did it for jesus and the word of god and bonhoeffer lost his life and by a miracle luther did not because the stand he took he was sure to die right away and he knew it and these two lives the picture of courage and who they are that's the message that that we have here another point or two is that as a team and as a whatever family an assign whatever we are we have a divine a movement etc we have a divine assignment from the lord from 80 38 years ago when i first met bob jones the lord made it so clear to stand with israel related to the coming of the lord even when israel is persecuted even unto death it was that kind of dramatic that's how i got connected to bonhoeffer and luther was through that lens 38 years ago because he goes god has called this he says with the very first day i met bob jones he goes you're going to have 24-hour prayer and worship et cetera et cetera and you're going to stand for israel and i don't bear witness or whatever you call i don't like any of it and he goes and the lord's gonna cause you millions of you around the world to stand for israel and it will even be at the loss of people's lives on and on and on and so i've carried this on our heart and our and our team and our world and our family knows this a little bit so that's a little bit of what we're talking about and so you wrote the bonhoeffer biography sells a million copies i'm going to think of 600 pages what book 600 pages sells a million copies so what why did you do this i mean no book that thick sells a million copies well i took his you know uneventful life and just used the magic of my gift of writing um you know to really make something out of it that's amazing you know what i mean yeah it's it's that's about it no it's well we talked today about this i mean the i don't really have the time probably to go into it now but the writing of it i never wanted to write a biography ever i always joke around i'm way too self-centered to spend that much time thinking about some other person right and if you had said to me at any time in my life do you ever think you'll write a biography because i want to be a writer i would have said i can guarantee you pretty much i will never write a biography because you've written 30 children's books well i mean i also never wanted to write a children's book so the lord's ways are not our ways and i'm not even kidding you're writing veggie veggietale guy some of it he was the voice for esther or how were you esther i can't take i can't take a lot of credit and i and i mean i had the privilege of working for them i i wrote half of lilac kindly viking i wrote the hamlet omelette parody and who were you and then and then tomatoes and then no uh by by the way you know we got to get tears first i gotta pray for bob because he's uh he's a bitter you know on the camera he's like a happy christian tomato but behind the scenes he's a he's like a bitter chain smoking agnostic and you know i don't normally share that publicly but he's messed up so i had the privilege of working for for veggie tales and the fact that don't let the children hear that i i vigilance but i didn't get to do much for them but i i was the voice of the narrator on the esther video so if you listen to the i want to bottle whatever that sound was because i need that as encouragement thank you but i'm the so if you listen to the essay video i'm the voice in there so i didn't do much of them but but i got to do some stuff then wrote some books but the lord has just given me a bizarre career you know and uh i knew i always wanted to be right i wanted him to use me since i got saved in 88 but i never thought i'd write a biography and uh one day uh somebody it's a kind of crazy story but i say this a lot of times christians say this kind of falsely humble stuff and i'm being honest when i say i never want to write a biography and the lord just maneuvered me into writing what is story maneuvered oh clearly clearly on on purpose wanted me to write the biography of william wilberforce which is a book called amazing grace and thank you very much and uh yeah just make sure you buy a copy okay because uh we live in new york it's not easy so but i mean so i wrote that and i never thought i'd write a i never thought i'd write a uh a biography and after i wrote the story of wilberforce who who because of his christian faith led the battle against the slave trade in the british empire right you're all against the slave trade right on okay so i thought if ever i were to write another biography maybe maybe i guess it would have to be about dietrich bonhoeffer because here's a guy who because of his christian faith stood up against the nazis spoke out for the jews whatever and you know i'm always trying to build bridges and i think any pagan knows slavery and racism is wrong and they all know killing the jews is wrong so if you say oh and by the way the person who led that was led because of his faith in jesus christ like that's just a powerful witness it's to make people go oh interesting right so that's really why i wanted to write those two books and why i wrote why i said i might write bonhoeffer and there's more to it but i never dreamt that what i was getting into and as i shared this afternoon it was a very painful process it was it was just i mean more than just the time it was just an agony i had to switch publishers it was deeply unpleasant but the lord spoke to me in a dream do you guys believe in that here oh thank you um and uh and in the dream the lord just kind of made it clear it's a long story but it was a true miracle miracle which i shared this afternoon and the lord made it clear to me that he had his hand on this book and i needed as as the process of writing it went along which was so painful i had you know i was clinging to that just saying like okay but the lord said he's his hand is on this book but i never dreamt that it would be successful and i'm not kidding i i just didn't think it would be and so all of that the whole thing i can say with real honesty it had nothing to do with me i just did what i did and the lord has in retrospect shown me the significance of why he called me to write this book and how he wants to use it to speak to the church today because it's a prophetic book for what's coming across the earth it has a global message i mean you are a prophetic messenger you're a faithful witness in this book i mean there's about 50 bonhoeffer books or more most of them have sold just a few because they're it's hard i mean they just have been and but the lord did have a million it's because he want my prayer not for the sake of it i want 10 million people to have this book because i want this to go all over the world it's in 20 languages right now but in the next 10 years lord released 20 million even copies 10 or 20 because we need the body of christ and the earth to be inspired by this courageous i mean against all odds standing for the lord because what happened in nazi germany in the intensity is actually going to be repeated on a global level as an attack against the jews and and more than that and the body of christ the lord is preparing the end time church to take a stand at such a time as this because so many in germany even the pastors and the leaders they caved in they got silent and they backed away and yet there's this young man he was 27 years old when he first took a public stand against adolf hitler 27 years old and all the old guys are going hey bro you know be you're being a little intense maybe hitler's on our side because hitler had all these christian phrases that he gave him on the front end and you get all that in the book but bonhoeffer was a step ahead of everybody he goes no this is not right and he took a stand and it cost him his life because taking a stand like that as you said in one of your videos it always cost your life and and and i'm uh just saying on the front end of this that just even as we're talking i'm wanting to steer this conversation in a tailor-made way for our divine mandate because others are joining us for a round there's a hundred ways to approach that page book there's so many phenomenal stories interesting stories but i want to approach it in the unique focus of having courage to stand even unto death and embracing martyrdom if it comes to that because tens of millions of believers will need to have grace for that and they actually will and i believe the bonhoeffer book is going to have a unique place in the body of christ in the earth in the next 10 or 20 years so lord i'm asking you to take that book that sold a million i asked for 10 million all over asia lord i asked for 20 million and it would go everywhere that it would stir up a young generation in the name of jesus you know one of your friends uh greg thornberry you talked about it i saw it in one of your videos and by the way he has a daily program that uh a radio and its video and you could just say a sentence or two about that and i watch him regularly he's got many many it's videoed and it's audio you can do any way you want and so many important issues that he's highlighting so i've heard so much of your story and your stuff and i love it but i die laughing all the way through it and then i take notes and every now that i cry but anyway it's really moving and it's beautiful but you mentioned this that this guy your friend greg said that bonhoeffer was a church father for the postmodern era and that he was a voice to the young generation just comment on that for a minute um gosh there's so much to say i guess the the story of bonhoeffer i mean i should say this when i went to write it oh wait i forgot give 10 seconds about your radio yes okay i want them to i will ask everybody i i asked this really honestly we were just the whole the radio show that i do um we film it beautifully uh thanks to tbn and we we i i was putting it all on youtube um i interview all kinds of people i call it the show about everything because one day you'll tune in and i'll be talking to somebody like you or you or john piper and whoever the next day i'll be talking to a comedian or somebody who wrote a book on history or i'll be talking to somebody about the election or the fake election i can't talk about that can i um yeah but the point is that i talk about everything it's not a political thing it's not a faith thing it's about everything and i honestly have had some of the most amazing guests now the point is youtube where we posted all this stuff the other day completely ago two weeks two and a half weeks ago they completely uh canceled the entire channel forever i had 220 000 subscribers they crushed it they wiped it out no money i mean you know it was a part of the income it was probably they destroyed it why because their community standards remember stalin also had community standards and it's important to respect those kind of community standards and they tell us that even talking about the vaccine or vaccine passports out of bounds you can't talk about that talking about the election and about you can't even talk about that now the point is in america and this does get to bonhoeffer the idea that in this country you're gonna dare to tell anybody what they can or can't talk about that that is the devil this nation is founded on freedom and we have had a nation that for many generations has said i could totally disagree with you but i will defend to the death you're right to say what you think that's america so the idea that that big tech has come in like this so they they wiped us out of youtube because i i dared to interview people who talked about this stuff this is an astonishing thing you gotta understand when people go uh no no that does because somebody kills your kid and you go hey what are you gonna do i got another one you know like is that your attitude you're talking about freedom people died for this freedom and and this freedom that we have is for the whole world it's not for us it's for us to be a light to the whole world in any way the point is that because of that i want to say uh to anybody please because you can't get our stuff on youtube anymore please go to my website it's just my name ericmataxis.com and sign up for the newsletter and once or twice a week we will send you all of these videos of me interviewing people and i'm not going to get into it but trust me some amazing conversations but because it's not on youtube you have to go to architecture.com reverse that you think whatever you do no i don't think they will i don't think they will they would and and and but but uh these interviews i really believe god has just called me to talk to all different kinds of people right people who believe in the holy spirit and francis you know different kinds of people oh i'm sorry you're on our team now no i i joke he knows i joke but the point is that i will i'll talk to all different kinds of people and not just believers and not just but i mean that to me is the joy is to to be talking to an nt writer whoever it is and then the next day to have on ken fish to blow people's minds just to make them go moving in another but i like to really mix it up and i just feel like this is what god has given me to do but the but the the radio program the tv radio program i always try to talk about what other people aren't talking about and so sometimes it's this kind of stuff and and whatever so that was was that 10 seconds yet yeah that's good thank you all right i didn't mean to go on so much but it's like there's so much wrapped up in it and the censorship you can tell it gets me angry because it's really it is really evil because this country has been free and the idea that these that these tech giants are making these arbitrary community standards um it is really wicked we've got to be very very clear this is this is wicked if you want that you know you can move to china right now they have that but in america we should do everything humanly possible to stand against that because it is wicked and it harms us a little bit but it is harming people around the world if i was in a place like china it's going to affect them and we have been appointed by god to hold the torch of freedom high not for us but but for those who don't yet have it so yeah okay so a hundred years ago it's 1923. there's two young men bonhoeffer he's made a decision 1923 he's going to be a theologian he's going to devote himself to the word of god the verses of his life the same year another young radical named adolf hitler he takes a stand against the state and these two guys start a trajectory that collides later but almost nobody knew what was happening with these two men very opposites stood and hitler rose at first slowly and the body of christ in germany thought he was on their team because he said all these christian phrases and so there's these two realities that are emerging and the most cultured nation in the earth i mean they put a few others up there with them they are seduced i mean the word of god is through all the public school systems i mean everywhere the word of god is and yet in a short amount of time they've been duped and tricked and seduced and to agree with darkness and hitler looks like he's on their team for quite a while then he pulls his mask off finds out he's not and i believe that at such a time as this god is putting his hand on young bonhoeffers right now they're determining i'm gonna go deep i'm gonna go fully on with god i don't care what it cost me but there's other guys on the other side of the earth and there's two realities emerging and that's why i think your friend greg said he would be like a father to the postmodern era so just i come and i interrupted you on that when you were starting well there's something about bonhoeffer yeah i mean you have to be clear he was uh intellectually super genius i mean he was just a theological genius but what's interesting is he wasn't you know usually you meet somebody that a theological genius but if you ask him to teach a sunday school class they wouldn't be able to pull that off bonhoeffer was able to speak on the highest theological level but he was also able to preach powerful sermons to the average man and woman in the pew he was able to teach the faith to young people and and so he had you know this is what the lord wants for all of us right just want us to have a head knowledge he wants us to live it out and bonhoeffer illustrates what is it to know all this stuff and then to actually live it out when people are telling you can't do that don't do that shut up roman's 13. you can't speak up against the you can't do that again and he was like well yes i can and i must and i don't care where it leads me because i'm not afraid of death because oh yeah in case he didn't know jesus defeated death on the cross did you read that yeah that's true that's not a metaphor you know like if you really believe that you're gonna live differently and so he did and so he was inspiring he was brilliant he was amazing in in so many ways but i do want to say that you know when we talk about the prophetic when i was writing the book i just wanted to write the biography of bonhoeffer there's an amazing story but as i was writing it i could sort of smell this prophetic like i thought this is happening now in america on some level and i don't want to believe that but i could feel it i could see it because whenever people say how did that happen in germany how did that happen well i'll say i'll tell you how it happened it happened exactly as it's happening now like a lot of good people just chose to look the other way to say nothing to do what they're told that's all it takes for you to follow the devil into hell it's really scary and it should be scary that god requires of us to speak the truth to live out our faith but germans were very willing to just be quiet for another day or two don't speak up don't speak up or if somebody says you need to say heil hitler you just you just say it why because well i don't want to lose my job i don't want the neighbors to look at me funny you know you don't get the choice like do you want to serve the devil yes or no people be like oh no no you don't get that you get really small choices and i've seen this happen in this country now whenever i'm talking about america obviously we're the bellwether nation in the world the lord has blessed us to be a blessing we're not blessed for us we're blessed to be a blessing to all the nations of the world to show them what a robust nation with freedom and christianity and what that can look like and how wonderful is it don't you want it it's the shining city on a hill that people will look and say what is that that's beautiful i want that and that's what john winthrop said quoting jesus you know when he said in 1630 that's been our history that we're like the nation for others that's god's plan for the country so what happens when that nation begins making these little compromises and and saying like well we don't want to stand up now i don't want to lose my job now at what point do you keep your mouth shut and then people say oh by the way so you're going to speak up tomorrow right well guess what it's over you can't speak up tomorrow the window is shut bonhoeffer was the voice to germany trying to say to the church you need to be the church now you need to speak up now if you don't speak up against this now this window is closing and just like all the prophets in their day they were stoned or sawn in half or ignored or whatever then years later we go man what a great guy isaiah was awesome jeremiah they're awesome but in their day the people of god did not heed their prophetic voice and just said yeah he's a hothead he's a hothead just leave it alone we'll be fine we'll be fine and then suddenly it's over and so i really believe in retrospect that in the in the short term the lord called me to write this book as a warning to the church today to say you will definitely go down this path unless you don't do what they did the german church did not heed the voice of the lord through bonhoeffer and again through bonhoeffer whether it's through my book or whatever we're hearing the story we see the story and so the question is are you gonna you're gonna get it are you gonna do it now the end time version of it is along it's further on but i think it has all those levels yes yes yes evil in the earth amen 200 nations that's where my heart has really been grabbed by the bonhoeffer story and i mean that's a little new to me but it's not really new to me because we talked about that for hours but it's so interesting to me then because we always know this whenever the lord speaks it's always happening on several levels you know and so bonhoeffer when he was doing this he didn't think that this would have an application in the future and he just was living his life but today many people have said to me that his story has inspired them to that kind of faith and i keep saying if you don't have that kind of faith you don't really have any faith i don't know you know i hope you get to heaven but that's not god's plan for you just to go to heaven there's more two events in bonhoeffer's life and francis i want you to comment on this together with eric he's 18 years old he goes to rome when he's 18 years old he's already in college he gets his phd at 21 years old his phd in theology because he just aces all this stuff you know he's eight he goes to rome i mean he's a protestant he's a lutheran and he sees you know 80 000 people i don't know the real number but in st peter's square of all these different races this multinational church and what he was used to is the nation of germany all being lutherans with the same traditional idea they all look the same they talk the same and he went there and he said i saw this multinational mostly ethnic gathering of 60 80 000 people and i said from that visual what is the church in germany we missed it then when he was 24 that's what he's 18 six years later he goes to new york city at abyssinian baptist church the largest church in america was an african-american church in harlem 10 000 members and he sees this vibrant spirituality of a people in 19 uh this would be 1930 that are being oppressed by the whites but they're loving jesus singing and he goes there to new york he joins this church for nearly a year teaches sunday school there i got all this from your book and so it was great i think you remember it a little better than i do frankly and he teaches sunday school is deeply involved in this because he's never seen an oppressed people like this but they love jesus and they said a suffering people who touch the god of heaven in a different way because germany didn't have that in 1930 it was a little it was a few years later before that very reality hit him in germany when he went back home so he began to see the multinational reality of the body of christ it's bigger than white lutherans and he saw suffering people rejoicing in jesus and he went back home and says i'm going to preach that gospel so right yeah and i want to say too like uh your book um i haven't read yet i i i was i know that's why i'm kind of sitting here silently but i want to say to you all that i have good news for people like me a movie's coming out so i'm here to promote yeah for people who are non-readers for real they're making he's he's behind this project they've raised 10 million dollars they want another 5 or 10 to make a really first-class movie on his life oh yeah so me and my friends can yeah and there's going to be coloring books and all kinds of stuff wait andy bird you read the whole thing 600 guys at the table read every book okay okay but i i will say i tried and i i've never read outside of the bible i've never read a 600 page book um well if you feel any better i've never even glanced at crazy love well no i at least i i okay i did i have two copies of bonhoeffer one was given to me and i started it and then i lost it so then i got convicted and i bought another one he bought it and then i lost it i don't care if you read it i should borrow a copy that's right i know i know okay and yeah yeah but and crazy love sold three million by the way okay and uh but [Applause] okay okay okay gosh you guys okay you're sing courage um but i know again i just don't like to read my staff just tease me like you've literally written more books than you've read and uh but i i'm very convicted as they talk i know the story i don't want the children to hear i don't like to read children don't listen to that unless no listen to this though okay um as i'm listening to these guys and the commitment of what mike has been teaching here about the end times the amount of 150 chapters we talked about that for quite a while today yeah and listening to the story of him writing bonhoeffer and luther and you know everything else in the heart again i was extremely convicted about uh discipline in my life recently and so in my mind i am going to buy another copy unless you have a free one from i i i really am i'm like this is ridiculous i i preach about discipline everything i need to get through this because it's this big and uh my point what i was going to get to um i forgot no i'll tell you i talked about rome and the multinational church and then abyssinian baptist in new york and bonhoeffer saw this his only paradigm was white lutherans all believing the same thing nobody stepping outside the box and it wrecked his life and that's what that's what got him ready to be a reformer yeah there were there were just two points related to this right bonhoeffer i mean it's it's fascinating right we know that there's this religiosity if you are in a certain denomination you kind of think like that is the faith right but he was very sophisticated he'd seen a lot whatever and then at age 18 he goes to rome he sees what he calls the church universal all of these people he wasn't such a high bound lutheran that he thinks the catholics uh are not christians so he was not for example like john macarthur for example can i joke about that um i don't know they're like they're like can we laugh i don't know yeah um but because he went to drama cards or school that's what he's no no no look look look because they talked about that but the point is that bonhoeffer was open-minded enough to go to rome and to see all these different races at i think it was saint john's ladder and in rome and thinking wow look at that's the church every race and you know he really moved him that the church is not just german lutherans but then when he goes to new york he sees he goes to all the white protestant churches in new york and let's be honest the mainline protestant churches even in 1930 were dead already in 1930 they would just get dressed up and go to church and the the the the social gospel was already being pushed he knew there's nothing there he could see it he was disgusted by it so he goes to an african-american church in harlem and he sees because people have suffered and been oppressed their faith is real and it's manifested not just in good theology but they lived out their faith they fed the poor and they did this and they did that and they would put out a flag any time somebody was lynched in the south i mean they their faith was in every ass remember 1930 1930. incredible racism still happened so so their faith was was full-blown and he realized that's what we're missing in germany we are playing church we go to church where lutherans lutherans uh oh you know luther invented christianity so we're we're justified by grace and we don't have to do anything and he said no that's cheap grace which he writes about in his famous book the cost of discipleship and he says we need to live out our faith in every way having no clue that when he goes back to germany in 1931 he's going to bump up against the nazis and that they are going to bring this whole reality completely to the fore so that either you are going to stand in your faith and oppose them and their satanic doctrines or you're going to go with the flow and be quiet and you're going to contribute to the greatest evil of of your time so it's it's it's just an amazing thing he didn't he didn't see any of this but the lord prepared him by sending him to the black church in harlem to see people really worshiping and loving jesus and living out their faith 24 7 and then he goes back to germany goes okay now what about us because see this is 1931 because hitler's not in power to 1933. so he comes back at age 25 and he and he's in the ministry and so hitler's rising but he's not in power for two more years and then when hitler's in power he is seducing and flattering the church he's making these statements like you know the the strength of germany is the holy spirit and our loyalty to jesus in the word of god 18 000 lutheran pastors they are applauding him they have swastikas all over everywhere they're saying this guy is restoring the church and bonhoeffer started speaking out against him they came against the few that spoke out out of 18 000 pastors they started this new thing the confessing church but only 3 000 of the 18 000 pastors stood for the confessing church where and the word confessing church what they meant is we're going to confess the reality of jesus no matter what it cost us so 3 000 said yes 15 000 were silent and they took the the fewer pledge the allegiance to hitler because they said wait he said he's gonna bring jesus to the nation let's believe him bonhoeffer said no way but here's the troubling thing out of the 3000 who said yes to the confessing church only a small number stayed with it because as hitler became more overtly evil those three thousand became silent and a very small number of people stood to the end and he stood to the end and he said i love this phrase that he says he goes jesus has transformed death and our understanding of death we're not afraid of death and he's in his 30s only he gets killed at age 39 and he stands but a very small number stood to the end so how is it possible that this this nation where 60 million of them are in lutheran catechism and i'm not picking on lutherans but they're learning the bible all through public school all through university everybody's being baptized going through catechism getting confirmed 60 million of them 18 thousand pastors three thousand stand up but at the end of the day most of them back up and they're quiet and they let a few of them go to death how does this happen i mean to me that's easy they just didn't experience persecution and they assumed like we do i can just be a wonderful christian and i'll never actually have to give my life like a martyr in the middle east or i'll never i'll just it just becomes a non-issue and you're not trained to live that way and so that's why when you think of people who are uh you know even in this country if you're reading the stories of the martyrs and you are you have a heart for missions and you're in touch with people that are being persecuted now whatever it changes your faith they didn't have that faith and obviously most of us in america haven't had that kind of a faith and so when it comes you're really not prepared um and they assume business as usual is okay yeah yeah but i'm also seeing something where like i'm listening to you guys talk and i'm going gosh i see that in my life in my lifetime and it's happening to me where it's it's not oh francis go follow the devil now no um but it's it's there's been this this this flow of certain topics you don't talk about anymore and and because you'll reach a greater number of people if you avoid those topics and and then there is the the uh the cancel culture there is you know this this the social media thing where you say one thing wrong and or not even wrong you just say one thing that people don't like and said vaccination or whatever it was yeah yeah it's just it's just so you you start i noticed myself i caught myself many times where wait i used to speak about this a lot more directly and and now i'm being more cautious i wouldn't deny it but i don't speak up so you see how you slowly slowly don't talk about certain things and i and i've been catching myself recently i go man when's the last time i preached about hell did i man in high school man when i became a believer like i'm talking to my friends and i'm just like man i'm terrified about this i'm scared about this for you i'm throwing it out there but slowly you know the church starts going well you know let's not preach a fire brimstone and you know there's there's a possibility that no one goes there and there's a possibility it means this this is this i'm like no no no no but then you just slowly i don't know what happens like you make little compromises and and this scares me i it scares me like i remember when iphones came out and we had this gal living with us and and she got one and you know we were playing some game and she kept checking her phone and we're like you know what if you don't put that thing away you're not a part of our family anymore like we're sick you're like you know i hate it i hate hate but what happens pretty soon all of us are doing that because i hated that she was distracted and couldn't look us in the eye like these things just start happening and and and then i'm looking at my kids you know my oldest kid's 25 i had two grandkids but my youngest is six you know and i've got teenagers still and i've got you know and i'm looking at the way they're growing up and these last two weeks man it was like a ditch effort to save the minds of my kids i'm like hey we're going out to alaska and there's no screens you're not going to bring your phone or you're not going to look at one thing we're just going to talk i want you to connect with me with our family with people humans you know fish birds you know whatever you know i i want you to be clear-minded you know because first peter 4 7 says the end of all things is at hand therefore be sober minded and self-controlled for the sake of your prayers you guys you you can't even pray anymore like like your mind when you close your eyes you have a trillion thoughts running through because you're just attached to this entertainment so all these things are flowing flowing flowing and so what you're saying about nazi germany is is it's like it it doesn't just happen overnight it's all of these things sweeping and i think that's what i've enjoyed about our times it's it's like this stand where together we're going no we can't go there we can't and and and sometimes by yourself in isolation it you just can't do it you know you drift and that's why i thank god for this time because it it helped me go oh shoot i've been on this island and i i need to get back and no together let's let's not drift from this let's let's let's do something we can't go we can't go there see you got to understand i love this this is so right because we need each other in this but when you go back to nazi germany the holocaust the death camps were three years hitler was in power 12. and we all interpret hitler today through those three years we don't know about the nine years leading up where he was seducing the nation to be i mean they were celebrating him the first three four five years almost everybody was and then as it got closer more and more got silent they were not celebrating but they wouldn't speak up it was only the last three years and so much of these details are in your book the one thing i love about his book is that it people get captured by the bonhoeffer story so they get hooked on the book and it's really a great read i mean it's a page turner it really is and you're going to really want to stay with it but he gives all these details of what's happening in the government through those 12 years and the people are going wait a second we can see some of those things yes america but i'm talking about the earth because i don't believe i don't have an idea that adolf hitler is going to rise in america but he's going to rise on the global scene and many in america will be supporting him like and leaders in america will that's going to be our problem they're going to get seduced by it because they're moving in that direction right now so i don't think adolf hitler is going to be america that's not my point of view but there's going to be an adolf hitler far more powerful in the global scene in a global unity but remember he was only the death camps for three years not the first nine and that's the part that we might lose our way on thinking we're gonna be okay and they got sucked into it little by little and that's what's really serious well i was going to say that one thing this has come to me fairly lately right but just in the last few years roughly since you know trump was elected you're told you can't talk about that or if you're on that side you're canceled or you're out or whatever it's only a year or two that you can't talk or you're out well yes but what i'm saying is i felt it you know since his his election that people were more radical in canceling you and saying like you can't think that you can't you can't you know there was a big but yes in the last year and a half it's become more serious but most so so i say that because it struck me that if you are not practicing speaking the truth and not doing what you're told or doing what you're told you can't do if you're not doing that on a daily level if you just kind of go with the flow it becomes harder and harder to stop and speak the truth the other day the other day a couple of weeks ago i was on twitter i guess and i followed the new york mets since i was a little kid right and i said this year in new york yeah i grew up in a mile from shea stadium and i i see the new york mets tweet and the new york mets logo is in rainbow colors for the month of june and i thought you've got to be kidding you're kidding this is a baseball team but they feel this corporate pressure to celebrate pride month right now i'm offended because it's one thing if you say this is a free country and if you believe differently than me you can live your life we're a free country right we let people do things that we don't have to agree with them but now you're telling me that everybody in america needs to celebrate for a month gay pride and i'm thinking no there's something really sick about that because most most all serious jews serious muslims serious christians can't celebrate that now we can say i love you no matter what and i can have friends that are you know they can be single people sleeping with their with their girlfriends or i can have friends that are this or that or it i have the lord wants me to love everybody but don't tell me now for a month because everybody somebody decided i need to jump in and celebrate this otherwise something's wrong with me that is what happened in germany in germany when the nazis came in [Applause] but the point is the pressure is so strong and the reason i've become increasingly outspoken lately is because i want people to know we've all got to take a stand we will do it in love of course but we're being pushed around folks when somebody starts telling you like every website's going to be rainbow called us for the month of you think wait a second we don't give fathers a month we give them a day barely we don't give mothers a month we give it to veterans i mean what is what is happening that that that just happened somebody decided that and it is it is a real push against anybody who has a biblical view of sexuality not just christians anybody but the idea that you're going to celebrate this now for a month and if you don't something's wrong with you you're kind of bigoted i don't know about you that's exactly what happened in germany when the nazis took power if you did not vigorously say hal hitler and i've got a swastika outside of my door today they looked at you like something's wrong with you huh you wanted yourself a job you want to keep your job i don't know about you and and if ever you're going to talk about the rise of a false world religion that's what this is this is not about gays this is about a false world religion that is antichrist and i thought to myself so if we don't speak up against that now and i'm not telling you how to speak up but i'm telling you that when i saw that i thought whoa that's not okay that's not okay and there are many things like that that if you are not actively against it in some way uh i mean we said it before you know if if you think the election was fraudulent okay now i'm convinced of it but you don't have to agree with me but if you're gonna tell me i can't talk about it i'm gonna be like what like i'm not in china i'm in america i can talk about anything i want and if you tell me i can't talk about it i think that's a message that i need to to shout about it because we cannot survive in a culture where somebody whether it's big tech or whoever it is they're making some decisions and we as citizens cannot abide by that and it doesn't even it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree we need to stand with people with whom we disagree okay in other words if if somebody says to me that uh i mean if i have a friend who's convinced the election was on the up and up in this day and age i hope that that friend will stand for the people who don't see it that way not because just because but because somebody has decided that you can't say that and that to me is a chilling thing it's anti-american and again this is not about america but the point is this is a deeply biblical value that we have been outrageously blessed to have and so when you think how did that happen in germany that's what i say it's when people just say like well i don't want to talk about that i'm not going to i'm not going to talk about that i'm not going to preach about hell i'm not going to preach about biblical sexuality because because what because you're mean because you're nasty because you don't know what the scripture says in other words we are being very slowly and cleverly shut down and and and i just want to say that's what happened to good christian people in germany they didn't decide just to choose to to worship the devil but they made little compromises every day every day every day and bonhoeffer saying if you don't stand now and say this loudly now we're all gonna we're all gonna go down it now is your your chance and so i just feel like we've been so blessed in america we're not used to standing up we're not used to being counter cultural the culture has been vaguely christian and and suddenly that has changed and i guess are we willing now to say okay maybe i need maybe i need to change because in a year from now or two years from now i i won't be able to so i'm yeah help me out okay because um like i'm sitting here listening to you speak and honestly there's a bit of me that's feeling a little bit of tension tell me okay um i'm coming from san francisco no no tell me tell me what you mean no i'm talking he's usually the one that's doing this to the other guys so i'm doing it to you now i because uh and i'm trying to figure out i'm in my mind going okay if someone from san francisco watches this and i'm sitting up here the whole lgbtq thing yeah i mean you know and you're new york so the question is what do i mean by it right now no no no no no my question is there has been a cautiousness of what i say publicly because i'm thinking gosh i don't want to lose the opportunity to get the message to these people and um and and it's like i i and so i'm always trying to be cautious and that's what i'm concerned about five minutes ago that's what you're talking about yeah i'm like gosh i don't know if i'm doing this because i love them and i want them to hear the gospel and i don't want to start with their sexuality i want to start with the good news i want to start with an amazing king yes you know a god to be feared yeah and they won't even hear that because the moment they hear you know like what you just said they won't listen to me and what did i just say like let's see i don't know but that's what i'm trying to say is in other words but i wasn't listening but it was what you said what i'm saying is actually this is the immense thing the the mets thing yeah but what i'm saying is like i get this creepy feeling like it's no longer okay to say okay we live in a country and people have different views and instead of saying nasty things about those people as a christian i'm going to say you know what we disagree but i know jesus loves you and i will i will love you whether you agree with me on these issues or not now we're kind of being pushed a little bit everybody needs to celebrate every website is rainbow colors and i want to say that's really not okay a line has been crossed and nobody wants to talk about it and i guess there are times and this is truly when unless you have the discernment of the holy spirit there is no right answer and germans were struggling with this in germany and i mean look when when you read my book um you will see that there were there were evangelicals in germany and even in the united states who were saying exactly this idea like listen uh we don't want to rock the boat we just want to have the ability to preach the gospel we want to have the ability to be so we don't want to go up against hitler and get political we just want to preach the gospel it's all about salvation now imagine you're a jew in a boxcar going to treblinka with your kids they got a crap in a bucket the boxcar doesn't open up for days you're going through a living hell and you're going to a camp to your death don't you hope there's 18 000 pastors nobody's speaking up don't you hope as that jew that there's a christian out there who cares about about the gospel so much that he's willing to speak up again about this injustice that everybody's not supposed to talk about and i'm aware of the fact that like it's a it's a fine line because i listen i used to be way more like what you're describing but i think bonhoeffer and developments in the last few years have kind of woken me up like at some point and this is the difficult thing at some point you have to come out of the closet so to speak and say i believe this the slavery thing's the same thing everybody told wilberforce shut up keep your faith to yourself don't mix your faith in politics shut your mouth in other words there were people then who just said this is not appropriate well and i think what what i i think what i'm reacting to is some you know there are christians who have addressed the topic of homosexuality in the wrong way right exactly you know they've stood against exactly but they didn't do it in the right way so you're we're trying to combat that right do it in the right way of course but then sometimes you get so careful yeah that pretty soon you're like ah i don't say any you know so it's like this this that's no that's exactly what i'm that's exactly what i'm saying and bond offered to me is the illustration of that where he was trying to say to the people in germany to the good christians in germany who said hey romans 13 we don't speak against our leaders and by the way hitler's doing all these good things and trust me folks he did many great things and most germans had no clue they had no clue where this stuff was going okay but bonhoeffer was saying listen um there were evangelicals who said we need to convert hitler now who could disagree with that right you get around some hyper faith people and they're like we need to pray you know we need to pray that the antichrist would become a christian uh we need to pray that hitler would become a christian we need to pray come on let's pray let's pray let's pray who's going to disagree with that going okay i guess yeah we got to pray otherwise i'm in the flesh so we got to pray i mean he does have a mother and then yes and so then you think hit but but bonhoeffer was saying to these people i mean it really is in my book because i was fascinated by this he said to these people i don't think you understand knows you're not reading the times hitler is going to convert you you're not converting hitler in other words he had a discernment and that's what bonhoeffer was saying hitler's going to convert you yeah they did he in other words he had a discernment to say like i get where you're coming from theoretically but if you're really listening to the holy spirit you've got to speak up now and this is what i think it boils down to because you were saying it exactly is that i think we in the church especially evangelicals have almost made an idol of evangelism and we have forgotten that that's just a part of the gospel right in other words the gospel means i'm going to speak the truth and yes perhaps somebody will be driven away from the faith but at some point i've got to trust god with their soul it's not about what i say or don't say and that's that that's a tough discernment i mean it's i'm not going to pretend that's easy because you need to care about that person's soul but sometimes we've gotten silenced into caring about somebody's soul to the extent that we're we're muzzled no it's really good i i really need to read the book okay and uh i i will say too there there's there's like this um i this this preacher one time at a pastor's conference he came up one morning he goes you know the lord said something to me um this is the guy that took over for piper actually i always keep forgetting his jason meyer and he said um because some of you are preaching for the absence of criticism rather than the presence of the holy spirit and i was like whoa that was of the lord like because what happens is anytime we say something how much feedback me just saying i like mike wiggle oh my gosh you i got hammered wait and then you think you have to respond you didn't say that all right you did sorry no you okay i think that was the second year yeah the first year i just liked you okay you know what i love you and i will publicly say that i love you it was the second year and now i will admit man i'm in love with you okay but it doesn't mean i believe everything you believe whatever i'm just saying i really love you um just read his book and then you'll understand yeah yeah then i'll say or whatever okay but but my point what he was saying is it's a real thing right that we have felt like i don't want to deal with all the criticism because i just want to get to the gospel but then you try to be careful try to be careful and you're like and you subconsciously try to say everything just right and then preaching you're not a prophet anymore say that phrasing and you're not that's right we preach for the absence of criticism instead of instead of the presence of the holy spirit that when the holy spirit tells you to say something you just say it it doesn't matter how anyone responds but there is something that happens when you get so much criticism it it subconsciously does something to you and you start it's it's like you don't even realize you're doing it like oh if i say it like that you know this lady's going to say this and that guy's always going to do this but isn't that the point is that no matter i mean look i've learned this kind of the hard way but but in the last number of years and stuff i've just gotten such nasty criticism and i think at some point you know at one point i think i think a lot of christians are over scrupulous yeah and they say well i've got to respond to that and i've got to provide did you there's a scripture cast ye not your pearls before swine there are people they're not even slightly interested in your stupid little truth they just want to bait you and make you feel bad and that's the enemy and to respond to that is foolishness and and i think that a lot of times we are like oh no no because they might be earnest and i need to respond on twitter and i no you don't the lord cares about their soul more than you do and i and i but i mean i realized say that because i see people doing that and i and i just have discernment it's like you're wasting your time and you're wasting god's time you shouldn't be responding that but that person is not interested in debating with you they're just sucking your time away but i will say this too on the on the gay issue okay i keep thinking here's what's never mentioned there is a 15 year old who's sexually confused a boy okay will he ever hear anyone say you know those same-sex feelings you have sometimes you don't need to follow that god has a better plan for you now if you love that young man and there are millions of them if you love them you will speak to them and you will put that truth out there lovingly and say look we've all got unwanted sexual attractions and you think it's it's good and true because it exists most of that is is dark and will lead you down a dark path and will destroy your life and your future whether you're heterosexual or homosexual like whatever you have there's all kinds of sexual stuff that that is is your enemy but the message being preached is what whatever you feel it's wonderful whatever not you know if if you have uh same-sex attraction and and attraction of the opposite sex we're living in a culture now where people say that same-sex attraction that's you it's like where did that come from that's not even logical right and so these messages are going out they're destroying lives and i think if you have compassion on especially young people they're never hearing this because we're afraid to bring it up and we're letting these really bold lies rule the day and destroy lives and i say but but if i talk about that it'll lessen my witness i would actually say in the end it will strengthen your witness i actually now if you say it right and in love and you will never get it right in the sense that we're we're broken like we're never gonna get it get it right i mean actually i joke about this i always when people criticize me if i say something right because i never used to be as outspoken as i am now and i try to be careful even now of course right but when people say that stuff i think to myself hey let's talk about tim tebow tim tebow said everything perfectly i lo i love tim tebow okay but here's a guy never says anything controversial he has been vilified and mocked and mocked in other words if you think doing everything right is is people are going to just be coming to faith in droves jesus said everything utterly perfectly and so i think we we kind of get trapped by our good intentions of wanting to bring everybody to faith but but it takes us away from from something and we're afraid yes to speak truth because if i speak about that it's going to neutralize my witness i totally agree and but the narrative has been and it is true that there are things that have been said by the christian community that have been so harsh and biblically inaccurate of well you know whether that's a demon or this is you know to where these people um that god loves have become suicidal sure because and and to at least acknowledge that side you know i mean but of course of course you can but at the same time you know you have to be aware i mean look i you know i totally agree with you totally just like i agree with but what i'm saying is that i think i think where we have to be careful is the devil wants to take all the mistakes every christian has ever made on this issue and beat us over the head with it and say this is your sin this is your sin this is your sin and i think we can all say no uh if i've ever participated in any of that i repent it is wrong but now i'm going to move on in the power of the holy spirit i'm not going to let you silence me because historically these people have done these things it's just as as when somebody says well you're white and white people have done this and this and this and you're saying well what is god's voice god's god wants us to repent of what we do wrong and to move on in joy but the enemy wants to use these past sins as a cudgel to say you will never get it right you need to be full of shame and shut up and shut up and shut up that's in a deaf in a nutshell that's the canceled culture in other words rather than i mean i always say it's kind of like if you've got a kid and imagine if you say to that kid you are no good you'll never be any good you're bad to the bone you're just like your father you're just like your mother you are cursing that child to love that child would be to say you know you might not be perfect but i see where you've improved i want to celebrate that i want to celebrate that i want you to be better i want you to be better so we've kind of bought into a larger narrative mostly in america that america is bad and we are bad and i i want to say that's the voice of the accuser that's not the voice of god and we know there's truth in that voice because the enemy will take truth and twist it and and he will use it and unless you know that all these sins that you're being accused of like yeah yes yes yes and guess what the lord died for all one of all those sins and i accept what he did by faith and i'm free i don't need to walk under that condemnation anymore but culturally speaking we've kind of bought into that and even the evangelical church has kind of bought into that because it it feels good to feel guilty it feels like i'm i'm being right righteous anyway i didn't mean to get into all this where do we how did this happen we're bringing this conversation to an end because we're going to pick this up tomorrow what you guys did in the last 10 or 15 minutes is that we shifted a little bit from bonhoeffer to luther because luther is the one that took the stand on the word of god psalm 2. that's what we're going to talk about tomorrow so these subjects we can finish them tomorrow under the psalm 2 banner because the psalm 2 message is they're trying to drive the word of god out of the culture and that's what i connect with luther although luther means a lot more than that so we're going to pick this up but i want to say a couple of real quick things and bring this to an end and then get you guys ready ken and chris for ministry time you said about 10 minutes ago people are making an idol out of evangelism and what they don't you might not know about him i watched many of his programs he is a radical evangelist he is trying to win souls in his program over and over so when you say that i go i don't know they know you enough to where you're saying something important and so i appreciated that and as he this guy over here francis was saying these things like i speak up speak up he was actually confessing that he's not speaking up enough that's what i heard you saying so you were actually agreeing with him not that the point is you gotta agree with the whole thing but you were saying you know what i have been quiet but that's a bad thing that i've been so quiet that's what i was hearing you said yeah yeah yeah definitely and so and but then he would sometimes answer and say you know you need to or something but [Music] last thing on bonhoeffer i want to end with bonhoeffer the thing that i really loved about bonhoeffer was his view of death he had a view of the resurrection that set him apart from most of the theologians and leaders in europe and even unto the very end he said you know jesus has transformed death i'm not afraid of it his very last letter he wrote like the day before he died they smuggled it out one of the guards did it for him he wrote it to the bishop bell in in england he wrote because he knew i'm dying tomorrow his last letter he wrote this is the end but actually it's just the beginning for me those that was his last word he wrote it's only the beginning for me and then the week before when they were driving to the final death camp or 10 days before and they knew they were going to flossenberg the actual death camp where they would be executed it was clear 10 days before because they were in another place they're driving there the you know the the the vehicle they were so terrified and one guy survived it he was not killed and he gave the testimony later to bonhoeffer sisters uh uh uh his twin sister sabina he said somehow he survived he goes there a truckload of us we were terrified but your brother spoke with such peace and tranquility knowing we were dying in the next week and he comforted all of these people on the way there there was nothing like it we've never seen anything like that then the final thing and then you can make a comment on this if you want it's so amazing the doctor at the death camp the german doctor who was a doctor for 50 years he had said i have witnessed so many deaths he didn't know who bonhoeffer was he didn't he wasn't into the christians he didn't even know who he was he said this young man he's 39 years old died in such submission to the will of god he didn't even know what that meant i've never seen a man with so much peace go to the gallows and with a bright face died and ten years later he told the story of this one guy back 10 years ago named dietrich bonhoeffer that he'd never heard of and he gave his final witness was that jesus was the resurrection that was the strength of bonhoeffer any comments you want to make well yeah i mean it's just the reason um i think in retrospect the lord called me to write these books is because when you look at a life you get a fully dimensional view of what it is to be a christian right to to live you can have a book that tells you all these different things but to see it i mean jesus tabernacled among us he didn't kind of beam down hand out some mimeograph sheets he's like i gotta go and leave he lived among us so that the disciples could see him and live with him and there's something about that and that's in in retrospect because i think like you know as we we talk about these things and we have these you know conversations and debates and stuff at the end of the day you realize there's really no right answer you can't nail this down some of this stuff you just have to like live it and ask god to help you to have discernment in the midst of it and bonhoeffer to me is the example of that where a lot of people at some point they were like i'm out i can't i can't deal with this anymore but he was willing to walk all the way to the end losing more and more friends because people thought this guy's gone nuts i mean it's one thing i mean they kept they kept thinking he's gone too far he's gonna do but he realized more and more i'm playing to an audience of one god is my judge and and here's the key if i get it wrong i serve a god of mercy and grace and love in other words i think there were a lot of religious people thinking if i screw it up wow god's going to be so angry so i i gotta i mean the example i always use is i say if somebody comes knocks on the door it's the gestapo and they say are you hiding a jew in the basement a religious german would say oh i can't tell a lie yes i'm hiding at you in the basement help yourself you can torture him and kill him but i'm justified because i didn't lie great right right and bonhoeffer looked deeper and he said no um that is a judgmental gotcha kind of god i don't worship that god that guy looks on the heart and so if i hide a jew and i have to tell a lie to like an evil gestapo uh i i think god's looking um at my heart he's not trying to catch me in a legalism but there were many people in germany that they were neutralized by their religiosity they were afraid i i've been trained always uh like i can't even tell a white lie because because of god and the nazis and the devil will cynically use that and get you to say things or not say things or whatever so if you're really looking to the lord you say lord i'm going to do this i mean in barnard's case i'm going to get involved in a plot to assassinate the fuhrer i don't do that lightly and if i am wrong lord i cast myself on your mercy because you're a good god but he said i cannot sit on my hands and just say i'm not going to do anything because i'm afraid i might make a mistake last words that's it yeah not really words i'd love to pray for us i don't know if you guys believe in that but uh [Applause] a final comment and then we're gonna pray okay no no no my comment are you about tongues no no okay okay okay okay i almost made a compliment about what we're doing tomorrow is we're talking about luther of course you're an expert on luther far more than me but when i think of luther i connect him with standing for the word of god against the political and religious persecution so that's what i put in psalm 2 and we're going to talk about some of the issues the last 10 minutes even more of them because that's in my mind the luther conversation though it fits tonight but we're not done with that conversation what i want to say number one number two we're going to have a a a a we're going to be have a patient ministry time now we're going to be here for a little while just waiting on the lord we're going to do that tomorrow night as well and uh eric is going to have a book signing of the bonhoeffer book at the end of the ministry time not during it so some of you we got a bunch of those books back there or maybe you bought it before he's happy he likes to do that some people love that they'll be right over there and but it's after the ministry time so i appreciate you staying around because you've had a very safe one for me okay okay now okay i'll be the first one okay now and i had to push it to luther because i didn't read the book and i did watch the movie on luther okay um but i i wanted to pray for us because i'm praying for myself up here and i'm realizing god i have done things and said things or not said things and i thought i was doing it in the name of love when i was possibly a coward and then there are other times when i have said things thinking i was bold but i did it unloving and so it was a noisy gong or a clanging symbol or quiet but it was cowardice and you were bold and you're angry yeah yeah yeah what you were aiming for and sometimes i don't know if i'm truly being loving but i'm really being a coward and sometimes i i don't know these things and i thought there's probably other people who struggle with this because i'm saying god god i'll say whatever you want me to just scream it right now say it just i just gotta know because i've made mistakes in my life i've bashed people like you i have i it's come out of my mouth so then you get scared like well i said that so boldly and i didn't even know what i was talking about and so all these things start feeding in your mind and it takes away some boldness because you've sent some things wrongly and so it puts this fear and then you're all these things add to it and i'm going god i need your spirit so badly because i don't want to end my life as a coward i want to say whatever you tell me to say and i want to have this love and so i just i want to believe in this moment because i really am going god i need you so desperately i need you so desperate because i don't know how to do this this conversation is real like okay help me with this how many with this and then he's not going okay well i've got the perfect answer he's going no i've done it wrong too and i just want that blessing where i go god i i don't want my heart to stray from you god i want to abide in you god you promise lord that if we hear you and we open the door that you're here with us you're eating with us your presence is right here with us but lord we want to hear you like like i want to know what those moments lord if i'm being a coward god i don't want to be a coward i want to say whatever like stray to someone's face whatever you tell me to say and yet god i don't want to be proud lord and i don't want to say things absent of love and i've done that and god i don't want to be wrong about your word and i've been wrong and i've been wrong about people and so god we are just begging you right now please lord please keep us from the flow of this world and the wide road that leads to destruction we need your spirit lord to speak boldly in love god we need to i need your spirit to pray right now as i ought i don't i haven't even prayed to you properly so many times god and so god to talk to another human being and to dare talk about holy matters sacred things god oh god we don't want to misrepresent you and so out of fear sometimes we don't say things and i'm scared i'll say it wrong again so god i i'm just begging for help right now lord and i know you want to give it to us and you promised you would give us wisdom if we ask for it so god i believe in this prayer right now that you will give us wisdom and when to speak up and how to say it because i'm asking god and i confess i was a little bit almost like worried about it it's because i was doubting this prayer and that type of prayer won't receive anything your word tells me that if i ask for wisdom you will give it to me you promise that i thank you lord that from this moment on i will speak with more wisdom i will have more wisdom to speak up and to say whatever i need to say at the right time that your spirit will lead me and direct me and so father i pray for that faith in everyone in this room for those who have been discouraged and beating themselves up because they've said things wrong or they haven't spoken up lord that was before that was before this prayer we're asking for wisdom we're asking for courage and we're so grateful that we have an all-powerful god who hears us and we're at peace lord we're not anxious about this we're at peace thank you jesus thank you holy spirit right now thank you for hearing us from heaven and changing us because of your true and wonderful promises thank you for tonight we love you we love you keep us close to you in jesus name amen amen amen amen so kind of spontaneous is helen who led worship is she here helen she's here if you'll come up i would like to leave at least the musicians i don't know if all the singers are here i'd like to maybe about 10 minutes let's all stand we're not going to take a break but i want you to stand so people in the middle can slip out if they need to but we're going to just stand just to stretch a little bit but i just want us to worship for a few minutes and there was such a sweet presence in the way that you were leading just stay in that vein and again i'd like not to have conversations just stay just because this isn't actually a break you're just giving people a chance to slip out they need to go to the restroom make a phone call come right back for about 10 minutes and and ken fish come on up and chris reed come on up and just stand up here and just begin to prepare your heart and sorry i did oh yeah you know what we probably need you guys to stay here because we're going to kind of ebb and flow i forgot to mention that to you like in the ministry time too yes as well so thank you for being flexible and available you want to move that chair all the way [Music] here like give that to the other guy lord here we are before you we say come holy spirit come and touch us [Music] here we are lord in your presence [Music] of yours i find peace [Music] we love you jesus come holy spirit manifest your [Music] [Applause] [Music] i presence you jesus of your presence for my souls [Applause] [Music] makes me [Music] i love your presence [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love you jesus [Music] i [Applause] [Music] i love your princess [Music] i [Music] i love you jesus he loves us us yes he loves us [Music] [Music] he loves us he loves us [Music] i love your presence i love your presence i love you jesus i want to introduce ken fish to you now i've known you for some years and many of you know that i was a part of the vineyard for eight years a vineyard pastor traveled with john wimbert and uh from 1988 for some years and ken was together with john wimber and actually wrote many of his materials so he was kind of his ghost writer behind the scenes a lot of his syllabi and traveled about 50 different conferences with him and the lord's used him in signs and wonders for many years and so he has stayed with it and you were in those early days when we the group from kansas city paul kane bob jones we would come to anaheim and you were a part of that when the lord spoke the compassion and worship prophetically intercession and you remember all that story we've talked about it and one thing i appreciate about you is that and that 33 years ago you have sought to be to walk in the grace of god of those four things because the lord wanted those to come together so just give us a few moments about what's happening in your heart and ministry and then they're going to give a couple small little sound bite teachings throughout these ministry times tonight and tomorrow night and you know just maybe five or seven minutes on something and then do ministry time and then we might do a little worship and then just kind of ebb and flow from that so ken i love it and i love that you two are buddies you know you've been close for about a year and a half and uh you no i love it and we were at rick joyner's together and so he's been kind of like the old guy helping the young guy your mid-30s your early 60s i know 60 but that's early 60s that is early 60s 6-0 you're on my generation but anyway and i just love the way you love him and i love the way that you've that you're receiving from him and having you both here together is a joy to me thanks mike well it's uh it's great to be here um it was a long time ago that i first came to kansas city uh you guys all came out to anaheim bunch of times yeah but but we all came here yes i mean like a hundred from anaheim came twice a hundred people from the anaheim church with john wimber so if there are any people around who remember those days was anybody here in this room i see that hand anybody else oh look wait wait wait there's some hands paul raise your hand my son he's only eight but he was here he's probably in the back room doing stuff but anyway well so we uh my wife and i my wife's on the front row here her name's beth you guys [Music] so we were uh we were younger we were thinner i had more hair but 30 years ago yeah 38 oh so um we we came and we experienced what you had and as mike said the the intent of the lord was that there'd be a mingling of what the vineyard had with what at the time was known as kansas city fellowship what you guys had and uh the prophetic intercession cross-pollinating from kansas city with the compassion and worship of the vineyard movement so um anyway that that got started and then somehow it went into suspended animation so we're hoping that something of that will reignite this weekend that's kind of the because the luke 418 was critical to us back then and then when chris came and he had this riddle when the prince shall pass 4 18 at last and that spoke really to us from 32 years ago right because the vineyard's kind of hallmark verse was luke 4 18. and again most of this stuff could be unpacked at multiple layers so i'm not going to do that we'll use up all the time unpacking it but mike wanted to have a healing time tonight and there'll be some prophecy mixed in with it and one of the things that i learned many years ago and i didn't i didn't come to it easily is that most of this stuff happens by the moving of the holy spirit and one of the hardest things there is at least for a guy like me back then i'd just come out eric went to yale and i went to princeton so these are heady places and you know we spent a lot of time in our head and so when i first showed up at the vineyard you know john would say there's the holy spirit he's moving you see that and i'd go i don't see anything what's he talking about and i really struggled with that for a long time but i was i was determined that if he could do it john kept saying you can learn to do this i figured if he can do it i can do it so i just kept pressing and pressing and pressing and i don't know if i'm as good as john was it's at this point in my life i don't know about if i'm as good as john was then but anyway i've done what i can and so i try to the lord is using you quite a bit in the last few years yeah yeah as paul kane used to say even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while that's right [Applause] so anyway so one of the things i learned from john is that is that following the leading of the spirit is is it's not just important it's essential even jesus said i can only do what the father shows me to do and so you know chris and i have talked about this a lot we function in some ways the same it's like a venn diagram you know there's some overlap in the middle some ways we function the same some ways we're very different but the one thing we both do is we follow the leading of the spirit as we understand that and over time we get better and better at it and so things happen but when it comes to the realm of healing one of the things that i learned most particularly was supposed to be a five to seven minute teach cheat chat right a little sound bite i called it a teaching sound bite okay so this is the sound bite uh is that power the power of the spirit is essential in this now it looks a little different when we're in the realm of the prophetic versus the realm of healing but just a couple of verses i'll quote them and not uh not read them luke 4 14 jesus returned to galilee in the power of the spirit and apparently that wasn't the case with him before his baptism and his time in the wilderness so there's a couple lessons we can learn from that testing is not always bad it's just hard but heart isn't bad heart is hard and testing ends for jesus it was 40 days for us it might be longer than that we're not jesus he only needed 40 days and besides there was reasoning behind 40 days but jesus returned in the power of the spirit and then throughout luke's gospel we see over and over again that the power was with him luke 5 17 the power of the lord was present for him to heal the sick um luke 6 and i can't remember the address i want to say luke 7 6 17 but i could be off on that verse the chapter is right there was power coming out of him and everyone who touched him got healed and then luke 8 46 evidently the woman with the issue of blood we all know that story she evidently missed the healing meeting in luke 6 but she'd heard about it so she's like if i can just touch him i'll get healed she does and she does meaning she touches him and she does get healed so there are some other verses but but that's enough to establish the point that power is a is a critical thing and i think one of the things we sometimes miss in the way we teach healing in the modern period is it's all about what do we say or what do we believe and i i think what we say and what we believe matters but even paul said my message and my preaching were not with words of wisdom but with a demonstration of the spirit and of power and so what somehow we have to find our way to that power i mean there's some things that we could talk about but that would take me beyond my allotted time so i'm i'm being brief we'll have more tomorrow maybe but we want to get to that place where the lord's power can move and many times we've seen great outpourings of power and sometimes it's less so and there's things that titrate that make it greater or less but i want to focus on the power not the confession tonight i want to focus on on just that god's spirit would be able to move as he will by the way that is his chosen pronoun for those who get the joke um but i i would love to see the spirit of god have that liberty to move with that kind of power and so when we when it says jesus returned in the power of the spirit there's something about that that breeds a kind of confidence in god and in this case the word confidence and faith are nearly synonymous and so it isn't just the what we believe it's that sense of i know that god is good to his word and i think we're in a season where the lord wants to unveil that once again he did it he's done it at different times era is an epochs of the church that was one of the vineyards hallmark things but but i think we're in a time where we really need that power to be unveiled and so when when jesus came into the synagogue in capernaum he said the spirit of the lord is on me and i know it says because he has anointed me but let's just slightly change it without changing the meaning so you'll catch what i'm saying he has empowered me he's he's released his divine power within me in order to preach good news and to set the captives free and so ultimately when we talk about healing we're talking about freeing people from whatever they're caught in whatever bondage they're in sicknesses etc and so if i if i may dare to do it you can shut me down if you want there but when when the three of you were up here you eric and francis we were talking about the whole lgbtq question and how difficult it is it's actually not that difficult what what because well the right and wrong of it is pretty clear from the word of god and what we've what we've come to in in the church today that you know on the left now this is my right but for you it's the left so on the left it's like do anything you want it's all good and on the right it's been don't do it god hates it but there is a middle way which is god wants to set you free from it and part of the malaise on the modern church is that we have no confidence in god i'm back to that word that's a surrogate for faith most of our churches don't know anything about the power of god they are disempowered they're weak and anemic but we see thousands of people freed of this all the time literally afraid of what freed of any form of lgbtq plus you might want to name it happens now i'm not going to give an lgbtq altar call right now but i do want to offer you hope but you've given those altar calls over the last five years yeah i gave one in indianapolis about two months ago and half the room came forward and the power fell it was epic and what does that mean the power fell what does that mean when you help me picture that when the when the power of god comes there is usually something visible usually sometimes it's less obvious to the to the untrained eye that's why early on i was like what's he talking about when john wimber would say there's there's the spirit of god moving but anyway in indianapolis the holy spirit came on people many of them were visibly moved shaking weeping falling out under the power of god um but there were a number of them that were touched and we i just wanna i just wanna i wanted to reinsert that even though i don't think that's the ministry call tonight it might be tomorrow or maybe next week but i don't think that's the call tonight but i because it's in the air because we touched it but didn't really go there here's what i've learned seeing many people get free of this is that most people that are in that it's not just that they've been bullied or whatever that that might also be part of it i wouldn't deny that but they hate it they hate themselves and they want to get out of it but they don't know how to get out of it and you know eric's going to talk tomorrow about luther one of luther's great treatises was the bondage of the will and many people who are caught in this are in bondage it is as though they are in chains and that can be on many different levels now let's move off of the lgbtq question there are people who are heterosexual who are in bondage they're enslaved to pornography there are people who are in bondage and they're they're crazy in their heads you know they've got a mental illness as we call it or whatever i mean there are many different ways that people can be in bondage but jesus said the spirit of the lord is on me he's come to set me set people free and so whom the son of man sets free is in fact free i'm changing the language of the bible only slightly but not changing its meaning just because sometimes we fall into a rut quoting it as it is written and with that we lose the pungency of what it means and so i really believe that god's charter for christians is to be free of anything that would bind and constrain you physically mentally sexually whatever lee would you it is for freedom that he set us free that's really it that's that's the charter of jesus that's my teachat i agree [Applause] you want to start you want me to start no pressure that's good to be back hey chris this group loves you he sends us about eight or ten of us that we're interacting with him on a regular basis one-liners about every week i love you guys so much i want to come back this is my family and so he really is at the heart level connected to this group [Applause] so i'm just gonna step out on this one um i don't have anything clear yet a lot of times when i minister like this it's after being under the anointing of preaching so this is not as usual for me but here's what i do believe that the lord has shown me people in the room parents who have children and i think particularly a younger child with some type of very unique name condition i don't know if this if you have a baby or an infant or ten or under that has a condition a health condition with a unique name would you just stand up and lift up your hand and what's your unique name like what do you mean i don't have it yet but but anybody that has a child with a unique it's probably polysyllabic meaning multiple syllables and sounds very medical okay i'm trying to i saw somebody point yeah just keep standing yeah just just keep standing with the baby you got one right there and if you stand wave your hand because some because it's kind of hard to actually see it's okay so we see you guys those two and three okay i think what i'm seeing help me holy spirit once we get in the vein things will get better hey and there's no hurry i think it's a biracial couple right now yeah i think a biracial couple with a young child is that person in here wait someone's waving way at the back right there there they are okay right back there are you guys biracial i can but i don't i don't know either one of you right i i have no con is that it's true lift up your hand we've not talked or communicated you've not told me anything that's true i thought i know i've never seen you in my life i don't think we've ever spoken even is that is that right um and i don't know as i get more in the vein of this um i don't know if this is you but it's like i'm seeing just a minute i'm seeing a doctor talk about the need or possibility or of something about organ transplant all right no no that's okay i'm hearing something like mida mido fanoff or something like that it's a strange so anybody that that's true there there's the bi racial couple back there but anybody that's true lift up your hand if that's true if you've got a child with a health condition so we knew we do have a few i'm seeing also some uh someone i think it's a child it's name starts with a b um so lord right now every parent that this is true for with a child with a stomach condition health condition i just speak healing right now we rebuke the spirit of infirmity in the name of jesus how many agree with me right now that god is bringing healing right now to these children with these unique conditions and we just declare from this moment forward satan you cannot have them and they are going to live a childhood free of sickness and disease in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah if you have something go ahead i'm just one i'm just wondering do we have somebody in this section here or maybe it's back up into the bleachers but it's in this zone i think you're probably i think you're on the floor i think you're about maybe two thirds to three quarters of the way back you've got a problem in your left hip right here gives you pain and mobility limitation and you're i think you're here but you may be up in the bleachers who is that person that's off target though we'll pray for you no no don't sit down don't sit down don't sit down but part of part of what we're looking for is for the lord's accuracy so yes god meets the faith of those who come remember the lady in luke 6 she didn't or luke 8 she didn't make it to the luke 6 meeting so you're in the wrong section but that doesn't mean you're not going to get healed that's a joke a joke what's that that's a joke yeah so you're you're good just just hang on but who's the person right in here i saw this when i was sitting in the front row while we were worshiping nobody i am a false prophet oh is that you there we go okay i was wrong wasn't on the floor just a little bit back and that wouldn't make you a false prophet i know you're joking i know i am joking everyone doesn't know that you're not mis you're not false why did you sit down don't sit down it's not exactly right stand up again don't don't sit down all right we're going to pray for both of these two women so this woman here is the one i was looking for and this woman oh and we got another one here now people are standing up because they all want it so we're going to pray those around just lay hands on them this is the left hip it's right here in the flexor area we're just going to wait one moment father we thank you so much for giving these words and we thank you for the faith of those who grabbed onto a word now holy spirit we invite you to come and we ask you for your power lord we just talked about how the power is what does everything and now we speak to these hips we speak to this area on the left and we command healing to come in the name of jesus lord release a witness in their body let them feel the power of god let them feel heat let them feel tingling whatever it's going to be but father we speak to that and we say give them a physical witness in their flesh of healing coming to them now let it be yes receive that in jesus name now our first lady who stood up is getting hit a little bit with the spirit and this woman here a little lighter and our other woman back there already sat down are you already healed you look like you're embarrassed am i embarrassing you i don't mean to embarrass you i don't know what to do with her she's she's not giving me any feedback and you're the one i was looking for yes no maybe now she's nodding okay i'm going to take that as a yes if it's not a yes do me a favor come up here to the front and i'm going to sick my daughter and son-in-law and you they're both really anointed at this and we'll finish it off if you aren't already healed the woman back there if you're good just stay where you are chris amen there's something on that whole word about i'm not that's not guess work about the child the lord is doing something in a child's life tonight so the word this is strange i don't know exactly what it means but blue river blue river i don't even know that's a major street right here okay everyone knows we blue river anybody is connected to that i'm not familiar with the area so blue river you mean do they live on it is that what you mean or anything something like it's something like 10 109 or something very close to that where wave if it's you is that you pardon me okay this is something with okay so that's true for you is there somebody else 109th street on blue next to blue river yeah okay so that's address 10909 blue river road okay so you have so far so yes also i think that there's something that's a woman uh i'm seeing a woman with the middle name lee oh that's you and you live at 109 blue river and your middle name's lee really we don't know each other that's a unique name by the way i'm not uh well for a woman i would it's not leroy but it's lee yeah there's a whole that's a family joke to those visiting they don't get it you don't need to get it anyway let's stay focused yeah i don't remember whatever the number was i said a minute ago 109 blue river 10909 blue river and her middle name's lee so you know the enemy loves he would love to bring i don't know if this may this me are you a like i keep seeing i think they like it like a judge i don't think that you're a judge your first name is deborah female judge okay we're getting there we're getting there pardon me chapter five of judges middle name's lee blue river the blue meaning healing i really feel like that there is a stream of healing that the lord is going to flow through you and and the verse that i am there's a verse that um speaks of something along the lines of that the the woman wouldn't be a widow and that the child wouldn't be fatherless or something like that i just break any attempt of the enemy in your life or your past to bring tragedy removing the enemy was like the enemy has wanted to remove and in some ways he's been successful but to take out to remove male figures in your family is that registered to you pardon me [Music] your son died wow [Music] the son died and the father was murdered ten years ago the father was murdered and a year ago the son died now we've never spoken we've never communicated i don't know i don't we've never talked is that true lift up your hand um there's another name too and i don't know if something it's i don't know if it's something that starts with an n it's a unique name like i haven't got it quite right on the tip of my tongue but there's something like i'm seeing that you know tom and jerry uh [Music] so the so the lord i i see you smiling so okay what is it her son's name was tom yeah what's the last name no wig that's the name that's the word that's the name that starts with an n was that the one that that you lost yes like speak for so we can hear you [Music] i want to break the spirit of tragedy i feel that right now now we're getting in the flow we're getting in the flow the lord loves unique services like this these these formats but i want to tell you there are people in this room [Music] that the blue river of healing wants to bring healing to their home their hurts the things that the tragedies that have brought hurt and harm lord let that blue mantle fall upon this dear lady father i just pray right now in the name of jesus christ that depression cannot set in does that make sense to you you know what i'm talking about the enemy with love for depression you're a psych nurse well there you go i think we're in the flow now that's good i've never seen the woman i've never talked to her not connected to her in any way that's true so lord right now i just pray that every person that she ministers to is a psych nurse that she will have healing not just flow to her but through her and so that she will have a ministry to those who have come through tragedy and lost when he's prophesying don't do the clapping tell afterwards so he can finish it and they can hear it then you can clap go ahead and anybody else stay standing holy spirit's all over you that's one of the manifestations ken is talking about so lord i also ask you to touch even her vocal cords right now and strengthen her lungs now lord i just declare right from this moment that she's going to have strength in her voice strength in her lungs strengthen her body lord we just declare no weak spells are going to be able to thrive in her life or in her daily life and here's another thing this this whole depression wouldn't it be just like the enemy someone who's a psych nurse to to be attacked with darkness and depression but we just break that off of you in the name of jesus go ahead i just want to ask you a follow-on question it's hard to answer in front of 1800 of your best friends but have you had not so much suicide but if you had thoughts of death being fixated on it would be better or i'm ready to go now nothing like that that's not but that's not the thing sometimes when when we get hit with trash paul talked about this right we were under so much pressure in the province of asia that we despaired of life itself that hasn't happened despite your son and your husband okay then i won't i'll just leave it right there okay i see um you you can be seated that there's not only a healing that a completed healing in you but through you and you're going to have a blue river of healing to be able to speak counsel minister to people who have experienced loss and tragedy your trials and your difficulties and your loss has not going to waste it's not gone to waste [Music] so i see this i'm trying to interpret what i'm seeing here the word love almost like on the arm i don't know if it's like um words like a tattoo is what you think yeah a lot i don't know i don't know anybody got love two on their arm okay go ahead and stand up if you do you've got that on your arm stand up wait there's [Music] let the love of god be the strength that carries you with arms let the love of god carry each of you lord so i for some reason i see like ezra the scribe ezra the scribe and what does that mean to you her middle name is ezra good um the rest of you keep standing no this this word's for her but it's also for the rest of you ephesians 3 19. where's it at can i see it love suffers long and is kind so i'm seeing ephesians 3 19. somebody read if your birthday is 3 93 19. but what's ephesians 3 19 say that's great that's just an added blessing somebody read ephesians 3 19 is that you would comprehend the fullness of the love of god so you could walk in the fullness of god's purpose that you might be filled with the fullness of god so the verse itself is about love and god has written his love not only on your own in your nature as you've written it on your arm and i feel like as you're perfected in love you'll be filled with the fullness of god as you mature into agape and i declare in the name of jesus that god is going to use you as a bridge to the races lord i thank you that she will even speak into the lives of palestinians and arabs and jews she's she's that's her background yeah so lord we just declare the isaiah 19 mandate upon her life lord that you're going to raise up a people that now that's what we call a manifestation of the holy spirit 319 ephesians 3 19 the love of god being filled with the love of god and filled up with the fullness of the measure of god thank you lord so your middle name's ezra your birthday's 319. you got love on your arm which is in 319. you're the word love and part jewish and isaiah 19 is one of her passions i mean i know her she's been around for years here okay but i don't know [Music] the lord knows all of us doesn't he but the ezra nobody knows her middle name okay um but her passion is the isaiah 19 the bridging of those in the middle east that's what really it's god that's why it's touching now we're in the anointing i thought we're going to struggle for a minute but now the anointing's here so lord i just declare that not only for this uh dear sister but for every person in this room they'll walk in their biblical mandated purpose that love would be tattooed upon their hearts and that they would be filled with all the fullness of god to be a bridge to the different races to be able to minister reconciliation the ministry of reconciliation which you've given to the body of christ lord just let it happen in these racially tense times let the body of christ be the healing balm of gilead in this hour praise god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord so it's not winter it's not spring it's not fall it's summer [Music] [Music] now we'll keep moving forward with this i don't know exactly if that if that's a name of someone or if it's speaking disease summer is that the name summer is that what you're asking i i yeah i mean obviously we're in summer it's not is anybody where there's summer in the room right there you are in you're living up to your name you are in the prime season of your life [Music] are there so i'm seeing which one of you like uh wait there's a summer up there too wave wave so we can see it no which one is my scene it's like two daughters and a son maybe you're that that's her she's got two daughters and i i know her that's some emergency i know we're well actually thank you and the other one keep standing don't sit down so quick if you sit down just stay right in there and say lord hurry up thank you lord so what about the two daughters in the sun i like i really like them so so something else i don't know if you do art or you are she does art she's really involved in art she's a very good artist because the gifting of the ministry of arts is really good at art you know how to paint a picture but it's weird it's like i keep seeing something like uh wait if the daughters are close to her have them stand up are they yeah they're right next door there they are they've been here like for 15 years we love these guys thank you lord rick go ahead and stand up i mean you're the hubby there's the sun there's the sun [Music] thank you lord for anything for those daughters this comes to you [Music] i love them the lord's going to have by the way there's going to be people that are going to leave here tonight you're going to have you're going to be like a twin in the spirit i just i just heard that and even though these two look very much alike lord i just pray that prophetic intercession mantle and anointing over these two daughters lord that they'll raise up in the fullness of their purpose with a unique gifting on both of them healing and prophecy in the name of jesus i thank you lord for this man what did you say his name was rick rick so lord i thank you for rick and i thank you lord that even it's his name was mentioned by someone here tonight i don't know if it's new york or new york city i know eric is from there but i keep seeing like um what is it was was it uh times square church does that mean anything to you i don't wait wave if that means something to you okay what does it mean david wilkerson his last name is wilkerson times square church's david wilkerson that's her last name so lord i thank you for that connection i couldn't remember the man's name but i thank you for the connection to new york city to times square church lord i thank you that right now you are going to put them right in the middle of your purpose and your will and i pray lord right now for this family and someone i um i don't know if the lord's wanting me to tell you that he's the potter and i see clay that's her brother yeah stay with clay just stay with that one clay's her brother he's one of our worship leaders okay so lord i thank you for clay and i thank you that he is moldable in your hand and that he will live up lord to that identity on the potter's will lord i just pray right now that the lives of these and there's a shaping pressure being applied at times right now this is right now that's actual that's true there is pressure various situations family situations even um lord i'm just praying that the provision of heaven would resources would open up to them in a whole new way that they will not have to worry about money and finances but that they can fulfill the greater purposes of god and that lord that they will paint a as our sister here will paint a picture of what god is doing in this hour there is it's like i see a painting of the world and the lord is saying i'm zeroing in and i'm going to show you my purposes so lord i just pray right now for that eagle anointing on paper i don't know everything that i'm saying but the lord knows exactly do you know does that make sense to you the eagle's anointed and tell us what is that what she paints rick say it out loud we can't quit here so the hand lettering you write that word so let that word eagle as lord as she's being pushed out of her nest let this family soar to heights they never have and i declare lord there's going to be a family unity and a family oneness a koinonia fellowship and there's someone who is a a man it's not in your these people but i think it's someone that you're connected to a man who's had various significant health issues and right now the lord is touching this man who i believe is about in his 60s or something like that the lord is ministering right now and i declare sorry where's the oh robert right there wave robert that's him right i didn't know you hallelujah so i just declare a few things here's what the enemy would love to destroy he would love through blood i don't know why the lord is highlighting blood blood sugar blood pressure heart in different conditions and different things but lord i'm asking right now for you to touch mr edward yes that's her last name mr edwards from the top of his head to the souls of wait i'm going to have his wife i'm not going to say her name have her stand up too this is a family affair here they've been such a rock family here for literally 20 years so edwards is their last name you're right i don't know exactly what this would pertain to my mom's name is donna that's the woman who just stood okay her name is donna edwards she just stood up yeah all right i didn't want to say her name touched my sister and her hips and her back and i just declared it right now in the name of jesus the great surgeon the great physician will give you the hip replacement the knee replacement [Music] not by the hand of a man but by the hand of the great physician i don't know these people but god knows them and he's doing a work he's performing surgery and healing their body how he's glad to know christ the healer [Music] yeah she's got real problems hypny all that for many many years and we all know her wealth they've been here 20 years that's why so hip and knee problems kind of that's right polio she said so lord i i have a cousin uh that also suffered polio back i think in the late 50s early 60s his name was um john and so lord i just know what that can do in someone's life and i thank you for just the supernatural touch of god and the joints the ligaments the tendons for both of them from this night forward let her be able to sleep lord this business of tossing and turning not being able to stay asleep for extended periods of time i just break that off of her right now in the name of jesus may you give your beloved sleep just wait just let him finish just give him just wait for a minute thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit joint pain i don't know if it's arthritis or what it might be but i just break that right now in the name of jesus and i'm declaring [Music] this is for them but it's also for people in this room i break any genetic or historical connections in your families to cancer [Music] it shall not be the thing which takes them out neither anyone else who is claiming this victory with me right now christ the healer is in the room by his stripes you are healed hallelujah hallelujah go ahead i don't want to just take the whole thing no no we're good we're not worried who takes the whole thing let's just wait on the lord for a few minutes thank you jesus nobody minds if somebody takes the whole thing but let's aren't you glad that the lord is a healer for this see [Applause] did donna did you did i hear correctly that you have diabetes no i thought i heard you say that not diabetes no she said pull it without diabetes i heard the polio thank you just just checking how many people here have sugar diabetes go ahead and stand up real quick if you do steve good to see you i mean i know it's distressingly common but do me a favor hold up your hand if you would if you're standing for prayer so i can confirm that i've got the right people one two three four five six seven eight nine ten is that hand up or on your head 11 12 13 14 15 16. looking in the bleachers 17 am i missing somebody up there 18 19 20 21 22 3 4 5 six twenty seven eight nine thirty one i had the number 32 who's the 32nd person i either missed you where oh there okay 32 that's the number i was looking for okay we're going to pray for you and ask the lord to balance your blood sugar you ready just relax father we ask now for the power of the spirit to come over these and we ask that you would raise the dead because diabetes is when the pancreas has died and now the spirit's falling on that woman over there in blue right now lord we just ask for power to be released the same power that raised jesus up from the tomb and we speak to the spirit of death that has attached itself to the pancreases of these people and we command you to come off of them now in jesus name go that's it go in jesus name and we command the blood sugar now to drop drop drop and come into normal alignment in the name of jesus lord we're looking for 32 healings tonight now give them a witness in their body let them feel the virtue of the risen jesus move through their physical frame that they would know you've touched them in this room tonight now just wait just wait that man there's no hurry no you're kind of in the center section in pink you're our next indicator the lord hit her pretty hard you're our next barometer right there just relax father we ask you open the heavens and let that power that raised jesus from the dead come down upon them and this man in blue your blood sugar has been fluctuating of late it's spiked and then dropped and just when you think it's doing well then it goes back and it's caused you some secondary problems we call them complications of diabetes now lord we ask you down into the toes neuropathy lord we ask that you bring sensation back into the limbs in the name of jesus let it come now in the name of jesus are you henry sir and blue are you henry you're not henry is there a henry that's standing up one of you i don't know why i'm getting the name henry but maybe he's a straggler except i was looking for 32 and we got 32. so [Music] i'm gonna broaden it because sometimes sometimes i'm approximate is there a henry with an endocrine condition henry with an endocrine condition doesn't need to be diabetes henry someone's pointing i'm looking i could be missing hmm well i'll pass it back to you chris all right so i i'm seeing the number i think it's like six zero zero seven does that mean anything to anybody six zero zero seven six zero seven if that means something to you by the way you have no idea how many times somebody has come up to me after service and said that was me i i think that's well let's just hang on for a minute because some sometimes i've seen this over the years it doesn't connect i go ah wait just wait for a second what's the number again like 6007. where go ahead what's that mean to you it's the end of her bank account number all right what's the first couple numbers no oh never wait i'm sorry i'm sorry i mean is that does that seem like something that you're not really really yeah because you have a need and the lord is the supplier the jehovah jireh and even though there's been a difficulty at paying specific payments i feel like and i'm not a prosperity gospel preacher don't misunderstand me but he is we are we are the children of abraham and abraham was told to look claim claimed that even though we're not really naming and claiming it there's a specific bill that the lord said that he's going to take care for you so that it does not have to be a continuing strain on you or re-injuring or hurting credit and so lord i just declare in the name of jesus for that provision for my sister who has been praying for financial provision for you to split a red sea for you to be a way maker and i lord i just pray right now in jesus name for that anointing to be upon her of provision and lord that when this comes through that she's going to be able to pray for people who have specific financial needs and he's going to supply in that bank account within the next 30 days the provision for that need and situation do you believe that do you know that the lord is going to do that amen let's praise the lord together for that [Applause] [Music] so i'm also seeing quickly um i don't know if there's a family here you've been uh the husband and wife have been together i believe it's like 38 years anybody 38 years just go ahead and stand up real quickly yeah that's it that's okay there's a handful there's a few you know i just 38 years the number 38 in the scripture wasn't it the um the lame man yeah 38 years bethesda and what what about in acts 3 the man laid at the gate i'm having a brain lapse here i don't know if 38's in that story or not but i know the man that laid at the pool so lord i'm declaring right now the number 38 every paralyzed marriage that is not a and i'm not saying that's true for the one standing i'm praying this in part i'm praying for every marriage tonight that is weakened that is paralyzed that they will not sit by the pool but that there will be a life of enrichment like they've never experienced before in the name of jesus and i i it's not blackman but jackman or something does that anybody strike you wait say it again not black but he talks and riddles all the time not black man i mean that's just how his way is it is jackman is the name you're talking about right okay how old are you ma'am is your family here okay stay right there is the family that i couldn't hear what is that family here tonight or no [Music] they're watching so somebody within in the family it's like um ryan something ryan um and then there's like a a chris maybe christopher ryan is somewhere where stand up real quick and wait for him that's christopher ryan [Music] jackman's son is named chris so we got a chris jackson and chris ryan lord what are you trying to do here and we got 38 and and mention what the pool means you said don't be by yeah you know which is an important concept sitting beside the pool the life passing by crippled paralyzed without the crippled guy with bethesda for 38 years set by the pool and he didn't get free that's until the lord came so i just pray lord right now in the name of jesus that you will heal every hurt for this young man right there that he will not be stalled in his purposes that you will provide for him everything that he needs and i declare in the name of jesus from this moment forward he will be a christopher a cross bearer and will carry the life of christ and he'll live up to that name and even though there have been difficulties even as a young man i just break any form of rejection or feeling as though he's not good enough or self-esteem issues i just break that off of you and may the joy of the lord be your strength and you be filled with a new level of the joy of the lord and i pray for this 38 year old uh marriage lord whoever this is here we got her on the phone we're on the phone and now just just stay here here let's let wait let's put it on hey come up here and yeah make it work good to see you man he's been one of our leaders here for many years he just flew in for the for the meeting good to see you man okay yeah okay what's what's the name ryan i keep let's put it on speaker say it again becky okay so we got a christopher ryan jackman and a christopher ryan yeah so we got a couple of them going on and they've been married 38 years i think that's the one okay yeah i'm sensing it [Music] pardon me he's 38. [Music] yeah right but at 38 years old at a church pool of bethesda face rejection i just heal every church hurt and rejection for christopher ryan well let's go we got couple christopher ryan's going here and so let's just stay with us for a minute yeah family revival right now in the name of jesus for this family i declare how many children do you have becky how many children do you have two two all right what was the other name i had no i said it just oh christopher ryan that's right jackman natalie or something what what what is that he said natalie i saw the name natalie what's natalie that's your daughter good deal chris and natalie jackman i'm sensing it really the one right here yeah just stay with this one but you know the lord has a way of like narrating these threading these um it's really hard to hear so sorry if we're not answering no that's okay so lord i thank you for this couple and the ups and the downs that they have experienced in the difficulties they've survived and that their marriage is to be a witness and a testimony that you do not have to lay beside a pool and die paralyzed in your marriage but i thank you lord that this couple and their children will be a testimony to the strength of marriage in this hour when it's under assault like never before lord i'm just praying for chris and i'm praying for natalie and i'm praying god for you matches made in heaven lord for unity healing restoration forgiveness and just a total makeover in their whole lives in every way but particularly in relationships and so lord for for this moment forward the number 38 meaning paralyzed i break every stronghold every crippled paralyzed marriage and i just declare peace and victory and enrichment over this family and i pray for is it bruce is that what you said lord that you'll just touch him and bring healing to him as well and lord just touch him in his neck his back and shoulders lord we just declare he will not have to suffer with arthritis pain but specifically l4 and l5 and lord just the posture in his back i just pray right now that he'll have the backbone of steel and right now in his back in the name of jesus that you will touch him and heal him and remove this pain and this affliction on him and lord i also i there's someone i don't know if it's you ma'am but but with a hormonal imbalance and i just speak right pardon me yes yes thank you holy spirit man i'm in the flow now i just feel like i could climb a wall or something so lord i just thank you for touching that and bringing balance lord in her body the hormonal balance in the name of jesus and the healing of the back the balancing of the chemistry in her blood lord as well in jesus name we just declare these bouts of of of tiredness to be broken off of her lord in the name of jesus that she will have strength and even at two and three in the afternoon she'll not be tired but she'll have strength to finish the day and finish it strong and we just break that tiredness in the name of jesus i declare by his stripes ma'am you are healed and so is your husband and i'm just declaring a blessing the blessing of abraham over your family and the marriage is in it i would like her to tell us tell us how you're responding any of the things he said like physically or to the words anything anything that touches up i'm burning up my face is burning up my body is burning up you mean like the spirit touching you burning up or something else okay yes the spirit of god is touching me my face is burning my body is burning i'm responding to what you're saying it is true i had a surgery several years ago related to the hormone imbalance and um and i've had problems since with a very very slow metabolism from it so the exhaustion is real and how about your husband and the back was how did that register to you yeah i've been having some issues the last couple weeks with my lower back and it's just been uh just giving me fits and so uh it's uh i really feel it's feeling much much much better and he had um pneumonia this winter and since then he's had problems with his back and so the relate the word about your children relationship does that connect to you well those are our children sure and i'm not exactly sure but our are we our marriage started very difficult we were a hot mess my daughter was i was pregnant with my daughter before i got married and so i i believe it and the lord spoke to me in 1983 and said that i would marry bruce so i believe it it is it's this is us and we receive this word well lord i'm gonna ask for the fire of the holy spirit to increase more and more lord touch them more and you can thank lewis for calling you up and bringing this phone call up here okay now you can thank the lord after see that that is sovereign that's not guess work the lord knows what he's doing and he wants all of us to be vessels that he can speak through and it's not just about a one-man gifted one person but body ministry is going to increase in a supernatural way in this period of time i'm declaring it this weekend there's going to be a new release of body ministry in kansas city and i i want to say about the uh word you gave me about the financial uh breakthrough in 30 days if something happens come and tell us okay just let us know if that go ahead i mean in the next 30 days because i i like to check words out and check in on them instead of you know you know you know hallelujah i don't know why i keep seeing a picture of someone having a flat tire it's like someone i believe is over here right now what's that mean so i i don't know you at all but did you like something happened um can i have a little more monitor i must be deaf or something lord pray for me somebody so did you a flat tire was it is that is that is are you the one on the way here yesterday he had a flat tire yesterday i feel like that the enemy go ahead okay so so lord i just pray right now did you change it you changed it he changed i knew something was like right before you came here but you i didn't know that but the lord knew it and and i feel like that there's something i'm just waiting on the lord it was just like that there was someone that could have helped you but didn't or something i i can't quite catch exactly what that means but the lord knows and so god here tonight he came to church and changed this flat tire let's just wait we're not a hurry and i feel like that there are people in this room and particularly you my friend that the enemy would like to stifle you in your journey from you know from progressing from moving forward getting to your destination and i just declare right now in the name of jesus [Music] something bad which tire was it okay back right that's what i said something back i i and and why would that matter i i don't to build faith to build faith i didn't guess that i had a flat tire recently and it was my front but i said something back i knew it was like was it back right okay back right so lord i just declare right now for a supernatural help on his journey and i'm trying to tune into what the spirit's trying to say about this but i know i saw it for a reason so lord every single person in this room that is struggling in their journey on their journey that they're they're facing difficulty i just pray right now that there will be a grace released to bring things back into balance and anything that's been flattened or anything that is lost air the enemy would love to just pop the air right out of your faith out of your praise out of your joy but i feel like that the lord allowed that to happen as a sign and a wonder that he he and you know what i think something else i think the lord likes to share things like that to show us he sees the little things that seem insignificant and and the message is that the lord's going to help him in his life there's some kind of going in a new way get going in a new way at a new speed a new level and there's going to be an acceleration new relationships new connections is there like a new kind of relationship okay i guess i guess so just make sure she's not your spare no i'm i'm being light-hearted okay okay you stand back outside i just feel like that if you can just tune in and discern what god is trying to do and you're i don't the lord knows you and everything about you and he wants to knit your hearts in his will and if you'll seek him above seeking each other then his purposes can be fulfilled in your life so i just declare this acceleration wait wait wait wait in progress and moving forward in their journey and lord if they're supposed to be let it be but lord whatever help my brother from this night forward to not experience a roadside issue in life but that he will move forward and progress in the things of god in the highway of holiness isaiah 35. you think that sounds crazy but the bible talks about highway and i think we're all on a journey and you're just at a specific point where god's releasing fresh grace to you and to you from this moment forward let's praise the lord for saying i'm going to help you through those things you're saying lord and he says i hear you i'm with you have you been seeking him about this situation talking to him i feel like the whole coming together was sort of a unique story it wasn't just a mutual friends kind of thing but it was like is that right it was like some kind of unique situation that even brought this together um and it's out of the ordinary what does does that make sense to you if it does lift up your hand if that's right so that's true you know i love this the this is what happens by the way this is just a quick teaching moment when you are under the unction of prophecy or words of knowledge that leads to prophet prophecy or to healing the longer you talk the more you connect with their spirit just like when jesus sat down with the woman at the well and he began to have a conversation with her after they talked about water and how they're going to draw water and then he tuned into her spirit and discerned her circumstances he said go call your husband she said i have no husband he said you've said well you've had five the one you're with now is not your husband so it's like the longer that you talk so thank you lord for that unique coming together and i just pray right now for people in this room there are people in this room you are praying for a significant other and everyone that's supposed to have a significant other i pray that there be such sovereignty and such bliss that what god puts together let no man doubt or put asunder and i i'm not predicting these two to get married and i'm not saying they won't i want to make that clear but i am saying that your life is defined it's like i hear you guys even talking about that something about it you know we want what god wants but it's not about this conversation like in the car or something but thank you lord for this uniqueness this unique couple with their unique gifts and i'm just praying your sovereign hand upon their life and thank you for helping on them on their way in their journey let's praise the lord one more time [Applause] [Music] yes we we got a little testimony here i think this is um the very first child that you were talking about there's a couple their biracial marriage they've been in the hospital they're still in the hospital right now their daughter's name is tikvah and she's been suffering with pulmonary vein stenosis so they think that was the word you were referring to the strange disease the one you started with touch tikva in the name of jesus and just supernaturally let the angel of the lord go into that very room let's all agree that it's a very important a little one-year-old together imagine it being your checkup let's can we stand up everybody join me and stand up yeah we just declare healing for tikvah she's one years old yes pulmonary vein stenosis in jesus name lord we ask you lord we ask you to extend your hand for healing right now we stand with ari and his and their daughter right now that the power of the holy spirit would touch this little one in the hospital in jesus name hallelujah so i just want to speak encouragement to the father ari are you on there i am yes so i want you to expect a change in this situation that starting tonight we're declaring the angel of the lord to visit this child in that room and that it will be a testimony to the greatness of our god and his mighty power in the name of jesus christ we release it into your hands lord to bring it to pass amen amen thank you good thank you ari well we're going to end with that you got anything you want one a couple more moments you got something you he's saying he doesn't know how adventuresome he feels right now let me go back to this couple over here real quick that chris was just speaking to you know this whole thing of the tire i think it's kind of a word play it's prophetic word play so this could almost sound cheesy but i'm just going to say i think somehow you lost your drive and so things were slowing down as with a car with a flat tire and things are out of balance you need you know all the tires to be filled so things have been out of balance and i think the lord is encouraging you to um find it find a new place with the holy spirit because this thing i think this is word in spirit actually you know these two come into balance and this is really where we want to be and somehow spirit was maybe out of balance in your world i think the lord wants to rebalance that so your your path is smoother does that make sense you've been kind of on a rough ride as it were let's say it's a little bit of a weird play but yeah does that fit so i really would encourage you to to seek after the things of the spirit for this um because i believe god will give you a much better ride going forward all right the other thing i wanted to ask is was there i see a woman holding a baby back there but i don't know if it's her and i see people leaving so we may be a bit late to the party but is there or was there a baby back in that zone near the exit who had a problem with the neck such the the neck was i don't know somehow crooked or something what didn't quite straighten correctly is that your baby you don't i don't even know if you know i'm not you is that are you shaking your head she's saying no okay so like i said i i don't know people could have left i'll just leave it at that we'll stop okay so we're gonna say thank you lord we thank you for tonight we thank you for these two weekends in july we ask you to unfold this divine poetic purpose that you've been initiating and we say it's your leadership we want what you want but we say thank you in jesus name amen so tomorrow night six o'clock right here if you want a book signing bonhoeffer book eric it's going to be right back there and so get a book and he'll sign and dean's gonna be with you eric just just to be a help so see you tomorrow night six o'clock come a few minutes early to come get a seat yeah thank you worship team thank you thank you yeah just go ahead and just says we're going out if you don't mind [Music] is [Music] for you you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 105,851
Rating: 4.8832116 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, ihopkc 2020, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, sunday, church, francis chan 2021, eric metaxas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, christian music 2021
Id: DBNRcr8vV-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 30sec (13470 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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