Jaye Thomas // April 21, 2016

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[Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus holy jesus [Music] [Music] reason exalted gee Oh [Music] your name is like honey on my lips spirit like water to my soul the word is a [Music] to my feet Jesus I love you [Music] love you [Music] gee [Music] gee [Music] holy and anointed gee [Music] Jesus [Music] gee [Music] exalted [Music] your name is like hard on my lips your spear is like wow to your word is a lamp to my Jesus I love [Music] your name is like Oh your spirit like while to my son [Music] to Jesus dead [Music] Jesus and [Music] you [Music] Jesus [Music] you [Music] [Music] Jesus I love I love you Jesus of you Jesus you [Music] Jesus [Music] you I love Jesus of you Jesus Jesus you Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] we love Jesus you're the beautiful one we love your name [Music] we your name Jesus you're the beautiful one we we love your name Jesus you're the plaintiff or one we love your name [Music] me your name Jesus you're the painful we love your Kings [Music] you [Music] yeah [Music] No [Music] we love the preeminence of your holy you came and brought us into the rain of you're we name you came into the rain of great the parade you can city grace we love your holy name you came and brought us into the rain of great we Jesus you're the we your name [Music] we Jesus you're the beautiful one we love your name we love you King of Kings how we love I love you King of Kings coming [Music] we love the fragrance we love the premature [Music] we love the fragrance of your you came you love the fragrance we love the Ravens up your you to the [Music] the ravings of your [Music] [Music] easy to why we see the to Lord [Music] we sing [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how lovely is your dwelling place for my soul and even things for you for here my heart is satisfied do you see your beauty to find you in the place your blow read [Music] better is a one-day theokoles better is is one daily of quartz and elsewhere better of course there is one day is my daily of course the bowels elsewhere thousands elsewhere [Music] what they [Music] and I will see to see you five years the place your glory the world one thing I ask one big and to see your beauty to find you those place your read better and better the outputs better is Monday your house thousands elsewhere [Music] one day in your courts of course better [Music] and I swear [Music] of course [Music] better better house better [Music] good better is [Music] my turn [Music] [Music] No [Music] better Oh better one day [Music] birthday [Music] to be [Music] right here where you right here where you please sell to the rather be the right here where you right here where you there's no place else I'd rather be than right here where you are right here where you please help son rather be that right here where you but right here where you there's no place else I'd rather be but right here where you right here where you there's no place else I'd rather be then right here right here where you there's no place there's no place else I'd rather be then right here that right here there's no blame the way I'd rather be right here right here where you there's no place there's no place else I'd rather be sit right here right here [Music] [Music] [Music] the place else rather be than right here where you are right here where you are there's no place else I'd rather be than right here with you right here where oh there's no place else I'd rather be right here where you are right here where you were scooped lisl's a rather be than right here where you are right here where you [Music] just to be close to you just to be close to you just to be close to you is my desire just to be close to you just to be close to you just to be close to him he's my desire just to be close to you just to be close to you just to be close to you is my desire just to be close to you just to be gloves to you just to be gloves to you he's mine to suit be close to you just to be close to you just to be close to you is my desire yeah [Music] just to be close to you just to be close to you just to be close to you [Music] just to be close to tusu be close to you just to be close to you is my desire just to be close to shoot me just to be close to you just to me to you to be close to you just to be close to you just to be to you these might is to be close to you just will be just to be soon is not dude [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is your turn [Music] how [Music] is the place where [Music] my for the courts of Lord just to be with you just to dwell where God [Music] to be with you [Music] even the smell [Music] and your altars alone blessed are those who dwell in your [Music] so longs to be where you are [Music] cuz your course how lovely is your tabernacle is your tabernacle beautiful the quarter the place your glory dwelling [Music] please where you are is beautiful [Music] is your dwelling place [Music] my soul longs for you filled with straight whoa I love to be to be right [Music] you're filled with light forevermore Nations they're laid with precious stones to sanity use longing for water my soul belongs to dwell in your quarters you Jesus I wanna be [Music] the EU is longing for muttered the souls longing to fill in your altar I wanna be with you Jesus I wanna be with you just a sturdy who for water my soul longing to well if your altars Jesus I wanna be you just size the demons longing for water my soul is longing to dwell in your altars I wanna be you Jesus I wanna be the you just be who is longing for waters souls no need to dwell in your altars I wanna be you Jesus I wanna be with you [Music] my heart and my flesh cry out for you living [Music] my heart is aching for there's one thing rooted in my heart something I just cannot live without this is what I was made for to try to see God I just can't bear the distance anymore I'm a mere never be fully alive until I with you [Music] I can feel it deep inside calling to you like an eternal craving with it there's a place in your presence that money cannot buy [Music] the poor feeling the rich feeling at kated the wealthy fear there's nothing I can do to ever [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] is it [Music] is written [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the very voice of the Lord whether you were rich or poor there's a brother side the heart of every man we're longing for the very courts of the Lord whether we are rich or poor they liberal inside the heart we're longing for the very courts of the Lord whether we are rich or poor there's our own inside the heart of every man we're longing for in the very courts of the Lord whether we are rich or poor there's a groan inside the heart of every man for the very courts of the Lord where we are rich or poor there's a growing for the very courts a board with a weird inch or port there's a grown inside the heart what the very cards left our Lord whether we are in short one there's a grown inside our heart longing for the very good stuff [Music] I found its home in your presence I long [Music] Oh God [Music] as well with you the question of the day is what do we know about sparrows we know they don't [Music] he takes care of the sparrow seemingly insignificant yet they had [Music] belike simplify resting in you present all of me keep my not anxious for anything not worried Oh [Music] to make you my Helen see I've prepared a place for you [Music] I find your rest find your to live in the shadow of your wings I'm my home in your breasts in your shelter [Music] by I wanna stay [Music] it's my one [Music] has found true rest in the Sun my god I found in the shed my god [Music] [Music] [Music] in your name [Music] in the shadow [Music] my home [Music] [Music] Oh well [Music] just to [Laughter] just to [Music] just [Music] sube [Laughter] I wanna be I wanna be I want to be [Music] [Applause] I wanna be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] well Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see love in the eyes of jealously in the eyes our key strong Gaston constant as pulling of the moon upon the ocean loves really [Music] [Music] [Music] the eyes of he longs for his bride to be with [Music] [Music] we can feel your mood we can feel your irresistible warts picking us closer making us closer we will come away you you're the one that we desire No [Music] I see love in the eyes a jealous flame in the eyes of ki how he longs and how he longs for his bride to be with him to abandon her of with the word this empty thing [Music] we can feel we can feel your mood we can hear mr. Boies picking us closer they get us closer come away leave you you're the one that we desire No [Music] we keep you young we can hear you boys mechanis closer back at us we will come away with you you're the one that beat [Music] never of my soul my key I am go we [Music] I will come away with you I am your beloved [Applause] never [Music] my G [Music] [Music] better my son and you be less now you go I am [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I said is the one his heart is set on a pilgrimage I say get a spare [Music] and they will go from strength to strength each one will appear before God [Music] Georgiy said blessed is a man whose strength is in you so I set my heart on you today I find my strength in you alone determined for you to be my strength I can too mother I know look into now I lean on you alone and there you go I need you guard you you my stray apart from you I can do nothing you are my strength recognize did you load our my string in you my house [Music] I set my heart but theirs is the kingdom of God our Luther [Music] Oh [Music] mystery [Music] you times of weakness which is 24 hours a day you are my strengths and comfort ends and soon all flesh is gone I will never stop being interview you are the one I said my strength apart cuz [Music] and comforters and soon all flesh is gone [Music] you are the one I said [Music] my heart [Music] you [Music] straight [Music] this journey you will be strangers and it's a fairly sometimes the valley is sorrow it's a valley of weeping sometimes some days tears have been my food day you say my grace sufficient for you you say my strength is made perfect in your way each day trouble [Music] even in the belly oh thank you [Music] my strength is in you I will trust in another door so I set my heart speaking you my heart [Music] you are the [Applause] [Music] I said my heart [Music] Oh [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I trust you absolute value freebie night no your presence is still with me I know you're here I trust you I trust you God [Music] of accusing you of wrongdoing I adore I will appear before God inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] I give thanks no self here [Music] with you there is rain in the try place [Music] counter [Music] to change my perspective I'm gonna change my perspective what is it to you that I am tempted when you yourself pretend to get without sin [Music] [Applause] [Music] with new mercies [Music] huge [Music] is hard but there are no nail prints in my is I believe that I'll make it so I change my perspective [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go in [Music] I'm going to see your face [Music] going from straight to straight going to see your face [Music] go straight - straight I'm going going to see [Music] [Music] my god [Music] to see trust you [Music] to sing louder [Music] I'll just see that you are God I trust you miss dolly I'll just sing that EUI you perspective I'll just sing lady you are and I just you love I'll just let me you [Music] changing my perspective finally I'll just see there you are I trust you [Music] I'll Jane Celie you are God [Music] [Music] determined to make the valley a place of account [Music] this valley is for we know this [Music] thank you [Music] yeah [Music] might even be the valley of the shadow of death it's just a busy year so thank you for the pressures and thank you for the pay these momentary light affliction are working in me [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is working for me working for me [Music] the Tricia's will not push me away change the way I see your hand upon me [Music] Oh pray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] from this body I'll just you I trust you learn from me Bali I just seen you are God I'll just god [Music] that you are God I trust you from me I'll just say thank you I just do [Music] I'll just sing maybe you trust you my god [Music] [Music] [Music] she comes when the pressure comes he'll be remembered you are my dream muscle my deliverer my heel pressure comes then let Watership come my work should come when the pressures come help me remember you have never failed me yet to let me down let my response me that you are good that my response be praised oh you will here I've seen thank you for the pressures thank you for the pain thank you God for you want my strength your I swear to come I will sing to you my god I want to know what it means to count it all joy I want to laugh in the face my trouble [Music] you say love your soul the brakes [Music] never see me lift a make the Lord my strength [Music] I want to take the time right now for those in the room breaking from the norm I just feel like right now there are some people in the room or under pressure you're in the valley maybe the valley of weeping sickness paying pressure whenever the pressures are I thought the Lord is singing this song over you right now now just when I asked if that's you you're feeling pressure and you're going I need that grace to find the joy in the pressure I want to ask you if you would stand then move to the aisle so we want to pray for you go and ask people in the room to just gather around you and pray as we sing over you the heart of the Father that he loves you he is for you that there is joy in the valley and that his call to you is to worship and to praise him in the midst of your valley and that's you I just wanna ask you to quickly move to the aisles and if you see someone gathered around you but if you see someone get a standing I want you to gather around them two or three to gather around each one to begin to pray and a salute for grace for grace to endure this valley season brace Psalm 94 over then we're just gonna continue to sing but let this become your heart posture before the Lord the few in the room who still don't have anyone to pray for them it's one right here in the front one right there [Music] thank you Lord father ask you for every believer who's standing right now in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for the pressures which are pale in comparison to the pressures that the Son of man walked through the valley of weeping that he walked through Lord ask you that you would change our perspective change our understanding of pressure God we want to say thank you for the pressures in our lives we want gratitude to be our heart posture for it's in the place of gratitude that we experience a deeper level of your presence God you said to be thankful in all things for this is your will concerning us father you said to enter into your gates with Thanksgiving and into your courts with praise God it's impossible to come into your presence without gratitude regardless of the season that we're in and so God we say that even in the season of pressure God we are changing our mindset we are choosing gratitude we're choosing thankfulness we are choosing to remember that you are faithful you are faithful God you've always been faithful you're always be faithful it's who you are not what you do how do we say thank you that you're good you're good and your mercy endures thank you that you're taking us from glory to glory thank you that you're taking us from strength to strength thank you that you're conforming us bigger image thank you that you're making us into the very image of your son Jesus thank you God that these pressures are not for naught but God you have our best interest at 9 and at heart O God we say thank you for the pressures we say we will find the joy in the pressure we will find the joy even the valley of weeping even in the shadow of death God because even to die means to be with you and so God there's joy even in death so today we speak joy we speak joy over every believer in Jesus name and the presence of God the fullness of all that you have for us we say God we want to walk into it today by faith in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you for [Music] thank you for the bread sir thank you for face [Music] Thank You professor thank you for [Music] thank you for the pressure thank you thank you sir thank you for the pain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] making me stronger you're making me braver you're making me wise you making me crave you're making me stronger they were making me braver you're making me wise you're making me greater making me stronger making me braver you're making me wise you're making me crater you're making me stronger making me brave you're making me why you're making me greater you're making me stronger you're making me braver you're making me wise you're making me greater you're making me strong you will take a break you're making me one you're making me crazy you're making me strong [Music] you're making me Grissom you're making me strong [Music] to bring restoration bring restoration and bring restoration by so bring restoration bring restoration bring restoration verse [Music] take mine [Music] call me by noon [Music] she could it's please give me [Music] taking my call me bad new day take my in its players give me you bring restoration [Music] bring restoration Brie restoration [Music] to my soul bring restoration Bree reservation every restoration my soul take my call me by new [Music] taken I think it is place you give me you've taken my all of the pain call me by noon taking my shame and it is late to keep me you bring restoration restoration we ready [Music] restoration [Music] restoration that's the race yes it's can you take my money [Music] you take my [Music] you take my you can't see you take mine you take my money [Music] you take my side [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] you you may yeah No [Music] [Music] restoration medicine [Music] to my soul [Music] three mister [Music] turn it into dancing you take my weeping turn it into laughing you turn it into dance you take my turn into tour you take my body turn it into dancing you take my we turn it into laughing you take turn to dancing you take my sadness turning it to turn [Music] I you make all things new Oh see [Music] you make all these - oh thank you Holly [Music] Oh [Music] you breathe restoration the pre reservation you are three restoration every reservation to my soul to do a pre-registration you pre maceration pre restoration to my soul I [Music] you made both things new all things new [Music] yeah you make all things new all things new you made all things new all things new [Music] you me both things between mr. a son I Oh pre restoration pre reservation nice Oh [Music] how deep the Father's love for us how vast beyond all measure that he would give his only son to make a registry oh great the meaning of Siri the third tip burns his face away as wounds which my the chosen one bring many sons to glory and how deep the Father's love for how vast beyond all measure that he would give his only son to make a wretch his true [Music] our great the pain of searing [Music] other turns his face away blast wounds which Mar the chosen bring many sons do the pain of searing loves their turns his face away blessed words which my the chosen bring many sons to [Music] Oh [Music] crews icing up ashamed [Music] she's dying breath [Music] so be cross bison upon his shoulder ashamed I hear my mocking voice call that would I move the scuffle it was my sin I held him until he was it's dying breathless brought me life and denote that it is fear [Music] his jaw inbred has brought me life and I know [Music] it's dying breathless brought me don't know that it is fear [Music] other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking [Music]
Channel: Jesus Christ Online
Views: 11,126
Rating: 4.9477124 out of 5
Id: gCJ5YQw9NNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 3sec (7203 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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