Onething 2017 // Session 4 // Full Live

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it's gonna take a minute and pray and then we're gonna worship so God we just thank you thank you for the chance to come together God as your family as your children to come before your presence Holy Spirit we ask that you would release your manifest presence God I ask that you would open up our eyes open up our eyes to see you as you are we ask God release your light release your truth Jesus name Amen we're gonna tell you you are we will declare who you are Lord you are good good oh you are good good oh you are good oh you are good oh you are Oh you are good good good you are good good the game be the mountain where I were the found did not drink from oh he is my son let the king be the sad the reason for my love oh he is my you are you are god you are let the team my heart be the wind inside my ba Oh let the king be the fire inside my baby the Oh you are you are you are you you are let's again be the wind in son ba oh here's my son let the team be the fire inside love you are you go you are you you are do I you are you are you're never gonna you're never you're you are you can you are you are there's power in our confession when we come into agreement with who God is when we speak the truth of his nature when we declare the truth of his heart he is good he's good so we speak it over our own hearts we speak it over our marriages we speak it over our children we speak it over our families our churches our schools our workplaces of our circumstances you are good you good oh you are good you good you yeah no matter the season no matter the situation no matter the circumstance no matter what Jesus you are good Jesus you are we lean into your name we lean into the truth of who you are I'm gonna let you you watch over my heart I'm gonna let you you define Mariotti I'm gonna lie to you I determine the atmosphere the mood in my heart my mind I say no to fear in Jesus name I've seen all the heaviness in Jesus name I say to the depression in Jesus name I declare his goodness he's good he's good this same earmuffs God you are good don't you you good you are you could you are you are Oh you are good you could you are you are you come you were the source of my comfort God you are the source of my joy you are the source of my provision you are the source of my life you are good very present help in trouble a very present help in trouble a very present help in trouble inter me a very present help in trouble Walker you see me a very present help in trouble very present help in trouble a very present trouble God we lean into you this afternoon a very present help in trouble early into you your present now you see me Eileen every trouble you know me you care in trouble you see me you're a very present help in trouble you know I'm gonna let the truth of who you are wash over me again I'm gonna let the truth of who you are wash over me again I'm gonna let the truth of who you are wash over me again I'm gonna let the truth of who you might wash over me again the Lord is my light and my salvation the Lord is my salvation he's the Lord is the strength of my life she when the wicked came against me when my adversaries my enemies came against me they stumbled and fell you are good you good you are going you are going you are and from the day I met you you have never left me every day you put your light in my heart even in the valley still I know you're with me every day you put your ever knew the Malolos for emptiness all I was really looking for was some timber happiness I was loud moving from the in the Julie a storm was blowing through and in nearly knock me off my feet what's all shaking I could barely move I was reaching now for anything you would find me you would find me the I saw you ride the semi Roger imagine you have let's be in the belly dammit John even in the valley you you put your daddy pin son you know the terminus okay hey I'm gonna see now you know now you have never left me everyday you put your even in the valley every day of putting on nine from you're with me you you put your dad deep inside you know the darkness your way here I'm gonna see down for all day you have never left me everyday butcher every day or two every day you put your light in my heart God every day you put your light in my heart every day you put your light and mother every day I put your light in my heart every day you put your I'll let you light shine to my heart I'll let you pee so sue me I'll let you live sign into my heart I'll let you please wash over me thank you lord thanking Lord just let him fill you this afternoon again just let him fill you with his peace let him fill you with this light let the light of the countenance shine on my heart again let the light of your countenance shine right into my fire again we thank you for your presence I wanna be your comfort in the day I wanna be your shelters as the Lord in the rain I wanna be your safety when everything is shaking keep coming back keep coming back to me I wanna be your comfort in the pain I wanna be yourself in the way I wanna be your safety when everything is shaking keep coming back and keep coming back to me he says keep coming back keep coming back to me cuz you got hurt in the journey and you got tired along the way temptation comin to drink from broken sisters but it only increases the pain the Lord says keep coming back keep coming back to me I wanna be your comfort in the pain I wanna be your shelter in the rain I wanna be your safety when everything is keep coming back keep coming back to me she coming back keep coming back to me I could be your portion again sister Lord I could be your inheritance again I could be your portion again I could be your inheritance again Oh your felt and sort in me I have everything you need keep coming back to me those who called upon my name they will not be put to say for it is written that even the young ones go tired and weary yes even the young ones stumble and they fall they faint but those who weigh those who wear on the Lord they get the new strength those who on the Lord will find will gain new strength oh your fountain talk in me I have everything you need keep coming back to me those who call upon my name they will not be put to shame keep coming back to me no one wants to make things right more than you have it your way to what you you long to do anything can happen with you God would you come here shut your name over hearts got your name over us you are the healer you pray just it's a me you are Camila you are um Kamino you come you are Cammisa so you yah much desire come back do I Commodore you are so what's your turn southern name suddenly over us saw your names I saw your name saw your name all over us saw your name you know your names sorry may decide in vain Oh Oh Oh Oh you you you are got your man you commander you name is healer your name is redeemer your name is restar your name is to never stop your name you you clear your name over us your name is now your name is power no one wants to make things right more than you have it's your way to what you you longed to do anything can Oh God would you cry here no one wants to make things were more than have it your way to what you longed to do anything so would you come here spirit of wisdom spirit of Revelation open my heart spirit of wisdom open my eyes spirit of Revelation open my heart cuz I wanna see I wanna see see you riding Jesus oh I wanna see I wanna see see you Riley Jesus release the spirit of wisdom right here in this room release the spirit of Revelation and the knowledge of Jesus coming over spirit of where Reuben spirit spirit open okay cuz I wanna see No Oh wanna see see so holy spirit' open up our eyes again more than anything I need the revelation of Jesus more than my circumstance more than everything working out just the way I wanted to revelation of Jesus please if your eyes are like flame jeez like flames of fire no it's your head this one as well I'm not your voice sounds like one Jesus you're beautiful I know it's your eyes and flames of fire it's your head it's why there's whoa I know it's your voice sounds my gosh Jesus you're beautiful I know it's your yes like you Jesus you're beautiful ooh there is not Jesus this is what I need more than anything the revelation of Jesus this is what I need more than anything I need to know the beauty of Jesus this is what I need more than anything breaking what will you say in the star when your heart is breaking what will you said in my store the revelation master what are you gonna sing in the store who will when you is breaking when you breaking I need to know jeez I wanna believe your name God when you wound me I wanna bleed your name I want you to be the son I say I want you to be the song I've seen through letters I want you to be my song in I want you to be my refuge in the night my song in oh sure I do playing to five it's your head I know miss your voice sounds funny but Jesus you're beautiful I know it's your ride to the flames of fire it's your head as well no it's your voice sounds like walls Jesus you are beautiful I know that your eyes things are fine but your head is white as your board sums my watch Jesus your view lie No Jesus should be come on see you together it's your head gee it's your head jeez beautiful ooh I'm gonna have you just stay right where you are for a couple of moments that's all I was sneaking up here I didn't want them to go back yet because I want to get a have I have someone share a quick testimony that we're going to have a couple quick announcements and then everybody's gonna go to their breakouts some of you will be here for the forerunner messaging and the other different breakouts but we want you here the announcements first but first come on up here Ritchie this is Ritchie Bickle he is my nephew I haven't give a quick testimonial cuz it's just it's just a compelling to me just your story you know I came from a big family there are seven kids in nine years and the seven kids right now there are seventy people I'm related to by blood or marriage within five miles of I out there seventy of us it's a quiet room no it's a giant room and Ritchie is the oldest of the of all the the nieces and nephews that's right but he's got a strange story a compelling story that Ritchie because he used the son of my youngest sister I five sister so man hi mom hi mom she's out there somewhere and mom fell into hard times and rich he fell into hard times and he went to prison for about three years so when he was 16 17 18 I mean real prison like big people's prison and it was like shocking to us then he got radically saved and then his mother my sister who also went to prison yes and son and father they all went to the inner city and began the ihop inner-city outreach which is called Hope City and you've been doing this for years hopefully where you have there it is and so my went to prison baby sister and went to prison her husband and went to prison my first nephew after you know what the moral of the story is what's the moral Jesus is real Jesus is relative all of them got radically saved I mean radically saved but they're down in inner-city preaching leading a prayer room and internship but here's the part I want you to catch just for just a quick moment here is that Richie some years ago began to get gripped with this endtime message I mean he didn't even finish high school eighth grade education except for you're one of the smartest guys around though actually but still an eighth grade education and so he started studying the prophecies of Daniel and Zachariah and I did not know this you became known in the IHOP communities when the best teachers on the end times so how does a kid live in a crazy wild lifestyle with a crazy mom and dad lifestyle all gets saved and get turned on to Jesus and the endtime message and how did this get ahold of you well it's got ahold of me when I just look at the world if you look around you today there has to be an answer for the times we live in and the part about it being that crazy of a material is I do have an eighth grade education but this isn't the most difficult stuff in the Bible Romans to me is much harder than the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 so so you begin to study this some years ago and and all of the nieces and nephews of rich she's getting like a becoming a preacher and course I'm Uncle Mike on steroids to like 70 of a mile Helen come on go Ritchie's becoming a preacher like you and I said really they're much more excited than I am right now and so but but you begin to study this oh so you're teaching it in the IHOP community you're traveling around at various ministries and teaching on the end times what is the response particularly of the interns and even the community in the inner city of the IHOP community what do they think about this so as for right now there's a stigma coming on this message but it's not here yet right now there's a hunger for this message which lets me know that this is the perfect opportunity to start devouring it so there's a hung massive hunger so there they want to learn this so aren't they intimidated like hey this is too hard and sometimes nobody can figure out and first tell somebody tells them the truth it's not that hard to figure out there's a hundred and fifty chapters of this guy's we don't have the right to ignore them somebody will tell you they're too difficult somebody who tell you they're spooky but they're really not Jesus is coming back once you have that then the whole blueprint has been laid out for us we are without excuse on this sub so you're one of our leader I mean of our main leaders we have a real aggressive ministry the IHOP where we're going through these 150 chapters systematically it's a three-year program you're going to remain leaders in that and so what are you finding people how they're responding who have never understood this before because you're leading it are they getting it are they hungry they are getting it there's a there's a grace on this message right now which should send warning bells off in our head and what and what's the warning bells that the Gators coming at time there won't be a grace that there will be a stigma and right now is the perfect I mean a stigma on the message on the message yeah well you tell somebody jesus is coming back you tell a Christian that and watch the look on their face which is what let's talk about something else please oh really saying wow they going oh yeah of course he is but it's not coming anytime soon that's because they haven't read these chapters and they're not able to look at this bullet chapters at the 150 chaplains and the 50 chapters in the Bible so you travel around and speak at different places on this and why have you grabbed this instead of other areas as your focus because this generation needs it because for 2,000 years the church has ignored it and it's not okay anymore and so as a guy you're an intercessor your trait you're reaching people in the inner city you're an evangelist you're shepherding people out there and you're training in this what would you say to these folks this is maybe new ideas to them these hundred and fifty chapters in the Bible on the subject what would you say to them just a few moments and then we're gonna it's just coming back let's have our announce that says Jesus is coming back and you don't have the right to ignore that fact as Christians we need to get on board with our glory is coming in the future it could be the soon future it could be a little bit later but if you look around it would say sooner than later probably we do not get the right to ignore that information and we have to pass it on to the next generation if it's not ours and so I love your passion for this and who would know I got like 50 nieces and nephews and grandma now and you're like the oldest one and I am so proud of you man you really doing stuff and so some of you out there you might say hey we would like to have a seminar at our church or our University of Bible study you'd be you got your email address right there would you be willing to travel a little bit and go yeah I'd go to the ends of the earth to say that Jesus is coming back this is glorious so this message you're not gonna draw back it's not drawing back candy-coating and no there will be no sugar if you have me at your church to talk about a couple quick announcements well you and him are buddies buddies that I haven't seen such zeal and true integrity and that he walks what he says we've got that straightforward no nonsense stuff put a little sugar in I need to put this Ruben in el Ren de they've been are high or a host last year so just give us the announcements what's coming up I know John Thurlow is gonna be leading tonight at 7 o'clock that's correct yes and then we have the Night Watch at 10 to 12 for 4 hours we're going down to the prayer room and Misty's leading the first two hours that's right okay tell us the rest announcements yes I want to highlight John fellows new album different story how many of you guys enjoyed Jonathan Lowe's worship today come on that was awesome so this album is really special it was written over the course of a three year journey that he was on with the Lord and it's really really powerful it speaks of redemption trial and hope I've been personally listening to it on repeat for the last four weeks and my favorite song is number eight the power of your love it's got kind of like 80s 90s you say you love listening to this I do I love listening to you talk of your accent I go is from South Africa man I told you the truth anyway so it's a South African accent I love it is L ready to keep talking well we also want to help you take the next step in your journey to that we've got something special and not only it's different story available in CD format but it's also available in wait for it vinyl and cassette tape okay when is the last time you had a cassette tape okay so head on over to the book store and get that for those Millennials who don't know what that is it's it's just another audio way a way of listening music in an analogue manner so anyway so we also want to help you in your journey take the next step in your journey and your walk with the Lord we want to invite you to our hub in fact at 4:45 our Terry Terry dr. Terry Terry she is helps give leadership along with Jay Thomas to our music academy she's going to give a talk on how you can experience God's presence through song and so don't miss that at 4:45 right here it's only like a 10 minute little little insight into the Q&A time that's right it's 1012 minutes yeah now our music Academy really is a worship school we call it a music academy because we so emphasize the musical part but it really is a worship skill that's right we want to empower young musicians and singers to be able to utilize their gift to not just create great music but also change the atmosphere speaking of worship songs and inspiration I wanna invite you guys to head over to the hub tonight at 6:00 p.m. the artists on the fully alive album will be over there they will do a little taste and see they will play some of their songs they'll be interviewed and you can meet them and they'll sign yours fully a live CD so invite you to go over to the hub 6:00 p.m. tonight for the fully alive song cafe and you really want to check this out i sat and listened to each of their songs recently and I was truly touched by the theological depth and yet the relevant language to express God's love for us and our interaction with him truly some of the best songs I've ever heard so we are gonna break out to the breakout sessions right now so I'm just gonna go over it again and then you guys can head out to the big sign over there so for and our messengers Isaac Bennet will be teaching and will be here in the main room Israel and revoir revival will be in room 2505 worship in prayer in room 3501 and gospel and culture in room 3501 dr. Michael Brown yeah dr. Michael Brown is here with us and he will be hosting that one so you don't want to miss all of these are amazing and so right here we'll have Isaac Bennet joining us with a the topic of foreigner messengers go ahead and transition to your breakouts and Isaac Bennett right here on the forerunner message Isaac really carries this message with clarity and feel free to sit down up here if you want to some folks want to be sitting up on the carpet that's your that's it's it's okay to do that if you'd like to do that in this afternoon's session now I hop begin 19 18 years ago and Isaac was only 15 years old and he joined us as 15 year old yeah and you've been here the whole 18 years yeah and this young musician that was full-on ball involved her shirt Abby's the older brother and Abby who sang last night she was only like 12 or something over nine or four or something I remember her being little but Isaac has been is is a been in our leadership team for many years over the last 80 because he's gotten a marvelous teaching gift and he has a tremendous clarity but you got this humor that is I don't want to encourage it because you've got you're so easy at it but you got this humor along with practicality and insight and so I think that you breaking down some of this floor runner messaging thing is gonna be a real practical thing I'm gonna pray for you lord I thank you for Isaac in his 18 years years since his teenage years being on ship teams and teaching and training and I just asked for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to flow through him and Lord that you would release this forerunner calling stronger an important importation upon the people in these afternoon sessions these next three afternoons in Jesus name Amen and amen now I'm gonna take one more moment and ask you to go ahead and slip out quietly if you would cuz I'd like Isaac to jump right in but I know it's a little distracting well everybody's moving around you do you finish tree so you're okay at it okay there you go I'm pretty used to the distraction a done youth ministry a long time so I've had all sorts of wild things happening while I'm talking or speaking and just kind of plowed through anyway so it'll be hard to surprise me and for the surprises we have security so anyway all right I think there was an announcement made that I was gonna be in room 2,500 but clearly I'm not there I'm here so I need help getting our small group discussion teams for afterwards back in this room those of you that need to do that that would be amazing okay turn in your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 40 this is where we're gonna start this afternoon but we're really going to move through a bunch of different scriptures because we're going to be touching on two different themes that are going to be evident as we approach the end of the age leading up to the return of Jesus to the earth there's two emerging themes that we're gonna touch on today there are not comprehensive themes by any means but they are definitely in the Bible so rest easy especially if you're Baptists just relax they are in the Word of God so I'm gonna pray again let's just take a moment and dial in and just focus on Jesus I mean he's really the reason that we're here today I'm so honored to be with you here my wife my children are here out in the room and I love them so dearly we have five kids and a dog so it's just it's a wild time at the Bennett house let's pray father we ask that your spirit would come to this room in an increased way lord I ask that you would help me to rightly communicate the glory of your son the coming of your beautiful son Jesus his return the events surrounding that return Lord we ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation we ask you lord that you would take the weakness of my words and that you would accelerate them by the spirit into hearts Lord the many in this room that you are calling out this weekend you are marking them for this message you are calling them out in the midst of this generation to be a voice to prepare the way of the Lord I ask that you your hand would rest upon them in an increased way in your name Oh Lord we pray and we all said amen okay look at verse five in Isaiah 40 and if you're like me you like to have a notebook out to the side like I mentioned we're gonna touch several different verses during this time and I realize that we do have a short amount of time and this is a very large topic but I'm gonna do my best to really bring forth kind of this centralized idea that as we approach the day of the Lord there's going to be two attributes or two trends that are going to emerge and they're gonna fill the earth the first one is that the glory of the Lord the glory of Christ is going to emerge in the last generation in a very unique and unprecedented way and we're going to cover some of those themes the second and then we're gonna look at is the rise of deception in the end of the age and how Jesus warns his people against deception it's actually the number one warning that he charges us with as believers as we approach the day of the Lord is to not be deceived and then what we're going to do is we're gonna look at the relationship between these two things as the glory increases deception will also increase and these two attributes or characteristics they're inextricably linked together they're by the Lord it's intentional that they're linked together as this season of time culminates with the return of Jesus now in Isaiah 40 verse 5 the prophet Isaiah says this he says that the glory of the Lord is going to be revealed and that all flesh will see it together everybody say the word all all when the Lord says all in the Bible he really means all when he says through the prophet Isaiah in this passage that all flesh will see the glory of the Lord he really means that all flesh will see the glory of the Lord revealed and then he goes on and he says the mouth of the Lord has spoken in the second part of the verse in other words the fact that God's glory is going to be racine across every nation of the earth before his coming has been confirmed by the very words of God himself and when God says something when he writes it in his word you know for sure that it is going to happen the Word of God is true and it is unfailing and it is sure and just as the Lord spoke to his prophets about the first coming of Jesus in a similar manner he's spoken about the second coming and he says my word has come firmness when I say all flesh will see my glory he goes I really mean it I really mean it during this time all of the nations all of the peoples I mean think about how many out-of-the-way Islands there are and you know people way up north living in Alaska is there anybody from Alaska here come on there are so many out-of-the-way places when I read this verse it strikes me to the I mean just crazy amount of effort the Lord is going to go through to show every person and display to every person on the earth his glory before his coming it is very unique the Word of God is bursting with details concerning that generation that will see him and you've probably heard this many times and you'll hear it many more times but over a hundred and fifty chapters in the Bible that the main topic is emphasizing the generation of the Lord's return and in the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John related to his first coming he only gave us 89 chapters to document his first coming and he gave us over a hundred 50 chapters to document and tip us off and give us rich and vibrant detail concerning his second coming and we need to be aware of this as the people of God because we love him why do we care about this well I believe that scripture indicates that before the coming of the Lord he's going to raise up witnesses people like you across the nations of the earth and they're gonna walk like John the Baptist walked they're gonna have a message and a ministry that prepares people for the revealing of this glory the revealing of this beauty that we are going to see possibly in our generation and the Lord is going to raise up these voices and I believe that the Lord is doing it now in our generation and like I said earlier I work with teenagers a lot and I believe that the Lord is marking even 15 and 16 year olds with this message of his coming and they are going to give themself to studying the Word of God like what Ritchie was talking about here just a minute minute ago they're gonna give themself to prayer and fasting and radical obedience to Jesus and they are not going to quit until the people know that there is a God in heaven and he has a son and that son is coming to the planet to establish a kingdom on the earth and the prayer that Christ prayed in Matthew chapter 6 let your kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven that will happen in the generation before his return there's two other reasons that we need to know this message and why is it important to us number one it is necessary it is necessary because during the first coming of Christ the people's did not recognize the day of their visitation they ignored it they looked at the prophetic scriptures but they did not have understanding of the day that they were in and Jesus is going these scriptures they testify of me and he actually rebuked the people in that day because they had no understanding of the time of their visitation and if we are to experience the time of visitation before the coming of the Lord then it would be very wise of us to familiarize ourselves with these passages to pray through them to talk with them about friends to talk with them about the communities that we come from so that we are prepared for the day of his coming number two there is an appropriate response for the day of the Lord when God says I'm going to move and power in your generation and I'm going to reveal my beauty and glory across the whole earth there is an appropriate response that actually affects us when we walk out of this room after Sunday evening there is a response that the Lord wants his people to walk in and engage with now we come to these comfort says we get energized we hear messages that move our heart we get touched by the Holy Spirit we hear new insightful things but it's not enough to just live in the excitement of the message yay Jesus is coming there is in the Bible an appropriate response in light of that information you can imagine if you knew that in 15 years the Civil War was coming imagine that you lived in the 1800s and you knew by the word of the Lord that the Civil War is coming you would live very differently than if you had no idea that it was coming and in a similar way the Lord wants us to live with a sharpness with an intentionality with a devotion to Jesus as the darkness increases that we would not be caught off guard by these unique dynamics that are going to hit the earth before the coming of the Lord there are two notable features that will mark this time and mention these earlier and this is what we're going to talk about the glory of the Lord will increase and be revealed across the earth and that secondly darkness and specifically deception are going to increase they're going to both of them are going to come to fullness in that generation of the Lord's return central to the agenda of the Lord in the end of the age now we're gonna talk on these a couple of these themes of glory just for a few moments central to the agenda of the Lord and the end of the age is his resolve that the nations of the earth would see Jesus as glorious or you could put the word beautiful there that they would look at Christ that they would think of him in their mind even before they see him with their eyes that they would think of Jesus and that they would give glory and worship to him this is one of the premier agendas on the heart of the Lord as it pertains to the end of the age now what happens when the glory of the Lord is revealed to a generation and scripture many times shows us the response of the people what actually happens what God's glory shows up I think of the book of Exodus when the people of Israel go out into the wilderness they've been freed from the slavery and the bondage of Egypt and they go out into the wilderness and they're there and God comes down on a mountain Exodus 24 says that the glory of God descends on a mountain called Sinai when God came down on the mountain what happened when that event took place and that was a real event the glory of the Lord the the that storm that fiery storm that surrounds the throne of God in Revelation 4 and 5 actually descended from heaven and in Exodus 24 you can read it yourself and the people of God that were standing at the foot of the Mount they looked up about and they saw God's glory resting on the mountain and the people of God they were afraid they trembled they go that's not God we don't want to go up there we want nothing to do with that and they looked at Moses and they said Moses you go up there for us we don't want anything to do with that they were now now to put that in perspective that means that the people of God were so taken off-guard by the revelation of the glory of God that they actually wanted nothing to do with it when he actually came you know I think of the many prayer meetings and across college campuses and houses of prayer and churches and youth groups in this nation and were crying out for the glory of God I mean what would happen if God's glory actually began to descend upon this nation and it is a terrifying thought to me that we would maybe have a similar response as the people of Israel we look at the glory of God ago I want nothing to do with that we'd get offended and we'd go eh Moses you know leader Master whoever you are you go into the glory but that is just not the way that I want to relate to God that's why on the front end it is so important that we begin to understand the person and the character and the nature of God so that when his glory is revealed across the nations of the earth we are not offended we don't end up in deeper idolatry like the children of Israel did they go hey the glory of God's up there let's make a golden calf down here I mean how delusional is that response but that we would see the glory of God and like Moses we would go up the mountain and in excess 33 Moses begins to cry out the Lord to the Lord he begins to say show me your glory I want more of who you are not less I want more of who you are and I think as we cry out for the glory of God many times we may not even know what we're asking for he might come in a way that is so different so unique so powerful so outside of our grid of understanding so beyond our experience that even we even the faithful that are in this room and and beyond run the risk of being offended at God being confused by the revelation of his glory when we think of the end of the age the main thing that should come to our mind is the person of Christ and his glorification in the nations of the earth that is the thing that should come to our mind often we think of the end of the age and we're flooded with images of you know some guy with horns and he's got a cape his name is the Antichrist he's like trying to hide the horns so no one knows who he is and there's war and explosions everywhere and it's really dark and and and all of these images kind of flood our mind but the central character the central person in the end of the age before his coming is the person of Christ his view his glory his nature his character and we want to be consumed I mean absolutely consumed with him because that is the way that we end or what is coming during that time there is no other way there is no other option or some other strategy as we imagine ourselves in those times in those perilous times in those days of darkness we have to see that Christ the revelation of who he is really is the safest place and beloved we have time now to throw ourselves into this there is revelation to be had there are riches to be had you're sitting on a goldmine of riches concerning the nature of God we need to delve into these things we need to train and equip young people to do the same we need to tell our children it needs to flood our mind in our dreams we need to be consumed with the person of Christ amen in that day Christ will be seen as the preeminent one Colossians 1 I'll just read this to you for by him all things were created in heaven and earth he is before all things and in him all things consist he's the head of the body the firstborn from all from the dead than in all things he may have preeminence and that word preeminence means that he would be the chief love he would be seen as the premiere beauty in all of the earth that means that every Idol every person everything that is not him needs to come down and be subservient to the man Christ Jesus and this is his agenda for our generation and the generations following us before his coming that he would be seen as preeminent he deeply deeply cares about those this and he wants us to care about it in the way he cares about it now when he reveals his glory and trouble are when he reveals his glory in the earth it's gonna cause great shaking the Bible refers to God is this all-consuming fire this all-consuming fire and you know sometimes we come to our worship times that we're just kind of sitting there like Oh Lord just lavish the peaches-and-cream of heaven upon my head and sometimes we could forget that our God is an all-consuming fire that means if you're where God is everything that is not of him is going to burn up that's actually one of the titles for him in Malachi 3 he goes I'm gonna send my refiners fire to the earth he goes I'm gonna purge away all of the filth all of the goofiness all of the idolatry all the immorality and the sin and the opinions and ba-ba-ba-ba he goes I'm gonna purge it all and I'm gonna exalt my son above every other name and every person whether they believe in him or not whether they receive him or not every knee is going to bow when the name of Christ is mentioned every knee is gonna come down from every tribe every tongue every language every religion every philosophical ideal it doesn't matter at the name of Christ God the Father will glorify his son in this way it is glorious and so what better response can we have now than to just throw ourself completely into who he is I mean really give ourself to it I believe that every person was designed by God to be radical and everybody is radical for something somebody's radical for media somebody's radical for sports somebody's radical for their you know relationship with their boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever everybody's radical somebody were just radical for boredom that's just what they do and what they spend all their time doing why not just point that desire to be radical and to be fascinated at the beautiful and Jesus give ourself wholly to him actually be used of him in the nations of the earth die to ourself die to our dreams so that he can be glorified because that's where it's all going anyway there is no other option the nth there is no choose your own story adventure there is no plan beat this is how it will play out Jesus standing alone glorified and every knee in the room bowing before him going you are glorious we were way wrong and about you know 15 things a hundred things now as the glory of God increases in the earth and as his the knowledge of the glory of God Habakkuk 2 tells us that the knowledge of the glory of God is going to fill the earth like the waters cover the sea there is going to be an unprecedented increase of deception in the earth and as the glory of God increases the deception is going to increase there was a there is a sociologist named Christian Smith and what he did was in 2005 about 12 years ago he surveyed American teenagers and what he did was he began to conclude and come to begin to study what our young people really believed about Christianity why am I saying that now because many of you in the room are about 25 years old so this is about 10 years ago 12 years ago whatever and we are now many of us we are caught in some of these things and as I read this study I recently came across dead I was struck and I was struck at what many of my peers believe what many young people believe and the way that they walk out their Christianity and the way that they believe and talk about Jesus and relate to God and here's what they came to they said the only way that we could kind of summarize this and they gave this fancy title to it and I'm not fancy or whatever but I'm just gonna tell you what it is it's called moralistic therapeutic deism okay that's a big term here's what that means here are the five major tenets of what that means number one they believe that God there's a God who exists he created the world and he watches over human life on the earth all right that's not that's not too bad number two God wants people to be good nice and fair to each other as taught in the Bible and other world religions okay now we're kind of making God sound like a kindergarten teacher number three the central goal of life is to be happy and feel good about oneself now this is this is a survey and they're going what do you believe about Christianity why does God exist they're asking him all these questions and these were the conclusion the conclusions that they drew these sociologists number four God does not need to be particularly involved in anyone's life except when he's needed to resolve a problem ouch when when our life is confronted with a problem that's the only time that we need God when there is a tragedy when the bill is late when the relationship is on the rocks that's the only time that those that subscribe to this you know value system that's the only time to actually seek God is only in the mat now we should seek God in the moment of trouble that's not what I'm talking about but they only are seeking God when things are getting really tough I talk with young people all the time and they're telling me their woes and you know all these things and I'm in this price easin and my life is falling apart indebted ah and I go hey maybe God is trying to get your attention actually through the trouble in your life maybe he wants you to actually cry out to him do you think that God could allow trouble into your life to see if you would actually turn to him if you would call upon his name and invite you into something deeper anyway the fifth thing is this good people go to heaven when they die now all of these to varying degrees they're almost like biblical language but they're really not they're really not the revelation or the truth of God and this is predominant Western expression and belief system of Christianity from these young people and now we've grown up and now we're all in the room together 10 years 12 years later and God wants to I believe blow this idea out of the water and I believe that we are in a season that God is calling his people back to his word back to a biblical expression of Christianity where God doesn't exist to just make my life better and more successful and give me the spouse I wanted give me the house I want and give me the payroll I want God exists because he is the creator of heaven and earth and I'm not here to fit God into my plan I have to look at how do I fit into God's plan do you know that we've as believers we've been adopted into the family of Christ Paul tells us in Corinthians 5 that we would no longer live for ourselves but live for him who died for us in other words your story at the moment of salvation is gone and now you've begun a new story theevans one says in Christ we are in him a part of his story now I mean this this is messing me up this is making me uncomfortable the last three or four years the Lord has been pressing these things upon my heart and he's been touching my heart and challenging me and saying Isaac what do you actually believe about me what do you believe about salvation what do you believe about my coming do they align with my words and what I've spoken or are you just floating around in a cultural Christianity expression and everybody's clapping and patting ourselves on the back and we're actually possibly I'll be nice deeply deceived if we're subscribing to these ideas now the reason I highlight this is because this is one of the central Christian Western belief systems that might not be your belief system hallelujah but what it ultimately does is that it puts man it puts us at the center of the story and it puts God on the peripheral and we're living in my opinion in such a narcissistic generation where everything that goes on is about me me me me me what can I get what do I like what worship leader do I want to lead what things do I want to hear what do I want people to say about me this didn't meet my need and this did and we live in this consumeristic belief kind of thing and it's just it's all about us God is on the periphery and he exists to make my life better and that is just not the story of the Bible that is just not about who God is he is enthroned and there is one seated on the throne in Revelation chapter 4 and if you noticed everything else is happening around him in reality Christ is at the center and we you and I are actually on the periphery all glorifying him and seeking to serve Him and worship Him and laud him like he is actually do and worth this is why we exist we exist to give God his glory not God doesn't exist to make my life better and just make me this happy person that is not it at all beloved there is trial there is difficulty there is tribulation there's a reason why the gate is narrow and there's a few that find it and I'm burdened for this I'm not angry about it I'm in it the Lord is pressing this on my heart he's going Isaac the way is narrow are you choosing the narrow way and I have to go back to the Lord with with trembling in my heart I say Lord what is it that you've called me to and I have to examine his words and I have to apply them to my life not to say am i living a life that is worth the of the name of Christ or am i adding Jesus on to the Pinterest wall of my heart to make my life better cover my salvation and get me out of eternal flames this is intense man there's many deceptive teachings that are out there and I'm only just touching on this one there's tons but all of them share this commonality they put man at the center they put him and his needs and his want and his pleasure and his da-da-da-da-da they put all of that at the center and God wants to flip that equation around Jesus warned the disciples that the primary threat for believers in the end of the age would be that of deception mark 13 verse 4 and 5 his disciples asked him they say when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and at the end of the age and Jesus tells them he says take heed that no one deceives you take heed that no one deceives you now when he talks about taking heed that word actually means have a spirit of discernment take heed means have discernment you have to know what is true in order to discern what is false this is a this is a powerful truth I had a friend whose mom worked at a bank and she would you know handle money all day long just counting and accounting and accounting it or whatever and she got she could feel from the texture of the money that she was counting she could feel what was real and what was false she could actually pick out counterfeit money just by the feel of it and her manager you know is there and she's like going through this stack of bills and and and just by touch feeling them and she goes this one's faint she's going through you know this one's fake and this one's fake and he's like I don't I don't think so he's like I mean this looks real to me and dead and on she's like no it's it's faint trust me it's fake and they go and do whatever tests are the markers thing or whatever it is that they do to show it and true enough it was counterfeit money see the only way that we can know if we're not in deception is if we know what's true we have to become so familiar with the authentic that when the counterfeit pops up when the false teaching pops up when the false leader pops up when the false christs emerges in the earth we go know that a true and people are going well how do you know you go I've been on the mountain with him I've been to the mountain and it I was all alone maybe no one was there but I don't care I went to the mountain with God and I've seen him and I've heard him and I've feasted on his words and I've been jested his words so that they've become part of who I am and when I speak his words come out and when I look I can see what is real and what is false beloved were not gonna figure out who the Antichrist is on YouTube we're not we're not gonna figure out who all the false teachers are by being on YouTube we're gonna figure out what is real and what is false by being with the man Christ and this word is the revelation of who he is we have to give ourselves to this you can't wait for your leader or your pastor or your friend in your youth group that's more fiery or your college ministry that's just the you know they're the leader they know God you can't wait for them to figure it out the call to to cultivate discernment and avoid deception as to every believer upon the earth and you can enter in and I can enter in by the grace of God hallelujah now as these two things the glory and the deception arise in the earth they're related together why why is it glory that's gonna fill the earth and why did jesus warned of deception and it goes all the way back to the garden and we're not gonna take a ton of time on this but it goes back to the garden and the fall of man and Paul tells us in Romans chapter 1 and you need to turn there in your Bible if you if you have it but in Romans chapter 1 Paul tells us that man's original fall was because he turned from the glory of God and began to worship something else that is the central issue that is the essence of sin it's that man and we as the children of man have turned away from the glory of God and have worshipped something that was not God he substituted man substituted their own glory for God's glory that's it that's where the story all began and what began with the fall of man in Genesis is going to come to fullness in the book of Revelation and before the return of the Lord when God chose to manifest his glory we got Jesus John 1 he is the manifestation of the glory of God when God reveals his glory we see Christ and when man reveals his glory we will see the Antichrist deception God reveals his glory to the earth and we get this humble Jewish carpenter who's also a king with eyes like fire who washes our feet and yet slays the Antichrist with the breath of his mouth oh my goodness when man says I'm gonna display my glory deception Rises and we get the Antichrist a wicked ruler who will bring into captivity the nations of the earth and force him to worship them even though he is a mortal man and these two powers are juxtaposed to one another they're in contention with one another and they're both rising in the earth before that day so let's look back at Romans 1 for though they knew God I'm reading for verse 21 they did not glorify him see we're on this issue of glory this is the central issue God is deserving of glory and nothing else is worship okay he says they did not give thanks but verse 22 professing to be wise they became fools and here's the phrase verse 23 they exchanged the glory of an incorruptible God for an image it was idolatry it was the turning away of the beautiful God who's seated in heaven and turning to a lesser thing and for many and for I believe for Adam and Eve they were turning to themself they were wanting their own glory they were wanting to be like God if you remember the story of the serpent and Eve now that's the that's the word I want you to focus in on they exchanged the glory of God for an image now in the end of the age there is a figure that is going to emerge in the earth and this figure is the antithesis or he's the opposite of the glory of Christ humanity was created to glorify God and in the end of the age there's going to be this culmination of deception and the world is going to be swept into into that deception and they're going to begin to glorify this man he's the antithesis of the glory of God God is the one who will raise him up why because it's what humanity wants God it's God that is going to allow the Antichrist to emerge in the earth as the culmination of deception and what God is going to do is he's going to show the foolishness of the ways of man a central a man central belief system and he's going to put it to shame when he reveals a Christ God centered bully system do you see and these two there they're in contention with one another and they're both arising at the exact same time as this deception increases in the earth it is a culmination of human agreement to exchange the glory of God it's a culmination of human agreement to exchange the glory of God they're going we don't want your ways we don't want your laws we don't want your demands we don't want to deny ourselves and take up a cross we don't want to humble ourselves to you and so what began in the garden with this deception of exchanging the glory of God is going to culminate with the Antichrist where they will exchange it for what they believe is the best way a man a man centric belief system it's the full expression of what happened in the garden now you remember back in Romans verse 23 that we were looking at Romans 123 where man exchanged the glory of God for an image now look at revelation 13 verse 14 I'll just I'll read it to you you don't have to turn there the false prophet in verse 14 he is going to deceive again there's that theme of deception those who dwell on the earth because of the signs that this man will perform in front of the nations of the earth now God will perform his signs in the earth through his church and the Antichrist is going to perform his signs in the earth and people are going to be so confused they will not know which one is God and which one which one's right and which ones wrong many will not but we can know now this anti the Antichrist here he's being lauded by this other his right-hand man called the false prophet and the false prophet is going to tell those on the earth now here's the word - may an image of the Antichrist to make a statue of him or some form of statue he's going to create an image so Paul back in Romans 1 he's going the original fall came because they got their eyes off of God and onto an image and at the end of the age there's going to be a culmination and the nations are gonna get all their eyes off of God and onto an image it's the exact same thing it's the exact same thing and the glory of God and deception they're rising in the earth and beloved we have time now and I don't know how much time we have it might be ten year might be fifty years but we have time now to become so familiar with the true to give ourselves so wholeheartedly to Jesus that we avoid the deception that is coming in that day because it will be powerful and it will affect us and our children and our children's children you know should the Lord tarry or whatever but there is a call for us to respond a godliness and humane and meekness now and not be swept away by the spirit of the age that is conditioning many for deception in that hour the Lord is going to rise in judgment over the earth because of this global exchange what's the exchange they did not glorify God but they glorified an image a man they put all their stake in a man the kings of the earth they are going to tremble when the Lord begins to reveal his glory because again he is so zealous for his own glory and for his own name that he will not allow the nations to continue in their deception he will arise in the earth and he will begin to shake the earth and I think there's literal shaking to that like earthquakes and things the Bible talks about but I think it means that he challenges mindsets and institutions and economies and neighborhoods and leaders he shakes and we say often here we say he is going to shake everything that can be shaken and I absolutely believe that I absolutely because here's here's an idea when you get saved is it not because God has shaken your life all forms of your life he doesn't send you an earthquake to shake you but he wakes you up he challenges you he challenges your views of yourself he calls us to repentance he calls us to humble ourselves before him he shakes us and on that similar way he's going to shake all of the nations of the earth in that day Isaiah verse two or chapter two verses 10 and 19 enter into the rock and hide in the dust from the terror of the Lord now this is the exhortation to the leaders and the kings in that day from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His Majesty there's that term again his glory is coming and the kings the leaders the nations of the earth they're going to shake because of that glory and they're gonna go the only way to fix this the only solution that we see is to put all of our stake in this man this image name the Antichrist verse 19 they will go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth and this is talking about literal they're really hiding from the Lord in that day that's not just a you know kind of parabolic language they're actually going you are shaking the earth there's judgments that are touching my nation my region and they're going the only way that I can escape this is to go and hide in actual caves and in holes in the earth what are they hiding from they're hiding from the Lord and the glory of His Majesty that's in verse 19 when he arises to shake the earth mightily so we can see that there is this agenda in the heart of god that glory would increase and there is this propensity and the heart of man to turn from the glory of God and fixate on another image we call that an idol and the Lord is going to come he's going to shake the earth in the context of those dynamics he's going to absolutely rattle every leader every person and confronted the earth with this central issue Jesus is glorious and beautiful what are you going to do because of him how will you respond in light of him and his power who can resist God who can resist a man that's already risen from the dead who can resist a man that holds the earth in the palm of his hand who can resist a man whose mouth and breath can destroy armies and cause hills to smoke just by touching earth who can resist him and the nations will be brought into this valley of decisions people I don't mean just nations like flags and governments I'm talking about people us and we will be confronted with the glory of Christ's Majesty as he's revealed even before his coming and into the end of the age and his return how do we resist deception the Lord is so kind to us he gives us so much inside he's like a pastor I mean he not like he is he's the shepherd I love it you have these intense passages like Matthew 24 is an example and it's you know the abomination of desolation is coming and then he's like hey if you have you know little children and stuff it's gonna be harder to get away in that day people like to spiritualize what does that mean like nursing babes like well that's gotta mean like you know spiritual provision and then it on all this other he's like no no I'm literally being a pastor tea right now and when the Antichrist is revealed in the Middle East he goes you've got a runaway from him and if you have a baby it's gonna be harder and the Lord is so pastoral to us and so kind he doesn't just give us these huge framework ideas I will arise and shake the earth mightily we're like what do we do he's like I know you'll figure it out you know get out there Junior you'll be fine he's so kind to us he's going to lead us like a shepherd the Shepherd doesn't abandon the Sheep he leads them he yay through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you're with me he's gonna lead us he's gonna lead his people and he tells us in mark 13 he goes okay in light of this the deception and my glory that are filling the earth this is what he says in verse 33 he says take heed there's that charge again to have spiritual discernment he goes watch and pray you don't know when the time is and that's kind of the part that we a lot of times gravitate toward well we just don't know the time we don't know the time so it doesn't matter but let's fixate on these two words right here watch and pray to live in this spiritual sobriety with an awareness of the plan of God and His purposes we can actually do this you can do it I can do it your children can do it we can live a lifestyle of prayer and watchfulness according to the Word of God we can familiarize ourselves with the Bible we can know the voice of Christ our Shepherd we don't have to live confused and deceived and just kind of trying to figure it out on the go he goes this is what you need to do in light of all this I want you to watch and pray I want you to watch and pray I want you to be vigilant over your own soul I want you to be vigilant over the soul of your communities because I want you to watch in my word as these events unfold so that you can have confidence and be a voice of clarity and understanding in those days not lost in the sea of confusion we can do this Jesus exhorts us to but here's the thing this is the catch this is the real it is very costly to do this it is it is not cheap it's free to do this but it is absolutely not cheap to give your life to the full runner message to be a voice to know the Word of God to prepare your heart prepare your spirit for that day it is free because it's available in the Word of God but it is absolutely not cheap it will can it will take your time it will take money it will take effort and and what's even more difficult is it will take saying no to other opportunities for the sake of giving yourself all the way into this you have to say no to other opportunities because they will come if right now you're in a season of life I mean I'm kind of just saying this jokingly but you know if you're in a season of life where you're like I've got no opportunities just go into an intensely consecrated season of giving yourself to prayer and fasting in the word I guarantee you millions of opportunities will show up but you can't take them you know set aside three months six months and say I'm gonna say no to some social life just some not all of it don't get weird I'm just saying say no to some of it and begin to give yourself to this and you will see how the enemy will be so resistant against you and he will try and lure your out lure lure you out with temptation through opportunities and fun things that you are fear of missing out and all this stuff it's crazy it's crazy we do every month at IHOP Casey would do a three-day fast at the beginning of the month called the global bridegroom fast our whole communities you know invited together to fast and pray and press into the Lord and it's just those three days and we tell everybody you know don't do as many meetings just kind of shut everything down let's be before the Lord in the prayer room and all that I can't tell you there is more opportunities for free lunch free Kansas City barbeque cool leaders that are in town and people that want to meet with you and hang out and go see cool movies that just came out and pay for you then when those three days pop up every month III don't know what it is I made Cory you know this this is true it is inexplicable when you devote yourself to one thing you will have just a barrage of not just negative things happen to you you will have tons of positive opportunities to get you out of this but there's only one way to cultivate spiritual discernment there's only one way to give yourself all the way to the glory of Jesus and it's to do the Word of God fasting prayer the word singing intentionality I mean all of that that is what it takes and no one can do it for you and no one can do it for me I wish it worked that way I wish you know Mike and the team they could just put their hands on my head and just pray and then BOOM I would just get all of this stuff downloaded to my mind that would be awesome it doesn't happen like that it doesn't happen like that I wish you know Cory would just pray for me and I'd have you know more passion in the place of intercession and fasting and and all the things that he's given himself it doesn't work like that you can't exchange it you have to go get it yourself you have to give yourself to this and I want to challenge some of you in the room right now you might be 15 or 50 years old it doesn't matter well maybe the Lord is touching your heart on some of these things maybe you're intrigued by some of these things in the Bible or maybe you're just mad at what I'm saying I don't know Lord moves in all sorts of ways but I want to challenge us as a people to begin to count the cost and begin to live a life in response to the plan of God listen to what I said not just get excited about the plan of God but live a life in response to the plan of God actually respond in John and Jesus's day there was an actual response that was necessary it was repent and get baptized there was an actual response today as we read the Word of God as we look at these things concerning his plan as we read you know mark 1333 watch ever there's a real response that we could go do when we leave this conference when we drive back home to Alaska if you drove from Alaska man bless you but I want to take just a moment and I want to pray for you I want to pray for anyone in the room and then and then after that we're gonna be splitting up but we have discussion groups to talk about some of these themes and kind of process them and ask questions to some of our leaders that are going to be here but if that's you if the Lord is touching your heart concerning some of these things you're going you know what I want to say yes to the glory of God at a deeper level I want to avoid deception and I really want to press into some of these things in a more intentional way wherever you are I want to invite you to stand just for a moment we don't have a ministry team we don't have music you don't want me to sing over you but just wherever you're at just stand up this is between you and the Lord this is between you and the Lord a father we love you and we love your son Lord we loved when Jesus is glorified Father we ask that you would move in a deeper way and those that are feeling your presence that are being stirred on these themes from your word that are being called into a deeper response a deeper commitment a pressing in Lord those that were are willing to count the cost Lord I ask that you would help us give us grace to count the costs because the cost really at the end of the day is actually saying no to things more than just saying yes and and adding this into the buffet line of our life but to actually say no to things that's where the sting is that's where the cost is to go deep in these themes or we ask you that you would raise up a whole generation of moms and dads young and old our children Lord we ask that you would mark them with this message of the glory of Christ and His glory being seen all across the nations of the earth lord I ask that you would consume a generation with it that we would wake up in the morning with the zeal and the drive to make your name great in the nations of the earth to make your name great in our workplace to make your name great in our high school or our college or our church ministry or our neighbourhood Lord that we would be consumed with your glory come Lord and touch our hearts touch our hearts Lord we ask for a spirit of Revelation to rest upon us Lord as we draw nearer to that day we ask for a spirit of Revelation that would ruin us and say I've got no other options I just need you God I need your word it is a lamp unto my feet it is the bread of life that feeds my spirit my soul and I am going to give myself wholeheartedly to this Lord I asked for 10,000 in our nation that would walk in this in power many more than that across the nations of the earth but Lord do it mark a generation call them unto yourself call us Lord give us courage give us boldness to say hard things to live a fasted lifestyle to press in and fasting and in prayer Lord to do what is countercultural what is unpopular what is frowned upon and rejected by by many but Lord we asked for a spirit of courage and boldness we want to stand with Jesus in the day of your appearing we want to be faithful to who you are in that day and Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 67,032
Rating: 4.8018575 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, onething, Onething 2017, Onething Live, Jon, Thurlow, Isaac, Bennett, worship, different, Story, Music (tv genre), praise, live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 59sec (7379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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