Onething 2017 // Session 2 // Full Live

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[Music] [Music] my eyes are upon you always looking to and fro like a searchlight longing for those whose hearts are fully committed to my ways searching [Music] longing for hearts like Moses who yearned to see my face who spoke with me like a friend and reflected hearts like David who desired only one thing to dwell in my house all the days of his life to behold my beauty and to enquire in my town arts like John who prepared the way before me beheld and embraced my day of visitation [Music] they whispered invitation to behold became a trumpet as I revealed myself in flesh fully God has become [Music] [Applause] fulfilling my promise to send my illuminating spirit upon me for unlike Moses you can behold with unveiled faces and reflect my glory [Music] and as you before [Music] like me [Music] throughout the ages the call has gone forth to every nation and while many have rejected my remnant has always embraced the invitation to draw near Baptist of all listen for the voice of the bright word rejoicing at Michael and declaring aloud that my light has come for even in the darkest night the dawn will break forth [Music] route the ages set apart like burning lab smoke dark that the lamb would receive the reward his son others given to my kingdom invitation ablaze with passion revolutionaries who embrace us was saying to the church and sparked a wildfire through people [Music] glorious return fierce because I first reflecting my clinging to my word for the up speaking truth in an A releasing healing to a broken [Applause] we love my father preparing and declaring with wholeness my message I am coming soon embrace my message behold my beauty become more like me declare my way [Music] young man show me the way you are a generation set apart to behold his you are a generation becoming a creative you to be you are a generation true but even more you are a generation preparing the way the Lord young man what do you see young man what will you be [Music] [Applause] young man what will you say young man shall be the way you are a generation of hearts behold you are becoming Oh created you to be you are generation declaring shoes but even you are repairing the way [Music] there's trouble coming will you say Moria you rise [Music] [Applause] a Jewish tea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh the girls see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will let the runts cry out I won't let the run cry for raise I pour out my rage I won't let the rough cry out I won't let the rocks cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise it's your breath god [Music] use your brain [Music] your breath in our lungs raise your faithfulness God my father there is no shadow of turning [Music] all I have needed your hand hath provided great is your faithfulness Oh Lord's will be rain is your faithfulness oh my there's no shadow of turning with your hand hath provided great is your faithfulness [Music] your greatness is unsearchable who can your ways you're great [Music] you can know your weight your greatness is unsearchable who can know your [Music] who can know your all this is from you all this is to you this is through you [Music] we simply give back to you that which you already own we simply give back to you that which you already know all glory belongs to you always some belong to you to you to you alone oh oh blessing belongs to you honor belongs to you other riches belong to you [Music] oh it's your breath in our lungs so evil we you it's your love in our heart and so we see a song to you love you the song that we sing be more than poetry we love you we [Music] [Music] [Music] so we pour our prayers for our praise on you that's your bread it's your bread so we pour our praise to you only you my love to God [Music] give I love to you god [Music] my love [Music] we're not in a hurry we give our love to you God with [Music] we give our love [Music] I love [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] give our love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give I love to you [Music] you beautiful I stand all you beautiful I'm standing all you beautiful I stand in all you beautiful I stand in awe of you your face is shining by the Sun in all the street Sun in all worthy worthy is the song of the reading the song [Music] [Music] and our hearts repeat the song you're beautiful I spend you're beautiful I stand [Music] I stand [Music] we fix our [Music] we turn we stand amazed we fix our eyes we turn our game we said in our god we stand up me [Music] we turn hi with [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's never been they'll never be another more beautiful there's never been there will never be another more beautiful than you there's never they'll never be more beautiful has never been no never another army than you Jesus must never man they'll never be another [Music] they will never be [Music] yeah there was never [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] I stand [Music] come on just keep that if you want me to say [Music] [Music] [Music] we gaze on [Music] he's fascinated by your heart he's on the lorry he's a wannabe you can't get enough you are give our lives to you tonight give our hearts to you you remind to you we Thunder all we surrender [Music] we surrender to the beauty we surrender to the beauty [Music] [Music] your beauties like water was she [Music] your beauties like bother washing our minds setting our hearts free [Music] take you to love you anyway [Music] takes you to love you anyway [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] already [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my niece games rendering Surrender [Music] he lorded draw you just report [Music] desperate [Music] [Music] Tresor mercy and rage [Music] [Music] we're on [Music] try [Music] [Music] I want I want to [Music] I really [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh - Jesus are sir or to him I freely I will [Music] and trust him in his presence daily all to Jesus I surrender or to him freely give [Music] trust him in his presence daily live all to Jesus I surrender all to him I freely [Music] and trust him in his present day or time or to Jesus or to Jesus all to him I owe trust either and Jesus I surrender I want to know I want to know you more I surrender I surrender I want to know what [Music] really want to know anymore [Music] [Music] I see kindness in your eyes I hear mercy in your voice and so I give my life make me faithful to you [Music] [Music] exort Oh from worthless [Music] star do you love bye-bye [Music] to me [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No ah geez although [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the Saiga gimme gimme [Music] [Music] get all [Music] for the sake of them all for the sake of love give it all up give it all for the sake of all for the sake of love I give it all I give [Music] once was gay I now count as logs all for the sake of knowing you and once was gained I now count as lost for the sake of knowing you my god I really wanna know all for the sake oh the sake of love give it all give it up for the sake of love all of the sake of love give it all give it give it give it Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] your eyes are on the low the other side if feed on to the broken your hands are quick to say guys like you are with the Forgotten and offer them home adopting me and wanted calling them your make us [Applause] like make Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] you're coming deeper [Music] give us your you are you are with the regatta and duh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a river in the desert that you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get out thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give us your [Music] give us your [Music] give us your [Music] or to be near your heart [Music] [Laughter] just to be close to just to be close to you just to be close to you here's my desire just to be close students just to be close to you just to be close to you he is my the dire say now see to see me to be close to you just to be is my time is just doing Oh [Music] do just to be close to your heart [Music] I worship man under you just want to tell you [Music] oh Jesus I worship I just want to tell you Lord [Music] you just wanna tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm a tree I love you but you never change you never change always the same I love love always and forever more always and forever for Oh [Music] always and forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody clap your pap your hands [Applause] this is the live shiny the world and the word who made each one of us this is the truth Santee captive free and the way into eternity would not a shame to tell of greatness you will be our God a chain of days we're singing your praises till the whole world yesterday Ratan you'll be forever bored you're the same yesterday you'll be forever you are the light shining in the world and the word who made each one of us you are the true magic captives free beer and the way into eternity were not ashamed to tell of greatness you will be god it's end-of-days we're singing your praise [Music] Jovie you're [Music] just the day-to-day job Bieber you are you're the same yesterday today and you'll be forevermore you're the same yesterday today and you'll be forever forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh my tea Oh will Singh of Ukraine cuz we're not ashamed to tell upgrade [Music] Jesus ain't set of days we're singing your prize you will be our God instead of - we're singing your praises [Music] just a day [Music] it's a day [Music] joy [Music] you [Music] Barbie [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just attack today for sure the say just the dead you'll be [Music] yesterday [Music] yesterday today forever for sure the same yesterday Ratan you'll be forevermore [Music] [Music] in your arms you're the same yesterday today and you'll be forevermore singing again they are the same yesterday today and you'll be Jesus we sing it for you're the same yesterday one more time say you're the same yesterday [Applause] come on a lift up a shout of praise in this place [Music] No yes Thank You Jay Thomas thank you worship team say bye to go ahead and grab a seat if you would just take the next 2-3 minutes and get back to your seats and okay that Jay that was that was just inspiring I love the way you love Jesus and your team and the way you pull people into the presence of God thank you thank you thank you my friend okay now as you're getting your seeds I have a page of teaching notes that I like to give everybody so if you don't have those teaching notes and you want them raise your hands up if you didn't get them on the way in the ushers will get it right to you so raise your hand up high if you did not get that one page of teaching notes I don't know always cover though all the notes but I'd like to give you verses to take home to look at at your own time again raise your hands up high if you want to get those teaching notes for tonight we have them online I want to mention something that we're doing tomorrow night that you might not have caught in the conference guide is that our Night Watch we call the group the Night Watch the glory of the IHOP family there's a whole company of young people some older ones as well when they join the IHOP staff and just about anybody can join the IHOP staff it's a wide-open thing they've come from all over the world we have about 700 staff members but there's a there's a core of them that chose the night once they do midnight to six o'clock in the morning I mean it goes they each person they take on six nights a week it's a full-time job and between all of them they cover all seven nights but they all do it five and six nights a week every one of them right the night shift and what we want to do is we want to stir up people who are called to the Nightwatch back in your own cities so tomorrow night 10 o'clock after the meetings over here at a little bit of ministry time we're going down to the prayer room you know we moved our I hop prayer room here it's in this building I don't know it's wherever it's at but you can go kind of get a taste and see of the prayer room but we're gonna have a bunch of our leadership team I like this every year I get I'm excited about this we go down there together a bunch of our leaders and we do the Nightwatch from midnight I mean for 10 only the 2 p.m. it's 2 a.m. it's kind of a baby night watch but it's a little taste and see and we pray for anybody that has it in their heart back in their own City or they want to come and be a part of the Night Watch here we pray for them and we ask the Lord to release prophetic words and so that's tomorrow night at 10 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. it's a four-hour kind of taste and see of the night one so come and join us if you want to do that ok in just a moment I'm gonna take a minute I do this at every conference just to pray over or what I call the Anna calling and the Anna anointing I've done this for 18 years every single conference we've had for 18 years and so I just I'm so passionate about that so just go ahead and open your Bibles to Luke chap - and we're gonna look at that in just a moment turn to Luke chapter 2 verse 36 this is this woman Anna is a very unique and inspiring woman - what we do here at the International House of Prayer look what it says in verse 36 there was this woman Anna she was a prophetess so she had the anointing of the holy spirit with dreams vision signs and wonders she moved in the prophetic realm look at verse 38 37 this woman was a widow of 84 years old but what it tells us is that she was widowed in her mid-20s now she's in her mid 80s and over this 60-year period it describes her life look at this this is one of the most radical I can't even imagine how strange and radical this was in that day she did not depart from the temple I don't think she had a room there and she showered there and I think what it means is she was in the prayer meeting at the temple day and night night and day notice it says here that she served God with fasting and prayer and some people when they think of fasting and prayer they think of kind of disconnecting from the real world and kind of having a spiritual kind of retreat in Oasis and I think there's times you take a few days off and have a spiritual retreat but Anna and this is what we take seriously here at IHOP is that this was her occupation this was a full-time endeavor this was not a weekend retreat she served the Lord with fasting and prayer because God is served with fasting and prayer because when fasting and prayer goes forth in a city the spiritual atmosphere of that city changes let me say that again the spiritual atmosphere of that city changes that means the message that would have moved ten people now it moves a hundred people or a thousand because there's an anointing released in that city prayer in fasting shifts the spiritual atmosphere of the city or the region of which it was prayed for it I look at verse 38 it says coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord and she spoke of him baby Jesus this is at the very beginning of Jesus's life she spoke of him to all who looked for redemption in Jerusalem so what we find out is in verse 36 she's a prophetess she moves in the spirit verse 37 she's an intercessor fasting and praying for the release of the move of God verse 38 she speaks of Jesus she's an evangelist the first evangelist in the New Testament is Ana she speaks of Jesus everywhere so I like to say this the prophetic movement the prayer movement and the missions movement what God has joined together let no man separate God doesn't want three movements moving in opposite directions he wants to see intercessors who move in the spirit and who have a heart for evangelism and evangelists who pray and prophetic people who evangelize and intercede now what we do here is I look at this Anna calling and I call it the Anna anointing this is I define my own life and ministry related not only to this verse but this verse has been very instrumental in the last eighteen years now for those of you that are new here we started IHOP I was pastoring for about twenty five years and and I resigned pastoring and took on this new missions organization we started at eighteen years ago and it's with full-time intercessors we call them intercessory missionaries meaning we do the work of intercession I mean we do the work of missions from the place of prayer and worship we don't only pray and worship but we spend part of our time in the prayer room and we spend part of our time and service ministry and so everybody on our staff the 700 people and each of them raised their own support as missionaries that's kind that's the way we've been able to grow just like why I am and Campus Crusade and ministries like that we they raise their own support but it's a full-time occupation that's I see myself as a full-time occupation as a missionary but I'm an intercessory missionary ain't doing the work of missions from the place of prayer I pray for missions across the earth and I do missions work that way and then I do missions work by training and touching people outside of the prayer room as well so I do missions work in the prayer room and I do missions work outside the prayer room now what might be new to some of you is King David King David had four thousand singers and musicians somebody say four thousand four thousand on his full-time staff now this is unthinkable four thousand people that he organized singers and musicians the Levites and their full-time occupation was to be in the presence of the Lord releasing I mean praising God and releasing God's purposes in the spirit in their nation under David's leadership I'm it's remarkable deal I believe in this day God is raising up call it whatever you want you don't have to use our term but intercessory missionaries men and women old and young that have this inner calling this Ana anointing meaning it's the anointing it's the grace of God to be in the presence of God for long hours even for years and years and years while doing the work of prophesying and evangelizing now there's some of you in this room you would say in your heart Lord if you made a way I don't know how that would be possible but if you made a way that was what I would want to do if I could be in this place the full-time occupation in a house of prayer somewhere in the earth engaging with others in night in day worship and then doing the work of missions out of the overflow of that that's what I would do and there's many we find them all around the world there's thousands and thousands of people responding to this Anna calling this Anna anointing I'm going to take a minute right now and I want to pray for anyone in the room you're saying I don't know how it could happen you know I'm too old or I'm too young I mean that some think they're too old you're not we have people in our 70s and 80s on our staff and we have people 19 and 20 on our staff it's old and young it's male and female many of them are singers and musicians and many of them like me well they won't let me on the stage to sing and dance and stuff and so you can take it from there a lot of us aren't singers and musicians but we are part of the prayer room here in Kansas City so if you in your heart you're saying that's what I would do I would love to do this I'm not positive that's my life calling but I would if God would make away from me I would like to do that and you would like prayer I would like to pray for you because I have found over the 18 years in this moment many lives have been defined and redirected in this short little seven or eight minute segment so I'd like you to stand up all over the room those of you that say I think that that might be my calling to be a full-time singer a full-time intercessor because that's really the same thing a singer musician intercessor we're all together in the prayer room mixing prayer and worship together I'm gonna ask the Lord to visit you I'm gonna ask the Lord to confirm this for you I'm gonna ask the Lord to release you in the right City at the right time father I ask in the name of Jesus God that you would release this anointing to be in the presence of God and a long-term way even for years Lord like a Nawaz like King David was in the four thousand singers and musicians and I asked for the grace of God asked for confirming signs wonders dreams visions and Lord I ask you for economics you would make a way where there is no way you would make a way where there is no way and you would release them into the city or the place that you've called them in Jesus name Amen and amen you can go ahead and be seated I've done this you know we've had five or ten conferences many years for 18 years and we do this every time and I tell you we're watching and houses of prayer and intercessory missionaries are being raised up all around the earth not just related to us but I mean just the Spirit is sovereignly doing this and that may not be your calling I mean many of you in this room says how am i calling but you can support and celebrate and encourage people that that have this calling and those of you there's always a handful from our one thing conference to say hey we want to be a part of your staff how do we do this well if you just in one sentence you have to join one of our three-month internships it's our it's our orientation or introduction program so if you're interested you're saying hey I want to check this out you know raise my own support as a missionary will you train us to do that yeah well train you to do that there's really practical ways to do that and there's thousands of missionaries in the earth that are finding that God is meeting them in this place of raising their support I've done it for 18 years and I was a little nervous when I first started because I pastored almost 25 years in st. Louis in Kansas City and I was a little nervous but the Lord has met me every step of the way in multitudes of our people and so if you say you know I think I might want to be a part of this and you want to do it here again you have to go through one of the internships the intro to IHOP internship and so if you are interested in that when we talk about those we have information meetings all through the week where we gather in a room and we talk about these and give you a chance to ask questions we're going to show you a short video of what I hop is just because we have two reasons because a lot of folks that come for the first time how many of you hear the very first time you've ever visited us here okay just a whole bunch of you yeah let's just all give them our visitors a big hand the rest of your family so you've been here twice you're part of our family but here's what leaders come and they go wow this is the weirdest thing you do what and it's confusing I go we're a missions organization David had four thousand singers and musicians we're intercessory missionaries like them it's our full-time job it's not a weekend kind of deal it's a full-time occupation that we've got to do for years and years and years they go weird strange what so we want to show you the video to kind of give you a snapshot but we also want to show you the video because we want you to say in your mind if they can do it in Kansas City if weak and broken people can do it there then by the grace of God we can do it in our place because I tell you we're weak and broken people and the Lord has sustained this for 18 years so I want you I'm with this video to inspire you not that what you would do in your own city would look the same but some of the elements you might go hey if they can we can in the grace of God so just take a few moments then we'll come back and share a few announcements and then get right into the message of the Word of God tonight let's go ahead and show that video since the birth of the church God has raised up night and day prayer movements throughout the earth communities of those abandoned to the king and the cause of his kingdom cities set on a hill flaming torches in a dark world holy revolutionaries who set their face against the spirit of the age prayer warriors crying out day at night the Lord is again raising up another worldwide incense movement communities of holy revolutionaries crying out to him day and night right now the Holy Spirit is moving all over the earth raising up a per movement in such numbers it's historic this movement will continue to spread across cities villages and nations of the earth we have gatherings now of thousands upon thousands in a Muslim country of people crying out to the Lord all the heart prayer is gonna rip open the heavens to release the greatest revival the greatest harvest and the unveiling of the face of Christ on a generation [Music] it was in 1983 now 500 of us in our 20s and we are crying out to God for 21 days and the Lord spoke audibly it was the most remarkable thing that the Lord has ever given me in my life they said do 24 hour prayer in the spirit of the tabernacle of David David had four thousand full-time singers and musicians four thousand that were full-time staff I thought oh Lord yes I don't know how I don't know when but I know why because I know that the solemn assemblies the crying out night and day is going to be at the very point of the arrow of God's endtime purpose [Music] we have 25 full worship teams full-time occupation raising their own support inspired by why women Campus Crusade and they do 84 to our prayer meetings a week and when you're in that place of prayer and has to be enjoyable and has to be sustainable and isaiah 50:6 said that he will give us joy in his House of Prayer we found that the sustaining joy to keep doing it over years at a time comes with music so we take the word and pray it in an atmosphere of music and an atmosphere of worship so our intercessors pray the biblical prayers then singer singing our hearts are wakened in Revelation in the Word of God it's enjoyable it's sustainable God is raising up prophetic singers and musicians in this our human history there is something about the song that tenderizes the hearts of men that unifies the body in word and spirit and in heart and it is clearly in the Word of God a sign of the times it's an honor and a privilege and a sobering reality to be a part of this as a singer musician in the House of Prayer you need to understand that when you come to the House of Prayer in Kansas City it's international and now even more so as we launch the whole nations prayer room you won't just hear prayer and worship in English you can hear Arabic Chinese Farsi French German Korean Portuguese Russian and Spanish we have the nation's here the prayer room exists another reason is for intimacy with God but we would touch the father heart of God we would touch the bridegroom affections and tenderness of Jesus where we're receiving the truths of the Bible with living understanding getting prepared from the Bible and unique dynamics of the generation of the Lord returning [Music] now what happens in the prayer room must be expressed externally in healing the sick winning the loss feeding the poor making disciples building godly family's building Kingdom businesses transforming society those are the things that are all one from God's point of view the Lord is rising up messengers the Lord is rising up prophets ones who'd be called to that priestly place of waiting before him ministering to him hearing and getting connected to his heart and then being sent as messengers all over the earth the messenger that he has really spoken to us about is John the Baptist John described his forerunner ministry as a friend of the bridegroom who eagerly stood before the Lord and fasting in prayer and faithfully proclaimed the message of the bridegroom God it really is a glorious thing to be part of a community that's gathered together with one heart one mind going after prayer together on a daily basis the whole community doing the life of prayer is huge I have been encouraged and inspired to keep going to keep pressing in my walk with the Lord to be authentic before him in the place of worship just when I'm ready to quit there's someone there to encourage me to say no what you're doing does make sense he is coming back and what we go back and forth we pull each other and a real dynamic way I couldn't do it without community the very fact that there is a community of dedicated intercessors it's a major prophetic call and inspiration to many who have heard from the Lord that this is what he is doing across the nation of the herb is preparing the nation's for the return of the Lord the greatest revival ever known in history is going to be released by this / movement we're in need of a revival and that is why I've given my life to worship and prayer because I want to give my life to a Christ adoring minister unto God and then an implementing of his heart his plans into the earth in this hour of human history the prophetic word of the church is shut down business as usual gather together with solemn assemblies of prayer and fasting and cast your strength upon the Lord the Bible tells us that God's house is called a house of prayer now the House of Prayer in any city is the entire body of Christ in that city it's not just the ministries that are focused on prayer and this is what God is doing today is causing the entire culture of the body of Christ to become a house of prayer to have a prayer culture in the midst of their commitment to evangelize build godly families reach out to the society and do the work of the kingdom the church across the globe is to Incline their ear to hear what the Spirit is saying and one of the primary things that he is saying is my house will be called a House of Prayer the church finding her identity as being a place of prayer right now God is raising up prayer movements across the nations of the earth and he's calling and he's gathering people together of like hearts and like minds and here in Kansas City at the house of prayer were answering that call and were getting a revelation of this Jesus is a great king he's coming soon and the earth better get ready [Music] so good I love that video and I love every time that Mike Bickle does the Anna call and just a personal story the first time I came to the one thing conference it was in 2011 and I remember when Mike gave that Anna call there was just something within me that says that's who I am like I finally found who I was and so I just kept saying yes and so I just encourage you guys if you feel even just a little tug in your heart just keep saying yes and you have no idea where the Lord may take that yes and so we've got a few announcements yeah a few announcements so there is a new album by forerunner music and it's called fully alive and this album isn't even available to the public yet it's not coming out to like the end of January but you guys can get it exclusively in the bookstore so be sure to stop by grab a copy I know Jay Thomas has already performed a couple songs and Abby Bennett is coming up right after announcements and do her song is fire I love it so be sure to pick one of those up and we have a book here and this I believe that this book is such a gift to the body of Christ it's called the fully funded missionary by Rob Parker and so if if you are one of those that was saying I want to be an intercessory missionary or you feel called to the unreached people groups or you just want to give yourself to two full-time ministry to the Lord this book is such a great resource and for me it really just changed my paradigm of the Great Commission and that I have an assignment in that Great Commission and that what God calls me to he's gonna provide and he did he totally provided a way and so we just want to let you guys know about this book it's a completely important message for this generation for the body of Christ because we're all part of the Great Commission whether were the goer or the sender and so it's a great resource for you and another great resource is Mike Bickle's book growing in prayer so this is not a new book but this book is so helpful it was actually one of first gifts that Melissa bought to me when we were dating she's like you got to read this book and I actually read it during my internship I did an internship here during the summer so I went through it and what I love about it is it's simple and it's practical you can basically take the principles that Mike laid out not just apply them to my life and it really really did help my personal prayer life so I encouraged you to get that to go through it and he touches on everything in this book he goes through like the foundation of prayer he goes through intercession he goes through devotional fare prayer he talks about adding fasting to prayer and even touches on the whole prayer movement so it was just I was gripped by it so I would encourage you guys to check that out if you have it yes to download the app so I mentioned it in the first round so just in case you guys missed it or you weren't here your you weren't here be sure to download the one thing app and everything that you need to know is on that app it's cool it has a live feed so you guys can post pictures of your friends your family has a place to share your own personal testimony it talks about it even tells you where restaurants are it has all the schedule and everything that's happening here in the hub so be sure to download it it is a super helpful tool and we just want to let you guys know we are also having an IHOP you info mating tomorrow it's gonna be at 12:15 in room 2505 and so you'll get to go you'll get to me I hop you leaders and faculty and so even if you guys just feel like you want to know a little bit more about either our ministry school our media school or our music Academy I just encourage you guys go and check out that info meeting and we're also gonna be having I hop you tours later on this week it's gonna be Sunday afternoon but you have to get tickets for that so if that's something that you guys want to do we get you in a bus we bring you in feed you lunch down at our campus so you'll have to get tickets for that and it's gonna be at the IHOP use the hub area they're gonna have a little station there so you can pick up tickets for that so unfortunately Jeremy riddle from Bethel music is not going to be with us he was actually in a motorcycle accident crash on a dirt bike and from what I heard he punctured his lung collapse as long as he broke his ankles we love him he's part of the body of Christ and I get that I've been I've been in the hospital so many times with broken bones so I just want to pray for them so let's pray for them why don't we get done praying if anyone still hasn't received notes be sure to just raise your hand and we'll get you to tonight's message on the notes so father we just thank you Lord we thank you for Jeremy Lord we thank you for the gift he is to the body of Christ we thank you for his gifts his talents his music Lord and lo we just lifted him up before you Lord and we just ask that you would extend your hand to heal God God that you would open up his lungs Lord and you would reach down from heaven and heal his ankle in the name of Jesus amen so like I said raise your hands if you haven't got the notes for tonight and we'll be sure to get them to you guys now we have a special from the beautiful Abby Bennett with her new song fingerprints [Music] in the fear I was insane until you spoke the light of race [Music] my soul [Music] gave courage through these bones [Music] I taste [Music] [Music] she's always stood the test and your breath [Music] and my mad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in soccer [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not even close [Music] thank you [Music] like nobody [Music] [Applause] they wash away all my steak [Music] Oh [Music] nobody your body [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen I love it I love it I have a special joy in seeing Abby her parents they joined IHOP 18 years ago when we first started when we had 20 staff members and I think Abby would like three or something I don't know she was really little she started playing on worship teams I'm just guessing singing seven eight nine ten years old something like that and she's been doing it every sense and and just looking at her all grown up and oh I love you Abby wherever you are we'll turn to Isaiah chapter 60 father we come to you in the name of Jesus Lord we stand before your holy presence ABBA or even in the presence of your Holy Angels and we say we love you ABBA and we ask you that the Holy Spirit would magnify your son in this place tonight in Holy Spirit we recognize you we ask you to take the things that belong to him that you would give them to us in power in Jesus name Amen well we're going to begin in Isaiah chapter 60 in a verse to a very dramatic statement I mean a exciting and an alarming prophetic statement for the generation the Lord returns before I read it I want to say that I feel very sober tonight and some of the things I'm going to share but I'm full of faith my heart is fully confident and energized that the greatest hour for the church is just ahead of us the greatest hour in church history for the church is yet ahead but it will be a very challenging hour in the flesh it will be dynamic in the spirit but Chao in the flesh the reason it's important to say that I hear some people talk about the great revival and people get excited as though the Holy Spirit is going to come and make everything easy and happy and meetings will be big and fun and life will go on business as usual but the great endtime revival clearly in the Bible is setting context to the greatest hostility against the gospel in church history the greatest persecution and animosity but the greatest release of power and the church will enter into a dimension of love for God that's never been known in church history I mean before Jesus returns the Holy Spirit is going to establish the first commandment in first place I mean that people on the earth folks like us with weak vessels we will love him with all of our heart he loves us with all of his heart he's coming back for an equally yoke bride prepared in love but that preparation has some rigor to it and I when I talk to some folks they're naive and even Cavalier and kind of kind of juvenile about their view of what that preparation is gonna look like it's like oh it's gonna be cool I'm like no no it's gonna be dynamic it's gonna be important it's gonna be real but it is gonna be challenging because it's gonna shift the body of Christ in the earth to a whole hearted abandonment to God that we're gonna love him like he loves us with all of our heart now his love is far greater than ours but we're gonna come into this giving our all in the relationship well tonight I want to talk about it a phrase the Lord spoke to me it was 20 years ago in 1997 when he spoke to me in a challenging way that stirred me and it was not as exciting as it was challenging he said he spoke and said I want you to be a voice not an act go I thought on that for some months it was 1997 I begin to declare a big bigger to share it with others I go what do you mean Lord I want I want you to be a voice and not just an echo where you're just repeating biblical ideas and rhetoric and stories but it's something that your spirit is burning with when nobody else is around I want you to be a voice because the message prepared in the mind only will only reach the mind of people but a message that's burning in the heart in the secret place that's the message that will reach the hearts of people and the Lord is raising up a generation of young people and I mean I'm 62 silvus as older folks count too but I'm focused on the next generation though I super appreciate my generation as well and it's moms and dads together it's this joining of generations so it's not one versus the other but I'm locked in to seeing a young adult generation raised up that they are a voice and not an echo and they're speaking the truth and not just the popular rhetoric that's in the Christian dialogue in the Western world there's so much popular Christian rhetoric and lots of its Hollow not based in tons of truth elements of truth and the Lord is going to shake everything that can be shaken because he's serious about a church that loves with all their heart and right now the church in the earth is not in that place but he's in that place and he's saying I'm coming back at back I'm gonna have you ready to meet me wholehearted and I'm gonna stir the church up I'm gonna release my spirit in power and I'm gonna do an unusual work in the earth and bring in a great harvest it's gonna be a glorious story of love but again there's gonna be challenges there's gonna be obstacles our flesh isn't gonna like the journey but our spirit will look what it says here in Isaiah chapter 62 this phrase I call it the unique dynamics of the generation the Lord returns as this phrase the unique dynamics and what I mean by unique dynamics because darkness will reach a measure that's never been known in history and at the same time the Spirit of God in the church will reach a level of expression never in history so the light will be at a level of intensity and the darkness at a level of intensity and the two extreme opposites happening in the same timeframe on the earth will create unique dynamics that no generation has ever navigated no but no generation of leaders in the body of Christ has ever navigated these dynamics before but the Word of God gives clarity about them and if we're anchored in what the Word of God says and way and we're braced for the challenges and were sober minded but full of faith that is I think the posture the Lord wants this young emerging generation to give leadership on the body of Christ in the earth in this kind of context but look at this very dramatic statement verse 2 of Isaiah 60 behold darkness will cover the earth he says no by the Spirit of God deep darkness a depth of darkness never known in history it won't be a little here there'll be all over the earth sin will reach heights of perversion demonic activity the Anti Christ which is a real man who's coming on the scene it's not just the spirit of the Antichrist that's real too but there's a man who's going to have an empire who's gonna be far more cruel far more powerful far more far more attractive to the nation's than anything that Adolf Hitler was far more evil far more powerful and he's going to be an enemy of Israel in the church but he's going to it fear a first appeared to be friendly but he will be the adversary but God is going to take what the devil means for evil he's going to use it redemptive Lee he's going to multiply the church purify it and raise it up in love so the devil's plans are going to completely backfire on the kingdom of darkness but behold darkness will cover the earth deep darkness but but that's not the end of the story that's not the whole story the Lord will arise over you his glory the manifest glory will be seen on his people I mean that's a remarkable statement I know some people they only talk about the first half deep darkness but I know a lot of other people that only talk about the second half of this verse the glory beloved the truth is the entire verse we can't separate these two unprecedented dynamics they come together and it will be a unique setting on the earth never ever navigated by the body of Christ in history before there is no group to look back on and say how do you do it but the Word of God has clarity all the way through it but we have to be sober about it we have to face it we have to read it we have to drink the cup so to speak you know the angel visited John the Apostle in the book of Revelation revelation 10 he said eat the scroll which he means take the Word of God eat it digest and eat it don't just casually read it digest it think on it meditate on it long and loving meditation eat the scroll the scroll being the Word of God and that was symbolic meaning fully give way to it don't just kind of a drive by a drive by glanced at the word of God God is raising up messengers that are going to eat the scroll they're going to go deep in the Word of God and they're going to understand the dynamics and they're going to be a voice to a generation so the body of Christ is going to be prepared and not taken off-guard by what's happening because God's raising up a generation of young people I believe it's in this very hour that will prepare the generation coming after them and the glory of God will be fully accomplished look what it says in Acts chapter 2 in the last days verse 17 I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh not this is this has not happened by the way it began on the day of Pentecost but the Holy Spirit was only poured out on 120 people all flesh every born-again believer in the generation of the Lord returns it's going to have dreams and visions you know I have friends and leaders and they go I don't believe in dreams and visions and they want to debate it I go you know I just recently even had a leader say I want you to meet with me and my people kind of debate this and like I don't want to debate dreams and visions I'd rather talk about the glory of Jesus and the reason well I love Jesus more than I like debates but number two you're gonna have a dream and a vision anyway so there's no point let's just wait till you have it and then we'll figure out where you stand on it and I don't mean that to be cute it is gonna happen every born-again believer all flesh meaning servants of the Lord young and old male and female everyone is going to be operating in the spirit in those unique years leading up to the coming of the Lord and we're not at that place just yet but the move of the Spirit it's increasing there's a momentum it's dramatic that's what's happening right now but the day is coming every believer will operate in the spirit young and old weak and strong all together but here's a look at verse 20 this is going to happen before before the second coming of Jesus and the second coming of Jesus is described here as the great and the awesome day now the word awesome and this translation may lead you to the wrong conclusion because the word awesome means in the sense of terrifying awesome is in oh my goodness this is intense not just like hey man awesome not that awesome it's the other awesome and just to be clear Joel chapter 2 makes it clear he calls it when Jesus comes and those hour those years leading up to the coming the culmination of our beloved king in the sky it will be great to the people that say yes to him it will be terrible to the people that say no to him no not terrible very terrible because he's coming back with zeal for love because his judgments are to remove everything that hinders love his judgments aren't him just kind of venting that's not what's going on he is a he is a king he's a bridegroom King filled with love and there's one hour of history those years leading up to the very coming when he appears to the sky where he manifests his seal against that which would that which opposes love and it's going to be terrifying no very terrifying but believers will witness it it will be great not in their flesh but it will be great spiritually going the glory of God this is what we've lived for but beloved it will be terrifying as well and the question is who can endure it what person is going to respond to God in a biblical way so they can walk in victory in this dynamic this unique dynamics of that generation when he says who can endure it it means who couldn't walk in victory with the great power and the terrifying shakings and the answer is the people that say yes to the Lord it's within the reach of everybody if they say yes but it's a real yes not a kind of yes it's a real yes and it's a deep yes that he's looking for but God is not going to take the body of Christ by surprise he's raising up messengers I believe some decades ahead of time to prepare the body to get their mind around what the Word of God says and again young people I believe that your generation God is going to give a download of clarity so that you train your children and grandchildren I don't know when the Lord's coming but I believe it's sooner than later but right now the church somebody said well I don't know that the church is prepared I said I do know it's totally unprepared there you have to be completely disconnected from reality if you're thinking you're not sure if the church is prepared the church is massively unprepared there's a Laodicean spirit of compromise in the church that's being celebrated as the grace of God that's normative and leadership and it grieves God's heart because he's coming back for a church in love and he's gonna see this whole Laodicean spirit of compromise replaced by a spirit of adoration and fascination and devotion and so I want to just be real clear for where I stand the church is not anywhere close to prepared but he's going to raise up messengers and they're going to speak the message clear and God's gonna give people time to make sense of it and kind of line up with it little by little because God is gracious that he is good paragraph B and we're not gonna cover every paragraph on these notes but the Bible highlights one generation more than all the other generations of about in the scripture in that interesting that there's more about one generation than all the other generations it's the most described generation in history it's the generation where there's more people on the earth than any time in history and with a great endtime revival which I believe is going to be over a billion souls I believe it's possible there will be more believers on earth than in heaven after the great harvest I believe the souls will be so massive the numbers there might be more down here than up there before the Lord returns I don't know but my point is that generation is very significant and it's my conviction it's not a prophecy it's a conviction we are in the early days of that generation now the Bible makes it clear a generation can last a hundred years so I don't know you know if that JIT last generation is five fifty or seventy years I don't know but the Bible is clear it can be a hundred years so I don't know where we're at in it but I know when I look at the biblical at the Times and there's quite a few of them almost all of the signs of the times are happening now on a global level for the first time they're increasing on a global level and my spirit is alerted because the church seems more disengaged with the hour that we're living in it's like more and more popular ministries are less and less interested in this biblical narrative and I and you know what I'm gonna say but I just love saying it God's not waiting for a popularity vote on the earth from the Western world to determine his endtime plan he is clear about it he's zealous about it he's positive then it will produce love and he doesn't agree with the Western mindset it's on a complete different trajectory in the church then we're much much of the Bible the prophets are declaring this thing is going it's almost devoid of the challenges when I talk to leaders not all leaders but many just the almost almost absence of any recognition of the massive amount of biblical material about that generation there's just almost a spirit of dumbness like really it's there's like yeah it's everywhere brother I just don't see it like I love you but shake off the fog get in the Word of God we have to be a voice to our generation we by the very power of love oh it to the human race to say what God says we're his messengers to say what the Word of God says to take time to go deep in it and to not be dumbfounded and Confused like the masses are going to be like a paragraph B I was really surprised by this fact there are over a hundred and fifty chapters in the Bible of which the end times is the primary subject a hundred and fifty just to get it in perspective if you add up the four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John that's 89 chapters almost 90 chapters about his first coming a hundred and fifty almost twice as much same Bible same Jesus same holy spirit and yet much of the body of Christ is almost illiterate of those hundred fifty chapters and it's the biblical narrative it's the storyline it has the challenges it has the glory it has the difficulties it has the promises they're all there together in those 150 chapters so some years ago as a leadership team at IHOP we began maybe it's 10 years ago I don't know began to want to systematically study each one of those hundred 50 chapters to see what the Bible says is the narrative because beloved there's only one reliable narrative on the planet it's in the Word of God but there's probably it's one of the books most neglected in the kingdom of God is the word of God a lot of folks picked this first that verse this theme that theme but beloved I'm gonna talk about a verse and a theme and a promise that I love that after about the Word of God we want to take it not just cherry-pick it and just justify and validate our own desires and plans we want to see what the awesome God says about the generation that is the most important generation in history it's going to transition the earth to the age to come beloved you might be in that generation and my opinion you're in the early days of it 150 chapters paragraph see we have to understand these chapters I don't mean every detail I don't mean everybody know it has to know everything but I've talked about the body of Christ God's raising up young leaders that are not content to be illiterate on these chapters they're saying no there's hours too serious that's the only reliable information on the planet is those chapters God gave gave them to us as a gift but if we don't understand the biblical narrative by default we will accept the secular narrative as believers I'm talking about if we don't know the biblical narrative and confusion and fear we will accept a secular one and the secular narrative as the pressure increases in beloved it's going to increase I'll talk to somebody they said well you know things continue to get worse I go just hey let's read this to date that and I'm gonna get T to get worse they're gonna get massively more pressure some massively but the glory of God is gonna surpass even what we saw in the book of Acts so it's not an either/or it's a bow fan but be clear about this the pressure is going to mount up and it's growing dynamically the increase of the pressure but it's going to increase far more and far greater we don't know the biblical narrative it will look like history's is a train off the track running out of control and even as believers like God what what's going on because I mean it clear I'm using it and I'm gonna use the negative redemptive ly I'm gonna use all of it I'm the god of history I'm controlling the thing that devil has his Liberty to move but ain't whatever he means for evil I'm gonna turn it for your good trust me this is about love it's about you and me together forever body of Christ trust my leadership but many believers won't the Bible describes the generation of the Lord returns as a great falling away one guy says well there go is there gonna be people falling away or is it the great harvest it's both I believe millions of people with a religion Christian heritage and background will deny the faith and I believe that end time following away is already began I believe it's actually already but and it's picking up and steam but not only is there gonna be a massive falling away I don't think most will fall away but many many millions but there will be I believe a billion plus coming in but they're coming into the true gospel of the kingdom on fire for radical Christianity that's all they will know because the conflict and the power together they will just they'll be looking for people who know have clarity about what's happening it's like a paragraph D now we all know this passage we've read it but I just want you to read it with new eyes this passage is not kind of just by the way this is a very weighty weighty statement it's about the generation of the Lord returns and undoubtedly it had some application in 70 AD and all that but it's mostly about the generation of the Lord returns here's what I want you to note that the gospel of the kingdom is gonna go to all the earth it's gonna be the greatest hour of victory in advance in human history it's the greatest hour victory but this that the interest not interesting the sobering thing is the greatest hour of victory the thing that the church has longed for for 2,000 years that every tribe and every tongue would have a spirit of revival magnifying Jesus loving him it's what the church is longed for for 2,000 years it's going to happen but it's going to happen in the presence of the greatest resistance and persecution and hostility against the church ever in church history and Jesus said I'm not I'm not giving you flattery I'm giving it to you as your Shepherd I want you braced I want you to set your heart to be mine to trust me to understand my narrative that I'm for love and I'm for you and I know what I'm doing and it's gonna be forever the benefits of what unfolds in that hour verse 9 they will deliver you up to tribulation they will kill you now we've had persecution through 2000 years but there's coming an onslaught of persecution and martyrdom in the church before the Lord returns but it's going to be to a people that are so committed in love with Jesus they will be fearless in the face of death because they see their king the one that died for them they will say it is our reward tonight oh into your presence and they will be fearless in the face of death and it will shake up the kingdoms of the earth the fearless bold resolve of love of a persecuted Church at the end of the age and millions will want to be a part of it because beloved the whole human race is looking for something to die for because if you don't have something to live for you don't have anything to don't have something to die for you don't have anything really to live for and the whole earth is looking for something passionate intense and real enough to die for and God's going to raise up these believers who are fearless in the face of persecution because they've seen him and his glory they believe in the eternal relationship and their unflinching in the face of persecution and danger because of love and the nations will go what do they know that we don't know and that is part of the purifying process of the church and of the great harvest but Jesus said I want you to know they will kill you don't start saying oh god oh god where are you I want you to know I'm in charge you're gonna be with me forever for billions of years that you're gonna be really happy forever trust me it's a good deal don't draw back I didn't draw back don't you draw back because it's just so you don't think live in some fantasy you will be hated in every nation in America in the West not ridiculed hated in every nation that hasn't happened yet but beloved we can look at the social political climate what has happened in the last five years as an increase of hostility and animosity the next 10 years the next 20 years that animosity and the whole environment of the social Meeny is gonna turn to rage and a whole bunch of components are coming together and I said told the Lord look I'm in it for love I'm in it with you forever I'm not in it for their applause I'm in it because I love you not just your applause it's gratitude for who you are the glory of who you are you're worth it god I'm in it for love Jesus said verse 10 I want you to how many he's talking to the church now to his people they're gonna be offended if you don't understand what the biblical narrative is people are gonna be offended not just at each other yes they're going to be offended at God as this thing intensifies there's gonna be because the church so many are gonna fall away here's how they're gonna fall away they're gonna say I was raised and I was taught none of this would happen to the church they've been lied to for years Jesus said no it is gonna happen and they're gonna say well my church didn't believe it maybe God's not even real maybe the Bible isn't even real they're gonna be offended at God which is the devil's number one thing he's after because if you're offended you can't grow in love many are gonna be offended verse 11 Jesus says let me tell you straight he goes how much you prepared because it's the greatest hour of advancement and victory that gospel will go to every nation and power the outpouring of the Spirit but I want you to know the resistance is real set your heart now set your heart now as to how you're gonna respond how you're going to live don't wait for it to intensify and hopefully that as it intensifies then you'll get serious beloved set your heart now it will never be easier to set your heart than it is right now it's like that trains going five miles an hour our members are kid by parents my mom was just so upset when she caught me I would we'd built plate the train tracks and the train would run be going I don't know how fast but we would run and jump on it she said you'll cut your legs off I'd never know what she's talking about you know I jumped on the train a bunch of times but I know one thing when the train went faster it was harder to get on it and when the trouble picks up its pace people in the church if they're like the many will get jaded like you know what I'm just tired of all this stuff if God's God it'd better be nice and it better be easy for me or I'm not in and when the train picks up pace the the intensity in the culture in the earth picks up beloved now's the time to set our heart to be clear to be resolved there's a king over history he knows what he's doing he's not neglecting any of us but he has set his heart in love he knows what he's doing verse 11 false prophets will deceive many now here's the problem the false prophets some people are imagining they have horns you know it's a false prophet comes with a horn like a snotty little nose and hahahaha the wicked wicked King Queen of the East or whatever she is anyway that wicked thing and then Wizard of Oz something like that these false prophets are not the Wicked Witch of the East yeah that's not what they are they don't look like that these false prophets are winsome cool phenomenal clothes super upbeat personalities clever as can be and dominant followings on social media and as cool as can be but they're false prophets and they're leading already millions of believers are following the wrong people and they're being discipled through social media onto a false gospel and they're thinking oh this is really clever and they have really cool clothes on and man I want to be like them beloved we've got to be anchored in the Word of God because these false prophets will be good-looking winsome and massive followings on social media many of them but they're not going to declare the truth of the word of God they'll maybe use some Bible verses here and there but they'll use them only to flatter you about how many more friends and how much more money and how comfortable your life will be if you'll believe what they say it'll be a false gospel and it's already seducing the church in the West at such a staggering a pace right now I'm shocked by how many good guys are going I want a ministry like that I go quit being seduced by how big his church is we're following the Lamb of God he's got the Word of God we want to do the Word of God we don't care about big we care about faithful we care about reality a lot of people are seduced by big and cool beloved we need to be anchored in the Word of God because these false prophets are going to trick a lot of people because they're not gonna be like the Wicked Witch of the East they're not gonna be like that they're gonna be very winsome but he says I want you to know and the presence of all this resistance verse 14 the gospel of the kingdom will be preached every nation the thing the church is dreamed about for 2,000 years is going to happen in the midst of the greatest opposition will be the greatest breakthroughs and victories now this phrase verse 14 the King gospel of the kingdom it begins with the message of forgiveness but the core of the gospel of the kingdom and it certainly involves being vessels of the power of God the kingdom power but you note the core message of the gospel the kingdom is there's a king coming to the earth to confront everything that's against his leadership to fill the earth with love and to deliver his people that's the message of the kingdom and for 2,000 years you hear a little bit of that but what's going to happen the Bible's clear that in that generation there will be a winsome powerful evil leader called the Antichrist and the kings of the earth will line up with them and this king from heaven is coming to absolutely overthrow and destroy them the message of a king coming to the planet and facing wickedness with conflict and delivering his people with love that is the gospel of a king coming to the earth it's more than forgiveness I love forgiveness I love forgiveness I gotta hear about forgiveness every day I love to be vessel a vessel of Kingdom power I love the power of God I love forgiveness but the gospel the kingdom is more than that it's the declaration a man is coming to the earth and he has all the rights of kingship to rule the earth under the glory of God because he's the only one who knows what's best for the planet and that message is not going to be welcomed by many people on the earth they will see that as a hate message they will see that as bigotry they will see that as evil that declaration so it's not just when you see the gospel the kingdom don't read preach how do people can receive forgiveness again don't ever graduate from that we need that always but say it's a message that proclaims a king and the face of global hostility and that will not be an unpopular message but it will be the message we love I love the gospel of the kingdom a king is coming he's coming and he's going to drive darkness off the planet the devil is going to be in prison all the demons in prison and love was going to cover the earth forever and forever and forever a king is coming is the gospel of the kingdom his presence is here right now that's very important that's part of the gospel of the kingdom message but there's more there's a open manifestation of a conflict coming and the Bible has so much information in those 150 chapters it's remarkable reality God's racing up young people right now beloved the battle is already raging it's not you know skeletal 1 to 10 I don't wrote my numbers aren't accurate you know we've gone from a 1 or 2 to a 3 or 3 or something but it's gonna go to a 5 an 8 and a 10 it's gonna escalate rapidly but the battles I believe is already beginning in the nations of hostility against the truth of Jesus his message of salvation his kingdom message that in in the cultural Wars Jesus has the clarity about what love is he's the only and qualified to define love and he is to find love in the realms of the sanctity of life the sanctity of marriage the sanctity of sex and even in the body of Christ his leadership is being challenged and the name of love that they loved more than he loves well I wanted Eclair clearly nobody loves more than he loves and nobody knows more than he knows he is right he is true and all this rhetoric rising up against the Word of God it will not prevail it will have a momentary momentum in the earth and it will pass away and the king will found to be found to be true and beloved I'm staking my life on that truth and I know it to be true so the battles raging but when I see the battle raging I don't draw back and go oh no I look at that and I see a kingdom opportunity I say oh this is what this is the hour it's beginning again I believe we have some decades and maybe longer than I think maybe shorter than I think I don't know signs of the times the biblical signs there's lots of them there there lot of them are happening on an increased level right now it's an amazing reality but it's time for young adults who love Jesus to set your heart are you in it for real are you in the popularity that the Christian popularity swirl are you in the Jesus swirl God is raising up young adults that will act and courage they will act decisively they will invade and confront darkness they will not retreat and they will not draw back in silence to just let the issues take care of themselves they are the Lord's messengers well I'm going to read paragraph e for two minutes and this is this paragraph I want to give you two minutes I just want it on your screen I don't want develop it but this is the most I don't know if the word is like aa paragraph I've ever written in my life when I looked at this I went oh yes Lord yes no yes yes yes let me tell you I'm gonna mention ten points here you got a minute ten seconds apiece I just want this on your screen I don't that's not my message tonight but I want it on your screen the Lord has a master plan of justice he's coming back to bring justice to the nation but the justice a lot of people imagine is not the justice he's talking about let me tell you what his justice involves he sovereignly said in the word well we'll start positive an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit far beyond the book of Acts yes Wow well put your seat belt on he is sovereignly raising up the Antichrist I'm not the devil raises at the end I Christ God's going to use the devil but God sovereignly is going to use him and then destroy him the idea of God sovereignly raising up the most evil dictator in history that's an ugly thought to many in the body like God he goes hey I'm smart I'm powerful and I love in a way you have no idea trust me in context of that in those final years is going to be the greatest release of demonic activity in the history of the earth it's quite a few verses on that but I won't go into it now sin is going to come to fullness meaning men and women will reach levels of depravity and perversion unknown in history what the Lord is doing he's saying to the planet I'm gonna before I come back as king I'm gonna give the whole earth the optimum opportunity to choose to go deep in sin or deep in God you choose he's gonna give one generation the ability to choose to go deep he's gonna let him choose the one they want and he's gonna let the choice for evil to actually accelerate and train those who choose love and for good God gave Adam and Eve a choice in the garden they chose sin he's gonna give the endtime generation of the planet before he transitions it and comes back he's gonna give him the Adam and Eve choice but in a far dynamic on her far exile intensified global dimension and he's gonna let men choose evil and darkness and men choose love and light to the full extreme and they will breach their intensity of each direction because it's going to use the negative to actually accelerate the positive because only God can do that there's going to be unperson unprecedented persecution believers and people in the nations of Israel are going to be persecuted it's got to involve imprisonment and martyrdom there's going to be an unprecedented release of God's wrath on the nations that line up with the Antichrist which is many nations which is going to cause the destructions of cities the death toll of the human race right before the Lord returns will be one half of the planet will die in the conflict one half of the planet - the Bible the greatest falling away in history will take place in the church and to top it all off Jesus is going to discipline his Laodicean compromising church because he loves them so divine discipline judgment on the nation's persecution demons sin out poor you holy spirit Antichrist all of these things in one timeframe at the highest level and I said Lord who would do that what King would dare lead history with these components paragraph f it will result in love the church will be purified he will have a billion two billion Saints who the first commandment they will love with all of their heart never seen in history the end gathering of souls in the nation the salvation of the nation of Israel their millennial glory will start the whole earth filled with the glory of God every facet of society will be fully transformed and the Garden of Eden conditions will be established of the earth and Jesus will say that's what I was doing and I didn't violate anyone's free will I created the optimum environment to choose love or sin and I let the human race have their full choice before this age was over I talk to people I go up in the flesh I don't like most of this but it's in the Bible and he's way smarter than me and I talk to people I go when's the last time you've heard almost any of these points ever dressed in your ministry I talked to my preacher friends how many times you ever talked about these ever for two minutes in the last ten years and mostly it's a well you know our church is really struggling and we're not really into that right now I know God's not gonna wait til we're into it he's leading history and he has these negative components that's producing this positive outcome because the outpouring of the Spirit it's gonna produce love in a level that we cannot comprehend because the King knows what he's doing my point is it to develop these points here but it's to get it on your radar that where a lot of the Western world happy prophetic movement is moving they're living in some little false little shangri-la world of like wow it in our little world it's amazing it's gonna be so great I go wake up and read your Bible it is gonna be amazing in your spirit if you love his leadership but if you think things are gonna be just easy in the flesh because the favor of God is going to make everyone like you and all the money come you're gonna be happy and healthy and bouncing around and everybody loves you read your Bible and my point I'm not trying to criticize that my point is the lazy sleepy Christians on the back end of that messaging when that's the only message they hear it will create a ho sell anger at God and a distrust in God's leadership in God's Word and it will be the Shepherd's of this generation responsible for that condition of the young people of the next generation and I'm not gonna answer to God with that false message say Lord I want to answer with truth you know what is best and I don't like a lot of these things because I'm a weak man in a weak body but I love you and I know you a little bit and I want to know you more and I trust your leadership paragraph I Daniel chapter 11 it's talking about the generation of the Lord returns he talks about a group of people I don't mean in a city or nation all of the earth beloved verse 33 my prayer is that you will find your name in this verse that millions will God said there will be people of understanding and he means understanding in context here Daniel 11 of the endtime narrative he's not just talk about general Bible understanding that's good I love general Bible understanding I love the Bible there will be people who understand the biblical narrative they won't be confused by it they'd all be afraid of it when the negative escalates they won't be offended they won't be deceived by the counterfeit they'll have clear eyes and a vibrant spirit and you know what these people of understanding will do this is my prayer for many young people here they will train and teach many through social media but there's billion of people out there that want to know the truth I find that many unbelievers are more interested in what the Bible says about the end time than believers are I find unbelievers I can learn where's that dibala do you think that's really gonna happen oh my god what are we gonna do then I think the hunger of unbelievers staggers me sometimes the cynicism and the church is shocking but it's not that I'm shocked it's dangerous well they say the opposite they say what you're saying is dangerous you're just getting people fearful no I said I'm getting them established an understanding so they're not vulnerable to be fearful in that day they're rock solid in confidence and they're confident in love that's what we're after the people who understand they will teach many billions in the earth believers and unbelievers are going to want to know what's going on in the next decades when it escalates the pressure is going to get more and more intense and these negative trends are going to be escalating the ones I just laid out they're gonna be grown where the history is a train off the track is anybody in control does anybody know anything of what's happening and we will say with clarity with humility with tenderness the Word of God is clear it says these guys will teach many he goes yet for many days they shall fall he goes there will be martyrs yes the Saints will be martyred they will fall that's not stumble into sin that means martyrdom yes some will be killed by the sword and some will be burned by flames yes yes some will be thrown in prison others they will plunder their houses and their bank accounts of their possessions because they're believers verse 35 the God of glory is going to oversee all of it he's gonna refine them he's gonna purify that he's gonna get rid of the dross they're gonna realign their heart little by little as the pressure increases and they're going to be established of the first commandment and the this beloved you know the only thing you're bringing to the age to come is the measure of love you've grown in when I stand before the Lord he's not gonna ask me how many books I sold helping my conferences he's gonna ask me how responsive my heart was to him that's all that I bring with me to eternity is my responses to him I'm not interested in getting crowds I'm interested in being faithful to him it was 20 years ago he whispered in my heart look at a page - here we're on page - just another few minutes God is raising up messengers he whispered in my heart it was 20 years ago - 1997 matter of fact it was at this very conference complex I preached it right here and the Kansas City Convention said on one of the other rooms there God wants to raise up 10,000 he told me stirred my heart pray for 10,000 John the Baptist says 10,000 young people that will be a voice and not an echo but he stirred my own heart I want you to be a voice not an echo but you're gonna have to change things you're gonna have to not check into your popularity status you're gonna have to turn away a number of opportunities so you have time to eat the scroll devour the Word of God Mike you're not gonna get this on the run you're not gonna get this out of quick fix you got to be with me you got to spend time you're gonna devour the word and I want you to be a voice and not an echo in that day and I said trembling yes Lord I want to be a voice I don't know how he goes it's it's weak and broken people can do this right here in Isaiah 40 he calls the messengers first paragraph be a voice crying in the wilderness and the voice is to prepare the way of the Lord and this voice catch the phrases to make straight to make straight a highway means to make it clear to be bold not ambiguous not politically correct be straight be tender but don't mix words be kind be humble but be straight say what God says well if I do they won't really like me and I'm going to later I'm just kind of working my way in forget all that manoeuvring make it straight the message of the Lord well we know this passage was fulfilled partially by John the Baptist the beloved ER would you read this passage in death John only fulfilled this a little bit and it was a glorious thing that he did he made straight a highway for God verse 4 he his was a spiritual highway of truth because he made the truth clear so believers could agree with God's leadership so they could respond to him and not be offended at the Lord when he came he was to make every valley be exalted valleys are those low spots in our life the rejection the the condemnation the low emotional spots there's a whole bunch two valleys he wants to correct those he wants to make the mountains the proud the arrogant the defensive nests he wants to bring that down the crooked places of the addictions the immorality the perversions he wants to get that straight and the rough places the mean spirit the cruel spirit he wants that dealt with too as you're preparing yourself to be a vessel that the Lord could use but here I want you to read verse five Isaiah if you would have interviewed him in that day I'm just making this up I don't think Isaiah would have if we'd have said how's this could happen I don't think he would have thought of a man's 700 years after him John the Baptist preaching out in the wilderness by himself because Isaiah said verse 5 when this happens the glory of God will be seen by all the earth together he was talking about in time foreigners forerunner messengers in the end of the age of which John the Baptist was a downpayment he was not the fullness he was the downpayment John the Baptist in his generation he never saw the glory of God in the horse in verse 5 when God raises up these voices the end result is the name Shins will see the glory of God together in the earth well the Lord these last 20 years I've been asking him Lord raise up ten thousand John the Baptist not go live in the desert in a tent that's what I mean but they would speak in the wilderness of the nations beloved Archer our hour Barch of the body of Christ in our nation I love the church in America I love America and I love the church in America but there's wilderness dimension there's so much compromising confusion and wrong focuses and so many things said I want you to speak clearer and I believe God's I'm asking him to raise up ten thousand John the Baptist he'll probably raise up a million I don't know but I'm believing for ten thousand and I know that he's marking some of you tonight and he's calling you to set your heart tonight you're gonna prepare the way the Lord you're gonna tell people about how to be saved to experience the power of God but you're gonna tell them about the end time scenario those 150 chapters so that they're not confused - bewildered and offended at Jesus because they think he's violating what the Word of God was taught to them in their Christian heritage I want to be a voice I'm not content to have a popular ministry I don't have a popular ministry but I'm not content to have one I want to be a voice in my generation I said this last year and I'll say it again now bring this to a close in just a moment here when I was 20 in my 20s I was a young pastor the old guys in their 60s I'm in my 60s so I can say that they handed my generation of young men and women an endtime understanding that was full of holes here's what I was taught by many many people well it's all figurative anyway I go really I remember 20 22 I go just two mighty men of God they go it's nobody can understand it I got Palmer really in it's symbolic and everybody disagrees so don't worry about it almost everybody I knew that was on fire when I was in my 20s that was pastors or leaders on campuses we all concluded you can't understand it anyway it's all symbolic and it really doesn't matter anyway beloved we were ripped off it took me 20 years working through that to figure out wait that's a lie the Bible means what it says it says what it means it can be understand it's not symbolic it is direct and it's preparing the church and I'm in my 60s and I'm not going to leave a generation of young people without having clarity of these hundred 50 chapters because I want that generation to take it to the next one and maybe the one after that maybe their children and their grandchildren with clarity not confusion because this hour there's still confusion everywhere you talk to mighty men and women of gods they went out we're not really that we don't really get it we got to get rid of all of that stuff but you have to have clarity it is the Bible the same Jesus the same Holy Spirit the same Bible those 150 chapters as the Gospels are and I tell you the Lord is raising up in this our messengers that will declare the ways of the Lord his values they will declare his plans they will prepare the people so the people are confused that history is like a train off the track running in no direction there's a king filled with love who's orchestrating history that has the power over Satan and the devil he's gonna cleanse the earth of darkness and he knows what he's doing and it matters to say yes to him I'm gonna have one more verse to you look at paragraph D and I'd like to take an hour on this but I'm gonna take 90 seconds well I just wouldn't you alert you to it verse 6 The Voice told Isaiah cry out now I want you to cry out Isaiah nice they said what's the message I mean the Lord's coming I got that prepare people okay I got that what shall I cry out and here's what the Spirit of God says this is really significant foundational message right here tell the people flesh is grass their enemies won't prevail and their glory and their beauty in the flesh won't prevail but the Word of God will tell the people don't draw back and cower before your enemies because they're gonna be gone and don't invest your whole life in your own self grandeur and promotion because it's gonna be going to anchor yourself look at it says the verse 8 in the Word of God the Word of God is the only reliable measurement of what success is go tell your friends hey big ministry and a big popularity a big swirl too big this in a big that if it's not faithful to the Word of God you might enjoy it for a few years and you'll be dead in a minute Bible says your life is but a vapor and none of it will be fruitful and when you stand before the Lord tell them don't fear their enemies and don't get seduced by their pleasures and their grandeur it's all flesh and it will pass tell them anchor their life in what's eternal tell them that the fog of this age needs to be lifted and they begin to get clarity that were sons of the Resurrection living for a king in another age our glory is in the other age our assignment is in this age and we're grateful and we're unmoved before any obstacle tell them flesh is grass don't get lost in the dialogue of the render of the flesh or in the threats in the end the persecution to the flesh get anchored in what's eternal the Word of God a man and a man let's stand before the Lord I'm asking the Lord to raise up young messengers I want you to if you it's really in your heart and I don't mean to a popular thing that's kind of cool of your youth group to come up here but if you're in your 20s well I'm in my 60s so 30s - yeah it's all the same to me here your 20s and 30s and you're saying I want to be a faithful witness I want to be a messenger I mean I want to tell people about how to get saved I mean I'm really big on that how to experience power of God but I'm gonna do more I'm gonna tell them about Kay and the biblical narrative I want to teach them these hundred fifty chapters I want to be a faithful witness I want to take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to mark you I would like you just come and stand here before the Lord again it was 20 years ago in this very conference complex where the Lord stirred me to be a voice and not an echo I don't want to be an echo it's okay to repeat other people's materials I've done it all my life my beloved a message that's only born in your mind will only reach the minds of people if it's born in your heart in your secret history of God it will move people it will move hearts if it's born and routing you can't get this on the run and you can't get this indulging in your flesh as a lifestyle we have to be that John the Baptist Lord you're worth it friends of the bridegroom is what John called himself but your your 20s or your 30s you're saying I want to do this I don't know how to do it beloved we want to help you we don't know that much other ministries across the earth we're working together with a lot I'm asking older ministries let's partner together and equip a young generation to equip the generation after them [Music] now the ministry team go ahead and pray but I'm gonna go with Jay here and I wish your tape [Music] you say Lord I'm weak the Lord says wait on me and you will renew your strength but I don't know what to do cry out to me and I will give you direction I will join you to the right people you [Music] Lord I'm stuck in my sin and my immorality the Lord says I will help you I will be tender to you I will be gracious to say yes to me help me in my weed [Music] your strength oh I live to love you [Music] don't leave I live too [Applause] [Music] you [Music] for your glory lord we say yes to you [Music] simply Sega's but I want to be a voice and not just an echo reverberating in this generation I want to be a voice that go God raise up ten thousand for the spirit of John the Baptist's spirit of dedication [Music] stand those who hear your voice those who sit at your table feast on [Music] like here I am more [Music] quit hovering sacrifice [Music] Oh bored slow [Music] [Music] make me [Music] myself maybe they john the baptist's when they asked him who are you he said I'm a friend of the bridegroom I stand before him the bridegroom god I listened to him I love him I'm loyal to him I am a friend of the bridegroom God I asked you make these messengers friends of the bridegroom that are loyal to you in love like John the ha come on fire come on fire tonight Lauren fire tonight [Music] about you care about with your word Oh [Music] [Music] Oh to be loyal in love I want to be loyal in with your heart Lord Jesus [Music] you are worth it Jesus you are worth it Jesus you are the worthy one [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus you are right and you were worth it your ways are greater than anything I can understand I trust your leadership [Music] I trust your leadership because you're worth it you never change we trust you too [Music] I will believe before I believe anyone always doors forever [Music] I just [Music] than anything I wanna be committed to you [Music] I wanna be I wanna bathe the manatee Oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] father I ask you for the spirit of fire I asked for the spirit of burning the very fire that was on John we rushed upon us the fire that was on the apostles come like fire tonight ass come like fire restored [Music] just like John the Apostle that beloved the burning one like David like Paul [Music] set our hearts on fire with love does the be the star great [Music] for your name for your glory for your honor [Music] increase of fires I increase that Zeeland stop increase the fire in sunny bar Lord we ask [Music] [Applause] [Music] father I ask you for a prophetic spirit I ask for dreams and visions learn even during this conference learning in the weeks to come is for a new measure of grace on the prophetic release alert we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want a baby Oh [Applause] [Music] an increase of dreams and visions you said an x2 young men and women would prophesy you said your spirit would be poured out in power leading up to the grade and the glorious day of the Lord but I ask you for an increase of impartation in these four days of the spirit of prophecy of living understanding of the Word of God in Jesus name release Lord the spirit of prophecy in them and through them in Jesus name [Music] and for your baby yes you God increase understanding addition to us to us we ask to us were hungry the name of Jesus were hungry gonna increase - our soak up to us even now the babies in the name of Jesus [Music] to us we must have home [Music] [Music] through the Lord says do not say I'm too weak to not say I've gone too far do not say I'm entrenched in deeply and the things that are displeasing to you for do you not know that I am the Lord God who delights in mercy that I have called you by name you cry out to me and I will be with you I will free you I will deliver you I will make you a voice in this generation you're not too far gone you're not too weak you're not too untrained proper Jews even you I choose reduces Oh Lord I will free you I will fill you with my love I won't cover you in your weakness [Music] let's say yes to me say yes with all of your heart don't come with part of yourself come with all of your bar I will be tender with you for you are my beloved more than you know [Music] we will just god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now foolish to shave the wires take the wig to shame the strong you take the things that are nothing and make them into something for your glory [Music] he's looking for the face but he can breathe [Applause] and hearing god is so simple hearing god is so simple it's not too far off for you it's not too mystical for you the world is in your mouth and it's in your heart [Music] lord I just ask you for grace tonight Lord as we they go to their hotel rooms I ask you to visit them in their conversations I ask that you'd stir them deep in their spirit with a new confidence that you're listening to them your eyes are on them that you take their commitment seriously I ask you to visit them in their sleep tonight so amen and amen
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 70,597
Rating: 4.8184247 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, Onething, Onething 2017, Onething Live, Jaye, Thomas, Mike, Bickle, Worship, Music (tv genre), live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 21sec (11841 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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