Onething 2018 - Session 1

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we're gonna worship for a while and uh this is one of our Night Watch teams Georgie this is they stand in the house of the Lord night after night I mean seven nights a week from midnight to 6:00 in the morning the Night Watch team leads us and this is our ward of our night watch beeps Alicia do we have four night watch tapes for to know I know this is two but there's four total yeah four total now leash I want you to weigh I want everybody say hi Alicia let me tell you the story listen 20 years ago and the spring 1999 play show is 80 years old she was my first recruit to IHOP right there 20 years ago and she signed up to do the Nightwatch and has done the Nightwatch almost non-salt for 20 years night after night after night she has given her youth and her strength build the Nightwatch in Kansas City Lee chappal I love you for the way you love Jesus I love you for the thousand times you did not quit when the devil was telling you to quit that nobody even knows about I love you for the tears you shed that no one has even seen but I'm gonna make you start crying right now because you're standing here twenty years later as one of the primary leaders of the House of Prayer and leading a Night Watch expression that's inspiring the nations of the earth Thank You Alicia pal I love you I love you I love you amen worship [Applause] decide oh Jesus design - [Music] IFT son too far Jesus there's no turn there's no cuz I have teeth to follow Jesus [Music] design to I have these [Music] [Applause] Jesus is no No No No No there's no turn [Music] the world's behind the crossbeam the world me the cross feed for of behind the graffiti [Music] no no turn the world behind the crossbeam for me though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feline the girl me this note [Applause] no turn it's no No No No I have decided to follow Jesus [Music] to fuzzers IFD son to follow Jesus that note notes no turn it's not [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] for Oh to me [Applause] Jesus shine Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] behold and that [Music] the fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] oh man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you live with your you speak and all the mound [Music] do you the mouse wrathful of ingrate you voice juicy [Music] so long [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be still [Applause] is way see the nation's rage [Applause] [Music] the world sees role [Applause] [Music] though the earth nation's rain [Music] [Music] really where my trust is Without Borders if you are [Applause] wherever you will my feet my face being made stronger in the presence my face we really Borders [Music] we're [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me see [Music] you [Music] let me [Music] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] right here in right here [Music] [Music] start [Music] right here you say right [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] let your kingdom let you will [Music] they're tuned there too as [Music] no make your name Oh [Music] Alden [Music] [Music] make your name [Music] [Applause] Oh I love it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] major you know major major Oh [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] start right [Music] won't you say [Music] I come on [Music] here in right here in [Music] a warranty [Music] right here from everything teach me nothing you I wanna be free from everything [Music] revival to my heart I wanna be free the keeps [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every chain [Applause] about five or six of you we're gonna have a time of the intersection just continued joke [Music] [Applause] when asked the launch our breakthrough even now right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's continue let's break every chain break every chain that's on [Music] break [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha you're here [Music] say yes dear [Music] Randy father we come before you even now that we breathe our hearts before you this afternoon go to the start of this conference that we set our hearts right before you God we cry out got as one people we cry out God that we would love you with all of our heart and with all of our soul and with all of our mind and with all of our straight daughter our confidence is not in our own seal it's not in our own ability it's in you your mercy in your kindness got to come these next four days to break in by your spirit got me [Music] you would bring her - start with our hearts God start with me with our we yes to sing got a speaker we come and AH we ask that you would break in to our minds with your light your hearts God we ask for more of your presents today Mary come we ask of your light and your truth yeah we ask in the name of [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] mine [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] we we you would come spirit of revelation [Music] one thing [Music] with dreams and visions to every attending father that you would encounter as with your father smart [Music] and father you a crossbow richly this conference that the testimony of your heart would be spoken under lips one to another that you would give it some we would love you in return we would love and we would love ourselves for Christ's sake sir parts would be knit together in love with your father's heart burning heart Jesus Christ I pray father come with the spirit of and revelation in the knowledge [Music] knowledge of you God [Music] that's why we're here to know you asking the Lord to release dreams and visions on everyone in this car the next four days if there are operators seen dreams and visions from the Lord I want you to raise your [Music] mother prophetic [Music] [Music] you would publish your you're a plumber you wanna share to eat [Music] like Great God you would release dreams we know that this is we're grateful for what you're doing in the body of Christ for returning our hearts to you our bridegroom our lover and father as today that you would encounter each part in this room yes there would be a returning of hearts to you to that Mary of Bethany reality said we want nothing else there's nothing else for us Josh there's nobody else Taurus gods then we confess that you're all that we need you're all that we want father everything to you God we lay down our lives before you Father and we love you with all of our strength with all of our heart with our energy with our time with everything that we have they have your inheritance [Music] father we saved on ready father we're ready for you to move got you something in the body of Christ like never done before God we ask you Father that you wouldn't raise that the name is in the faceless that you alone will be glory by born that you remove every personality by that you got one that would have never imagined that they would have a word for you got we have to do it do that you will put a words out in the weakest one of us that you were released your glory and your powering your strength and your son Jesus name my Lords in these dreams and visions in the meetings as a foyer entries of Holy Spirit's activity increase in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we look to you today we lay aside every distraction we come before the uncreated God the maker of heaven and earth the God who was who is and who is to come we sit before you today and we say that we are hungry that I ask that you would remove every distraction that you would remove every lie every condemnation and we accusation of the enemy God it's you and invade our minds and our hearts with your spirit when I asked for encounters with the holy encounters Jesus what was it like for Mary of Bethany to sit at your feet what was it like to wash the feet of we look to you today we say at the end of this year we wanna wash the feet of God grace like to hear you where you give us praise to contend for what's on your heart god I ask for mighty encounters I ask for healing and deliverance that the spirit of prophecy the testimony of Jesus would walk through this would encounter us in the night to us [Music] we cry out and say we Oh I'll get the voiceless [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you the one who sits on the throne the one who is and who always has been we lift up our voices to the lamb in the midst of the throne the one with eyes like fire and whose face assigns a brighter than the Sun we thank you that in your great kindness you have drawn us in this hour back to your feet back to the place of wisdom back to the first things we ask you for your mercy and we ask you for your help we acknowledge our weakness in our frailty we acknowledge the many ways that we have grown destructed so prone to wonder but in your kindness you brought us here possible to realign us with you again it counters here we are and your feeling we are willing here we are first is weak but our spirits are willing so come move upon us you feel no all fees deliver us from everything that stands in the way a full given devotion over to you deliver us from every high and lofty thing that has exalted its doubts in our hearts that has usurped the place of your son you are willing you've brought us here for that repent very reason so here we are that the power of your Holy Spirit move upon us and break us free in every way break us free from our addictions break us free from our strongholds break us free from our dullness and our lethargy we come before you with no pretensions we come before you with who we are being we have a yes in our hearts so come and visit us Lord come and visit us these next four days because you are the one that we wants another conference just for the sake of a conference we want you we must have you and we must can't you touch up so come here are our part do what you have to do but have your way so that at the end of these four days we holy yours in Jesus name [Music] want you gone Granger's ever great upstream in every way that we your weight Jesus [Music] that everything [Music] please but everything is right [Music] please Jesus everything place but everything please Jesus and everything [Music] bring us bring us three come bring us father [Music] you want to know you father we asked the Holy Spirit's Holy Spirit is you search all things even the deep things of God Holy Spirit would you release to us a greater revelation burning heart of God Lord we want to know what's in yours Lord when you polish your bride what's in your heart when you call yourself a bridegroom [Music] [Applause] the very Jets that flame of fire that's in your eyes there we see were not content to no language only God we press it for the encounter that truly we would know the very man behind the language we speak we want to know you're beautiful show us your beauty your glory you we show us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus we love you we thank you God for who you are we thank you that you're in our midst we thank you that you live inside of us Lord we just ask that you would come and continue to encounter our hearts God thank you that you love to meet with the weak in the broken God thank you that we can come before you without shame God without fear we thank you for your love we thank you we thank you so much Lord for who you are we thank you for your goodness thank you for your kindness thank you [Music] at the king of Mart be the drink [Music] let the game be the shadow we ride the rest Oh you are [Music] you are [Music] the king [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the key [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] we know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're never gonna never gonna let me [Music] never [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the knight is holding on to me God is all dead on when light is holding on [Music] not because you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] situations you are friendships [Music] Oh the banner over our life is love your goodness thank you in Jesus name Amen and amen you go grab a seat down and we thank Jill Richie our Night Watch team of ronica excellent job night watch team again we have four night watch teams and they do this all night not seven nights a week and I so appreciate our Night Watch for twenty years they've stood I don't mean every one of these for 20 years but some of them have been here 20 years night after night seven nights a week from midnight to 6:00 in the morning we call that the Night Watch Cory tell us just a moment before you share about the Night Watch what what wouldn't you I mean we're so grateful for the night what you've been here from day one Cory Russell let's give Cory a big hand he's gonna be sharing the word just a moment here but most of them know you Cory but tell us when you look at the Night Watch we come in at 6:00 in the morning almost four years 20 years we've been doing this together and that Night Watch team is leaving at 6:00 a.m. yeah they are the heroes of IHOP what they do day you know every night midnight to 6:00 a.m. it's absolutely heroic it's the stuff legends and just to come in every morning 6 a.m. and take a seat and to step right into a furnace that's on fire what you saw this morning or what you saw this afternoon is happening every night it's absolutely beautiful and what we did just now did I today this they do this every night for 20 years that's right it's remarkable to remarkable it is remarked I never get over it well and it was so good yeah it was so good can we just give them another hand yes well we're gonna tell talk more about this tonight but uh September a thousand Chinese leaders came just to visit IHOP a thousand of them from all over Asia and North America and many places and we were a little bit overwhelmed by what happened and the Lord did something marvelous in that four-day period last September about three four months ago for four days we met night and day and the Lord broke in our myths we're gonna be talking a bit more about that but the reason I mention it now is because Cory Russell gave a message about a month earlier on tears and how the Lord is calling his people to a new place of tenderness and when we looked back over that what happened in September with what we call the convergence again the Chinese ministries and a convergence with the ihop ministries we did that's just kind of the name we call it the convergence that four-day period but we look back on it and we recognized that Cory's word a month earlier was actually a prophetic word you were declaring and what you said happened a month later for four days and so I asked Cory we're not gonna have so many messages in this conference where somebody talks for an hour that might happen once or twice but not much and I don't know but we wanted to start this conference with you sharing that word because that released a spirit of prophecy and tenderness upon us and so let's pray for you Dean won't you pray for Cory and then just he begins and this is how we're launching this one thing conference amen god were so grateful for this message and messenger that you have fused into one the this man Cory Russell were thankful for him we're thankful for his years of service he and his wife and their kids and the the long history they have in this movement the the trusted voice he has become to all of us and God we're thankful that he has embraced and been disciplined by and and and leaned into you through even the pain and tears of his own life that you have prepared him for such a time as this and we just asked for a rich anointing to come forth out of him in this in this very first message that it would become prophetic as it was in September that it would become prophetic for these four days that it would unlock our hearts and set the tone and set the agenda of the Holy Spirit to prepare us for all that you have in store for us so god I just bless Cory I thank you for him and we lose him now with our blessing to to speak the word of the Lord in Jesus name Amen Thank You Cory a couple of quick things before we start is that we have a calling it our contending team it's some of our staff full time staff intercessors which everybody on our staff is a full time intercessor so you know we have 600 staff but I've asked about 20 of them if they would focus on this conference so they're on the front row here so when I call the contending team to come up they have to get from here to there but the place is all full so if an usher kind of disturbs you don't tell us to do it don't don't be upset don't be upset that's what I'm friends yeah because they got to get through there up to here and we're not gonna do that every meeting but we're just gonna have to go with the flow some meetings will have intercession like we just did other meetings we won't we'll have all kinds of different variety now this group over here look at that group and say what are they doing over there who might that group be well let me just settle the mystery it's really no mystery that they are our discerning team and what I mean by that is that in September in those four days we had about a hundred people I don't know the actual number we met for an hour or two before every meeting to sing in the spirit wait on the Lord to prophesy and get a sense of direction for the next meeting and so the deserting team met for an hour - then they went to the three hour meeting when everybody went to dinner they had another hour and two getting rich next meeting so this group here a number of them are our Chinese family that came from overseas that were with us in September let's give our Chinese family just a warm I hop Kansas City welcome all over the Bott all over the room I love our Chinese family we used to call them our Chinese guests but after September we call them our Chinese family so a bunch of them said we got to come back in December and we got to see the Lord touch us again so we have a number of them on the discerning team so when you guys go out to dinner they're gonna go to a meeting and they're gonna wait on the Lord for the next two hours for the seven o'clock meeting and then they do that tomorrow in the next day so they're here from 9:00 in the morning till 10:00 at night so thank you to CERN a team and the reason we have them there is it because they're special because I want that stairway so we can call them up spontaneously instantly they could be right here because we're gonna do all kinds of things spontaneous and I need them close by so that's who they are so oh you guys wave it now is earning team say thank you for being here for 12 straight hours every day to wait on the Lord for the meetings oh and now Mike I want to make sure that everyone understands because that's not the normal drill right for one thing no we don't normally have a discerning team I'm afraid to say right yeah we try to discern it a month earlier and we miss it sometimes but but but the the discerning team before every every session they spent like an hour - before every session is pray on the spirit wait on the Lord share prophetic words about the the next meeting so but that's part of what was special in September with their there's an unfolding storyline we have a general sense of it but the Holy Spirit is really architecting this day-by-day meeting by meeting and we're just trying to catch up with - 7 we're gonna be back there asking the Lord what are we're gonna do at 7 o'clock then we're gonna do it there's not a speaker line don't know sleeker lined up further than me nd the meeting so right and that's part of the reset even that's right that's part of the reset is the idea that we want to get more room for the Holy Spirit to just to just speak into the press and that's Thank You Dean excellent well Cory Dean won't you pray for Cory let's just know I'm sorry I was locked in dumps god bless Cory amen amen well let's do something my touch spontaneous go ahead and stand let's take about two minutes two to five minutes that goes crazy would go five and a half but I do I did that's the posture we want to take for the next four days is a posture of waiting on the Holy Spirit waiting on the Lord and I believe that God is about to release a great tiller in our souls breaking down the walls and the resistance on the inside of us and I believe in holy moments that change destinies I believe in moments in time to where there are encounters with God and with one another that literally shifts trajectories and destinies and generations and I am asking for these next four days to be one of those holy moments so I just want to invite you to open up your hands and and I'm gonna ask you all over the room and even you who are viewing I want you just to begin to pray in the Holy Spirit you have your prayer language you can pray in the prayer language you begin to release sort whispers to the Lord of saying God come and put a bull's-eye on my chest come and release your work in me over the next few days gotta come in with lots of emotions and circumstances but I want to put my eyes on you so I just want to invite you all over the room let's just lift up our voices and I want you to do it loud enough for you to hear you so just all over the room let's lift our voices right now that's good a little louder [Applause] just lock eyes with that man right now here we are Jesus here we are a beautiful king beautiful man Oh God we say it's time to seek the Lord it's time to seek the Lord little louder all over the room we really want to meet with you Jesus one touch from your hand changes everything one look of your eyes changes everything one phrase from your heart release eye contact at the one thing release eye contact with Jesus come on 30 more seconds all over the room reach for him with your spirit reach for him with your spirit come Holy Spirit right now over this room just move on through this room and those who are viewing right now catch yourself God take us out take us up in the Holy Spirit take us into his heart take us into his mind his face take us up Holy Spirit release the spirit of Revelation take us up God shift to breakthrough breakthrough God in the name of Jesus we declare the supremacy and the lordship of Jesus Christ we declare the supremacy of Jesus Christ come on [Applause] come on discerning team louder god we want to meet with you smash the idols in our souls break the walls down in our souls kill up the ground the broke the fallow ground of our souls gone [Applause] come on come on [Applause] come on come on come on come on resurrection power touch us resurrection power touch us and I borrow your very best shirt oh come on another shot [Applause] I'll show you [Applause] I just lift your hands all over the roof just put your eyes on it right now ten more seconds of this is lightly praying in the spirit with phrases here we are Jesus Oh God we want to catch your gaze we want to move your heart God we want to see your hand release we want your phrase we want your voice to Thunder over us father I just pray right now that you would set our hearts upon you and that you would meet with us over these next four days I ask you to do it in Jesus name Amen amen amen you can grab a seat we're gonna do lots of times of that I've given myself for the last 20 years of just spending long times of praying in the spirit fellowshipping in the spirit and has radically changed my life and I want you to go ahead and turn me in your Bibles to John 11 John 11 I want to start there and we are gonna be getting to that reality I believe that God is releasing a gift to the body of Christ in this hour I believe he's releasing a gift to the prayer movement to the wider body of Christ and I believe it's the gift of Tears I believe it's a revelation of our inability to bring about change in our own strength our own wisdom our own ingenuity and when God brings you to that breaking place that's where tears are born and I want to look at a story this week you're gonna hear a lot about Mary Oh Bethany you're gonna hear about the Luke 10 Mary of Bethany who pushed and swam upstream against distraction and worry and anxiety and who found herself at Jesus's feet hearing his word and how Jesus commended her for her choice we're gonna talk about that this week we're gonna talk about mark 14 the John 12 Mary of Bethany who took the alabaster flask of very costly oil and poured it on Jesus and broke it all over Jesus and wiped his hair with it and anointed him with it preparing him for his death but there's a story that many times we don't talk about when we talk about Mary Oh Bethany and I believe it's the most important story of Mary of Bethany and I believe that God wants to put it right up there with Luke 10 and Mark 14 is the John 11 story of Mary of Bethany and how God produces the oil that will be poured out in a future season many times women get straight to the breaking of the alabaster flask but many of us skip or we don't want to look at the seasons of divine delay where you're found in the furnace of waiting on God where God isn't breaking in on your timetable and to where the promises are dying the circumstances are dying everything around you is dying and it's in that place where the oil is produced and I believe that the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead is a prophetic story for us and as God is calling forth the Mary of bethany's if we don't get this right we will not move into the next season this is absolutely amazing let's just read right here it says now a certain man was sick Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and her sister Martha and it was that Mary that's the phrase that's been touching me it was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother was sick what I love about this is that John is going to connect what's about to happen in John 11 with the future season of John 12 well Mary will anoint Jesus with that oil and he's saying you need to understand what you're about to read and John 11 is directly connected to John 12 it's that Mary and as soon as the report goes to Jesus they go Jesus the one whom you love is sick well right as soon as Jesus gets the news that his friend is sick look at what Jesus says from the very beginning of this story he says this he gets word and he says this sickness is not unto death but it's for the glory of God that the Son of God may be glorified through it Jesus declares the end from the beginning he knows exactly what he will do he knows where this is going and he says this will not end in death he doesn't say it won't die but he's saying it's not gonna ultimately end in death keep reading with me he says this it says now Jesus loved Martha and he loved Mary and he loved Lazarus so what does the Bible say it says that he quickly translated to Bethany and He healed his sick friend is that what it says it says that he loved Mary he loved Martha and he loved Lazarus so look at this it says that he stayed where he was two more days it says that when he heard he was sick he stayed where he was two more days that doesn't make any logical sense for Jesus to say I deeply love them they are my friends they're my deeply beloved ones therefore I'm not going to translate quickly and answer the problem while they're still sick I'm going to stay where I'm at two more days to allow my friend to go ahead and die so that when I come in to Bethany I can set a stage for ultimate glory and ultimate resurrection what is it about Jesus that takes his most intimate friends through suffering like this why doesn't he just do this he doesn't use a story of a Pharisee or Sanhedrin other person out there some random person he actually connects his love to these people and he doesn't break in to solve it immediately but he's going to bring his beloved ones through a dark night where the beloved Lazarus is going to die friends why am i mentioning this because I believe that there are intimate friends of Jesus that I'm talking to today I believe that there are ones who have been seeking God for decades you've been running after God you've been faithful in the place of prayer and fasting and seeking the Lord some of you have just began your journey but many of us have been seeking after God and there have been situations circumstances relationships places in our lives that are dying and when we thought Jesus would break it immediately the story has begun to take on a whole new form and what do you do in that furnace when he doesn't break in to solve it immediately but as we're about to find out Lazarus is going to go ahead and die I want you to stay with me in this Jesus goes ahead and I skip down with me to verse 16 verse 17 it says that when Jesus came he found that he already been in the tomb four days just hear me right here because everybody in this room knows this story but that's the problem it's not just a historical story for some old people in Bethany if you are going to seriously go after God I believe that the prayer movement I believe in many forms that the church over the last six to seven years the ones that are the love the most by God have gone through some of the most intense trials tribulation pressing suffering and the thing he thought he would immediately break and deliver you from our braking and solved the problem you found in many situations it's actually die and what happens when Jesus shows up four days late when Jesus shows up four days late and to where now there's a stench going on in the tomb everything's been settled we've been weeping for four days and Jesus finally shows up four days late what do I believe he's doing beloved this is absolutely imperative that we get this in this hour because Jesus knows what he's going to do from the beginning and instead of just translating to the end of the story and raising Lazarus from the dead he actually waits four days after he's died to show up to bring forth his intimates into a place of intercession to partner with him and actually raising the dead brother up from the grave what happens in that furnace who knows what I'm talking about this this afternoon if you know what I'm talking about raise your hand why does Jesus do this what does it tell you about him that he shows up four days late and he lets the thing die does that tweet feud is that the paradigm of Jesus that we hear about and yet I believe it it's in this furnace that he's wanting to bring forth because this is the issue of this conference the issue is is that in the pain and in the places where he hasn't broken through yet and in the tension and in all the things you're going to see two types of Christians and two types of intercessors come to the forefront Jesus is wanting to bring forth Mary's who will actually feel and let the death touch them skip down here with me what do you do in that furnace what do you do in that furnace I'll tell you you have two options the first one is you can go into Martha form Jesus loves Martha I've been a Martha I've been a Mary I want to be a Mary I want to do this it's not about one against the other it's just that one of it got it right it says that when he came he found that he had already been in the tomb four days Bethany was near look at the next verse it says now Martha as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming she went and she met him but Mary was sitting in the house every time you see Mary she's sitting every time you see Mary she's sitting and I believe that this is indicative right here it's four days late Jesus shows up to the edge of Bethany and as soon as Martha hears he's coming she runs to the edge of Bethany and yet Mary stays I've been asking the question this week why didn't Mary stay when now Jesus has showed up why what is it about waiting in that place of why you didn't go immediately I believe that Martha was driven by this impulsiveness there was this pain and this anger in her heart of why Jesus didn't break in and I want you to see this Jesus ran out there and he said this she ran out to the place that Jesus was and here's the famous phrase Lord if you'd have been here my brother would not have died but even now I know that whatever you ask of God God will give you jesus said to her your brother will rise again Martha said to him I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day and Jesus said honey I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die do you believe this yes Lord I believe that you are the Christ the Son of God who is coming to the world Martha runs out there and says Lord if you'd have been here my brother wouldn't have died but I know you can ask God anything and he'll do it for you Jesus looks her right in the face and says honey I don't want you to ask me to ask God to resurrect him I want to pull you into the tension and I want to bring you into the wrestle for you to labor with me for the resurrection of your brother see I want you to understand I believe that God is transforming and bringing the prayer movement saying I want to bring you in the place of pain in the place to where the promises haven't looked exactly what you thought they were going to look like maybe death maybe break through what it was all kinds of things he says I want to tell you something right now he says I want to bring you to a place like Martha because Martha came with the right language Lord if you'd have been here my brother wouldn't have died but I know you could do it jesus says your brother will rise again she goes I know he will rise again at the resurrection at the last day she has right theology of the resurrection of the Dead she knows that he is the Christ she goes I believe that you are the Christ the Son of God he goes honey the resurrection is not just coming someday the resurrection is here today no listen to me I believe we're in a season of resurrection power I believe we're in a season of resurrection power and Jesus says it's not just coming someday I want you to pull that someday into today and I'm looking for partners I'm looking for friends that I can bring into my heart that can let it win them and cut them and them not all the answers look at Martha's answers I know I know Jesus says I want more than bumper stickers I want more than Christian t-shirts I want more than catchphrases I want more than you living at a distance and you having all the right language just to guard your heart from the pain of that which you thought was going to happen it didn't happen he goats Martha st. fix it fix it fix it and Jesus is saying feel it feeling feelings we all wanted to fix it and we all know everything I've got my list of 10 Bible verses I've got my 10 I mean I'm a big confession and Bible verse guy but beloved it's more than your standing at a distance just saying all the right phrases and Jesus is saying phrases aren't gonna bail you out in here I believe God's delivering the prayer movement from plastic praying I believe he's delivering us from religious prank I believe he's delivering us from nice forms and nice pretty praying and he's wanting to bring forth ugly praying in this hour he's wanting to mess her mascara up honey he's wondering to turn these rooms into birthing rooms I believe there's tears tongues and travail that's coming to the body of Christ tears tongues and travail to where our rooms where mascaras gone our hairs mess and we actually begin to feel it it's not about the right phrase what you're going to find is Mary will say the same phrase as Martha it's not about the right phrase it's about where you pray the phrase from I love this because Martha's caught in some theological discussion with Jesus and from the outside it's all right and yet she hits a wall saying I can't get us out of this mess I got to go back and learn Luke 10 so that I can be showing up for John 11 I got to go back and learn how to swim against busyness anxiety and worry and learn to hear his voice so that his words would go to my deep so that in the hour of crisis my deep could call out to his deep and I could pull a resurrection out of him it's time for plastic prank to end what does that mean Cory it's sitting long enough for it to cut you sitting long enough if you'd have been here my brother wouldn't have died if you would have showed up in time this marriage wouldn't have been broken like this my kid wouldn't I ran off that situation when it happened that situation and actually entering into the tension instead of all the right Bible verses Martha hits the wall and the wall is this ain't going to get us out of this mess I don't know what to do cuz I haven't sent long enough to hear his word I haven't said long enough I don't know how to get out of busyness anxiety worry I live in emotions so many Christians we live in the swirl of circumstances and God's bringing us back to priestly waiting look at this look at this next verse it says that when she had said these things she went her way and secretly called Mary her sister one of my favorite phrases in this story the teacher has come and is calling for you we don't see Jesus asked for Mary yet I think Martha looked in his eyes and saying I don't have enough history and equity and letting this thing touch me to get us on the other side of this he's looking for Mary's in this hour this one thing this last one thing for the foreseeable future is God's eyes are on you and he's saying I'm looking for Mary's I'm calling you it's not about a personality type it's not about a certain disposition it's about ones who know how to swim upstream and declare war on the god of busyness anxiety worry and swirl and learn how to sleep in the midst of storms get a hold of this come on come on come on come on look at look on skip on down so they come and they get it and this is then when Mary came where Jesus was and she saw him well at the very place mark Mary goes back to the same place Martha was at she came to the very same place and she fell down at his feet get a hold of this every time Mary we see Mary she's at his feet she fell down at his feet and look at what she says Lord if you'd have been here my brother wouldn't have died it's the exact same phrase as Martha said hear me everybody in this room young people that have been on this road six months or maybe six minutes it's not about having the right words it's not about having the right formula it's about setting long enough for his words to go to your deep and setting long enough and shutting up and you spending your prayer life with you not talking the most and to where his words begin to impregnate your life so that in the your hour of crisis your deep would call out to his deep and you would pull something wholly out of his heart when Jesus saw Mary weeping she's at his feet she sees him weeping and she sees the Jews who are with her weeping look at what the Bible says the Bible says he groaned in the spirit what does it look like to awaken a groan in God what does it look like to stir God Himself into action see I believe Mary got it at his feet she says Lord if you'd have been here it's not accusation it's not if you if you if you I know I know I know it's why if you'd have been here my brother would to die and in that tension I don't understand notice Mary didn't have Bible verses mary had wrestling she had wrestling and wrestling and wrestling she said lord if you'd have been here my brother when to die jesus groaned in his spirit and he was troubled and he said where have you laid it see I believe over these next four days God's going to begin to produce a new prayer on the inside of many of you and you're going to hear Jesus say to you where's he at what's it at I want you to move into partnership with me and I want you to see my hand released in that marriage see my activity released with that child see my activity I know there's some kids right now your parents are going through divorces going through breakups and Jesus is saying come on Mary's come on feel it enter into a prayer with me that's gonna shift things in your life he groaned he was troubled he says where have you laid him and they said come and see and then the story stops and you are about to read the shortest verse in the Bible but I cannot think of a longer one anywhere in the Bible in that place skeptics critics the religious disciples friends Mary Martha and onlookers jesus wept not a tear not a slipping of a tear a storm a storm comes out of the Son of God a storm through his eyes tears of deep compassion tears of deep sorrow tears of righteous anger tears / unbelief tears of hatred of death tears can you can we stop for a second can we behold him weeping because only a weeping God will be able to wipe away your tears and as you behold the vulnerability of God in John 11:35 you will not move into the next season of vulnerability in your own soul we become what we behold this is what blows my mind Jesus doesn't ride on a horse to the end of the story he gets down into the valley he brings his friends close he enters into the struggle and the sorrow with them and he says I'm looking for something come on faith I want you to believe I want you to really believe believe where he cuts you believe where it tears you believe where you come out of angel have any more answers and he says and when I find that you will provoke a storm inside of me and that's when activity comes he wept he wept the tears he weeps are going to break down hardness in your own soul the tears he weeps going to tenderize the soil of your heart he says where have you laid it where have you laid him they said come and see a storm goes on everybody watches it everybody has commentary he's still groaning in his spirit groaning in his spirit groaning in his spirit and he says take away the stone now you get to see Martha's unbelief Jesus if you take away that stone there's gonna be a big stench she's been he's been in there for days Jesus says honey didn't I tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God didn't I tell you that if you would enter into the wrestle and not have all the right phrases you would seek glory take away the stone father I thank you that you've heard me you always hear me and then he said Lazarus come forth beloved I'm declaring over some Lazarus's in here today I'm declaring over some marriages today I'm declaring over some families today over some bodies today deliverance today Lazarus come forth the weeping God is imparting the gift of Tears to his people who wants it who wants the gift of Tears I'm not talking about emotionalism I'm not talking about stirring up some prison frenzied activity I'm talking about breakthrough I'm talking about breakthrough I'm talking about breakthrough have you been brought to the breaking point yet friend have you been brought to prayer on the other side of prayer have you Jesus has one agenda and that's to deliver you from you until Holy Spirit cries out within you Jesus I need you I [Applause] believe we're in Exodus 2 moment 430 years of silence where the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt the king of Egypt dies and then it says that the in the process of time the king of Egypt died and after 430 years of silence a groan began to come out of the slaves and God heard their groan he remembered his covenant and he sent Moses and to deliver them I believe we're into Genesis 32 Jacob generation hour where Jesus is getting his Jacobs alone and laying hold of them I believe he's raising up Hanna's in this hour who get delivered from nice Christianity I'm happy I'm loved but I'm barren I'm loved but I'm barren I'm loved but I'm barren and then the dam broke and then the dam broke I believe he's releasing tears in this hour this has been a life message of mine but about six years ago me and Alan hood were in Fredericksburg Virginia and we had come in for a conference and we got in late that night we were praying together and we were weeping praying for each other and we could feel a season of warfare coming in we were praying for each other and breaking it off and saying God break in and Alan says God I need you to talk to me tonight give me a dream he goes to bed that night and he has a dream and he had really written an article in ministry today called Joel one standing at the critical juncture and he sold the call of prayer fasting corporate gatherings of prayer and fasting and the call to prayer across the earth and he saw the article and then in the computer box he saw the comment sections underneath it and he began to see where witches and warlocks were cursing leaders their marriages and everyone that was standing for prayer corporate prayer personal prayer standing for prayer they were releasing curses on them Alan doesn't even know what to do with this he clicks on one of the boxes goes into the box and he encounters a real warlock the guy is releasing curses on him and he hears a voice behind him Alan it's witchcraft the next scene he sees thousands of young people and then he sees me and a prophetic father in our whole movement Bob Jones who went home to be with the Lord several years ago and he saw me and Bob Jones embrace one another and we begin to declare the Lord has done great things for us he wakes up from the dream he comes and gets me we're down at breakfast that he's telling me the dream and while he's telling me the dream a lady comes up taps him on the shoulder and says are you Alan Hood and he goes yes ma'am she goes hi my name's Bonnie Jones and me and my husband Bob we'd like to have breakfast with you two we had no clue that bob was there I had never met him Alan had never met him we'd only heard stories about him and as soon as I heard he wanted to have breakfast I needed to go have a quiet time because I don't know what was happening I start getting nervous I said go read my mail was he here and what we were talking about last night so we go have breakfast with him and for about the first hour and a half we didn't have a clue of what he was talking about he was talking in deep cryptic language and we just nodded our heads like yeah we understand but I didn't have a clue and it gets towards the end of the time and he goes he looked at us he goes you boys been preaching Joel you boys have been calling the church back to prayer and fasting and repentance and I say witchcraft scum against you and he looked at me says I see Python marks in your neck what are you talking about Python marks because witchcraft come against you and has tried to take you out but he looked at as he goes you boys are gonna be okay you boys are gonna be okay your ministries are fine and then Alan jumped in and says Bob would you pray for us would you pray for Bob and Bob goes I'm not gonna do that religious thing what do you think I've been doing for the last two hours we said talking we don't know he goes no he goes you boys been weeping haven't you and we looked at each other yeah we've been weeping he said you see witchcraft gets in your eyes and it begins to release confusion and hopelessness where you look on the last season and you begin to think I've never done anything with my life and then it makes you look at future seasons and completely lose hope and future fruit in the next season he says but weeping gets the witchcraft out of your eyes he said those tears cleanse away the witchcraft so that you can see God and connect with him today so that it will bring you forth into the next season beloved I want to say from the depth of my soul I believe God is releasing the gift of Tears to the body of Christ I believe I have I had time we would begin to walk through the tears I believe I want every one of you to know that he stores her tears in a bottle I want every one of you to know in this room that there are tears that he has seen tears that he has heard and the tears you have forgotten are going to live forever before him and the tears that have been stored are about to be poured out in your life I want you to know there's coming of great weeping there's coming a great tenderizing he's going to break away he's gonna break away the winch Christ he's gonna break away the confucian he's gonna break away the lies and we're gonna begin to see him again some of you have been numb for a long time who in this room has known that numbness and you're like God I want to feel again tears tears for the lost tears for the broken there's coming tears of restoration Joseph and his brothers they're gonna reunite again and there's going to come reconciliation in families brothers and sisters are going to unite again in families it says that Joseph and his brothers they cried so loud all of Pharaoh's house heard them who needs breakthrough in your families Joseph skiers are coming to you some of you have been many of you have been weeping and it's cleansing away he's releasing tears to break away the release restoration I want to tell you Psalm 126 those who sow in tears shall reap in joy that's good he who continually goes forth weeping will bear c4 so the greatest Reapers are the greatest weepers he's gonna tenderize your soul there's coming forth revelation five apostolic messengers who is worthy to open the scroll no one so I wept much the doorway into the revelation of the Lion of the tribe of Judah is the weeping room hear me hear me God heard Hagar's tears get God hurt his spouse tears there's coming a great harvest in the Muslim world [Applause] dear he stores tears and bottles all over the room I want you to stand because I think there's something really important when he looked at us in that moment and said you boys been weeping hadn't you and I asked him to deliver us I said just pray for us I'd heard he had prayed for many people and they got delivered he said no I'm doing that religious thing he said you've been weeping Hatton yeah and then he looked at us in the eye if you remember he said just keep weeping just keep weeping it was at that look of feel this thing feel it God's gonna take you somewhere we had no idea but that would be the beginning of a season of great trial where my body would begin to break down I wouldn't know what was happening with my body I wouldn't know what was going on persecution would come slander would come all these things literally my brother would have to release his son to the Lord would be taken at nine months old great suffering and in that place though of agony the Lord just continued to say to us feel it we groan ask for me wrestle with me contend with me for the breakthrough when everything dies around you will you wrestle with me when everything looks gone will you wrestle will you eat will you not just concede the time will you not just concede to your theology will you not just quote these verses and let yourself off the hook will you lay hold of my heart will you reach in you're deep in the mists you call out to my deep beloved there's many out here the promises look dead everything looks gone and will you lay hold of him as we begin I want to bring the music down a lot right now just really down I want us to ask the Lord to give us those gift of Tears if that's you in this room you go you know what I've been in that place of pain I've tried to quote the reverses I've tried to give theological concessions I've tried to do this this and this I don't know I just God you've lost language my son walked away from God my marriage is gone old Giants I thought I killed have come back into the land you called me to this ministry where are you I thought she loved me that's you I want you to come forward right now just right now I want us to begin this thing right right now that you yearn that deep calls unto his deep all of his breakers are crashing on you [Music] some of you heard the word if you just begin a house of prayer it'll be the vehicle rule revival and your world's been turned upside down [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let it come Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] come on pray till you pray pray to you pray come Holy Spirit right now break up the fellow crown of our hearts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] crease your presence Lord Krisha press Holy Spirit right now all over the room [Music] remember spec juices [Music] whoo Jesus I pray come regularly at our breaking with power since we need you but you this room take us into that we bring her on Jesus [Music] arise the soil of a heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whether I ask you to release the gift of tea velasca release that gift of clean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 40 set a very important thing he said we want to fix it fix it fix it the Lord is inviting us to feel it feel it feel it I want you right now right before the Lord some of you your prayers are will begin to arise in the place of tears I want my children I want my spouse I want my promise I want what you promised me God you said this would not end in there but for your gold ring you called me out you you sent me my wife you gave me my husband gave us our children our grandchildren [Music] we can ask got the birth that deep place a prairie ask him to help you fill it you've been known for long time help us god help us you touch us touch us touch us touch us Godber new lampposts and layers of bitterness that are covered up with theology [Music] levels and layers of depression some of you have good phrases good theology you're depressed when you on your bed at night you're disappointed you're broken there looks like the Pug for you is this really it going [Music] feeling and take it to him fill it and take it to him the one who weeps with you [Music] the 100 weeks with you [Music] you want it to avoid dead Jesus wanted to take you through it and bring forth the resurrection you wouldn't picked this way but he's brought us this way now beginning to talk to him and in that place of feeling and Deb for you touches you say I want my son I want my daughter I want my spouse I want my promise among the family I will the church I want my ministry talk to him gonna begin this conference and as we close this session we want this dialogue to continue talk to God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] needs to slip out because you have scheduled retreats [Music] feel free to slip out or what others you say hey I got a little extra feel great to sivanna he starts at seven o'clock tonight sharp so come back in that time to stay here for a few more moments [Music] Zakaria first tenth the Lord says it in that game pour out the spirit of grace upon my people and in that day I will pour out the spirit of prayer my spirit will touch them my spirit will empower them and I will pray through them and I will anoint them to pray breakthrough prayers for their life and for their family and I believe that right now we're in a Sakurai at 12:10 moment a brief moment where the Lord is pouring out a spurt of grace to enable us to press into his heart for a few moments here and he says I'll give you grace to prevail for breakthrough for family for friends for issues so we're gonna go right back into this in just a few moments in the name of Jesus right now Lord I ask you to pour out the spirit of grace and the spirit of Prayer according to Zechariah 12:10 some of you are gonna sit groanings some of you are just gonna feel like a calm resolve to stay focused on the Lord some of you will have tender weepings some of you will have pain they'll just give yourself to my spirit for it is my spirit working in you it's my spirit resting on you crying 12 verse 10 so worship deep discontent just keep the music flow let's let's jump right back in there [Music] Zakaria name [Music] her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like the sound of break [Music] [Music] the sound of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where my spirit is routed over you Wurtz it my heart to touch you by the pointed this time [Music] many of you have come with hungry aren't others has come with you others have come with desperation there is no tomorrow without my breakthrough the Lord says is [Music] I am appointed this time to leave I will answer the curious [Music] for my spirit he is easier I will stir I won't touch you [Music] for surely I have taught you is be Mathari [Music] you're [Music] this is David Damian David is the one that the Lord used in our convergence in the four days of September he has something to share so David he's going to be leading a lot of his conference together with us and so we've been connected for years at the idiot and the things of the Lord's doing but in these last few months the Lord has really put us together in a special way so they would just these next four days take the liberty and just do what the Holy Spirit shows you Cory was preaching [Music] he was not preaching I felt there was a portal that was opened in this place and I felt something went between heaven and earth and the Lord is saying will you give me your heart so I can tenderize your heart and when he started talking about the tears the tears are not sadness the tears are tender heart whenever the Holy Spirit comes in we're overwhelmed tears come down it's the feeling of we don't deserve and the Lord wants to get that deep deep heart connection with the Holy Spirit and I feel I agree that time has gone past and we are one body so those that need to leave even for the lifestream we can come to an end with the lifestream and say to the people please continue with us because some of these people need to rest so they can continue as I said immediately with the technology teams cuz they're gonna be gone for four days that rest is there one little break so we want to release those that are serving all the back rooms on the media the technology but we're gonna stay here the room for a little bit longer so we want to release them we ask all the people in the homes there watching by livestream continue if the lower Holy Spirit is moving upon you don't leave your place maybe there is no life stream but the Holy Spirit is still there with you continue to respond to the Holy Spirit
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 112,647
Rating: 4.8236055 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, worship, Onething, onething 2018, onething live, message, New Year, Christian, 2018, live, Joe Ritchie, Corey Russel, Allen Hood, Mike Bickle
Id: lcTRdI-hUtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 55sec (9835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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