Onething 2018 - Session 3

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everyone I know several people are still coming in welcome we're about to start with worship we have a full day how many of you were touched by the Lord yesterday we're gonna enter his courts with Thanksgiving and praise as you just consider that verse I want you to be mindful that's that's not just a bit of poetry in Scripture it's a statement of reality what's about to happen when we enter into worship and prayer is as we come before the presence of the king and the the privilege of that the joy of that this isn't just a segment in the schedule it's when we touch the heart of God and he touches us so these are the every moment as it's scripted by the Holy Spirit is a beautiful potential moment that could change the rest of your life but there are no moments more special than to be in the presence of the king so we want to enter his courts we want to it how many of you all want to enter the court of the king god I just asked that you would be present among us all day we surrender to your leadership we honor you we welcome you Holy Spirit from this first moment when we woke up this morning then you filled our lungs with breath that breath is a gift from you to us to this moment where we can now use the breath in our lungs to worship and adore you and give the gift you gave us back to you and all day as you speak to our hearts as we gaze upon you as we encounter you and feel your love and you lead us and guide us into all truth for our lives for our purpose for our destiny and we we lay aside our distractions our fears our uncertainties we enter into this morning into your presence we delight in you we honor you we love you [Music] let's just sing this song this morning super citizen Lord you are so precious more precious than soon Lord you are more costly than gold Lord you are more beautiful than dying and nothing I desire compares with you there's a sing that one more time all over the room they say he Lord you are more precious than silver more you are more costly van Gogh you more beautiful and dies nothing enough a [Music] Jesus be the same be my source be my light Jesus [Music] Jesus be the same [Music] my whole be my son [Music] but overall the sing Jesus [Music] be the same be my source be my sword be my [Applause] [Music] Jesus be the same [Music] Beavis [Music] be my hope be my be my song be the fire [Music] me [Music] be easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] we all are you here today Lord we honor you here today they say Jesus be the same Beavis [Music] be my source be my source be my [Music] Jesus beat my fish yeah be my path [Applause] be my god yeah [Music] the fire [Music] yeah [Applause] yes [Music] me reason that [Music] yeah [Music] me [Music] [Music] from my heart the heaven Jesus be the center of yes it's all from to the heavens Jesus see the sand it's fall yes it's from my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see that beaver you [Music] [Applause] [Music] from please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] take center stage this place Jesus be praised take center stage we [Music] on this [Music] bread [Music] we wanna a lorry on dis man this place Jesus be brave we want to see [Music] takes [Music] [Music] you know the song sing it [Music] [Music] ah they but it's all about [Music] [Music] [Music] father father release your love and this father is beasts your heart in this room let us go deeper in this room let us go deeper in this room let us go deeper in the street yeah command [Music] Oh shower shout out your beauty [Music] shower down your healing shower down shower down your freedom shower down your mercy shower down your joy shower [Music] let us lock eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus this is not a regular worship session we're here to meet with you Jesus we're here to see your face Jesus we're here we're here to encounter you Jesus with bless your names or take us back to the one thing take us back to the one thing take us back to the one thing [Music] there's a harp in my heart and only you can play there's a song in my broken soul [Music] just like [Music] you keep on car coming around you keep all alive and when I let you down come on have you seen [Music] [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I want you put those words in my mouth to tell the world what your [Music] you're not some dead [Music] your father asunder forgiveness and the spirit who helps us yeah that's you [Music] to tell the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or join me close to you and never let me go [Music] I lay it all down just to hear you say your friend you are my desire only you no one [Music] cuz nothing else can take place to feel the warmth of your yeah help me Oh brain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go Oh join me close to you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] no one else [Music] there's nothing else can take so of your [Music] fine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me [Music] No [Music] this is my team [Music] let me love you more this is all that I just told you let me love you my god this is all that I require world you let me love you more this is my deepest hearts desire your world let me love you more still more let me this is all that I desire let me this is like while you're old this is my deepest hearts desire won't you help me let me love you more still though still more and more still [Music] [Music] [Music] presence of the Lord is here present some boys and where the presence of the Lord is we feel loved [Music] we feel loved [Music] increase increase increase increase [Music] Lord let this be a lasting impact not just a four day thing let us burn for you let us burn for you let us burn for you God day after day after day after day let us burn take us back to that first thing take us back to that one take us back to the only thing passion for you Jesus to be filled with a knowledge will to love and your knowledge [Music] for your glory father [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this one thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] never never never gives up the bales and never gives endeavor love never fails [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah can I teach you guys a song [Applause] can I teach you guys a song here's a song from Africa any Africans in the house this song simply says you are the mighty God the great I am hallelujah hallelujah you are the mighty God the great I am hallelujah hallelujah say you are the mighty God the great I am the mighty God hallelujah [Music] my [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] to our God [Music] [Music] [Music] me too [Music] [Music] with the ladies act I have a course for you it simply says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah ooh mama mama ladies join it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] love me love let's just sing this one song [Music] I love Jesus [Applause] worship and adore you just wanna tell you love I love Jesus I worship and adore you just wanna tell you that I love you more [Applause] I love [Music] you just wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] felt something was very fresh when he started singing the African song I think I think it's time for the nations to begin not just just to not just to sing it but to enter in with them in their culture in their field and I would love if David can do the song again but I want him to do the African moves with it [Music] David sing this song and all do the moves show their joke one thing about the Africans is in their body there is a rhythm their whole body moves differently than anyone else in the world so I don't know if you are free to once you start the song they can carry it and then just come and do the moves [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mighty God the great I am yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now are you ready [Applause] [Music] when I put my yeah and then we're gonna tend today we're gonna turn around are you ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me too [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you find the tray you guys dance around [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] what [Music] on coming dancing come on up to the stage [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah listen one third of the kingdom is joy kingdom of God is not meat nor drink but righteousness peace one third of the kingdom is joy flatout nothing but joy I want y'all to pull out your phones we're gonna do something I don't know that we've ever done this before the forum can we release a shout to all the family in Africa [Applause] that this is one of those spontaneous moments we don't want to miss and since this is our last one thing I want to I want to speak the language of Millennials right now okay we're just gonna take like five minutes and find someone you're with a friend your youth group whoever you came with snap a photo get a selfie this is a selfie moment we're gonna have 20,000 people take selfies right now if you are if you see someone over the age of 50 who looks a little lost wait somebody help me here okay okay take selfies all over the room and listen posted Instagram Facebook whatever your social media is hashtag forever one thing hashtag forever one thing if you don't know what I'm saying find someone younger than you and they'll help you we're just going to take a few moments take a selfie post it forever one thing let's put that flight up so everyone knows how to spell it [Applause] we're gonna take a minute with this to last one thing but it is forever one thing in our devotion to the Lord our heart before him our heart connection to one another forever one heart hashtag forever one thing [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right just a couple more minutes post post to them right now everyone posts them right now go to your social media account hashtag forever one thing and again if you have no idea what I'm talking about you're probably of an age group you might need to find someone younger but we want all the generations touching this okay when you're done go ahead and grab your seat and you're welcome to sit up here if you want during the session you're welcome to sit up on the carpet [Music] okay let's all grab a seat I want out I want to Chris and Rachel Jake over for a second if you would David come on up here I just want to take this moment this is a key moment here David come on up to as well yo just stay here the whole time if you if you don't mind okay okay okay here's something that as a spiritual father I love that this team this morning all the teams the fort the 11 sessions are all led by full-time IHOP teams people that are on the staff and people that do the prayer room every day is their full-time job but here we have three worship leaders right here Chris Rachel Jay they've been leading worship 20 or 25 years individually 2025 years David is the youngest member on their team they do the 6 a.m. by the way morning after morning at 6 a.m. they're here I love you guys for that now you guys have been 2025 years he's your youngest guy in your team and Chris you're the leader of this team why did you pick him for all of you to follow well because so many reasons I think that he represents Africa and the black community and he's taking primary leadership in the worship movement which I do believe that word that you've you've talked about so much and so a few years ago I just said I'm gonna just take him under my wing and just wait just teach and learn and teach and learn because I think he has so much to teach us and I have some to teach him so it's been unbelievable an unbelievable journey to watch him cross over and be able to just he's so agile as a worship leader like stylistically and all kinds of things so he's grown incredible in incredible ways but here in our last one thing you guys been leading 25 years each of you yet you're following a the youngest guy on your team with joy and enthusiasm and I'm watching this on all of our sets a lot of the sets here are being led by younger worship leaders and the older ones are not following them in know like well give you a chance they're really following the amount of respected honor and I love that you do this so Rachel tell us is that easy to follow a younger worship leader David is very easy he lives a very pure life he has a single vision his vision is to worship and love God it's easy to flow with him in worship because there's no the issues clear it's very clear and you're highly anointed for it it's like it's following an anointed leader it's so easy and you bring so much joy and you're faithful David thank you I'm ready to go okay one more thing he is a David he's a David and one of the high values we have at the house of prayer is that a worship leader can lead from their instrument how many worship leaders can lead from their instrument out there that's that's more challenging very challenging but you know what he's mastered his instrument and he's able to flow in so many ways because of it and so I just wanted to put that out there as well about Jay again you're a spiritual father your spiritual mom and we've got all these young ones you're pouring it you're constantly moving out and bringing young ones forward just give a sentence yeah I just am so proud of David in an age where the worship movement and and just music in general has become about how well you can do how successful you can be how many albums you can make how many followers you can get and all those kinds of things to find a heart that is pure like David who doesn't literally does not care about any of those things he's very even care if he's leading or following or on the fifth microphone he didn't fight to be where he is all he did all you want to do was wash the feet of Jesus with his tears and so I am so proud too the greatest thing I can do as a father there's poor you are a spiritual father in this house Nicky the greatest thing I think that we can do is that we can make those better those were younger than us better than us and so I'm so proud of David okay let's give David microphone I got one little secret little thing he's my little secret weapon what you guys don't know but we know is that I we play the IHOP you students in touch football I'm quarterback and he is my secret weapon this guy is the best player on the team he got a college scholarship to play football and turned it down to go get trained to be a worship leader he got a scholarship to play football turned in it when I found that out I said hey we're gonna beat the I help you team I need you and he's the best guy I know anyway why did you leave a college scholarship at 19 years old to come pour four years into this now you're raising your own support or you could be playing college football and then having a career what did you do that number one I I'm grateful that the Lord has written and is still writing this story of mine because I couldn't write it or think about it on my own I wanted to play football all throughout high so you're really good well thank you especially on that down and up at the corner you're really awesome not try I try I still got but my senior year in high school I felt just a drop of passion for the sport I don't know how or why it just completely dropped and I felt like the Lord was calling me to pursue music now everything wasn't as clear as I needed it to be in pursuing music all I knew was I don't want to play football anymore I still played the whole season I was very unhappy with the whole situation and I received an offer from a college that they wanted me to come and visit and see how things are and I was the first the first thing I thought about when I saw this was you know I just want to do music and then the Lord miraculously led me to I hop and then I am here and why am I here because the Lord is writing it because it's it's it's his grace that is His grace in his favor that is just leading me throughout this place I have learned so much from these guys I came here to learn the father to know the father in his house and then these people here and a couple more others that are in the back have helped me save into you they have so much into my life thank you I would not have been able to stay here if it wasn't for them if it wasn't for them and I learned community I learned how to love people through them I learned how to love the Lord through them you know what we have now of passion for Jesus and compassion for people I learned a lot through these people here and through this core so I'm just grateful that the Lord is gracing me with this story from a Papa to a Papa - good job good job keep it going man keep it going and keep those legs in shape I need you for at least two more seasons thank you well Francis you've been a friend to us you know I I wrote a letter about why we're at we're having a reset we're gonna talk about that a little bit in a minute and how the Lord's telling us to do things different not do this anymore and Francis sent me an email and we have I just love this bed you know you got up here and said I love Mike Bickle couple years ago I loved Francis jab I want to say that bad and we've had some good times to connect over the years and and he wrote back he goes hey this is a family affair I want to come I can't get there till late December 28th but I want to come and be for the whole thing just why did you respond that way I mean I know why well look anyone that's gonna be leading people into the presence of God 24/7 for 20 years I just want to be around and then when the Lord speaks to Mike and tells him about things there's a trust I have in Mike because of his walk for Laura because of his reverence for the word of God I just this man as we fellowship I go he knows the Lord and so when I and when I see that the Lord is giving him a message and saying things are going to change like something is happening right now it's the same things that are stirring in my spirit like we can't go on as is so when I saw those videos of you talking about that I'm everything inside it's almost like okay I see it but it's it's almost like that that Mary Elizabeth I love it you know like something is leaping inside where you're gone that's the same thing that I'm experiencing that's the same thing that I think we can't just keep going on doing things the way they're there going yeah the world is changing too much and so I just want to come to participate and just hear and see because gosh honestly I really wanted to come and hear what is the Lord been saying to you what has he been showing you in the word because we I honestly wasn't coming to speak yeah he says I'm just coming to dissipate but we want you up here with us no I'm cuz we're kindred spirit I I believe and you're one of the old guys you're 50 yes about be your grandpa yes you want a war hero that's right that's right um but I I also I also feel like you know you guys are growing up in a generation where everyone wants to state their own opinion and they don't want to come under Authority and listen and just soak it in and be slow to speak and quick to listen and honestly there aren't many places where I go and where there's this respect I have for someone because of what you've done and if the Lord has been speaking to you and if you've been learning things from the word I want to come under that and I want to hear that and I want to learn from that and man I I hope you would follow that example that when you see an older man you know much older man that uh much older than you yeah older than that's been walking with the Lord and seeking Him and living a life of integrity you look at his life and his doctrine and you go okay this is consistent with the Word of God man we've got to learn to come thora T's been lost in in this world obviously but it's getting lost in the church and it's time for us to learn that again because we're different than the rest of the world okay they hate Authority everything else where people of the kingdom we love having a king we love it where we are the strangest people on earth because we actually love commands we like to be told what to do and what not to do because we trust our King so much and that has to come back to the church family now and say you know what if God has anointed someone and called someone to be an elder then with joy we come under that and support that and so man that's largely what I believe the Lord has called me to come in well you triggered something I want you guys that jump in on this and Alan if Alan's here come on up here and Diane and we're gonna talk a little bit about the convergence and the Nightwatch a little bit but no you know keep that Michael you said something do you trigger something you don't even know this morning early this morning I was interacting with somebody on the internet on the email and and I and the verse that struck me was James 1:19 I wrote it this morning I said the Holy Spirit is calling his people to be quick to hear and so to speak I wrote that this morning I haven't spoke that verse in five years Wow and you just said that's what's going on yeah that is a word the Lord was to emphasize that I mean literally I said that's what he's calling all of us to be quick to hear and slow to speak and again I haven't said that verse in five years which I'm ashamed but and then you just highlighted that say some things you know that when I was in worship you know earlier you know before you made me dance I but it was that same idea out of James James 1:19 and but but also that the verse in James as it three not many of you should be teachers you know and again we live in a time where everyone wants to be a teacher and so everyone has their own blog it's whatever you know whatever they're just doing everything to speak their voice and to be so careful be so careful in speaking it's a dangerous this is a word of the Lord I really believe James 1:19 that the fact that you just said that and I felt it's so strong this one I want to mention it I just said that's what's honest I said it in the back room to to you this morning though that's what the Lord is highlighting and so I just want us to not lose that somewhere let's unpack that a little bit more in these coming meetings here any comments on that Alan you got anything to say on that James 1:19 be quick to hear well I want a piece oh but I tell you how one way it worked out in my life and I'm looking at the young people here was I remember when I was 22 and I heard you pray and I'd heard lots of other people say well I don't want to be like him I want to do my own thing and I heard you pray mic on the microphone and you were talking to God you weren't speaking to the room and I win it no I don't want to be like me I know me I want to be like that and I remember coming up to you and asking you what did you were 22 you're 50 now yes so almost that was 20 hey hey don't rush things just slowly okay well take a breath and 49 yeah wait wait wait you believe you're prone to it yes I'm 50 I'm fifties your process you're nine months older you already get at conception yes I'm 50 only 50 okay yes just learn from the man of God okay and so on but I remember going I don't want to be me I want to learn I want to walk with the wise and when I talk to God I'm not sure I believe I'm really talking to him but you could tell when you spoke to him in prayer you weren't preaching to the room and you weren't impressing you were sincere there was a divine exchange and I walked up to you and I asked you what do I do to be able to pray like that and you said take your Bible and read it front to back for 10 years take one highlighter and highlight everything to do with God's emotions his thoughts and feelings towards you and when you run into it and you highlight it pray it to God and put your name in it so when it's his mercies are new every morning stand before him and your mercies are new every morning for Alan Scott hood and do that for ten years and don't evaluate yourself don't look up just give yourself to the word and praying that and in 10 years you'll be a different man and so I'm even thinking as I'm standing here I remember the first time I read through the Bible and I highlighted it and then the second time I went through the Bible I realized how many verses I missed because of the hardness of my heart and my own unrenewed mind and then the third time it was like am I even saved I never saw these verses I heard God's voice in a different tone all the time and I remember you saying you said this to me when you begin this you're gonna feel awkward that you put your name in this when you say to God things like God I you love me so much you feel a little funny sometimes when you hold this for me Dean thank you you're gonna feel awkward but stay with it and one day you'll cross the line into belief and you won't know it till it happens and about six months in I remember speaking his declaring his love for me and suddenly I believed it and I never turned back and so last night I was actually thinking I was actually standing there feeling God's pleasure over me as the one he loves literally I'm your favorite I'm your beloved disciple and then saying to God thank you this man taught me so part of the slow to speak and quick to listeners in our youth we want to make our mark and we want to be our own man but the Bible invites you not to be your own man it invites you to be like Jesus and to learn from those who are over you and who have gone before you and who are modeling Jesus and so I am so grateful that I walked up to a man who actually I can say this I know God down I don't know him great but I know him when I closed my eyes and I speak to him I know he here's me and he loves me and I know uh that he's I know his word is true I'll just leave it there his word is true thank you for that Alan [Applause] just when you were speaking my spirit was trembling because I feel there is an importation of who you are what you carried from Mike to all of us either from IHOP staff or IHOP people that have been in y1 and and IHOP or from use of the mission from the home coming from many many many ministries and nations I don't know why I feel what you shared is a landmark for the reset and the Lord wants to restore it back will you speak it out challenges and we want to respond the way you responded to the Lord through Mike yeah I just let me ask for help father help us help us lord help us help us I feel like there is a push for our individualism in a way that unhealthy or I'll say a better way is to learn from those who've gone before you to humble yourself and learn to learn and to receive from them to not assume that I have it because I have strength and I feel like the strength of our use sometimes impedes us from learning and I remember I remember this that I would hear Mike I knew what he was going to preach on every Sunday morning because he prayed it all week long at the microphone not so he could have a sermon that it would move in his heart and he would embody the message because the word is always looking to become flesh it's always seeking to manifest if it doesn't become flesh it's not the word the word is always seeking to become flesh and I would know what he was going to preach on because his prayer life and bodied it long before he ever spoke so when he spoke he didn't have to raise his voice he didn't have to do a certain delivery style it came with power it just boom hitch in the chest and you would know because you would start crying or feel like you had to answer the older call in the middle of his sermon or you are sometimes I would feel like I have to run out of the room because I can't take any more just to be what gone and I want to invite you if you're here you go you know what I don't know if I can say I really know God I don't know if when I close my eyes he hears my voice I don't know if he really loves me I want to invite you to stand up right now I want to pray over you I wanted to call us into this I want to go I want to know God when I pray I want to read his word I want to study his emotions I want to walk with the wise I want to go in the everybody wants to do a new thing I love what Corey says I don't want a new thing I want an old thing in fact I want an ancient thing I want an old truce old things that the spirit brings into new flesh and new realities new manifestations and I just if you want to walk the ancient paths we want to be slow to speak quick to listen to our forefathers that you I want to learn I want to grow I want to learn from these men these women I felt like Francis carried that when he was speaking so father in the name of Jesus I ask that you had raised up a Malachi four five and six anointing that the spirit and power of Elijah would come upon us and turn the hearts of fathers to children to model the way to transfer the truth to seek the Lord thy God with all thy heart soul mind and strength and the love of neighbor as thyself and that you would turn the hearts of the children to the father's God we asked for that love of the family to begin to come that fathers and sons and daughters would love each other with a deep heart and that the Word of God and the power of the Spirit and the life of communion the love of the Father the grace of Jesus and the fellowship of the spirit would plumb-line those relationships in holiness under the Lord so God we asked for that for this generation for us you would do this very thing so father mark our hearts bring it for deep humility deep love deep preference deep that we would have the same mind like-mindedness by the same love for one another in Jesus name so when you were speaking Ellen now and they are praying can you give them a statement to declare because I believe when to agree there is a witness in the spirit Ron so I want you to find someone if you know someone find that person if you're alone find someone you don't know give them a statement to declare to each other and each say Amen to the other person so we hold I believe yesterday I said there is an open heaven here and there is a portal and I believe the Lord has brought his angels and he said this is my time come and witness so in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the presence of the Angels we want to feel the Lord in making declarations and we hold each other first in agreement secondly in accountability give us a simple statement that it will be more go ahead Mike I want to hold off on that for one minute because I want to give you something so we can do this with a little bit of something it was some years ago it was a November 1995 so four years before I up started 25 years ago I had a dream one night and if the PowerPoint the screen team would put up Isaiah 62 verse 4 I want you to see this one sentence because I wanted to clear this according to what David says and even Alan to pray it did they put the screens would put Isaiah 62 verse 4 so I'm in this dream and I'm standing on this stage that's why I'm doing this I'm standing we didn't have the one thing conference but I was in the downtown Kansas City Convention Center well and I was standing on the stage just the room was full just exactly like this and I heard a loud thunderous voice which surely was the voice of the Lord he says declare to them call them Hephzibah for I delight in them and this voice was I'm powerful declare to them have sabab for the Lord delights in them and then the Lord says I will change their emotional chemistry when they understand and receive this truth so I wake up from this dream and I mean the Spirit of the Lord is resting on me that happens every couple years maybe once every two three years I wish it happened more the presence of Lord this is amazing and it's Sunday morning so I want to I didn't even know about this auditorium it was this auditorium but I'd never been in it and so I go to our church service that Sunday morning to preach and I was so excited I wanted to declare Dober them because this declaration the Lord told me showed me in that dream it will change the emotional chemistry if people understand he delights in him that's why this thing with Ellen and I would like hit me to comment more on in a minute on it that the 28 years ago when he's talked to me and we sorry 22 years old I said the emotions of God if you can buy into that he feels this way it will be weird at first you'll kind of go I don't know it's kind of weird if you can do that I'm telling you it will change many things inside will take a while to connect so don't get in a hurry read the whole Bible and everywhere you see God's emotions highlight it then turn it into a declaration of faith back to God God you feel this way about me put your name in it we're gonna do that in a moment there there's a screen do we have the PowerPoint of that so Mike can you do it I wanted you do because that's your dream yeah I want them to see the I'm glad I was waiting for them to get the PowerPoint but I guess I'll move on I win them dead no no it was a No oh they did it I didn't catch it okay I'm the one mister okay so yeah you have to understand that this is 20 years old 25 year 25 years old dream that the Lord has given I was in this auditorium declaring it over yes group and there was no one thing in that time no no this was five years before I have started you have to understand the magnitude that ancient prophecies are being fulfilled in our midst now so so the the thunderous voice that spoke to Mike it's the voice of the Lord that he's brought his angels and he said do you remember 25 years ago I spoke to Mike I'm here to witness it this is the day of fulfillment of that what was spoken I'm so glad you touch that I wouldn't have thought of that I mean I'm just so dull right now that I would have missed it and I'm thinking wait this is it this is the room this is oh my goodness Thank You Alan Hood I'm just gonna pray it over you and then we're gonna reverse on the screen please have sebab that word the Lord it means I delight in you and we don't feel that we see our brokenness we see our weakness we go you delight in us are you kidding look at that as the bridegroom rejoices over her his birthday God rejoices God likes you he doesn't just legally love you he actually enjoys his people even in their weakness he enjoys us while we're growing in the Lord in fact Mike is so foreign to us you woke up that morning looking for the verse and you kept skipping over it you couldn't find it it's so foreign to us I just give you 60 seconds on that that is Isaiah 62 this is horrible Isaiah he's wonderful Isaiah 62 verse 4 and 5 the verse I preached on the most for the three years before that was Isaiah 62 same verse six and seven and I never read verse four and five I oh I preached said Isaiah 62 verse six and seven God says I'm gonna set Watchmen or intercessors on the wall that's our one of our main eye hot verses we've done it many times which is what you prayed last night which is Isaiah 60 to set Watchmen on the wall that's verse 6 that's the next verse so I wake up from this dream spirits on me I gotta find that verse so I said I know I've got it it's in the prophet so I go I say a-one-two-three-four I got my Bible marked up you know Isaiah 56 57 58 59 60 when I got the sixth chapter 62 because I knew chapter 62 so well I thought because I always knew verse 6 I skipped over verse chapter 62 that went Jeremiah one two three four Ezekiel t3 or Daniel Hosea the little metal I went first that so I go back to the beginning Isaiah what does he think of it I get to Isaiah 62 I go why save time I already know that chapter I move over I waste another half hour I'm so frustrated I look up the concordance I broke down and looked up the concordance hepzibah it says Isaiah 62 and I said that's impossible I knew that chapter like the back of my hand but I always started with the prayer mandate in verse 6 and 7 and what the Lord says is you can't do the prayer mandate in verse 6 and 7 without knowing he delights in you verse 4 and 5 this changed my entire I want the endtime prayer movement 6 and 7 is built on the foundation of verse 4 and 5 I never knew that I went when that that first get put in I say it's 62 and the Lord says you have to go that direction so I'm gonna pray over you and we're gonna then declare David you'll take up where you were I just wanted you to know the verse says delights in you and he's highlighting that and that's part of the family it's the delight we don't want a family that tolerate each other he is not tolerating us he's delighted and I think that's what the N pray yesterday it's something in the reset of what the high her family with the leadership are embracing it's the message of their life but it is going to birth sometimes in the action we miss the heart of it and now we're coming to the heart of delight delight in each delight in the Lord and delight in each other's so the as the Lord delights in us he said delight in each other so what when Mike declare it I wanted you to receive it I don't want you to say yes I want you to actually receive it at the moment not just for the future for now and I believe that I wanted you to take an action by physical movement if you're standing take a step to the side if you're sitting stand up whatever you want to do to declare to the principalities and powers that I am in and to declare to God witness what you're doing here we are on your side we say yes Lord to what Mike is about to pray so whatever wherever you are move do a movement whatever you feel comfortable with if you're in a wheelchair just move a step forward or step backward if you are unable to move move your leg right or left whatever it is make a movement in the spirit because it is going to stir the principalities and powers to know that the moment that was 25 years ago of fulfillment this is the day I feel like I want can I get them to declare a phrase Mike because it'll set them up to receive from you I want this phrase and last night that actually unfolded which was the Nightwatch you set forth Isaiah 62 6 is the night watch we always used Isaiah 62 6 I'll set Watchmen which is intercessors in the night we said that thousands of tiny never did verse then we went into this sense of he loves me and Diane came up and confirm the father's heart over us and so it's just another step he wants it to go deeper because it feels awkward to us these truths a lot of things in the kingdom are awkward because we're not like him and he has to transform us so here I want you to say this I want to say you to say I set my heart to learn godly truths from godly men and women who have gone before us I set my heart to learn godly truths from godly men and women who have gone before us can you face each other and Alan will lead you into that I wanted if after you finish you look at the person in the eye and say I say to you amen and you do it each other because in the agreement if you shall agree there is power released of answers and we're not saying blind following were saying follow the commands of God the Bible I set my heart to learn godly truths from godly men and women who have gone before us let's say it again I set my heart to learn godly truths from godly men and women who have gone before us one more time David said let's do it let's say it with boldness tenacity remember what David was pointing out is when we make a motion or we say something we set our hearts we say it with boldness confidence because we're drawing that line in the sand I'm never going back I'm never going back to this rugged individualism that's rooted in foolishness and childness learn from those who've gone before me amen so let's say it with conviction I want to say something I'll give you a tone I set my heart you see the tone up no no don't repeater I just wanted I wanted you to hear my tone I set my heart to hear that tone another tone I set my heart you see that there is a tone that makes everyone listening know you're serious you mean it and you will do it so let's change our tone I set my heart we we don't were not in that we are at in in a declaration into the spirit run and I want to say to you this is a birthing for thousands hundreds of thousands that are watching on live stream now they are going to do the same and I want to encourage you find a person in your in your home and make this declaration or in your church whatever you're watching find a person and do this and if there is no other one with you join with us and speak it looking at the screen because we're watching you at this time we're all this is a moment for the body of Christ globally amen so I wanted you first rehearsal do it as a rehearsal I want you to watch each other stone and if you if I don't agree with Allan I'll say I don't know convinced you're going to do it it doesn't bring life inside of me be be your brother keeper and your sisters keeper say please do it this is our time Lord and angels are watching so let's do it as a rehearsal first now Jesus cast them out with a loud voice there's this demarcation you're empowering your will when we do deliverance I say you say it with your voice you say it with conviction you declare it you empower your will so you're setting your will you're setting your heart you're ready I set my heart that's not good enough we're gonna do it again with conviction look at the other person in the eyes I set my heart to learn godly truths from godly men and women who've gone before us [Applause] generational impartation in regards to this verse the fathers that have gone before us have opened a door for the sons and daughters to enter into I want to share it just just a brief story with you my family moved to Kansas City I just want to tell them who you are I want them to understand who you are in our myths he's been with us from day one even before the whole 20 years of IHOP and one of the most responsive young leaders and now he has a place of senior leadership twenty years you've been with us and you have said yes over and over I just want them to know who they're listening to thank you so my family moved here many years ago my my father who's in ministry his name's Kirk Bennett I love him dearly he had this thick New King James Study Bible and and and our family began to hear about the emotions of God and it was this this blue Bible and and he he had this encounter with the Lord in Isaiah 62 on this very verse about speaking these truths over yourself hepzibah my delight is in you and as he began to to read and meditate upon this Verte here he is come on dad come over here stand next to your boy you can you tell the story well I got the second part okay you got the second let's go to microphone it's actually more dramatic Mike shared this verse on a Sunday or he shared this dream on a Sunday mornings November 95 everybody in the room was cheering cuz when the senior pastor has a dream it's like awesome I'm sitting there going I don't get it have some ah what's that and I knew it meant my delight a sinner but I just didn't get it and everybody's hearing and I'm going I am the dullest person in the group right now I don't get it so I went to the prayer room the next day and sat in the prayer room with that verse on the back wall the prayer room is one guy playing a guitar maybe two people in the prayer room and I just want Hephzibah Idol Center hepzibah my d'lita Center and I stared I still don't get it Hephzibah my delight is in her over and over and suddenly first time for me audible voice in my right ear says my delight is you and I did what anyone would do I would say that again and I said hepzibah and I heard it a second time you are the delight in my heart out loud I looked to see who was talking they were still in there and I wept for the rest of the prayer room time I just wet and and I was overwhelmed at my heart I said God is this is what you mean by prayer to just say your word and you'll talk I'll do this for the rest of my life and it changed me forever and yeah so so the Bible that he wept in two years later became my Bible and I found it on the shelf in our home and I said okay this is my Bible now yeah I still have it so so that was in 95 right 95 talk about so fast-forward 2001 I'm 17 years old in 2001 and I'm sitting in the back of the prayer room against the back wall in the prayer room with that Bible I opened up twice a a 62 mike has been teaching on the emotions of God out of Song of Solomon and I said I'm gonna declare these truths over me and I open up at the Bible the same Bible and I can see there's still the brown tear stains in that Bible from from whatever that is seven years before six years before and I begin to declare those truths over me my delight is in Isaac my delight is in Isaac and the Spirit of the Lord comes on me and I began to weep uncontrollably and so what this father began to open up for our generation my father began to touch and then that same thing passed to me and my tears fell on that same page and mixed with the tears of my father there is a generational open door it's it's more than just understanding something we need to pass to the next generation the Encounters of the motions of God not just in our intellect but in our spirit and through our tears our children need to see us cry and weep over the beauty of Jesus then a man there is a phrase that's been going through my my spirit for about the last 20 minutes since the story about Joshua and Moses and it says Moses in Exodus 33 Moses took his tent outside the camp and it says Moses talked to God face to face as a man speaks with his friend it was this Hephzibah encounter between Moses and God and it says and then Moses would leave the tent and he would go into the camp and you know you're following a spiritual leader you want to follow that spiritual leader into the camp that's where the excitement is that's where you think you are going to learn you find that spiritual leader and you go I want to go with him into the busyness of ministry how did Moses trained Joshua he said you stay here or rather Joshua saw something in Moses and he said I don't want to go into the camp until I talk to God as a friend and it had to do with promises and the fulfillment of promises in Joshua's generation that Moses generation would never enter into and the following of the father did not mean doing everything the father did it meant modeling the way the father lived before the Lord and I feel like there is a sense this there's there's two things the Lord is saying he's saying following the father's it's not about doing everything they do it's about knowing that God they knew it's about coming into that place of friendship with God that you hear they have some other Moses hurts because only when Joshua Hepzibah can Joshua take Jericho congest schewe take the promised land and we're so focused as as a generation we say no we want to do the things and that's not our calling our calling is so much greater and for so much more but we're not going to enter into it by pursuing the thing but by pursuing the god of the previous generation and as leaders I feel as a as one who IIIi can echo all that Kirk has said all that Alan has said I was 15 years in that prayer room just on I want to know the God that Mike knows that Mike knows Anna and what Francis said I feel like like in this generation even in my generation I'm in my mid-40s there's been this rejection of spiritual authority and we've missed out on the blessing of God because we have rejected the spiritual authority of our fathers and life that we've tried to make it on our own and as the spiritual fathers what we've done for the next generation we've tried to make them do our work in the camp and we've tried to disciple a generation by making them do the things that we didn't want to do so we could stay in the tent when we should have been going and taking our authority in the camp and leaving the younger generation and saying you need to get to know my god I [Applause] want to add one more thing man during that experience when the Lord said that to me it changed my emotional chemistry what Mike heard was what happened to me every time from that point on just sitting there I would say that word hepzibah I would feel this rush through my body it was almost magical it was it was like any time I said it I could feel the rush of the pleasure of God through my body and I this around the world I I say was like saying Mufasa ooh do it again you know those of you who know the lion kegels anyhow this pleasure would run through me and God wants you to know physically it's not just spiritually physically he wants you to know his touch his pleasure on your life this was the father touching me as he spoke audibly to me he wants you to know his extreme affection for you he can't resist you in many ways we say well I don't feel it and it's because our feeler is broke our feeler is broken we we put our feelers in front of all these other things and and Wes and myself and Isaac and Alan because we had a man who said I'm gonna put my feelers in front of God he he began to experience something that made something transmittable through the body of Christ just by speaking and it's the same thing for you it's supposed to happen to you born again it's not a theory it's an experience we are to experience heaven and we are to experience the heaven pressing in on the earth now physically we're to feel it our senses are to be trained to experience when heaven is moving in this earthly realm it's not just for when you die it's for now and to know the touch and the voice of the father is everything to being able to live as a son you're supposed to hear and feel this and so I just as experienced this as as David is saying experience this receive this don't just I want to receive experience this open your heart like you do to other things to get pleasure open your heart to God in this way I plead with you he wants you to know his touch but you opened your heart but at first it didn't connect it did so if it doesn't connect for a while stay with it I was just determined because it seemed like a connected for everybody else and I just led it's not enough for me to say the testimonies of others anymore I've gotta know it myself I've got to feel it myself I'm just I feel we are in the weight of the word becoming flesh presence of the Lord is filling this air and to stick a few moments just to let the Holy Spirit go deep into our hearts it's okay if tears come down it's okay if you start bawling it's okay we're not here to control and it's okay for some people emotionally to move in the flesh it's okay don't be troubled by it we will help those I just want to give you a freedom in the spirit it's a safe place sometimes it's part of the Lord touching our heart is opening and suddenly some things come that you have closed your heart because he didn't want it to come it was ugly it was painful it was hard I would like pastor Crais to come stand with us up here Nicole come with her can we hold on the songs now for a moment there will be a time when we will sing songs but it's a time of silence and allowing our heart to be open [Music] the Lord says I've called you have subha i delighted you this is the Lord your name is I delight in you Prime the Lord your God I am NOT a man that I would lie and I declare your name to me is I delight in you Hephzibah I delight in you the devil is a liar you haven't gone too far it's not too late I delight in you Hephzibah that thunderous voice said declare it over them and I will change them have some ah Lord it's you it's your voice it's your word it's your spirit it's your heart I delight in you I did I didn't you says the Lord spirits moving over this room right now who's brooding is hovering holy spirit open the eyes of the understanding open the eyes of our understanding Hephzibah I delighted you says the Lord your God that is your name that is who you are that is what you do you live in relationship with me I delighted you this is who you are to me [Applause] have saban [Music] as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride I rejoice over you even you even you even you even you I delight in even you I see you I see you bye beloved my eyes are upon you thank you lord I see you I see you I see you I see every detail of your life I love you father--he father here they are the ones you love father here they are the ones you love Jesus here they are the ones you died for the ones you refused to be without the ones you desire the ones you longed to be with the ones you longed to show your glory and you long to bring forth love in their hearts here they are look at them behold the ones you love behold the ones you delight in behold the ones you will bring forth and unfold and bring forth much fruit many good things behold the ones you love just keep hearing in my spirit I'm just gonna do it he loves you he loves you he loves you you need to hear he loves you he loves you he delights in you you are hepzibah he delights in you he enjoys you many people in the room you're saying Lord you don't know what I've done you don't know what I've done even this morning you don't know what I've done here's the Lord's response to you you don't know what I've done because of what I've done on the cross washes away all that you have done look him in the eyes right now many say I've never seen him your spirit knows what he looks like and the Holy Spirit lives in you he knows what he looks like Mike just said the eyes of your understanding can see him look him in the eyes right now now look at his face he likes you look him in the eyes he likes you he likes being with you he's moved by your weakest move towards him he sees you right now he likes you receive his affection receive his affection for your life right he enjoys your presence he likes it when you come into a room to be with him when you take a walk to be with him he can't wait he loves your presence he enjoys you receive that joy he has over you not because of what you've done because of who you are you're a son you're a daughter of the king look him in the eyes look at his face he's not angry look at his face right now he enjoys you when he wants joyful thoughts he thinks of you it can't wait to be face-to-face with you forever this is longing for you it's real it's right now look him in the eyes dare to sad you delight in me just dared to say it you delight in me and then feel what he feels about you more than forgiving you are have Sabathia I feel like some saying I don't know where to find him I don't know how to hear to hear his voice and goes back to the confession that Alan made us say earlier encouraged us to say earlier I feel like the Lord is saying if you can't can't find him find the Moses who has find the Moses in your life if you're Joshua find the Moses whose face is glowing with the presence of the Lord and find the tent where that man that woman is hanging out and submit yourself under their leadership submit yourself under their authority we often think if we take ourselves out of the authority we will find the Lord and the Lord says the way to encounter is find that figure in your life that person in your life whose face is shining with the encounter of the joyful God find that person and covenant yourself to that person in life be one last thing and it's the scripture because this began with the word and I feel like the Lord wants to wrap it up some with the word which is this in this is love this is love not that we loved him but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins some of you are out there wondering I don't know if he delights him and I didn't I don't know if he loves me beloved he didn't leave it up to subjective reality you cannot argue with the cross the cross the lord of glory on that cross cannot love you any more than the stretch his arms out and let his lifeforce bleed out that you might live with him forever beloved the act that he did there we will gaze upon billions and billions of years so that every time you begin to doubt whether he delights in you that's if you've called upon his name if you've called upon his name and you've trusted in him alone for salvation then you can say this he delighted me because he paid a price that you could delight with him forever this is love not that you loved him or that you somehow you know felt something and felt like you really loved him and he really loved you whether you feel it or whether you loved him today or yesterday or not the Bible says this is love he loved you and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for your sin so when you don't believe that you look at that cross and you decide to lay down your argument with that beautiful man who bled out for your life for eternity he paid the price he delights in you yes Lord and not only does he say he delights in you so you can hear it he showed it and some of you right now you're going I don't know if he really loves me delights in me I don't feel anything I want you right now to set your eyes on that cross where he loved you whether you loved him or not just put your eyes right on the cross in this is love not that we loved him he loved us and sent his son as a Tonie sacrifice for my sins so come Holy Spirit I ask for this hepzibah reality to be rooted and grounded in the cross of your son I ask that you would give this room a revelation of the glory and beauty of Jesus when he gave up everything when we wanted nothing to do with him when he was screaming I delight in you when he was yelling I delight in you when he was forgiving and loving to the very end where he was poured out showing the greatest love I pray that you would encounter people in this room with the cross of Jesus and you would write hep on their heart all their days to love the cross to cling to the cross to run to the cross to give themselves to the cross so come Holy Spirit you're doing 10,000 things we cannot see and I just add this in Holy Spirit would you reveal the beauty of the cross the beauty of Jesus beloved he's already proved he loves you he can't prove it any more than to die for you you need to relinquish your opinion right now and just give way to the cross give way well let him have his way right now I loved you this much agree with it it's gonna wait a few moments I'm not sure one more thing we'll end with that but I want to wait for a few moments before we go shift into that it's the same topic but it's another encounter that's related to this building and this group of people this year right now I it's just completely as in unity with the EPS of all I want to wait a moment before I share that well here we are here we are lard I feel like this is such an important four-day gathering as a family together and before the Lord yesterday I was meeting with David and our Chinese family and leaders we are in the back meeting and one of the brothers I'll share this real briefly they don't have you shared more detail one of the brothers had a dream from the Lord that the Lord was going to emphasize holiness to the Lord in this gathering right here and he was so convinced he's from Egypt that he made a gold plate that was put on the head plate of the High Priestess of holiness to the Lord he made it out of gold with his own finance he didn't have the finance but the Lord provided it and he made this gold plate holiness to the Lord just like in the Old Testament he said this is for now this is for this group right now well what he didn't know nobody the room knew and I didn't tell anybody I was just so quite I was so touched when he presented us yesterday afternoon in the back it said 28 years ago again long before I hop eight years before I hop started a man named Paul Cain who some of you know that man he's had a quite remarkable prophetic history over the years he's 90 years old this year he called me on the phone 20 years ago from Dallas and he said Mike I have a profound word I need to fly to Kansas City to give it to you I said well Paul you're on the phone I'm here just goes no no he told me to get on the plane to fly to Kansas City to give it to you I said okay he said the Lord has shown me an auditorium somewhere in the earth he says it may be Berlin it may be London that's was his thought because he was praying for Berlin and London he said I think I've seen the auditorium and the Lord's gonna do something unusual there's an appointed time so okay flies to Kansas City he tells me he goes in this auditorium there was a banner written over it called holiness into the Lord and the Lord was gonna release a grace to walk in holiness a grace to get free and they said an in this building there were thousands of young people in this building and I'm solicitor guy where do you think it is because I think it's in Europe maybe London maybe Berlin maybe another city I I don't know and he said here's what it looks like and he described the colors in the room and he said these colors will be I saw them in the room and so will know the building okay and I said when will we find it he goes in the next few years but let's keep our eyes open he said but in that room he said there's gonna be a new kind of music this could be with young people and I said what do you mean a new kind of music he goes I don't know it's a new kind of music and it's a new approach to holiness I was intrigued but I couldn't understand but he didn't understand either he said there's a new approach to holiness related to God's heart there's a new kind of music that he's going to use and this could be thousands of young people gather so he's telling me this story and I get a phone call from one of our leaders and they said hey Mike he says I'm downtown at the Convention Center and we're gonna have our first conference 1990 downtown and here in the convention center he goes I'm a little nervous to sign a million dollar contract whatever it is I mean you know lots of contracts involved in that he goes but you come dad and just make sure this is the first time I've done it it's a big deal I go well I'm meeting with Paul Kane I said I'm sorry I don't want to interrupt you and I said Paul can you tell me more about I got a drive to you Mike going on an errand with me he goes no no and he's telling me about this and we get downtown and he says Mike this is gonna be amazing as a change young people it's gonna be a holiness it's gonna be a new approach a new music and he's so gripped and I said okay we're gonna and so we walk in this building with my events guy and Paul gang goes oh my god it's not London it's not Berlin I mean it might be the Lord is because it's this building Kansas City no I mean he it wasn't funny to him he goes I don't understand I go I don't understand he goes that's why I had to fly to Kansas City to tell you because I didn't know why I had to fly the Lord told me fly and tell him he goes this is the building because there's an hour coming when you will have thousands young people in this building and there'll be a new kind of music and there'll be a new approach to holiness it's hepzibah and he says in the Lord's gonna write a banner over that holiness to the Lord because beloved holiness to the Lord is the same thing as joyful love holiness is Liberty in beauty holiness is all that we want people say holiness and go that's things we gotta stay away from and self-denial we can't do this holiness is our true humanity is living in love and life and freedom so tell now the story yesterday I didn't tell any by the story and yesterday the Egyptian couple came and said the Lord made this told us to make this gold I want you to say something because you use a phrase it's our joyful restraint for liberty because it's not it's not Liberty just doing its he's saying we are joy feels betrayed to the Word of God it's our delight in God's ways and his nature we're not running with friends we love commands yes we love love we love the commander therefore we love His commandments we're not trying to get free of them they're not burdensome they liberate our hearts holiness liberate our heart it's very interesting that we are a witness of this and it's very interesting that the Lord will twenty years later to that first conference or I hop 28 years later it's eight years before I hop we met down in the govision so 28 years later I few weeks ago I receive a call from a friend of mine in Egypt his name is Daniel and his wife is Heidi they are newlyweds within a year so he calls me and he said I had a dream and in the dream I saw the world over this conference holiness unto the Lord so he said I started searching for the word in the Bible and I discovered this is written on the high priest holiness to the Lord and he said the Lord said to me this is going to be the prophetic word the banner over this conference this is two weeks ago right few weeks ago maybe a month ago and then he said to me the Lord asks me to design it he looked in the Bible to see that which was worn on the forehead of the high priest what was the design he couldn't find anything in the in the description so he said to the Lord I don't know what to do he said the Lord design it yourself so he designed that and the Lord said to him write the word in Hebrew and in English and in Arabic holiness to the Lord and then on the back of this banner that you're going to put on the forehead right all nations and then he said take north america canada america then take three a triangle or three stranded quote from asia so he took the China Korea Japan and then he said take three from Europe and then he took the three is actually the most the strongest structure is a triangle it's a three that's why the Trinity that's why the three stranded core so he took three from Europe Germany the UK and France and then he said and take three from the highway of holiness Egypt Israel Assyria and that's the highway of Isaiah 19 and he said write them on the back of the of the banner or or that is the the thing that you're going to put on the forehead on the on this corporate gathering together he went and the Lord said to him I wanted to pure gold so he went to a jewelry and he asked him and because it's going to be a bigger thing so it's going to be expensive so he tried to get the thickness that will hold the the carving of the letters on the gold on that sheet and as he he had to come to a certain thickness so it holds that carving and the jewelry said to him it's 20 grams of gold pure gold 18 karat and then right away the Holy Spirit spoke to my friend and he said to him 20 grams one gram of gold for every year of iHub it's 20 years today one gram of gold for every year I knew it was very expensive gift because he felt he said I wanted to do it out of Egypt I want to bring it and that ties suddenly when he said that I remember Mike sharing about a dream or a vision I don't know maybe you can mention that when the Lord spoke to you in Egypt yes I'm telling you like every one of my supernatural encounters all his comforts I've had about 10 or 20 of them very powerful ones I've mentioned almost all of them but yes it was in September 1982 I'll give you the briefest I'll give you the three to the three-minute version of a 30 minute thing I'm wide awake actually and I hear the internal audible voice of the Lord the first time I've ever heard that I've heard that three four times in 40 years where he spoke it resounded in me and I look what is going on and and the Lord says I'm going to change the understanding and expression of Christianity and the whole earth and one generation that was shocking to me it was like resounding in my baby I says the Lord will change the understanding and expression of Christianity in the whole earth and one generation and when he said the expression of Christianity it means the way we're gonna live our life before God and one another and we're a little bit touching that right now in the homecoming and the delight a new approach to holiness that sits in that vain but it's much more than that I'm sure a new expression of Christianity worldwide and he says I'm gonna change it I'm going to do it and it was in Cairo Egypt in the Spirit of the Lord was resting on me and I've never been awake and felt the fear of the Lord the trembling fear of the Lord I've I felt in a dream once or twice and I have the general fear of the Lord I know that spirit of the feared Lord but I was trembling in his presence because at one time in 40 years this has happened and I said yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord and he says many have said yes but they have not yet done it and I was saying yes Lord yes Lord and I'll abbreviate he'll say there's various things values I have that are essential to my kingdom and if there's wholeheartedness stuff I don't want to go into all that right now we already know what that's about the wholehearted does I demand this I said yes Lord he said many have said yes but have not yet done it meaning they didn't stay with it and that was in Cairo Egypt so that was 1982 that was my first life-changing radical kind of understanding that revival was coming it was a new idea to me actually and so I always ask the Lord why did this word come out of Cairo Egypt and that was 1982 is that 35 some years ago I go white Cairo Egypt I don't get Cairo in all the years I asked the question it must be a reason that came out of Cairo and I think that this homecoming which we haven't even developed it yet we keep having it on our agenda but we've never got to tell the homecoming story but we're going to by the grace of God before we in this conference but we keep going different than everything we planned but the homecoming anointing that's touching all tour all Asia is led by this Egyptian with Chinese coming to Kansas City like what and a hundred other things in the story go ahead so when he called me I just felt the weight of the Holy Spirit on it so he designed it he made it and he brought it here and I thought this is weird how can you present this and how do you do it let me preface this this is an inheritance of this house of this movement you cannot receive an inheritance by becoming a member in an organization you can only receive an inheritance by being a son and a daughter to a family and I wanted to say this because it's amazing that the Lord is speaking about the delight have surround you know the verse before that you will be fruitful so it is about reproduction it's about the sons marrying you and the whole chapter of Isaiah 62 it's a very interesting chapter before he goes into the watchman actually it's a it's a love affair that he brings us in and I wanted to say this because I don't want you to miss what's happening here I come into this house as a son so I can receive the inheritance I come as a son because I recognize in here there is an anointing and I want to receive it not as a member I'm taking my portion I wanted the inheritance of a son and daughter and I want to invite all of us either you're in the room here either you're in IHOP or you have been in iHub or you're still in IHOP or or or that is one thing also for all of us that have come from many nations we can come in because it's one family and he is the father he is the father and that is not something we are doing it he has done it on the cross he purchased us not as members of organizations he has purchased us to be sons and daughters to a father and that is the theme of last night and this morning and yesterday it's the whole thing of the Lord bringing us through an unknown understand into owning that the family that I have never chosen I was born into it and I was baptized into it one body one family and that concept is going to become real and the Lord is inviting us all either you are in IHOP staff or you have been an IHOP or you heard about IHOP or you have never heard and this is your first time here and for all those who are watching on live stream I wanted to say to you it's time for us to own one another as a family and say I'm a son of what the Lord is doing here I'm a daughter of what the Lord is doing here this is my inheritance I want every one of you to take of the inheritance of holiness unto the Lord of what the Lord wants to do of changing Christianity the expression of Christianity in one generation and this is the generation [Applause] that will be unfolded but I wanted to say this before we do the prophetic act because I want all of us to enter in I don't want you to see it's oh that is for I have and I'm happy for them we have done that many times we have we have turned away from jealousy into I'm happy for them now I'm not happy for them that is mine beloved it's pronounced over this gathering it's not over I hop per se it's over a gathering and this is the first time the Lord has highlighted it with this prophetic act it's it's amazing to me as we come into this room here so we can all be birthed into a new season that that this family this family has faithfully as Francis said 20 years of faithful devotion not perfect devotion but faithful devotion to the Lord so we can come to this point and the Lord saw this is a place a healthy safe room for the Lord to do this and I wanted us either you're here in this one thing conference or you're watching by livestream it is it is it bypassed an in tag of a ministry it is now the family of God from every color and try yes a nation its bypass the name or at a guy like this and we are coming here we are coming here not to help Mike but together to burn together what the Lord has intended and is together this is our family yes everyone here either you're in a hub or not in I have we are one family and the Lord is beginning to change our system when the member when the Bible says about a member in turn in pain you don't say oh I ate for you no I ache I don't only ache for you it's my pain and when a member rejoices it's not I'm happy for you know rejoice it's one body when the hand and the feet are connected it is one expression of the whole body and the Lord is going to reveal that to us in this gathering by his sovereign hand to bring that revelation and suddenly we will see it as never before it will not be a mental knowledge only as we have known it it will be an experiential and that is what being emphasized about Hephzibah we know it here I know he delights in me but as we have been hearing it's a lalaurie's taking us deeper so as we do the prophetic act now we I would like the leadership by hop I don't know how do you call them Mike though just who's ever over in the discerning team is in the leadership take hey we got lots of leaders in the building but we I don't know how to do this presentation and it's the same as we are talking as a family we are all owning one another I don't want you to see the peal oh he's on the stage and I'm not no I am on the stage through him or through her and if your leader out there you're close by come on up real quick yeah it's again we're not going to get all of our leaders a lot of them are in different areas of the building and some are serving out the areas as well and I will I will invite the Egyptian family if they can come on the stage with me and I will invite from the from the discernment group the Egyptian family and I will take one from Asia I will invite the Chinese and I will take one from Europe I would invite the wait wait a second I'm gonna not have those leaders I'm stay here Intel for one second they told me yesterday over a hundred and twenty people the stage might collapse they told me that yesterday because we were all up about 150 dance that you don't do that again so I want to see how many you invite before we bring a much more on okay is that a hundred nag I think we got room good it's long it's under 120 and we are in a divine time so the Lord is sending his angels yes but my conscience is clear of all things you know if you feel excited don't go up and down just go sideways yeah yeah I think that yeah yeah we didn't overdo it we're still obeying the laws of the land that's it okay what do you mind just taking a little one or two steps I would like the Egyptians to come here from the discernment team and the Chinese and the french-german I would like some from Europe we don't have many under from come here close to my side please we're just using this group as a representation of all of us so David what is this thing in my life that experience about Cairo each of water what is Egypt got to do with it I think the Lord wants to promote you I'm trying to highlight Egypt right now yeah I think it's very interesting we had Asher with us in Egypt a Sharon traitor our beloved Asher and yeah yeah you know he has been into I have many times and yes Asher was talking about something very interesting I have never seen it he said that about Hagar he was talking about Hagar and he is talking about the word in the Hebrew it was not a handmaiden the Egyptian lady that came with Sarah and Abram he talked about it as the original word is Chiffre which is the short-form ishvara which is a family so he said that actually Hagar was not a handmaiden it was a representation of the family and the Lord had to bring all the nations to Egypt to birth the family of the nations to come together I have never seen it I'm Egyptian I've never seen it before ever he said that's why and actually we went to Egypt right after the conversion to gathering and I have that was the gathering and he declared that and he said coming out of IHOP coming here we are birthing the global family for what the Lord has desired since the foundation of Earth oh my god is using leader from Egypt all over Asia in the homecoming the Lord's using the Egypt it just Egypt is strategic and I don't want to talk about Egypt now but hey it's it's very significant in the in the end time scenario of highway Isaiah 19 it's the first nation that will be there actually Rick Joyner I'm sure you're aware of Rick Joyner he called me a few years called a friend of mine John White and John White knows me so he called me and he said do you know what Rick Joyner received I said no he said to me that Rick Joyner went into a trance and the Lord spoke to him there are four nations that are going to be changed every person in the nation from the oldest to the youngest from the least to the greatest the whole nation will return to the Lord and the Lord said to him out of this for I will give you the name of one of them and that is Egypt I will change this nation so I believe I believe sometimes we like Mike he's talking about his divine encounters it's not about Mike but the Lord knows destiny and callings and he represents his heart is a body heart a larger body heart and the same size of this gathering it was about this gathering it was so it's we are in we don't understand but we know one thing with the fear of the law we can witness there is a presence of the Lord here this is I'm going to put it close so the cameras can zoom into it so you can see it this is one side which is the three languages holiness unto the Lord let me see if I can get away from the reflection it's closer almost I'm covering the Arabic sides let me go this way okay there you go if you can zoom in can you zoom in more you will get part of my mouth closer you see Hebrews is on the top then the English holiness to the Lord and then the Arabic on the bottom in the back you see the name of the nations that was written and I will try to yeah all nations then USA Canada UK Germany France China Korea Japan Egypt Assyria and Israel all the nations in the backyard and he designed it with two loops on the sides and this is exactly what so I'm going to ask a Chinese person who Chan if you can come this is Daniel and this is the newlywed couple that the Lord gave them the vision I want to honor you and thank you for being a forerunner for us in receiving this thank you this is and and and some some of you what might say why the Lord didn't give me this picture because it has to come from Egypt and why the Lord chose them because nobody knows them God is an amazing God that he does things not the way we think so he could so watch an and I will fight those who came the Chinese family can you come with which he as he would she an is from mainland China and I will invite the Chinese family if they can come I think this has to do also and I want you to face I want you to face the I have family just Kai it's okay to give your back to the people and face the I have family the the headphones of the assess for the translations so you will understand so Chen would represent the Chinese so can you come a little bit all the Chinese a little bit too close for them yeah we're Americans were were Whitey's you know we need a little Westerners need a little space they learned from the Egyptians that's the first touch with closeness so do we have a cheap camera here yeah if you can just zoom in in the middle as we so would Chen will represent the Chinese family and I wanted us before we do that this is not for Mike and Diane it's very interesting that they and received the crown last time and it was a prophetic act and actually it was very interesting someone came to me in the morning and I have this was September and he said to me I have a crown and I don't know what to do with it but the Lord said to me to give it to you I said what am I going to do with a crown so I took the crown and I kept it and in the middle of the conversions in September in the church and IHOP the at a certain moment the Lord said this is my queen I want to crown her and I want all the body to rejoice because when I crown one of you I'm crowning all of you and I wanted you to own this and we did that with the EM this time it's very interesting and Mike was very happy for that so she started making me call her queen at home from that part so thank you it's very close Queen Diane very close so this time in the fear of the Lord as we are declaring the holiness of the Lord over us I want you to take a moment and imagine there is a stamp coming over your forehead either you're in auditorium here or either you're watching by livestream I want you to close your eyes and the same before we do the prophetic act I wanted you to receive that the Lord is sealing every one of us on our forehead because we are all priests we're all priests and this is not for me this is for what he wants to do in the global body it's not for me only I'm not going to take this in my personal life I will be a carrier of that in my business in my church and my family in my home wherever I go I'm a carrier of the presence of the Lord in me and this is a mark do you want everyone to see you in your workplace you say what is different about you you're marked what do you mean a marked no there is a mark over your life you are marked by God for such a time as this so I want you to receive it so can we stand up together and close your eyes and say lord mark me mark me mark us mark us holiness unto the Lord as joyful as Elinor sharing it a joyful restrained a joyful holding joy if am yours and you are holy and I'm holy and because you are in me I want to put a line on the past today you're changing the expression of Christianity in one generation I want to be part of it Lord don't pass me by with all my shortcomings with all my life Lord I want to say I want to commit myself mark me actually I just received something the Lord said I am counter-attacking I'm releasing before the world put the chip in your hand or your forehead I'm marking my chosen ones because the time has come for the enemy to do what he wants and I am going to go ahead of him and I'm going to mark my chosen ones I don't need chips I with my fire of the Holy Spirit I will write on every forehead holiness unto the Lord and I want if you're watching a live stream showing us in the same way he's marking us and if you're not watching and if you're not in the arena we speak that in the Spirit Ram to all those for such a time as this that are not on the live stream and are not in the arena but in the same spirit and they are been chosen by God for such a time as this we declare that this is the day this is the hour of the fulfillment of the prophecy that the Lord hath spoken to my 28 years ago I will change I will change the expression of Christianity in one generation we all know it we all know is the generation that yet when when David spoke yet to be created we are created born again saved for such a time as this for such a time as this [Applause] and it is there is a new Holy Orders and you holy order in the body of Christ that will be released so whatever the enemy wants to do through the New World Order he will not fulfill his purpose because the kingdom of God is established [Applause] Marcus Lord write on our forehead holy holiness and as you called us Hephzibah we're yours you delight in us and now you will Marcus so everyone will know that I am using the analogy of the Lion King I am Simba I am Simba my father is lifting me up and showing the whole world who I am I am his chosen special born out through the blood of Jesus we are born and saved receive it receive that seal that mark that mark prayed for us that Mike prayed for us last night to be sealed and now again on our forehead on our heart we were seal these last night yesterday and now on our forehead he will see us don't beg him that's this time and that's His grace over us he wants to do it all what you need to say here I am with my garbage with my messed up life with everything in me one drop of your blood will make me clean mark me Lord I'm yours mark me and if you have done it before say Lord together with this body mark me again as one of this body that your birthing your kingdom that your establishing on the face of the earth so I wonder Chinese to join with Bucheon just to come close as the mic and a and if you can come yeah leave a space just then behind come HN in the front so you can tie it over okay if they're gonna tie this on my head okay now I want Alan and Daniel limb next to me then I want Isaac and Benji and their wives next to them as well and Stewart I would have all kneel together I want us to do this too okay so Mike and Diane will be here if any of the we're gonna kneel down already see this together if this is the older and younger generation in our night watch Benji if you're here come on up oh yeah just I want you this was that other way yeah just this is a corporate thing not an individual thing this is a family thing and it's much bigger than I hope this is all of us in this room this is a family thing that we're receiving this word that was spoken 28 years ago about holiness to the Lord in this building and the Lord said delight in you in this building two things are coming together in this one hour in this building at this last meeting none of this was planned [Music] you hear our song glory to the righteous one from the ends of the earth you'll hear our song glory to the righteous one from Xavier you'll hear our song glory to the righteous one from you hear our song glory to the righteous one when every nation every tribe will be to you a spotless bride and this song the we now raise is hastening the day when every nation every tribe will be to you a spotless bride and this song that we now raise is hasten a the day from the air you hear our song glory to the righteous one from me you hear our song glory to the righteous one from me you hear our song glory to the right chest from [Applause] [Music] you'll hear our song glory to the right shadow on when every nation every tribe will be to you a spotless bride and this song that we now raise is hastening the day when every nation every tribe will be to you I spotless bride and this song that we now raise is hastening the day [Music] [Music] Jesus [Applause] [Music] ah yes you [Music] [Music] you [Music] I'll ask Pastor Gideon to pray over this family and over this gathering to seal this moment of a prophetic word being fulfilled in our ears as Peter stood in Pentecost and he said this is what was prophesied through Joel and I believe this is I wanted a Chinese man to seal it in the spirit realm our Heavenly Father the Lord got Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Covenant I ding father the one who chosen I hope before creation the one whose history in his hand may become again before your throne of mercy in the name of the one per paid a maximum price our Lord Jesus Christ father hurricane we're so honored that we can come alongside that I have family that you have prepared for the end time thank you again for speaking to a faithful son and daughter Mike and I thank you that your word would and do forever what you've spoken to them is coming to pass today maybe join with the millions of Chinese and many millions around the world to come to thank you for what you're doing right now that we together will say we're witnessing the transformation of a whole new expression of Christianity [Music] [Applause] should a mandala coyote from today on father as you're watching the day they were chosen the people you're chosen to represent them maybe the billions we say unto you we choose to live the way of holiness [Applause] father we know this is your desire it's not just a statement is your desire and we agree with you you will help us father by your Holy Spirit so Mira now again invite your Holy Spirit to fully take charge to do what you care what you cause here for as pastor grace just to end this with praying in Mandarin before yes you need aah aah Heavenly Father we thank you for your love me Wilma so you better send us int whitson can't hear her don't wait until she and ranching your wits and shank order what you have to pay first Julius what eyes and I've seen years of the her and horse of the fathom meets a Yogi Bear that's a nice autumn that hurts by MediaCorp the tumor near Sochi Taichi Tom Waits Yaga we have long prepared that you were called the nations of the family to come together as one but what Salter can subpoena will make some way you got seen me that's all a grainy way son the Thule and Coulee those not streaming and we say we become a family that belongs to you say send me three woman died thank you for your love for us goal of time is now stuck where you are we send a tool a tattoo since Sheila this is a new family holiness on to the Lord [Applause] [Music] Jr he can sue like Honda baby so I sons a woman semi Simpsons who are either in the start time of the narrower we say we have rain we have raised up a generation a family that's shining right in the world do I say H inserts a baby ball either and it's a generation and a family who knows that are deeply loved by you silly saucy yeah that is entitled by you need that sink at me that I gots a woman there's a motion in your lab is feedly upon us what my son's a woman's to say we deeply know who we are certainly saucy yet the truly you are we are the ones that you delighted him sir woman your sigue one chance you can either hide the tool and we become a family that surely put our trust in you yes you need tactical monster to get yachts and Sheila we thank you that is answer you have mail for a family OM Siddhartha om synagogue wait yeah oh Ancelotti can't subpoena itching Horner ins Anita a one boy solution either too late doesn't matters from I her from homecoming watchman those what they're streaming in that we have become a family beloved by you young woman it's it's Anita Ivy be out some to need sergey lie so may we live in your love reveal your love from here Sudha Mintaka Jesus name we pray I'm man I want to do one more thing before we move around go ahead and stand up one more thing just let's just real quick I went Francis I want you to come just Francis is he wouldn't say this and won't even appreciate this he's pulling the most connected leaders to the body of Christ with leaders and so you're probably more connected than anybody I know and just talk to us what are you thinking a feelings I won't ask Shh just for a moment I want us to hear this and then we're gonna hug and laugh and dance and eat and come back at 2:30 the Lord laid on us some really heavy truths and we we tend to move on to the next thing but that thought of God delighting in us this is exactly what God's been trying to teach me just even this week you know reading in Zechariah Zephaniah just his rejoicing over me wrestling with this for some of us including myself this is so hard to believe that God Almighty rejoices over us and so a lot of us are not ready to move to the next thing because like you said this new way of holiness which is you know which I love your emphasis on holiness but it has to be through this it has to be through an understanding of God rejoicing rejoicing over us that we begin to be so loved that we love his commands and we want to be holy so badly we want this generation he knew that the whole idea of this new form of the church for the last few decades has been stolen to become this to forget the the commands forget the rats forget all of this you know it's just this lovey-dovey feeling and that that's not it it's his commands are wonderful and we need to double down on the commands of God but it's exactly by what you're saying you know what the Word of God is saying it's about knowing that he rejoices over you you guys I've been following Jesus for 35 years and this is still a wrestle for me because some of us have issues that we we've never had anyone love us like that some of us grew you know I'm watching Isaac and his dad that are you here and going that's so amazing you know thinking about having a Bible from your dad with teardrops on it and seeing a father and son like that you look at that you go you that is so right but so many of us we never had that we never had a dad that that cared for us we never had a dad that ever put his arm around us once that even had one conversation with us and so this idea of someone rejoicing over us we're going God only by your spirit I need your spirit your spirit your word can reveal this to me it can cause my spirit to cry out Appa father okay but it's not natural in the flesh it has to be something of the spirit and I just don't believe that it's something we move past you know like okay that was session three let's go to session four I'm everything in my soul as you guys were all sharing about everything is going I want to rest in this I need more of Francis Chan needs to understand this better I even even wanted to have you pray over me I want to understand his rejoicing over me I I really believe that there's some common Spirit of the Lord is so clearly put in us and yet this is an area that I believe that the Lord wants you to impart more into me honestly I want to be so so secure in his rejoice not that he just puts up with me and puts up with my sin that he's okay with me and he's already shown me all through my life he loves me he loves me loves me and thank you whoever brought us back to the Word of God look at the cross He loves us He loves us He loves us because it's not just about a feeling there's objective truth of what this God did for us and and that's why they devoted themselves so Lord's Supper is I want to remember remember the body and blood of Jesus Christ it's not just a feeling nonetheless I believe this is this is exactly what I came for this impartation that many of us I believe came for is like I want that type of absolute confidence and is rejoicing do I know it yes do I believe that objective truth absolutely yes and am I like 70 percent there 80 percent but I want it all I want to rejoice I want to dance I want to be sure and there's a lot of breaking down of centuries of Lies and for many of us decades of Lies of that we're not loved and we're not good enough that the Word of God and the Spirit of God needs a breakthrough and so I would love to just pray over us I'd love for you to pray over us it's your third time you've said that in two minutes so I'm gonna do it okay please let's see yes yes I pray for the whole room and I pray for my dear friend and brother Francis father I pray the Ephesians 3:18 with the length the depth of hice that's beyond human ability to comprehend beyond human ability to comprehend I ask that the Holy Spirit would escort your beloved one Francis and all of us escort him Holy Spirit escort this beloved one into the realm of the fiery heart of the Lord Jesus I asked that he would feel that he would understand more but feel your delight your enjoyment to talk with him to be with him to sit with him I asked for the spirit of wisdom and revelation Ephesians 1:17 Ephesians 3:18 the more then the mind can comprehend but the thing that asurs us into the fullness of God verse 19 I pray that for him Lord escort and Holy Spirit escort him engulf him as you were brooding over the face of the earth where there was darkness and then you brought light brood over me brood over him and us brood over us let light shine in darkness Supernatural uncreated light into the darkness of our hearts and we thank you in Jesus name Amen amen a man I love what Francis said that hunger and that I love what Mike said you have asked me three times within two minutes I love that tenacity we need to keep it but don't for many of us who are used to cry and don't receive I want to add to it he is here to get make a nation born in a day
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 79,797
Rating: 4.9046631 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, worship, Onething, onething 2018, onething live, message, New Year, Christian, 2018, live, David Forlu, Francis Chan, Mike Bickle, Allen Hood
Id: qUxlBFTT98I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 4sec (11824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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