One With Him | Randy Skeete

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god is good and all the time our subject is what let's go to john 17 we shall read verse 11 our subject one with him john 17 reading from verse 11. i forgot to ask for three favors favor number one what's that perhaps you've already done it okay pray for me favor too what's favor one unless you need a phone for uh the bible please out of respect for god and some consideration for me please turn them off please i know it's an addiction i know that but fight it in god's presence faith number two pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth and faith number three think as you listen our subject one with him our initial text john 17 reading verse 11 and now i am no more in the world and these are in the world and i come to thee holy father keep through thine on them those whom thou has given me finish the verse that they may be one how as we are is that verse from revelation so we can assume it is what literal in the context of my presentations that is a literal verse listen carefully jesus prayed to his father now the lord spray our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name that's not the lord's prayer the lord's prayer is john 17. these words spake jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hours come glorify thyself that i son of thy son that thy son also may glorify thee this is the high priestly prayer of jesus in this prayer he says in verse 11 that they meaning the disciples for whom he was praying he was about to leave them that they may be one as we are verse 22 says and the glory which thou gives me i have given them that they may be one how as we are one if you study the book of john you will very soon realize notice a remarkable reality consistently a theme what the experts call the motif over and over again you will read that we are to be the jesus what jesus is to the father as thou has sent me into the world even so have i sent them into the world as i am to the father you are to me god has a plan for us and that plan is to make us so close to him the only thing we will not be is god because you can't make god listen to what ellen white says about the creation of lucifer the fifth i live by page 66 paragraph two what book did i say what chapter what page what paragraph speaking of lucifer she said god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself so here is god right next to god as close as one coat of paint is to the other lucifer and we will take its place somebody say amen not the angels we conflict and courage page 21 paragraph five god created man for his own glory that after test and trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family in other words when god made adam adam was not yet one with god as fully as god desire adam had to be tested after test and trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was god's purpose to repopulate heaven with the heavenly family if they would show themselves obedient to his every word what was that reference conflict and courage page 21 paragraph five what is this oneness god wants with us few of us want with him why would god desire such a union with sinners let's try to understand this union let's go to john 14. what's our subject one with him and anyone who's one with jesus is one with the father john 14 let's read from verse 16. do we have that you have the king james version no i read other versions let me say that for those of you who think i am is now reminded of the straits of gibraltar i read other versions but it's just my favorite that's all is that fine is that okay all right john 14 16 says what and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever keep reading even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him keep reading for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you he dwelleth with you that's present tense shall be in you that's future tense and that future tense will become present upon the departure of christ while christ was with them god was with them listen carefully to my words here is peter now let's choose john as i spoke to the teens the closest disciple to jesus was john by whose choice john's choice god bless you let me say it again the closest disciple to jesus was john by john's choice so at the last supper peter asked john to ask jesus who would betray him why do you think peter did that because john was seated where right next to jesus by whose choice john's choice there is no one who can keep you from being close to christ now why christ with the disciples they had god with them now here's john here's christ the bible says john was leaning on christ's breast nothing homosexual about that somebody say amen there's such a thing as two men loving each other one of the things i love about africa when i travel they particularly south and southern and north eastern africa that's where i go all the time it's not unusual to see men hold hands across the street because they're talking so because they're talking they want to preserve the connection they hold hands across the street or for a few yards walk down the street hold their hands nothing unusual now don't do that to me in the u.s are you with me leave my hands alone are you following me because people begin to squint and pray and wonder so don't hold my hand if you're a man in the united states in kenya okay you know uganda all right but in the u.s england leave me alone and so john is leaning on the breast of jesus close and peter says ask him who it was now as close as john was to jesus follow me closely today we can be closer to christ than john was let me group all the disciples we today are to be closer to christ than the disciples were who walked with him rode in the boats with him had dinner with him watched him perform his miracles and were always within touching distance of him how is it possible for me two thousand years hence to be closer to christ listen to john 14 16 17 again and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter now notice the word another if i just consumed a banana and i said to you bring me another fruit if you brought me a plum have you fulfilled my request come on answer me yes what did i ask for another fruit so you can bring me a pineapple but if i were to say bring me another banana and you brought me a mango have you fulfilled my request no now there are two greek words for other another one is a loss the other is heteros alos means of the same kind in just about every way hetheros means of a different kind and so a heterosexual is someone attracted to a person of thee another sec yes so heteros means of a different kind jesus says and i will pray the father and he shall give you an allos comforter one come on one just like him to such an extent that when you have this comforter you have jesus that's why jesus says i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you now christ can't be speaking from both sides of his mouth now in john 16 7 he says nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go another way the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you so in 16 jesus says i have to go and when i go someone else comes in john 14 he says i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you how does he come in the person of the spirit now where does the spirit dwell according to jesus for he dwelleth with you come on and shall be in you then christ says i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you and jesus cannot lie my brothers and sisters through the indwelling of the spirit we are closer to christ than the disciple we can be than the disciples were i'll give you something else through the humanity of christ we can be closer to him than adam was before adam sinned quiz question number one when god made adam and evan open his eyes and began to breathe and he saw christ did he see christ in human form yes or no no when did christ take human form with long with the nature when he came as a baby notice i said along with the nature he took human form when he had dinner with abraham remember that he had the form not the nature are you listening when he came as a baby he came with the form and the nature that is the incarnation what he did with abraham was not incarnation we need nature we need form now when adam opened his eyes and he looked into the eyes of jesus he saw god he did not see human nature so there was some difference between him and god and whether this wherever there's a difference there's a gap however small it may be a synaptic gap it's still a gap when christ took human form he closed that gap what's our subject one with whom jesus christ and since christ is one with the father when we are one with christ finish that equation we're one with the father now listen to the prayer and now i am no more in the world but these are in the world and i come to thee holy father keep through thy no name those who thou has given me that they may be one as we are one the standard of oneness between the believer and christ is the oneness between christ and the father in other words the standards god has for human beings are divine you said amen you're very gracious but you didn't get it you would think god would set human standards for human beings no god views you too highly god thinks too much of you god realizes what is possible to you through christ god sets divine standards for human beings so you are here as a human being but i want you up here through christ and how does christ come to the spirit so we've identified the spirit and the humanity of christ as the basis on which we have a oneness with god no other created being has i said no other created being hebrews 2 16 for verily he took not on him the nature of angels he took on him the seat of abraham the bible says listen christ came as a man not as an angel yes someone told me this morning he's michael the archangel christ can appear as anything yes but appearing of something and being something are two different things the holy ghost appeared as a dove but a dove is not an intelligent being are you following me he can appear as a dove but the holy ghost is not a dove he appeared as clunk uh cloven tongues of fire the holy ghost is not fire but he has the power to appear in any form he wants the holy ghost is an intelligent being christ has your flesh glorified of course he is man he is god in him we are united to god i say one more time more closely than any other created being now let's take a chemical genetic view of the oneness that should exist between christ and you as we go through the bible verses ask god to open your eyes psalm 119 verse 18 david prayed open thou mine eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of thy law let's go to genesis chapter 2. we'll read from verse 21 genesis 2 verse 21 i have 20 minutes left so says that clock what book did i say what chapter reading from what verse 21 the bible says in the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and adam said this is now what born of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man let's dwell on that genetically then let's make a spiritual application god took a rib from adam what was adam made from what was eve made from rib but we know the rib was made from dust we know that but god took the rib when it had been moved up a little level higher than dust itself medivh adam says this is bone of my bone i was watching a documentary many years ago about a place called somaliland ever heard of it it is it is not it is not recognized by united nations but it's the country they have their own currency and everything but conditions are primitive and there was a doctor speaking on the documentary and he performed the surgery someone had been injured severely part of the forehead had been blown off he took part of the skull of a goat and connected it to the rest of the man's forehead fixed it and the man looked fine now can that man say that goat is born of my bone no why two different bones are you with me now they worked physically and he looked okay but geogenetics of one bone is not the same as the genetics of the other bone one is the bone of a goat one is the bone of a man visually they seem to work but chemically they're different adam said this is bone come on born of my bone the man who had that operation could not say that he said this is born of that goat and the goat would say this is born of that man adam says this is born of my bone and flesh of my flesh on this basis she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man in a certain sense she and i are which is what god said verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and there shall be one flesh that oneness goes beyond the physical up to the spiritual born of my bone keep this in mind flesh of my flesh go with me to ephesians chapter 5. one of my favorite books ephesians written by whom yes paul ephesians 5 we shall read from verse 25 our subject is one with him do you have that paul writing under the inspiration of the spirit of christ he says husbands love your wives all husbands say amen all right we have six husbands here husbands love your wives how even us christ loved the church now here is another example of a divine standard required of human beings listen again listen again don't talk don't text god tells us men you must love your wife the way christ loves the church that is a divine standard required of human beings if we loved our wives that way there would be no such thing on the earth as spousal abuse all wives say amen all potential wives say amen husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present itself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish read verse 28 with me now so ought men to love their wives how as their own what yes because that's effectively what she is he that loveth keep breathing his wife go on love with himself because she is spiritually his body follow me closely verse 29 for no man ever yet what hit his own flesh but another and cherisheth it how even as the law of the church the divine standard is brought back because men forget quickly and women now read verse 30 with me what does it say for we are members of his of his and of his where did paul get that from genesis 2 23 this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh now here is another woman what's her name the church the church and the bible says this woman like eve as eve was born of adam's bone and flesh of adam's flesh as our subject is one with him the bible says the church the true church the member genuinely surrendered to christ is born of his bones part of his body part of his flesh through the humanity of christ now you're watching me on the screen and you're saying god cannot be that good no way let me put it more drastically who is the highest angel in heaven gabriel when we get to heaven we will have a closeness to god and occupy opposition with god not even sinless angels will enjoy because of the humanity of christ now it is urgent that you understand this because as an agent you are sent to foreign territory what's that foreign territory the world you are sent there to represent your kingdom the kingdom of god now if you and i are not careful that kingdom can transform us into its image so we have to understand who we are in christ so that when we are in this foreign kingdom which we are the world we preserve our uniqueness as we remain constantly aware that christ and we are one not the world and we christ and we are one christ prayed that they may be one as we are go to john 15. let's look at this union again john 15. let's read from first one our subject is what one with him our theme transformed agents you have john 15 i am the true vine and my father is the husband man by the way read that verse microscopically jesus says i am what not just the vine if christ says i am the true vine what may we assume there's a false vine and listen to me there is you've got to be sure what vine you connected to i'm being a member of the church does not mean you're connected to christ and i have to keep pounding on that people misunderstood or misunderstand church membership as heaven membership now the two should go together but you can be a member of a church not a member of heaven i am the truth i just christ and my father is the husband man what's the function of the husband man let's keep reading every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away listen to me carefully god the father is cleansing the vine you see someone leave the church it wasn't christ the father by the way no one can make you leave the church are you listening to me too many people say i left the church because no you left because you wanted to leave now the behavior of others may have contributed a little momentum to your departure but you left because you chose to leave when someone talks badly about you on the job do you leave no because that's rent but for you church is nothing but the job is rent so you don't leave the job is school fees the job is addressed the job is louis vuitton handbag or whatever but the church is nothing to you so you leave we don't see the value of church membership oneness with christ so we leave very quickly a little piece of something broke off every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that bury through he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit you're going through trials god is trying to produce more fruit in your life assuming you didn't bring it on yourself verse 3 now you clean through the word which i have spoken let me digress again you want your life cleaned up the word is the detergent now you clean through the word which i not david cameron and god bless him i not socrates i not barack obama i not reign the skeet so you must be careful to what you expose your mind because if the word of god cleanses you something else may could defile you now you cling to the word which i have spoken unto you verse 4 abide in me go on and iron you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except you abide in me let's look at that for those of you who are horticulturalists abide in the vine the vine is christ the central trunk we are the branches what sustained the branch is the same thing that sustains the trunk are you with me the trunk has its nutrients and the connected branch benefits from the nutrients in the trunk listen to me carefully i said earlier more than once god has what kind of standards for human beings divine now here you are connected to christ what kind of life does christ have divine life everlasting life eternal life what is the only power that can conquer sin the life of god with divine power let me say it again only divine power can conquer sin now you're connected to christ what power flows into your life the very life come on say the very life which is the life of god uh you're not listening are you listening okay i was wrong you believe in forgiveness listen to me carefully the life that flows into a believer is the life of god lived in a finite being through the presence of the spirit of god who is also the spirit of christ now with the life of god in you you dress differently now a lot of people never change because they're they're beaten with over the head with the the church manual or whatever listen to me you present someone with jesus and his life as that person begins to experience that life the words of christ in john 3 6 become dramatized in the life that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit and as the life of christ begins to work in that person the person begins to prefer only the things of the spirit it's not hard to detect someone who's converted without judging the bible tells you how by there you know we love to tell we shut people up by saying don't judge me i'm not judging you i'm judging your behavior if you just shot someone dead don't tell me don't judge you you just committed murder and i'm calling the police i'm judging you and i don't know why you see but i see what you did the bible says by their fruits and so the life of christ which is the life of god is the only power that can sustain us against sin so when the holy ghost comes to you he brings the life of christ to you the same life that resisted sin the same life that went to the grave the same life that brought itself back all right let me clarify what i mean by the same life that brought itself back you read over and over in the bible the father raised jesus many times in the new testament that is true in this sense christ came at the command of the father listen to me carefully he came up at the command of the father told him when to die when to come up because christ said i only do what the father tells me to do and say what he tells me to say are you following me he came up at the command of the father now when you obey god god assumes that behavior as his work in you ah you missed that you can't afford to miss this listen again when we obey god god claims that behavior as his work in us because it is god that work within you both to willing to do of his good pleasure no carnal person can obey god but when you give your life to god and god controls your life with your permission then your spiritual accomplishments become god's work in your life and so when jesus obeyed the father and rose when the father said the father says i raised him but jesus said no man taketh it from me i have power to lay down and i have power to take it up again this commandment have i received of my father jesus said in john 2 i think it's verse 19 destroy this temple and in three days i now this is essential this is a little digression if someone else had to raise christ you would have a savior who needs help and if you have a savior who needs help you're in trouble what does the bible say in hebrews verse 1 verse 3 who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins no help by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high jesus christ raised himself but at the command of the father and so the father claims the credit understand me clearly now that life that reverse death that power that works in you now if that life can reverse death can it reverse smoking which is bigger if you have the life the power that reverses death can it cancel pornography addiction yes which means there is no excuse for what sin because there is no sin i can commit for which sufficient power is not available that power is the very life of god through the spirit and through the spirit-filled word and that power comes to us not as something sent independent of god that power comes to us in the person of christ himself you see christ is the power christ is our righteousness christ is our wisdom christ is our redemption christ is our salvation it is all christ and we through the spirit become one with him i was talking to the youth earlier today i have one minute left sister that clock needs prayer not to be kidding now if one one minute 22 seconds you need to leave go to another barbecue go ahead but i need ten minutes is anyone supposed to speak after me okay so i won't trespass someone else's territory chronologically okay no sin no sin should conquer forever someone possessed by the life of god and jesus proved it not simply by the life he lived but by his conquest of death and death is where the power of satan is revealed the bible says in hebrews 2 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had what the power of death now the power of death is overcome only by the power of life and that is the life of god because he's the living god and that power that life is available to you listen to me it is available to you through faith which is not just i believe i believe it is submission to the will of god and to the work of the word of god when the life of christ is in us we become one with christ and so the bible says for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bone whatever christ accomplished in his humanity we are to accomplish because we have the same humanity and so the servant of the lord right who's the servant of the lord yes he writes in this hour of ages page 664 paragraph four jesus revealed no qualities and exercised no powers that men may not have through faith in him his perfect humanity is that which all his followers may possess if there will be in subjection to god as he was we have a church full of weak people and spiritual cowards and the word to us is the power that attended jesus is available to us did jesus raise the dead yes or no did paul raise the dead yes eunice did jesus raise the dead did peter raise the dead yes did jesus heal the lame did peter and john heal the lame yes did jesus heal the demon possessed did the apostles do the same thing yes now i did say i did issue caution no matter how close we are to christ we can never be god are you with me but we can be as close to god as any non-god being can be and so why peter raised the dead peter can't raise himself who wants to raise him jesus because peter's not god paul raised the dead but someone else has to raise paul but no one raised jesus he raised himself and he says you unto me through faith connect with me connect genetically you were born of my bone spiritually flesh of my flesh through my humanity one with christ closer to christ than adam was before he sinned wherever you go that closeness should attend you that's why the bible says i will never leave thee nor forsake thee because i am right with you wherever you are my brothers and sisters do you have a relationship with god i know you have one with the church oh thanks i know you have one of the church but do you have one with jesus listen to him in matthew 11 28 come unto me only that labor and a heavy laden finish the verse i will give you rest now come unto me you come to christ first before you come to a church many people come to the church first and then they just become baptized demons you've got to come to christ first and then christ prepares you for the church come unto me says jesus i'm a person you're hungry i felt it you're despised by your friends i have felt it you abused i have felt it your family didn't understand your decision to get baptized i have felt it amen come to me women all over you are your fellow men all over you i understand come to me all leave that label the word all is inclusive of every nation tribe kindred and people are you white jesus says what come on what did he say come to me are you black come to me are you a native american come to me are you from samoa come to me you rich come to me you're broke come to me your man come you're a woman come you're divorced come you're sexually abused come land or threw you out unjustly come the church fired you from the book and bible house or whatever you call it now adventist book center wrongly the greatest pain is the pain the church inflicts jesus says what come conference president moved you to siberia because you didn't vote for him come come all he that labor and the heavy laden what's the ironclad guarantee i will give you rest why does christ give it because you can't give it to yourself take my yoke upon you and learn of me ah learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls now you can give yourself rest for your body you cannot give yourself knock an eye rest for the soul only god can give that and that comes with a union with christ now a certain degree of it comes when you first come to christ or you're learning about christ but when you're united with him that rest in its fullness comes and you can be at peace in the midst of a storm my brothers and sisters god desires a oneness with you that he has with no other created being in the universe including those who have never sinned i want you to think of that when you leave this place i don't know what you do when you leave what you talk about but it's good to go thinking of what you've heard that's right where you sit if your life is given to god god is right with you not seated next to you and so you go to your room with god so when you turn on the tv or the ipad who's watching with you not from next to you right through your eyes so what do you open the ipad to eloise writings well god bless you what sites do you visit because you and god are looking ask your question don't answer me do you have a relationship with christ if you don't you may desire to be an agent but you're not qualified you will do damage to the work of christ while intending to do good remember peter be it far from the law this shall not be unto thee when peter christ said i have to go to jerusalem suffer many things and die peter tried to stop him with good intentions christ turned and rebuked home satan because jesus realized at that point notice my words at that point in that narrowly circumscribed time limit a period peter was an instrument of satan you can leave this place tonight with your life in the hands of god it's just a decision you make when that man that publican in luke 18 said lord be merciful to me a sinner jesus says in the very next verse he went down to his house justified meaning made right in state and standing me right if you say from your heart right where you are father i give my life to you grant me your spirit in that sincere moment the miracle takes place whether you feel it happened or not give your life to christ be an agent not a saboteur give it to jesus he understands you he looks like you he feels what you feel even now the bible says we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our fruit he wasn't high priest on the earth he's high priest now the words he can touch he is touched by what we feel his humanity still allows him he did not escape connection with us because he's in heaven his humanity still connects him to us he feels what we feel when the mother cries for the son who's in prison jesus's heart breaks when a husband leaves the family will not take heaven and marries another woman somewhere in the the cockney islands or something jesus feels it give your life to christ how by just giving it to him and if you don't know how to give it to him you tell him take it what did i say if you do not know how to give your life to christ tell him here is my life take it and he will take it and so tonight i recommit my life to christ i do it must be daily christ triumphant page 22 paragraph three to follow jesus requires wholehearted conversion at the start and a repetition of this conversion every day and so i recommit my life to christ for one purpose preach the truth at any cost i'm not saying i'm a brave man but at any cost preach the truth i've told god many times if i can't preach the truth i don't want to be tall i prefer to die than to tell people sunday is the sabbath did you hear what i said i prefer to die than to tell people once saved always saved i prefer to die than to tell people you cannot conquer sin and so i ask you tonight as i have given my life to christ again as fully as i know how will you not give your life to christ make a conscious decision to say father i give my life to jesus through the spirit make me and him one you don't have to feel anything just believe the word who will say father i give my life to christ unite me to him through his spirit can i see your right hand i want you to mean it now don't play with god play with me but not god now if you raise your hand stand up if you didn't don't get up it's okay people make decisions at different times you're standing to say father i give my life to christ through the spirit you unite me to him so that i am as close to him as he is to you and you leave this place with that consciousness and the remarkable thing is when christ is in you he controls your life not you did you hear what i said he controls your life and christ will change you gradually gradually gradually gradually until you and he are so much alike that it can be said of you if you have seen me you've seen christ as it was said of christ if you've seen me you've seen the father amen head bodies closed their god in heaven we thank you for this oneness with christ which you require there is no admission to your kingdom there if god without that oneness without that bond without that bone of my born and flesh of my flesh connection we thank you for the humanity of christ ah lord it is upon this remarkable event that even angels do not understand that we are connected to you that bridge he is human and he is god and through him we sit at your right hand through christ a remarkable privilege that we'll never fully understand father we've stood to say we recommit our lives to you grant us your spirit because through the indwelling of the spirit christ comes to us dwells in us right now as we stand and with that indwelling there god there comes an outflowing of the life of god in a finite being tremendous mystery but highly encouraging a divine life lived in a finite being oh father clarify our thinking tonight change our tastes give us an appetite for spiritual things dear god let it not be said of us as it said of the unbeliever in titus 1 16 they profess that they know him but in works they deny him father in heaven let us be agents transformed maintaining our spiritual integrity in foreign territory because of our unbroken connection with jesus who as your agent on this territory called earth maintain the integrity of his mission and his life as he depended on you dear god in heaven please accept our decision please accept our decision and while heads are bowed and eyes are closed father be with me as i issue this invitation here's bad eyes closed very direct very plain you need to be baptized you're not baptized if you will say father i am willing to be baptized no date said just express a willingness or to be re-baptized because of the life i have lived i am willing to be baptized or re-baptized resume my walk with god because by my life i have drifted from god if that's your decision i want you to leave your seat and come to say i am willing whatever the day it is you and god can set that to be baptized or re-baptized come come quickly god bless you sister come right up come come don't be afraid come god my god bless you come right here come right i am willing to be baptized or re-baptized come come if you're afraid ask the person next you to come with you come god bless you i'm willing to be baptized re-baptized we'll identify who your pastor is get in touch with him i am willing to be baptized re-baptized have understood something tonight i never understood now i want that experience of oneness with christ i am announcing my willingness that's all to be baptized come cards my good people with cards come someone else come i am willing i am willing i have been baptized but i've drifted from god as many of you answered the call last night the drift has been very serious in other words so serious i have broken the contract between god and me the marriage vow i need to return to him the same way i came the first time baptism you need to be re-baptized come evangelism piece 375 paragraph two ellen white writes when a soul is truly reconverted let that soul be re-baptized it's a serious decision but it's required come father i'm willing to be baptized come don't be afraid come i'm willing to be re-baptized come i was preaching in south korea and i met a retired minister from south africa and made a call for baptism rebaptism several people came and he wanted to reassure them baptism is a very re-baptism is very real experience he said in the middle of his ministry he went to the conference president and requested re-baptism the conference president of course he backed he said no no no we can't baptize you what would the members say he said he said mr president this is a matter of conscience i have not grown for years my relationship with god has been one flat line i need to start all over again the president said okay we'll baptize you at night he said no right in front of my church that they may see sometimes we need to start all over with god and he was re-baptized in front of his church he committed no gate sin but he just had no growth someone else i'm willing to be baptized re-baptized come just put one foot ahead of the other come unseen angels will walk with you i give you 60 seconds i pray let you go to do whatever you have to do tonight but do it knowing you're connected to christ 60 seconds come baptism the re-baptism of you should be praying 50 uh 45 seconds god bless you sister 45 sec you know the life you live i don't god knows and you know you ought to make this step you know that come you lose nothing god bless you mighty good brothers god bless you come 30 seconds you know i need to take this step this opportunity may never come again 20 seconds god bless you sister come get a card get a card to my sister right over here my two brothers are okay i think they have cards ten seconds baptism i want a big b on those cards for baptism if it's re-baptism r b anyone else coming before i pray sorry to hold you i was praying the benediction the spirit said make the call i remember once in south africa i was preaching just a week in revival i preached i sat down the spirit said make a call for baptism while i was preaching i said the spirit said call right now the spirit said three times call i said no not really no but i just didn't do it then i sat down during the closing him the spirit came back to me god is so merciful he said call i stopped the closing song made a call 40 people came as if they were just waiting i mean it just came and i repented deeply and i said lord whenever your spirit talks to me i will never hesitate again heads bowed you may come while i pray you will not disturb the prayer the call is baptism read baptism after the prayer i'll go to the right bring your cards to me please i can pray tonight then i'll turn them over to the proper authorities tomorrow father in heaven we thank you for your transforming word we thank you thank god that the spirit of christ is available to us when he indwells us he represents you he represents the father and the son now dear god we've understood a little clearly what it means to be one with christ we have grasped to some degree the high privilege you have made available to us of being one with you their father in heaven forgive us for having such a low view of ourselves help us to understand the standards you have for us human beings are divine standards we thank you for christ we thank you for his life we thank you that life is available to us and now dear god remember those who've come forward to say i'm willing to be baptized or re-baptized father no date has been set we just want the heart to say i am willing now bless them their god let no power on earth change their minds but let the public example inspire some other young man some other young woman to come and so i paused 30 more seconds somebody else come and say i am willing i need to be i'm willing come 30 seconds willing to be baptized or re-baptized come 30 seconds somebody else and then i will close it 20 seconds just come fast fifteen ten someone else come five come come come come god bless you come god bless you god bless you god bless you give my lovely sister card come god bless the one who came with her give her card god bless you sister father in heaven i close the prayer i can only do so much i'm human it's really your spirit at work now father work on the hearts of those still resisting still uncertain still afraid but you'll love them dearly and the proof is calvary move upon their hearts through the spirit give them no rest for their own sake until they make that decision to be one with you again i ask you to sustain those who came forward let no power on earth change their minds but when tomorrow rises the sun rises and you've given them life let the devil see clearly that they have not changed their minds we thank you for that oneness we thank you for that union save us when you come in jesus name and for his sake let god's people say amen and amen god bless you please fill out the cards and i'll be right to the right to pick them up god bless you [Music]
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 19,941
Rating: 4.8104267 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: e-EcB9RbkfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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