Better Than the Best | Randy Skeete

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god is good and all the time god is good i'm grateful to god for life that he gave me today life is not automatic as you and i occupy this building this room we are alive by the mercies of god not oxygen of vitamin c i say that very seriously we must be constantly aware of the fact that our lives are the direct result of god's decision to keep us alive so i thank god for life and i say again god is good and all the time while i was awaiting my turn to come up i listened to the closing comments of pastor cameron and he said something that is more than absolutely true here's what he said the wording is not precise but the spirit of the expression is i believe accurate we must require more from the youth do you remember him saying something like that all right i believe that with all my heart when god called jeremiah he said before i formed in the belly i knew thee and before thou came forth out of the womb i sanctify thee and i ordain thee a prophet unto the nations jeremiah 1 5. and then i said this is jeremiah speaking oh lord i cannot speak he said our lord i cannot speak for i am a child that's what jeremiah said verse 7 of jeremiah 1. and this is not my sermon and the lord said say not that was a child last weekend in northamptonshire i preached a sermon children should not be childish it's all right for a child to be a child but children should not be childish and so god told jeremiah do not say you are a child not when i commission you to go in other words god expected more of jeremiah than jeremiah expected of himself now you're wondering why is he saying that there's some things i want you to do for me tonight you did them quite well last night i want them done tonight again and i saw the teens they did it earlier today i spoke with them we had a ball any of the teens here no they're in the teen section all right one of the things i want you to do as far as possible hold your seat what's the different way of saying that well hold your seat stay in your seat yes that's a different way what other way could i have said that what am i trying to say cut out all the moves around why say that again distraction is one reason it's not the highest ah who said that i like you reverence reverence for me i'll ask you a question give me a yes or no answer is god present now yes can you see him you should say yes you should see him how by faith because god is present i want you to act as if you are aware of his presence are you with me here's something else i want you to do turn these off don't get up out of your seat to go answer a phone independence of god have i made an extreme request is it drastic do you wish i hadn't come oh one brother said yes well you're good looking that's okay my handsome brother turn this off do not get up to answer a phone in the presence of god what's the word for that disrespect i have fortified all of these turned off let me turn mine off even though it doesn't it doesn't ring it's not a phone it's a phone but there's no service on it so it can't ring but it's off are they off how many of you need them for bibles can i see your hair okay you can turn them on but you don't need sound did i give you my little speech about what's a bible what's the phone i didn't give it to you oh you miss half your life this thing keeps moving from my ear it's not very attractive to fix it but i have to what's this what's this don't confuse the two you're sure i didn't give you the speech or in northampton or you're in northampton ah god bless you what's this what's this if someone sees you walking down the street with this what might they assume you're christian what else you're what you're a godly person what else what's that what you say oh jehovah that's fine jehovah's witness shouldn't you be a witness for jehovah yes or no yes all right yeah what else might they assume you're going to church your jehovah's witness going to the adventist church come on say amen all right now if they see this now with unmitigated honesty what might they assume what will they not assume you're not going to church they may wonder if this is sam is this a samsung or nokia or an iphone or who is she texting certainly not jesus what am i saying as jehovah's witnesses this is a silent sermon just the same now many of us we want to be cool so we hide who we are behind this we think we're smart we've outsmarted god you see god doesn't read the hand god reads the heart and he sees the reason for this you do not want the world to know you have anything to do with this so you present the world with this and you come to church and saying oh how i love jesus let me bring this harangue to an end consider bringing this to meetings bring this as well but bring this it's a sermon without one word something else when you use this are you tempted to check whatsapp yes or no it's not on here instagram is not on here are you following me facebook what else do you have uh twitter um what snapchat sounds like a biscuit all right snapchat it's not on here they are all on this now when god described job in job chapter one verse eight job said hast thou considered my servant job there's none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and as cheweth it's a fancy word what does estru mean avoid what is the lord's mercy lead us not into temptation you lead yourself into the temptation of disrespect when this is your primary bible because the curious nature with which we were born that we may investigate the scriptures will lead you to check who wrote me is there a message waiting but with this that temptation does not exist right have i spoken false doctrine okay if you have to use this for phone use it you don't need sound do not check whatsapp don't check what's that biscuit called do you know that i like you i said that last night well confirmation what's your name laverne are you a vegetarian don't answer sisters don't answer that sister laverne the lord loves truth so don't answer me how was your day is there anyone present now who's not a seventh-day adventist oh stand up please sister you stand up as well we want your names we want to look you over please stand up what is your name you don't know ask your friend [Applause] what's your name who togo as in the country in west africa no spell it o-t-h-o toco where are you from zambia have been there three times sister toco who invited you your cousin sister cousin what's your name hannah ah that's the matter of samuel hannah we're grateful you invited toco god bless you my lovely sister thank you for coming are you in school may god bless your studies what are you studying you laying your foundation other foundation can no man label this lady in christ jesus god bless you sister toco god bless you all right uh yeah what's your name what maxine hello maxine how are you nice to see you are you happy to be here say yes good all right maxine who invited you your family where is your family here there everywhere god bless your family maxine god bless you i mean that sincerely thank you for coming and i hope your presence and toko something will touch your heart that will change your life god bless you anyone else you notice oh my handsome brother how are you what's your name andrew simon peter's brother andrew how are you it's nice to see you andrew tell us who invited you yahoo your brother where is your brother you don't like him why are you so far all right uh that's my brother there god bless you bringing brother andrew andrew blessings upon you in torrential amounts may the lord bless you who's a nice man in the red leroy hello leroy how are you leroy where are you from zambia is that what he said where oh bourbon wells zambia ham birmingham listen leroy nice to have you god bless you who invited you leroy his cousin cousin where are you oh right there god bless you god bless leroy from the bottom of my heart may the lord place his hand upon you and bless your life in all its departments thank you for coming you may kindly be seated brother leroy anyone else you're not a seventh-day adventist but you're with us and god bless those of you who invited your friends anyone else you're not a seventh-day adventist and i have how many minutes left sister who's talking while i'm talking how many minutes do you have left 38 all right 38 is fine i'll keep it short you've had a long day say amen for all our friends come on say it again one more time god is good and all the time may i tell you a secret don't tell anyone all during the day i missed you even though i'm hard on you i missed you literally i thought of you i said lord what are they doing are they listening to whomever is speaking are they texting during the sermon what are they doing did they say grace before lunch what are they doing i thought of you i'm delighted to see god bless you god bless you god bless you he needs you let me say it again god needs you i didn't say want he needs you you know who else needs you the devil as i told the teens this morning are any of the teens here no maybe i should tell you what i told them no i won't i'll tell you what i originally intended to tell you let's two people come and pray for me two vegetarians i'm very serious i want two non-carnivorous people to come and pray for me we have one oh come sister come we have three all right we have a phone another phone uh let's see what's that thing called a microphone no all right um what's your name marilyn spell it my sister that's her name she lives in barbados uh she's a teacher a nice lady what's your name oh yes joshua and i josh and i had a lovely chat during the counseling session what's your name laverne sister laverne how are you don't embarrass the preacher sister laverne all right we have three vegetarians they will pray for me while they pray you pray in your heart and say lord help that preacher use him and help us to understand sister marilyn you pray first then laverne then brother joshua heads bowed eyes closed let us pray mighty father in heaven we come before you this evening thanking you for your amazing showers of blessings that are never ending as we enter this hour of worship i ask that you may clear our minds and open our hearts so we may hear you speak to us not only that but that we are also transformed by what you want to say to us today i pray in the name of jesus amen amen father what joy it is to be in your presence and to sit at the feet of jesus we ask this we sit like mary that we will receive your words from your servant so please put your words in his mouth and give us attentive ears on the heart that is ready to do whatever you say to us we thank you for this precious blessing in jesus name amen the heavenly father we are here before you lord the pain of inspiration says in the ministry of healing that the state of the world today is evil and it goes on to say father that there are many christians who profess to be christians but they did not adopt any godly principles in everything that they do lord it goes on to say that the word of god is being preached with a lot of indifference which is failing to address the state of the world further i pray now this evening that as we are ready to hear a message lord let us be silent and reverence your presence that lord you speak to us through your humble servant let us be attentive and have a yearning a desire to want to change and save you lord and be ready for your soon coming in jesus name we pray amen amen thank you very much you may return to mike to that technician god bless you marilyn laverne and joshua it's very gratifying to know in an audience this large we have three vegetarians so we're happy who else is a vegetarian don't raise your hand you expose the others don't raise your hand don't don't do that you know god made the animals to have fellowship with us are you following me to be our friends why do we eat our friends first samuel 15 reading from verse 1 our subject better than the best my time limit 31 minutes 48 seconds i'll try to honor it you've had a long day first samuel 15 reading from verse one we're reading from the kingdom's version of the bible the second installment as i try to address transformed agents last night we discovered what that you belong to god lock stock and barrel first requirement you're not an agent to represent your agenda you represent god tonight better than the best reading from first one of 1st samuel the bible says samuel also said unto saul the lord sent me to thee to be king over his people over israel now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the lord thus saith the lord of hosts i remember that which amalek did to israel when he laid weird for him in the way when he came out of egypt now go and do what smite amalek you know god doesn't forget you remember that which amalek did to israel how he laid wait for him in the way when he came up from egypt go and smite amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not give me a synonym for utterly completely another one totally another one fully unreservedly utterly destroyed all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and ass camel ox and sheep camel and ass and saul gathered the people together in a number of them in tillam two hundred thousand foot men and ten thousand men of war tribe judah and saul came to a city of amalek and laid weight in the valley saul has gone on a mission from god as god's agent to carry out god's instructions destroy everything that carries the brand of amalek versailles tells us and he took agag the king of amalek alive and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword there is a problem in that verse let's read it now how who remembers my word begins with an m microscopically reading it that way we may detect the error well not the error but the problem and he took agag the king of amulet of the amalekites alive and what utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword is that true was amalek part of the people yes he was the head of the amalekites the bible says uh again blessings upon you now and forever he spared a gag who was an amalekite yet the verse says he destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword verse 9 says saul and the people did what spared home a gag and the best of the sheep and of thee and of the fatlings and of the lambs and all that was good and would not utterly destroy them but everything that was vile and refuge finish the verse that they utterly destroyed let's look at the concept of obedience and the degree of totality that should accompany obedience because you are agents an agent represents someone else not himself or herself if i'm right somebody say amen go and destroy emily everything they brought back a gag and some nice looking animals now verse 10 then came the word of the lord unto samuel what does verse 11 say at the beginning it repenteth me that i have set up saul read with me to be king what does god mean by it repent of me i am sorry what's the other word i regret now listen to me carefully listen to the bible god says i regret setting solo as king in genesis chapter 3 lost 3 36 it repenteth me that i have made man i'll ask you a question don't answer me how far must we push god before he what regrets another question for you don't answer me just as god viewed our behavior today was he moving towards regret or joy it repenteth me that i set that man to be king over my people why does god regret god gives a reason what does he say for he is what turn back from following me give me one word for that one word starts with a d disobedience disobedience leads god to regret and depending on the situation it may take a length of disobedience short long disobedience leads god to regret god goes on to say and hath not performed what my commandments now that's god's view he hath not performed my commandments verse 13 and samuel and saul said to samuel blessed be thou of the lord when samuel came to saul and saul said blessed be thou of the lord finish that verse i have performed what the commandment of the lord now we have another problem look at verse 13 look at verse 11 what's the problem well somebody's lying i mean you're right but let's not give it away that quickly somebody wrong let's be more generous someone is wrong the voice in verse 11 says he have not performed my commandments the voice in 13 says i have performed the commandments of the lord someone is lying let's go to the harsh word do you and i find ourselves in that situation with god where god says thus and we say so somebody is lying god says to us in second corinthians 6 14 be not an equally yoked together finish the verse with unbelievers or that part of the verse that is what god said and i pop up with an unbelief on my arm and i have a wedding date set somebody is lying the bible says for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work that's what god said but in it thou shalt not do how much work and you work are you a doctor does it apply to you what do you mean no unless you're a witch doctor does it apply to a doctor yes does it apply to a nurse we can't negotiate obedience now did i say a doctor shouldn't go to the hospital i never said that i said he shouldn't work or she in it thou shalt not do any work god said he hath not performed my commandments saul said i have performed the commandments of the lord samuel listens to this and then samuel tells saul at god's direction in verse 22 of first samuel 15 our subject is better than the best this is a very serious message have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord now god juxtaposes two things what does juxtaposed mean when someone preaches you don't understand the word say something see say what does that mean don't let him go on and you didn't get it consequently you make you can't make subsequent connections what does juxtapose mean he has to set things side by side all right that's a nice word it's not what i want but it's nice set things side by side now listen again hath the lord as great delight in what burnt offerings and sacrifices that's what saul brought back the animals as in what obeying so what is god juxtaposing two things name them give me one word for each sacrifices what's the other thing obedience now keep this in mind here's obedience that speaker oh here's sacrifice here's obedience 20 minutes left what do you have after this if i go over am i delaying some other speaker all right no i didn't say anything i'm just asking questions what's this come on what's this what's that and god's now samuel speaking for god says have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as an obeying the voice of god what he's saying is god prefers this to that ah you're not following me agent listen to me god prefers that you do exactly what he says and not be creative don't send me recommendations as god what did i say so samuel says have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and in sacrifices as an obeying the voice of the lord now let me ask you this what's the most remarkable thing that ever happened in the entire universe the coming of his death he's taking on humanity remarkable event even if he'd taken the nature of adam before adam's sin would have been a tremendous humiliation the coming of christ living your life in your flesh dying rising greatest event in all of history give me one word for that sacrifice you can give me other words but i want who said that whoever you are blessings on you sacrifice now listen to me no not me the word of god have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord listen to what god says about sacrifices when david prayed that remarkable prayer of confession psalm 51 he says thou desirest not sacrifice else would i give it thou delight is not in burnt offerings david understood what god wants above everything else is not a sacrifice he said if sacrifice was what you wanted i can give you that all day long isaiah chapter 1 verse 11 to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me saith the lord why do you bring all these dead animals why do you slit their throats spill blood all over the sanctuary to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me you know in uh mark 12 and verse 28 the bible says and one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together jesus and the audience and receiving that he answered them well asked him which is the first commandment of all and jesus said unto him the first of all the commandment says hear o israel the lord our god is one lord and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind with all thy strength this is the first commandment and the second is like namely this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself there is none other commandment greater than these and the scribe said unto him well lord thou hast sailed the truth for there is one god and this is other than he and to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the soul and with all the strength and to love his neighbor as himself is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices it is more it is higher the bible says and when jesus saw that he answered discreetly he was correct jesus was impressed and jesus says thou art not far from the kingdom of god jesus saw that the man understood what's more impressive to god is not a dead animal but obedience and the man said simple obedience one act of obedience is more acceptable to god than all sacrifices combined agent now we go back to first samuel 15 22 and samuel said hath the lord as great delight in burnt offering sacrifices has been obeying the voice of the lord the verse ends this way behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearten than the fat of rams now think with me listen again to obey is better than sacrifice question for you which sacrifice is lower than obedience which one maybe all of them you're not with me since you're not my fault let me try again to obey is better than sacrifice who set up the sacrificial system give me one word quickly god and god is saying that's not what i want set it up what i really want is that listen again to obey what i say without modification is better than that and what's that sacrifice my brothers and sisters answer me obedience is better than which sacrifice including including ah you want to say it but you you it it's so new so you're biting your tongue obedience is better than sacrifice you said correctly all sacrifice including say it the sacrifice of christ now is god serious about sacra obedience yes it is higher in his estimation than the very sacrifice of his son the most remarkable event in the history of the universe comes second to obedience listen to ellen white patriarchs and prophets page 363 paragraph one but had the law of god never been transgressed there would have been no death and no need of a savior consequently there would have been no need of sacrifices including the sacrifice of christ well perhaps you're thinking of what you just heard my brothers and sisters you want to be an agent for god god calls you to do exactly what he says and to say exactly what he tells you to say any modification and you are no different from saul he saved one man out of an entire nation and god was dissatisfied you see what saul was doing is what we do saul engaged in statistical obedience you see in statistics 9.5 is what 10 because you round it off god doesn't round off 9.5 in god's eyes is what 9.5 and if he asks for 10 9.5 won't do it you're looking at me are you following me transformed what you've got to change the way you think regarding what god says to obey is better than sacrifice do you know what it costs god to send jesus are we aware that up until christ hanging on that cross the father and the son had never been separated never always one in heart and everything else never jesus testifies in john 8 29 he that have sent me is with me that's in his human condition the father hath not left me alone but when he was hanging on a cross he cried out in mark 15 34 my god my god finished the verse why ah there was a separation and god swore it would never happen again because it hurt what was the reason for that disobedience wherever i preach people always tell me why do you talk about disobedient obedience why don't you talk about love we love love you know god is the god of the living am i right yes or no yes now the brother of jesus brother james in his book james he writes in james 2 26 for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also now a faith that does not work is dead god wants a living faith a living faith works so faith and works go together works is simply faith in action love without obedience is dead so jesus says if you love me listen to the second commandment thou shalt not make unto thee any grievan image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath all that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i the lord thy god i'm a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me keep this in mind now them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that and what is god connecting love with obedience now having done that love me keep my commandments what can we say about those who hate god ah yes they disobey disobedience is hatred towards god in action now let's look at hatred doesn't mean of virulence it simply means putting something else ahead of god that's hatred did adam really hate god when he decided to go with eve no not in the sense we understand hatred adam didn't hate god but by putting eve's word above god's word that was effective hatred because if you love me keep my commandments genesis 2 16 the lord god commanded the man adam disobeyed god's commandment in that sense adam hated god obedience is love and action disobedience is hatred in action it makes no difference how often you go to church the devil doesn't care if you go to church church attendance doesn't intimidate the devil he goes to church his people go to church the ones who said crucify him they were always in church church attendance does not intimidate the devil obedience from the heart gives him a heart attack my brothers and sisters you've got to transform your view of what god says in order to function as an agent of god anything god tells you finish it for me do it if adam and eve had followed that there was no need for dead animals or a dead christ to obey is better than sacrifice which tells me there is nothing god cherishes more in a created being than obedience nothing because he elevates it above sacrifice itself including the sacrifice of his son you and i have a decision to make tonight do i still want to be a transformed agent in the interest of god's glory and your blessing let me say very directly and clearly the blessed the most blessed life to live the most secure life to live is a life of obedience to god when the devil went up to heaven in a job one from verse six now there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them and the lord said unto satan whence cometh thou then satan answered the lord and said from going to and forth in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto satan has thou considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and as street evil then satan answered the lord and said does job fair god for not hath not thou made a hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side the hedge represents not only angels but obedience to god's law god's law is a hedge job was surrounded by a hedge not just of angels but of god's law by which he lived and the devil could not get in and so he complained he complained god had to say okay satan here's a little opening but i'll restrict your access to job my brothers and sisters you and i need to so live that the devil keeps going back to god complaining i can't get through to these young people in the north england conference and their friends from the south because they are so obedient to god i cannot break through that barrier first samuel 15 22 half the lord has great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices hasn't obeyed the voice of the lord getting along with god is so easy it is so easy god simply says what did i say and you and i must say a b and c do it what did the mother of jesus tell the servants in john 2 his mother saith and the servants whatsoever he saith unto you finish it for me that's an agent close the book that's an agent anything else you're a saboteur what's a saboteur what did i tell you what did i tell you what's a saboteur someone who just yes sabotages blessing upon you sister with a nice hair sabotages puts the dynamite under the railroad tracks blows up the whole thing you never see him disobedience makes you and me a saboteur obedience makes us an agent what do you want to be may i see your hands on that do you mean that hands down when a preacher makes an appeal why'd you raise your hands do you want to make me feel nice god bless you for that i'm accustomed to people not raising their hands you can't really embarrass a preacher you can't do it i'm going to ask you again you have a choice agent saboteur what's your choice if your choice is agent let me see your right hand stand up i've got a call for you another request listen carefully listen carefully in titus 1 verse 16 the bible says they profess that they know god but in works they deny him let me say that again they profess that they know god but in works they deny him is there someone listening to me who claims to be an agent but has lived like a saboteur and you want to say sorry father transformed me tonight now this is not for all of you listen to me carefully there's someone listening to me you claim by word of mouth i am an agent of god by lifestyle well the secret open you've lived at the saboteur of the kingdom of god and you want to say father i want to be for you or against you one or the other but tonight i want to be for you as an agent i am tired claiming to be an agent from my lips and living as a saboteur if there's someone like that and that appeal fits you to a t come come just right here come not all of you those whom it fits i say one thing with my mouth i live another way i say agent i live saboteur come we won't belong if you're coming an answer to that appeal then you've got a change you've got you've got a new commitment to make new decisions to make an apology to give to god where are the cards where the cards are they coming come quickly give out cards to god's young people i want you to write your name because i want to pray over these names anyone else i say i'm an agent i live as a saboteur come no one is asking for details you may not be embarrassed come our subject tonight was better than the best the sacrifice of christ the best thing that ever happened but there's something better than that obedience if that had been followed there would be no need for the suffering that christ went through and the suffering that godhead will always feel always because there's a scar in the godhead brought about by calvary when the father had to turn away from the sun and that scar will remain forever because one man did not obey one act of disobedience universal consequences no wonder paul says therefore as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous it's all obey and disobey you want to say love fine love and hatred someone else i say agent i live saboteur come how much time time's up you have a card want to borrow a pen somebody god bless you after i pray consecrate you to god you'll stay where you are so we get your cards i'd like the cards brought to me so i can pray over them first before i return them to the leaders i'd like the cards personally truly so i can pray over them all night tonight i'll hand them over to the authorities tomorrow so please put your names after we pray so that those who need to go can go if anyone else needs to come i say agent i live saboteur i want to be a transformed agent of god and the agent does whatever god says heads bowed eyes closed father in heaven we thank you for your word it really is simple and straightforward all you require of us is an honest heart we thank you thank god for the sacrifice of christ but we also say had it not been for the sin of our father adam there would have been no need for all the blood that jesus shed all the insults he took all the abuse he suffered sweating blood from his skin in gethsemane all of that would have been unnecessary if adam had simply done what you said father we need not know greek or hebrew acadian or aramaic to get this central pivotal message and father your sons your daughters have answered a call the call is if you know your saboteur by action even though you say agent by word come your people have come i ask you in the name of jesus dear god as you rejoice at their coming begin a change in their hearts that's where it happens their god in the heart give them the heart of an agent whatever god says we will do wherever he sends we will go in the name of jesus who shed his blood that all might have salvation available to them in his name a name you never resist bless them let them leave this place they god developing now a dislike for the life of a saboteur and an attraction to the life of obedience with god as our pastor cameron said earlier during the so far the couch says when can two walk together except they be agreed the only way to walk with you their god is to agree with you not you with us and so bless them dear god and for those who are struggling who should have come but for some reason best known to them they did not come work on their hearts and give them no rest until they decide father change me from saboteur to agent grant them your spirit or father sustain them tonight let no power on earth change their minds watch over us tonight protect us from harm and danger in all that we do under the covering of night let us act as agents not saboteurs watch over us as we sleep there god bring us back tomorrow to enjoy a day of blessings arranged by your people thank you for christ thank you through his sacrifice we may be restored to obedience hear this humble prayer save us when you come that we may live in a land where all will obey from the heart i offer this prayer in jesus name and for his sake let god's people say [Music] [Music] amen you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 5,509
Rating: 4.8344827 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: IhlsEl8hy_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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