The Silence of The Lamb | Randy Skeete

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out of the depth have i cried unto thee o lord lord hear my voice and let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications if thou lord should mark iniquities oh lord who shall stand but there is forgiveness with thee the thou must be filled i wait for the lord my soul doth wait and in his word do i hope my soul waiteth for the lord more than they that watch for the morning i say more than they that watch for the morning let israel hope in the lord for with the lord there's mercy and with him is plenteous redemption and he shall redeem israel from all his iniquities thank god again from the foundation of my soul for this tremendous honor of speaking for him angels would love to speak for god and talk about jesus but that honor is reserved for sinners such as i and so i really really thank god that he will allow me to be an ambassador for him an ambassador of truth and my pledge to my god is that i will try to deliver thus saith the lord and as i often say keep my opinions to myself because they really have no saving value whatsoever but the words of god jesus says of the words the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life and that is what i desire to give you this afternoon i welcome you wherever you are thank you very much facebook youtube whatever zoom thank you so much and may the lord bless you individually ellen white tells us the relations between god and each soul are as distinct and full as though there were not another soul upon the earth to claim his watch care not another soul for whom he gave his beloved son god deals with us very very personally and i'm asking god to bless every listener personally by just one single message for those of you who are not seventh-day adventists thank you very much for joining us we are delighted and honored with your presence and again may the lord touch you in a way that is consistent with his will for your lives and may he doubly bless your children for anyone who may have contracted the coronavirus i am praying for you and will continue to pray for you and i want you to know that the god who sits in heaven is the god who calls himself the god that heals and of course jesus did more healing and miraculous work than he did preaching so i'll ask god to be merciful to you and to remove that dreadful affliction which has taken over 300 000 lives in the united states alone our subject for this afternoon the silence of the lamb the silence of the lamb before i get into the message i ask you as i always do please preserve reverence where you are because we are worshiping the god of heaven and earth and part of that reference may be to make sure that these things are turned off but since we're in the age of electronics and technology and connectedness you may need to use these to connect with this program and we understand if not make sure it does not cause a distraction favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth please do that jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touch my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth ask god to put his words in my mouth and he will do that there is a verse in second samuel chapter 23 verse 2 which i love very much it says this the spirit of the lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue the very instrument of speech and i want god to do that for me and of course favor number three i want you to think very rigorously as you listen isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together saith the lord so think reason as the word of god is delivered let's borrow heads now and pray father in heaven i always thank you for life because i really thank you thank you father for the freedom we have to worship you thank you lord for this weekend revival program watch pray and work if i have offended you forgive me i ask of you in the name of jesus who shed his blood that i might be cleansed by that blood at my request father grant to us your spirit he is the spirit of truth jesus said in john 16 13 how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth grant to me and to those listening that spirit of truth they god that our minds might be led a right because without your spirit with all our education we will guide ourselves into error father bless our visitors in a very special way bless the children who are watching in a very very special way to god and for anyone who may have contracted the coronavirus i ask you as an act of mercy and you are a merciful god micah 7 18 describes you as one who delighteth in mercy may it delight you their god to heal anyone under the sound of my voice who have been infected by this coronavirus heal that person heal those persons rebuke that dreadful condition they got at the sound of your word because the word it creates is the word that heals hear this humble prayer father may this message glorify your name and bless your people i offer it from my heart in jesus name amen our subject the silence of the lamb in our earlier presentation this morning the impotence of omnipotence we learn some things about jesus christ now we will follow the same procedure we will learn a few things about god let us go to john chapter 1 again john 1. john chapter 1 we read from verse 1 and let me recommend the gospel of john again and he gives a very specific reason why he wrote that gospel but i won't tell you now because curiosity will drive you to read it and i don't want you distracted but i'll tell you later he gives a precise reason why he wrote his gospel and your heart will rejoice when you read that reason john 1 reading from verse 1 i read from the king james version of the bible in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men meaning all people in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not there was a man sent from god whose name was john the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe so we've discovered two things in him was life and the life was the light of men and that verse 9 says that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world jesus christ touches everyone who comes into this world somehow he touches them without christ you cannot be born because the processes that lead to birth are all directed by the word of god every single person who comes into this world is somehow touched by the power of christ and so this informs us that christ has an interest in every single person let us go to first timothy chapter two let's read verse four first timothy chapter two reading verse four we're discovering something about jesus about god the father's will first timothy chapter 2 verse 4 says who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth god will have all people saved that is his desire of course not all of god's desires are fulfilled because there is something called human cooperation no one is saved by force we are saved by invitation but he will have all men all people to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth so if you're a bible worker and you're trying to teach people the word you are working in cooperation with the will of god because the verse says he will have all people come to the knowledge of the truth let us go to second peter chapter three let's read verse nine second peter chapter three reading verse nine we're learning something about god about christ our subject the silence of the lamb the lord is not slack concerning his promises as some men come slackness but is long suffering to us word not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance the lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance god wants to save every single person who has ever been born of adam this is his desire and that has not changed now if this is the case why is it that most people will be lost it's a universal tragedy that a god who would love to save everyone will end up watching most people lost let me tell you something about god's desire to save everyone in the parable of the sheep and the goats in verse 34 of matthew 25 the bible says then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come me blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world now keep these words in mind concentrate listen microscopically inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world it has always been god's desire to save everyone notice what he says to those who are lost depart from me verse 40 42 verse 40 41 depart for me curse into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angel god prepared hell for the devil and his angels yet i almost said we there will be many human beings in hell with the devil and his angels not invited they will all be gate crashers you're going somewhere not prepared for you and i'm expressing the mercy of god let me say it again every lost person will end up in a place god did not prepare for him or for her what did god prepare his kingdom there is a god in heaven who has room in his heart and in his house for every person born since adam but most of those vacancies will go unfilled because people choose otherwise let me pray again and i move to the next point father restrain me instruct me use me in jesus name amen let us go to luke 23. luke 23 we've just discovered that god would love to save everyone and this is most beautifully expressed in john 3 16 for god so loved the world he gave christ for the world all right we're now in luke 23 reading from verse 39 of luke 23 and one of the male factors which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be christ save thyself and us but the answer answering the other answering rebuked him saying doth not thou fear god seeing thou art in the same condemnation and we indeed justly for we receive the jew reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amiss and he said unto jesus lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and jesus said unto him in verse 43 verily i say unto thee today i am telling you right now thou shalt be with me in paradise all right matthew 27 38 says then were two thieves crucified with him one of the right hand and another on the left matthew 27 38 luke 23 39 tells us and the malefactors mali means bad factors to do bad doers the sinners the criminals the convicts the malefactors one of them but go with me to matthew 27 let's read verse 44 our subject the silence of the lamb the lamb of course being the one who was dying on the cross jesus christ matthew 27 reading verse 44. well let's go to 38 and read from 38 get some connection then were they two thieves crucified with him one on the right hand and another on the left and there that passed by reviled him wagging the heads and saying thou that destroys the temple and builds it in three days save thyself if thou be the son of god come down from the cross and so we have those passing by the passers-by because crucifixions were public events and they made fun of christ likewise also the chief priests mocking him with the scribes and elders said he saved others himself he cannot save if he be the king of israel let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him verse 43 he trusted in god let him deliver him now if he will have him because he said i for he said i am the son of god. so the chief priests the elders the scribes the pastors by those not mentioned the soldiers they all made fun of jesus now listen to verse 44 of matthew 27 what does that say the thieves also which were with him cast the same in his teeth there was in other words they too were making fun of christ but i want you to observe the verse says the thieves which means that at some point that thief who eventually got saved was making fun of jesus something happened to him on that cross as he looked at christ as he looked at the man whom he was humiliating and cursing something happened to him and he recognized in christ the savior with that background let us go back to luke 23 we'll pick it up again from verse 39 our subject the silence of the lamb and one of the male factors which were hanged reeled on him saying if thou be christ save thyself and us one of them railed on him in matthew 27 34 both 44 both of them were doing it but one has changed but the other answering rebuked him now pause here's a lesson for us when someone is truly converted the person makes a 180 degree turn are you with me there's a song i like very much the things i used to do i do them no more the things i used to eat i eat them no more the clothes i used to wear i wear them no more the friends i used to have i have them no more this thief now goes from matthew 27 44 joining his friend in humiliating christ now he's rebuking the friend because something has happened in his heart in that instant on the cross now he's a different man but the other answering rebuked him saying thus not thou fear god seeing thou art in the same condemnation and we indeed justly is almost preaching the gospel we deserve what we're getting which is absolutely true for we receive the due rewards of our deeds we have been criminals we are justly on this cross but this man hath done nothing or miss he calls him a man in verse 42 he calls him lord so he sees man human that humanity he sees god divinity tremendous revelation by the spirit to that thief on the cross and jesus said unto him verse 43 verily i say unto thee today thou shalt be with me in paradise let's reflect there were two thieves on that on those crosses there were three criminals on the hill i said three criminals in the eyes of the law and christ was one he was numbered with the transgressions are you with me he was viewed as a criminal the father treated him as a sinner as a sinner he was cursed christ redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us who made him a curse the father had to pour out his wrath and allow all the powers of darkness to do what they would do with jesus christ he died as a sinner a criminal an offender as but never having sinned he was dying for both thieves let me say that slowly jesus christ was dying for both thieves plus the world he only saved one of the two he spoke to the one on the right and i used the word right because the right in the bible is the side of power the side of victory he spoke to the one on the right and guaranteed him a place in his kingdom but he was silent to the one on the left he said nothing to him but he was dying for both the silence of the lamb silent to one talking to the other why was that one responded the other did not let me say that again one did what is required of the sinner in cooperation with god for salvation to take place you cannot save yourself i cannot save myself but something is required of me in order that god might save me i cannot save myself i cannot fix my cavity but something is required of me in order for my dentist to fix my cavity reviewing herald october 30 1888 paragraph three the review on herald october 30 1888 paragraph three in the work of redemption god requires the cooperation of man the christian must put forth strenuous exertions and god will unite divine grace with his human effort let me say that again the review and herald october 30 1888 paragraph three in the work of redemption god requires the cooperation of male people the christian must put forth strenuous exertions strenuous exertions and god will come unite divine grace with his human effort it is not your effort that saves you it is your effort that lets god see you want to be saved in that same page reverend herald october 13 88 now paragraph four that man has only to believe and nothing else is a fallacy and a dangerous doctrine that man has only to believe is a fallacy and the most dangerous doctrine and yet the bible does not support salvation by works but surely god requires of us something we must do in order that he might save us now listen to this clinching quotation from our beloved servant of the lord reverend herald october 30 1888 paragraph eight those who take the position that christ has done it all and that we need not obey god's requirements will fail of everlasting life they will fail of everlasting life those who take the position that christ has done it all and that we need not obey the requirements of god will fail i was asked to give a morning devotion to a group of workers somewhere on the face of the earth one identified and i was talking about the need to cooperate with god this man pumped his fist i thank god jesus did it all i have nothing to do and i wanted to hit him with the bible but you know he can't practice violence in the pulpit or anywhere else but i was really upset with that man he pumped his face i thank god jesus did it all have nothing to it no he didn't do it all he did all he had to do there's something you and i must do the bible is full of those examples of the fact that there's something required of us matthew 11 28 come unto me all you that labor and a heavy laden i will give you but the condition is come we're all familiar with revelation 3 20 behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door i will come into him and will sup with him and he with me there must be a response to the grace of god because no one is saved contrary to his will and no one is lost contrary to his will or her will hell is entered by choice heaven is entered by a choice that god honors we need no help from god to go to hell we need god help from god to go to heaven are you following me we don't even need help from the devil to go to hell because if satan died tonight we will sin tonight you don't sin because there's a devil we sin because we choose a sin temptations do not mean you have to sin temptations are invitations to which we can say yes or no there is a part that you and i must play those who take the position that christ has done it all and that we need not obey the requirements of god will fail of everlasting life there will be people entering hell with the look of shock and surprise on their faces because they thought that jesus did everything and nothing was required of them go to first john chapter 3 let's read verse 23. first john 3 23 our subject the silence of the lamb first john 3 20 i'll pray as you're looking father in heaven continue to speak through me on this very very serious issue i pray give me simple language i ask in jesus name amen first john 3 23 and this is his what commandment stop this is his commandment so we're commanded to do what this is his commandment that we should do what believe on whom the name of his son jesus christ we are commanded to believe in jesus now we're free to disobey now john 3 16 says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth now i want to put your intellect to the test i believe you'll pass don't disappoint my faith look at first john 3 23 and look at john 3 16 and tell me a different way to say john 3 16 which is still correct first john 3 23 says this is his commandment that we believe in the name of the lord of his son jesus christ and love one another as he gave us commandment this is his commandment we should believe on his son jesus christ now john 3 16 says whosoever believeth shall not perish but have everlasting life if god commands you to believe and you believe what have you done listen to me carefully it's easy if god tells you believe and you believe what have you done you have obeyed the condition of salvation is obedience that is not salvation by works the moment you preach salvation by works you have to knock down the cross of calvary calvary's cross stands as an argument against salvation by works but salvation requires something of us when we obey god first john 3 23 he commands us to believe when we believe we have obeyed now if you read john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever obeyeth should not perish but have everlasting life whosoever obeys because we are commanded to obey the condition of salvation is obedience not just believe believe believe believe believe believe by itself is an act of death because faith is dead being alone in the book faith and works page 101 paragraph 1 writing to 80 jones a form of rebuke because he was preaching somewhere and stressing just believe just believe just believe to an extreme degree to the point that it might lead people to believe might have led him to believe i have nothing to do ella white writes there are conditions to our receiving justification and righteousness and sanctification and the righteousness of christ she said i know your meaning but you leave a wrong impression upon many minds while good works will not save even one soul not even one soul can be saved without good work that's what she writes now listen to what she said god saves us under a law that we must ask if we will receive seek if we will find knock if we would have the door opened unto us the intriguing statement she makes is god saves us under a law he doesn't say he saves us by a law he saves us under a law here is the law here is the condition you've got to ask you've got to seek you've got to in other words you have to have a response it's not just believe believe believe and that is it belief must be accompanied by something we do that's called works and works in this context is not that which saves us it is that which expresses our faith in the saving power of jesus christ i give you that quotation again reviewing herald october 30 1888 paragraph eight those who take the position that christ has done it all and that we need not obey the requirements of god will fail of everlasting life of the most well-known verses in the bible is first john chapter 1 verse 9. and you can tell me what it says if we confess our sins when you see the word if what is introduced a condition a condition and you find if all the way through first john chapter one by the way very interesting chapter if we say if this if this if that if we confess our sins if we do this he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness in other words there is a connection between the fulfillment of a condition and the carrying out of god's part of the arrangement if we confess god forgives but god is so good he helps us to do our part because confession is a result of the spirit of god working on the heart you see we can't help god do his he helps us do ours this is grace if we confess the goodness of god leadeth thee to come to repentance and to confession with you see there is no need for confession into not no need there is no desire in the flesh to confess the flesh does not confess the flesh does not repent let me ask you this question is confession a good thing yes or no yes is repentance a good thing yes or no it is god that puts it in you to repent it must be good but paul says i know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing then repentance cannot come from the flesh confession cannot come from the flesh sorrow for sin cannot come from the flesh god in his mercy in his love in his tireless expression of grace he puts these urges and impulses within us and hopes that we will express them there is a work for us to do and i use the word work very carefully i do not want to give the impression of salvation by words there is no such thing if there were salvation by works there would have been no need for christ to die let me repeat the cross of christ is a standing argument against the error of salvation by works but there is something we must do when god told abraham let me pray again father help me to tell this account very clearly to your glory please in jesus name amen in genesis 22 god told abraham to sacrifice isaac on a mountain in moriah which i will tell thee of verse four abraham rose up early in the morning saddle his ass took two of his young and with him isaac his son claimed the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went into the place which god had told him out on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off and abraham took the word put it on isaac took the fire the knight he did all these things verse 9 and they came to the place which god had told him of and abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order upon the altar he did all this thing when you lifted the knife god said now i know now fairest me now now god knows everything don't misunderstand me but he's talking in a way we can understand god said i saw you rise early i saw you have prepared the donkeys i saw you get your servants i saw you wick isaac carefully so sarah would not know i saw you traveling i saw you prepare the altar i saw you prepare the wood i saw you place the wood in order god must be worshiped in order i saw you place the word in order i saw you bind your son i saw you stretch him on the altar i saw your tears coming from your eyes and i saw you lift that knife as your aged hand shook and i saw you about to kill him now i know now many of us as christians god is still waiting to say now i know because we show god nothing we show him nothing and the bible talks about the sacrifices isaac as though it actually happened because it happened here are you with me it happened abraham was 100 committed to sacrifice his son that was enough for god the physical expression was no longer necessary abraham showed god and so hebrews 11 17 says by faith abraham when he was tried offered up isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son abraham in god's eyes offered up isaac and god said now i know god says now i know based on well not on what he does but based on our response to him abraham is the symbol of faith because of his works let me say that again i'll pause first so you think job is the symbol of what patience abraham is the symbol of faith that's why paul uses him in romans and galatians in his argument about righteousness by faith he goes to abraham doesn't go to enoch or methuselah or whomever he goes to abraham abraham's faith was established by his works let me ask you this as i continue the silence of the lamb as i try to show you there's something you must do what you do does not save you what you do let god see you respect him you honor the conditions he's laid out abraham came to the place where he could not have children genesis 17 verse 17 he laughed at god then abraham fell on his face and left and said in his heart shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old and shall sarah that is 90 years old there abraham laughed at the thought that he had a hundred and sarah at night he could have a child romans 4 19 says his loins were dead and sarah's womb was dead that's what the bible says but they had a son abraham had a son of faith ishmael was the son of works are you following me isaac was a son of faith but let me ask you this ishmael was the son of faith because abraham was still able physically to father a child with hagar abraham and hagar had to come together physically to have this child you know what i'm talking about that's the child who works but they also had to come together physically to produce isaac but he's the son of faith what happened they were responding in faith to the word of god a man with dead loins and a woman with the dead womb responding to god's word of faith came together and from a deadline and a dead womb came a living boy can you say amen that is god honoring our works or our faith demonstrated by works abraham could have stayed in his stand and sarah in another tent and tried this thing by jumper cables it would not have worked they had to come together that's works expressing faith god wants to bless you financially he really does because poverty widespread poverty in the church does not glorify god then who wants to join this god where everyone is poor widespread sickness does not glorify god why join a church where everyone is sick and broken down where is the power of god widespread divorce does not glorify god where is the power of god god is glorified in a healthy people a prosperous people are tightly knit people but health is based on conditions financial prosperity has conditions now there's a worldly way to prosper but that prosperity ends when christ comes the biblical form of prosperity extends into the world to come when jesus said lay it up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust does corrupt and we thieves breakthrough and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven that was not symbolic language in the new world different people have different degrees of possession and whatever else in the new world it was god's arrangement before sin let me say it again it was god's arrangement before sin that people would have wealth somewhere i read eloise says the desire to accumulate wealth is an original impulse of our nature planted there by god for noble ends for good purposes let me say it again the the the desire to accumulate wealth is an original impulse place in us by god but for noble ends i'll find that quotation give you this afternoon what am i trying to say in the silence of the lamb we have something to do i must confess and god will forgive come unto me i'll give you rest now coming to god is a very short distance because christ is already at your door you understand you don't have to travel far he makes it easy to come because he's come all the way to the door of your heart he's standing on the welcome mat but out of respect he does not walk in you must invite him you must desire jesus christ because christ is preparing you for a kingdom where there will be no more sin and that kingdom will be populated by people who have made a choice that will last forever we want righteousness not sin i must invite him in i must confess i must return the tithe our works bring blessings our works bring curses you can't escape works go to titus chapter 1 something interesting titus 1 let's read verse 16. our subject the silence of the lamb we saw that christ said nothing to one thief he saved another he was silent to one he spoke to another why one responded one didn't titus chapter 1 verse 16 let's read that verse carefully microscopically do you have it they profess that they know god but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient those are the works you see abominable and disobedient unto every good work reprobate now we have listen to the verse again they profess that they know god but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient disobedience expresses hatred for god to some degree and unto every good work reprobate so we have evil works in that verse and we have good works now if the evil works being reprobate disobedient deny god what do the good works do as verily as evil works deny god the good works establish that's the good word demonstrate that we truly believe in a righteous god we have good works evil words that verses so they profess you know what jesus said this people honoreth me with their lips they profess but their hearts are far from me they profess that they know god but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and and to every good work so the good work at the end of that verse is not the same as their works deny him no we have two different quality of works in that verse the works that deny him and the good works that the sinners don't like my brothers and sisters your life is either an expression of good works that honor god or evil works that deny god you cannot escape works your works don't save you but your work show you want to be saved your works show that you love god your work shows that you prefer righteousness my work sure i want a place in god's kingdom and i often like i often say that god is from missouri show me and if you're from outside united states you may not understand but god is from missouri god says show me listen to john 3 16 when god tells you show me he's asking you to behave like him for god so loved the world that he showed us are you with me he showed us how he gave his only begotten son god loves to demonstrate love is love only in demonstration ah you missed it my fault i use too many big words like love and demonstration let me find some smaller words love that is not expressed is not love is that clear enough without demonstration there is no love the same way there's no faith where there's no work there's no love with there's no expression i love you is in love i'm dying for you that's love i love you is in love you call me i'm broken down i'm in the ditch it's 10 degrees below come help me i come that's love not i'll pray for you the silence of the lamb let's review jesus died between two thieves in the eyes of those who carried out the crucifixion there were three criminals he was dying for both so sad he only saved one not because he could not save the other the other did not seek salvation he spoke to one he was silent to the other the silence of the lamb question for you is god silent in your life make sure you serve a god who loves to talk respond to him this weekend revival might have been arranged by god to reach one person whether in person or via the internet let me say it again god loves everyone god wants to save that's his desire to save everyone second peter chapter three verse nine first timothy chapter two verse four but god ultimately will not be able to do that because we must come to him jesus complained to the scribes and pharisees in john 5 40 he will not come to me that he might have life you just won't come your mother has begged you to come to church your parents have begged you study the bible they pray you will not do it now you're in court before judge who's about to send you up for 10 years for whatever you did with your friends we must respond to god and i'm asking you today as i close make a response to god and the only response god wants is the total surrender of the life to him here's how it is described in the bible let me pray before i do that father as i close be with me again please i pray in the name of jesus amen mark 12 reading from verse 28 go there with me mark 12 reading from verse 28. second gospel the shortest gospel mark 12 reading from verse 28 the bible says and one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he answered them well asked him which is the first commandment of all and jesus answered him the first of all the commandment is hear o israel the lord our god is one lord and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind with all thy strength what does that mean he repeats the word all all all all and we have understanding i think verse 33 all the understanding and in deuteronomy 6 we have all your might so we have soul spirit all your heart with all your soul all your might all your strength all your understanding the surrender to god must be complete or god cannot save you let me say it again the surrender to god must be complete we are a people of statistics we make national policies based on statistics and studies statisticians round off the numbers nine point seven is ten statistically eight point eight is nine and seven point two is seven with god seven point two is seven 7.2 god does not round off figures he gave 10 commandments 9 out of 10 qualifies you for hell ah you missed it 9 out of 10 qualifies you for help but at the university of uh fairview valley you get a degree with honors 9 out of 10 that's honors in god's system it's all or nothing god is not a statistician he requires entire surrender faith and works page 100 paragraph one ella white writes god requires the entire surrender of the heart in order for justification to take place let me ask you this as we view this arithmetically mathematically numerically here's 100 percent let's say i surrender to god 99 that will cause the world to cheer who controls the one percent satan that can't work it cannot work because that one percent is all the devil needs to draw me to him and to ruin my life as much as the kingdom of god is like a grain of mustard seed the kingdom of satan is like a grain of mustard seed if it is not dealt with it will destroy the life many of us are partially surrendered and it makes us decent law-abiding but decent and law-abiding in the eyes of the law is not enough the surrender must be complete my listening friend and it must be daily and it is i who have to surrender it is you who must surrender those who take the position that christ has done it all and that we need not obey the requirements of god will fail of everlasting life review and herald october 30 1888 paragraph eight do not allow the lamb to be silent in your life many times our prayers are not answered because we do not fulfill the conditions and so god is quiet because god does not function contrary to his divine principles he tries to bring up us up to the place where we cooperate nor ellen white writes never bring the gospel down to a low level in order to gather converts but seek to bring the sinful uncorrupted up to the high standard of the law of god and god tries to bring us up to his standard he never comes down to ours and when we fulfill conditions we are coming up to god's standards and god's standards have no drawbacks god's standards have no demerits they're all designed for our blessing and a glorious life do not allow the lamb to be silent in your life remember the jesus who died for both thieves only saved one not because he did not want to save the other but no one can be saved against his will the other did not respond and he will be lost as verily as the one on the right will be saved be the one on the right reach out to god because he has first reached out to you in the humanity of jesus christ he has reached out to you he understands what is happening in your life and as god he can do something about it let me say that again as man he understands whether you're 14 or 19 or 30. he understands he has gone through those phases and as god he can do something about it we have friends who understand but can do nothing jesus is a friend who understands and can do something but he says to us ye are my friends if he do whatsoever i command you that's condition john 15 14 ye are my friends if he do whatsoever i command you you cannot dodge obedience as the fundamental condition for all the blessings of god how many of you with me right here will say father help me by the grace and your spirit's power to fulfill the conditions you've set for me can i see your hand do you mean that ah i see you in the lobby god bless you let's pray father in heaven the carnal nature hates anything that is of god we need a greater power to suppress it that power is the spirit that brings the life of christ father enlighten our understanding help us to understand their god that salvation has conditions there are conditions to our receiving justification sanctification and the righteousness of christ and that conditioned a god the condition of conditions is obedience even our believing in christ we're commanded to do first john 3 23 please god give us the heart of christ a heart to obey you because obedience actually is life disobedience is death let not christ who died for the world go silent in our lives dear god let us cooperate with our savior that he may carry out the mission to which you sent him and that is to save everyone who will allow him father in heaven bind us to your bosom through your sunday god watch over us a double blessing on our children heal anyone who may have contracted the coronavirus a sweet blessing on all our visitors who tuned in now prepare us for a question and answer session at five o'clock give us wisdom to answer correctly bless this government father because all power comes from you you set kings up and you set them down so you guide the thinking of those leading this country and other countries remind them their god that righteousness exalteth the nation bless us make us a blessing to others i pray in jesus name amen [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 35,734
Rating: 4.8402281 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: SZLsgiPo5Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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