Private Jet Over the Atlantic to Czech Republic - Pilot VLOG 102

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hey what's going on guys Sean here living the corporate pilot life cool fly for you guys today long flight for you guys today we're leaving Portsmouth New Hampshire right now and we're going over to Prague Czech Republic today so like I said long flight but it's gonna be a really cool trip we get almost a week over there and then we jump from there go to Dublin for a few days and then we come back home crappy rainy weather here in Portsmouth today so we get a little IFR departure I know you guys love seeing those but it should be a pretty nice ride over there and then nice weather once we get over to Prague this is Jana we've worked with Jana before she takes really good care of us we actually took Jana shooting one time she we put her on a couple a couple rifles a couple handguns she had some really cool footage slow-mo footage of us shooting our rifles one time so yeah she's she's down to play we enjoyed hanging out with Jana so she's gonna take care of our very important passengers and we're gonna take care of the front so we're gonna get this thing fired up we got another 30 minutes till people who do to show up and we're gonna get out of here so sit tight we'll get this thing fired up presidential success at the end of row here at the end of three one presidential ticket and grab right it old shorter runway three four hold short at three four presidential 69 I'll be over to tower or what buddy he's working just about everything I think so too we are doing the tanker 2 which is 345 natural 50:19 right frequency 1 to 8 wave for those are natural 69 124 presidential 69th our only 3/4 wind 0 to 0 correction a360 at 7 cleared for takeoff takeoff runway 3 for presidential season I just want to confirm with you the departure frequency is 25 point zero five please you're on a Pew is shut down isolation valve is closed light you're good you know it spoilers numbers are boxed transponders on teak asses up Cass is clear and your search not muted armed approaching three four she's sitting down back there so what is it 345 up to 3000 correct alright man that looks like 3/4 to me on the runway are you ready do it 29 3 on the gas level dose let's pull up Charles armed power set their speed a lot of to times there's hold 80 knots my okay you wanna rotate me too positive rate Europe what's 20 laps up into the soup yes sir presidential 69 contact Boston 1 2 5 2005 have a good day / 2505 presidential 690 Boston departure presidential 69 1303 thousand maintain 1000 I've been up to ten thousand presidential 69 airport that's us alright man after I wouldn't get a chance yours up flaps up cactus panel is set lights are good mission is off spoilers in Concord Kenny Bay Kenny - Kenny one presidential 69 idiot yeah got it pressurization is climbing normal we are pressurizing power is set engine sink you want it yeah it's on meters are set a pew is shut down eat that Sun for the first hour - yeah hopefully we get the crews quickly so that she can bring me my breakfast how'd it look they look good I didn't even look at it to be honest and I looked at it I probably would have eaten it right then but I wait for way too long not have you know 69 contact Boston center one to eight point two get it once we point to presidential six Nico Boston Center presidential 69 7.5 for 1-0 10,000 presidential 69 bucks and a good morning by heading 100 climbing me in 150 thousand heading 100 up to 1 6,000 presidential 69 16 they are high-tops yeah that's the perfect that's the whole I wanted to go for yeah that's gonna have to happen calm 6322 economy in 502 8-0 climb flight level two eight zero six two three twenty three presidential 69 connor maintain phi level two three zero let me take little two three zero presidential season it to trees euro to trees your eyes yet dot-com 63 23 contact Boston Center one 18.4 two thirteen forty to sixty three twenty Rufio asking what we can get about ten last John set up residential 69 guys yeah looks like there's a little bit of weather out the nose we do about 10 left over would presidential 69 approved as requested and at pilots discretion proceed direct to Alex I appreciate that the deviations as needed and then direct Alex will enable presidential Easter my thighs aren't you good with it yeah I'd show yourself United 1668 Boston Center common means a infallible future you're so seventeen uphill shown at picnic a little smart just on the clock and ten miles attend one five-mile warrior let me see let me see what you look like beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] couple other big ones over there that's ridiculous dude what the weather just shuts just it's like yep nobody flies beyond that line 59 report on court Alex on one three four point nine or five thirty four ninety five report on course notes out which was an interesting scent let me connect you'll about your boss better corner don't think it till you know a lot of altitude we're gonna be able to go to Alex I'll take the tops are much higher like 32 but so we don't get their way Boston Center presidential 69 to zero point five four two three zero was still deviating to the right method ecliptic the nine box thundercloud I maintain credible three Niner zero now meant eight three nine zero presidential 69 yeah ain't no way we can turn that way yeah all you got to keep going at least around this alex is still 140 miles out stay to the right till we get over there past it you know me the water layer at throughout the whole tenor crappy morning then rainy and cold windy I know it but I'm climbing here like I know lazy don't like metres per ad at the voting booth about 1 1 2 is he'll collect about sweets to them super what you bought the pedegg warrant let's bang go we're already over here yeah buzzer footage at 5:22 at 401 0 let's get 5:22 say I signed out to do we reply level 4 1 0 say find out sue were you given any altitude uh negative okay am i you were supposed to be given an ounce 2 like six five two two two Sena maintain flight level two four zero so I love a big 4-0 foot goodbye oh nice if you want to set it right here for now thank you thank you so much I like her already you know she's really good yeah think you want to go to Alex you want to skip Alex I'd like to skip Alex yeah set a presidential 69 any chance we can skip Alex and go to Seoul do you need us over Alex here okay Presidente can clear it Phil roll okay we're not quite ready to turn just yet we're going to keep deviating a little more to the right here will go so as soon as we can't presidential six tonight right thank you an advice will advise I think we will stop everything we're gonna count at $11.99 oh I just see a lot of little a lot of little blow-off on the August secondly taken morning second 1195 spanic morning a person I feel 69 actually a change of plans flight present heading please okay what present etic presidential station and I guess monks and says they're gonna give you a new reroute I guess for a couple fixes anyway so they referred me to have you on the present heading for the time being okay well what doesn't heading it's not a fine presidential expect Eddie at nine eighty four contact monks in center one three two point seven presidential 69 contact monks in center one to seven point one to take care once you 7.1 two presidential six units once it's enter presidential 69 three four five four three nine zero six I must decide the morning of amendment to your routing buzzer to stopping ready copy presidential six on your now record present position directly so that the member India Charlie C roster and then four eight North is there fatherless look at further was here oceanic clearance okay person position direct Nick so then four eight north zero five zero West president receives tonight six nine when you make your request for your Oceania clearance Houston Nick so as your oceanic entry point Roger presidential six nine and I see what is this so I'm like legitimately all right guys we just crossed 40 West we're working our way across the North Atlantic here we're about to make an HF call for a position report I know you guys wanted to hear some of these in the past and I've always screwed up and not recorded so I'm gonna do it today we're gonna get an HF call on on camera as you can see down here we just passed 40 we're on our way to 30 West level 41,000 feet Mach 8 Oh over here as soon as these guys stop yakking we'll we'll get in and get our position report on Rachel gender radio presidential 69 position [Applause] that's a presidential 69 position [Applause] presidential 69 reporting for nine North for zero West one four one zero flight level four one zero estimating five one North three zero West one four five Niner five two North to zero west next maintaining decimal four one zero five one North three 0s that one four five Niner is five two north to zero at blocking zero three zero at contact shamak Radio 1 0 0 to 1 with a backup that all checks presidential 69 will contact Chadwick one zero zero two one and backup 8 8 7 & 9 our three 0s there we go switch over here maybe it'll be a little quieter so 30 West is about another 45 minutes till we get there so yeah at this point we're on cell calls so we could take the radios and we turn the radios off take our headsets off and I shouldn't say turn the radios off just don't have to listen to them if they need us they'll call us up on cell call it gives us a little little message and then we can put the headsets on so we don't actually have to listen to the static on HF the whole time all right here's our plotted chart this is our track way down here there's our our equal time point single engine medical and depressurization if we if we have any of those issues prior to those points that will turn on to come back if we make it past those it will continue even if we have those issues way over here is our point of no return so beyond that we don't have enough fuel to turn around before that if we had to for some reason we can get to there and make it all the way back over here to to Gander I plotted the the southernmost track is way up here they were actually we're going the wrong direction on the tracks these are these are the westbound tracks up here so we're swimming upstream but we're really far south on the on the tracks so we like to plot that just to see where the nearest track is coasted way over here at tobor and no I think I'm back they changed it on us where we're gonna coast it to Lemery over here so I need to adjust that and then we continue on to Prague so that's it we got to got another four hours and three minutes of flight time to go so we'll be there here a little while we'll coast in and in about two hours and then it'll all be with with EU so when I put you guys on time-lapse for a little bit and I will see a little while alright guys that was probably the fastest 45 but it's your life but it took 45 minutes for us where we're just crossing over the shanwick airspace 30 West kind of the metaphorical center of the Atlantic Ocean here so we're going to call them up let them know where we're at Shanno radiogenic radio presidential six Niner position seven Niner eight eight seven Niner that's where that was our backup [Applause] they never spread as the battlefield he's a little busy Chadwicks radio presidential six Niner position six Niner static radio five message shadow gray do presidential six Niner reporting five one North 3-0 West one four five eight flight level four one zero estimating five two north to zero West one five four one slippery next maintaining my decimal 8 0 moles by one or two or three 0s that's one floor of my speed for 1 0 it may be five do not refuse it a left seven one five four one next is eliminating must definitely zero secretary first Dunwich now is six five four seven [Applause] [Music] Silke all checks good presidential Sioux City thank you a big crime [Applause] so that is it the the tail went slow down on us quite a bit we're going a little slower than potential but it is what it is we'll get there eventually all right we got let's see here another 40 minutes to 20 West and we go to Lemery that's where we coast into to the EU airspace so be there in a little while you [Applause] [Applause] all right you ready for the descent checks yeah please it's clean briefing all right we've talked about the funky six year monthly read to pick up the ILS for runway two-four that has not been the clearance but that's what we have briefed and set up weather is good but we'll still do the ILS okay cool or getting tired already absolutely we'll just stay on it for sure anticipating a chop on the descent I think it's gonna be pretty nice the winds are pretty light all the way down we'll see if we get in touch with the FBO in a little bit you know and that's it that's all I have cool FMS is all loaded for what we think we're gonna get flight instruments nav eight or selection everything is set up telling any ice I made it at this time pressurization landing please is in landing field elevation is set circuit breakers breakers are in on the right and on the left fuel boost pumps for are turning those will steering on and it is clear break an accumulator off and charged that is the descent checks do a little more as we get closer yeah we just great timing coming over here yeah we're actually heavy [Applause] thank you have received ATIS information Romeo good afternoon resilient ATIS information Romeo one seventh Caesar of Iowa's approach runway any to for transition level Victor meta have one seven Caesar when two four zero three one zero not visibility cap okay temperature due to two point seven P and H 1 0 - 2 X apostle no thick you have received 80 hours information Romeo good afternoon resilient ATIS information Romeo one seven right there you go Rubio wins two four zero ten cavil okay 22 degrees 1022 on the meter down there it's cooled off yeah switch over to millibars down low I'm sure that I'm doing my bobblehead of it there's a dome on the boundary yeah yes about three four zero presidential sick man [Applause] I see 34 no party three eight three five seven eyes they're abroad tooth is gone [Applause] Drago top in summer the seven full of these intervals [Applause] finally hands like the retreat we do template level three to zero presidential fix 932 sides you 30 euro jet op Center yeah 31 775 presidential six-line iconic Munich 155 didn't I provide one three three decimal five six five presidential 69 just keep on level three three zero level ten five zero two thousand feet up in a minute presidential hit up yeah I think it's gonna be a night landing for sure yeah bummer cause it's a nice that's a nice runway yeah nice approach maybe will depart here in the day I think we are 2 p.m. I believe it's the 275 residential six minute rocket roll presidential 69 flight level two two zero four two five zero Niner Prairie doc good evening clear and clunky and very to four and difficult to flight level one seven zero certified level one seven zero presidential 69 and now we'll be doing the monkey six year for mi-24 excellent it's what we've taught as briefed down of 17 transition is what I believe it's city helo one eight zero zero pilots approach runway any - for transition level six there is none of these were looking for people to do beautiful sunset yeah beautiful sunset being like beautiful orange I think there's bars right there yeah that does look like morons it's in the right sparked of the skies well we get the approach checks out of the way yeah let's do it altimeter is are you gonna be 1022 here in just a couple minutes I'll count a little farther to go for that engine sink Oh flaps will get to here in a few minutes Airport is 132 apart Alana 3 the deepening let everyone see people knows people for doing for shortcuts unless the Papa Romeo 532 I found out like 400 l5 mantra and about should see the airport right there residential take five it is kind of far away that all for the descent of it in two minutes dad number eight is you will be there in 2 minutes residential facility HR ice yep yeah yeah it's right there I think it's those red lights right there yeah Budweiser her dark but I think that's it still looking for the beacon there's an intro fix nah no contact with a radar one of an analyst from of zero one zero one more ladder - more zero one zero presidential 69 I heard yeah well so hard to control presidential of 69 leveling now eight thousand azure angel for six men little petty battle OD doubt comfort very firm feel five willful underdog that flight level one seventh general presidential 69 I see seven residential clients all right heading a little way home right turn heading zero eight zero presidential pick it up a little bit to twenty two twelve our final yeah I'll correct us clean aircraft the form alpha or no no gear so formally fine for Dave heading in Columbus I assume right turn heading one five zero presidential six minutes 1:15 I thought I didn't go on very delicate oh can we go for I could hang can wanted real clear to the eyelids I like you for that I don't think that all right we're inside the 12 miles slow reduction or what 16 let's go flaps touch up please and shakes looks captured it runways it sights inside those actresses - rubbish yes presidential six United establish on the other line I got this covered up on one a become a 1-1 to delivering yeah zero presidential six my part our presidential 69 on the IRS report earlier I mean to fall cleat 1 min to to 0 degrees 7 not good way to for presidential 69 1 0 and president a good deal and gear down before letting Chuck speeches three green no bread gears down nutcrackers check spoilers armed one inhibit is on gas is clear flaps you got one to go your start is not required before landings are complete thank you collapse the fall speech x1000 alright flaps are full stab agrees on and on rough at 12:00 sick at AIDS five hundred 400 we sink a little bit below it okay okay all right 200 minimums visual or lenok perfect 100 50 40 30 20 10 6 lights boards are up 90 dots 70 knots alright guys we made it to Prague all this good the Sun has gone down unfortunately it's only 3 o'clock for our body so we're pretty wide awake but it's 9 o'clock local so I guess we're going to go to bed early and try and get on the local time but we'll see we're gonna go get some food Jon's up front doing the paperwork we got Jana back there cleaning up the galley and I'm sitting in the seats it's a rough life but somebody's got to do it right so we're gonna go get some food and we'll see you guys here a little bit [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Corporate Pilot Life
Views: 287,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Airplane, Plane, Gulfstream, G-IV, G4, GIV, Fly, Flying, Pilot, Pilot Life, Cockpit, Approach, Landing, Jet, Touchdown, Takeoff, Departure, Depart, Arrive, Arrival, Cockpit View, ATC, Air Traffic Control, Aircraft, Airport, Flight Attendant, Private, Private Jet, Corporate, Corporate Jet, GoPro, Dash, Radio, Communication, Fun, Adventure, Prague, Czech, Republic, New Hampshire, Portsmouth, Atlantic, Oceanic, NAT, Europe, Night, Thunderstorm, Sexy, Beautiful, Flight, Lesson, How, Tour, Sight, Mountian, Hot, Girl, Travel, Traveling
Id: 8VVKB39L5Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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