BIGGEST Trash Pile I Have EVER Seen! Trash Picking + Dumpster Diving

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welcome back to treasure hunting with Jesus guys and it's 3 a.m. a little bit late tonight we're still about to go out dumpster diving hopefully school because the last week has been epic don't forget we are gonna be doing a big giveaway of 250 dollar gift card to wherever you want when we hit 50,000 subscribers and I'm also not gonna forget this time we're starting every video and a good comment let's pop one up right here thank you so much for watching the videos and thank you everybody else without further ado let's go score alright guys starting the night here at Barnes & Noble since our first game stuff had police sitting in the parking lot trying to catch speeders didn't really want to mess with the dumpster so let's see if we got anything here we were just here the other night so that's why I know amazing stuff if I showed you guys how much we have to biggie need everybody would be like 45 minutes luckily trash bags around anybody let's see that little babies nothing here but now we're gonna head to our good game stuff alright guys so now we're at big game stuff is lobster delivery and it looks like once again we got at least we part of that oh that's a Wii Fit board if nothing else I'll set that there for now we grab as we're done what is this just getting the farmers I don't need him well it looks like somebody ripped up stuff here but I'm surprised it and take that what is that oh no what's in there Dragon Balls even super dragon was using a favorite I love super let's see what's in the DA's case nothing anything keeping the big dumpster right here last time we peeked in here we've got all kinds of stuff so nothing I do it again yeah that belongs in the trash I was in that guys let's take a bunch of junk so we'll grab the Wii Fit board and head to the next spot alright guys now we're at another game stopping looks like this one is a lot of stuff in here it's probably a lot of boxes like ps4 controllers headphones boxes Pub G controllers GS 4 red dead box what are they're all in there how'd you just walk up on this and you just find like all these Playstations controllers and everything else just sitting in there xbox one of the feet again there's nothing here the box is unfortunately I would have an epic that let's take a look in this one dogs drive here just a quick little peek could I seek one for tonight look for tonight in trash Nate that's where it belongs no nothing here let's head to our next spot alright guys now we're at the king of a CVS let's see what we got going on today last time we were here it was like a billion pounds of candy what is that that's our board and everyone I don't know why check these two little ones they never have anything it's always the big boy over here that has everything but you never know nothing yeah let's check the big boy and we got looks like a little bit more candy right there right not really much look at this it's like broken stuff stop it it's blocking me from open this side there we go CVS bags I mean there's like a little bit of stuff down there you get some popcorn few candy bars I might grab the grabber and get it I mean it's not much but still something you could donate better to see it go to waste so who might just do that let's head to the next spot alright guys so we were having no luck dumpster diving so we decided to come back towards the house and see if there were any big trash piles and luckily we found this is a house that just got recently sold it looks like they just gutted it nothing there's like old coverage this is all canned goods oh I wonder if we can donate these probably no in 1680 bathroom money over here looks like a bathroom chart here but nothing this box like half-eaten cereal boxes let's see your next step over here [Music] there's an old chair but it's like moldy looks I can sit down for life that's nothing again nothing a lamp a spice rack an old fan old soccer ball it looks like an old highchair I think or not it just looks like a stepstool actually here's some of the furniture these are two doors this it actually feels really comfortable what it's wet here's old sports that's interesting how many guys are stuck off because we go to the field and play sometime something on this side of here dog collars rugs nothing okay please other than that guys on I might grab those softballs but I'd see if they're waterlogged but I mean other than that I mean I'm not gonna take anything here everything's real damp but there's a good pile of trash and hopefully somebody can come by and make some use of it anyway let's see if we can find another spot and I'll see you there all right guys since we seem to have very little luck tonight dumpster diving even trash picking I figured let's just go ahead and go home stead of wasting your time fighting nothing let's go through a few things I have for the peel box we got it if you guys didn't know we do have a female bartenders never say anything about it I always forget I'll pop it up in the description or on the video here it'll also be on the description if you ever want to set anything in we always try to save up a few things and open it all a video so some of this stuff might be a little hole armed summary understand what I like open one thing on here you know they want to say well we had a decent amount to where we can actually make it a little segment we got here oops a Christmas card from Heather and Jimmy and happy new merry Christmas to you and your family happy new year thank you we've had like I said it's been a while I'm sorry to all you people the people that sent holiday cards we just I don't know it's been really busy but we're definitely we have a wall would put in everything you guys send in on the wall until it's filled up so I'll show you that at the end of this video but it's definitely going on the wall too and just a couple bookmarks and things like that I think this one was the Christmas card shoot right we opened they're all pre open because for some reason now that we put this P Box in the description I guess like box pick up on this we know a lot of spam mail in there too so that's why it's all open down I don't want to open up these money like make $2,000 a month money making scams but look at that Cardinal actually our state very dear Virginia but instead of sending holiday west and thanks for being awesome bringing great videos to you thank you yes there are flexion in Canada no thank you sorry it's really late mm-hmm but again Cardinal news wasn't it okay I'll show you this I this was just an envelope this is pretty freakin cool so you've message me about this and this is actually a ring but it's not just a ring it's made out of us I think it's is it a full dollar or half dollar there's a half dollar but that's pretty epic I didn't even know like everything you had the ability to do that and it actually fits me on my finger perfectly but that is just one of the coolest things ever seeing and I didn't know you can make a ring out of the date right here that is pretty epic 1942 viewing of the inside I'm just kind of sitting like you're okay yeah it says right here half-dollar right and look at that fits perfectly whoo-hoo that's pretty cool I never seen anything like that so thank you have an epic and this one I don't know if I want to enjoy this or hate it but we got one from hold on one second to make sure you get your name is right okay and this is the I've seen your video you sent me the you did a unboxing video and you shot this out thank you I did see the video but for some reason every time I try to leave a comment on that video it never loaded I've seen it right when you send it to me a while back I just was never able to do it but this is actually from Australia they sent us a couple cool pictures of like a kangaroo out there that's kind of cool by the way these are actually like taking pictures you see the Kodak on the back they're not just like printed off of Google Images then you got Sydnee which is cool Australia is definitely on my bucket list it's somewhere I want to go so bad and then the koala bear which is cool again they're all actual pictures I just thought that was really cool this is from Hanks face err so thank you but the one thing this is what I'm not saying I'm gonna like you know I don't know if I'm gonna like it or not they gave us a little thing a Vegemite and they wanted us to try it on video and I've never tried it but when I got this I looked up some reactions to this and apparently it's not very well liked here in the United States you don't try to oh I don't have anything to dip it in but I just want you to get like oh good a good like finger full you say that to you smell it smell that oh man hey can you guys smell it oh that's strong I know I can't even like compared to anything okay let me read the know he's doing with it so it's eating instruction to spread just like peanut butter Nutella honey it's very different as Australia toast well buttered or Marg smear the Vegemite thinly and enjoy well I mean I don't really have nothing to smear it all but I'll take your thinly to heart because that's Nell tried to knock me down oh man if I puke on camera I'm sorry viral show it that looks like doodoo look at that I have very strong taste buds okay that's good enough Oh done no yeah water yeah water next to you that's right okay hold on now I'm a wuss when it comes to tastes all right I throw up very easy we play bee boo this is no noise oh my god it's awful oh why would you eat that our choice oh my god it just lingers the taste doesn't go away I'm not putting their exit out of my mouth oh that is disgusting you talk about being boozled that's what it tastes like Merry Christmas you can have it that is one of the worst things that ever tasted in my life I'm not even alive oh don't try Vegemite Americans all right I just try all right just try all right so I got a good taste it's disgusting Oh hmm come on I thought it's not delicious oh my god touch the top of my mouth oh gosh she's water's not enough you thought I was joking those over exaggerating I just want to sit here keep talking while you run away - spit it out that's not fair well anyway guys that was a little bit gross but funny but thank you so much for watching the video if you did enjoy I still taste it we clearly do the big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit the subscribe button for all your treasure hunting videos all the time ah if you do want to foster our social media links to be on screen just click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have time for me to go get a water this big thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 10,883
Rating: 4.924686 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving for food 2019, dumpster diving for food documentary, dumpster diving for food guide, dumpster diving for food in new york, dumpster diving for food uk, dumpster diving for food youtube, gamestop dumpster diving, gamestop dumpster diving 2019, gamestop dumpster diving best finds, dumpster food, dumpster haul, dumpster jackpot, food waste in america, getting food from the dumpster, free stuff, garbage picking, trash picking
Id: anWhiSsVA0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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