Oh Crap My Life Is Over My Parents Are Gonna Kill Me!

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what was your oh crap my life is over my parents are gonna kill me moment you had as a child teen i put my cheap gel pens in a microwave when i was 11 because they wouldn't work and my teacher told me that it's because the ink has frozen let's say i had to work extra that summer so i could get a new microwave when i was home alone i put a metal spoon in the microwave and the microwave kind of blew up with a spark and died i told my parents it just stopped working but didn't know why was so worried when i told them as an adult they said they knew for a month i kept taking the internet cord from my parents room and running it to the living room plugging it in the tv box i was washing the dishes when my dad started reading out the p titles on the bill when i was six i spilled grape juice on the tan carpets in the living room i put a pillow over it laid on the pillow and vowed that i would stay there the rest of my life so my parents would never find out i lasted about 45 minutes my mom was more upset that i got grape juice on the pillow rather than the carpet when i was 28 i spilled a gallon of house paint on my basement carpet we put a rug over it you had a solid plan getting pulled over by three police cars for doing 70 in a 45 my dad happened to call as i was talking with the officers they asked to speak with him after a few minutes they handed the phone back and said you better go home that is going to be worse than the ticket we are giving you that was a whole lot of yelling at home so we live in a two-story colonial my parents are away on vacation i'm in the yard and tossing a baseball up in the air and catching it just a nine year old entertaining myself i think to myself hey let's loft it onto the first split level roof and then it'll roll off and i'll catch it second toss crash shatter sisters window grandma was babysitting grandma reported i was smoked parents heard that my girlfriend was pregnant she wasn't from mutual friends of theirs and my girlfriend's parents dad and i had a long talk my girlfriend thought she was pregnant she told her parents they told a friend the friend to my parents dad told me edit too this was in 1979 wow you just triggered a memory i'd forgotten was freaking my first gf at way too young in age had a condom break on us before she got on the pill had to tell my parents that a condom broke who in turn had to tell her parents that was a weekend i wanted to die was driving home early in the morning after a night of playing games at a friends i was going too fast on an icy road lost control of my car and ended up 40 yards into an icy flooded field car filled with water i was 16 and had gotten my license just a couple months earlier parents were actually pretty cool about it the car recovered but always had a smell after that it happens you were a new driver and i imagine most people who drive in icy climates have lost control at least once if i were them i would have just been happy you weren't hurt there was a small lizard trapped in our garage under a pile of wood so i moved some of them so it could get out i must have accidentally knocked over a larger plank in the process that landed on my dad's car and went straight through the windshield lizard was fine though coma lizard was fine though ah well that's all that matters one time i snuck out of the house and when i went to sneak back in the door was locked we never locked the doors to the house so i knew i'd been caught live on a farm so i just went up to the hail off to sleep the rest of the night my sister locked me out of the house she was still inside so i went around banging on all the doors and she's ignoring me i started pounding on her bedroom window and my hand accidentally goes through the window over 10 years later and i still have a tiny scar on my hand if i was your parents i'd be more mad at the sister 17 years old at a party while the parents were out of town i had to work the next day but timed it so i would have plenty of time to clean before they got home that evening came home from work the sprinklers are on and their car is in the driveway driving down my driveway i was anxiety and fear personified i walk in the house and my mom tells me your dad had to leave before you got here otherwise he was afraid of what he might do to you jesus christ almighty in our single digits my older brother locked me out of the house while parents were out i threw a stick at the back door and shattered the storm door glass knew i was gonna get a lickin but my bro got the lickin instead for locking me out he was a real jerk to me as a kid and we are in our 50s now but he still brings up how guilty he feels for it that kinda makes up for how much i despise him back then semicolon i think we have different definitions on what a stick is if it can break a glass storm door parents were away for the weekend i took my dad's keys and took it for a small drive i was never allowed to drive unsupervised didn't have a license or anything was a thrill i came back parked left the keys in the same drawer he left them in monday arrives i come back from school and my dad asks me to come look at the car with a death glare i had forgot to pull the seat back after adjusting them for my 14 year old legs dang you almost got away with it my 14 year old self would have made a crappy lie about just sitting in car pretend driving it i thought it was a good idea to play with some candles while having a lotr marathon turns out that was a bad idea because i ended up getting distracted and set the family couch on fire i frantically put it out and threw a blanket over it i didn't leave that couch for a week my parents paid for my mobile phone subscription got a girlfriend and called a lot more too much more raked up a 600 euro bill my soul left my body that day i snuck out and took the car when i was 16 before i had a license to drive at night i hit a pothole and blew a tire i rode around on a shredded tire for two three minutes before i drove up on a guy smoking a cigarette in his driveway he helped me change it the next morning my parents woke up early and were going to take the car somewhere and the spare was still on luckily this was right when the goodyear or firestone tires were all blowing out and i told my parents that it happened earlier in the day the day before and i just didn't have a chance to tell them getting drunk at the age of 14 at a house party my mom met me a few minutes walk away she could hear my ridiculously drunk self the entire walk i was 10 years old only pretending to drive a car with my friend in the back seat i knew not to touch the ignition or the gearbox so the car is parked on an incline i lowered the handbrake and the car starts to roll backwards moving steadily and with increasing momentum towards a concrete wall thankfully i knew which one the brake was so i pressed down on it with all my might and told my friend to get out of the car and call my dad although while pressing down on that break i thought yep today i either die off my dad kills me i live to tell the tale was texting my brother asking for help with something so that my mom wouldn't get mad called her a b in the text sent it to my mom same here i don't recommend it home alone me and my younger bro were smoking in my backyard next to my basement door one of my buddies was on his way to meet us with more button to just chill i told him to just come straight to the basement when i heard his car pull up i think you know where this is going in a span of about five seconds one i get a text from him saying he hasn't left his house two i look up to see my dad opening the basement door my brother holding this wildly elaborate massive bomb with negative chance of hiding it we don't smoke by the house anymore what the freak i ordered an xbox controller when i was in third grade i brought my brand new bee blade to school to show to one of my friends during pt period i carried it with me in my pocket because there was this stupid rumor about surprise bag checks when children errant in the classroom guy behind me in the line saw it and told the pt teacher the beyblade was confiscated i tried to act cool in front of the other kids but i was crap scared that my parents would find out after going home i pretended to search for my beyblade everywhere so that my mom would think that it got lost my elder brother was in the same school and it scared me even more that someone from my class would tell him about this our family moved to a different place and we moved to a different school the following year so to this day nobody knows now i am 21 and this story makes me laugh every time i think about it i'm gonna tell your mom me and a few buddies got arrested for some very foolish and regrettable criminal mischief we managed to keep it from our parents by getting to the mailbox first to destroy court notices and targeted letters from lawyers we thought we were in the clear too until the newspaper article with our names and it came out i bet that conversation with the parents you would have had still haunts you was playing with gasoline and caught my pants on fire my parents are from eastern europe and my dad does not spare the rod so there i am with first third degree burns on my left leg and about an hour passed since the initial incident happened before i even thought about telling him adrenaline is one heck of compensatory mechanism i was burned by rubbing alcohol and got second and third degree burns on both legs my stomach and my arm i didn't feel any pain for about 10 minutes and then it hit me with the force of 1 000 suns adrenaline is freaking crazy my parents had just left for vacation i got pulled over doing 85 and a 45 the cop didn't write me a ticket but gave me his phone number and told me to have my parents call him by 6 p.m he told me if he did not get a call he was going to issue a warrant for my arrest mind you this was before cell phones were very reliable i left a message with the receptionist at their hotel letting them know they needed to call home as soon as they checked in and that it was an emergency the cop told them that there was no way he could write me a ticket that didn't result in me losing my license and being that i was just a dumb young kid being dumb he didn't want to do that he instructed them to put the fear of god in me and he would put the matter behind him needless to say it was not my finest moment as a son in retrospect cool cop it was a warm spring day we were juniors and so are bunches cut school to swim and drink beer at the beach so i ran into a girl i hardly knew and after a couple of bottles of beer i asked her if she wanted to go home with me since my folks were at work and my siblings were at school so we went to my house and we freaked so she's getting dressed in the bathroom and who should walk in on her but my mother who had taken a mental health day from work funny now not funny at all to my pious catholic mom it took months for everything to calm down down when i was an adult my father was like why the heck did you have drag mom into it why didn't you check the house first but i did it and in 1962 that was something and it was a long time before i had fricked again my friend pocket dialed my house phone after he got into a fight of the party we were both at my parents overheard him asking where i was and if i was still throwing up friends proceeded make a plan while my parents still listened parents hang up and call back friend answers and they asked to talk to me where are you we're coming to pick you up one time i was with a friend in the yard trying to hit golf balls over the top of the house why i literally have no idea ended up whacking one of those puppies into the siding and causing a dent also another time i hit a tennis ball through one of the garage door windows i should probably have stopped playing sports in the front yard you know those massive speakers with those big rubber like discs where the sound comes out my dad owned four of them in his music room yeah i put like eight dents into one of the big rubber discs because i liked poking it i hid under under my bed thinking my dad would murder me my mom and sister had to calm him down before he confronted me i was six comma those big rubber-like discs where the sound comes out i believe these are called the speakers i once locked my mum's car keys inside her car while she was at work once i was opening the boot of the car and i was going to go into the car afterwards so i threw the keys into the car shut the boot and when to open the car door it was locked the keys were inside my mum had to break the back window of the car to get in to retrieve the keys and had to drive around with a bin bag taped over the window for like a month but she could have called someone to fix the lock but she needed to use the car to drive to her next job and didn't have time to wait for a call out also she probably never considered it anyway when i was 11 i wanted s mores and i was home alone i went out back and made what i thought was a safe little fire surrounded by rocks wrong ultimately the embers caught some leaves under my parents deck on fire and i watched an abject horror as their house went up in the biggest mouth african flames i'd ever seen they were loving and supportive after finding out i was alive but certainly less than thrilled at my idiocy always have freaking homeowners insurance folks if you own a home especially with kids particularly with accident prone once and no this was no the last catastrophe i caused i was also on judge judy a number of years later dad was less than pleased about that too but that's a tale for another time lol at my 15 boyfriend 18 over while my dad wasn't home went to a friend's house and got drunk my boyfriend was drunk so i put him to sleep in my bed went downstairs to clean up the house and fell asleep on the couch in my underwear due to no account woke up to my dad standing over me and looking at an empty 26er of vodka on the table i told him it gets worse i run upstairs and wake up my bf and tell him my dad is home he jumps out of bed runs down the stairs and out the front door i can't believe i lived to see another day after that your boyfriend may have been a looney tunes character i broke an old ipad when i was like five and i thought it was like thousands of dollars to fix so i just sat there crying when i was 16 my dad caught me smoking a bong a couple of friends gifted me a few weeks prior i thought he would kill me but instead even said something like don't vape in your room in front of my mum with a little grin on his face as he probably exactly knew what has been going on there i love my dad though i got caught stealing and when my mom found out she had me get in the car and just started silently driving i assumed it was to take me to hide my body my dad caught me stealing a grape at a grocery store when i was five and told me i was going to go to heck my mom caught me smoking pot and she called the cops and had me arrested for possession i was only 15 i was incarcerated at 15 years old and she wonders why i don't talk to her anymore poor guy sucks that she made that move even if she did it thinking it'll do any good i can't see how put in a 15 year old in cuffs could ever be a good thing especially for some usual [ __ ] like weed i can't imagine the lack of trust you guys must have had after that incident i know it he's scared to tell my mom about anything when i was a kid my friends and i used to play a game on our trampoline called ladybug i don't know why it's called that so our trampoline had a safety net so you can't fall off but ladybug was where one person was on the other side of the net and we had to body check them off so one day we were playing the game and i body checked the person into a ditch they broke their arm i thought i was gonna die i signed up for a free p site when i was younger i used the info on one of my parent checks to prove i was an adult well after that day i totally forgot about the site and moved on with my life three months later i checked my email and to my surprise there is a bill notification my stomach dropped and i went to tell my dad to avoid any further catastrophe apparently the site was only a week free and then it started charging my parents were charged around 300 by the time i had noticed following that was a very awkward and embarrassing conversation as well as a deserved grounding early 80s father had a film projector for pee i was partaking one day off from school and the garage door started to open no way i could get everything cleaned up in time so i threw everything in my closet he just came home for lunch he was aware i was up to something cuz everything else in the house was often dark but he couldn't tell what to never touched it again and i started leaving the downstairs tv on as a cover definitely the time she caught me smoking weed in the stairwell with a friend she was threatening to take my computer but thankfully we had people boarding with us at the time and they got her calmed down in the end that friend couldn't come over anymore but i pretty much got away with it moment ahahaha the first time they went through my phone the time when they did and learned i was dating someone that time my parents saw the word frick on my screen the second time that happened the time i read gente completely by accident on my phone when they said they had a monitoring device on my phone when my computer's hard drive broken my dad had his friend try to recover my data my mom told me he'd see your browser history i was pulled over going 100 miles per hour in a 65 zone while driving my girlfriend to her concert and i was still on my graduated driver's license basically limits to how many passengers you can have for a year or so after you get your license 500 ticket and i ended up losing my license for two or three months which was the cop and judge letting me off easy ran my dad's mustang through the garage door when i was 14 he was displeased but i didn't get in trouble because he didn't tell me to put it in util when i tried starting it i once had a house party while my parents were away red wine and an egg ended up on the cream carpet i remember ringing my grandma and saying how would you get an egg and red wine stain out of the carpet it's not an egg or wine so don't worry but my mom told me to use the plastic golf balls but i liked how far the real ones flew took a swing and entered my dad's brand new 2006 diesel f250 literally got it three days before the incident assuming my life was over i packed my bags to go live with my friend tyler who lived up the road refilled a butane lighter i wasn't supposed to have after overfilling it i immediately lit it igniting the pool of liquid butane that had covered my bedroom carpet and burning a whole dead center of the room that couldn't be covered with furniture i had this toy that was a little concave circular rubber thing that you could place on the ground and it would invert its concavity and spring up into the air i had the bright idea of putting this toy on my dad's head when he was faced away from me it then springs up into the air off my dad's head he turned around and looked at me with the most p off face i had ever seen i knew i was freaked he smacked me right across the face i tried it on my head later that night and it didn't really hurt but i guess it just surprised him if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,567
Rating: 4.8631792 out of 5
Keywords: my parents are going to kill me, parents going crazy, parents, parent stories, parenting, parenting styles, parenting hacks, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: ACCdwlErM2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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