RE: Overcoming MEGA Back Lean

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hey what's up youtube so uh i have to re-upload this video because yesterday i uploaded it just real quick like right after the job and then it wasn't up there very long and i got a comment from probably wasn't the only one that noticed this but i got a comment let me find it oh yeah okay here it is um actually like this guy and i'm glad he said something because he saved me from looking stupid for a lot longer period of time but jacob hostinski um he says seems not correct to me about the two to one advantage you're just using one pulley as a redirect so no mechanical advantage and then i was like oh you're right that was just a redirect i would have to put a block on the tree for two to one then i said yeah i gotta fix that explanation so i had to i have to correct that i can't just have a video up there talking about mechanical advantage and go down in history forever of being wrong so thanks jacob fix the video and put it back up i'm actually in salt lake city and i got my truck it's so funny um yesterday as i was coming back home at the end of the day the guys had worked and they drove that black my my black truck the fire truck the one that has the water tank on it the one that's like the workhorse the one that pulls the skid steer and the excavator and and a 300 gallon tank for fire season and all that it caught on fire i only have one picture of it here that my dad took really quick but that was where it was still white smoke there it got the black smoking and it was too hot to open the hood and it was burning underneath and so a little bit of excitement and just so interesting that i felt like this truck is overworked for what we're doing with it and so i literally planned you know a month ago to come to salt lake city and pick up this truck the replacement for that one and on the night before i left the other one burnt so timing man pretty i it kind of makes me feel like i was doing the right thing of course somebody would say you know fix your old truck and we will we'll fix it uh what we're gonna do is man i'd like to put like one of those 300 sixes in it those ford 306 motors like the ups trucks i had a ford a highboy ford 1977 high boy i think it was and uh man that thing was nice it had a 306 just torquey really cool or maybe a diesel you know just really uh make it not run so hot that thing just works too hard three quarter ton dually anyway enough about that i'll include some clips in this video about my trip here in salt lake city get in the truck and we're just you know be little clips here and there and then i'll try to make a video every day on this trip if i can i'll i'll try to make another video tomorrow for the people who want to see that i really appreciate people like being just cool so anyway that's what i'm doing i made a mistake i get mixed up in my head about mechanical advantage sometimes you know uh it's really simple though if you have this is a tree and if you have a block up here and you've got a piece of a wood rigged off of it down here then whatever that weighs it takes the same amount of weight on this side the other end of the line to hold that up and so you're putting a mechanical advantage on the on the tree so but i had my block out on the against the tree i had my block out on an anchor in the woods and so it went from my winch through the redirect and back to the tree so it was not a mechanical advantage it was just a redirect and i've mixed that up in my heads a few times even after all these years but i understand if the block was on the tree okay and the rope went from an anchor out there like dead man anchor out there through that block and then to a winch then the winch would be pulling and the anchored one would be resisting it and you'd be pulling the line twice as far but you'd have twice the power on the tree so yeah i understand i get it i get it quite well i just made a mistake anyway there it is lots of talking see you tomorrow on another video and i'll get this one up good morning youtube it is july 1st no june 1st and i've come out here to fall a tree again so look at this lien and i'm just going this is a real simple thing but i'm just going to show you because it's what we do here but look at this you see that so this would be straight we've done this a thousand times i mean i'm trying to hold my arm straight but you can see that significant lean you wouldn't think that you would take it this way right but you can and of course we need to get it through the uprights there we can have a little bit of collateral uh going through those limbs but we don't want to just destroy those fir trees either but that's our spot down the driveway okay field goal through there is the goal so this is a real simple thing i got the winch here on the four wheel drive one ton van that's a 9 000 pound winch so we're gonna put a block out here i'm going to take a throw line and put a line in the tree with the throw line and then we'll run it through the block and then back to the winch and i'll literally sit right by the tree and pull it over put some tension on it make a face cut then put a little bit more tension on it then make a back cut up to the point of desired hinge and then just stand back and winch it over uh done it a million times let's do it again yeah trying to get us to jump around i mean he doesn't even work for monkey bieber yeah what's monkey beaver that's like they obviously got their signals yeah screwed up i'd almost be curious if you're like well what do you want nah there's no reason totally block them yeah [Music] that leaves right up for them once they're off street hugger do you see that i want to show you guys this because people ask sometimes they'll say what about how do you get your your pole line routed through the limbs from the ground and stuff so people often think that we need to choke it up there but in this case we're over a a limb the light's gonna get you but in this case we're over the on the back side a strong limb okay and then we twist the rope around and base tie it here okay and then the other rope the other end of the rope goes out to the block so it's a single line does that make sense this stuff seems so simple to me but when i try to explain it i realize um it's hard to put into words sometimes obviously i'm i'm teaching you know people who don't do tree work or people who want to do tree work and don't know i'm not trying to be like the old man of tree work to the tree workers base tied there and over a strong limb on the back side that way when you pull really hard on this you're not just going to break the limb off on the back because it does have to be pulled very hard to overcome that much lean you know what i'm saying okay so so check this out i want to pull straight this way straight down the middle of the driveway basically actually more like here because of where the uprights are and because it's pretty much a straight back lane so i don't have to compensate this way or that way with the pull line but there ain't no tree growing in the middle of the driveway here we could uh pull on it from something from that way but i want to leave when this thing hits the ground so i'm pulling from that way i had to get a little riggy with it to triangulate the right spot sometimes you can get it from one point because it drifts but not this time this time it was easier to hit the right spot with two points [Applause] [Music] [Applause] set the emergency brake i also put it in four load people sometimes ask well how heavy is the truck and they want to do all these calibrating and these are good thoughts but you kind of know right sometimes you chalk the tires sometimes you pull your truck up against a stump so that it can't be dragged forward sometimes you hook a cable to the back of it so that it can't be pulled against that cable this tree my van is heavy enough to pull this over because we're gonna it so much that we're just pulling a hinge we're just breaking a thin hinge and we're using leverage to bend it on that hinge and come on over so this is enough and you kind of learn that over time if you don't know then you need to take extra precautions but we don't need any precautions here right i mean this is enough this is funny isn't that beautiful that block just settling right into the perfect spot we'll put a little bit of pressure actually some scientists will tell me it's not pressure we'll put a little bit of tension on it be mindful when you're standing in a place like this you're like literally in the why of a slingshot if that lets go i want you guys to be able to hear the hinge over the sound of the motor so another thing i do is i i check the line tension to which the viewer might say well fine check it but what are you checking it for what are you looking for what's what's right well that's right for for you know uh the gut you know you don't know i don't know but i do and you will too if you do it enough you get used to your tools and you know when you got the right amount of tension we're gonna make a face cut and then we're gonna start on the back cut and you're gonna be watching for movement you're gonna know whether you have command over the tree when you start on your back cut because if it starts pinching or it starts setting back then you're going to know you don't have enough tension you're going to start thinking you have time you don't have to rush around i get kind of self-conscious when i'm getting all teachy this is for people who just don't know uh if i know something that somebody doesn't know then i feel good about talking about it um but i always feel a little self-conscious when because you got a big audience right you got some people over there who maybe uh are sensitive or something and they're like you ain't gonna trouble me it's like not talking to that guy okay talking to the people who benefit or appreciate it this is tradesman stuff that a tradesman picks up after a while the same as a plumber might tell me something about plumbing i ain't got a clue about i'm gonna try this half sharp still ms-400c it's a demo one of the guys brought it to work and uh looks like enough saw for this oh the switch feels not smooth that's odd hmm [Applause] [Music] saul's not exactly ripping it's it's an old chain and bar and it's cut through some things so let's talk about this face cut really quick i didn't throw super high into the tree so the advantages of that are my pulling power will be lower on the tree and exert more on the tree sooner the disadvantage is it'll be less leverage i think this is good what we have the face cut it's just two cuts it's not one two three it's wide open that gives it time to get over center before the cuts meet up and the hinge is forced to break the hinge will be weakening as it bends but when these two cuts meet up then the hinge is forced to break and gravity takes over whichever way it's going to go after that the reason the cut is so low on this stump is because i get more leverage that way since i didn't throw very high so now i'm going to make a back cut and then we're just going to stand back and pull it over and um god willing you know right through the uprights is what we're going for here some people say got nothing to do with god what are you bringing him into this or he don't exist or something like that but to me i know i'm not god and i believe in a god so i just go ahead and play it safe that way it ain't it ain't me it ain't about me it's just me using stuff that other people have done long before me and i picked it up and followed it and maybe i'll pass some of it along right now [Music] started sitting back a little bit but it was very close to the right amount of tension so i don't know if from that angle you saw it moving but i did so that tells me we have some command so i'm going to thin the hinge a little bit and then just pull it over and the reason i'm like looking this way as i'm talking because i don't want to take my eyes off it actually i'll go ahead and get another camera on it stepping through a lot of poison oak to do this it's just a matter of pulling now this is where you hope all your plans are perfect and they were just like clockwork just a thing just like fixing a clogged sink or something like that i'm gonna take a trip i'm gonna go to salt lake city and pick up a truck we're trying to expand despite the world events we're trying to expand we're trying to keep working and i'm gonna pick up a truck boy you can tell how much winch and i had to do check this out you that tells you how far over center it was huh what have i got two feet left you could set up a loft system out there and have multiple anchors multiple blocks until you got it to the point where you could hand the rope to your four-year-old or your three-year-old and just have them walk away and pull the tree over they'd have to walk quite a ways you'd have to move that rope a lot but the power would be multiplied so much that it's actually doable you could you could theoretically pull the earth off of its axis using those uh what's the word principles of those mechanical principles further in the epilogue is i'm going to salt lake city to pick up a truck i guess the world is short on goods and services and things are getting harder to come by check it out youtube i got damian in my headphones here but i'll talk to both you guys at the same time we got a new trailer jack because i abused the last one i was i was dragging it around and stuff with the jack down it's just being expedient but this new jack accommodates an 18 volt drill check it out oh oh those humans are so smart oh i gotta adjust the thing up to full oh oh yeah wow okay so yeah yeah dude you're gonna love this this is this is some crew love right here let me tell you and i'm i'm i'm so happy i'm tempted to use the sticker they sent me and put it on something oh oh man i've got it got it i'll put it on uh i'll put it on jeff's motorcycle it's even the right color it's called trailer vault oh no it's not trailer vault it's trailer valet and it has a little transformer looking thing what do you think youtube is is jeff gonna be thankful or have i just done something that shouldn't be done um it is a little bit crooked that's not too bad though [Music] [Applause] thank you that would be pretty good footage
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 21,393
Rating: 4.9808745 out of 5
Id: bAMXrUdzKgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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